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Launcher Optimization Tool

User Manual
Version 1.21

Calabazas Creek Research, Inc.

20937 Comer Drive Saratoga, CA 95070-3753 (408) 741-8680 Fax: (408) 741-8831 Email: www.CalabazasCreekResearch

Copyright 2004-2006

LOT Version 1.21

October 4, 2006

Table of Contents
1.0 2.0 3.0 Introduction..............................................................................................................3 Overview..................................................................................................................4
2.1 Main LOT Screen................................................................................................................ 4

Case Set Up..............................................................................................................5

3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Creating a Case.................................................................................................................... 5 Defining the Source............................................................................................................. 6 Defining the Launcher......................................................................................................... 7 Defining Run Time Parameters........................................................................................... 7

4.0 5.0

QO Launcher Calculation ........................................................................................8

4.1 Executing a Single QO Launcher Calculation .................................................................... 8

QO Launcher Optimization .....................................................................................9

5.1 5.2 5.3 Defining Optimization Parameters.................................................................................... 10 Executing an Optimization................................................................................................ 11 Stopping and Restarting the Optimization ........................................................................ 12


Radiated Electric Field Plots..................................................................................12

6.1 6.2 6.3 Far Field (Spherical) Plots................................................................................................. 12 Planar Plots........................................................................................................................ 14 Cylindrical Plots................................................................................................................ 15


7.1 Surface Convertor ............................................................................................................. 16

Appendix A: CMSC Engine and Launcher Surface Definition File ................................18

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1.0 Introduction
LOT (Launcher Optimization Tool) is a computer code for optimal design of QO launchers used in high power gyrotrons. The surface shape of the high order mode to Gaussian converter in the launchers has been based on a two azimuthal variation surface perturbation given by z z ( z ) dz + a ( z ) cos ( z ) dz 3 r ( , z ) = r o + z + a 1 ( z ) cos 1 2 2 0 0

(EQ 1)

where a n ( z ) and n ( z ) are typically modeled as constants or linear variation. For constant diameter launchers ( = 0 ) this approach can generate output beams with high Gaussian content and little edge fields. To prevent spurious oscillations in the converter region of the launcher, designers of these launchers have introduced a taper on the wall diameter. This taper reduces the effectiveness of the converter because of higher order mode coupling. To generate an efficient conversion to a Gaussian mode for tapered designs it is necessary to include other azimuthal variations into the surface. LOT allows for several generalized converter surfaces given by z r ( , z ) = r o + z + a n ( z ) cos n ( z ) dz l n 0 n=1

(EQ 2)

r ( , z ) = r o + z +

an ( z ) cos ( Hn ( z ) ln )

(EQ 3)

r ( , z ) = r o + z +

+ [ an ( z ) cos ( ln )

b n ( z ) sin ( l n ) ]

(EQ 4)

where a n ( z ), b n ( z ) and n ( z ) are modeled by cubic splines. The three surface types will be referred to as Type 1, 2 and 3 respectively. The spline points used to define the surface are optimized to maximize the Gaussian content of the launcher. Calculation of the waveguide fields is done using coupled mode equations. Radiation of the field in the aperture is calculate via a Stratton-Chu diffraction integral.

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2.0 Overview
2.1 Main LOT Screen
The main LOT screen in shown in Figure 1. This window is the main working location for setup of the source and launcher geometry, runtime parameters, and plotting of field quantities. Output
File Pulldown Menu Help Information

Setup Pulldown Menu Optimize Pulldown Menu Function Buttons

Tools Pulldown Menu Text Log Box

FIGURE 1. Main LOT Screen

from the CMSC code is displayed in the text log box. The elements of the window include the following: File Pulldown Menu - activate the file pulldown menu by clicking and holding the left mouse button and dragging the cursor to the desired operation. Setup Pulldown Menu - edit the launcher and runtime parameters menu by clicking and holding the left mouse button and dragging the cursor to the desired operation.

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Optimize Pulldown Menu - edit the optimization parameters and restart optimization menu by clicking and holding the left mouse button and dragging the cursor to the desired operation. Tools Pulldown Menu - activate the surface conversion and mode calculator tools by clicking and holding the left mouse button and dragging the cursor to the desired operation. Execution Function Buttons- provide quick access to execute commonly used calculation modes (Execute, Optimize and Plot) Help Information Display - displays current version of software and contact information. Text Log Box - displays output from the coupled-mode Stratton-Chu code.

