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ALTA IR - 905 - May 29, 2005 Part 1 - Note on inclusion of non-roman alphabet languages * Terra - Antarctica - Well of the

Old City * Terra - NorthAmerica - Weather - Reversal of Movement * Terra - SouthAmerica - Weather - Fluttering Chaos * Terra - Oceans - Repression Ends * Populace - GlobalPop - Repression to Calm * BushCo - Agression Advances * Markets - Dollar Prophet Shouts, Tiger shaped balloon * Silver - Iced Tea on a Submarine * Populace/USofA - Rules Too Strict, Celestial Regularity * Asymmetric Language Trend Analysis Intelligence Report Changes in language precede changes in behavior. By Tenax SE for

Note this report is offered for entertainment value only. Any resemblance between the events portrayed in this report and any developing reality is purely co-incidental and in no manner represents foreknowledge on the part of the authors of this report. Note that this information is derived from humans expressing themselves on the internet. As such, human emotional values and the words used to express them are being sampled and interpreted here, NOT THE FUTURE. Any resemblance between this report and future developments is entirely in the mind of the perceiver and does not exist in reality. The Authors cannot be held liable for accuracy of lack thereof in this report. Authors cannot be held liable for human interpretation of this report nor any action any human takes

as a result of this report. Any human foolish enough to alter their behavior based on this entertainment-only analysis demonstrates themselves incapable of rational appreciation of reality, and the authors are explicitly held harmless and blameless for any and all such mental aberrations on the part of the reader. 05.29.2005 Note: Entities are identified by a blue typeface. Aspect words are enclosed in square brackets []. Attribute words/phrases are within parentheses (). Near sentences or concepts composed of both leading aspect and trailing attributes are single quoted '. Interpretive editorial comments are preceded by an asterisk *. Data set distilled from 16.77 million reads . Our expectations are to achieve 60+ million reads within our bandwidth limitations. We expect a 6 part report series from this data set. A note on arrays and interpretation and the inclusion of non-roman alphabet languages As may be expected, especially with the last 10 years changes in weather patterns, the Terra related entity is our largest. It also continues to expand at a faster rate than other entities. We should note that our processing has frequent repetition of lexical sets. For instance, we find a 'silver' reference set within the Terra entity where we have a collection of terms putting the word into the context of 'silver' as a metal worked by humans in a myriad of ways, and which has some strategic, and industrial value. We also have Silver as a lexical set in which the above is contained as a sub-set, and the greater lexical values relate to silver in the broader context of financial markets. The reason that both exist is that silver, as a subject has distinct emotional contexts relative to humans. In the case of Silver as a financial component, the emotional values are higher, longer lasting, and a bit more 'strident' that the emotive values of silver as a component of Terra. It is an issue of 'relative emotive value comparison' arithmetic. In the case of silver seen from the Terra perspective, many of the cells in our 10 x 60 x 4 array are void, but are filled within the array comprising Silver in its more emotive context of things monetary.

The above is pertinent, as for instance, we now are seeing the rise of silver in a new emotive content, that is, as a medicinal substance, or component in medicines. This of course brings in newer emotive context with which to view the concept of silver, the metal worked by humans, treasured one way as monetary, and treasured another way for health. It is such diverse emotive contexts that allow us to 'flop' the data, or invert the array and to 'create' an entity view of a particular subject. By allowing emotive values to seek their own levels we determine what is an 'entity' based on the naturally occurring rising of aspects/attributes around a central concept, usually archetypical in nature. Or, by sending the prolog programs to examine our arrays from specific view points we 'hunt for high values/low value targets', and thus what we find 'folds into the entity' when viewed from the deterministic approach. When we note that a particular subject is 'detaching' or forming its own entity status, what we are seeing is the visual representation of the arrival of key threshold values within particular cells within the array of emotive values assigned to the words which together are used to place that subject into its 'context matrix'. Make sense? Clear as mud? Ok, so then we go for a hunt for a subject, well, as example 'space' , there is where the hunting becomes part of the problem. The human organism is quite capable, and in fact is designed as a pattern matching machine. So we have to watch that the patterns we 'see' are in fact actually there and not merely being projected externally onto data showing an apparent organization. Then the other caution is that we are not in-appropriately assigning emotive values to words. This is a constant process of tweaking the various numeric representations for emotive states/conditions/bespoke emotions, et cetera. This work consumes the early part of the time while data acquisition is on-going, then we process the newly tuned lexicon against the data captured out in the wilds of the internet to see where words are going and the trails they leave behind. The work of assigning emotive values to words is assisted by persons who are both linguists and native speakers of the language in question. The issue that arises is the 'internalization of emotive nuance represented by the ankhara/view of the word to the native speaker'. Basically, if you ain't a german, we can't expect you to appreciate the nuances of thought as expressed in the german language {ed note: substitute any language in

previous sentence as all are equally unique}. This is rarely not true, and usually only for those humans who internalize second/third/other languages in their early years. One of our principle clients is assisting our work with extra-roman alphabetic words with appropriate emotive values determined by just such linguistic native speakers. We expect that this will open up a few new insights in both the data acquisition as well as the interpretation, though for these reports such words will be either transliterated or translated to english. We are seeing the results of these inclusions within the data gathering and expect to get perhaps a corresponding amount {12 %} increase in volumes behind our key expressions. We will be taking a cautious view toward interpretation with this report as we will have to attempt to determine if rising aspects are due to our new lexicon set or through changes in the data gathered. We will seek to err on the side of caution and will assume that some of all of the rising aspects is due to new data channels being available. Terra - Antarctica - Well of the Old City One of the first effects that we have noticed from our enhanced language lexicon, is that two subjects, Antarctica, and Oceans, have greatly risen in emotive strength within the Terra entity. While we still see Weather as the primary emotive summed component, most of the aspects of Weather are now subsumed within the rising Oceans data set, while the Antarctica set is taking on distinctly new patterns. In taking the latter first, we find that Antarctica is seen as having a very exciting time this summer/fall as the 'well' of the 'old city' is 'newly flowing' and 'will not be stopped'. Further it is seen as 'rising to exceed the lip/overflowing' and this in turn causes a 'stagnant body' of water to be 'shifted' which leads to a newly 'flowing river' on its way to the sea. Curiously we find a whole series of 'cautions' contained within the data set. The water newly liberated from Antarctica is seen as being 'dangerous', 'not fit' to 'consume', 'laden with pollutions', 'carrying grit', 'churning with grit/oil', and 'ferrying residue'. Further, we find that the waters are 'shockingly/horrifyingly' warm.

The 'well' will apparently be 'opened' by accident. That is, the data suggests that an 'obstruction' is 'removed', and the 'rest left unattended'. Then later, the 'well' is 'jostled' and 'pulled' which will cause the 'lid to leave the lip', and to 'slip/flip' out of the way under the rising pressure of the 'old waters'. One suggestion is given that 'birds will flee', and 'birds take flight' from the 'pressing waters'. This latter may be due to the 'smells of earth/smoke/fire' which are 'dissolved in the carried salts' to be found within the water. Not only birds, but also 'man' is seen as 'fleeing the stench of death/decay/rot' and 'seeking refuge on ice'. Some of the ice is seen as being 'unstable' and 'drawing in' the 'buildings/habitation' into 'stinking mud'. There are curious references to the 'bodies/corpses' of 'worms' being found near the 'bottom of the well'. Further this is seen as being 'near the edge of the old city' where it 'abuts the side of the hill'. The 'old city' is seen as 'marking the place/site of the stance'. A curious reference that is connected through internal cross links to the aspect of 'creation of duality in sight'. This reference contains an attribute set which goes to the image of 'standing on the hill, surveying/far look, the distance, ravine/fissure create two'. We also note a curious sort of tunneling within the cross links. That is, cross links internal to the Antarctica data set cross over to other internal cross links which end up back at the Antarctica data set primary values. This effect seems to be one of reinforcing the concept of 'waters moving to create a duality/split'. Or if we interpret the other way, using the alternate primary values, we get a 'waters shift, split the core'. One third acceptable interpretation would be that 'water movement, deep into core, splits/duality result'. Terra - NorthAmerica - Weather - Reversal of Movement Our indications are for a different sort of weather pattern to emerge globally over the course of this summer and fall. We note that the data indicates at the macro level that the 'usual' movement of weather over North America is seen as 'reversing direction of movement' or 'change of moment direction'. The previous 'successful movement' is now seen as being 'blocked' by 'columns' which in turn are seen as supporting a 'roof' of heat. Note that it would be also possible to interpret this last as a 'roof' *over* 'heat'. In either case, the 'columns' are seen as 'resting solid upon the plains/planes/flat areas' such that a 'fence of poles' is created which 'prevents/blocks movement'. The data suggests that this 'fence' will act as a 'mountain' upon 'the spine' of

another 'mountain' such that 'no movement passes' and 'clouds/thunder build'. While the timeline of the progressed model indicates that this 'fence of columns' forms in June, or perhaps early July, there are also lunar associations such as 'last quarter phase' and 'light leaves the face' {of the moon}. In the formation of the 'fence' we note that supporting data suggests that 'grit blinds the woman to one eye only' as though large scale dust storms are prevalent. The imagery toward that continues with the idea of 'beasts being driven' before the 'stinging grit'. This period of the 'stinging grit' and 'reversal of movement' is seen as being short, lasting perhaps only days, and leading to a reversal of weather patterns. The indications are that the period will flow into one in which we develop the 'rain rivers' seen in previous ALTA reports this year. These are currently being interpreted as actual volumes of water held suspended in the atmosphere and moving as rivers of moist air until they release in what are seen as devastating rain storms leading to flooding. One of the recurring patterns we have gotten all year has been this idea of alteration of weather on a global scale with such alteration leading to the relocation of vast quantities of water via the atmosphere. We also need to note that the data sets indicate that this 'fence of columns' is going to 'play havoc' with the 'thermostat' of the 'continent'. In support of this, we note that the aspect/attribute sets below this area go to the image of 'scrubbed bare rock cracking in heat', as well as 'warm water rivers two stories high'. Our cross links from this section of the Terra entity over to the Populace/USofA entity end in a terminating phrase suggesting that it 'proves well to move' when 'others remain stuck'. Both of these are within the aspect of 'old ideas/views' suggestive of a caution to learn to recognize when change has happened, and adapt accordingly. Part of the data here would also seem to be suggesting that these alterations in weather patterns will have serious impact on food production. Wholesale changes, not merely local ones, are being indicated. The idea coming through the data is for some form of heat 'shield' to build up which alters

high level jet stream activity. Then predictable weather patterns go wrong pretty much over 80% of the continent, with dire consequences for many growing areas. Again, no matter how much the indications are that such weather alterations are currently underway, the implications here are that change has barely begun. Our modelspace shows the largest accretion of data values relative to this structure occurring around end of June and into July. Continuing down the level of aspect/attribute sets we find that 'reversal' and 'reversal of moment/torque' are repeated while also acquiring more geographic values for North America. At a macro level, in a very much fractal or design pattern way, we have a continuing doubling of aspect values within the same lexical set as we descend the supporting layers of the entity. And, in a very unusual way, we have a focus of geographic references for North America. Within the emerging design pattern we find a doubling of values each layer down, and within each of the respective attribute sets, there appears a numeric reversal of emotive sums, as well as the actual bespoke 'reversal' in one permutation or other. We also note that the weather related reversals develop a rope like mass of cross links to the Populace/USofA under a primary and rising aspect of 'humility'. Within the Terra entity the cross links are continuously associated with weather and the coming reversal of 'flow' as a result of these 'columns'. This impact is seen via the cross links as inducing a state of humility within the over-riding emotional response from the large scale weather shift. Within the Terra entity, weather section, N. America focus, we do find that the lexicon is very robustly populated with a large number of new layers added since our 605 run. After filtering out the artifacts of our own processing we are still left with a nearly 23% increase in sheer mass of words. Such large scale accretions along a single subject line are usually very worth noting as they frequently do pre-say the coming attractions of circumstance. Within this newly acquired mass of aspects/attributes and descriptors, there are a doubled pair of rising aspects which take the curious description of 'confirmation of thunder', and in each, the separate attribute sets go toward images of 'thunder and heat' will 'ripple the sky'. This is specifically a bespoke 'weather' related thunder and it is seen as producing a 'shock' to the

'system' within the Populace/USofA sector by direct cross link. This area also contains many references to specific 'dry, high, mountains' as being the area in the south of the continent where the 'thunder' will start. The 'discharge' is seen as 'ripping out the nose' of the 'mountains' via 'electric arc'. In a very poetic vein the attribute set goes toward the idea of the 'rocks of the mountain' being 'sneezed out/ejected' in an arc that lands them miles away. The Populace/USofA cross linked response is from 'humility' down to a supporting aspect/attribute set of 'induced by shock, visual, auditory, damaged nerves' which in turn is supported by a very dense layer going to the image of 'shock induces, seriousness realized, alert, alarm, doors flung open, cautions'. Back from this level over to the Terra entity again, we find that the cross links here terminate in an equally dense layer of attributes going toward the idea of 'continued shocks press flesh', and 'continuing lightning produces thunder', as well as 'electrical disruption induces shock'. The Terra entity also contains references to 'desperate flight', and 'shock forces flight'. Further, across the Terra entity as a whole, we have a very odd layer of attributes pointing to 'dense air' or 'filled/thick air' which is seen as 'making/creating slow movement', as well as 'fluid thick air blurs vision, distorts sounds'. This section has cross links of very high emotive values over in Populace both sections, though predominantly USofA, that terminate in bespoke emotions of 'fear', 'desperation', 'dismay'. We also find that the Populace entity suggests that the 'atoms disintegrate' and that 'trembling weakens the bones'. There are also references to 'air muting noise' which again are pointing back to the 'thick air' lexical clues within Terra. We have to note that lower in this section is the idea that perhaps without this thick air, 'ears shatter, blood drains'. So maybe thick air is not quite as bad as it may first appear. The sense that appears out of the various layers of attribute sets would seem to support the earlier ALTA reports about the 'oceans of water' to be carried north in the atmosphere. In this case, our values have a higher level of immediacy and a slightly better level of detail, if we assume the detail interpretation is not misleading. Please note that we had 'electric water' = storm for the tsunami, when the same data set clearly had 'force driven water/wave'. So our interpretation can easily be wide the mark, however the current data set has nearly 200 thousand references and so presentation of

any amount would be meaningless. In this case though, our details suggest that shortly after the 'thunder shock' that 'ripples the wind', we will get the 'rain storm' that was seen in earlier reports. In this case, we are now getting indications that the rains will begin in the mountains, and will scour the hills clean on their way down. Then as the winds shift, again bear in mind that this image is replete with 'reversal of movement', the rains begin to move over the plains, and the 'five river valleys' until they, the rivers, over flow in to one mass watery blockage which will induce the 'restricted movement' seen in earlier reports. We also have to note that the imagery for 'mud rivers', 'mud flows', 'mud stains rivers black/red/brown', 'mud sucks feet down', 'mud draws down to knees', 'black mud sucks shoes', and many others exist for the area affected by the rains. Not only will it be a watery blockage, but the flow from the hills will produce 'dams of debris/derelicts'. We have this 'reversal of movement flow' for the N. American continent occurring in early summer, though apparently it does not happen all in a day, but rather will take a few weeks or more to mature into a real reversal manifest. In the early stage it is apparently to be the 'columns' of heat beginning to 'blockade the wind' and to 'turn/run upward, heat flags'. Then the 'flows reverse, down, back under, over hills, dust, grit'. This last is connected to other attribute sets suggesting that very serious wind flows will go toward the Pacific Ocean from the continent. There are also indications that this flow will occur as a side effect of the rain storm which which would seem to be therefore aimed at the eastern side of the Rocky Mountains. NOT that we can take this as accurate as we have many thousands of geographic references. We merely point to some specifics which stand out due to SLIGHTLY more numeric totals. Terra - SouthAmerica - Weather - Fluttering Chaos The weather reversal on the N. American continent is tied to developments south of the equator. Whereas in the NorthAmerica referencing lexicon we have a primacy state shift of 125 down to 12, in the case of the SouthAmerica referencing part of Terra entity, we have a primacy state shift of 8 to 21. This is indicative of a rising state of 'chaos' as opposed to the N.American reference values which show a 'cohesion movement'.

