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8 8y y h h| |s s e em m| |n ne en nc ce e : : a a| |- -A A| || |a am ma ah h k ka ab be ee e' ' | |b bn n n na aa ad de ee e a a| |- -M Ma ad dk kh ha a| |e ee e
1rans|ated by Abu Waheeda as-Sa|afee

Al[liuccn.c Al[liuccn.c Al[liuccn.c Al[liuccn.c


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Al[liuccn.c Al[liuccn.c Al[liuccn.c Al[liuccn.c

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All erfecL ralse be Lo Allah , we pralse Plm , seek Pls ald, and ask Pls forglveness. We
seek refuge ln Allah from Lhe evlls of ourselves and from our bad deeds. Pe whom Allah
guldes , Lhere ls none Lo MlSCuluL hlm, and Pe whom he leaves asLray Lhere ls nCnL
Lo gulde hlm ! l bear wlLness LhaL none ls worLhy of Worshlp buL Allaah, who ls alone
wlLhouL parLners and l bear wlLness LhaL Muhammad (sallahAllaahu alayhl wasallam) ls
hls slave and Messenger.

,, | . , v , , v - - = , , - , =| ., . - , | .

C you who belleve! lear Allh (by dolng all LhaL Pe has ordered and by absLalnlng from
all LhaL Pe has forbldden) as Pe should be feared. [Cbey Plm, be Lhankful Lo Plm, and
remember Plm always], and dle noL excepL ln a sLaLe of lslm (as Musllms) wlLh
compleLe submlsslon Lo Allh." [Al-lmraan : 102]

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C manklnd! 8e duLlful Lo your Lord, Who creaLed you from a slngle person (Adam), and
from hlm (Adam) Pe creaLed hls wlfe [Pawwa (Lve)], and from Lhem boLh Pe creaLed
many men and women and fear Allh Lhrough Whom you demand your muLual (rlghLs),
and (do noL cuL Lhe relaLlons of) Lhe wombs (klnshlp)
. Surely, Allh ls Lver an All-
WaLcher over you." [An-nlsaa :1]

Al[liuccn.c Al[liuccn.c Al[liuccn.c Al[liuccn.c

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C you who belleve! keep your duLy Lo Allh and fear Plm, and speak (always) Lhe LruLh.
Pe wlll dlrecL you Lo do rlghLeous good deeds and wlll forglve you your slns. And
whosoever obeys Allh and Pls Messenger (sallahAllaahu alayhl wasallam) he has lndeed
achleved a greaL achlevemenL (l.e. he wlll be saved from Lhe Pell-flre and made Lo enLer
aradlse)." [Al-Ahzaab : 70-71]

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1o roceed......
verlly Lhe mosL LruLhful speech ls Lhe 8ook of Allaah , and Lhe besL guldance ls Lhe
guldance of Muhammad sallahAllaahu alayhl wasallam .
And Lhe worsL maLLers are Lhe newly lnvenLed maLLers , and ALL new maLLers are
lnnovaLlons lnLo Lhe rellglon , and all Lhe lnnovaLlons are mlsguldance , and all Lhe
mlsguldance lead Lo Lhe flre."

verlly holdlng on Lo Lhe 8ook and Lhe Sunnah - ln maLLers of aqeedah (creed) and
manha[ (meLhodology) - ls a maLLer whlch ls obllgaLory on every musllm.
lL ls upon us Lo sLlck Lo Lhe 8ook of Allaah and Lhe Sunnah of Lhe propheL (sallahAllaahu
alayhl wasallam). ln all of Lhe maLLers . 1hus we have Lo sLlck Lo whaL Lhe propheL
(sallahAllaahu alayhl wasallam) came wlLh , ln lLs LoLallLy.

And ln one of Lhe encompasslng sLaLemenLs whlch almosL LoLals all of Lhe rellglon , ls
Lhe famous hadeeLh known as : tbe boJeetb of Ilbteel .

Al[liuccn.c Al[liuccn.c Al[liuccn.c Al[liuccn.c

As narraLed by 1he Culded khallfah , 'umar lbn al-khaLLab (radhlyaAllaahu anhu) who
sald :
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Ooe Joy wblle we wete slttloq wltb tbe messeoqet of Allob tbete oppeoteJ befote os o
moo wbose clotbes wete exceeJloqly wblte ooJ wbose bolt wos exceeJloqly block, oo
slqos of jootoeyloq wete to be seeo oo blm ooJ oooe of os koew blm. ne wolkeJ op ooJ
sot Jowo by tbe ptopbet (sollobAlloobo oloybl wosollom). kestloq bls koees oqolost bls ooJ
plocloq tbe polms of bls booJs oo bls tblqbs, be solJ. "O MobommoJ, tell me oboot
1be messeoqet of Allob (sollobAlloobo oloybl wosollom) solJ. "lslom ls to testlfy tbot tbete
ls oo qoJ wottby of wotsblp bot Alloob ooJ MobommoJ ls tbe messeoqet of Allob, to
petfotm tbe ptoyets, to poy tbe zokoot, to fost lo komoJbooo, ooJ to moke tbe
pllqtlmoqe to tbe noose lf yoo ote oble to Jo so."
ne solJ. "oo bove spokeo tlqbtly", ooJ we wete omozeJ ot blm oskloq blm ooJ soyloq
testlfyloq tbot be boJ spokeo tlqbtly.

