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Using Mind Mapping Strategy to Improve the Reading Ability of The Eleventh Graders of SMA ISLAM Malang

Herwindho Mukty



Mukty, Herwindho. 2011. Using Mind Mapping Strategy to Improve the Reading Ability of The Eleventh Graders of SMA "ISLAM" Malang. Thesis, English Education Program, Faculty of Letter, State University of Malang. Advisor: Dra. Sri Andreani, M.Ed.

Keywords: Mind Mapping, Reading Ability, Hortatory Exposition Text

This study was intended to improve the reading ability of the eleventh graders of XI IPA 1 of SMA "ISLAM" Malang. This study focuses on implementing the mind mapping strategy in reading Hortatory Exposition text. Based on the preliminary study, 23 out of 31 students failed to reach the minimum score of the reading test in hortatory exposition text. The minimum score was 75. There were only8 students who passed the minimum score. To overcome the problem, the mind mapping strategy was implemented. The researcher chose the mind mapping strategy since it was able to solve the problems which occurred in class. This study was classroom action research. The study was conducted in cycles proceed by the preliminary study. The subject of the study was the eleventh graders of science of SMA ISLAM Malang. There were 31 students in class, consisted of 9 male students and 22 female students. The study was conducted in two cycles. The cycle started after the researcher conducted the preliminary study. Each cycle in this study consisted of four stages: planning the action, implementing the action, observing the action and reflecting the action. There were two criterion of success in this study. The first criterion was the product oriented which has to be more than 80% of the students passed the minimum score. The second criterion was the process oriented. The strategy was considered successful if it was more than 80% of the students who agreed that mind mapping creates the better classroom situation. There were several instruments required to collect the data, the instruments were the students' observation checklist, the students' questionnaire, field notes, the reading test, interview guide. The students' score were gained from the reading test, while the student attitude towards the mind mapping strategy were gained from the observation checklist, the interview guide, the questionnaire, and the field notes.

In this research, two cycles were needed so that the result of the study reached the criteria of success. In the cycle one, the mind mapping strategy was implemented in the whilst reading activity. As opposed to the cycle one, in cycle two the mind mapping strategy was implemented in the pre reading activity. In the end of cycle 1, the percentage of the students product oriented was 35.48%. Since the first cycle failed, the second cycle was conducted to improve the first cycle so that the result of the study reaches the criterion of success. In the end of cycle 2, the students' product was 83.3%. The result of the questionnaire also showed the improving situation of the class. More than 50% of the students stated that the mind mapping strategy creates better class situation. The result of cycle 2 met the criteria of success. Therefore, it can be concluded that the strategy was successful to improve not only the reading skill of XI graders of SMA ISLAM Malang, but also the teaching and learning situation.

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