Within 0ur S. American references we also find that the 'reversal of the movement/moment' will impact here, but that in the case of this continental mass, 'fluttering chaos/irregularity' will be the order of the day. As the cross links back to GlobalPop indicate, the energy of the people will be placed on 'shedding old thoughts' in preparation for 'new circumstances of the world'. We note that they will be 'replacing motherland concepts' in the process of coping with the developing weather chaos. We have rain in the north, and both sudden snow, and blinding sun indicated for S. America. In fact our data set would suggest that 'blinding' is no metaphor, but references actual damage due to exposure to the sun, and this, even at middle altitudes. There are considerable indicators for 'hurtful rains' as well as links internal to Terra suggesting that much of the volcanic activity seen developing in previous reports will start in S. America. At the moment the model suggests that for the immediate period the volcanic activity in S. America will be low, but at some point relative to the release of the 'oceans of water' into the atmosphere, it will rise dramatically. The activity is seen as 'driving all', 'man and beasts' into the 'sea/waves'. Further, there are indications that the activity will NOT blow to the east, but rather 'south, by west' such that the 'cloud stains the ocean' in a ring around the planet. This period of volcanic activity is also likely coincident with the 'inner fire' seen in Antarctica for this year as well. Terra - Oceans - Repression Ends As we progress our modelspace forward over the course of this summer and into fall/winter, there is a definite accretion of values for 'oceans' as a separate, emotive entity. This grouping is rising fast enough to suggest that it will become its own entity, separate from Terra, but for this report series we will leave it connected lexically and proceed with its interpretation noting that the emotive values suggest a clear movement. At the meta-data level, we have acquired nearly twice as many ocean referencing descriptors in roman alphabet alone in this run. This suggests on its own, a very large scale jump in 'ocean awareness'. Without belaboring the point, again, at the time we see these 'oceans of water' being deposited in the atmosphere, we will also apparently be looking at the 'release of repression' of the oceans. Presumably, due to the attribute sets below, this repression is a boundary issue, not a political one. The data suggests some rather large alterations of coast lines, as well as flow patterns

for ocean waters. Not only will new sources of input be started, perhaps from these oceans of water in the air being deposited back on the planet, but the data further goes toward 'mouths mudded shut, grit fills valleys' and other lexical clues toward changing water flow causal agents. The repression of the current coastlines apparently will give way in a rather haphazard way. Unexpectedly we do NOT find indicators for wholesale water level rises, though there are a number of references for such, we also are seeing that many areas which are now bays, or sounds, may well be significantly reduced, and will, as the attribute sets suggest, 'liberate new lands, old secrets'. However, we need to note that the rising emotive values associated with oceans is not a generally good indicator. It reinforces the idea of some need to associate emotive potential or energy with the subject. As we are currently operating on the theory that humans, collectively, have only so much emotive energy available, a rise of emotive energy signals the rise of some human-troubling state to cause the emotive energy shift. Basically if there is only so much to go around, a new subject taking part of that energy not only deprives the other subjects of their emotive due, but suggests that problems in the new subject are a greater emotive drain than the old. So the data is indicating that 'oceans' are the rising {pun sort of intended} problem for humans. If we examine the data further, a curious set of patterns emerges. We see that the 'oceans are not yet filled' and that the 'lip of the container' will 'over flow, slosh'. We also have a secondary, rising aspect suggestive of some other forces involved. In this aspect we note that the oceans are 'tense, taut' and will soon 'ring, like the bell, muted {with} sand'. And that when this 'ringing' occurs, the 'waters ripple uphill' all the way to the 'start of the stream, depth of the well'. Further that the oceans will then decide that some 'boundaries broken', new 'pathways' will beckon. This period may also be co-incident with the 'rupture of the glacial lake, subsequent down hill flooding' which was reported earlier in the year. Some suggestions are rising that there will be 'new ravines' which will indeed 'set loose water' such that 'countries/land changes'. This is supported by cross links back to the pretty stable aspect of 'confusion' within the 'rescue attempt' as a result of the 'restricted movement'. The suggestion is now that the

alteration of the landscape will impact the rescuers effectiveness and will participate in their being 'blocked at the hill by the new river'. Along with this data set we have growing attribute sets toward the images of 'underground/basement flooded' on a pretty grand scale. That is the suggestion is that rising waters will claim the 'feet and ankles' of the city. This 'degrades the flesh of the feet' by 'standing/stagnant' waters in the 'basements/tunnels' where even the tide will not flush the material out. Some water induced, likely electrical in nature, fires are seen in the curious lexical set with the aspect of 'fire under water illuminates caves'. Also within our 'repression' theme, we note that areas indicating 'beaches/coasts' for southern Washington state, Oregon, and northern California are likely to be 'disturbed', though at this point it does not appear to be quake or tsunami related, but rather some curious weather or fog 'blanketing the hills/trees', and 'dripping from trees'. The other attribute sets of this admittedly small lexical structure indicate 'no movement' which would be consistent with a widespread fog episode. However note that the data is still being processed for this area and what we have now is merely a small sampling of aspect/attribute sets by date input. Populace - GlobalPop - Repression to Calm Within our data set we have noted a very large increase in verbiage associated with the upcoming {at the time of this writing} EU constitution vote in France. Our data sometime back suggested that the vote would fail, and with a very significant margin, in fact, one that 'could not be blanketed'. We also have noted that the constitution is in trouble in other countries beyond France, as well as the EU being in some bad straits vis-a-vis the emotive sums coming out of the EU specific GlobalPop entity. Now we have had a very clear shift to the negative within GlobalPop. This shift is entirely related to the developments post-election within France, though clearly many of the other Atlantic states of Europe are also affected. We note that both Holland and Belgium as well as Spain are impacted. The current rising aspect at the top of this data structure is 'repression'. Further we find that its most immediate supporting aspects are 'danger', 'dangerous situation', and 'improper attitude'.

All of these aspects are extensively supported by completely populated attribute sets. Some of the attribute imagery goes to the idea of 'unaware of speaking loudly/wrongly', 'blind to situation', 'disconnected from proper view', 'spoken too soon, betrayed intentions', 'dense clouds from the west', 'presence dark upon sunsets', 'no rain, only threats/thunder', improvement not possible', 'bird is dead, gutted on wire', 'cave hidden, secrets stored', ' dangerous situation presses north'. We find that the data suggests that 'retreat' is 'not possible' and that 'totalitarian forces' will 'not be endured'. The situation is described as being both 'dire' and 'resolute' in its outcome. The suggestion is that some very serious political issues/movements will arise as a result of the failure of TPTB to impose the constitution upon the peoples of the EU zone. The data is very suggestive of 'resistance' such as a 'hawk' might encounter in a 'block wall'. Within our data we find many more references to 'birds' within this section. Curiously we get a near story-like condensations out of some of the attribute sets, such as 'birds wings, shadow on earth, pavement', where it is 'witnessed again by an old man' who is seen to 'call for suffering now' that his 'grandchildren will see/hear'. Also, within the same aspect/attribute set we find that the 'shadow of the wings' will bring 'fires in the night' as the 'moon wanes'. In this case, the data suggests that the 'responsive forces' will be 'tricked' and 'tripped' on their way to 'engagement' with 'night lights'. Further we find that 'theft' will 'yank/haul away' the 'tools' required for 'bloody work'. Our progression of the modelspace suggests that by autumn, this emotive confrontation will have played out its energies, and will also have to face a different set of circumstances which is suggested will 'remove need' from either the EU and its constitution, or from the continuing of the confrontation. A curious note is that this whole episode is seen as being a big boon for the women of the area. We have indications that a 'woman' and 'her friends' and 'enemies' will form a bespoke 'pact of the weak', and will 'seize grain, beating with stalks'. Then, using 'brooms' and 'ladles' will quite actually 'take the power of the weak over the wall', and 'into the secretariat'. This woman is described as 'having had sufferings, mental', and has been 'patient' and 'obedient' too long. She apparently comes from a 'sheep herding' area of

France, which may border on Spain as the mountains of the region are referenced. In any event the data is quite clear that the movement against the continuation of 'repression' will 'march north toward the Seine'. Going to be an interesting summer in EU. BushCo - Aggression Advances We note that the many cross links from the GlobalPop over to BushCo presage a not-too-kind view of BushCo as a result of its perceived meddling within the EU situation. We specifically note that 'ties of blood' and 'bondage' will arise this summer between the Vatican and BushCo which will do neither any good in the public relations battles of the time. We also find that this 'exposure of old blood' will be but one among many of the 'irritating bugs' under the BushCo skin this June and into/through July. Our modelspace shows an accretion of values suggesting that BushCo will go 'belligerent' this summer. Note this is the old use for the word, and it means 'war path' or 'aggression', or 'aggressive attitude'. We note a rise in the summed emotive values for intensity suggesting a very aggressive response during this period. Also we note that 'tensions' are already showing up as indicated in previous ALTA reports. We have the new data showing a response toward 'walking' and 'butting' with a 'head of horns' and 'hurtful thoughts'. As we progress the modelspace we note that the BushCo entity moves in three waves from end of May through to the end of the year. The first wave is the period of June/July, with a bit into August, then a respite of movement, followed by very convulsive movement in September/October, with a very short calming in November, then again convulsing through December. By 'convulsing' we mean the very rapid accretion of data values of very high emotive sums in a short period of time. Much of this aggression and turmoil will involve the Populace/USofA and the cross links are suggesting that events in the EU will trigger a wave of emotional response within the USofA which will continue to fan the 'culture wars' manufactured by the MSM. However, we note that these BushCo to Populace/USofA cross links will come back to haunt BushCo as they apparently will not find the response required. These cross links come back to BushCo and magnify the rising emotive values for 'frustration' and

'blocked effort'. This is not good as it further fuels the 'aggressive stance' taken by BushCo. But it will have some very unexpected consequences. Some very large popular movement or perhaps even a large scale movement of population will occur. There are indications for both, as well as supporting data sets within BushCo suggesting that a lot of their energy will be directed at 'quelling sparks' this June and through July. One of the more interesting data items suggests that a very public display of 'aggression' will be made after photographs of videos emerge of some of the BushCo officialdom being caught 'furtive, darting in dark' while 'professing no danger lurks'. This is seen as a fairly clear marker for this period and will begin the emotive wave of frustration and blocked movement that will dominate during the continuous barrage of 'bad news' over the course of the summer. We note that problems will beset BushCo from all sides. We have Terra entity cross links indicating very large issues emerging with global weather patterns and their impacts not only on food production but also the global movement of shipping and forced population relocation. We also have rising emotive values for resistance in the EU zone propagating similar patterns within Populace/USofA. Further we find that Markets will not be cooperative, and that basically the whole of the currency dominated world is going down the drain with agonizing slowness and maximum pain. When the modelspace is progressed over the course of the month of June, it would appear that the BushCo emotive tone will be seriously strained. We find that external forces will 'gather in unanimous purpose' against the 'repression of strength'. Further, it appears that BushCo will not fare well on the world stage as many aspects within the data set go to the idea of 'fire detaching links/connections' to 'places controlled/areas under dominion'. Further the attribute sets go to the idea of 'internal views' failing when 'projected against rock walls'. We also note that the 'siege of the city' goes badly. That 'fires left open' will 'spread to the innocent'. That 'weapons hidden in dense shrubbery next to a hill' will 'emerge under pressure', and 'tear holes in the walls around the city'. 'Underhanded behavior' is seen as 'calling for retribution', which 'adds flame', and 'incites fire', as well as 'undermining the walls'. We also see that the whole episode will produce 'not result, cries, tears, manic laughter'. However, cross links to both Populace/USofA, and GlobalPop from this area suggest that events in the various theaters of Bush Wars this June will lead to confrontations between

