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A brief interview with the President should he fails to eliminate democracy for theocracy.

All the
answers below will be treated and declared as YES, if democracy is not discontinued.

1. You have a deal with someone or some people whose aims is to destroy and wipe the
nation in no time using your presidential and legislative authority?
2. You have a target number of people whom you want to have killed through giving aids,
crime and abomination a platform to operate during your presidential and legislative
3. You consider aids and crime as one of your country’s source of income, therefore you are
deliberately ignoring all the facts that have been put on the table in as far as the spread of
aids and crime is concerned.

Please be advised that this is not aimed at despising the name, the dignity and reputation or
integrity for presidency or the president as individual, government at large, legislature and
constitutional court as whole, but this is only a response and GOD’S reaction for His Name being
defamed, blasphemed and desecrated by government as a whole.

To respond negatively to this message, the presidency and government will be officially and
deliberately exposing himself or themselves and the nation to the anger of the LORD which
might pour down in any form possible.

Yes, and from the ancient days I am he.

No one can deliver out of my hand.
When I act, who can reverse it?”
Isaiah 43:13.

Welcome to the warning message that has to reach the ends of the world as it originate
from South Africa.
This message has been derived from God given vision which is entitled: god in action
series. All the rights for passing this message to its desirable targets are reserved. This
vision is not coming from any church / Christian organization or any church
denomination, but as God’s Ambassadors we have been given this mandate to reveal
and to represent God’s everlasting Kingdom here on earth. In this Kingdom where we
belong, we have been entrusted with the rights of being the light of the world, the light
which its duty is oversee every action that takes place under the blues sky.
We therefore have been given the rights to: rebuke, correct and teach using the BOOK of
LAW of this Kingdom in which we belong; especially in moments like these that are
going on not only in South Africa ,but also in other parts of the world.
The flesh is yours to exercise your powers upon, but the Word in the same flesh is last to
direct you in either in hell or heaven.

Democracy is government by “all” people usually through elected representatives.
It is generally the will of too many people operating at the same time, which is implemented by
the elected representatives which is the president of the country.

In whichever country where democracy is imposed and practiced, some people have to give
away their original values in the expense of other races who are living in their midst.

Their democracy is exclusion of humanity, morality, truth, GOD and leadership in people’s lives,
so that the people can live uncontrollable lives referring to that kind of situation as enjoyment of
all rights and freedoms.

And an elected representative of those people who are enjoying democracy is normally called the
president or the leader; and that person would make sure that dream come true irrespective of
anything which could be people’s pain, cries, and the Word of God.

Democracy is shortly and precisely the definition of the say that says:-

“Too many cooks spoil the broth/soup.”

Democratic government is exactly exclusion of the “Chef Cook” (GOD) so that too many cooks
can cook different foods adding different flavors in one and the same pot so that the following
side effects and allergic reactions develop and define democracy as:

One of the aims and goal for democracy is to ensure and to maintain;

1.1. Equality.

As far as the humans rights are concerned, equality includes the full and equal enjoyment of all
rights and freedoms.

There are the things that sound and appear as if they are good in young people’s eyes and ears of
which the end of those things is fatal to the lives of the people involved. That is where the
parental leadership comes in; and that is exactly what it was made for.

Therefore, to instill and intensify humanity and acceptable moral behavior and values in a
growing child, the parent has to restrict or cut off some of the things that seems or sound like

they are rights and freedoms in the eyes and ears of children when those things could actually
lead to a disastrous end, The parents of a child are good in as far as that is concerned because
they have had pre-exposure experience to such rights and freedoms that have fatal end to the
lives of people.

Enjoyment of all freedoms and rights opened the gate for humanity, morality and truth to
leave without any disturbance. And a person without humanity is like a corpse or a dry branch
that is ready to be thrown away and burned.

Therefore equal enjoyment of all rights and freedoms dehumanizes and leave the people
vulnerable to anything that might jeopardize their lives and future.

There are quite a lot of immoral behaviors that are getting prevented when the parents control
the lives of their children.

By the term “children” We are not referring to people under the age of 18, but I mean the people
who are operating under their parent(s’) ownership and full or part of parental guidance based
on parental teachings/ instructions and guidance.

We are referring to the children who are brought up and guided by their parents or people who
are senior than them, until they get married, be able to stand on their own and implement those
guidelines and principles in their marriages.

To be entitled to: Equal enjoyment of all rights and freedoms is also involving:

1.1.1. Freedom of expressions whereby people of different ages have been freed to spit out any
kind of words in the form of speaking or singing, in the presence of or to any person of
any age group at any time and anywhere which declines morality and humanity.

1.1.2. Freedom of expression is also involving one’s expression in terms of outfit / clothing,
gestures and postures.

1.1.3. That is a reason why people feel free to dress /cloth themselves in a manner that would
present them as prostitutes in the public view which proves them as have lost their
conscience, humanity, self respect and respect of other people. And one more thing about
freedom of expression is pornographic /erotic moves and actions in the form of postures
and gestures either in the music, adverts or in something else which end up in a situation
where the country treats abomination and wickedness as their rights and freedoms

1.1.4. Freedom of choice is the part and parcel of equal enjoyment of all freedoms and rights;
which is a situation whereby the rotten staff (unacceptable moral behavior, evilness,
wickedness, wrongs) is taken out of refuse bags, put on the table (constitution) together with
fresh staff so that the people with poor ability to choose what is good from what is not good will
fall the victims of choosing some from what is not good; and also to encourage and
slowly but surely weaken other people’s sound minds and conscience so that they too
eventually treat and see no difference between rotten staff and fresh staff.

