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ANATOMY Person with accident unable to abduct shoulder and flex at elbow due to a) Shoulder dislocation b) Medial cord

injury c) Lateral cord injury d) Upper trunk injury Dermatome of little finger is a)C6 b)C7 c)C8 d)T1 Nerves supply to auricle a/e a)9th nerve tympanic br b)Greater Auricular c)Lesser occipital d)Auriculotemporal Sub arachnoid hemorrhage and fourth ventricle blled can be attributed to which vessel a)anterior communicating artery b)aneurysm at top of basilar artery c)anterior inferior cerebellar artery d)posterior inferior cerebellar artery Avasular necrosis of Scaphoid occurs in the proximal fragment because a)comminuted fracture b)Articulates with radius c)Blood flow retrograde in Scaphoid d)Difficult to fix the proximal fragment A person was incolved in RTA. After that he had inability to Abduct shoulder and inability to flex elbow. Other movements of upper limb are normal. The cause of injury is a)Shoulder dislocation b)Medial cord injury c)Upper trunk injury ;posterior cord d)Lateral cord injury Which of the following does not pass through the inquinal cancl in female a)Inferior epigastric Artery b)Round ligament in ovary c)lymphatics from fundus of uterus d)Illio inguinal Nerve

Muscle which is NOT derived from pharyngeal arches a)Tensor tympani b)Palatine tonsil c)Levator palpebrae superioris d)orbicularis oculi PHYSIOLOGY Part of Hypothalamus which is related to Sexual behaviour a)Preoptic b)Supraoptic c)Lateral Hypothalamus d)posterior hypothalamus Glutamate is the predominant neurotransmitter in whi h of the following part of brain a)Subtantia Nigra b)putamen c)Globus pallidus interna d)Globus pallidus externa The carotid artery is clamped above the level of Carotid sinus. What is the possible outcome? a)Increase in BP with Bradycardia b)Increase in BP with Tachycardia c)Decrease in BP with Bradycardia d)Decrease in BP with Tachycardia Pyrogenic cytokines are all EXCEPT a)IL 6 b)TNF alpha c)IL- 18 d)INF alpha BIOCHEMISTRY Phosphorylation of all occurs except a)arginine b)threonine c)Serine d)tyrosine Enzyme for both cholesterol and fatty acid synthesis is a)Hmg co a synthase b)Hmg co a reductase c)Thiokinase d)Lyase

Site for O type binding of polysaccharide is seen in which of following amino acid a)Asparagine b)Threonine c)Serine d)Tyrosine PHARMACOLOGY Drug used for inflammatory bowel disorder a)Lubiprostone b) c) d) The hypoglycemic drug causing Vitamin B12 deficiency is a)Exenatide b)rapaglinide c)sitagliptin d)Metformin Temozolamide is an a)Alkylating agent b)Anti tumour antibiotic c) d) Side effects of thalidomide-all except a)sedation b)constipation c)neuropathy d)myocarditis Which fluoroquinolone shows the longest half-life? a) Levofloxacin b) Lomefloxacin c) Grepafloxacin d) Moxifloxacin Lipodystropy protease in HAART a)Ritonavir Thiazide used in t/t of a/e a) Idiopathic hypercalceuria with nephrocalcinosis b) Hyperlipidemia c) CCF

Hypertriglyceridemia and Hypercholesterolemia seen in Human Immunodeficiency Virus1-Infected Treated with a) Ritonavir b) Reltegravir c) Didanosine d) Efavirenz Doc for syphilis in pregnant lady a) Penicillin Temozolamide is a) Oral alkylating agent b) Antibiotic antitumor In Japan, known as detergent suicide, a near-instant death achieved by mixing common household chemicals into a poisonous cloud of gas a) H2S Drug used usually for cerebral vasospasm ? a)Nimodipine b)Nitroglycerine c)Nifidipine d) Slow acetylator of INH develops which type of toxicity ? a)Peripheral Neuropathy b)Hepato toxicity c)Thrombocytopenia d) Forced alkaline Diuresis is done to remove which drug during intoxication? a)Phenobarbitone b)Amphetamine c) d) In a pregnant lady of 8 weeks and 4 days, VDRL was done which confirmed the presence of treponema pallidum infection. The drug of choice for treatment is a)Erythromycin b)Penicllin c) d) A new drug A is being compared with an old drug B, The efficacy of this new drug in relation to the old drug can be established by which phase of drug trial a)Phase 1 b)Phase 2

