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World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 58 2011

Hydrodynamic Relationship between ManMade Lake and Surrounding Aquifer, Cimahi, Bandung, Indonesia
Dasapta E. Irawan, Deny J. Puradimaja, and Hendri Silaen
the amount of clean water that the state-owned local water supply company (PDAM) supplied to the industrial sector was only about 3.5 million m3 in 2003, which is just 1% of the volume required by industry. Groundwater use was found to continue to increase until 2004, reaching almost 70% of the total clean water required by the industrial sector in the Bandung Basin [1]. AbstractSand mining activities at the Lake Ciseupan area was
started in 1980. The activity is currently in form of man-made lake with 300 meters of diameter. The lake water is utilized by the surrounding residential and industries. The volcanic aquifer consists of tuff and volcanic sand as part of Formasi Cibeureum, underlaid by impermeabel breccias, and bordered by intrusion at the southern part. This paper identifies the hydrodynamic interaction between surface water and groundwater around the lake, using finite difference modeling. The total modeled area is 810,000 m2 with dimensions of 900 m x 900 m. The modeling is based on geoelectric-resistivity measurement coupled with groundwater level observation and hydrochemical data. The result shows that the groundwater flows westward with radial pattern and 0.05 hydraulic gradient. Based on the modeling and hydrochemical analysis, showing bicarbonate dominations and small quantities of amonium, there are similarity between lake water and groundwater. The truncated volcanic aquifer by the previous excavation have exposed the groundwater to fill in all the abandoned openings and have diversed the groundwater flow. Therefore the exploitation of the lake water will convincingly affect the groundwater level at the surrounding areas, as reflected by cone depressions at the settlement area, southern part of the lake.

KeywordsCimahi, groundwater modeling, groundwater-lake interaction, West Java I. INTRODUCTION ISEUPAN Lake was a sand mining area that run from 1980 to 1990, leaving two large holes with 300 meters in diameter. , surrounded by hills with a height. It lies at the elevation between 690 to 720 meters above sea level (masl). The water from the lake has been utilized by the surrounding residential and industries. The volcanic aquifer consists of tuff and volcanic sand as part of Cibeureum Formation, underlaid by impermeabel breccias, and bordered by intrusion at the southern part. The objective of this research is to analyzed the hydrodynamic relationship between Ciseupan lake water (lake water) with the surrounding water well. The first prediction relates to the truncated aquifer case. Once we have decided the relation then we have to calculate how much lake water can be pumped without interferring with the water wells. This situation is due to the lack of water infrastructures that at some point force the locals to have alternative ways to find water sources. For example, according to the most recent data,
D.E. Irawan is with the Applied Geology Research Group, Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung, INDONESIA (phone: +62-22-2514990; fax: +62-22-2514837; e-mail: D.J. Puradimaja and H. Silaen are with the Applied Geology Research Group, Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung, INDONESIA.

Fig. 1 The study site, Ciseupan man-made lake, Cimahi, Bandung, West Java

II. METHODS We combined two major methods to identify the hydrodynamics relationship between lake water and the surrounding wells at the Ciseupan lake: resistivity mapping campaign using conventional sounding technique and floating techniques, and groundwater modeling based on actual water table and finite difference technique. The above mentioned methods were successfully conducted in similar situation by


World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 58 2011

Woessner (2000), Townley and Trefry (2000), Nield (1994), and well discussed by Freeze and Cherry (1979). A. Floating Resistivity Mapping The analysis and interpretations were conducted, involving two techniques floating geo-electric arrays across the lake and six sounding points at lakes vicinity. A 100 m long floating geo-electric array was towed across the lake to measure the vertical profile of electrical conductivity (Fig 2). A particular focus was to investigate the depth and layers of Ciseupans lake bottom. Both results were correlated to identify the geological layers on the investigation site.
Current electrodes Receiver electrodes Water surface


Lake bottom
Fig. 2 The schematic drawing of floating resistivity mapping techniques

composed of moderate to high productivity aquifers consist of Cibeureum formation (fm), Cikapundung fm, and Kosambi fm. The transmisivity values (T) ranged from 100 to 900 m2/day (PLG, 2000). The Cibereum fms T value were averagely the highest (900 m2/day), then the Cikapundung fm (averagely 174 m2/day), and the Kosambi fm (150 m2/day) (Fig. 3). The recharge area of the system were located on the northern part of Cimahi, known as the Lembang area. Puradimaja (1995) and Sunarwan (1998) has mentioned that the oldest water based on isotopic measurement were 50 years old. It flew from the north part (Lembang fault) to south (Cibabat area). Delinom (2009) has noted that the north groundwater system boundary is the Lembang Fault, an eastwest normal tectono-volcanic fault. Groundwater springs were found mainly at the north of Cimahi, which was also the hilly part, with noted maximum discharge of 10 L/sec. At south part of Cimahi, there were many groundwater tapping in form of dug wells and borehole. The recorded discharge from a PDAM (State Owned Drinking Water Company of Cimahi) well were up to 40 L/sec in late 1990s.
Hydrostratigraphy Productivity (IWACO, 1991)

Stratigraphical Unit Age Kusumadinata and Hartono (1981) Kosambi Fm. (Clay, sand)

B. Groundwater Modeling A finite difference modeling with Visual ModFlow was done to identify the groundwater flow and how it was connected with lake water. We were also simulating the lake water drawdown and its influence to groundwater level. The total modeled area was 810,000 m2. The model was built based on conceptual geological model from resistivity measurements.