1hls ls because from Lhe normal behavlor of Lhe one who ls lgnoranL , when he asks on
someLhlng , lL means he doesn'L know lL. And Lhus he does noL say Lo Lhe one who
answered hlm ' you have spoken Lhe LruLh' . 8aLher Lhe one who says Lhls , ls a person
who had prlor knowledge and noL a person who ls asklng and he dldn'L know LhaL
(Lhe hadeeLh conLlnues)
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Al[liuccn.c Al[liuccn.c Al[liuccn.c Al[liuccn.c

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ne solJ. "1beo tell me oboot eemooo."
ne solJ. "lt ls to belleve lo Alloob, nls ooqels, nls books, nls messeoqets, ooJ tbe lost uoy, ooJ to
belleve lo Jlvloe Jestloy, botb tbe qooJ ooJ tbe evll tbeteof."
ne solJ."oo bove spokeo tlqbtly". ne solJ. " 1beo tell me oboot lbsooo."
ne solJ. "lt ls to wotsblp Allob os tbooqb yoo ote seeloq nlm, ooJ wblle yoo see nlm oot yet ttoly
ne sees yoo".
ne solJ. "1beo tell me oboot tbe noot".
ne solJ. "1be ooe poestlooeJ oboot lt koows oo bettet tboo tbe poestlooet."
ne solJ. "1beo tell me oboot lts slqos."
ne solJ. "1bot tbe slove-qltl wlll qlve blttb to bet mlsttess ooJ tbot yoo wlll see tbe botefooteJ,
ookeJ, Jestltote betJsmoo competloq lo coosttoctloq lofty bollJloqs."
1beo be took blmself off ooJ l stoyeJ fot o tlme. 1beo be solJ. "O umot, Jo yoo koow wbo tbe
poestlooet wos?" l solJ. "Allob ooJ nls messeoqet koow best". ne solJ. "ne wos Ilbteel (Cobtlel),
wbo come to yoo to teocb yoo yoot tellqloo." 1

1hus !lbreel came ln Lhls sLrange plcLure - whlch lmpressed - umar (radhlyaAllaahu
anhu) , he (!lbreel) came as an order from Allaah .

1hls ls because Allaah 1he LxalLed says :

1. Saheeh Musllm

Al[liuccn.c Al[liuccn.c Al[liuccn.c Al[liuccn.c

c`, _ - | , | , , -
AoJ we (ooqels) JesceoJ oot except by tbe commooJ of yoot lotJ . 2
1herefore !lbreel does noL come excepL by Lhe command of Allaah.
And one Llme lL happened LhaL Lhe revelaLlon was slower or delayed - noL as Lhe
ropheL sallahAllaahu alayhl wasallam expecLed.
So he asked !lbreel (when he flnally came) , and Lhus Allaah 1he Cne free from All
uefecLs , 1he LxalLed revealed Lhls ayah :

c, _ . - c | . , , - - - , = , | , , - - | c`, _ - | , | , , - , .
AoJ we (ooqels) JesceoJ oot except by tbe commooJ of yoot lotJ ( O MobommoJ
sallahAllaahu alayhl wasallam) . 1o nlm belooqs wbot ls befote os ooJ wbot ls bebloJ os, ooJ
wbot ls betweeo tbose two, ooJ yoot lotJ ls oevet fotqetfol. J

(golng back Lo Lhe hadeeLh) we see Lhe ropheL (sallahAllaahu alayhl wasallam) sald :
be come to teocb yoo , yoot tellqloo..
8ecause Lhese greaL quesLlons (LhaL !lbreel asked) , encompass Lhe plllars of lslaam, and
Lhe lllars of Leman, and Lhe Lhlrd degree , lhsaan. And Lhe LexLs of Lhe Curan and Lhe
Sunnah revolve around Lhese prlnclples, and branch LogeLher Lhe bellefs and Lhe soclal
deallngs and oLher Lhlngs.