c)Phase 3 d)Phase 4 Apixaban is a a)TNF alpha inhibitor b)Antiplatelet c)Factor Xa antagonist d)Interferon alpha inhibitor PATHOLOGY Which of the following is not pyrogenic a)IL 1 b)IL 18 c)TNF ALPHA d)INTERFERON alpha Secondary amyloidosis is due to deposition of a)Amyloid Associated Protein b)Amyloid light Chain c)Beta 2 Microglobulin d) Wide Neural Foramina seen in which disorder a)NF b)Tuberous Sclerosis c)Wyson Weber Syndrome d) The following CD marker is used to diagnose Langerhans Histiocytosis a)CD1a b) c) d) Immune complex shows what protein structure? a)Primary b)Secondary c)Tertiary d)Quartenary A person with Blood group A will have which of the following genetic makeup a)OO b)AO c)AB d)BO

The type of Hypersenitivity reaction in Myaesthenia gravis is a)Type I b)Type II c)Type III d)Type IV MICROBIOLOGY The endotoxin involved in Cholera has its action by which of the following a)cAMP b)cGMP c) d) The Endotoxin does NOT play a role in parthenogenesis of which organism a)E.Coli b)Cholera c)Klebsiella d)Pseudomonas How does Ebstein Barr Virus causes autoimmunity? a)Molecular mimicry b)Exposure of sequestered antigens c)Antigenic cross reactivity d)Polyclonal B cell activation Most common cause of pyogenic liver abcess is a)Trauma b)Biliary tract disease c)Appendicitis d)Diverticulitis Among the following which is the most resistant to action of antiseptics a)Spores b)VIruses c)Prions d)Mycobacteria The disease common to mosquitos Anopheles, Aedes, Culex is a)Japanese Encephalitis b)Malaria c)Filariasis d) A Gram-negative marine bacterium causing ear infection a) Vibrio cholera

b) Vibrio parahemolyticus c) Vibrio alginolyticus d) Vibrio mimicus pt. was infected with MRSA. All of the following can be given except A) Cotrimoxazole B) Ceflacor D) Ciprofloxacin D) Vancomycin Cholera toxin acts via secondary messenger a) cAMP b) cGMP c) Ca2+ d) IP3 FORENSIC MEDICINE IPC prohibits the disclosure of the identity of victims in rape under A) Section 225A B) Section 226A C) Section 227A D) Section 228A Sham rage is seen in a) Decerebrate animals b) Decorticate animals c) Hypothalamic lesions A person is brought to casuality by police under the alleged offence of Sodomy. You being a medical officer are asked to examine the patient. Which will not be seen? a)Faecal smell b)Smegma c)Frenual tear d)Penile shaft constriction MEDICINE Macroadenoma sizegreater then a)1 cm b) c) d) Which of the following is a congenital Aplastic anemia? a)Fanconis anemia