1.1.5. Freedom of speech is like a permission and authority to ill treat other people verbally
because it allows people to communicate with other people in manner that is
unacceptable. It is actually the authority to verbally attack other people.

Keeping children under full parental leadership and control keep them safe for their future, but
to cloth them with unnecessary rights and freedoms cause them to misbehave and use democracy
to support themselves.

Enjoyment of all freedoms and rights expose children to a situation where they put into actions
any immoral thoughts and feelings that might be having in mind which leads them into
,irreversible troubles in terms of their social well being, physical well being, life and future
which could have been prevented through parental control

That is why God, the Father of all human races, the LORD of order, designed a marriage so that
the child grows under full parental care, being groomed and constantly advised on safe life and
bright future based issues and lessons until s/he gets married and become a man or a woman.

All those things should bring us to a point where we declare that children should not operate
out of control of their parents in any thing.

Everybody knows that a child treats anything that he sees or thinks including harmful things and
thoughts as good, which put him in danger.

That is why some of his or her feelings or thoughts should be restricted and prohibited. No child
who is being prepared to be a leader some day should be entitled to full enjoyment of all freedoms and rights
that are derived from democracy unless the aim is destroy his / her future silently.

Even though it might seem right in the eyes of a child to sleep before marriage which is against
and out of the Law of God, but all those things that seem to be rights and freedoms in his eyes
when its end results is death, has to be prohibited and forbidden, not with the aim of preventing
the child from getting pregnant at an early age or getting infected with sexually transmitted
infections, but just because it is forbidden by God, the father of all nations.

To act out of the hand or control of parents is still within enjoyment of all rights and freedoms to

When the a child is acting out of the hands or control of his parents, there is nothing that protects
him or her from: sleeping around, committing abortion, do family planning so that she sleeps
around freely and get hiv/aids, taking alcohol and drugs and commit different types of criminal
offenses, dressing herself sexy to and dance erotic dances so that she seduces or trick men to
desiring to sleep with her or someone else.

It is understandable when the nation cry because there is no solution to their problems, but it is
another thing when the solution to a problem has been found and the government does not
accept it.

Even though it might sound like it is a dream come true to the democratic government when
God’s people get hooked into crime, sleeping around and hiv/aids, we come against all that in
then Name of Jesus.

1.2. The government should liberate the power of parental control and guidance if he wants to
see crime and hiv/aids coming down.

Parental control through corporal punishment drives away anything corrupt contained in the
feelings and mind of a child. And prayer especially at school is the power to control the lives of
But when parental guidance and prayers have been removed from schools, the children feel free
to use enjoyment of all rights and freedoms to leave school before matriculation because he does
not know the difference between wrong and right which could have been instilled in them
through prayer and corporal punishment which is prohibited by democratic government.

The portion that says: “full and equal enjoyment of all rights and freedoms” lets young people’s wrong
thoughts and feelings to be put into actions or to be implemented. And that is how the
responsibilities and the role that has to be played by parents upon their children are phased out.
Even though the democratic government denies the fact that he has taken away the powers,
responsibilities and the role that parents have to play upon their children, the truth remains that
he has imposed the barrier laws prevent them from providing parental guidance to their
children. He has imparted enmity among many children and their parents because their rights
and freedoms act like their authority against parental guidance.

Everyone knows that the children can’t fight immoral feelings and thoughts that attack them as they grow
up, and if those immoral thoughts and feelings are not driven out of them, they develop into a character
and ruin their lives and future; all that bring us to the fact that parental guidance is essential in the process
of growth of a child. And to empower a child to be able to fight against immoral feelings and thoughts is
through usage of corporal punishment where applicable

The solution which is corporal punishment and prayer seem to be difficult to the democratic
government to accept and reinstate.
And in a mean time he is empowering and perpetuating every misconduct and misbehaviors
that the children get involved in.

The democratic government has managed to ruin the set up of the minds of a huge percentage
of parents so that they see corporal as abuse and assault.

That is why the parents have become the statues in the presence of their children when it comes
to bringing up and parental guidance to their children;

For instance:-

The democratic government usurp parental power from parents and as a result, if a child would
like to go astray like having boyfriend and have sex with him, the democratic government is
gateway, because:

He advises children to condomize so that they can keep on engaging themselves in immoral
sexual behaviors without getting: pregnant, hiv/aids and sti’s. And if they can’t enjoy themselves
in a condom, he devises and authorizes them to do family planning, kill or abort the child from
within the womb and keep on with sexual immoralities. And for those who get pregnant, he still
shows that sexual immorality is not a problem, but a problem is how one commit sexual
immorality; therefore, he provides, child support grants so that they can get encourage to sleep
around for more child support grant and in a whole process:
HIV/AIDS prevalence is empowered to dine on them because they have no leader who leads
them to green grazing lands.

When the children are out of parental control in the streets, he keeps them ou there by
authorizing prostitution as source of income for them which is in the expense of their lives, and at
the same time when they have that source of income, they don’t ever think about something
called home and parents, better life and future. This is enough hatred and no care for them that is
being shown by democratic government.