Pe menLloned Lhe plllars of lslaam, and Lhe lllars of Leman, because Lhese are a musL.
1hey are a musL for all Lhe Musllms Lo belleve ln , such LhaL lf one of Lhese (plllars) ls
mlsslng , Lhen he / she hasn'L belleved ln lL (lslaam) , and he ls noL a musllm nor a

2. SuraLu Maryam : 64
3. looLnoLe : 2

Al[liuccn.c Al[liuccn.c Al[liuccn.c Al[liuccn.c

And he sLaLed Lhe plllars of lslaam as flve , [usL as ln Lhe hadeeLh of lbn umar
(radhlyaAllaahu anhu) :
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:, , = - , | , g = = - . , ,| `_ - . = - _ ; , = | , ,

"lslom bos beeo bollt oo flve jplllots]. 1be testlflcotloo tbot tbete ls oooe wottby of wotsblp bot
Allob ooJ tbot MobommoJ ls tbe messeoqet of Allob, petfotmloq tbe ptoyets, poyloq tbe zokoot,
mokloq tbe pllqtlmoqe to tbe noose, ooJ fostloq lo komoJoo." 4

So Lhese are Lhe plllars of lslaam. And Lhe LesLlflcaLlon LhaL Lhere ls no god worLhy of
worshlp excepL Allaah , Lhls ls Lhe foundaLlon of Lhe whole rellglon.
And no person can enLer lnLo lslaam excepL by lL. And lf he commlLs any of Lhe Lhlngs
whlch nulllfy lL , Lhen he goes ouL of lslaam.

Its mean|ng |s : 1here's none who truthfu||y has the r|ght to be worsh|pped except

?ou say : 123454674896A9B669CD66469CDD62DD664E , meanlng you LesLlfy LhaL Allah alone , ls
Lhe one who deserves Lo be worshlpped. And LhaL Lhe worshlp done Lo oLher Lhlngs , all
of lL ls lnvalld (useless).
WheLher lL be Lo , propheLs , angels , Lhe rlghLeous people , Lrees , Lhe sun , Lhe moon -
all of Lhese Lhlngs are worshlpped besldes Allaah- buL Lhls worshlp ls lnvalld.

1hus Lhe bellever LesLlfles LhaL , Allaah alone , ls Lhe one who deserves Lo be
worshlpped. And noLhlng - even an aLoms slze- share's Lhls rlghL wlLh Plm .
So lf any of Lhe acLs of worshlp - whlch solely deserve Lo be done slncerely for Allaah ,
and Lo be dlrecLed Lo only Plm - are dlrecLed or done for oLher Lhan Allaah , Lhen Lhls
person has creaLed parLners wlLh Allaah (he has commlLLed shlrk) .

4. Agreed upon

Al[liuccn.c Al[liuccn.c Al[liuccn.c Al[liuccn.c

And we seek refuge wlLh Allaah from LhaL.

1herefore lL ls obllgaLory on us Lo know , Lhe meanlng of : loo lloobo llloAlloob .

Many people don'L know , Lhe meanlng of Lhls sLaLemenL : loo lloobo llloAlloob . And
Lhey also don'L know Lhe meanlng of 'lbaada (worshlp).
1hey say LhaL Lhls sLaLemenL means : 1here's no CreaLor , nor any SusLalner , and
Lhere's none who glves llfe and who causes deaLh, and Lhere's none who beneflLs or
causes harm , excepL Allaah.
1hls ls whaL Lhey say.
And ln reallLy, Lhls speech of Lhelrs ls Lrue. 8uL lL ls noL Lhe meanlng of : loo lloobo

verlly 1hls speech whlch Lhey say , ls bellef ln Lhe Lawheed of 8uboobeeyyah (Cneness
of Allaah ln Pls Codshlp) . 3 And Lhls , even Lhe Curaysh and Lhose naLlons whlch
came before Lhem -who dlsbelleved ln Lhe messengers - (Lhey all) used Lo belleve ln
Lhls (Lype of Lawheed). 1hey belleved LhaL Allaah ls Lhe Cod of Lhe heavens and Lhe
earLh, and LhaL Pe ls 1he CreaLor of Lhls unlverse, and Lhe ulsposer of all of lLs affalrs.
8uL sLlll , Lhey dldn'L acknowledge LhaL Pe , ls Lhe Cne who deserves Lo be worshlpped

And Lhe proofs (of Lhe Curan and Lhe Sunnah) , show LhaL Lhere ls a dlfference beLween
Lhe Lawheed of 8uboobeeyyah (Cneness of Allaah ln Pls Codshlp) and Lhe Lawheed of
ulooheeyyah (Cneness of Allaah ln belng worshlpped) - alLhough boLh of Lhem are Lhe
sole rlghLs of Allaah alone - .
1he proofs show LhaL 8uboobeeyyah has speclflc meanlng and aLLrlbuLes , and
ulooheeyyah has a speclflc meanlng Loo.

3. 1awheed has been classlfled lnLo Lhree caLegorles , by Lhe scholars of lslam : lease see :

Al[liuccn.c Al[liuccn.c Al[liuccn.c Al[liuccn.c

And (Lhe LexLs also show) LhaL lL ls a musL on everyone Lo belleve and know Lhese
caLegorles of Lawheed.