b) c) d) An example of small vessel vasculitis is a)Giant cell vasculitis b)Takayasu arteritis c)PAN d)Microscopic Polyangitis Critical Metabolic failure occurs at cerebral blood flow of a)10ml/min b)20ml/min c)30ml/min d)40ml/min Type 1 renal tubular acidosis-which s not true? a)failure 2 acidify urine 2 a ph<5 b)increased risk of urinary stones c)replacement of bicarbonate d)hyperkalemia 40 yr.old hypertensive pt was admitted in d hospital with complaints of head ache and high BP. he died after 4 hrs./1 day. what will b d findings in his kidney? a)petechial haemorrhages on surface b)b/l small contracted granular kidney c)small kidney with smooth surface d)enlarged kidney Episodic muscular weakness a/e a)Chanellopathy b)lambert eaton syndrome c)Hypercalcemia d)Hyperphosphatemia Amylin is secreted from a)Alpha cells b)Beta cells c)Delta cells d)pancreatic polypeptide or Gamma Criteria for brain stem death a)doll\s eye reflex b)Fixed and dilated pupils

c)pin point pupil d)positive vestibulo ocular reflex treatment not administered to a patient with severe pulmonary edema a)digoxin b)positive pressure ventillation c)frusemide d)morphine Glasgow coma scale- Verbal Makes inappropriate words a) 4 b) 3 c) 2 d) 1 Rheumatoid factor is a) IgM antibody directed against IgG b) IgG antibody directed against IgM treatment not administered to a patient with severe pulmonary edema a)digoxin b)positive pressure ventillation c)frusemide d)morphine After 24 hours starvation what will NOT be seen a)increased glycogen breakdown b)increased free fatty acids c)increased ketone bodies d)decreased serum proteins Topical application of mitomycin-c a)Layngeotracheal stenosis b)Nasal angiofibroma c) d) The least occurence of infective endocarditis is due to a)Small ASD b)Mild Aortic stenosis c)Mild Mitral regurgitation d) Which of the following porphyrias is NOT Autosomal Dominant? a)Congenital Erythropoietic porphyria b)Acute intermittent porphyria

c)Porphyria cutanea tarda d)Herditary porphyria Reid index is used to measure a)Bronchiectatsis b)Chronic bronchitis c)Tuberculosis d)Emphysema Yoga if considered as part of medicine, it will be considered a a)physiotherapy b)preventive medicine c)emergency medicine d) Least common presentation of Multiple myeoloma a)Hyperviscocity b)Bone pain c)Anemia d)Infections A patient on regular medication for a medical illnes is posted for abdominal surgery. Which such medication can be stopped on day of surgery a)Beta blockers b)Steroids c)Statins d)ACE inhibitors Electromechanically Systole is a)R wave to first heart sound b)Q wave to second heart sound c)Q wave to T wave d) 1. All are included in the active management of third stage of labor except. a.Controlled Cord Traction b.Uterine Massage c.Inj.Syntocinon d.Inj.Methergine Ans:Uterine Massage

2.Drug that causes B12 deficiency on prolonged usage a.Metformin Ans:Metformin 3.Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis immuno histochemistry positive for a.CD1a Ans:CD1a 4.In GlassgowComa Scale(GCS), scoring for inappropriate speech in verbal response is a.2 b.3 c.4 Ans:3 5.The causative agent of recurrent ulcer in sub-himalayan region is a.cladosporium b.sporothrix 6.Identity of rape victim is to be maintained secret as dictated under 7.Maximum cerebral Vasodilation is caused by a.Hypercarbia 8.Drug responsible for cyanide toxicity. a.Sodium Nitroprusside b. 9. An active agent in sodomy was subjected to examination. Which findings are not observed ? a.Torn frenulum b.fecal smell

c.smegma d.penile reconstruction 10.A hit B after provocation with a stick to cause a bruise of 3*3 cm. What is the correct. a.punishment for 1 yr & fine 1000 b.severe punishment for 6 mths c.none of the above. 11.The wave lengh of laser used for refraction correction is. 12.Eye infection in a contact lens user, not responding to routine antibiotics. Cause is ? 13.A neonate shows skin erosions at sites the mother handles. What is the probable pathology behind it ? a.Epidermolysis bullosa b.Bullouus pempihoid c. 14.Mitochondria is involved in all except ? 15.All arteries are involved in blood supply to auricle except ? a.greater auricular b.lesser auricular c.tympanic branch. 16.Hypo Echoic Lesion on USG ? 17.Pathogenesis of Vibrio Cholera involves one of the folowing second messenger system. a.cAMP 18.Which of the following is least resistant to antibiotics and disinfectants. a.spores b.prions