If the child feels like going out without the permission of parents s/he feels free to do that because
parents are prohibited by democratic constitutional laws to use corporal punishment which is the
only way of instilling fear and lesson in a growing child’s life; and
in the absence of the parents in the nightclubs, s/he is exposed to some kind of
pornography/nudity, drugs and alcoholism and all types of crime; when that happens the
government shifts the blame to the parents when the parents feel inferior to their children
because he has raise higher above them through giving them:-

“Full and equal enjoyment of all rights and freedoms” to operate on their own free state being;
supported by democratic constitutional laws.

All that bring us to the fact that democratic government is looking down upon God’s Word and
capabilities of parents in as far as raising/ bringing up their children is concerned.

Therefore I don’t feel ashamed to declare that; as long as the children are operating of Parental
guidance and within democratic constitutional laws which are like a hypnotic base that is
used to suppress and drive out moral, truth and humanity, crime will still continue to
multiply, hiv/aids will clear the innocent nation, and more and more pestilence will be
revealed until the Word is put back in place or reinstated as a base for leadership.

For behold the LORD, God says:

If you are not careful to do all the words of this law that are written in this book, that you may fear this
glorious and awesome name, the LORD your God. Then the LORD will bring on you and your
offspring extraordinary afflictions severe and lasting, and sicknesses grievous and lasting. Every
sickness and also every affliction that is not recorded in the book of this law, the LORD will bring
upon you, until you are destroyed…because you did not obey the voice of the Lord your God.
Deuteronomy 28:58-62

It is not morally right and acceptable for a child to take decision apart from parental views,
control and guidance for example:

“To authorize children at the age of 10 to abort without consultation of parents”

because it trains and encourage people to engage themselves in serial killing and the LORD, God

“Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord.” Colossians 3:20;

and to the parents God says:

Do not withhold discipline from a child; if you punish him with a rod, he will not die. Punish him with the
rod and save his soul from death.
Proverbs 23:13-14.

“You shall not murder” Exodus 20:13.

One right and one freedom that a child that has been granted by democratic constitutional laws,
so many other opportunistic rights and freedoms are finding a way, in order to destroy their lives.

A lot of complaints have been raised against democratic government’s act of:

• Prohibiting prayers and corporal punishment,

• Authorizing teenage family planning,
• Authorizing teenagers to abort even without consultation of parents
• Child support grants and so forth,
• Diving families and marriages.(divorce, protection order and so forth)

A big imprint in people’s minds even though they can do nothing about it is that the democratic
government is tyrannically and forcefully leading and guiding the children to a disastrous end of
their lives using democracy, his legislative and presidential power.

Democracy is a world’s source of moral degeneration and the base for destruction of the whole
nation, but

The base and the foundation of morality begins with God’s instructions that are passed to the
parents so that the parent can use them for the purpose of raising the child according the way
that the child will not forsake when he is old. Proverbs22:6

Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.

2. One of the duties and responsibilities of the leader of a country is to prevent the entrance of
evilness into a country, but democracy seem to be doing what is opposite to that by acting
like a gateway for every evilness that one might think of.

That is why people everywhere and some companies and industries are deviating and
misleading other innocent upcoming people in terms of morality, religion, roots and future.

Democracy is a hypnotic base that is used to drive or suppress the truth, equalize it with
untruth so that the world will end up with wickedness.

Democracy is a kind of hypnotic that is used to suppress normal acceptable life practices so
that foreign wicked life practices might dominate.

The democratic government who look like worried about the spread of hiv/aids is the same
one who is opening the gate and the platform for so many different kind of abomination and
wickedness through which hiv/aids spreads; such as prostitution which he has decorated as
“sex worker”

2.1. Through prostitution, wives, husbands, children and families are infected and affected.

2.1.1. In the same country where democratic government is operating, products of technology
such as television have been made to be one of the gateways and platforms of wickedness
and abomination through which immorality and hiv/aids spreads.
For instance:-

2.2. Television programmes

2.2.1. The television programmes have become the most useful platform for wickedness,
immoralities and hiv/aids to disseminate in no time.

The most of the children and grown ups like to watch television so much, when the most
of the parents on the other hand have developed a tendency to hate it because they
regard it as a teacher and educator of wickedness and abomination to their children.

The television programmes are not arranged by “ situation” or “natural disasters”, but
they are arranged by human beings who are far off distinguished from animals in
terms of ability to differentiate and discern between good and bas, which means that it
is not out of the power and control of the television station managers not to show
harmful programmes which aid in hiv/aids prevalence and immorality on national
television, but it is because of democracy which authorize harmful programmes
irrespective of dangers attached to it.

When the community complain about some of the harmful programmes which assist the
spread of:

• Immorality
• Hiv/aids and
• Crime,

The response they get from the television station managers and judges assigned or
concerned, is that: There is nothing that can be done to stop it due to the fact that we are
living in a democratic society where other people would like to have the offensive and
harmful programmes that help to perpetuate immorality, hiv/aids and crime to be shown
on national television.
which brings us to the point that: HIV/AIDS, CRIME, IMMORALITY AND POVERTY
are the business through which a certain group of people or race(s) is generating
income even though that is happening in the expense of innocent people’s lives who
are can’t think for themselves.

