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All Saints Roman Catholic Church

410 Main Cross Street, P O Box 531, Taylorsville, KY 40071 Parish Office: 502-477-6676 Fax: 502-477-5278
Pastor: Fr. R. Dale Cieslik Deacon: Gerry Mattingly Bookkeeper, Dir of Rel. Ed., Secretary: Diane Black Youth Ministry: Laura Zoeller Pastoral Assistant: Carl Fahringer Pastoral Minister/RCIA: Mari Wertz email: SFX: 538-4933 or 955-5366 email: voice mail box 2 email: email: voice mail box 3 email: voice mail box 1 email:

Baby Bottle Boomerang: If you did not turn in the baby bottles with your donations for the Little Way Pregnancy Resource Center on Fathers Day, please return it as soon as possible - contact Ernie Beeson with any questions. Relay for Life: Contributions that will go to our teams total may still be made by placing your gift in an envelope marked for Relay for Life and dropping it in the collection. Contact Karen Karrer if you have any questions. James, Pearls for Wise Living: The study on James from The Great Adventure DVD Bible Study concludes this week with sessions scheduled at 6:30 for both Monday and Thursday evenings. Contact Carl Fahringer with any questions. Food Collection: During summer months, local families may have a more difficult time feeding their children. Please consider donating some non-perishable food for the Spencer Co. Food Pantry, which is administered by the MultiPurpose Community Action Agency. You may drop your donation in the baskets outside the Parish Offices. Music Ministry: The Sunday Music Ministers will be taking their summer break during July. Altar Society: Those interested in forming an Altar Society to care for the parishs liturgical vestments and linens are asked to contact Pat Douglas at 836-4526. Religious Liberty Serves the Common Good: From June 21 to July 4, Catholics across our nation are observing a Fortnight for Freedom. What is the purpose of this time of prayer and education about religious liberty? One goal is to renew our understanding of the importance of true religious liberty. Since religious belief is a good within culture and society, governments should foster and aid the good that religion brings to our commonwealth. This does not mean that government should favor one religion over another or that it should attempt to direct what religions should believe or do. Rather, governments are to create an environment in which religious life flourishes for the common good. In providing such an environment...governments contribute to the good of individuals as well as to the good of society as a whole. (Excerpt from Reflections for the Fortnight for Freedom, Day 5, June 25, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.) Befriender Hospital Team Information Sessions: The Family Ministries Office is looking for actively practicing Catholic men & women interested in being trained to be part of a hospital team to visit Catholic patients and their families in local hospitals, particularly Sts Mary & Elizabeth & Jewish Hospitals. Open information sessions will be held at Maloney Center, 1200 South Shelby Street on Wednesdays during June & July at various times. For more information or to register call 502-636-0296, ext. 1256. AA meets at 7:30 PM every Tuesday in the Parish Hall. An open discussion format is used. Upcoming Events: th Sunday, June 24 th Wednesday, June 27 st Sunday, July 1

To arrange for Baptisms or Weddings, please call the office. Confessions by request or 4 oclock Saturdays at St. Francis Xavier

June 24, 2012

June 23 June 24 June 30 July 1 Sat. 5:00 PM Sun. 11:30 AM Sat. 5:00 PM Sun. 11:30 AM

Solemnity of the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist

Presider: Presider: Presider: Presider: Fr. Dale Cieslik Fr. Dale Cieslik Fr. Don Ryan Fr. Dale Cieslik

For the People of the Parish Garrett Searcy Irvin Hochstrasser For the People of the Parish