3.0 Case Set Up

This section describes the elements required for initializing a case. The source field, launcher geometry and run time parameters must be entered prior to execution of either a single QO launcher calculation or an optimization run.

3.1 Creating a Case

The File pulldown menu is shown in Figure 2. The File menu items allow the user to Open existing case files (file extension *.lot), begin a New case, Save the current case with the same case name, or save the case under a different name (Save As...). Browse windows with appropriate filters are activated for user input where necessary. Note that the directory where the case file resides is considered the current working directory. All results files will be stored in this directory.

FIGURE 2. File Pulldown Menu

The Exit menu item terminates the program. A verification screen appears if information in the program has been changed since the last Save operation.

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3.2 Defining the Source

The source parameters are specified in the Source Parameters dialog box, shown in Figure 3. To open this dialog, select the Setup menu and click on the Source menu item. The first entry is the excitation Frequency in GHz. The two entries under TE Mode Specification specify the source mode. The excitation source is a TE mode. The azimuthal and radial indices of this mode are set in the M and N boxes respectively.

FIGURE 3. Source Parameters Dialog Box

3.3 Defining the Launcher

The launcher parameters are specified in the Launcher Parameters dialog box shown in Figure 4. To open this dialog, select the Setup menu and click on the Launcher menu item. The Vlasov launcher is specified by the total length (Launcher length) and the length of the axial cut (Axial cut length). The launcher diameter is set FIGURE 4. Launcher Parameters Dialog Box by data in the Launcher Surface File provided by the user. This file contains the complete specification of the launcher surface. (The launcher surface model types and the format for the data file are detailed in the Appendix.) Use the Browse button to locate the desired Launcher Surface File (file extension *.zfg).

3.4 Defining Run Time Parameters

The parameters that control the CMSC calculation are input in the Run Time Parameters dialog box shown in Figure 5. To open this dialog, select the Setup menu and click on the Run Time Parameters menu item.

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The first two entries (Z Increment and Phi Increment) set the point density for the wall surface plot. The Z Increment parameter does not affect the coupled-mode integration step size. The coupled-mode integration step size is set automatically. The point density in the radiation aperture is controlled by the Aperture Points/Wavelength parameter. For calculations that do not require radiated field calculations this parameter only controls the plot density for aperture field plots. When calculating radiated fields this parameter sets the order of the Gaussian quadrature used in the evaluation FIGURE 5. Run Time Parameters Dialog Box of the radiation integral. A value of 3-5 points/ wavelength is usually sufficient to obtain accurate results. Using the default parameter of 0 allows the code to select the appropriate value for optimal execution time (3 points/wavelength when no radiated field calculation is required; 5 for field calculations). Output of the modal information is controlled by the Minimum modal amplitude for output parameter. Modal amplitudes for modes at the launcher end whose power is greater than this value will be output to the screen. The modal amplitudes along the launcher will also be output to file. During an optimization there in no output of modal amplitudes to file. Normally the plot of wall field intensity only goes to the launcher end. If it is desired to have wall intensity beyond this point check the Plot to maximum length of surface file box. The plot will then be generated with a length equal to the length of the surface deformation defined in the launcher surface file. The number of modes used in the field expansion is controlled by the dM and dN settings. The range of indices for the azimuthal mode index M is given by M inc L max dM < M < M inc + L max + dM
(EQ 5)

where M inc is the azimuthal index of the input mode and L max is the maximum azimuthal variation in the surface perturbation. The range of indices for the radial index N is given by N inc dN < N < N inc + dN
(EQ 6)

where N inc is the radial index of the input mode. The default values for dM and dN are 1 and 2 respectively. For large perturbation amplitudes it may be necessary to increase these values. It is always a good idea to check convergence of the computed results with increasing values of dM and dN.

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3.5 Preferences
The Preferences menu item activates the dialog box shown in Figure 6. The Units list allows the user to define the units used in the analysis. The default is meters. The three entries in the Compu-

FIGURE 6. Preferences Dialog Box

tational Engines box specify the name and location of the coupled-mode Stratton-Chu (CMSC) based calculation code and optimization routine used by the program. In general, the defaults values (i.e., the CMSC code and optimization code supplied at installation) should be used. However, advanced users can customize the analysis by using other CMSC codes (or batch files) or optimization algorithms. Appendix A documents the interfaces for these routines.