To set age restriction to some harmful programmes proves plainly that the programme is harmful,
and if that programme is being broadcast, it goes into someone’s mind who in turn will put into
actions what his mind has absorbed.

If you lay a table of harm and obscene on national television; you are actually laying the
viewers of any age group on the table for hiv/aids, crime and immorality to dine on them.

Age restriction is only in the form of words and it does not have the power to stop a
person of any age group to watch harmful television programmes.
Therefore, the full responsibility lies with the leadership of the country in cooperation
with television station managers or CEO’s not to broadcast harm to people.

Democracy is disseminating and providing a platform for wickedness which destroys the nation
in so many ways such as:

2.2.2. Display of disgraceful and disgusting television programmes that mess up and corrupt
the lives of people and then drive the whole nation astray.

We should come to a final statement that democracy is a world’s source and platform of spread of
immorality, hiv/aids and crime such as the following: Soap opera.

The ingredients of soap opera is: love life which includes: live kissing,
appearance of naked or partly naked couples in the bed or somewhere else,
which involves the life of cheating on one another and many other disgusting
and disgraceful programmes which instill source of craziness and deviation from
normal life practices in people’s minds, especially to those who never knew that
one day there will democracy which destroys the roots of normal life practices in
order to accommodate those who live life out of guidance and control.
And the worst thing about it is that it is happening on daily bases on television
and billions of people have been hooked into it and there is still more who are
joining in as time goes on. Pornographic films.

Even though democracy would cover or deny that truth, the real fact is that: porn
is quickly spreading sexual immorality and is failing the attempts of abstinence
fro sexual activities for the youth and it is also a reason why hiv/aids cannot be
overcome. It is responsible for destruction of many marriages.

• Films and programmes which contains: crime, violence, strong language,

and other harmful activities,

Such television programmes have a huge contribution towards world-wide

spread of: hiv/aids, crime, drug and addiction and moral decay.

• Erotic/pornographic music and dancing, sexy/ pornographic outfit/dressing

and or sexy body appearance,

The most of musicians appear on television singing and dancing erotic or

pornographic dance which is something that corrupts someone’s life whether it’s
his choice or not. It corrupts people’s minds and take away their lives even it is
done on the bases of their entertainment.

It is something that should be stopped immediately. The only one who wants
it to carry on is the one that is benefiting a lot when other people’s lives are
being lost.

• Advertisement.

The most of adverts have been designed to be more erotic and somehow
pornographic; which is a fuel to hiv/aids prevalence and immorality.

Encouragement of people to go even more deeper into immoral schemes by

being tempted to buy love tips and poems, kissing tips, sexy logos or
wallpapers and so on through cell phone short message as well as
pornographic cell phone video messages through advertisement on national
television. And all this is going through and penetrating and getting rooted in
someone’s of any age group who in turn will live that life.

It is now seeming as if this is done in order to train and raise sex crazy and sex
driven nation which will make sure that crime, sexual immorality, abomination
and hiv and aids multiplies in no time so that in few years to come there will be
no one who live without hiv and aids in his blood stream because it sounds like
democracy was made for purposes such as that. Democracy has given porn companies a platform and a base upon which to
disseminate abomination and wickedness in different forms such as:

Pornographic films on video tapes or cassettes, DVD videos, pornographic
magazines, cell phone internet and short messages and cell phone video
messages and cell phone covers.

All of these clearly proves that nobody deserve to have a family and live free of
aids except the present leadership and legislation as they see no problem with all

All of these pornographic products get recorded in people’s minds, And the mind is an
engine that directs all body movements and actions. Therefore there is always an
automatic re-play of whatever has been instilled in their minds. And what is contained in
the minds of children and old people is what they are exposed to on television everyday
and democratic rights and freedoms are acting as their authority and therefore form thick
wall that prevents them from being rescued so that they die freely without any help
within that wall of authority and equal enjoyment of all rights and freedoms.

Now is about time that the whole nation suspects that; hiv and aids prevalence,
overwhelming crime, immorality which includes sexual immorality is a
deliberate yet secrete plan which was set by the group of certain people or
race(s) where democracy was originated for unknown reason; And the only
thing that wipe that attitude and feelings in people’s minds is to stop:

• Harmful programmes on national television,

• Production of pornographic magazines,
• Production of pornographic movie/films on DVD’s and video cassettes and
on cell phones

Apart from the Word of God that says; “The earth is the LORD’S and the fullest thereof, the world and
those who dwell therein, for he has founded it upon the seas and established it upon the rivers.”
According 24:1-2

And the one which states that the will of God must be done here on earth as it is in heaven.

Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

According: Mathew 6:10;

3. Democracy proves to be a platform which is used to look down upon God the Creator of
heaven and earth; whose Son Jesus has been given a Name that is above every name that at
his name every knee should bow and every tongue confess that he is LORD.

Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, so that
at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under earth, and every tongue
confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of the Father.
According to:
Philippians 2:9-11.

This is how democracy has proved to be looking down at the Word and the Will of the

3.1. ,Inclusion of God’s self existing Word and everlasting Kingdom in the equation of man
made religions.

The Word God in the Holy Bible and Teachings by God, the Holy Spirit is a complete constitution
for the whole earth, but democracy would treat and equate and rate the Word of God at the same
value as man made religions.