Silitonga (1973)


Lake Deposit (Ql)

Upper aquifer


Tuffaceous sand (Qyd) Cibeureum Fm. (Tuff, sand) Tuff Scoria (Qyt) Cikapundung Fm. (Breccias, lahars, lavas) Middle aquifer High

III. HYDROGEOLOGICAL BACKGROUND Lembang Fault is part of depression chain in West Java, which is called the Bandung Zone. The Bandung Zone can be regarded as a graben-like longitudinal belt of intramontane depressions, extending through the central part of West Java (Fig. 4). In the central part of this zone, Bandung Basin and Batujajar Basin are located. Bandung Basin is located in West Java Province; the basin is a plateau encircled by mountains forming a basin (Delinom, 2009). The study site is dominated by Cibeureum Formation (Upper Pleistocene-Holocene), composed of volcanic breccias and tuff. Grey colored volcanic breccias are consist of scoria and andesite-basalt fragments. Tuff layers are in brownish white, sand to gravel grain size. This formation, with maximum thickness of 180 m, is distributed southward in form of alluvium fan (Koesoemadinata and Hartono, 1981). Another researcher, Silitonga (1973), has mentioned that the productive aquifer was called Tuffaceous Sands (Qyd), brown in color, high porosity and permeability. He was also mentioned Scoria Tuff (Qyt) and Tuffaceous Breccias, Andesite Lava, and Conglomerate from Mt. Tangkubanparahu (Fig. 3). IWACO-WASECO (1991), an Netherland based consulting company, reported the hydrogeological condition of were


Old Volc. (Qob)

Lower aquifer


Andesit, Basalt Tuffaceous breccias, sandstone, conglomerate (Pb) Cilanang Fm.










Fig. 3 The stratigraphical units of Bandung Basin


World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 58 2011

IV. RESULTS A. Resistivity Mapping The dominant unconfined aquifer system is composed of tuff and volcanic sands. All layers are underlaid by impermeable volcanic breccias. The southern part is bounded by instrusion body. Based on this measurement, the depth of the lake are up to 20 m. It truncates the surrounding aquifers (Fig. 4). From this result, our first interpretation is that the lake water and the surrounding groundwater are connected. Therefore our first hypothesis is when the lake water is pumped will instantly lower the water level at the surrounding wells. This prediction will be further analysed in the modeling stage.

m3/day, will cause the depletion of groundwater level by 1 m at the nearest well 10 m from the lake. We also recommend to deepen these well 1.5 m to allow the optimum groundwater thickness to be pumped (Fig. 5).

Nearby Ciseupan lake Fishing ponds


Fig. 4 The aquifer section of the Ciseupan man-made lake area based on resistivity mapping

B. Groundwater Modeling The result shows that the groundwater flows westward with radial pattern and 0.05 hydraulic gradient. Based on the modeling and hydrochemical analysis, showing bicarbonate dominations and small quantities of amonium, there are similarity between lake water and groundwater. The truncated volcanic aquifer by the previous excavation have exposed the groundwater to fill in all the abandoned openings and have diversed the groundwater flow. Therefore the exploitation of the lake water will convincingly affect the groundwater level at the surrounding areas, as reflected by cone depressions at the settlement area, southern part of the lake. Excessive pumping of Ciseupans water is prone to lake water level drop. The west part of the lake is simulated to be the most prone to this situation, due to the control of impermeable bodies, intrusion of igneous rock and tertiary layers. West ward groundwater flow is not enough to compensate the pumping at this area. However, from the modeling, we found that there are no significant drop at the north, east, and south area as there are no impermeable layer to control the groundwater flow. We have simulated four modeling scenarios on the pumping situation with 1 m allowed groundwater level drop as limitation. A scenarios shows that when the lake water drop by 1.3 m, which is equivalent with lake water pumping of 21,000



Fig. 5 The result of computer simulation in 4 scenarios

V. CONCLUSION The methods can be used to answer the mentioned problems related to the interaction between surface water and groundwater in the area. The combination between surface and subsurface mapping, coupled with hydrochemical approach show both the aquifer setting and groundwater flow. Moreover the groundwater modeling can compute the maximum lake water exploitation without significantly lower the lake water level.


World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 58 2011

The dominant unconfined aquifer system is composed of tuff and volcanic sands. All layers are underlaid by impermeable volcanic breccias. The southern part is bounded by instrusion body. The isopotentiometric map shows radial flow with low gradient 0.05 with cone depression lies at southern part of the lake. It flows towards the south municipalities. Excessive pumping of Ciseupans water is prone to lake water level drop. The west part of the lake is simulated to be the most prone to this situation, due to the control of impermeable bodies, intrusion of igneous rock and tertiary layers. West ward groundwater flow is not enough to compensate the pumping at this area. However, from the modeling, we found that there are no significant drop at the north, east, and south area as there are no impermeable layer to control the groundwater flow. We have simulated the pumping situation with limit of 1 m allowed groundwater level drop. We have computed that if the lake water pumping reaches 21,000 m3/day which was unlikely to be the case then the lake water will drop 1.3 m. This drop will cause 1 m drop of groundwater level. However the addition of pumping test data at the surrounding housings is needed to confirm the simulation, especially recovery test. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The Authors thank The Built Environment Agency of Cimahi Regency for their financial support to this research. We also thanks Dr. Bagus Endar Nurhandoko for his review on the resistivity method. We also give the highest appreciation to the students for their contribution on the field campaign. REFERENCES
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