4.0 QO Launcher Calculation

4.1 Executing a Single QO Launcher Calculation
Selecting the Execute button in the main screen will start the CMSC code. Output from the code will be displayed in the text log box, as shown in Figure 7. After the startup banner, the code displays the surface type, azimuthal variation and number of points for each sinusoidal surface entry. The next line is the number of modes used in the coupled-mode calculation. At the completion of the calculation the mode composition of the field is printed along with the energy conservation. The Gaussian content of the aperture field is then computed and displayed along with the centroid and width (in cm) of the Gaussian. When the far field is computed, the Gaussian output content is calculated along with the with the centroid and width (in radians). The CMSC computation can be stopped at any time by selecting the Kill Process button on the CMSC Process popup box. This button calls the system function to terminate the process.

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FIGURE 7. Text Log During Execution

After completion of the CMSC calculation, two plots are generated: Wall Field Intensity plot, and Aperture Field Intensity plot. For high point density plots there can be a delay between the time the CMSC code completes and the plots appear. During this time the text log box will appear blank and the main screen unresponsive.

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The plots will appear in separate windows that stack up on one another. To view the underlying plot, simply move the top plot so the second plot is visible, then click on it. The plots are also stored to the current working directory as WallField.png and AperField.png, respectively. Note that the outline of the helical cut defined in the Launcher Parameters dialog is displayed on the Wall Field Intensity plot.

5.0 QO Launcher Optimization

LOT contains routines to optimize the surface file parameters to increase the design efficiency. This is done by varying the surface file points while attempting to minimize the chosen optimization goals. The surface between points in the surface parameter file are obtained by a cubic spline interpolation of the surface points. A boundary condition of a' ( 0 ) = 0 is applied to the amplitude points to ensure a smooth transition in the perturbation amplitudes. The z coordinates of the surface points are fixed, only the amplitude and phase points are modified. The initial amplitude at z = 0 must be zero and is not modified in the optimization process. The optimization process is as follows. The program generates a parameter file containing the initial guess along with the upper and lower limits. From this file a new surface file is generated (optSpline.zfg) and the CMSC code is executed using this file for the surface. At completion of the CMSC code, the value of the minimization function (F(Xi)) is calculated and a new surface is generated. If the value of F(Xi) is a new minima, the current optimized surface is saved in the file called CaseName.opt.zfg (where CaseName is the name of the current case). In addition, new plots of the wall currents and aperture or far field are generated if the fields are used in the computation of F(Xi). The optimization continues until the maximum number of iterations (set in Optimization Parameters dialog) is exceeded or F(Xi) has converged.

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5.1 Defining Optimization Parameters

The optimization parameters are set using the Optimization Parameters dialog box shown in Figure 8. To open the dialog, select the Optimize menu and click on the Parameters menu item. The range of the optimization values are bounded by the first two parameters. Maximum Amplitude sets the maximum value of the perturbation amplitude used in the bounded optimization. For type 1 or 2 surfaces the amplitude will be constrained between 0 and Maximum Amplitude. For type 3 surfaces the amplitude is constrained between -Maximum Amplitude and +Maximum Amplitude. The surface phase term of type 1 and 2 surfaces are constrained to be between

FIGURE 8. Optimization Parameters Dialog Box

( 1 FractionalChange ) I ( z ) < ( z ) < ( 1 + FractionalChange ) I ( z )

(EQ 7)

where I ( z ) is the phase value in the input surface file. (Surface type is defined in the Appendix section.) The maximum number of surface evaluations allowed is set by the Maximum Iterations parameter. The optimization will continue until this number of CMSC calls have been performed or the optimization has converged. Two optimization algorithms are supported by LOT. The first is a gradient based optimization (selected by the Quasi-Newton radio button) and the second is a simplex optimization (Non-Smooth radio button). There are four optimization goals that can be selected. The first two (Aperture Field Gaussian Content and Far Field Gaussian Content) are mutually exclusive and try to maximize the fractional Gaussian content of the electric field. The Gaussian content is calculated from the first two moments of the field magnitudes. For Far Field Gaussian Content, the field is calculated on a sphere in the far field. The field on the radiation aperture is used if Aperture Field Gaussian Content is selected. If the Complex check box has been selected the calculation of the Gaussian content is done as a complex calculation, that is phase information is included. Since the beam exiting the aperture is not normal to the aperture there is a large phase tilt especially along the axial direction which would give erroneous results for aperture field Gaussian content calculation. This phase tilt is removed approximately by assuming a phase shift given by the incident mode evalu-

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ated at the radius of the aperture midpoint. For far field calculations the phase center of the calculation is shifted to the centroid of the aperture field. The last two optimization goals are used to minimize the field along the spiral cut of the launcher. Average Cut Field uses the average of the field along the spiral edge (normalized to the peak field on the wall) while Peak Cut Field is the normalized maximum of field along the spiral edge. When the field level drops below the level specified in the Ignore for Field input box, the field value is no longer used in the optimization function F(Xi.). The value of F(Xi) is based on a sum of the optimization functions that have been selected.