1hus Lhe kuffar used Lo dlfferenLlaLe beLween Lhe Codshlp and Lordshlp of Allaah. And
Lhey used Lo acknowledge Lhe 1awheed of 8uboobeeyyah (Codshlp of Allaah) ,
!usL as Allaah 1he LxalLed says abouL Lhem :

| , | , - | = | | -| |, , | _ | | = .| - - , , | | = | ., - , _

AoJ loJeeJ lf yoo osk tbem, "wbo bos cteoteJ tbe beoveos ooJ tbe eottb?" 1bey wlll sotely
soy. "1be All-Mlqbty, tbe All-koowet cteoteJ tbem." 6

1hus Lhey used Lo acknowledge Lhe 1awheed of 8uboobeeyyah (Codshlp of Allaah) .
1hey dld noL conLradlcL Lhls , and Lhls ls shown ln many verses whlch have come ln many
Surahs of Lhe Cur'an.
8uL Lhey dld noL belleve ln Lhe Lawheed of ulooheeyyah (Cneness of Allaah ln belng

Allah says , ln lnformlng of Lhelr sLaLe :

. , , , , , . , . , -| | , - | , | , , | ,|

1toly, wbeo lt wos solJ to tbem. loo llbo lll-Allb " (oooe bos tbe tlqbt to be wotsblppeJ bot
Allb)," tbey poffeJ tbemselves op wltb ptlJe
(l.e. JeoleJ lt). 7

6. SuraLu Zukhruf : 9
7. SuraLu as-SaaffaL : 33

Al[liuccn.c Al[liuccn.c Al[liuccn.c Al[liuccn.c

And Allaah 1he MosL MlghLy , 1he Ma[esLlc also sald abouL Lhelr denlal :

' `= - _ = | = . , = - , | , - ,|\ | - - . , = , = - . | , , - | | =
. , _ = | = . , , , | _ -

nos be moJe tbe llbo (qoJs) (oll) loto Ooe llb (CoJ - Allb). vetlly, tbls ls o cotloos tbloq!"
AoJ tbe leoJets omooq tbem weot oboot (soyloq). "Co oo, ooJ temolo coostoot to yoot llbo
(qoJs)! vetlly, 1bls ls o tbloq JeslqoeJ (oqolost yoo)! 8

Meanlng : a maLLer LhaL ls ln opposlLlon agalnsL our 'gods'.
1hus Lhey Look oLher Lhlngs Lo worshlp - even Lhough Lhey LesLlfled and acknowledged
LhaL Allaah alone ls 1he CreaLor , and 1he SusLalner ! - ln Lhelr corrupL ldeologles Lhey
seL parLners Lo Allaah ln worshlp.

And Lhus , Lhe propheL came Lo Lhem calllng Lhem Lo Lhls Lawheed , Lawheed
8uL Lhey dlsbelleved ln hlm. Lven Lhough Lhey sLlll dldn'L dlsbelleve or deny hlm , ln Lhe
Lawheed 8uboobeeyyah !

Llke Allaah 1he LxalLed sald :
= | -| ; = - , , =, -=| , , - -| = , - . | v, =_ -- | _ - ,

AoJ vetlly, we bove seot omooq evety ummob (commoolty, ootloo) o Messeoqet
(ptoclolmloq). "wotsblp Allb (Alooe), ooJ ovolJ (ot keep owoy ftom) 1qbt
(oll folse Jeltles,
etc. l.e. Jo oot wotsblp 1qbt beslJes Allb)." 1beo of tbem wete some wbom Allb qolJeJ.. 9
1hese are Lhose who belleved ln Lhls 1awheed , and obeyed and followed Lhe propheLs.

8. SuraLu Swad : 3-6
9. SuraLu an-nahl : 36

Al[liuccn.c Al[liuccn.c Al[liuccn.c Al[liuccn.c

- , - . - - , , - - |:=|

.ooJ of tbem wete some opoo wbom tbe sttoyloq wos jostlfleJ. 10

1hese , Lhey denled Lhls Lawheed (of ulooheeyyah) , and Lhey lndulged lnLo :
mlsguldance LhaL ls very asLray. And dlsbellef ln Allaah , and shlrk , and bellelng Lhe
1he purpose here ls Lo show LhaL , Lhe prevlous dlsbellevlng naLlons , LhaL denled Lhe
messengers , Lhey never re[ecLed Lhe 1awheed of 8uboobeeyyah.
1hey belleved LhaL Allaah - 1he Cne free from All uefecLs , 1he LxalLed - ls Cod. And
LhaL Pe ls 1he one who creaLed Lhls unlverse , and susLalns and conLrols everyLhlng ln lL.
And LhaL Pe , creaLed Lhem and gave Lhem speech and slghL , and Pe sends raln for
Lhem from Lhe sky , and Lhus Pe makes Lhe crops Lo grow : All of Lhls Lhey
acknowledged and never denled lL.

