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driving force behind all of reality, it is the initial impulse, positive force behind creation, this energy is characterised

by its linearity, in other words it moves in a straight line, every bit of maths, Einstein’s relativity will tell us, everything with a slight bit of mass, even a photon, (which is supposed to have no mass). Even a photon which is coming from a distant star, was seen to curve, around the sun, proving that relativity existed. So this shows all mass, all matter is in a curved motion, a relative motion. This energy is different from that. It penetrates everything, nothing can resist it and it leaves a grain on everything, it is undecaying and eternal, it is the control and standard upon of which all of creation is based. Here is a symbol (symbol of enlightenment). It is the mathematical decryption of what is most referred to as “God”. What this is a model for sound, for resonance or harmonics, numbers are harmonics, they’re musical, they are polarised, they create colour, and they create all the effect that we see, and these are just simple whole numbers. We are not talking about any kind of esoteric or complex numbers. So around this circle all the numbers we are familiar with 1 to 9, those are all the single digit numbers, any other number will start creating double or triple digit numbers, and what we are showing here that if you add those numbers back together, which is a common practise in numerology, in computer science its called finding the digital root. What it does is reveal an underlying pattern, underneath any bigger number that you can find any infinite series, everything has an underlying pattern to it, and these single digit numbers will give you the underlying pattern, and what we are looking for in nature is pattern, and when we want it model fractals, self similar form, all this is based on pattern, and this is a way you can create all these patterns, and you can model a higher dimensional energy, and we will show how its creating those patterns. These are our simple numbers 1 through to 9 in a clockwise right handed direction, around the circle. With this symbol you can do all the functions of math, addition, subtraction, division and multiplication. All those functions of math can be done instantaneously, simultaneously, and they can shown to be revealed one simple map, which can do all the functions of math, and model principles in physics, chemistry, genetics. So lets start with 1. 1 is a cohesive number (unity), if we draw a straight line connecting it to the next number it goes to 2 and what that is it’s called doubling. 1 Doubled becomes 2. 2 if it doubled, if we follow this line, become 4. 4 if we doubled become 8. 8 doubled then becomes 16, which is 1 + 6 = 7) so its 7. 16 doubled becomes 32 (3+2=5) so its 5. (OR 7 doubled is 14 (1+4=5 doesn’t matter how you do it). 32 doubled will be 64. (6+4=10, 1+0=1) (OR 5 doubled is 10 1+0=1) 64 doubled is 128. (1+2+8=11 , 1+1=2) 128 doubled is 256 (2+5+6=13, 1+3=4) 256 doubled is 512 (5+1+2=8) 512 doubled is 1024 (1+0+2+4=7) 1024 doubled is 2048 (2+0+4+8=14, 1+4=5). No matter how many I go around, no matter what numbers I take, no matter what combination I do. In other words I could say point 2 is 11 (1+1=2) and 11 doubled is 22 (2+2=4).

Because doubling is how vibration in motion occurs, and this energy which will be represented by our number 9, is tachyon, monopole, what we are calling etheron. This energy is the source, of all motion, of all vibration, of all time, and heat, it is the source of life, it is what keeps everything moving,

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