5.2 Executing an Optimization

Selecting the Optimize button in the main screen will start the optimizer. Output from each iteration will be displayed in the text log box as described in Section 4.1. In addition, the Iteration Count popup box (shown in Figure 9) will appear showing the number of completed iterations. As the optimization progresses, the following plots are generated: Log (F(x)) vs. Iteration Count, Wall Field Intensity, Aperture Field Intensity, and EPhi Far Field Intensity (if the Far Field Gaussian Content checkbox is checked in the Minimization Functions section of the Optimization Parameters dialog box). The Log (F(x)) vs. Iteration Count plot is updated with each iteration. The remaining plots are updated each time an iteration produces a more optimal result. The plots are stored in the current working directory as IterPlot.png, WallField.png, AperField.png, and CaseName.sph.png, respectively. In addition, the optimization produces an optimized launcher surface file which is updated each time an iteration produces a more optimal result. The file is stored in the current working directory as CaseName.opt.zfg. Once an optimization is complete, the user may want to copy the optimized launcher surface file to a different name or directory. This save can be performed without leaving the LOT user interface by opening the Optimize menu and clicking on the Save Optimized Surface As... menu item. This brings up a dialog with standard Save As... functionality for the file.
FIGURE 9. Iteration Count Dialog Box

5.3 Stopping and Restarting the Optimization

The Optimization can be stopped at any time by selecting either the Stop Iterations button or the the Kill Process button on the Iteration Count popup box. The Stop Iterations button will com-

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plete the current iteration and then exit the optimization routine. The Kill Process button will terminate the process immediately. An optimization can be resumed if it has been terminated via the Stop Iterations button or if it has stopped because it reached the maximum number of iterations. Open the Optimize menu and click on Resume Optimization to continue the optimization where it left off. An optimization cannot be resumed if it was terminated via the Kill Process button.

6.0 Radiated Electric Field Plots

Three plot types of the electric field can be generated: the field on a sphere in the far field, the field on a plane, and the field on a cylindrical surface whose axis is parallel to the launcher axis (Z axis). The edge of the launcher cut is always set to be on the x-z plane at y=0. This is the same convention used in the Surf3d code. Therefore a shift in the cut angle rotates the launcher by the same amount. To initiate the generation of field plots, click on the Plot function button. This brings up the Plot Field dialog box shown in Figure 10. The dialog contains three tabs: Far Field Spherical, Planar and Cylindrical. The type of plot to be generated is controlled by which tab is currently selected. Each tab is described in more detail in the sections that follow. The Plot Parameters box contains parameters common to all of the plot types. The Intensity Range sets the displayed intensity range in dB from 0 to -Intensity Range (peak field is normalized to 1). The Number of Contours defines the number of contour levels. To plot the selected electric field, set the parameters for the desired plot type (as defined below) and click on the Generate Plot button. The CMSC code will be called to generate the requested field data. Upon completion of the program the desired field plot will be generated. The format of these field data files is detailed in the Appendix section.

6.1 Far Field (Spherical) Plots

Figure 10 shows the Plot Field dialog box for a far field calculation type (Far Field Spherical tab selected). The Plot Density is specified in points/radian. A typical value of 10 points/radian generates an array of 32x63 field points for the plot range shown in Figure 10. The selected radio button in the Field Component box defines the field component to be plotted. Note that the CMSC code uses only TE modes and there is no theta component of the electric field for these modes. When the Generate Plot button is clicked, the plot is displayed in a separate window. The plot is also stored in the working directory as CaseName.sph.png.

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FIGURE 10. Plot Field Dialog Box, Far Field Spherical Tab

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6.2 Planar Plots

Figure 11 shows the Plot Field dialog box for a planar calculation type (Planar tab selected). The

FIGURE 11. Plot Field Dialog Box, Planar Tab

Plot Density is specified in points per unit dimension (the unit dimension is specified in the Preferences dialog box). The origin of the plot axis (set in the Origin of Plot Axis box) specifies the origin of the plot plane (i.e., the lower left hand corner of plot plane). The plot plane is selected via the radio buttons in the Plot Plane box. The range of the plot on the two axes in the selected plane is set by the values in the Axis Range box. The plot calculation will be done from the plot axis origin to the origin plus the range of the two axes. For example, if the plot axis origin is set to X= -10, Y=6 and Z=10, the plot plane is set to XZ, the X range is set to 20 and the Z range is set to 20, then the calculation will be done on the Y=6 plane with corners of X= -10, Z= +10 to X= +10 and Z= +30. The selected radio button in the Field Component box defines the field component to be plotted. When the Generate Plot button is clicked, the plot is displayed in a separate window. The plot is also stored in the working directory as CaseName.pln.png.