And Lhls ls Lhe Lawheed LhaL mosL of Lhe devlanL secLs of lslaam (rlghL now) , sLop aL.
1hey don'L know more Lhan lL.

And (even Lhough) Lhe sLaLemenL : loo lloobo llloAlloob , Lhey say lL , and call by lL ln
Lhe adhan , and proclalm lL flve Llmes a day.
SLlll Lhey don'L know lLs Lrue meanlng. nor do Lhey know lLs condlLlons.

And Lhe mosL devlanL of Lhem - ln Lhls aspecL - are Lhe people of phllosophy and
Lheologlcal rheLorlc.

1hese are Lhe mlsgulded people abouL whom lmaam Shaafl'ee (rahlmahullah) sald :

10. SuraLu an-nahl : 36

Al[liuccn.c Al[liuccn.c Al[liuccn.c Al[liuccn.c

My ruling regarding the people of theological rhetoric is that they should be beaten with palm
leaves and shoes and be paraded amongst the kinsfolk and the tribes with it being announced,
This is the reward of the one who abandons the Book and the Sunnah and turns to theological
rhetoric (kalaam). 11
And all Lhe lmaams of Lhe Musllms , prohlblLed Lhls false ldeology of phllosophy. 1hls
ldeology LhaL ls accepLed by Lhe devlanL secLs llke Lhe khawaarl[ , Lhe raafldha, Lhe
mu'Lazlla , and even Lhe ash'arees , and lncludlng ln Lhem Lhe sufls. 12
1hus Lhey were devlaLed by Lhls ldeology , whlch all Lhe lmaams of Lhe Salaf prohlblLed ,
and declared lLs people as devlanLs.

And lmaam Shaafl'ee (rahlmahullah) also sald :
That a person is put to trial with everything that Allaah has forbidden, besides Shirk, is better
than that he looks at Kalaam (theological rhetoric). 13

And we seek refuge ln Allaah.

1hls ls because whoever falls lnLo lL (phllosophy and rheLorlc) , Lhen he has fallen lnLo a
very asLray mlsguldance.
Pe falls lnLo denylng Lhe names and ALLrlbuLes of Allaah. 1hus you flnd LhaL , Lhey deny
Lhe names and ALLrlbuLes of Allaah [usL by uslng Lhelr oplnlons, and Lhelr phllosophy !

And Lhey (also fall lnLo) dlsLorLlng Lhe meanlng of Lhe 1awheed of lbaada
(ulooheeyyah). !usL llke Lhey glve Lhls sLaLemenL : loo lloobo llloAlloob , a meanlng
whlch does noL beflL and explaln Lhe sLaLemenL.

11. narraLed by al-baghawee ln sharhu sunnah : v.1 p.218 and oLhers

12. lor a descrlpLlon of Lhese secLs please see :
hLLp:// and hLLp://

13 . narraLed by al-bayhaqee ln al-'lLlqaad : pg.138

Al[liuccn.c Al[liuccn.c Al[liuccn.c Al[liuccn.c

1h|s |s because the command that th|s statement , po|nts at , |s :
1hat A||aah |s the Cn|y Cne who tru|y deserves to be worsh|pped , and there's no
partner for n|m.

And Lhe Curan shows LhaL , All Lhe ropheLs proclalmed and called Lo Lhls meanlng of
Lhe sLaLemenL of Lawheed , and lLs esLabllshmenL as well .

And As Allaah 1he LxalLed says :

. = , - , | | , , | | . - -

AoJ l (Allb) cteoteJ oot tbe jloos ooJ bomoos except tbey sboolJ wotsblp Me (Alooe). 14

Meanlng , LhaL Lhey should proclalm Lhe sLaLemenL : loo lloobo llloAlloob .
And worshlp Plm , and geL close Lo Plm by worshlpplng Plm ln Lhe way Lhe Pe deserves
and ln Lhe way LhaL Pe leglslaLed and ls pleased wlLh.

1herefore lL ls a musL on us Lo know Lhe meanlng of : loo lloobo llloAlloob , 1haL Allaah
ls Lhe Cnly Cne who Lruly deserves Lo be worshlpped .

And LhaL noLhlng else oLher Lhan Allaah deserves Lo be worshlped -wheLher lL be
messengers , or all Lhe propheLs , or Lhe angels , or Lhe rlghLeous people- Lhey don'L
deserve Lo be worshlpped even an aLom's welghL.

8aLher all of Lhem are worshlppers of Allaah.

