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Since the beginning of human existence, man has tried to cope with the unexplained and with everyday

struggles through the means of both religion and mythology. For as long as man has had the ability to reason, he has also attempted to comprehend natural phenomena and the world around him by means of theoretical explanation. Although both science and faith have for the most part peacefully coexisted, at times throughout history these two paradigms have occasionally conflicted putting proponents on both sides at odds. While it is difficult to imagine that through millions of years of change man evolved from primitive apes into modern humans, it is also just as inconceivable to envision that man was simply put on this earth in an instant by a single creator or designer. Whether it be referred to as Intelligent design or creationism, the thought that humans were created by a higher power or Intelligent agent is one theory that just doesnt have a great deal of evidence to actually support it. Intelligent design is almost entirely made up of myth rather than facts. Evolution and the process of natural selection, have a great deal of supporting scientific evidence to backup these theories at their core. It has been less than two centuries since the theories of evolution and natural selection were originally proposed. English scientist Charles Darwin originally published his famous theories within the text titled, Origin of Specie in 1859. Prior to the concepts of Darwinism becoming mainstream thought, the writings found within the Book of Genesis have long been considered the "primeval history" regarding how the universe and man were ultimately created. The book of Genesis, believed to have originated around the 5th century BC went virtually uncontested until the advent of Darwinism in the mid 1800s. Although the worlds scientific community adopted Darwinism immediately, the worlds religious communities have long rejected Darwinism as the answer behind the creation of humans. If the Book of Genesis were to be taken literally it would be difficult for one to acknowledge the theory of evolution, but does one have to accept one paradigm as the only truth? Could God have created humans and the earth at a more primitive stage as commonly interpreted within the old testament? Could the world and all living things subsequently evolved from an earlier point than what is believed to be the beginning described within Genesis? If the book of Genesis does not have validity and humans did in fact evolve from apes or primitive mammals, then by what means were those building blocks created? What is in fact the origin of apes or primitive mammals that the theory of evolution theorizes humans originated? Could it be possible Genesis and evolution are both responsible for life, as we know it today? It is possible for life to have been created by God and at the same time, the origins of life could have continued to evolve and change throughout time. However, it is incomprehensible to think evolution and natural selection are not an integral part of how life continues survive and adapt within our complex world. Countless scientific discoveries have provided unchallengeable evidence that life has continued to evolve throughout the history of time. Archeological discoveries have profoundly shown a gradual sequence of the evolution of man and all living things alike. All living organisms even within their own species differ greatly although they are direct descendants.

For most humans the choice between Evolution and creationism is either one or the other. For many, the meaning of life is solely based on religion and faith and in many cases it is taken to extremes. For some, God and creationism are so engrained in their psyche that many if not all their decisions and behavior are solely based on religion meanwhile ignoring any logic and reason. Examples of this are seen everyday with religious extremists who kill others and would even resort to killing themselves due to their intense devotion to their faith in God. Other examples of irrational faith based thinking can be seen within political circles. George W. Bushs decision to go to war with Iraq was admittedly based partly on his religious beliefs. Bush even calling his decision to invade Iraq a crusade. A phrase commonly associated with religious ears. George Bushs restrictions on the stem cell research were entirely a faith based. Ironically a decision that one could argue actually inhibits the evolution of man. While evolution and natural selection simply try to rationally explain the existence of life, creationism simply offers no rational explanation and only a mythological approach. Though It would be possible for both creationism and evolution to coexist since ultimately one could

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