The Word of God is God himself, and Christianity is representing the Kingdom and the Word of
God here on earth, therefore to treat Christianity as equal to man made religions is a sort of
defamation and desecration of GOD himself. It is as good as though one is putting a finger in His

It is a plain truth that the LORD God is of all creation and is one and only, who sent Jesus Christ
his Son, so that he will be a bridge that leads all human race to his everlasting Kingdom.

According to the book of Isaiah 43:11-13 God says:

I, even I, am the LORD, and apart from me there is no other savior

…Yes, and from ancient days I am he. No one can deliver out of my hand. When I act, who can reverse it?”

In chapter 45:22-23 he says:

By myself I have sworn, my mouth has uttered in all integrity a word that will not be revoked:
Before me every knee will bow, by me every tongue will swear:

But due to the fact that democracy is a platform for defamation of the Word of God the Creator of heaven
and earth, democracy would try by all means to change that truth

Chapters that are proving that God is above everything on earth and in heaven, therefore he Christianity
which represents his Kingdom here on earth has to be respected.
Isaiah 45:5-13; 46:4; 46:9,12-15; John1:1-4.

3.2. Encouragement and promoting of sex before marriage.

Authorization of teenage Family planning and distribution of condoms to the young men
and women who are not married yet, is not only tricking them to sleeping around;
It does not only lay them on the table for HIV/aids to dine on them,

But it is also one of the ways through which the (democratic government proves that he
does not care about the dignity, lives and future of young and old people only, but he is
also despising, canceling and overwriting the Word of God who in the guideline manual
of the world says;

• You shall not commit adultery,… Exodus 20:14.

• He who commits adultery lacks sense; he who does it destroys himself…
Proverbs 6:32; 1 Corinthians 6:9-10; Hebrews 13:4

If the nation should leave the foundation of their lives which is the Word of God, their
Where would the way forward for the nation come from where else will Justice for the
nation come from, where else will the life for the nation come from?
For behold the Holy scripture records that:

….”I am the way, and the truth, and the life, No one comes to the Father except through me…
John 14:6.

3.3. Prostitution.

Besides the fact that prostitution is one of the sources of spread of HIV/aids, it is also abomination
that messes up the nation. But it appear as if, prostitution is very good as far as the democratic
government’s level of discernment is concerned, An act of authorizing prostitution brings about a
doubts as whether the democratic based government have a good qualities and leadership skills.

God, the Father of all human races does not allow prostitution according to:

For the lips of an adulteress drip honey, and her speck is smoother than oil; but in the end she is
bitter than a gall, sharp a s double edged sword.
Proverbs 5:3-4; 6:24-24; 29:3

Do you no know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God?
Do not be deceived; Neither the sexual immoral nor idolaters nor idolaters nor male prostitute nor
homosexual offender ( to commit an illegal of homosexuality)…” The body is not meant for sexual
immorality, but for the LORD and the LORD for the body….
1 Corinthians 6:9,10,13; and Revelation 22:14.

If the leaders who are the role models for the nation entertain the wrong things although they
know the truth, why should the lives of people ne entrusted into their leadership”

What is actually the need and indication of presidency any way when there is no leadership?

3.4. Same sex marriage. ( which breaks the order of sexual order and reproduction)

To marry the person of he same gender as you is wickedness and it is out and below the level of
discernment and reasoning ability of a human being. It is actually a behavior that is below the

level and the standard of normal practices of animals. It is a foreign reasoning. But as far as the
discernment ability of democratic government is concerned, that is very good.
Such reasoning is causing mistrust and lack of faith in democratic kind of a government.

So if the leader fails to discern between good and evil,

Why should people’s lives be entrusted to his leadership?

According to; Leviticus 18:22; 20:13, the scripture says:

Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman, that is detestable.

Same sex marriage or homosexuality is an immorality and has its eternal punishment pending for
those who engage themselves into it.
For God says:

“…But as for cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexual immoral, sorcerers and
all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death,”
Revelations21:7-8; 22:15

3.5. Prohibition of prayers at schools.

Prayer is the power to resist wicked feeling and thoughts as they come from devil, and wicked
feelings and thoughts are responsible for immoral behavior. That is why God makes compulsory
to pray.

“…Be constant in prayer…” Romans 12:12; 1 Thessalonians 5:17.

Jesus is the Light of the world. John 8:12; as he is the light of the world, his words should be
followed as he says:

Pray unceasingly so that you don’t fall into temptations.

(Mathew 26:41 ; 1 Thessalonians 5:16-17)

Therefore an act of democratic government to remove prayers at schools shows to be against the
Way forward of the nation because God is the light of the world and by so doing people are
getting led into the darkness. And this act of democratic government exposes and make people
vulnerable and be the victims of any temptations which includes: crime, hiv/aids, drug and
alcohol addiction.

It is also a disconnection of people from original source of their lives in order to kill them. It is
actually disarmament ro demilitarization of poor souls for temptations that comes from devil to
play around with their lives.

If you refuse me my right to suck the power from prayer which is the only thing that can enable
me to refrain from any wrongs such as: smoking, alcohol and drug addiction, sleeping before marriage

and involvement in crime and so on, you are actually disarming me so that I am exposed to anything
that might endanger my life.

