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1 Shift High Yield Study Guide CYTOLOGY Centriole essential for the formation of cilia and flagella; not

t membrane bound; basal bodies derived from here; associated with cell division. Peroxisome contains enzymes capable of producing and degrading hydrogen peroxide. Nucleus controls the growth, differentiation, maturation and metabolic activities of the cell. Golgi complex cytoplasmic organelle which is continually changing and maintaining a state of dynamic equilibrium between its two faces; packing and storage of secretory products. Smooth ER steroid synthesis; unlike RER, cisterns are tubular; muscular tissue; release and recapture of calcium ions in striated muscles. Rough ER protein synthesis; synthesis of secretory protein. Mitochondria possesses self-replicating ability; powerhouse. Microtubules and filaments maintains cells shape and rigidity; forms the cores of cilia and flagella of sperm cells. Glycocalyx glycoprotein and polysaccharide substance covering cells; cell identity. Nucleolus site for synthesis of rRNA. Euchromatin nuclear chromatin that is dispersed and active in protein synthesis; invisible form of chromatin. Chromosomal portion part of nucleus that consists of dispersed filaments of DNA. Lysosome where residual bodies are derived; autophagy and heterophagy. Cell membrane specialized structures: microvilli and pseudopods; visualized as two-dimensional solution of oriented lipids and globular proteins. If the cell is subjected to hypoxia for 1 minute, the nucleus will contract and become less dense. Davison-Danielli model trilaminar structure. Singer Nicholson model Fluid mosaic model, bilaminar structure; asymmetrical. EPITHELIUM Simple squamous lines peritoneum; gall bladder. Simple cuboidal renal tubules Simple columnar exhibits polarity. Stratified squamous most layers lack keratinized layer; without CT are seen in cornea; vagina, tongue; junctional complexes Stratified squamous keratinizing palms and soles Pseudostratified columnar epithelium w/ Cilia trachea Transitional composed of generally similar looking cells; found in most urinary passages and bladder; elasticity. Crypts of Liberkuhn unbranched simple tubular glands without ducts present in the large intestine. Low columnar typical glandular epithelium. Neuroepithelium lines organ of Corti. Mucus glandular presence of demilunes; flattened nucleus. Serous glandular narrow lumen, acidophilic cytoplasm. Zonula occludens apical membrane specialization that maintains the structural integrity of the epithelium.


Histology Zonula adherens helps resist shearing forces. Gap junction mediates intercellular communication. Nexus lateral specialization that mediates flow of current between cells. Cilia surface specialization among epithelial cells consisting of longitudinal microtubules with 9 doublets uniformly spaced around a central pair. Motile cilia seen in upper respiratory passages; fallopian tube; has basal body; axoneme. Stereocilia epididymis; non-motile. Microvilli apical specialization; brush border. Desmosome lateral specialization; hairpin loops. Macula densa lateral plasmalemmal specialization consisting of plaquelike differentiation of opposing membrane into which tonofilaments form hairpin loops. Basal lamina all epithelia rest on this. Basement membrane separates the epithelium from the underlying zone of CT. Apical portion pare of mucin-secreting tall columnar cells occupied by mucinogen. Serous glandular Acidophilic in staining; rounded nucleus; narrow lumen with granular cytoplasm. Mucous glandular not provided with canaliculi and with a wider lumen; basophilic in staining, flattened nucleus with non-granular cytoplasm.