'exercised strength' and the 'will of the weak' through this summer. As a point of reference, we note that some time in late June, the cross links between Markets, BushCo, and Populace/USofA tie together all three entities around events to be seen 'from the center of the square' in Washington DC. Our Populace/USofA entity suggests through cross links that this will be the place to be seen, or, perhaps to be seeing from? Markets - Dollar Prophet Shouts, Tiger shaped balloon Triggered by current circumstance, we have begun the processing to retrieve information associated with Saudi Arabia. This will appear in Part 2 most likely, unless it warrants an email notification. At the moment our modelspace is running in serendipitous mode and the largest rising aspect within the Markets is the USofA dollar. A very large number of the newly acquired data elements are within a June focused data set. Perhaps as many as 70+ per cent are June focused. We do have some number for July, but the processing is clearly still indicating a much more immediate focus than we usually find. In our modelspace currently the Markets entity is showing its emergence from a tipping point status. This is visually like watching a pixel by pixel change from mostly black/gray which indicates too many data points clustered around a single pixel, over to a multicolored mass similar to wildly painted tropical fish. Each of the colors represent a newly emerging lexical structure indicating a pick up in the diversity of emotional attachments. This latter is the more usual state of things with entities in modelspace. At this point we note that as Markets emerges from modelspace, the primary aspect of concern is associated with the USofA dollar. When examined, we find that the 'voracious tiger' demands 'feeding, meat, blood'. A curious lexical structure to discover within our dollar focused sub section of the Markets entity, but quite accurate in many ways. In following this structure down to its supporting aspect/attribute sets we get deeper into the tigers lair. We find that the 'putrid smell hovers' over the 'floor, littered {with} bones, dried gristle'. Then we see that the 'nourishment/food' demanded to feed the tiger 'had not, should not be vegetables'. Well! Demanding beast that it is, our dollar-tiger goes on to state that 'turtles are eaten, shells crushed', and 'lower jaw ripped from ass', while 'claws press heavily on chest'. Then the attributes get a bit pointed in saying that 'tigers

{do not} eat small things, vegetables, or nuts', this is further supported by 'blood, warm, meat needed'. In pursuing the lexical structure we note that the dollar-tiger references are heavily cross linked both internally within Markets, and to both Populace/USofA, and GlobalPop. Within the GlobalPop, we find terminating links indicating that the dollar-tiger is seen as both 'anemic' and 'ready to pounce in desperation'. Within the Populace/USofA, we find that one of the many triggers for the June tipping points is extensively cross linked back to the dollar-tiger. In this case it leads to an image of a 'dollar prophet, eager, shouting, claiming from mountains', and 'shouts of prophet proclaim', as well as others in similar vein. What is interesting is that by the time that the dollar-prophet is out shouting up the dollar-tiger, it will apparently already be known to the Populace/USofA that this tiger is so much 'hot air' and once the air is gone, all that remains is 'bitter gristle, dried skin, hardened entrails, poor food'. Our data indicates that the week will start with the dollar-tiger ready to pounce, but by the end of the June 6th or 7th it will be clear that there are 'illegal acts' which 'steal sustenance' in turn causing all to doubt the 'quality of nourishment' within the dollar. At this point the 'uncertainty, quivers knees' within the GlobalPop, and we see that the 'river holds still momentarily', as well as 'stunned into no action', and 'action not ripened'. At this point, apparently the prophet of the dollar stands up to start shouting and breaks the 'silence of shock' where after, the modelspace indicates not a good period for the dollar-tiger. Much, if not all of the hot-air is getting let out of the tiger-shaped balloon. One curious note is that through repetitions within the various layers of attributes it is thought that when the dollar prophet begins shouting something like 'god supports the dollar', that will begin the denouement. As we progress the modelspace from the end of May and through the first week in June we note that an internal reversal of numeric aspects takes place. These are primarily associated with those paper assets linked to insurance, pensions, and health care as industries. Some 'crisis of contention' or 'awareness of brittle bones' will intrude on all three industries. Also within the internal reversal, that is numeric emotive sums relative to the Markets as a whole, we note that the aspect associated with South American weather patterns, that is 'fluttering chaos dissolves all' will begin a period of some

'dispersal' and 'dissipation' affecting global markets, but in particular, those linked to food as a commodity. We note that this will be an active period in which 'old forms/contracts' will be 'ended/terminated' as 'new circumstance forces release'. Could it be that a force majeur is to be called on some sizeable contract? Perhaps related to production of food crops in South America. We also need to note the extensive cross links referencing actual, bespoke, 'internal reversals/reorganization' which are surfacing relative to markets dominated geographically by New York. It could be that this is referring to some new internal problems relative to inter-market activity. Clearly we see the cross links to the internal 'reversals, dispersals' are to be 'questioned, demanded', as though, 'suspect to crimes'. In keeping with the last of ALTA 605 we still note that the aspects of 'surreptitious venom' and 'painful ruin by secrets' are not only still present, but are acquiring lexical support as we move the modelspace forward. Over the course of the next week and into early June, the Markets entity is suggesting that 'internal rot, fathers pride long tarnished' will 'emerge as bruise, releasing corruption'. The 'decay' of the situation is still linked to 'neurosis, frustrations' and is seen as producing much 'discontent' within the Populace/USofA where it terminates in an ominous, 'revenge blood'. Along with this stressful week, we are noting that the June period will not be smooth. As the tipping point separate out, we are able to locate some lexical detail indicating that 'contracts, unfulfilled' will cause some 'confrontation, blows', that in turn will make the Press entity some how careless, and 'mistake prone'...{still developing here}. Nonetheless, the Press is seen as reporting 'blows' over 'contracts not fulfilled' amidst 'cries and demands' for 'enforcement'. Apparently the FBI will be involved somehow. All of the internal Markets turmoil is apparently just a background of action to one of the more interesting patterns to emerge. The data is suggesting that much of the news will be dominated by irregularities at some charity. That the accounting problems laying on corporations may now be turned toward charities. The attributes offer the image of 'those claiming higher service' who are 'impersonal in theft' which 'benefits self/same', and they further are

to be 'freed from pressures' while being 'solitary' and 'hidden'. Perhaps suggesting that someone inside will turn state's evidence. In any event this ends up as one of the smaller cross linked threads in our rope-towardtipping-point within the Populace/USofA entity. As we progress our modelspace through the month of June, the largest data accretion to any single aspect goes to 'dissolution/dissolving'. Further we find that this aspect is acquiring data at nearly a 3 to 1 rate over any other aspect, indicating a rising aspect heading for primacy. We also note that the markets are showing, as an entity, a large scale shift in emotive primacy from an attention demanding '9' to an 'eh, who cares' 148. It is as though the suggestion is that Markets will dominate the news intensely, during a dissolution, then fade in importance over the rest of the year. Within the acquiring aspect of 'dissolution' we note that 'completion' and 'no glimmer' show up as primary supporting aspects. We also find that the image of the attribute sets goes toward 'no hope, glass eye, false glimmer', as well as 'dangerous risk', 'real danger', 'painful ruin', 'un-balanced wheel, flies apart, injury', 'turning point arrives', 'preceding pleasure taken', and finishing with 'health/vitality taken, broken generations'. Silver - Iced Tea on a Submarine As a commodity, or currency substitute, we still show our small, fully populated, Silver entity separated from Markets, and heading out cohesively and apparently off on its own, a small Silver submarine headed for the surface. By our modelspace projections, this more poetic view should be easily seen by most very clearly by the end of June. At that point we have our silver entity separate from the Markets entity by over 200 units, or nearly twice the diameter of the Silver entity as a whole. A curious note is that somehow the Silver entity has picked up references to 'iced tea' as a rising aspect. There is little data to delve into yet, but it is odd enough to report, and we will keep an eye out to see how it develops over the next week's processing. Populace/USofA - Rules Too Strict, Celestial Regularity As we progressed the modelspace over this next week and into early June we notice a movement in the Populace/USofA where a rising aspect of 'rules too strict' starts to dominate, and move into position to step into primary position. Within this lexical structure we note that 'difficulties' will be

'examined and blamed' while 'exasperation/desperation' starts to 'claw at the skin'. We always pay attention to bespoke emotions which make it through our processing filters. These have a potential to be very reflective of powerful trends both long and short term. Within the Populace/USofA entity, still forming in modelspace as the processing heads into its 9th day, we note that the entity is holding consistent to the idea of tipping points forming, nearly completing only to be overtaken by another tipping point condition. While we have not advanced our modelspace much beyond June, the conditions show that this trend continues. In the case of the Populace at the moment, some aspect of public attention is about to be focused on 'celestial regularity' such that the ideas inherent in this 'examination of the mechanisms' will impact the Populace/USofA view of things 'mundane/earth-bound'. While we note that the last part of ALTA 605 was fairly accurate in pre-saying the recent activity on the sun, this case is not clearly heliocentric. Rather, while the sun is involved, what we see appearing indicates more attention will be focused on the mechanisms, or 'clockworks' of things rather than specific events/circumstances on any particular orb. This new 'mind/awareness' from the Populace/USofA has some very significant impact on the emotional numbers that we see developing. While disconnected from the first 'gray/black' dot forming into tipping point condition, we note that the Populace/USofA will soon experience a primacy state change relative to 'celestial regularity' that will place other emotional positions in entirely new perspectives. One co-incident change is that the Populace/USofA is going to take up the cry that the 'rules are too strict'. This however is just hardly begun, when the rules are shown by our data of actually getting very much stricter in that a period of 'no movement' will be called for on a national level. While our data shows that this is a travel restriction sort of thing, it does not show any signs or indicators for terrorism or war, rather this seems to somehow be weather related. There are some small hints that disease will be referenced, but not as a primary motivator for the period of 'no movement'. We have to also note that this could easily be something on the order of a bank holiday, or a freezing of currency exchanges, as there are no clear indications that it will be a restriction imposed on the movements of humans. But clearly the data is indicating that a 'restriction of movement' will impact a large part of the population just as calls get started for the removing of the 'too strict rules'.

We see that the data indicates that 'bitter and intolerance' will prevail as the mood within the Populace/USofA will shift as a result of the 'celestial regularity' issue. Thereafter it is seen as a case of the 'man disabused' and 'aware of donkey-status', this further modified by 'bitter, old, pleasures taken, nothing but work'. This section also has cross links back to Markets where it terminates in those areas relating to pensions/healthcare. A safe interpretation may be that some form of pension crisis will impact a very large percentage of the population. The emotive values would suggest that if so, then perhaps as much as a quarter to a third of the population will have to be impacted to reach this sort of reaction seen in our modelspace. This might be a wholesale, perhaps 'out of the blue' change to the status of ?something? relative to pensions or perhaps social security. If so, it will be 'pervasive, dripping on all branches', and 'hanging from all wires'. Also it is seen as being a problem of '4/four generations work'. We also note that many of the geographic references for the 'celestial regularity' meme are associated with Washington DC and environs. As noted in BushCo above, the Populace/USofA entity seems to suggest from image attribute that 'viewing from the center of the square coincides with return sight'. A curious reference no doubt, but made even more so with a cross link to GlobalPop, in which the previously cited 'dred companion' {ed note: taken to mean a man with dred-locks due to other lexical clues in part 6, 605} is seen as on the move. Apparently 'traveling by tunnel, open, unobserved', the 'dred companion' has to 'stop 2/two times, messages ready' on the way to 'alignment with the lunation'. There are geographic references indicative of the Caribbean Sea, and points east. Seen as 'serving his master, herself', the 'dred companion' also is noted to 'retire to strength, prior to engagement/confrontation/battle'. In this case the 'place of strength' is seen as a 'hill, long climb'. End of Part 1 Note that this is a very large data run as these go, and we will hit our longest view forward within the data sets in processing for Parts 2 and 3. We again expect to get a 6 part series out of this data, and likely will be rushing part 6 out against the 'run out date' for our data. Our goal is to take the data out to September with some detail, and will be striving for that view of things in Parts 2 and 3.

It looks to be a very tumultuous June on many fronts. As we process our data sets over the next few weeks we will send out email notices as appropriate. We also need to note that the new lexical additions have added considerable to our data acquisition. They are also burdening us with more interpretation, as expected, but this will take us a bit of time to work through the new additions. We have a number of new entities and lexical structures emerging that will have to be sorted out into their appropriate places in modelspace. This may affect our reports in that we may have to devote less area to each in order to detail more entities. We anticipate having Part 2 posted by late Sunday, June 5th.

Copyright 2005 by HalfpastHuman. All rights reserved. Released through subscription only. No reproduction in whole or in part without prior permission. ALTA IR - 905 - June 5, 2005

Part 2: BushCo - Splitsville, Dominionists, and GlobalCorp * Terra - The Hind - Hot Water * Terra - Oceans - Mountains Under the Sea * GlobalCorp - RoadTrip to Confusion, EU - Soldiers' Resolution * Markets - USofA Dollar - Facelift on Old Men * Markets - Precious Metals - Lame, but walking under quarter moon * GlobalPop - Tension over Armies *

Populace/USofA - Duality Redux, Economic Malaise * Markets - Oil - Throne is taken * TPTB - Dred Companion, Curtains Obscure * Note on Global Food Grain Production Asymmetric Language Trend Analysis Intelligence Report Changes in language precede changes in behavior. By Tenax SE for

Note this report is offered for entertainment value only. Any resemblance between the events portrayed in this report and any developing reality is purely co-incidental and in no manner represents foreknowledge on the part of the authors of this report. Note that this information is derived from humans expressing themselves on the internet. As such, human emotional values and the words used to express them are being sampled and interpreted here, NOT THE FUTURE. Any resemblance between this report and future developments is entirely in the mind of the perceiver and does not exist in reality. The Authors cannot be held liable for accuracy of lack thereof in this report. Authors cannot be held liable for human interpretation of this report nor any action any human takes as a result of this report. Any human foolish enough to alter their behavior based on this entertainment-only analysis demonstrates themselves incapable of rational appreciation of reality, and the authors are explicitly held harmless and blameless for any and all such mental aberrations on the part of the reader. 06.05.2005 Note: Entities are identified by a blue typeface. Aspect words are enclosed in square brackets []. Attribute words/phrases are within parentheses (). Near sentences or concepts composed of both leading aspect and trailing attributes are single quoted '. Interpretive editorial comments are preceded by an asterisk *.

Data set distilled from 23.44 million reads . Our expectations are to achieve 60+ million reads within our bandwidth limitations. We expect a 6 part report series from this data set. BushCo - Splitsville, Dominionists, and GlobalCorp We have to note that there is a separation appearing in the BushCo entity. Originally formed over a common lexical descriptor set which merged sometime in 2001, we now have a clearly evolving and differentiating lexical shift indicative of a BushCo entity split. We are looking at two, possibly three, entities. For now we are labeling the political/religious arm of the old BushCo entity as the BushChurch, and the global conglomerate commercial segment as GlobalCorp. The split is clearly best seen in the descriptor alignment around issues external to its own structure. That is, for instance, on the subject of housing as an industry, we have seen, for the past few years, a pretty consistent voice from both government agents of BushCo, and the corporate agents of same. In the recent two runs we have noticed tendency for divergence of opinion between the two main types of BushCo agent, government and commercial. We note that in this period of divergence, the religious agents of BushCo are currently aligned with the political arm. The emerging split of BushCo along commercial interest lines is showing up more clearly as the Markets entity emerges from its tipping point state, and as the 'black threads' within BushCo gain density with more values. It might even be that the 'black threads' will be able to be taken in the future as a sign of an entity break-up. It would appear to be so signaling at this point. We have differentiating language separating the BushChurch from the commercial interests on almost all subjects now, from energy, through 'global warming' and on to even the most trivial of commercially focused items. As this separation has deepened, we can note that there is much in the way of antagonistic language emerging between the two sections about each other. The curse of the moment, from the GlobalCorp group, is to refer to the religious/political arm of BushCo as 'dominionists'. In this lexicon however, we find that the term is very derisive and contains references to 'selfdelusional', and 'goals uber alles', and 'religious burnout'. The view of the Religionists, from the outside, is of a movement which adopts all of the political agenda with religious fervor even to the detriment of practicality.