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6.3 Cylindrical Plots

Figure 12 shows the Plot Field dialog box for a cylindrical calculation type (Cylindrical tab selected). As with the planar plot type, the Plot Density is specified in points per unit dimension. The origin of the cylinder axis is defined in the Origin of Cylinder Axis box. The calculation will

FIGURE 12. Plot Field Dialog Box, Cylindrical Tab

be done on a cylinder whose axis is parallel to the Z axis and centered on the X,Y origin. The range of the calculation will go from the Z origin to the Z origin plus the Z Range on a cylinder of radius Radius. The selected radio button in the Field Component box defines the field component to be plotted. When the Generate Plot button is clicked, the plot is displayed in a separate window. The plot is also stored in the working directory as CaseName.cyl.png.

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7.0 Tools
The Tools menu contains tools that help facilitate launcher surface optimization. These include the Surface Converter and the Mode Coupling Calculator.

7.1 Surface Convertor

A typical design effort begins by modeling the launcher surface with a Type 1 or 2 surface with a small number of points. As the optimization proceeds it is useful to convert an optimized surface to one with more points (larger degree of freedom) to further refine the optimization. Since a Type 1 or 2 surface has a fixed ( z ) for a given azimuthal index, multiple perturbation terms of the same azimuthal index must be added to get coupling between modes with the same azimuthal index but different beat wavelengths. A Type 3 surface can be used to combine the multiple perturbation terms of the same azimuthal index into one perturbation term with less points. Note that since the Type 3 surface must have sufficient number of points to model the cos ( ( z ) ) variation. This minim number of points is given by 4L max N > ----------------2 where L is the launcher length. To facilitate the conversion of the number of points or surface type, a surface converter tool is provided in LOT. Its functionality is describes as follows. Figure 13 shows the Surface Converter dialog box. This dialog enables users to generate a new launcher surface file (*.zfg) by converting the surface represented in the current launcher surface file (set on the Launcher Parameter dialog) to a surface of a higher number surface type or a surface of the same type with a higher number of points. To open this dialog, select the Tools menu and click on the Surface Converter menu item. The first entry on the dialog box is for the New surface file name. Use FIGURE 13. Surface Converter Dialog Box the adjacent Browse button to locate the desired directory for the new file. If no directory path is specified, the file will be stored in the current working directory. The file is automatically given the extension *.zfg.
(EQ 8)

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The New surface type drop down box defines the surface type of the new launcher surface file. See the Appendix section for a complete description of surface type. When the user clicks OK, the new file is generated and placed in the specified directory. If the Use for launcher surface file checkbox is checked, the current launcher surface file will be reset to the new file. (If you reopen the Launcher Parameters screen, the new file will appear in the Launcher Surface File entry box.)

Revision Changes
1.21 06/7/2005 Add output of aperture modal amplitudes. 1.20 4/11/2005 Allow optimization for complex Gaussian content of aperture field. 1.12 2/11/2005 Correct plotting bugs introduced when features of v1.11 added. 1.11 2/1/2005 Add optimization for complex Gaussian content of far field. Allow wall field plot to extent of input surface file. Additional error checking. 1.01 7/8/2004 Minor bugs and memory leaks. Planar plot routine was plotting Ey instead of Ex. 1.00 4/12/2004 Original release date.

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Appendix A CMSC Engine and Auxiliary Codes

This appendix describes the CMSC computational engine, format of the surface files and optimization routine.