3.6. Eradication of corporal punishment.

Phasing out of corporal punishment is a persuasive and a gate to all kinds of reckless behaviors
like: smoking, rug and alcohol addiction, sleeping around, involvement in different kinds of kinds of
criminal offenses and leaving school before matriculation,

And it seems as if the democratic government has got a secrete plan of tempting this upcoming
generation to all this in order to cut off their future; and end them up in prisons and in graves
and or in no where because people’s cries as far as this matter is concerned are ignored.

Corporal punishment has been set by God as barrier and boundary that prevents a child from
being jeopardized by anything in life; and more that it is instills discipline and its is a sign of love
to children even though it involves pains. Therefore to avoid corporal punishment is like a sweet
hatred to him.

To avoid corporal punishment is to take part in implementing devils plans of killing him.
For behold the LORD God says:

Discipline your son, for there is hope; do not set your heart on putting him to death.

Do not withhold discipline from a child; if you punish him with a rod, he will not die. Punish him with the
rod and save his souls from death .
Proverbs 23:13,14

Some more chapters to refer to: Proverbs 20:11; 22:6; 23:13,14

3.7. 50/50 equal rating of men with women in terms of democracy is violation of the Word of

When there is no order there will be no way forward. God cannot be God and at the same level
with people at the same time. A woman cannot be a woman and be a man at the same time. A
child cannot be a child and be at the level of his parents at the same time.
A man should operate at the level set by God, a woman and child according.
If a man’s position is protection in the family, no child , or woman should open the door when the
criminal knocks. No 50/50.

• All the creation should praise the LORD.

Kings of the earth all peoples, princes and all rulers of the earth! Young men and maidens together, old men
and children! Let them praise the name of the LORD, for his name alone is exalted; his majesty is above the
earth and heaven
Psalm 148:11-14

All the attempts will be made to correct the things that have gone wrong in this world, but if the
following order of things has no yet been re-constructed, nothing will ever work out.

1 Corinthians11:3

But I want you to understand that the head of every man is Christ,
the head of a wife is her husband, and the head of Christ is God. 1 Corinthians 11:3

Role a man to woman

Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her…

In the same way husband should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself.
For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ does the church, because
we are members of one body.
Ephesians 5:25,28-31.

Role of a woman to a man

Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the LORD, For husband is the head of the wife even as Christ
is the head of the church, his body, and himself is its Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also
wives should submit in everything to their husbands.
Ephesians 5:22-24, 33… and let the wife see that she respects her husband.

I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather she is to remain quiet.
1Timothy 2:11-14.

Role of children to parents.

Children, obey your parents in the LORD, for this is right, “Honor your father and mother.” (this is the
first commandment with promise), “that it may go well with you and that you live long in the land.”

Role of parents to children

Fathers, do not provoke you children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the
Ephesians 6:4

And if anyone takes away from the words of this prophecy, God will take away his share in the tree of life in
holy city, which are described in this book.

3.8. Divorce.

To make divorce to be constitutionally right does not only violate the LORD, but it is also a
temptation of married couples to commit a sin of separating what God has united and it is also to
despiritualize and encourage those who are not yet married to enter into a marriage permanent

covenant with the attitude of breaking the Word of God by just giving up at any moment they
feel like without any perseverance just because they have been granted democratic rights to
break the covenant that has been made with God. And the benefits for committing divorce are:

The children living in the streets, drinking, taking drugs and committing criminal offenses which could
have been prevented if the leadership of the country did not interfere with God’s Words which says:

What God has united, no one should separate. (Mark 10:8-9 ; 1 Corinthians 7:10; Malachi2:16.

In conclusion of this part I would like to highlight that:

Anyone who divorce his or her marriage partner based on whatever circumstance ( cold or
hot), he or she is challenging and provoking God into tremendous actions against himself or
herself in this present life or life after. And anyone who authorizes any married couples to
separate based on whatever condition or any piece of legislation, is declaring a war between
those married couples and their Maker God that time or later; and himself will not be left
unattended to in terms final judgment.

4. One child that slips out of the hands or control of parents behave himself immorally or
recklessly which includes smoking, taking alcohol and drugs, sleeping around and finally
involvement in different kinds of criminal offenses.

It does not matter how cunningly, the democratic government may define equal enjoyment
of all rights and freedoms, but the truth remains that the democratic constitutional laws
deprive the children of parental guidance, and when those children become old still being
out the law and control of their parents, they become serial killers, involve themselves in
various crimes, sleeps around and get infected with hiv/aids and die.

Due to people complaints being ignored, it is now appearing as if multiplication of aids

orphans, crime, and wickedness is the fulfillment of democratic government’s dream about
this nation.;
And the only thing that can justify it, is that the democratic government admit the plain and
obvious truth that there was a mistake in choosing democracy a perfect kind of leadership in
1994 and it should be replaced immediately with Theocracy

The democratic government has proven in so many ways that he does not care about the
destruction of the dignity, life and future of the present and upcoming generation as long as he
holds presidential powers. And it looks as if he has got a deal with someone or some people whose
purpose is to wipe out the whole nation during his sojourn of legislative and presidential

4.1. Below are some of the factors proves to be implementation of his or their plans.

4.1.1. Authorization of children at the age 12 to commit abortion without consultation of the
parents consent.

To legalize abortion is the same as though legalizing killing. , And the conscience of those people who
are given rights and freedoms to kill is getting suppressed and the moment a person’s conscience
is suppressed is the moment she is dehumanized and left as corpse though alive.