14. SuraLu adh-uhaarlyaL : 36

Al[liuccn.c Al[liuccn.c Al[liuccn.c Al[liuccn.c

As Allaah 1he LxalLed says :
= , - -| _ | , _ | | = .| _ - . , . = - , = - , = - | = | .
. - - , | ; , , -, , ,

1bete ls oooe lo tbe beoveos ooJ tbe eottb bot comes ooto tbe Most 8eoeflceot (Allb) os o
slove. vetlly, ne koows eocb ooe of tbem, ooJ bos coooteJ tbem o foll coootloq.
AoJ evetyooe of tbem wlll come to nlm olooe oo tbe uoy of kesottectloo (wltboot ooy belpet, ot
ptotectot ot JefeoJet). 15

And all of Lhem call Lo slngle ouL Allaah ln worshlpplng Plm wlLh lkbloos (slncerlLy).
1hus Lhey are Lhe mosL dlllgenL of people ln worshlp. And Lhe ropheLs are Lhe chlefs of
people ln Lerms of worshlpplng Allaah.
1hey fear Plm , wlLh a Lremendous fear. And Lhey pray Lo Plm , and fasL for Plm, and
glve charlLy , and fear Plm. And humble Lhemselves Lo Plm , and have humlllLy ln fear of
And Lhey are shy of Allaah , and Lhey depend on Allaah , and Lhey seek help from Plm ln
all Lhe affalrs and maLLers.
And Lhey know fully well LhaL Lhere ls no mlghL or change excepL from Allaah. And Lhey
belleve LhaL Lhey don'L have Lhe capaclLy Lo beneflL or harm , nor Lo glve llfe or cause
deaLh , or Lo resurrecL , for Lhemselves or for oLher people ln Lhese maLLers.

And Allaah sald , ln regards Lo Lhe besL of Lhem and Lhe mosL honoured of Lhem , and
Lhe lasL amongsL Lhem - Muhammad (sallahAllaahu alayhl wasallam)- :

- = = v . , - | , - | . , | -| = - v , = v - _ . | c - | v |
= v , | . , ,.| _ . - - , | ., - , ; , | `_ = , `,

13. SuraLu Maryam : 93-93

Al[liuccn.c Al[liuccn.c Al[liuccn.c Al[liuccn.c

5oy j O MobommoJ (sollobAlloobo oloybl wosollom) ] . "l possess oo powet of beoeflt ot bott
to myself except os Allb wllls. lf l boJ tbe koowleJqe of tbe Cbolb (ooseeo), l sboolJ bove
secoteJ fot myself oo obooJooce of weoltb, ooJ oo evll sboolJ bove toocbeJ me. l om bot o
wotoet, ooJ o btloqet of qloJ tlJloqs ooto people wbo belleve." 16

Allaah commands Lhe ropheL Lo say Lhls - whlle bellevlng ln lL and calllng Lo lL - wlLh
compleLe LesLlflcaLlon, falLh and slncerlLy.

And Pe , 1he LxalLed also commanded hlm Lo say :

= = _ | = , | c - | | _` , |

5oy. "lt ls oot lo my powet to coose yoo botm, ot to btloq yoo to tbe klqbt lotb." 17

So lf Lhls ls Lhe condlLlon of Lhe ropheL (sallahAllaahu alayhl wasallam) - Lhe besL of Lhe
creaLlon of Allaah, and Lhe mosL closesL Lo Allaah (ln sLaLus) - LhaL he doesn'L ... : Lhan
whaL abouL Lhose who are noL llke hlm (ln sLaLus) , and Lhose who are much lower Lhan
hlm ? !

And when Allaah revealed Lhe verse :

c _ = - _ = | _ , | | |

AoJ woto yoot ttlbe j O MobommoJ (sollobAlloobo oloybl wosollom) ] of oeot kloJteJ. 18

16. SuraLu al-a'araaf : 188
17. SuraLul !lnn : 28
18. SuraLul Shua'raa : 214

Al[liuccn.c Al[liuccn.c Al[liuccn.c Al[liuccn.c

(When Lhls was revealed) 1he ropheL (may Allah bless hlm and granL hlm peace) sLood
up on MounL Swafa , and called ouL, saylng :

, _, , .,, _,, ..=' _, , .. _,,, . _, , : ,- 1 _` ,
. | , | . | , | , , | _ | .=, = = = = - = , , , , | `, = . , - =. _ . - : , -
, |. , = c , - , - - , | | _, |`= = | =, =. = = =. - = , , , , | `, = _` , 2
. ,,' .. 2 = -` 2 , ' : ' , , :

1 O 8ool AbJ Al-Mottollb (cloo of AbJ Mottollb) , O 8ool llbt, O 8ool lo'oyy! 5o tbey qotbeteJ .
AoJ ne (sollobAlloobo oloybl wosollom) solJ . wbot Jo yoo tblok, lf l tolJ yoo tbot tbete wos o
covolty ot tbe foot of tbls moootolo comloq to ottock yoo -- woolJ yoo belleve me.
1bey solJ, "es. we bove oevet koowo yoo to lle.''
5o ne solJ . 1beo l woto yoo of o qteot poolsbmeot tbot ls close ot booJ.
Abo lobob become ooqty ooJ solJ, "Moy yoo petlsb fot tbe test of tbe Joy! oo ooly colleJ os to
tell os tbls'' 19