Such perspective is seen in the GlobalCorp group's view of the Religionists use of the word 'victory' as it applies to the war(s) in the Middle East. In the Religionists view, nothing short of a WW2 style (VJ- DAY, VE-DAY) sort of 'victory' will do. And such a victory MUST be accompanied by rampaging democracy sweeping across the sands of the ME like a fresh wind. The Religionists do not recognize the possibility that reality might conflict with their image for the future. It is the latter stubborn refusal to step outside the delusion of the moment that is used within the GlobalCorp when they discuss the Religionists, and 'victory'. In fact, we are now seeing the word 'victory' arriving at the same emotive sum level as 'defeat' within our lexicon and as used by the GlobalCorp. Curious turn of events. Concentrating on the BushReligionists at this point, we note that even this core section of the old BushCo entity will be transformed in its nature as the summer progresses. We note that as the modelspace is moved forward over the course of late June, into, and through July, and into the first 10 days or so of August, that the BushReligionists will experience the 'wonders' of 'duality'. While certainly there is a hint of sarcasm within the interpretation, nonetheless the aspect actually goes to 'wonders of duality'. And we find the supporting threads within the attributes of 'opposite poles, working for same goal', and 'dualistic life'. We repeated find references to dualism, duality and other permutations all through the supporting attribute sets. This 'duality' is seen as a 'regulator of the proper temperature', as well as a 'brake upon the nature/drive'. Further the attributes would have the duality be experienced by BushChurch as a 'herd run off', and the 'herd separates, sheep alone, shepard lost'. We also find that the 'sunk low, skitters under leaves', and that 'locating dark places' will take over as a 'mind lost low, deep in mire'. Then, the apparent other side of the duality shows as the 'master summons a meeting' in which 'presentations/orders are given', and 'workers sent down the main road'. All of these duality references are seen as being internal. There are no external cross links, however there are a number of cross links from the 'duality' aspect and its supporting attribute sets back up to some of the 'black threads' found within the old BushCo entity. While we have logically separated the BushCo entity into two parts at the level of the lexicon, it has yet to fully separate at the modelspace level. The visual effect is one of an amorphous mass separating, perhaps cell like in appearance, as it divides into two, unequal parts. There are yet many

entanglements between the two halves of the former entity, however there is clearly a separation coming which is manifesting in the language of the diverse groups and its application internally to the old entity. Within the references to 'duality', we note that internal cross links bring us back to an area in which the aspect of 'underbelly' is reinforced with 'exposure'. We also note that 'money' is seen as 'sparkling in the hand', as well as 'tickling the palm' and 'exciting the flesh', but that looming down in the attribute sets we see that 'braking' and 'breaking' {two separate used homonyms} will apply to BushReligionists over the summer and into fall. We find that 'stubborn refusal' and 'ox-like' are two supporting aspects each with fully populated attribute sets. These latter go to the idea of 'head in the sand', 'regression to childhood', 'regression in thinking', 'backwardization', 'returning to the halcyon images', 'past glories beckon', and such of similar vein. We also note that the 'regression of thinking' will come at a most inauspicious time, as the BushReligionists will be 'challenged' by reality to 'take possession/responsibility' for 'compassion in crisis/chaos/catastrophe' and instead will 'bury their heads' in the sand, and 'stand, bird-like', 'still, silent, cold'. Further we find that 'spittle flecks, hysteria lurks' and 'fear shows'. Much of this latter is supported by aspects going to 'sexual instincts'. Further there are attribute sets going to 'shaved head' and 'glinting greed'. Again, both of these within the 'sexual instincts' aspect. This will apparently surface just at the time that the 'crisis of grasp' or 'view of disaster' is emerging. The data suggests that the 'duality' of 'conflict' between 'the seeming' and 'reality' will be too much for some at senior levels of BushChurch, who will apparently 'mis-speak their names'. This last is a cross cultural reference to being so rattled as to "forget one's name". The data suggests that this could be used as the marker for the period in which the 'crisis of the head' will 'take over the mind', and will 'produce spittle in denial'. A further, curious reference is within the attribute set for 'spittle denial' and contains a reference to the 'big stink' or 'large bad smell' which is seen as 'forcing out the righteous', but leaving behind the 'religious'. Terra - The Hind - Hot Water We note that the inclusion of many new non-roman alphabet language words has brought us new insight into our data. In this case we have been able to pick up on the lexical data sets and isolate those for the area of the Indian

sub-continent which includes the geo-political areas of Pakistan and Bangladesh. This area, the Hind, is about to receive their monsoons. We note that the rising aspect for the region under the 'weather' aspect is, 'rain', and this is supported with data suggestive of 'nourishment' and 'life-giving'. We note that the monsoon will be off-track, and is seen as being 'resplendent', but in the wrong area slightly. However, the indications are that the arrival of the monsoon will not end the weather worries in the Hind. We note that immediately following the 'wandering monsoon' will be a heat wave of serious proportions. The rising aspects go the idea of 'ground baking in oven', and 'asphalt melted, rock exposed'. We also see that 'fires will burn out electrical circuits' causing much damage to buildings as well as electrical infrastructure. We also note that the period of the 'ground baking in oven' at this point is seen as interrupting the monsoon season. Our modelspace shows the season as being 'rough' and 'irregular'. As we progress the Terra entity forward through the July/August period, we note that the enduring characteristic of this summer will be 'heat'. While heat waves have come before to the Hind, this one will be remembered. Terra - Oceans - Mountains Under the Sea The indications within the data set are that vast areas of the Oceans will shut down this summer. We note that the discussions of such are occurring at various levels from scientific to interested participant globally. We also note that our data does not rely on bespoke conversations, though as these discussions have very high emotive value summations, and as their subject matter does come through the filtering, we thus sometimes end up duplicating actual occurring discussions within our lexical sets, more or less. In this case we have the Terra entity, sub set Oceans showing clearly just what was discussed recently in some scientific circles, a radical shut down of current activity. Knowing that the Oceans are an indicator, and not the engine of global weather energy systems, it also stands to reason that actual notations of slowing activity will make it into our data sets. Again, in spite of this, we have reasons to think our interpretation that the Oceans of the planet will be manifesting strange behavior this summer and beyond.

We find lexical clues to this in our data structure which are not connected to bespoke conversations or data sets that we can trace back. As these data sets are 'spontaneous', we have a tendency to view them as more archetypical, and therefore potentially more "reliable" in our screwy definition of that word. So we are still holding to the idea, that even including the bespoke discussions so far, that Terra is going to surprise humans this summer with some odd ocean behavior. The words that are still coming through relative to the oceans are 'sloshing' and 'spilling the lip'. We also have very robust, and fully populated aspect/attribute sets which go to the ideas of 'ocean/salt water invading' the 'roots/bark of standing trees'. Further we find that 'water silently fills' the 'hidden inland valleys' and 'oceans flood creeks/rivers'. There are over 20,000 such references within this lexical set. Since the whole of our work is performed on an emotive values of language, it is not surprising to get rising aspects such as 'ending of repression' applied to such things as the oceans of earth. In this case we have to interpret the emotive extract to then state that one way to understand this is the first, gut level, human context of repression, that is, 'forced to place other than desired'. Or put another way, 'held in a place not desired'. In our odd data expressions format, this may well be indicating that the Oceans will not be staying put in their 'usual and accustomed' boundaries. One of the major, and rising, aspects of the whole 'repression of boundary' view of the ocean has to do with the idea of a 'mountain'. We can note that our data suggests that the 'mountain' becomes a 'problem, sitting' as it is 'under the sea', but we have no data to indicate that the mountain started out under the sea. It could be that this is referring to a mountain which decides to go walk-about. On the other hand, given the previous ALTA reports indicating much in the way of volcanic activity, it could be that the mountain is already under the sea, and becomes a problem due to volcanic activity. There are some small number of attribute clues toward that end such as 'hot water expands', and 'hot rises'. But these are vague at best. What is more descriptively portrayed is the impacts of the 'problem mountain'. This is seen as participating in the oceans boundary issues even up to the point of 'inducing flight' for 'tribes'. This will also, unlike tsunamis, be a long lasting or permanent condition in that the 'inducement to flee' is seen as having 'ten/10 years prior to return'. Or a little further down the

lexical chain, the more pessimistic view of 'four/4 generations of man' prior to return. The interpretation of this data has to be for oceanic activity such that large coast lines are altered and some groups of people are forced into refugee status as a result. GlobalCorp - RoadTrip to Confusion, EU - Soldiers' Resolution The lexical structure which separates out from the old BushCo entity and is representative of the global corporate world, or more succinctly, 'transnational globalist commercial interests', will take up its own destiny this summer. Within the modelspace it separates further as the summer progresses, distancing itself from the remnants of the old BushCo, and takes up its own path in a cheerful, happy, 'whistling down the road' manner, only to run smack into the 'wall of confusion'. The 'wall of confusion' is seen as a 'dominating influence' over the global commercial landscape. Not entirely due to recent issues arising from the failure of the EU constitution, we also note that many of the contributing cross links come from Terra entity as well as the geo-political segments of the two Populace entities. The net result is a 'wall' that 'presents illusion' at every turn, and is seen as 'bedeviling planners' such that some within GlobalCorp are 'not aware' of, or if, they are 'failing in endeavors'. Also part and parcel of the 'wall of confusion' are the numerous references to the EU, or what it will become. We see fragmentation within our data set, but curiously, not within the actual bespoke references. It is as though the whole situation is so nebulous that to apply 'fragmentation' as a descriptor just does not work. Fragmentation implies something is solid enough to at least break apart. Here we find that the cross links to the GlobalPop entity, EU specific segment ends in 'confusion'. And this has a primary supporting attribute set which actually can be read as 'you do not know what you want'. Further, we find that within the secondary supporting aspects we can read 'backward, forward, no decision'. Apparently if we interpret this to mean a summer of bulging uncertainty, we stand a good chance of being accurate. The implications from the data that a 'soldier' will 'stand fast' and will 'refuse to be led astray'. Instead he/she is seen as 'walking, others follow'. While our descriptors for the 'soldier' are vague, we note a French or Flemish origin/link, and a 'sincerity that touches the name', and a 'steadfastness of leg'. Both of which are quite clear as mud, and as meaningful without interpretation.

While the data suggests that 'peoples follow' and the 'soldier leads', it does not give any suggestion that the EU as an entity has a long, or bright future. In fact, if we examine the cross links from the GlobalCorp's view of EU, and juxtapose those with the cross links operational within the EU specific section of the GlobalPop Populace entity, we find that the only interpretation is 'conflict'. The views seemingly held by the GlobalPop of itself does not at all coincide with how GlobalCorp views the same populace. New threads and currents of language change within GlobalPop and their cross links out suggest that one of the GlobalCorp problems this summer in reading their operating environment will arise from radically diverging views around the issue of 'globalism'. In our data we see that there are now alternative lexical competitors being proffered by various segments within the lower power classes for a 'global view' without the 'globalism'. For a large segment of the global population, the word 'globalism' has now taken on the same emotive context as is used to define 'fascism'. As we move our data through the progression of the modelspace over this summer and into fall, we find that the divergence of the views of 'globalism' will emerge energetically on the world stage. The GlobalCorp is seen as running into a 'wall of confusion' which is generated in no small part by their {GlobalCorp internal values} being widely divergent to the new developing popular view of Terra. We have to note that the perspective conflict is between the GlobalCorp's 'full steam ahead' and that of the GlobalPop's "ain't quite so firma, Terra anymore". Fundamentally, the level of uncertainty to rise in the EU area over summer and into fall will significantly add to GlobalCorp's problems. However, the GlobalCorp view is flawed, their assumptions are at odds with developing circumstance, and that 'wall of confusion' will be present all this summer. We lastly note that as the EU goes into the summer 'debating the words' and 'weighing the consequences', the 'strength of the masters' is seen as 'waning/fading' amidst 'silent wails'. Markets - USofA Dollar - Facelift on Old Men Within our modelspace the Markets entity is showing that a short term benefit will accrue the USofA dollar as the EU zone enters this 'weighing of the words' period. During the summer, as indicated by our model, perhaps all the way through August, the USofA dollar will benefit to some level. It

has taken on the aspect of a 'old body, new face' that 'breeds greed'. However, our model indicates that after a 'brief honeymoon' the end is 'humiliation' as may be seen in 'facelift exposed on old men'. The USofA dollar is seen entering the fall as a 'barren, empty old sack' after a 'summer of pretense' and 'lust'. We note that the attribute sets see a brief 'flirtation with contact' followed by 'mistakes, errors, wrongheadedness' that will 'strip the cloth' and 'pull the shades' which leads in turn to 'hirelings running away' in the fall. Part of the Markets entity will encounter further issues this summer relating to the 'loss of values' and to the 'dropping of indicators'. These are seen about the same area of cross links as those affecting the GlobalCorp with the wall of confusion. Apparently there will be some rather heated discussions about the 'meaning of words' which will 'produce blows on the head'. These are perhaps contractual issues that may arise, but the area is unclear in the current data set. However we do note that the cross links over the EU section of the GlobalPop again terminate in 'weighing of options', which has attributes for 'sizing up, sizing down, accuracy, unknown, eye ball damaged, fingers cramped, fist bound'. Markets - Precious Metals - Lame, but walking under quarter moon Within our Markets entity we have an isolated area for the 'precious metals' within the 'commodities' descriptor set. It is this set of lexical descriptors which has yielded our recent Silver entity. Now, in examining all the precious metals in their more grand context of the complete descriptor set, we note that silver, subservient to gold, is seen as being 'lame', but that 'dragging along the earth' is nonetheless 'able to walk'. This lexical extract verbally mirrors the movement of our Silver entity within the modelspace. We note that over the course of the summer, the Silver entity continues to climb slowly, separating itself slightly from the gold/pm areas, and hugely from the currency/markets areas, and then in late June takes a step upward. This step then sets the stage for further movements through out July/August and into fall. The Silver entity is also shows that it will encounter a brief period of 'dark influence' but this is soon replaced with 'proper place'. The whole of the Silver entity shows its upward movement continuing through our modelspace progression out to the end of the year. We do have some alterations of the entity along the way, suggesting that some form of crisis

will develop in which the definition of the entity changes. Perhaps this is indicative of the definition of commercially acceptable silver changing. In the whole of the Markets entity, sub section for all of the precious metals, we note that all of the 'earth extracts' will do very well over the course of the summer/fall. Our data suggests that associations with the 'character of the earth' are strong, and that 'expectations, rise, fall' but that 'metals endure'. We also see that the verbal connections between expressions of 'uncertainty' and 'precious metals' are increasing significantly in the conversations within the data sets captured in stage one of our processing. We also need to note that the rising aspect for the precious metals specific area is 'growth' which has an attribute set going to the image of 'growth, inner' arises from 'loss, struggle, sacrifice'. It is fitting that the attribute set {albeit lower down} also contains, 'purification through fire', as well as 'fire separates slag'. We also find that 'loss, struggle' is cross linked internally over to 'character strength metal'. A note about this section's title. The word 'lame' is within a set which also contains 'hobbled' as in 'made deliberately lame'. So one possible interpretation is that precious metals will be able to 'walk in spite of being hobbled'. GlobalPop - Tension over Armies Over the course of the next few months, that is, as we progress the modelspace from June through to September/October time frame, we note that the GlobalPop gets to be a pretty 'tense' and 'knotted stomach' critter. This entity, while contracting, does not enter into a tipping point, but rather continues to build tension into its emotive values. We find that even the 'beggars/mendicants' will be 'tense/surly/anxious', and that the tone of the streets will be 'tainted with talk' of 'armies, and strife'. While currently suffering from the impacts of an 'acutely diseased' economic system, much of GlobalPop seems less concerned with their economic welfare in light of the more pressing 'armies' which will begin being 'tensed' this summer.

