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Devon and Cornwall Area Area Meeting held on Saturday 26th May, 2012 at 2:30 p.m.

at Eliot House Hotel, Castle St,. is!eard, " 1# 3A$

1. A%ter lun&h the meeting 'as opened (y )ro. *en +homas, Chairman, 'ho
ga,e a &omprehensi,e report o% the a&ti,ity in the Area sin&e the last meeting.

2. Attendan&e:
Area Chairman: Committee: Area Co.ordinator: Court 3#20 3elegates: Court 3205 3elegates: Court 325# 3elegates: 8isitor: Court #092 3elegates: Court #102 3elegates: Court #:39 3elegates: )ro. *en +homas )ro. Mar& -uigley./erriday )ro. Chris Hunn )ro. Ale0 )attershill Sis. 1anet M. Clements )ro. Stan 4eynolds, Sis. Sheila 4eynolds Sis. 1anet "orter, )ro. 4on 4oss )ro. 6ary 7e((er, Sis. 1oan +homas )ro. "hilip 4ogers Sis. "at Hill, )ro. Mi&hael Hill Sis. 7endy Hunn, )ro. *e,in 7adland )ro. 3oug 6uy, Sis. "at 6uy

Court 5022



. Col'ill, Sis. 3ot Col'ill

20 mem(ers present, 1# delegates, 1 ,isitor, # Committee ; Area Co.ordinator 3. Apologies: )ro. 1ohn Small, Sis. Margaret 7illiams, Committee mem(ers.

#. Minutes o% the pre,ious meeting: +he Area Co.ordinator had &ir&ulated them and these 'ere appro,ed. 5. <ominations %or the Committee. +he Area Co.ordinator ad,ised that there 'ere no ne' nominations %or the Committee. She ad,ised that sin&e there 'as no %urther nomination %rom Court #092 the pla&e 'ould (e le%t open %or )ro. 1ohn Small to return 'hen he %elt (etter, this 'as agreed (y the delegation. )ro. Chris Hunn had (een ele&ted Chairman. 6. =n Memoriam: )ro. Chris Hunn presented the paragraph and the deaths o% Sis. )eryl >li,er, "HC4?s ady and Sis. )etty 1ohn, passed EC ady 'ere reported. +he mem(ers o(ser,ed a minutes silen&e remem(ering also other mem(ers 'ho had passed sin&e the last meeting.

7. Head >%%i&e Corresponden&e:

+he Area Co.ordinator reported on Head >%%i&e Corresponden&e.

8. /inan&ial 4eport

Sis. 1anet M. Clements ga,e details o% the Area )udget %or 2012 'hi&h 'as the same as 2011 and the 'ay it 'ould (e allo&ated. A re@uest 'as made that a printed &opy (e &ir&ulated 'hi&h 'as agreed.

9. Court 4eport:
Court 4eport: Sis. 1anet M. Clements ga,e an update on the A&&reditation pro&ess. She stated that she 'as delighted that all the 3 Courts 'or!ing to'ards A&&reditation had made the ne&essary impro,ements so that she &ould re&ommend them and 'ould (e re,ie'ed (y a mem(er appointed (y the )oard in 1uly and August. +his should mean that there 'ere 2 A&&redited Courts in the Area. 10. High Court 2011 )ro. Ale0 )attershill 'ent through the High Court Agenda, and a %ull dis&ussion too! pla&e a(out the propositions and rule amendments. +he Area Co.ordinator ad,ised o% the Hotel arrangements and suggested that mem(ers loo! at staying near(y the night (e%ore. 11. So&ial 4eport )ro. *en +homas reported on the range o% So&ial a&ti,ity that had ta!en pla&e. +he Area 3inner 'ould (e at the Eliot House, is!eard, the HC4 'ould (e in attendan&e and the &ost 'ould (e su(sidised to A11 %or mem(ers %or a 3 &ourse Car,ery meal, a redu&ed rate %or o,ernight a&&ommodation had (een negotiated. +he date o% the ne0t Area Meeting 'as dis&ussed, 'hether this should (e &om(ined 'ith 325#?s lun&h. =t 'as agreed that this 'ould not (e appropriate. +he Area S!ittles had (een planned %or a Saturday a%ternoon on the 1 st 3e&em(er, some pre%erred not to ha,e an a%ternoon so&ial. +he Area -uiB it 'as agreed 'ould (e held at the Eliot House, is!eard and the date o% 22th >&to(er 'as agreed. Sin&e Court 5022 'ould (e ha,ing a S!ittles e,ent in August, it 'as agreed that this 'ould (e 'here the Area +rophy 'ould (e presented. +he Area S!ittles pro,isionally planned %or the 1 st 3e&em(er 'ould (e &an&elled and the Area Meeting 'ould ta!e pla&e on the 1st 3e&em(er in the "lymouth Area. 12. )ene,olen&e )ro. Mar& -uigley /erriday spo!e on )ene,olen&e and ga,e a report on the HC4?s Appeal. 3etails 'ere gi,en o% the ,arious >rder %unds that mem(ers &an &laim %rom and dis&ussion too! pla&e a(out 'ho that &ould (e &ommuni&ated to the Court mem(ers. 13. Any other )usiness +he Area Co.ordinator ad,ised that there 'ere only 20 at an Area Meeting, although it met the minimum re@uirements it 'ould (e good to ha,e more mem(ers attending to sho' Area a&ti,ity. 1#. )ro. 6ary 7e((er proposed the 8ote o% +han!s to the Committee and that all the Committee re&ei,e an honorarium o% A100, 'hi&h 'as &arried (y the delegation.

14. )ro. Chris Hunn 'as installed as Area Chie% 4anger 'ith the &hain o% >%%i&e
and Sis. 7endy Hunn, 'ith the adies Chain. He than!ed )ro. *en +homas %or his year o% >%%i&e and &losed the meeting and than!ed e,eryone %or &oming.

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