Parish Support: $2,319.28 Crusade for Children: $10.00 Thank you for your stewardship of treasure. Prayer list: Theresa Miles, Betty Kownacki, Martha Hopper; Patricia Hurst; John Gathoff; Carol Kennedy; Elizabeth Martin; Joan Gollar; Julia Ameral; Azeline Thomas; Don Bealmear; Kathy Bishop; Ray Carrico; Gary Davenport; Pat Drake; Mary Fowler; Margaret Glasford; Mary Hodges & Michelle Storm; Rose Jones; Benny Lyon; Kim Riggs; Cody Robinson; Marilyn Stop; Kelly Taylor & Cheryl Gilbert; Russell Warford; Abby A. Howell (Anna Lee Stokely); Tommie Akins, Cheryl Riney (Mary Akins); Emerson Chadwell (Kapfhammers); Steven Carroll (Klotzs); Rick Fleitz (Tom); Matthew Lish (Lawsons); Walter Hayes (Doug); Sandra, Toni Rae, Yvonne & Pat Cheney; Steve & Olivia Fahringer, Rhonda McCarty, Beth Hotz (Carl F.); Donnie Hinton, Virginia Hinton (Gerard); Jessica C. Waldridge, Elaine R. Nation, Brownie Clements, Mary & Garland Boone (Diane & Cele); Jeremy Moreman (Penny & Tom); Charlotte Vowels (Pete & Mona); Chuck & Margaret Hardison (Darnells); Fred Barton, Henry Galbraith (Patti Grubb); Eva Blanford (Lyons); Rudolph Spurr, Doris Robards, Catherine Kehne, Harper DYoung, Ron Tucker (Jan & Gary); Lavoy Crutcher (Lori Young); Eula & George Koppel, Dick Wertz (Koppel/Wertz); the unemployed; those serving our country: John Rock, Jamie Fleig, Wes Robinson, Bryant Fowler, Thomas Creed & Bryan Ford. Contact the office to add or delete a name from our prayer list, with his/her permission.

Happy Birthday: 6/24 Dian Gordon, Anna Hochstrasser; 6/26 Taylor Early, Anna Lee Stokely; 6/27 Steve Martin; 6/28 Robert Black, Pat Douglas, Shelby McKenna, Lori Young; 6/29 Nikki Early; 6/30 Vince Riggs, Gary Woods, David Young; 7/01 Becky Culver, Daryl Wertz Pastoral Changes: Incoming pastor Fr. Dale Cieslik began his term on Wednesday, June 20 , and will be soon be residing in Mt. Washington at our sister parish, St. Francis Xavier. All Saints will host a Welcoming Reception for th th Fr. Dale on both Saturday and Sunday, July 7 and 8 , so plan to attend to welcome him to our Parish. Weekday Mass: Fr. Dale will be celebrating our weekday Mass on Thursdays at 8:30 AM, effective July 5th. SonRise National Park VBS, the joint Vacation Bible School offered by the Covenant Churches (All Saints, First Christian and Taylorsville United Methodist), had a successful week here at the parish. Many thanks to those families who brought their children, and a very grateful thanks to our wonderful volunteers you made it happen! RCIA: A group of Inquirers are meeting with the RCIA team each Sunday at 9:45-11:15 AM. If you, or someone you know, may be interested in joining the Catholic Church, and would like to join this group, contact Marilena Wertz at 477-8534, or Please pray for those in the process and for the members of the Catechetical team. Parish Yard Sale: Barbara Yates has agreed to organize our annual fundraising event, scheduled for 9:00 AM-1:00 th PM on Saturday, July 28 . Please consider donating your gently-used, clean household goods, clothing, toys, furniture, nd books, and miscellaneous collectibles drop-off begins Sunday, July 22 . Read the bulletin for more information.

12:30 PM 7:00 PM 12:30 PM

Catechist Appreciation Dinner, PH Finance Committee Meeting Monthly Potluck Brunch, PH Ministers of the Word: Sat. 06/23 Carolyn Kapfhammer, Gerard Hinton Sun. 06/24 Kim Snyder, Tina Searcy Sat. 06/30 Jim Pusey, Pete Vowels Sun. 0701 Cele Walker, Diane Black Ministers of Hospitality: Sat. 06/23 Richard Hornung, LaVielle Cecil Sun. 06/24 Lori and David Young Sat. 06/30 Richard Hornung, Tom Burns Sun. 07/01 Carl and Leslie Zoeller Reminder: Liturgical Ministers are asked to find a substitute when unable to perform your assigned ministry, and to arrive 15 minutes before Mass.

Communion Ministers: Sat. 06/23 Ron Koppel, Wesley Lewis, Marian Pusey Sun. 06/24 Bob Searcy, Cele Walker, Diane Black Sat. 06/30 Angela Runner, Mari Wertz, Mary Akins Sun. 07/01 Joe Bowling, Carl Fahringer, Susan Hayes Servers: Sat. 06/23 Shelby Wertz, Kamron Koppel Sun. 06/24 Liz Walker, Savannah Taylor Sat. 06/30 LaVielle Cecil Sun. 07/01 Bryce Nall, Trevor Hutt Ministers to the Sick: June 23/24 Becky Hornung June 30/July 1 Angela Runner

Thank you for your stewardship of time & talent.

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