Noting that the 'armies' are going to be 'sent into position' and that the summer will one of 'tension' and 'anxiety', we nonetheless do not find evidence suggesting that new wars will break out. Rather, the sense is more one of unaccustomed border tension, some military movement, more tension, et cetera. As to the primary concerns at the moment within the GlobalPop entity, these tensions of the armies will likely not be the worst problems faced. The lexical sets contain many diverse and repeated references to 'environmental intrusions' into the affairs of humans. We find that 'horrific' is being applied to 'rain/rainwater/rain storms/downpours' and the indications are for rain so severe in such a short time that the 'weight of the water, crushes bones'. If this were note enough, there are also the usual suspects of 'mudslides' and 'winds, north down, skin scraping' with which to contend. The GlobalPop entity, reinforced through cross links back to Terra, will find that its perception of what is important changes this summer along with the incidence of 'extreme weather'. No longer too frequently called 'freakish' as the word is losing all meaning when applied to global weather conditions, we now see the global use of the 'extreme weather' appellation as the catchall phrase. Within GlobalPop, we still find references for a pending 'glacial lake/dam' to give way, creating a flood into the plains that affects a large number of livestock as well as some scattered human populations. This may be on the edge of our twin disasters also noted in earlier ALTA reports.

Populace/USofA - Duality Redux, Economic Malaise As reported previously, the Populace/USofA entity enters its tipping point period this June. The 'impact of unexpected' aspect rising to dominance within the entity brings along a very large and robust attribute set suggestive of large scale 'mental change' or 'grudging acknowledgement of insight' to the Populace/USofA as a whole. While unclear on the subject matter as of this point, we do note that the entity goes into a tipping point mode that is firmly in place by June 11th/12th, and which proceeds to develop through July 28th as though to follow through previously seen tipping point behavior in entities. At that point, it unexpectedly pauses, through to about end of

August, then starts a whole new tipping point process again, this time in a new area. This pattern of nearly completing the tipping point process only to pause and then restart at the higher energy level repeats within this entity through the end of our modelspace at approximately May of 2006. Within that period there are going to be at least 3 of these tipping point waves. The first takes hold as noted this summer, and will 'flavor the air' that people will 'remember associated with July'. This tipping point currently setting up is influenced by Markets, and by Terra, and less so by geo-political events. However we have to note that the pressures on the entity from the BushWars in Iraq will intensive at a period when the entity is also under pressure from other sources. At the moment, the dominating aspect for the Populace/USofA entity is 'preparation/waiting/resolved', but as noted, this aspect is falling away as we move toward the coalescence of the tipping point, and the rise of 'unexpected impact circumstances breath cleaved/shredded'. Within this aspect set, we have attribute images going to 'no confidence' and 'unlimited flood drowns all'. As we see that these are heavily cross linked back to the Markets entity, we can interpret that a very large scale 'crisis of confidence' is forming. The result will be that the 'confidence melts, wax-like, hot flame', or 'confidence fractures, compound, bones splinter'. There are further indications within the terminating links within Markets that the impact of the 'unexpected news/revelations' will impact the Populace/USofA at least so far as its perception of the global economic structure. We note that the Markets entity is contributing a very large number of very thick cross links to the Populace/USofA tipping point development now. Further that the area within Markets which is most participatory is a section whose primary aspect is 'bidding time/waiting' and whose rising aspect is our old favorite 'restricted movement' or 'restraint'. Further within this area the attribute set goes to 'restraint of flow in veins' and 'restraint causes contraction, belly aches empty'. Back within the Populace/USofA entity we note that some of many Markets entity cross links end in values attached to the aspect of 'too cold' and 'too soggy' and are associated with food production. This area is suggestive, with the further layers of weather related lexicon, of a very serious impact on food production within the USofA. It could also be interpreted, if one examines the alternate lexical offerings, of an impact on the USofA ability to import food.

Further within our Populace/USofA entity, and clustered around the outer, leading edge of the tipping point area which is forming, are lexical aspect/attribute sets going to the idea that 'blood will impact/alter' the global economic structure this summer such that the Populace/USofA entity will be significantly changed. We note that internally, the Populace/USofA is going to have to face the 'duality' of its own nature, and this confrontation of 'wills/demands' sets the tone for the summer against a background of global economic contraction. As the 'duality' references are cross linked back to BushReligionists, we can safely interpret this to mean yet another episode of 'culture wars' will emerge as part of the tipping point process in June/July. We also note below that the emergence of some form of 'oil shortage' which is seen as being 'no ships, three/3 days', will impact the Populace/USofA consciousness. Now we also have to note here that perhaps the emotive interpretation of 'no oil shipments for 3 days' is coming through not from an actual event, but rather from the public perception en masse that such an event might be possible. As we have noticed a concerted effort on the part of official propagandists to disseminate the idea of Peak Oil and its impact via teevee, this well could be the case. It could be that we see some form of 3 days of hysteria as the idea of the impact of Peak Oil hits viscerally due to a propaganda campaign. Either case would fit our lexical set. In relation to the 'economic malaise/disease', we see that the Populace/USofA entity will be 'shocked' into 'stunned silence' as to the 'swiftness' as to 'realization of circumstance'. Clearly what we are seeing, when coupled with the GlobalPop data, indicates that the global economic structure is already stressed to a breaking point, and like rope under strain, is parting by the 'fiber/strand of support'. The indications are that the 'swiftness of perception' on the part of the Populace/USofA is going to be just that, an issue of awareness. It appears that our data is suggesting that the global economic system is already fraying and no one has bothered to inform the Populace/USofA. So when the Populace/USofA does stumble onto the concept this summer, it is an accomplished fact at that point, and the emotive impacts are one of having to both cope with the loss as well as the realization of having to 'come up to speed' on the situation. It does not make for a well adjusted Populace/USofA entity. In the attribute sets there are repeated references to 'actions', 'events', and other mass participation

indicators. These are apparently in response to 'break-down' and 'degradation'. Markets - Oil - Throne is taken The indications in the data are for the transfer of power in the House of Saud to be accomplished this summer. As noted previously, everything goes well in general, except for some smallish element of the actual ritual of the transfer. However we now have data suggesting that the question will not be whether but rather for 'how long' will the transfer last. The data suggests that there are two human threats to the stability of the House of Saud, post transfer of power. The first aspect/attribute set and its descriptors suggests that one of the threats is 'external' to the regime, in 'exile' and is generally such that the description could fit O.Bin Ladin. The second is seen as 'being within', and 'hiding under obscurity/mediocrity'. It is this latter threat which will be most serious this summer apparently. As noted in Populace/USofA, there are indications of impacts on oil shipments this summer. Should these manifest, it could be that geopolitical problems relating to an internal power struggle for the throne. Our data indicates that there will be 'confrontation' and that it will be a case of 'visible brute force' versus 'hidden cunning subtlety'. Curiously, and cross linked back to the Populace/USofA section, we note that the House of Saud will be 'placing it belly at risk' by 'hunting too far to the south'. Further that 'concealed strength' will appear as 'droopy wings'. TPTB - Dred Companion, Curtains Obscure In that area of our data set in which a convergence can be extracted from Populace, Markets, and Governance, we have created an entity we call TPTB for 'the powers that be'. Also known to B. Fuller, and other keen observers as 'the invisible hand that would rule', we have a very concise descriptor set which allows this quasi entity to be modeled. Within our data set this entity represents an 'anglo centric, caucasoid centric, elitist separatists collective'.

Some things are perhaps not best shared. Our data is suggestive of a period where the TPTB are under a 'curtain of obscurity' internally. This can also be interpreted as being 'housed in confusion', or 'mind ruled by confusion/obscurity'. The general idea goes to a period of time where the group TPTB is itself under severe stressors, bot internal and external. In fact the data suggests that TPTB can not tell at this point what impact the external events they try to manage are now impacting their internal organization. Apparently aware of some of the more 'esoteric scope' of the 'view of the sol' and the 'G. equation', they now realize that while they are attempting to 'manage the expansion' they are also 'subject to the infusion'. The data suggests that as the Populace/USofA entity progresses further into its tipping point condition over the course of this month and next, that TPTB will be transiting from this 'house of confusion' over a very short distance to 'impassible rivers, forced wait'. In both cases, it would appear that TPTB are less than effective during this coming period. We find that internally, as part of the 'confusion' state, TPTB will experience 'immobility in the face of impact', and 'no possibility to approach/move', and 'trembling knees' do not lead to 'easy walking'. The 'trembling knees' are within an area in which the dominant descriptor leads to 'dred companion'. This may be indicative of a 'fear of change/circumstance' and the impression that TPTB have of the 'darkness, vagueness. void noir'. It is this 'vibration of uncertainty' which is penetrating into TPTB as a group, and which the 'masters of the ships' are now becoming aware. What we can see is that the 'dred companion' has a bespoke 'aspect of darkness' or 'cloak of dred'. Further that he is 'rotund, tall, swift'. We also see that again, this is some form of secondary player of events, more of the actual bespoke role of 'messenger' than participant. Nonetheless it very much appears to be a scary messenger, begging the question of what the hell is the message? The data indicates that there are very serious 'investigations' underway into the 'nature of the impact', and currently they are also within the 'confusion' as they try to 'eliminate the test from the test'. This latter probably refers to trying to screen out the impact of the 'energy waves' on their tests which are designed to discover the actual impact of the energy waves. We find repeated references surfacing for both high fear level emotive sums, and the association with energy. While one might be tempted to place all the emphasis on 'oil' and other terrestrial sources of energy, the alternate possibilities are much more intriguing. Yes, there are some oil based links

within the 'energy' associations with the quasi entity TPTB, but curiously, we are also seeing a much larger number of 'space' based, or extra-terrestrial, and even extra-solar 'energy'. And these are routinely coupled with 'waves'. It suggests the serious possibility that 'worry/anxiety/concern' are very much to be evident and focused 'out there' . Note on Global Food Grain Production Depending on the source cited, the agriculture system of planet earth has failed the last 6, 7, or 8 years to produce enough grains for the planetary population of life. This means that we are consuming stored grain stocks over these past years at some levels to match consumption/distribution demands. This year we have had continuing reports of crop failures at levels that can only be described as catastrophic. In many cases greater than 50 per cent of total crop production of large scale regions/countries is at risk. As is seen in our Populace entities, we have noted rising concern about food sources in general over the last two years, much the same way we noticed rising concerns about the sun in 1999, 2000, and 2001. As a presage of emotive focus, our rising number of references to food production / risks would suggest that this summer may well see a perception of the potential for crisis occur. If it does occur to any large extent, it alone will modify behavior as the emotive flow spreads through the population. This might occur within, say a month? Maybe 2? What we find curious also is that there are very little echo emotive values of the same level of concern within TPTB. One idea is that some other, more immediate crisis dominates their view. Perhaps. There sure is very little concern for the food supply showing up within that subset. Curious indeed.

Copyright 2005 by HalfpastHuman. All rights reserved. Released through subscription only. No reproduction in whole or in part without prior permission.