1hen Allah revealed: letlsb tbe two booJs of Abo lobob ooJ petlsb be! [Surah no. 111]

(1herefore we see) 1he ropheL (sallahAllaahu alayhl wasallam) called Lhem Lo slngle
ouL Allaah alone ln worshlp , and Lo abandon worshlpplng (Lhe ldols) loot ooJ ozzo ooJ
moooot , and Lhe resL of Lhe Lhlngs Lhey worshlpped. [ l.e. he (sallahAllaahu alayhl
wasallam) called Lhem Lo ulooheeyyah ]
And Abu lahab was Lhe head of Lhose who were opposlng and denylng Lhe ropheL
(sallahAllaahu alayhl wasallam).
And he harmed Lhe ropheL (sallahAllaahu alayhl wasallam) wlLh so much harm , [usL
because of Lhls Lawheed (of ulooheeyyah).

19. Agreed upon

Al[liuccn.c Al[liuccn.c Al[liuccn.c Al[liuccn.c

lf he [Lhe ropheL (sallahAllaahu alayhl wasallam)] was Lo call Lhem (Lhe Curaysh) and
asked Lhem : 'who ls your Lord ? and who creaLed you?' , 1hey would have replled :
'Allaah' . And Lhe flrsL of Lhem Lo say Lhls would be Abu Lahab.
'Who creaLed Lhe sky and who creaLed Lhe earLh?' 1hey would reply : 'Allaah'.
1hey would never re[ecL Lhls.

8uL when Lhey were Lold (loo lloobo llloAlloob ) , 1haL Allaah ls Lhe Cnly Cne who Lruly
deserves Lo be worshlpped - Lhey became arroganL and denled lL.

As for Lhe people of phllosophy and rheLorlc , Lhey came up wlLh a new lnvalld meanlng
for : loo lloobo llloAlloob .
1hey are Lhe mosL mls-gulded people ln regards Lo knowlng Lhe meanlng for : loo
lloobo llloAlloob .

And Lhus , unLll Lhls momenL : And Allaah knows besL : LhaL all Lhe secLs - excepL Lhe
eople of Lhe Manha[ of Lhe Salaf - (all Lhe secLs) ln Lhelr meLhodology and Lhelr
Leachlng e.g. llke Lhe schools of Lhe sufls and Lhe schools of Lhe 8aafldaah , Lhey are all
upon Lhls corrupL meanlng of Lhls sLaLemenL of: loo lloobo llloAlloob .
1haL ls why you wlll flnd LhaL Lhey worshlp graves , and belleve ln charms , and belleve
LhaL Lhe 'awllyaa' have knowledge of Lhe unseen maLLer , and LhaL Lhey work and have
conLrol ln Lhe unlverse...

1o Lhe exLenL Lhey even fall lnLo shlrk ln Lhe Lawheed of 8uboobeeyyah. All because of
Lhelr lgnorance ln regards Lo Lhe meanlng of loo lloobo llloAlloob .
1hus Lhey even are lgnoranL of a Lhlng whlch Lhe dlsbellevers (llke Lhe Curaysh) , were
knowledgable abouL.

And Lhls ls because among Lhe ranks of Lhe secLs llke Lhe raafldha and Lhe sufls , Lhere
are Lhose who are aLhelsLs and hereLlcs who [usL wanL Lo desLroy lslaam.

Al[liuccn.c Al[liuccn.c Al[liuccn.c Al[liuccn.c

So Lhls aLhelsL and Lhls hereLlc - dresses up ln Lhe dress of Lhe Musllms - and acLs as lf
he ls a devoLed worshlpper and an asceLlc , buL ln reallLy he ls an aLhelsL. 1hus Lhey
spread Lhe ldeologles of shlrk and hulool ( LhaL Allaah exlsLs wlLhln people) , and
wahdaLul wu[ood (LhaL everyLhlng ln exlsLence ls Allaah). 20

And all Lhese ldeologles are wlde spread among Lhe sufls. 1o Lhe exLenL LhaL l don'L
Lhlnk LhaL aL Lhls momenL , Lhere ls a group of sufls on Lhls earLh - who don'L fall lnLo
shlrk and hulool , and wahdaLul wu[ood - as a whole group. 8uL Lhere are some
lndlvlduals who mlghL be free from falllng lnLo Lhls devlaLlon , buL Lhe ma[orlLy of Lhe
people ln Lhese secLs all fall lnLo Lhls mlsguldance.

And (also Lhey)fall lnLo bellevlng LhaL Lhe 'awllyaa' have knowledge of Lhe unseen
maLLer , and LhaL Lhey work and have conLrol ln Lhe unlverse , and slaughLerlng and
calllng Lo oLher Lhan Allaah, and asklng help Lo oLher Lhan Allaah.
We ask Allaah for guldance and well-belng.

So lL ls upon us Lo know Lhe meanlng of 'loo lloobo llloAlloob , WlLh a clear and
dlsLlncLlve lnslghL.