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CMSC Computational Engine (Rev 1.22)

CMSC (Coupled Mode Stratton-Chu) code calculates the radiated field from an cylinder with a spiral cut at the end. The surface of the cylinder is defined by a surface file described in the Surface File Definition document. Mode conversion in the cylindrical section is calculated using coupled mode equation. A radiation aperture is defined as a rectangular segment bounded by the start of the helical cut, end of the launcher and the radius of the cylinder. The radiated field from this aperture is calculated using a Stratton-Chu diffraction integral. Input data specification The input data file is named CaseName.dat and the surface file is named SurfName.zfg. The files are specified by supplying the prefix for the file name as arguments on the command line as follows: $ CMSC caseName surfName From the CaseName.dat file, the following data is read in sequentially: input units (0 - meter, 1 - cm, 2 - mm, 3 - inch) frequency in GHz azimuthal mode index radial mode index total length of launcher length of axial cut spacing between Z points for wall plot spacing between Phi points for wall plot azimuthal mode selection parameter (dM) radial mode selection parameter (dN) aperture points/wavelength output modal amplitudes for modes with amplitude greater than this fractional amount of total power flag to use complex fields in Gaussian content calculations field calculation mode (0 - no plot, 1 - far field, 2 - planar, 3 - cylindrical) The number of modes used in the field expansion is controlled by the dM and dN settings. The range of indices for the azimuthal mode index M is given by M inc L max dM < M < M inc + L max + dM
(EQ 9)

where M inc is the azimuthal index of the input mode and L max is the maximum azimuthal variation in the surface perturbation. The range of indices for the radial index N is given by N inc dN < N < N inc + dN
(EQ 10)

where N inc is the radial index of the input mode. The default values for dM and dN are 1 and 2 respectively.

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The point density in the radiation aperture is controlled by the Aperture Points/Wavelength parameter. For calculations that do not require radiated field calculations this parameter only controls the plot density for aperture field plots. When calculating radiated fields this parameter sets the order of the Gaussian quadrature used in the evaluation of the radiation integral. A value of 3-5 points/wavelength is usually sufficient to obtain accurate results. Using the default parameter of 0 allows the code to select the appropriate value for optimal execution time (3 points/wavelength when no radiated field calculation is required; 5 for field calculations). The remaining data is dependent on the plot mode. If the plot parameter is 0, no field data is calculated. For far field calculation the remaining data item are plot density (points/radian) far field plot range entered as min, max, min, max (degrees) If the flag for calculation of complex Gaussian content is set the phase center for farfield calculations is set to the centroid of the aperture field. For planar field calculation the next data items are plot density (points/unit length) coordinate of lower left hand corner of plot range (xo,yo,zo) range of first axis (X/Y/X range for plot plane = 1/2/3) range of second axis (Z/Z/Y range for plot plane = 1/2/3) plot plane (1 - XZ, 2 - YZ, 3 - XY) For cylindrical field calculation (cylinder axis parallel to Z axis) the next data items are plot density (points/unit length) position of cylinder axis on X,Y plane (xo,yo) and Z start point (zo) z range radius

Output data set description

Field Calculation Files CaseName.far.theta CaseName.far.phi CaseName.far.etheta CaseName.far.ephi ASCII files containing E / E component of electric field in far field calculation. Values are output as real and imaginary part of electric field. Each row is output for a fixed value of theta. ASCII file containing range of theta/phi values in far field calculation


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CaseName.pln.x2 CaseName.pln.ex CaseName.pln.ey CaseName.pln.ez

ASCII file containing range of x1/x2 values in near field planar calculation

ASCII files containing Ex/Ey/Ez component of electric field in near field planar calculation. Values are output as real and imaginary part of electric field. Each row is output for a fixed value of x2. ASCII file containing range of z/phi values in near field cylindrical calculation ASCII files containing E /Ez component of electric field in near field cylindrical calculation. Values are output as real and imaginary part of electric field. Each row is output for a fixed value of z. Output of modal information at launcher end in ASCII format. Data format generated for entry of multiple incident modes into Surf3d. Each line has azimuthal index, radial index, mode type (1 TE / 2 TM) and complex amplitude.

CaseName.cyl.phi CaseName.cyl.z CaseName.cyl.ephi CaseName.cyl.ez


CaseName.appModes Output of modal information along aperture in ASCII format. First line is number of axial points. Second line is Gaussian quadrature weights. Then the modal information is output for each axial point. The first line of the modal information is the axial coordinate and number of modes output at that coordinate (The number and mode composition can vary vs. the axial coordinate. Only modes whose output power is greater than fractional amount specified in input file will be printed). Following that line the modal information is output for the modes with one mode per line. Each line consists of the azimuthal index, radial index, mode type (1 TE / 2 TM), Bessel root and complex amplitude. CaseName.launcherModesOutput of modal information along entire length of launcher in ASCII format. For each axial position, the axial coordinate and number of modes at that coordinate are printed (The number and mode composition can vary vs. the axial coordinate. Only modes whose output power is greater than fractional amount specified in input file will be output). Following that line the modal information is output for the modes with one mode per line. Each line consists of the azimuthal index, radial index, mode type (1 TE / 2 TM), Bessel root and complex amplitude.
LOT Version 1.21 October 4, 2006 22