ALTA IR - 905 - June 7, 2005

Part 2 - Supplemental Terra - Sun - Obvious & Clear Markets - Housing - Vitality Fading* Press - Pimping Fertility to Failure* Asymmetric Language Trend Analysis Intelligence Report Changes in language precede changes in behavior. By Tenax SE for

Note this report is offered for entertainment value only. Any resemblance between the events portrayed in this report and any developing reality is purely co-incidental and in no manner represents foreknowledge on the part of the authors of this report. Note that this information is derived from humans expressing themselves on the internet. As such, human emotional values and the words used to express them are being sampled and interpreted here, NOT THE FUTURE. Any resemblance between this report and future developments is entirely in the mind of the perceiver and does not exist in reality. The Authors cannot be held liable for accuracy of lack thereof in this report. Authors cannot be held liable for human interpretation of this report nor any action any human takes as a result of this report. Any human foolish enough to alter their behavior based on this entertainment-only analysis demonstrates themselves incapable of rational appreciation of reality, and the authors are explicitly held harmless and blameless for any and all such mental aberrations on the part of the reader. 06.07.2005

Note: Entities are identified by a blue typeface. Aspect words are enclosed in square brackets []. Attribute words/phrases are within parentheses (). Near sentences or concepts composed of both leading aspect and trailing attributes are single quoted '. Interpretive editorial comments are preceded by an asterisk *. Data set distilled from 23.44 million reads . Our expectations are to achieve 60+ million reads within our bandwidth limitations. We expect a 6 part report series from this data set. Terra - Sun - Obvious & Clear Within the data set, captured in the part 2 processing, we have a numeric reversal of primacy states occurring within the Terra entity. These, in the past in other entities, have been pre-cursors to tipping points. In this case we have a primacy state change of 114 down to 41. A significant movement as we note that primacy state values are the summation of emotive 'content' within the subject area. As we move our primacy state value closer to zero we are actually indicating a rise in emotive 'potential and investment', or in other words, total emotive energy put into the subject. While "hot" in the general sense of things, the Terra entity *appears* to be developing a very hot spot, which may cause the whole of the entity to go tipping point. This particular data set has a lexical sub structure {within Terra entity} that goes to the idea of 'space' effects on earth. It is within this set that we see our primacy state change developing. The new aspect is dual in nature and so we are labeling it as 'stellar intentions'. The twin attribute sets which support this structure go to the idea of 'obvious and clear', with each having several thousand supporting phrases for the basic idea of 'stellar/celestial developments/intentions become clear' and apparently even to those who 'will deny their nose'. On examination we find that this area of the Terra entity is indicating we are to see an increase in energy hitting the planet, most references point to the sun as the provider. Further the data indicates that this increase will be very 'shocking' indeed, and even to those in denial about Terra's state will be shocked into awareness. The good part, if there is one, is that the data is indicating that there will be a period, however brief, of 'relaxation of the effort' by the sun, following the large increase in gradient energy output. Of course, most humans would not care nor notice if the sun put out even twice

as much energy provided that it had minimal impact on earth. That this area of the data suggests that the increase will be noticeable, and from the cross links back over to both of our Populace entities, it importance of the 'recognition of obvious' as regards to solar energy goes directly to its terrestrial impacts. So our data indicates that the energy output *will* get people's attention. While the words 'obvious' and 'clear' show up as leading attribute set descriptors, the rest of the data context is less than clear, or obvious. There are hints that some level of populace will have to 'flee, leaving possessions', and other references such as 'dropping abundance, moving', but no clear sense of a unified response or even effect from the energy, thus no clear pointers or warnings. There are numerous references to the 'dispossessed' as well as 'walking away, empty', while conversely, there are also many references offering dire warnings to those who would 'place abundance/possession' above life. To further that image we also find that those who 'carry' will die. Many of these apparently come as a result of 'confusion, local' versus 'recognizing' that the 'effects are not local', and thus 'do not have to end' as long as the 'sun increases, expends' more energy into the local environment. Therefore, apparently not recognizing that the local, immediate effects will *not* end soon, some will stay for 'the sake of possessions' and will 'regret with their bones'. As the modelspace progresses, the Terra entity gains considerable more weight to this area of primacy state change. We suspect that a Terra based tipping point is developing. As this area grows over the month of June and into July, we also note a large number of cross links between this specific section and the Populace entities, as well as the Markets entity, specifically the Housing related area at this point in the processing. One possible interpretation is that *perhaps*, let us repeat that linguistic warning *PERHAPS* - this is indicating some extra-planetary energy will so alter some local conditions, likely through severe weather, that it contributes to depressing the housing price infrastructure globally. The sense coming through the attribute sets is that the housing industry is so close to collapse that anything is likely to take it over the edge, and that the 'recognition' of 'impermanence on earth' will be one of the triggers.

The way that this reads is plausible. If we consider that a large scale, say regional weather event takes place in which people evacuate, perhaps NOT to return due to conditions, AND it is recognized that the cause is solar energy, places any and all property at risk, in a mental sense, of devaluation. Why struggle to work to 'buy' property related debt if the value of the property, which is fixed by its location, is vulnerable to extra-planetary influences? And by extension, since the cause is extra-planetary, then all property is potentially at the same level of vulnerability. Basically the idea would seem to be that the 'confidence' in property/real estate collapses, and that takes the pricing with it. Further we see that those 'most at danger' from the actual celestial event impacting locally, are those who are 'not mature' enough to 'recognize impermanence' and who will 'stand and howl' in frustration, rather than 'leave propitiously'. Markets - Housing - Vitality Fading When we follow our cross links back over to the Markets entity, Housing section, we see that June will be a very critical month. We note that the general movement of the entity is from 'waning vitality' or 'creeping exhaustion' over to 'calcination' or 'accretions of woes'. This general sense is seen in all the supporting attribute sets, as well as being reflected in many of the major aspects within the entity sub section. In fact, we have the sort-ofmakes-sense, or too-be-expected view of the whole thing from the Markets entity in which the notations show the housing markets to be in serious decline beginning in June, but without a clear causal factor. However, we do have the 'feet move first', and 'many many feet move', and 'hastily running leads to exhaustion'. All of this within the Housing sub section, and tied back to Terra entity where it terminates in the 'leave propitiously' aspect/attribute set. Again, although oblique, a reference to evacuations as participating in the circumstances affecting the Housing markets. There are large numbers of cross links over to BushAdmin and over to GlobalCorp, as well as Press entities, but with the exception of the Press entity, we will have to wait until the part 3 processing to pursue these links as the other entities have yet to be loaded into modelspace. Press - Pimping Fertility to Failure

Within the Press entity, driven mainly by cross links from Populace and Markets, we note that the MSM {i.e. Main Stream Media} will be involved in attempting to 'proclaim fertility' of all things economic, and that this effort will be very large, and an instant failure as it will be immediately followed by the 'revelation of barrenness/infertility', and by the 'wastage/loss' of huge assets. Given the data set we have, it would not be surprising to see the MSM at some point go rapidly from Rah!Rah!Rah! to Woe!Woe!Woe!, and further to see reports of 'trillion dollar losses'. Using our cross links back to GlobalPop, we see that the USofA based MSM is about to 'hit the brick/stone/cement' {perhaps overcome the 'wall of control' seen in place around them?}, and will 'pimp and pump' under 'commands from their masters'. The data is showing us that this effort is not only doomed to failure, but is also the 'last gasp' of the 'extreme promotion' in defiance of reality. The lexical structures also suggest, that MSM will undergo something of a change in the months of June/July, leading to 'biting' and 'tearing' of 'restraints of old leather/harness/hobbles' such that 'words reveal' instead of concealing. As a marker, it would appear that a concerted, planned effort will be initiated to use the MSM to 'allay fear' and 'assuage concern' about the 'general plan', and that this will arise in response to our 'solar energy' inputs causing problems. Thereafter, the MSM will be used to 'deny eyes', and 'slice tongues', in an attempt to keep it all together. Our data would suggest that this will be a very short effort ending in spectacular failure. In fact, the rising aspect is 'repudiation' and this is carrying a huge level of accretions of lexical support, much of which cross links over to both the Populace entities, and the Markets.

Conclusion: Our apologies for the split nature of the part 2 posting in this series. As of this posting of the supplemental we are now onto part 3. We do wish to reinforce that all of this years' ALTA reports have been forecasting increased solar activity. True that some of the forecasts were very short term, and have been fulfilled. We still see the developing trend of the data suggesting a very large, terra altering, increase in solar energy this year. While, as noted, we have had our short term blips in data come in

followed by subsequent rises in solar activity, these were all on top of the larger trend still building. That trend continues, and the Terra entity information above may be indicating a 'peak' of activity, if not the denouement of the energy flow. In fact, we see no reason to suppose that the trend of increased solar energy impacts on earth will slow, in spite of a near term spike and trailing lull. Again, our data suggests that the immediate extra-planetary energy impacts are still seen riding on the back of a general longer term trend. However, the data suggests that the next short while will see a noticeable 'event' relating to extra-planetary energy input. As the Terra entity has it 'feet move, wind/force driven'. More on these entities in Part 3, which is anticipated by Sunday, June 12th.

Copyright 2005 by HalfpastHuman. All rights reserved. Released through subscription only. No reproduction in whole or in part without prior permission.

ALTA IR - 905 - June 11, 2005

Part 3 - A Note on Processing - Changes to interpretation* Terra - Sun - Withdrawal to Strength* Terra - Antarctica - RainStorm? Cut in Half?* Terra - Oceans - Disasters and Change* Terra - Continental North America - West Coast - Bogged Down* Markets - Hedge Funds - Advancing into Confusion* Populace/USofA - American Dream Pissing Away? Deep Impact Misses? Floods steal land*

Silver - Emotionally rising* Press - Foul Stranger* Asymmetric Language Trend Analysis Intelligence Report Changes in language precede changes in behavior. By Tenax SE for

Note this report is offered for entertainment value only. Any resemblance between the events portrayed in this report and any developing reality is purely co-incidental and in no manner represents foreknowledge on the part of the authors of this report. Note that this information is derived from humans expressing themselves on the internet. As such, human emotional values and the words used to express them are being sampled and interpreted here, NOT THE FUTURE. Any resemblance between this report and future developments is entirely in the mind of the perceiver and does not exist in reality. The Authors cannot be held liable for accuracy of lack thereof in this report. Authors cannot be held liable for human interpretation of this report nor any action any human takes as a result of this report. Any human foolish enough to alter their behavior based on this entertainment-only analysis demonstrates themselves incapable of rational appreciation of reality, and the authors are explicitly held harmless and blameless for any and all such mental aberrations on the part of the reader. 06.11.2005 Note: Entities are identified by a blue typeface. Aspect words are enclosed in square brackets []. Attribute words/phrases are within parentheses (). Near sentences or concepts composed of both leading aspect and trailing attributes are single quoted '. Interpretive editorial comments are preceded by an asterisk *. Data set distilled from 36.127 million reads . Our expectations are to achieve 60+ million reads within our bandwidth limitations. We expect a 6 part report series from this data set.

A Note on Processing - Changes to interpretation When examining the modelspace, our 3-d, aquarium-like display filled with hundreds of thousands of small pixels of color, it is easy to imagine that the relationships between the locations of the display are as meaningful as the underlying data. This is due to the the sheer weight in the brain of the visual cortex and the energy it consumes. However, as we are re-discovering with this data set, it is the evolving nature of the emotive sums, and not their proximate display that contains the real clues. As an instance, we gather an sum a few hundreds of thousands of conversations around a particular subject, and say the sum comes out to 0A21 in hexadecimal notation. This 0A21, due to its place in the attribute matrix, can be seen as reflecting the 'immediacy of impact' of the emotions involved. Ok, so far so good. Then we go over to the lexicon, and run the 0A21 analysis. We find that this sum is found in 55 descriptor sets. All these sets 'names' are stored. We then go back to the display and examine all the emotive sums for 'immediacy of impact' found in all the colored dots around, and subordinate to, our subject noun/phrase of the moment. This then gives us a list of say 20 to several hundred more of these 4 digit hex numbers to go look up. Each reflect the same immediacy of impact value, just for different words within the aggregation of that subject. Now each of these may be found in many more of the descriptor sets within our lexicon. So we note the names of all those descriptor sets, by which we mean that these names are pulled into our prolog based predicate calculus framework. There we perform various unions, and joins seeking for both all common descriptor sets as well as those which are unique. Both go into the interpretation. The other form of data that comes into play are all the 'named things'. These include such as place names, geographic descriptions, and such. So along with each section of each entity are large collections of nomative labels {names}. In some cases, much more so than one would initially imagine, many of such place names are identical yet refer to areas on opposite sides of the planet. If one is not aware that Place AAA exists in say, Utah, and one only thinks of Place AAA as being in Turkey, this will undoubtedly flavor the interpretation. In our case we think that something like this may be occurring as you will find noted below in the discussion about the plate shift. What we have working in our favor is that as more data is accrued over time, the amount of details which point to Place AAA being in say Utah rises

relative to Turkey, and one can begin to say, hmmm, may have screwed it up, thinking that such-and-so was going to happen to Turkey. Also what assists us in this evolution is the rising and falling of attributes sets, these collections of 4 digit emotive sum headed lists of words. As we gain our data from run to run, we do note that central themes may stay the same, yet the individual details data presented changes over time. Again, we are seeing such a movement now in several areas especially as related to the Populace entities. As the emotive sums grow or wane, we find ourselves examining different descriptor sets, seeking those words which provide a flavor of the particular set involved. In some cases, for example the 'bad water' set of 2004, we had the opportunity to extract the words 'force driven wave' from the attribute set, but instead choose the 'electrified water' = 'storm' set, as the idea of a megatsunami just did not compute. Needless to say, the events in Sumatra have placed their impact on our work. We now blithely translate our data sets to suggest that large scale tectonic plate movements (anything over one foot movement in a plate should be considered large scale) are probable this year. Igor often wonders if it is guts or insanity which allow us to both be sanguine with such wording. Just as we are sure that we are insane, the universe manifests evidence that suggests perhaps we are not insane enough. The scale of changes to our local solar system are staggering. The scale of recent changes to earth are staggering. The scale of changes seen within our data sets make it difficult for us to choose appropriate language in the description. Our problem is one of scope. If the data suggests wide spread earth changes and large scale devastation, we nonetheless are cognizant of not wanting to lean toward, nor pander to fear. In fact the whole point of the ALTA reports is to assist in preparing the mind for change. So our goal recently has been to go where the data leads, but when faced with a range of verbal descriptors, we have decided to choose from those within the sets that have mathematic values at the middle of the range. This will hopefully allow us to gather the flavor without either minimizing nor exaggerating the images used. We are also going to be very selective when providing geographic data, especially in the way of place names. There is so much duplication of naming that we think descriptors are better indicators. However, when

specific areas are more or less unique, those areas will be provided within the interpretation. Again, though, examing place names within the context of our processing is risky at best as our whole effort is toward aggregation of data. The point of this introduction is to say that as we do not have 'windows' in our predictive sets since we are merely following developing trends, we also do not have a necessarily fixed location or description of a particular set of circumstance. Terra - Sun - Withdrawal to Strength We have a very curious indication in the data that our sun event discussed in Part 2 - Supplemental concerning the impact of the sun on such things as 'housing' is developing for this summer. Noting that the data shows clear cross links internally in the Terra entity between the 'summer shakes' or earthquakes this summer, and solar activity, we now can report that the data seems to be indicating that the Sun will 'withdraw to strength'. As a rising aspect this is supported by attribute sets which go to suggest a period of activity on the sun going forward which will 'withdraw' or 'retreat' to a slight quiescence or 'cooling/distance' which is then immediately followed by some 'display of strength'. Our modelspace shows a clear correlation between this following 'display of strength', and the 'lost confidence in ground/earth/location/environment' which is proximately tied to the housing market problems. The lexical sets go to the idea of 'withdrawal into the hindquarters' or 'retreat to the rear' or 'staging for distance'. We also have such attribute sets as 'last people in dangerous area', 'many trapped, burn/bake'. We see such ominous warnings as 'stay put, disappear below ground/earth', and 'ropes of yellow energy/force' will be 'breaking on rocks'. This is also connected to 'electric rocks dangle threads'. We do find that the cross links with the Populace/USofA, as well as GlobalPop seem to indicate a globe affecting 'view of sol/sun' which is 'transformed under strength' both of which are supported by 'withdrawal precedes expansion'. Further, we note that this whole area of the Terra entity is internally cross linked back to an aspect under the 'summer shakes' aspect. This sub-aspect can be read as 'mountain rises to sky' or 'hills grow to sun'. Under this area we find numerous cross links between the Sol lexical data set, and the