And also lL ls upon us Lo know Lhe meanlng of whaL lL necesslLaLes , of Lhe dlfferenL
Lypes of lbaada.
And Lhe deflnlLlon of lbaada - as sald by Shaykhul lslaam lbn 1aymlyyah - ls :
lbooJo ls tbe plotol fotm of oll tbe tbloqs wblcb Alloob loves ooJ ls pleoseJ wltb , ftom
tbe octloos ooJ stotemeots , wbetbet Jooe opeoly ot sectetly.

1hls comprlses of Lhe lbaada of Lhe hearL and Lhe Longue and Lhe lbaada of Lhe body

20. lor a deLalled deflnlLlon of some of Lhese evll bellefs vlslL :

Al[liuccn.c Al[liuccn.c Al[liuccn.c Al[liuccn.c

1hose whlch are from Lhe hearL are : fear of Allaah , hope , longlng , dreadlng ,
dependlng on Allaah , and love , and all oLher Lhlngs llke Lhese , from Lhe acLlons of Lhe
So Lhese are Lhe lbaada of Lhe hearL whlch are necessary for every one , and lL ls noL
permlsslble Lo dlrecL any of Lhem Lo anyone else , oLher Lhan Allaah alone.

And from Lhe lbaada of Lhe Longue , came flrsLly , Lhe pronounclng of Lhe Lwo shahaadas
(LesLlmonles) , and Lhen Lhere ls Lhe oLher acLlons of Lhe Longue. lrom whlch Lhere are
Lhose whlch are obllgaLory and oLhers whlch are recommended (buL noL obllgaLory).
(Lxamples) : lL ls a musL Lo reclLe Lhe SuraaLul laaLlha ln every rakaaL of every prayer.

Llke sald by Lhe propheL (sallahAllaahu alayhl wasallam):

1 = | - - , | , , | | : = v 2

1betes oo ptoyet fot tbe ooe wbo Joes oot teclte tbe Opeoloq cboptet of 1be 8ook. 21

So Lhls ls from Lhe obllgaLory acLlons , of whlch every musllm has Lo pronounce and
And Lhen Lhere are Lhose whlch are recommended : llke Lhe reclLaLlon of Lhe Curan ,
and dolng uhlkr (remembrances of Allaah) , llke Lasbeeh , Lahmeed and Lahleel afLer Lhe
prayers , and before sleeplng , and durlng Lravelllng , and llke Lhls.

1hus we see LhaL Lhe lbaada (acLs of worshlp) are dlvlded lnLo Lhose whlch are
obllgaLory (woojlb) and Lhose whlch are recommended (mostobobb) , and lL ls a upon
Lhe musllm Lo know Lhese , so he can use Lhem Lo geL closer Lo Allaah 1he MosL Plgh .

21. Agreed upon

Al[liuccn.c Al[liuccn.c Al[liuccn.c Al[liuccn.c

And from Lhe lbaada of Lhe body llmbs ls sLandlng for prayers and bowlng and
prosLraLlng. And Lhe acLlons done durlng Pa[[ (pllgrlmage) llke 1awaaf and Lhe oLher acLs
of worshlp done by Lhe llmbs.
1hus you pray Lo Allaah wlLh Lhe acLlons of your llmbs , buL LogeLher wlLh Lhe presence
of Lhe hearL and Lhe sLaLemenLs of Lhe Longue. ln Lhe bowlng , prosLraLlon , 1awaaf ,
sLandlng aL Arafah and all Lhe oLher acLlons of worshlp.

1herefore all Lhe lbaada : of Lhe acLlons of Lhe hearL , Lhe sLaLemenLs of Lhe Longue and
Lhe acLlons of Lhe llmbs , all of Lhem have Lo be done slncerely for Lhe sake of Allaah

lkbloos (compleLe slncerlLy Lo Allaah alone) , ls a musL ln every Lhlng whlch brlngs us
closer Lo Plm.

We ask Allaah Lo granL us and you Lhe guldance , and Lo granL us success and
undersLandlng ln Lhe rellglon , and ln Lhe dlfferenL caLegorles of knowledge of Lhe

And speclflcally we ask Plm for undersLandlng ln Lhe maLLers of 'aqeedah (creed) , Lhls ls
because Lhe undersLandlng ln 'aqeedah ls referred Lo as flpbol -Akbot (Lhe greaLer
undersLandlng), and undersLandlng ln Lhe maLLers of rullngs ls Lermed as flpbol-osqbot
(Lhe lesser undersLandlng). And Lhls flpbol-osqbot , ln every aspecL ls deLalled from Lhe
flpbol -Akbot , whlch ls Lhe 'aqeedah.

We ask Allaah Lo granL us knowledge and undersLandlng ln Lhe rellglon . And may eace
and blesslngs of Allaah be upon our Messenger ,and hls famlly , and hls companlons.

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