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Basic knowledge

 Press up arrow key for previous command.

 Press tab key the command processor searches for all files whose path (but not necessarily the
file name) matches your entry.

To start Command Prompt


To quit Command Prompt


To display a listing of commands and brief explanation

Note: | more

Provide details explanations on a particular command

Note: help [command]
[command] /?

View or change the systems date


View or change the systems time


Easily change the background and foreground color of the MS-DOS window
Note: BG and FG
E.g. color 07

Displays the version of MS-DOS or if running Windows 95 or above the version of Windows

Display the volume information about the designated drive

Note: [drive:]
E.g. vol C:

To view a listing of files and folders in an easy to read listing

Note: [drive:\][path], /f
E.g. tree C:\share

List the contents of one or more directory

Note: /w , /p, *.extension
E.g. dir d:\share

To change / go to / switch to directories

Note: cd.. , cd\
E.g. cd.. -> exit current sub folder
Allow the user to see the contents of a file in DOS window
Note: | more

To clear the complete contents of the screen and leave only a prompt

To run an executable file

Note: Extension is optional

To create files of any extension

Note: file_name, CTRL+Z / F6
copy con
E.g. copy con test.txt
E.g. notepad test.txt

To create files of any extension

To edit / modify files of any extension
Note: [name_of_file_with_extension]
E.g. edit test.txt

To rename a file, folder of file extension

Note: [old_file] [new_file]
rename / ren
E.g. rename test.txt sample.txt

To copy / backup file(s) into new location

Note: [source] [destination], /y, /-y, *.extension
For multiple files copying , use “*.*”
To combine files (.txt), use “+”
E.g. copy t*.txt C:\test
Copy all files in the current directory
E.g. copy *.*
Copy the contents in myfile2.txt and combines it with the contents in myfile1.txt.
E.g. copy myfile1.txt+myfile2.txt

To move / cut file(s) into new location

Note: [source] [destination], /y, /-y, *.extension
For multiple files moving, use “*.*”
E.g. move t*.txt C:\test
To remove file(s)
Note: /p, /a, *.extension
DEL *.* /AR would delete only read-only files
DEL *.* /AH deleted only hidden files
DEL *.* /AS removes only system files
DEL *.* /AA erases only archives files
DEL *.* /-H erases everything but hidden files
del, delete, erase
E.g. del /p test

To create directory (folder)

Note: [folder_name]
mkdir, md
E.g. md alpha\beta

To rename directory (folder)

Note: [old] [new]
E.g. ren alpha omega

To remove directory / subdirectory

Note: /s, /q
The “RD” command only works when directory is empty
/s, /q switches only available in Windows 2000/ XP. For earlier version, use DELTREE
rmdir, rd
E.g. rd test /s

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