May be the living corpses is what the democratic government would like people to become. And
it proves that he is happy with the people who grow up with bloody hands.

It sounds like he is happy to see young children suffering marital problems in their youth. He let
them enjoy the now and die so that they may not enjoy what the future holds for them and they
are happy with that because they are young enough to be able to make good choice about their
Therefore as poor minds in taking good decision about their own lives, they will always be the
victims of being abused under the name of enjoyment of democratic rights and freedoms.

4.1.2. Authorization of family planning at the age of 12.

Authorization of teenage family planning is authorization of promiscuity which brings about

many problems such as: HIV/AIDS prevalence, loss of lives, loss of some of the expected benefits
for the parents such as: bride-price or ilobolo and marriages.

Sleeping before marriage is out of the Law of the Creator, God. Therefore it is a sin. But
democratic government would try by all means to show no mercy by exposing children to sex
before marriage by issuing condoms to them and to unmarried people so that they continue
sleeping around before marriage and bring a curse and abomination into the country, which will
affect everyone who is contained in it.

How can a man say, “ I am suffering and worried about the smoke”, when he keeps on depositing
fuels in the same fire that emits the same problematic smoke?

You cannot tell the people that you are worried about the spread of hiv/aids when you keep on
encouraging and promoting sex before marriage or out of marriage through: child support
grants, legalizing family planning, abortion, distribution of condoms, prostitution, same sex
marriage, open relationships and different forms and levels of pornography unless you are
looking down at the people’s lives.

Instead of financially empowering the parents and widows ho are bringing up their children with
difficulty, the democratic government is adding on the burden they have by encouraging teenage
pregnancy through: child support grants because through child support grants, they think they

do not need adults because they are finically independent. And these women who are ignores in
terms of financial support, they end up being tempted to sell cigarette, drugs and alcohol to the same
youth in order to put a plate on the table.

4.2. Authorization of prostitution.

Prostitution alone is a kind of abomination or sexual immorality that does not only messes the
land in such a way the LORD get offended enough to destroy the whole nation, but besides all
that it devalues and take away the dignity, life and future of both men and women. And it is a
gateway to HIV and AIDS prevalence and moral decay. To justify and rename it as a “sex
worker” is like to clean up a pig and give freedom and right to live in your house.

4.3. Prohibition of corporal punishment.

Corporal punishment is the only anointed method and proper guide line for instilling fear, moral
value, humanity in a growing child.

To forbid corporal punishment is to open a gate for children to become:

unruly, promiscuous, take alcohol and drugs and commit various kinds of criminal offenses.
All this is surely going to end them in the grave, behind bars or nowhere at all in terms of
education and development because childhood foolishness has never been driven out of him or her.
Folly bound up in the heart of a child, but the rod of discipline drives it far from him.
Proverbs 22:15.

Democracy is silent and serial killer of the nation in a sense that its existence and operation
ensure a constant multiplication of : HIV/AIDS, drug and alcohol abuse, smoking and immorality
and moral decline, promiscuity , separation of families and marriages, creation of orphans and
scarce skill due to dropping out of school before matriculation.

There is no disease that has got the right to live in the temple of GOD which is the man’s body,
and the faith in the Word of God ensures that;

…”He took our illnesses and bore our diseases.” Mathew 8:17

For it is written, “My House shall be called a house of prayer,”…

Democracy is slowly but surely driving out humanity, conscience, and the Word of God so that
the people will be left vulnerable to anything that could endanger their live

The most of the bills that the parliament is drawing and passing are oppressive to people and
they are always having a final word on what they come up with as a bill. It proves that they
before they go out to people, they have already discussed it over.

They may deny that, but in most cases when they come up with something, they make sure that
whatever they came up with as bill, come to pass irrespective of people’s views and suggestion
against it.

They do not look at how dangerous or wrong the bill is, but they only consider the number of
people who like it even though it may have detrimental outcomes.

The most of problems that the country is faced with are cooked by democracy and dished to
people in the form of enjoyment of all rights and freedoms.

It is like a sweet wine that turns to become a poisonous substance within the stomach of the one
who enjoys it.

Almost all the bills that are passed irrespective of people being against it, originally come from
western people, who treat right and wrong things as just the same, in order to fulfill and satisfy
their personal desires and feelings,

The bills that were passed regardless of people complaints, suggestions and views; involves the
freedom and rights for operation of the following:-

pornography, prostitution, co habitation, same sex marriages, open relationships, abortion,

teenage family planning, elimination of prayers and corporal punishment and so forth.

Democracy is gateway for authorization of any wickedness one may think of.

But Truth, Way, Life and the Word of God is put in chains so that the people are left vulnerable
and victims of any spiritual force of darkness that they may encounter in life.

There is a solution available for ongoing crime, hiv/aids, drug and alcohol abuse and so on, but
democracy does not want those solutions because they are violating democratic rights and
freedoms of the root causes; which means that the democratic rights and freedoms of the causes
of the problem of the country.

It is for that reason that we have been sent to bring the solution for the nation and put it on the
table of the presidency and constitutional court.

The solution we brought is the Kingdom of God as a base of Constitution laws and
Leadership; and the same time we have come to raise awareness about imminent anger of God
for being intolerant for this kind of leadership and governance which is based on democracy.

In most of the cases the parliament officials make and discuss the bills and
after discussing the bills over; they go out to people like they are going to
negotiate those bills with them when they have the intention of convincing
and persuading them to follow the decision they have come up with.