2007 Mikey Plasma cells nucleus impart a typical cartwheel or checkerboard appearance. Fibroblasts Responsible for the formation of the fibers and elaborate the amorphous components of the matrix; fibrogenesis; fixed CT cell Macrophage Motile; body defense; fixed CT cell. Sharpeys fibers CT that anchors the periosteum to the underlying bone. CARTILAGE Appositional Growth increase in WIDTH; occurs in mature cartilage. Endogenous growth increase in LENGTH; takes place in the middle part of the cartilage. Fibrocartilage not covered by a perichondrium; transition between dense fibrous CT and hyaline cartilage. Elastic undergoes fatty degeneration; contains abundant type I collagen; epiglottis; Eustachian tube. Hyaline most widely distributed cartilage in the body; endochondrial ossification, fetal skeleton. Adult Hyaline asbestos transformation; respiratory tract: trachea. H&E stain basophilic cartilage matrix Isogenous group represents offsprings of a single parent chondrocyte. BONE Endosteum thin layer of squamous or flattened cells lining the walls of all the cavities of the bone. Endochondrial / Intracartilaginous ossification destruction of cartilage model is a requirement; occurs in the bones of face and skull; replacement of cartilage model by bone; function of the periosteal band is to support the weakened cartilage model; seen in epiphyseal growth plates of long bone. Intramembranous ossification formation and vascularization of primitive mesenchymal tissues; flat bones of skull and face. Secondary center of ossification results in the formation of spongy bone covered by a thin cortex of compact bone. Compact bones presence of haversian system; solid in nature with microscopic spaces; regular arrangement of lamellae. Spongy bones cancellous bone; yellow bone marrow; absence of haversian canal; woven bone; composed of anastomosing bony trabeculae or spicules. Diploe between 2 layers of compact bone forming an inner and outer table. Volkmanns canal channel that connects haversion canals to the periosteum and endosteum. Osteoprogenitor Cells capable of further structural and functional differentiation. Osteocytes active agents in bone resorption; bone cells of a fully formed bone found in lacunae of howship; mature. Osteablasts cells responsible for formation of bone matrix; osteoid synthesis. Osteoclasts active agents in bone resorption; multi-nucleated; ruffled border; formed by the union of osteoprogenitor cells.

CONNECTIVE TISSUE Loose Areolar CT most widely distributed in epithelial tissue; predominates in the tunica propria of most epithelia; contains blood vessels and nerves. Reticular CT- forms the framework of bone marrow, endocrine, and all lymphoid organs; enclose individual smooth muscle cells; fibers are agyrophilic. Embryonal CT Tunica propria of uterus; endometrial stroma; vascular; cellular. Lymphoid CT payers patches of ileum; tonsils Dense lymphoid CT spleen; vascular; cellular. Adipose CT cells have a characteristic signet ring appearance; function as a shock absorber or insulator to prevent excessive heat loss or gain through the skin. Elastic CT true vocal cords, epiglottis, hollow organs; CT proper. Mucous CT distinctive cell is primitive fibroblasts. Elastic fiber ligamentum flava. Collagenous fiber tensile strength, great resistance and firmness: dense fibrous CT. Brown adipose tissue - multilocular Mast cells widely distributed in CT and are actively involved in anaphylactic sensitivity reactions; granular cells containing heparin and histamine.

1 Shift High Yield Study Guide Periosteum dense fibrous membrane that covers all portions of the compact bone. Endosteum thin layer of cells lining the wall of bone cavities where myeloid tissue is lodged. MUSCULAR TISSUE Cardiac striated; involuntary; has intercalated discs (bands of Eberth); centrally placed nucleus; Diad; numerous mitochordia with a zig zag appearance; smaller amounts of areolar CT with rich supply of blood vessels and nerves. Skeletal striated, voluntary; T-system located at the Z-line; Conheims fields; Triad; peripherally located nuclei. Smooth non-striated, involuntary; subsarcolemmal caveolae; centrally placed nucleus; neither triad nor diad; areola of mammary glands, walls of blood vessels and alimentary tract. Exhibit a twisted nucleus in the contracted state. Possesses the greatest amount of areolar CT between muscle fibers. Subsarcolemmal caveolae small vesicular inpocketings of the plasmalemma of smooth muscle cells that serve to regulate calcium flow. Contraction nodes irregular dark-staining transverse lines seen across longitudinally disposed smooth muscle fibers in the wall of the intestines. Intercalated discs appears as 2 heavy transverse lines following a sinuous course; permits rapid spread of excitation from cell to cell functioning as a syncitium; relatively inconspicuous in H&E stains; anchors non-contractile cytoskeletal intermediate filament. Triad T-tubule, two terminal cisternae; At A-I junction. Diad T-tubule, terminal cisternae. Endomysium delicate reticulum that invests the individual muscle fiber. Myofilaments present in smooth muscle but does not show regular arrangements as seen in other types of muscle fibers. White Fibers Fast, muscle fibers; large diameter; few mitochondria; numerous myofibrils; simple sarcoplasmic reticulum. Red Fibers Slow muscle fibers; smaller in diameter; containing large amounts of myoglobin; numerous mitochondria. Purkinje fibers specialized type of cardiac muscle; shorter and wider in diameter with fewer intercalated discs and nuclei; more glycogen rich sarcoplasm and mitochondria than cardiac muscle; less intercalated discs and striations that cardiac muscle; pale staining and transparent. H-band constricts during contraction; widens when stretched; the dark line in the center = mesophragma. I-band lengthens during stretch. Motor unit motor neuron together with the muscle fiber that it innervates. NERVOUS TISSUE Functions of neuronal processes: Reception of various stimuli Conduction of an action potential Synaptic transmission of signal to muscle or gland Golgi type I neurons with long axons; Betz cell; anterior horn cell.