CaseName.magWall CaseName.zWall CaseName.phiWall CaseName.magAper

Output of magnitude of wall field in ASCII format. Data is output at constant azimuthal angle for each line. Output of z coordinates of wall field in ASCII format. Output of azimuthal coordinates of wall field in ASCII format. Output of magnitude of aperture radial electric field component in ASCII format. Data is output at constant radius for each line. Output of complex aperture radial electric field component in ASCII format. Data is output at constant radius for each line. Output as real and imaginary parts of the field Output of radial coordinates of aperture field in ASCII format. These points are not uniformly spaced (are the roots of the Legendre polynomial). Output of axial coordinates of aperture field in ASCII format.These points are not uniformly spaced (are the roots of the Legendre polynomial). Output in ASCII format of number of Gaussian quadrature points and weights for aperture. First line is number of Gaussian quadrature points in the radial direction. Second line is the quadrature weights. Third line is number of Gaussian quadrature points in the axial direction and final line is is the quadrature weights. Output in ASCII format of normalized average field on cut, 1 - aperture field fractional Gaussian content and normalized peak field on cut. For far field calculation the value of 1 - far field fractional Gaussian content is also printed.






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Revision Changes
1.23 10/2/2006 Add output of complex aperture field and quadrature weights. 1.22 11/8/2005 Added final call to ODE with z = end of launcher. Previously the final point was last Legendre polynomial integration point. 1.21 06/7/2005 Add output of aperture modal amplitudes. Generate default value for z step if dz input defined as zero. 1.20 04/11/2005 Allow calculation of complex Gaussian content for aperture field. The linear phase shift from beam tilt with respect to the aperture along the axis is removed approximately by using the propagation constant of the incident mode calculated for a radius at the aperture midpoint. 1.11 02/28/2005 Allow calculation of wall fields beyond launcher length up to length of surface file. Correct bug in units conversion of plot step size. 1.10 02/21/2005 Add calculation of complex Gaussian content in far field where coordinate of aperture field centroid is used as phase center. 1.02 10/27/2004 Set lower limit of azimuthal index range to zero. 1.01 10/11/2004 Correct error in calculation of far field Gaussian coupling factor. 1.00 04/12/2004 Original release date.

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Surface File (*.zfg) Definition

Three models for the deformation of the surface are defined. They are: z ( z ) dz l r ( , z ) = r o + z + a n ( z ) cos n +n 0 n=1

(EQ 1)

r ( , z ) = r o + z +

+ an ( z ) cos ( Hn ( z ) ln )

(EQ 2)

r ( , z ) = r o + z +

[ an ( z ) cos ( ln )

b n ( z ) sin ( l n ) ]

(EQ 3)

where is the slope of the launcher taper and ln is an integer which is the number of azimuthal variations for the nth surface deformation. The values of a n, n, H n ( z ) and b n are calculated via a cubic spline interpolation of list of values versus z points. The value of a n ( 0 ) and b n ( 0 ) must be zero. Note that the cubic spline boundary condition at z=0 sets the value of a n' ( 0 ) and b n' ( 0 ) to zero. The sign of the azimuthal variation is chosen by the rotation sense with the first sign resulting in a clockwise variation. The data set which defines the mesh deformation has the suffix .zfg and has the following format: Line 1: Offset by this amount (degrees) ( ' = + Offset ) Line 2: and r o Line 3: Deformation type (1 - Eq 1, 2 - Eq 2, 3 - Eq 3) Line 4: N, number of azimuthal variations in surface deformation expansion For n = 1,N Line i: l n and M which is number of spline points Line i+1: z ni i = 1,M Line i+2: a ni i = 1,M Line i+3: ni, H ni or b ni depending of deformation equation, i = 1,M The following data set is an example surface file. 30.5 0.005 2.12 1 2 16 0.000000 3.060000 6.120000 9.180000 12.240000 15.300000 0.000000 0.008733 0.005652 0.012703 0.007802 0.014044

LOT Version 1.21

October 4, 2006


1.352100 1.462180 1.227850 1.364220 1.067810 0.999919 36 0.000000 3.060000 6.120000 9.180000 12.240000 15.300000 0.000000 0.003479 0.004420 0.004221 0.005566 0.008020 0.122964 0.219821 0.429881 0.393461 0.146796 0.172460 This file defines a surface with two azimuthal variations (l = 1,3). Each azimuthal variation line has 6 points with z ranging from 0 to 15.3.