When the people detect danger and raise complaints against those bills, they are
simply told that it is their right to strike, but government have the final word and
decision on the matter, which sounds like abuse of power to forcefully drive the
nation to the bottomless pit.

There are two groups of people with whom the bills are discussed or negotiated, that is:-

There are those people who have their conscience and humanity arrested who therefore live:

1. Uncontrollable lives based on enjoyment of all freedoms and rights.

And there are those who obey and value their conscience and humanity and therefore:

2. Live godly life summed up with those who still obey their conscience.

The final decision about the bills is always in favor of those who live Uncontrollable lives based on
enjoyment of all freedoms and rights. And that is also favorable side for the democratic government
because democratic government does not have discernment ability in as far decision making is
concerned otherwise he would not have made a series of mistakes which have detrimental
implications upon people’s lives like:
Authorizing the children to take decision on their own; apart from parental guidance. For
instance: Authorization of:
Teenage family planning and Abortion

That the constitution survives by amendments is because democracy is not perfect; and those
amendments are made based on people’s complaints and only if it suits the legislature and
presidency to make amendment on it; and if negatively affect the government themselves
otherwise if it only affect the people negatively, it is fine with the government.

In conclusion of this part, democracy is a viral disease that has got rights and freedoms to kill
people without being hampered. It is a viral disease that is legalized to lay people on table for
troubles, tribulations and sicknesses to dine on them.

6. These are some of the forms through which the people’s level and maturity stage is
degraded by democracy to the level lower than that of animals and infants.

6.1. Authorization of prostitution and sex before marriage which does not only destroy the
dignity, life and future of men and women, but which also rate them below the level of
normal standards of living.

To authorize and encourage prostitution and sex before marriage, is to cover the people with
clothing that flammable God’s anger. What happens in the process of prostitution is pre
-destruction of future marriages, families and future.

6.2. A woman of a high class yet humbled, or of a noble character would dress herself
smartly and respectfully, but a democratic kind of a woman would dress herself sexy

and make herself gorgeous which downgrade her to level lower than that of an infant
and also seductive to male persons.

6.3. Authorization of same sex marriages is demotion and downgrading of people from a
highest standard and level of godliness to a level lower than that of animals which
would not have same gender sexual relationship with each other. It is sexual
It violates and confuses the nation in terms of understanding the terms: motherhood,
fatherhood, sisterhood, brotherhood and childhood.

The ongoing overwhelming crime, HIV/AIDS and moral decay is a product of democracy.

7. Not everything that one thinks he must do or say is the right thing to do or say.
Not all what the people consider as their rights are good rights that have positive outcomes
at the end of the day.

That is a reason, God pre-installed a man with conscience and humanity


7.1. The conscience helps to scan the life of a person for any threats like evil; when evil threat have
been detected, it is driven out with immediate effect.
7.2. It sifts out the evil feelings and thoughts that are not for the body to keep and implement. For
example: feelings to do have sexual relationship with the person of the same gender as you.
7.3. It helps to choose the words you have to speak and the words you don’t have to refrain from
speaking for you.
7.4. It chooses the clothes you have to wear and those that you don’t have to wear for you.
7.5. It helps choose posture and gestures for you.
7.6. It actually guides you in way acceptable by other people that you should live so that live in
harmony with other people.

But democracy would arrest the truth, conscience and humanity so that the people would
live life that is unprotected.

Prostitution, termination of pregnancy ,teenage family planning same sex marriages, sex before
marriages, open relationships, vulgar, sexy / gorgeous appearance, pornography, drugs and
alcohol intake are manifestations of the evil feelings and thoughts

The crime, pornography, hiv/aids which is spreading world –wide on the basis of democracy was
going to lead the whole nation nothing if it is not for the Word Of God that has conquered.

The definition of democratic governance is:

Is a government by all people usually through elected representatives.


Is a form of a government in which the people vote for the representatives who will support
every idea they come up with regardless of detrimental outcomes it might hold at the end of the
day; And the aim and the reason for that is ensure that everyone equal enjoyment of all rights
and freedoms.

Wherever there is democratic governance, there will be a lot of problems because

A leader of a country is like a shepherd who guide and shows the nation the good way of life
they should go.
But the representative would treat it as a freedom of choice when one goes astray and heading
towards disastrous end of his life.
A leader / shepherd of a country would correct a wrong situation, but a representative would
entertain and support you even if it might end you in pains because he thinks that is how to make
somebody feel happy.(The blind deaf is their rights and freedoms to act/ behave and live
according to blindness as long as it feels right with , the end result is non of the representative’s
The representative is unlike a leader or a shepherd who would correct and punish you for your
persistence to do the things that would result to a painful end of your life.
But a representative would make piece of legislation to support, guide and accompany you to
your eternal death.

1. Public apology for misleading the nation which occurred through

democratic constitutional laws, rights and freedoms.
2. Though he /they may not repent, but to agree to a Word of God
supervised government and legislation from this generation and
the generation to come.
3. Apology for blaspheming and desecrating the Name and the
Word of God which happened through constitutional laws.
4. Finally bring the Constitution to the CHURCH for revision and

All these steps is where the solution for HIV/AIDS,
finally is a step of escaping GOD’S imminent anger
should this message is not ignored.


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