'summer shakes' lexical data set such that the more obvious interpretation is for a time related link between the sun event where it 'demonstrates/displays strength of limb/reach' and the earthquakes reported in earlier ALTA series. It appears that the sun event will trigger not only physical quakes, but through cross links to the Populace/USofA we find that it also triggers 'emotional quakes/quivers' which are seen as 'removing doubt', and 'moving/motivating legs'. Again, please be aware that when body part references show up within the data after all our filtering, we pay special attention here as all anatomic references are very deep and meaningful archetype carriers for humans. Now, due to the nature of the shift of the primacy state sums for this data area, we have a *numeric diagonal mirrored reversal* occurring within this section of the entity as it is moved forward in modelspace. Basically this means that areas within the data set, both aspect and attributes will swap numeric values such that the total emotive sums remain the same, but that the areas of emphasis are flopped. At a macro-data level we can postulate that this suggests that perhaps the 'solar blowout, retreat' is going to occur on the opposite side of the sun. This would provide the emotive values which could impact the various markets as is seen within the cross links between Terra, Markets, and Populace entities as the whole species is faced with the question of 'what if that had been earth directed?'. Much of the language of 'withdrawal' is seen as being internal to the sun. Perhaps this is suggesting that the sun may slightly 'contract/withdraw internally' before reaching its 'expansion of limb/reach'. This would suggest that a 'breath in' is coming prior to its solar 'exhalation'. Both of these last references are found in aspects, and attribute sets for the event. We also see that externally to the solar event, that is on those aspects/attributes which are heavier in cross links to external entities, that the data goes to 'love stays behind, wise men die', and 'unprepared/unready/unwary brings sadness'. This latter aspect set also contains 'no success, lying to {your} eyes'. Also going to this idea of 'unready' we note that several of the attribute sets contain references to 'emergency' and 'shortages' which arise from this event. Further these are seen as giving rise to 'exploitation by merchants' and 'drugging/drinking/inebriation, citizenry'. Now this last reference may be referring to those who survive some of the 'peril of life' from this event, naturally release a little anxiety.

Deeper within our data, and heavily cross linked back to the Populace entities, we also note that many 'friends/family/tribe' will be 'left in haste, lidded over'. This is modified again by internal references to 'evacuations, poor, chaos, cast aside'. And amongst the debris will be 'shoes, melt', and 'clothing withers, shrivels'. In a more general sense, we will also note this area of Terra repeatedly as it is seen as impacting much of the expected weather, and other developments this summer, and into fall. Terra - Antarctica - RainStorm? Cut in Half? The data within the Terra entity which is Antarctica focused is growing considerably faster than other geographically referenced areas. This is exceptionally curious at a meta data level given the small number of humans who live on the continent. Beyond the mere accretion of data about the Antarctic continent, we now see that a number of cross links are forming internal to Terra between areas associated with Antarctica, its various seas, and the Southern Ocean. Further, there are a number of cross links which arise between Terra, Antarctica specific reference, and the Populace/USofA. While there are some number of links between Terra, Antarctica specific reference, and the GlobalPop, they pale in comparison to the thick mass developing with Populace/USofA. We need to note that since January ALTA reports, we have had indications of a [plate shift] and that accompanying same would be [sloshing tides] such that 'fishes would be left on capitol steps'. Since that time the modelspace has maintained this view. Along with the aspect/attribute sets, we have had enough indictors in the past ALTA reports for this year to suggest that the 'plate shift' would occur off the Pacific NW coast of the USofA. And that the likely capitol referenced was either Olympia in the State of Washington, or Vancouver/Victoria in the Canadian province of British Columbia. There were a number of geographic references to narrow the focus to this region. The following appearance of swarms of earthquakes numbering in the thousands over only days off the island of Vancouver, B.C. lent credence to this interpretation.

Both Igor and I are now pondering data that suggests that I got it wrong. In fact, our data points within the modelspace are now linking the [plate shift] with that area of Antarctica between Victoria Land {causing a previous point of confusion} and Palmer Land/Biscoe Is. As we progress our modelspace forward, we again must note the totally unexpected rise in Antarctica references which appear in mid-June and gather through toward the September equinox. At a meta-data level, the accretion levels are not explainable. We now have a rising aspect for Antarctica which is very difficult to characterize. We can call it 'rainstorm' as there is much within the descriptor set to warrant such a conclusion, though the total amount of references for 'energy' involved tend to push for the more dramatic wording which is also found within the descriptor set of 'cut in half' or 'split in half'. Within this data set the main body of supporting aspects go to a 'shake' which 'shifts the plate into multi parts'. This is seen as a 'shifting of the plates, sudden, violent' which will be felt in Japan and the far Pacific as 'rattan mats catch goods/objects', and that 'objects break {on} wood, bounce on rattan'. There are various other elements within the descriptor set which suggest that the plate shift will initiate our 'summer shakes' globally, and that the initial 'plate shift' in Antarctica will be followed by the 'whole of the bowl' {Pacific basin} which is seen as 'settling, shifting, {into} new patterns'. Along with the Pacific Basin references we see that the 'tide will cover heads' and that the 'tide cannot be resisted'. Further that the 'waters will carve' a new 'boundary/line' in the Antarctic continent which will take the 'return blow/response' of the 'waves/tides running fierce' back from Alaska. The obvious interpretation is for a Pacific ocean encompassing tsunami. Given the events in Sumatra of the last half year, this is more probable than might be first thought. We have, for some time, say since last summer ALTA reports, have had indications for 'rising land' to occur within the Pacific Ocean area. That is there were more references for Pacific than any other area so we shaded our interpretation that way. In the data set we currently have the conclusion would have to be for the 'rising land' to be in the southern Pacific basin. This would suggest then that the area with the 'capitol' likely to have 'fishes flopping on the steps' would be Wellington, New Zealand, or slightly less on

target, Australia. The links formerly thought to refer to British Columbia could very easily be transferred to New Zealand as many of the bespoke local area names are of the same english derivation, if not exact replicas. However, given the idea of a plate shift involving the Antarctic continent, it would still be possible for fishes to be flopping on the capitol steps in B.C. as there would be an expected huge displacement of waters within the Pacific, and coincidently, Victoria Island, B.C. is the first point of direct great circle line contact to another continental mass given an origination of a shift within Victoria Land, Antarctica. There would also be impacts all along the west coast of the continental USofA. And just to muddy the waters further, a great circle antipode to Victoria Land, Antarctica finds us just north of the British Isles, again, a source for the geographic names that keep popping up in our data. The data suggesting a fall plate shift in Antarctica is also accompanied by fairly robust descriptors going to 'heads underwater' and 'trying/attempting to cross the full/overfilled streams'. Then there are indications that the 'new ground/earth drips', as though rising from the ocean? And then there are a very large number of references for a rainstorm which carries with it the appellation of 'horrific'. This is magnified by its internal attribute set which goes to the idea of so much water coming down that it acts as a 'knife, scraping to rock'. Further the image is to people 'pushing/struggling' to 'cross the streams' to the 'safety of boat' while 'rain pours, scouring, land bleeds waters'. We also find several internal cross links all going to the idea of a continent 'cut in half' or 'sheered into multiple parts'. Then, linking from this area over to the data referencing the North American continent, the lexical descriptors continue to cooperate with the image as it goes toward 'tide too fierce, no avail', and 'flee before rising waters', as well as 'waters/tides swamp lakes, marsh traps feet'. All of which then naturally lead to the also rising-very-fast data elements for human's relationship with the oceans of the planet. Terra - Oceans - Disasters and Change The Terra entity, as it is progressed through modelspace representing the period of this summer transitioning into fall {June Solstice to September Equinox}, has a very large area of emotive value growth. In fact this area, the descriptor set for the 'Oceans, global', doubles in both total aggregated lexical pointers {aspects/attribute sets}, and in the area of emotive sums. We

find that the total summed emotive values not only double exactly, but this is caused by an irregular gain of emotive sums in diverse areas of the subject. The emerging pattern of emotive value growth tends to give us confidence that we are not seeing an artifact of our processing methods, but are actually catching the very leading edge of a new emotive trend developing within the populace at large. This trend indicates a very large rise in emotive 'angst' as regards the oceans of the planet. We are seeing the emergence of body part references within the main 'Oceans, global' area. These include references to 'breath of planet', and 'breath giver' as well as 'life from breathe/breathing'. Mixed in with these references are those pointing to bespoke emotive connections between humans and the oceans. These go to the idea of 'all forms of life, rest on sincere behavior' of the oceans. An obvious enhanced understanding would be to take this as meaning that a resurgence of the concept of the oceans as essential to life on earth will rise within the populace over the course of the summer. Now, just as obvious, this re-connection to our marine roots will not arise on its own but will develop as a result of more and more activity occurring around our relationship to the oceans. The data clearly shows links to solar activity, and within those links the implication is that the sun will 'heat the waters, stopping breath', and that 'thunder, indicating lightning' striking the 'bottom of the oceans' which in turn is seen as 'driving out the breath'. While this is apparently going to be a more or less local phenomena, the implications globally are severe enough that much more attention will be paid to the oceans. However, our data suggests that the time 'of redress' is 'past, accomplishments not possible', and that a view of 'mourning and respect' will instead take hold emotively, rather than one of a general emotive 'call to action'. While the data suggests indeed that there will be 'calls to action, urgent/urgency' we also note that these are all hanging under the aspect of 'right time past'. Further within this set we find, 'case closed', 'no more effort needed'. Not a good sign. While the 'oceans, global' data set does show a fully populated attribute set under the aspect of 'disease', we have to note that this is a more or less stable emotive value element within the lexical substructure, and is not seen as the proximate cause of this summer's emotive shift vis-a-vis the oceans. Rather what we find on examination is that the rising aspect of bespoke 'disasters' is viewed as the fulcrum. These 'disasters' will 'strike the innocent', and also

will 'permeate the waters'. At this point there are some strange references to 'mountains rising' as well as 'breath heated, froth fills' and 'heated waters expand', but no clear details beyond these diverse though connected threads. We do find that 'yellow mud rises', as well as 'grief reins/holds/controls', all the while that 'neighbors cry', and 'fowl flee'. There are many cross links back to our energetic solar activity, but no clear indication yet as to just how obvious the 'energy inputs/lightning' will be as it strikes the oceans. If not the actual manifesting cause of the 'breath ceases/halts/staggers', then the energy inputs are still seen as being a big contributor to the emotive change. Our sense of the emotive change is of humans now perceiving the oceans as an old friend, mortally wounded. This whole sense of 'morbidity' and 'mortality' as well as 'mourning' all contain cross links back to the area internally which references the Indian Ocean region. This area is to continue to undergo severe trials. The data suggests that this area is about to 'line up its splits {eq faults?} in parallel rows'. Then the area is seen as moving from a period of 'rapid change' to 'completion/settlement'. It may be that some aspect of the Indian Ocean will participate with the Antarctica plate shift. Terra - Continental North America - West Coast - Bogged Down Within the section of the Terra entity which has references to the north american continent, there is a never before seen complete cross link of all aspects. These cross links all go to the exact same set of lexical descriptors as we see in the above referenced Antarctica paragraphs. These cross links are from all the aspects/attribute sets back over to Antarctica. Or rather to the same data set. It therefore *might* be possible to interpret the information in one of three broad ways: either as North America being the point of origin; or Antarctica being the point of origin; or lastly, both areas share the same levels of impact and point of origin is elsewhere. However, given our more robust data accretion levels for Antarctica, we will still maintain that area as the point of origin, and the North America section as the point of echo of the effects. Within the North American data specific area we find that ALL rising aspects are cross linked over to Antarctica. Many of the same values exist in both sets. We note that the 'plate shift' is still seen as having an impact on the coasts. We see that 'sand will flood, turing to bog' and that 'sudden bogs trap

feet' as well as 'wheels useless, water over heads'. There are also some large reinforcements emerging now which tie back to previous ALTA reports suggesting that massive rainstorms will hit the northern hemisphere as a result of activity in the southern hemisphere. This now would fit the idea of a plate shift in Antarctica, the rising of land in the southern Indian ocean in reaction, and the release of large volumes of water into the atmosphere. Along with the bespoke 'tides too strong to resist' and 'tides clawing windows', we continue to find references to 'rain' of such proportions as to completely redefine the human appreciation of the phenomena. There are many lexical descriptors within the North American focused data to the idea of 'being made weak by shock', and 'too weak to walk {across } the rapidly flowing streams/creeks'. We also have the more dramatic 'cars, upside down, floating, islands at sea', as though to point up the idea that the rainwater actually washes cars out into the ocean. The repeated 'rain' references are showing up along with our continuing emerging theme of a plate shift. NOTE: while possible that such an event would/could accidentally conform to our modelspace timing, the likelihood is that it will not. Just as we received 'bad water' notices throughout 2004 with the tsunami coming in the last days of December, we may well be examining a similar developing data set now. Just because our modelspace has the event within the Antarctic continent occurring in fall is not a guarantee of timing. It may well be merely indicating that such an event will occur after the fall equinox which is currently our most focused point on the modelspace. We also need to consider that the solar influences on all terrestrial activities cannot be overstated. It may well be that all such events as seen here are actually awaiting a sun based energy output as the trigger. The modelspace also still maintains links for our 'summer shakes' which are again still showing more North American data points than other areas. HOWEVER, please note that the rise of the duplicate sets of english language, english culture based place names, one focused on British Columbia, and the other on New Zealand must give us at least a minute to consider that the summer shakes may well be intended to reference New Zealand. This may also be probable in the instance of a developing plate shift in Antarctica. That said, there are still North American focused references for largish summer earthquakes, and the data for B.C, or NZ are ambiguous.