c. 19.Drug not to be used in hypercalemia. a.hydrochlorthiazide b.furosemide 20.All the following are found in DIC except ? a.Increased fibrinogen b. 21.Interaction between Clopidogrel and PPI is due to metabolism by 22.Which of the following drug is asssociated with increased cardiac mortality ? a.rolecoxib b.nicrondil c.losartan d.metoprolol 23.Emergency management of acute pulmonary oedema treatment all except a.morphine b.digoxcin c.frusemide d.positive pressure ventillation 24.Hemochromatosis is not seen in a.Repeated blood transfusions b.Thalassemia c.PNH d.Spherocytosis

25.In Secondary Amyloidosis , the commonly deposited amyloid form is a.Beta 2 Microglobulin b.amyloid light chain c. d. 26.Primary hypothyroidism, commonly demonstrated associated with a. b. c. d. 27.An AIDS patient on HAART has hyperlipidemia. The drug causing this is a.zidovudine b. c. d. 28.A man experiences tingling sensation on the lateral aspect of leg and great toe after lifting heavy weight.The lesion responsible is a.L4-L5 Disc Prolapse b.L3-L4 Disc Prolapse c.L5-S1 29.A middle aged man presents with varicocele that appeared recently. This should raise the suspicion of a.testicular tumour b.

c. d. 30.Which of the following vaccination is not needed in 70 yrs elderly male a.measles b.tetanus c.hepatitis d.typhoid 31.The lowest risk of rectal prolapse recurrence is seen with. a.Delorme Procedure b.Rectopexy c. d. 32.After a subclavian vein cannulation, man presents with absent breath sounds on one side, increased resonance. m/c cause is a.Tension Pneumothorax b.subclavian vein air embolus c. d. 33.A pt presenting with hematemesis, splenomegaly m/c cause is a.Portal Hypertension 34.Posterior perforation of duodenum, m/c involved structure is a.IVC b. 35.A 15 yr old presents with delayed puberty. FSH, LH done to exclude

a. b. c. d. 36.Maternal drug usage m/c associated with hypospadiasis is 37.Japanese Detergent Suicide, works by a.generating foam b.H2S gas c. 38.Fracture of Neck of femur not associated with. a.malunion b.nonunion c.AVN d.limb shortening 39.A pt presents with mobile gluteal mass, shortening m/c cause is a.acetabular fracture with posterior dislocation of femur head. b. c. d. 40.Newer Modified Liver Donor criteria includes all axcept a.Age>40 yrs b.Hepatitis B core Antigen Positive c.acute cholestatic hepatitis

d. 41. X-ray exposure for detecting minimal pneumoperitoneum is a.standing b.supine c.rt lateral decubitus, lateral decubitus 42. Anteroposterior diameter is high is following type of skull. a.dolicocephaly b.brachycephaly c.plagiacephaly 43.A child with pubertal delay , LH,FSH,Testosterone are estimated to exclude which of the following ? a.Klinefelter Syndrome b. c. d. 44.Size of Pituitary Macro Adenoma a >1 cm. b >1.5 cm. c >2 cm. d >2.5 cm. 45.What kind of study will be conducted on? group before intervention and after intervention. a.Paired t test.

b.Unpaired t test. c.Chi square. d. 46.A study conducted on a group of 100 indls mean is ___ sd is _. what is the standard mean of error. 47.which of the following is not included in right to sight. a.cataract b. c. d. 48.A lady presents with? , leucopenia, splenomegaly, what will be the findings on int biopsy. a.longitudinal ulcers. b.transverse ulcers.

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