LOT Version 1.21

October 4, 2006


Optimization Program Optimize (Rev 1.00)

This program attempts to find the minimize a real function F(Xi). Three optimization models are supported. The most efficient routines are a quasi-Newton method with a finite-difference gradient to minimize a single function of many variables and a modified Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm (least squares) with a finite-difference Jacobian to minimize several functions of many variables. These methods work well for functions that are relatively smooth. For functions which these methods fail to minimize, a third optimization routine using a direct search complex algorithm is supported. Since the optimization program does not actually calculate F, the optimization code requires interaction with an external program (or operator) to supply the current value of F(Xi). Communication to the external calling program is done through the use of a data files. The first file contains the optimization parameters and initial guess. The second file is a continuous log of the iterations of Xi, and F(Xi). The last file indicates if the optimization routine has converged or encountered a fatal error. The optimization program processes the entire iteration log file till the end of the file, appends the next guess Xi+1 to the file and exits. An example of the optimization process is described as follows. Prior to the first invocation of the program, an input file setting the optimization parameters such as optimization type, convergence criteria, initial guess for X, and constraints on the optimization variable X is created. The iteration log file is created without any initialization (empty file). They are to remain unchanged during the optimization process. The optimization code is then called with the command: $ Optimize [casename] [ASCII mode] .If the casename is not specified, Optimize will be used as the input file prefix. The file suffix is .par for the optimization parameters and initial guess file, .itr for the iteration data file (Xi , and F(Xi)) and .cnv for the convergence information file. If a second argument is not specified, file I/ O for the iteration file and current minima will be done in binary. The input parameter file CaseName.par and convergence flag file CaseName.cnv are always handled as ASCII files. Optimize will then read in the optimization parameters file and produce a new iterate for Xi. Upon completion of this task, Optimize updates the convergence file and exits. The calling program (or operator) then calculates the new value of F(Xi) and appends this to the end of the iteration data file. The program Optimize is invoked again and the process is continued till the calling program has reached the maximum number of iterations or optimization routine indicates process has converged.

LOT Version 1.21

October 4, 2006


File Description Optimization Data File Casename.par Used to set optimization type and parameters.

Data No. 1

Data Type Integer

Description Optimization model. 0 Quasi-Newton search 1 Non-smooth function 2 Least Squares minimization Number of optimization variables Nx [Number of functions to minimize M, Opt model = 2] Initial guess for Xi Lower bounds on optimization variables Upper bounds on optimization variables

2 3 4 4

Integer [Integer] Nx Floats Nx Floats Nx Floats

Note that if the least squares minimization is chosen, the number of optimization variables must be less than or equal to the number of functions to be minimized. The casename file is read in ASCII mode. Comments can be added anywhere in the input file by denoting the comment with a #. Any characters after the # character will be ignored until the next line. Examples: # # this is a comment 99 200 . # a comment after some data # a comment doesnt have to start at the beginning of the line either Example file: # # test file for optimizer # # minimize F(x) = (x-3)^2 + (x-5)^2 # 0 # gradient optimizer 2 # number of variables

LOT Version 1.21

October 4, 2006


# 1 number of functions to minimize 2.0 6.0 # initial guess for X 0 0 # lower bounds on X 10 10 # upper bounds on X Iteration Log File Casename.itr File used for communication between optimization program and calling routine. On first call to the program, this file should exist and be empty. The optimization program reads the file until the last entry and appends current iteration for Xi. 1 2 3 4 Nx Floats Float Nx Floats Float
r 1 r F( 1) r 2 r F( 2)

. . .
Nx Floats Float

. . .

r N r F( N)

Convergence file Casename.cnv This ASCII file is generated by the optimization program and is used to indicated if function is converged. Data No. 1 Data Type Integer Description Optimization result. 0 Successfully converged 1 Not converged -1 Fatal Error

LOT Version 1.21

October 4, 2006


Optimization Data File Casename.currMin Stores current minima of F(X) and X. Data No. 1 2 Data Type Nx Floats Float Description Current best Xmin F(Xmin)

Revision Changes
1.00->1.01 9/25/1999 Correct error of using ASCII mode only for LSQ optimizations regardless of binary/ ASCII flag.

LOT Version 1.21

October 4, 2006


LOT Version 1.21

October 4, 2006


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