Histology Golgi type II neurons with short axons; seen in cerebral and cerebellar cortices; Granule cells. Multipolar seen in autonomic ganglion cells. Pseudounipolar a nerve cell with opposing processes fused into a single process. Cytoplasmic melanin granules found in substantia nigra of the midbrain. Amphicyte small, flattened, epithelium-like cell that completely envelops the neuronal (ganglion) cell body; mostly in dorsal root ganglion (cerebrospinal ganglion). Nissl body cytoplasmic granules of the neuron are RER; found in dorsal root ganglion. Oligodendrocyte has myelin sheath; in CNS; scanty cytoplasm. Schwann cell has myelin sheath; in PNS; myelinates 1:1 ratio; Interfascicular glia cell white matter; source of nerve growth factor; source of myelin. Oligodenroglia - very few short processes with role in the formation of myelin in the CNS; homologue of the neurilemmal cells of Schwann; smaller cells with dark staining nucleus and scanty cytoplasm with very few branched short processes. Astroglia removal of glutamate; source of glucose for neurons. Microglia/Mesoglia scavengers/macrophages of the CNS; phagocytic; antigen presentation; mesodermal in origin; small cells with numerous tiny, pointed spines. Glioblastoma multiforme primary malignant tumor of the CNS from astrocytes. Myasthenia gravis disease characterized by an interruption of the interaction of the target muscle organ and acetylcholine. Subarachnoid space composed of dense fibrous CT. Dorsal root ganglion more amphicytes, fine nissl bodies; myelinated nerve fibers. Autonomic ganglion multipolar; unmyelinated nerve fibers; no definite grouping of cells. Gray matter protoplasmic astrocytes. White matter Fibrous astrocytes. Dendrite contains gemmules; nissl bodies; afferent; primary, secondary, tertiary branchings. Axon cellulifugal; neuropods. Meissners corpuscles two point discrimination; rapidly adapting mechanoreceptor; dermo-epidermal junction; thickly capsulated. Vater-Pacinian corpuscles vibration sense; pressure & tension; thickly lamellated capsule; rapidly adapting mechanoreceptor; dermo-epidermal junction.

2007 Mikey Sucker foot terminal expansions which contact blood vessels serving as a blood-brain barrier; protoplasmic astrocytes; fibrous astrocytes. Gliosome protoplasmic astrocytes; fibrous astrocytes. Fibrous astrocytes - fewer processes that appear longer, with fewer branches and are most numerous in the white matter; considered as the scarring cells of the nervous system, filling gaps in tissue repair. Protoplasmic astrocytes numerous processes that are short and wavy or tortuous giving off short branches; found mainly within the gray matter of the brain and spinal cord. Neuromuscular (myoneural) junction arborization nuclei; sole nuclei; synaptic vesicles. Neuromuscular spindle receptor organ for stretch reflex; nuclear bag; nuclear chain. Non-medullated nerve fiber with neurolemma type of nerve fibers that constitute the majority of the sympathetic nerves; Remak fibers. Jelly-roll hypothesis explains the formation of the myelin sheath. Giant cells of Betz Most characteristic of the cells found in the cerebral cortex because of their large, pyramidal shape, constituting the origin of the corticospinal and corticobulbar tracts; neurons which constitute the origin of the pyramidal tract. Endoneurium delicate collagens and reticular fibers that covers individual nerve fibers. Epineurium strong dense CT that covers externally a nerve trunk. Pyknotic nucleus nucleus exhibits an extremely dense heterochromatin and commonly seen in dying cells.

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