And as one last note, logic would suggest that a plate shift anywhere on earth will involve all plates on earth. So both locations could well be primary points of effect or impact. Markets - Hedge Funds - Advancing into Confusion We have a developing situation within our Markets entity, now completely out of its tipping point state, where its branching out from a concentration of energy appears to be reflective of a bespoke 'dissipation' of energy within the [hedge funds, global]. As a descriptor set for this data region we can extract the prime aspects and we see that the whole of the industry is perceived to be 'advancing into confusion'. Now please note that the lexical descriptors could also be read as 'marching into chaos' with equal justification. This area is heavily cross linked with nearly 80% of the aspects having one or more connections back internally to Markets, and nearly 3 out of 8 having external cross links back to the two Populace entities. These are mostly origination points within this area of Markets suggestive of circumstances or events within the hedge fund industry about to 'ripple out' along the general consciousness-pond surface, over to Populace/USofA, and GlobalPop. In both Populace entities, the terminating links are to very negative, even bespoke negative emotions. These are all initially clumped around the bespoke mental state of 'confusion' but as the modelspace is advanced over the course of summer and into fall, the references spread out to include both 'rage' and huge heaps of 'fear'. We note that descriptors within the set show a June based marker where in the 'royal son' is seen as 'granting audience' to the 'expert noble' {Al Greenspan is now a knight, hmmm.}. This marker is the point at which the 'advance' or 'march' into 'confusion' will have begun. While the 'royal son' will think the meeting to be 'preemptive/early', the actual manifestation has already occurred and the meeting is seen as producing a 'swift/sure/forceful retreat of confidence'. This further has many cross links back over to Populace/USofA wherein the 'confusion of the moment' is seen to 'overwhelm reason, sanity'. Again, the marker shows that the 'royal son' gets to have 'three meetings' in 'discussion/resolution of conflict {within the markets}'. All three will fail, but it will be the 'audience with the noble expert' which really kicks off the problems. Apparently it will be a late in the day meeting, and this will create a strange situation in which many people

are seen as 'not sleeping, waiting' for the announcements of the results. It could also be interpreted as though the results of the late in the day meeting will be 'not accepted' and this will lead to 'sleeplessness, forced waking, waiting' as though there will be some general anxiety about the markets the next day which will induce the sleepless night. As to the actual problem with the "hedge fund industry", this is seen as being 'pummeled' by 'quick action/violence' which is also seen as being a pretty spectacular failure. For this area of the Markets entity the dominating and still rising aspect is 'remorse'. Further this aspect carries the image within the attribute set of 'remorse brings tears, admonishments, curses'. The targets of these are seen as the 'fowl/bird king' who is further described as 'sitting in shit' as a result of the problems emerging. Again, graphic language aside, *any* reference to body parts, fluids, or excrement reaches deep into the archetypical language constructs and we always take these very seriously as the filtering takes out all bespoke references to same, allowing them to arise only through lexical emotive sums linking to the main lexicon. One way to look at this is as universe has to really work to get body part/function references through our filters, indicative of serious impacts, archetypically. Our modelspace indicates that the hedge fund problems will grow to a crescendo state over the course of June and July. We may see a mid-July debacle within the "industry" which precipitates the 3/three meetings with the 'royal son' and the subsequent collapse of confidence. Our timing is pretty notoriously wrong, however there are several key points such as the summer solstice, and the bounding fall equinox within which we can estimate our timing. In any case, the key marker for the denouement of the hedge fund problems is still seen as this series of 3 meetings. Thereafter it is all down hill. In the meetings descriptor set are images for 'furtive movement', 'quick, rodent-like jerks', 'twitching', 'small animals move fast'. These are all cross linked internally to this set with the prime aspect of 'cautious'. This is further amplified by language within the attribute set which goes to the idea of 'secrets' dropping from 'pockets, of the unwary'. Also we get the image of 'too many pressures, eyes not seeing'. As if these were not confusing enough, we see that the perception of the result of the meeting(s) will be of a 'deal with a horned devil' which will 'yield nothing, regrets'. Also, within the Populace/USofA entity we have cross links back to the 'horns from the head' which are seen as the twin evils of 'aggression' and 'indiscrimination of

view'. This latter is modified by 'lack of mature view', and 'immature son, weak mind'. These also are within the area of Populace/USofA which is reacting to the financial problems and beginning its transition to quasi or continuous tipping point. One further point is that the most visible manifestation of the developing problems prior to these series of meetings will perhaps be seen in the markets as they are described as 'basking in confusion' or 'floating in uncertainty'. This will be the state of things as the 'waves of cramps' or 'tides of complaints/howling' occurs 'behind thick doors, locked, silent'. Then there will be some 'destructive forces' which will appear to 'pull apart the frame of the dollar'. This is coincident with a period in which those supporting the dollar are 'appearing in public, denouncing the past'. This image is further clarified with the idea of the press reporting from 'officials on high' who will be attempting to 'distance today' from 'past actions', as well as the actual 'denial of history', all of which are directly dollar related. These 'pronouncements of health of patient', and 'proclaiming soundness' will be perceived by the Populace/USofA entity as 'fighting words'. Somehow these proclamations are seen as actually producing 'blows to the face' which apparently will seriously exacerbate the developing class warfare within the Populace/USofA. Note that where the MSM {MainStream Media} are continuing to refer to the 'culture wars' within the USofA, our data suggests this is going to rapidly morph into a true class war, mega-rich versus the poor {everyone else}. Part of the issues developing over the summer for the USofA dollar and its emotional relationship within the Populace entities is seen as coming from a 'visible effort' to 'keep the lid on' all fiscal activities. Much of the data set within the Populace entities could be interpreted to suggest that it is the 'revealed exposure/naked flesh' of the 'deliberate hands' which are 'pressing down the water in the well' that causes the actual problems. In other words, it could be interpreted that the crisis develops due to the exposure of the manipulation of markets which leads to an instant loss of confidence. Just one way of viewing the data, however, in either case, the marker period of the 3 meetings is still taken as the point at which things get worse, rapidly. Populace/USofA - American Dream Pissing Away? Deep Impact Misses? Floods steal land

Consistently throughout the last few ALTA runs we have seen the Populace/USofA {and GlobalPop, but driven by USofA} moving toward a period in June in which the entity begins what appears to be a very long period tipping point. Or perhaps a better description would be that the entity enters one tipping point, nearly completes it only to begin again at another point. This state is still reflected within our entity. While our timing is always suspect, we still see that the [economic] aspects are at this point collecting within the Populace/USofA entity and are growing into a tipping point state. Within the [economic] aspect within Populace/USofA, we have rising values and/or changes in 5 out of every 6 attributes. We also have an entity primacy state change relative to [economic] aspect as it moves from 29 down to 11. Note the lower the sum here, the higher the intensity of emotive impact, and the longer the duration of the impact. We note that the Populace/USofA is about to encounter severe circumstances in many areas. The beginning area apparently will be those things [economic]. The attribute sets for this aspect show that the Populace/USofA is about to 'lose unanimous purpose' or 'lose cohesion' or 'have unity stolen'. In all three cases, the attribute images are emotively tied back to the lexicon where we see that collectively they go toward the idea of 'splintering' into 'multiple parts'. This wording goes to the idea of 'social cohesion separating', however we also have to note that the entity shows that a significant portion of the populace will come to see it as TPTB {The Powers That Be} 'squandering unity' for the sake of 'self-preservation'. Now note that this last is the mid-point in the set which ranges from the more mild 'our goals', to the more dire 'imposed will'. Our Populace/USofA entity set related to [economic] aspect shows that the 'unanimous purpose' or American Dream, will be 'stolen' or 'lost' irrevocably and that the beginning of it will be witnessed over the these next months as the [economic] activity of the nation 'splinters', and 'degrades' to 'something new, less'. We need to note that there are many descriptors going to 'unknown' with the attendent rise in emotive values as 'fear', and that we are seeing a very large rise in the bespoke emotions such as 'fear' coming in during the data gathering. As emotional waves of the time come more into focus, and are felt more consciously by people, we see an increase in frequency of the bespoke emotion involved. In this case, tied to USofA economy over the summer and through the rest of the year, the largest single aspect coming in and the one rising the fastest with the largest attribute set is 'unknown'.

What we do see as being felt though, is clearly a divisiveness arising within the population. Curiously, the entity also shows that the personality to 'cure the split' or to 'bring unity' is 'visible at the periphery of the circle'. However, the 'resistance to unity' is seen as 'strongest in the center'. Nonetheless, and any 'unifier' personalities aside, the Populace/USofA entity suggests that a large split is coming. This split does not refer to the manufactured MSM view of the 'culture wars'. Those, according to our data, are going to be subsumed by 'economic necessity' in which much of the populace, now economically 'content' will be very suddenly shifted 'down into mire' where 'rage' is 'fueled by deception', and 'princely beggars rot with shame'. The subordinate aspects to [economic] within Populace/USofA have a series of events in mind it would seem. First we see that the personality who seeks unity, currently on the periphery of things, will actually be 'thrust outside/expelled/exiled' and that during this movement TPTB will feel 'vindicated/smug' while believing that the 'problem is removed'. However, the very act of expulsion has within it, its own seeds of retribution. We see that the 'small act, changes most', and that the personality expelled will 'remove the flow' on his/her departure. Perhaps one interpretation is a TeeVee personality who irritates TPTB, is removed, replaced, and then TPTB discover that the overt act of removal doomed them to 'exposure of greed/motivation', as well as 'revealing the hand in the glove', or lastly as the terminating aspect/attribute set would have it 'putting face on force'. Note that these events are all intermixed within the Populace/USofA entity as we progress the entity through the modelspace. With the data processing of this week, we now have our modelspace extened out to nearly end of May of 2006. In this case, our Populace/USofA entity is indicating that its [economic] based tipping point condition will begin in June, and extend all the way through the rest of the year. With primary aspects of 'confusion' and 'degradation' as well as the whole loss of the American Dream, it would not seem that the immediate future will be easy. Within the internally cross linked data relating to our 'unifying personality', the aspects/attributes suggest a pretty miserable time as well. The indications are for this persons family to suffer 'regrettable behavior' at the 'hands of slaves' again at the 'directions of masters'. In the end this produces an emotional block within this person toward 'avoiding compromise with evil'.

Further though are curious references to 'being driven to {associate with} low classes/criminals'. On the larger entity and its focus on the [economic] tipping point, the data suggests that events in June through early August will be 'unproductive' and the 'degradation into confusion' will continue such that the Populace/USofA is 'chafing', and 'grinding teeth'. This last has an attribute set going to 'on empty husks' which is at least evocative of decrease, which co-incidently is a strong supporting aspect. From our data, it would seem that a cross-current trend will bring more and more segments within the Populace into the area of 'empty plates', and 'still hours', which places them under increasing emotional strain, and brings them into the 'active participants' of those who are seen as 'fighting with belly {as their cause}'. As a magnifying circumstance, we also have large numbers of cross links to Terra which go to the idea of weather disasters, likely sun initiated, causing impacts of a considerable nature on the 'housing industry'. In this case it is not a case of silver lining good, such as rebuilding after hurricanes, but rather the data suggests that one or more weather events will have such a large scale impact on the mindset of the Populace/USofA, that the idea of property ownership is radically altered. Following the alteration of the mindset, mass behavior changes will be manifest. This is but one of hundreds of areas of cross links within the Populace entity which terminate under the [economic] aspect. Not that this situation is unexpected, given the huge national focus on money and economy within the Populace/USofA and the MSM. However we also need to note that these cross links are specifically rising from any number of areas of potential problems. These ALTA reports are a form of linguistically based probability analysis. As such the probabilities emerging from the data now must be tempered with recent manifestations here on earth. That is, when the data suggests a significant impact on the USofA economy due to the [plate shift] which we are now citing in Antarctica, then, given the recent break-up of the Austral-Indian plate in the Sumatran earthquake, we must assign some level of probability above zero to what would have been a very unlikely event indeed only 2 generations back.

So, our litany of cross links which impact the USofA economy over the rest of the year include huge rainstorms, large scale flooding impacting food/other deliveries, a potential for a plate shift in Antarctica which induces tidal flooding as far away as Alaska, and numerous 'sun flower' storms to arrive from the North Atlantic to batter the eastern seaboard of America, as well as all of the Markets related chaos and corruptions. Then there are the geopolitical problems. And on top of that are the also-seen, space-based issues which will impact the general emotive balance of the Populace/USofA. It promises to be a very full year. And, still within our data set, as has been seen all year, some form of 'death' impact on the population as a whole will arrive in early December, but this will be more focused at the Bushistas, and only will be felt 'reflectively' within the Populace. No further details here. Speaking of the space-based probabilities for this year, we have a situation in which the Populace/USofA and GlobalPop are both showing very large jumps in anxiety relative to the planned 'shooting' of the 'star/comet' on July 3, 23:48 ZT. While there are some of our data elements which suggests that the 'shot will miss', and that 'they do not know ther whereabouts' of the 'object hunted', we still see a significant rise in the emotive anxiety level. Still way below even entity wide awareness, nonetheless, those who are aware of the pending action are not sanguine about the results. The Populace/USofA entity clearly states though that the 'fear of respiration' being 'affected/stopped' will surface. Further the attributes go to the idea of 'atmospheric charges send bad smells down', and that 'disruptions visible, metals fail'. This latter has several supporting attributes giving the image of communications being disrupted or actually failing for some time. The dominant aspect/attribute set for the 'deep impact' subset of our data goes to the idea of 'continuity disrupted/disturbed'. As this is heavily accented with references to 'solar' and 'sun', we may be seeing the Populace/USofA entity forecasting another part of the 'sun impacts' on the USofA 'housing markets'. What is clear is that the 'deep impact' section of the Populace/USofA entity is all entangled within the [economic] subsection of the entity. What is also clear is that there are strong cross links back to the 'housing' section of the entity. What is not clear is just how these will interact. It may well be though, that a reasonable interpretation could go to the idea that a successful shoot of the deep impact probe, which would prove comets to not be 'iceballs' would boost the solar capacitance model as the prime weather driver here on earth, which in turn would up-end current popular

understanding such that behavioral changes impact the housing market. Admittedly a little thin as an interpretation. We can be very clear about how the rest of the [atmosphere/weather] aspects will impact the Populace/USofA entity for the rest of this year. We note that the entity states plainly that 'leaders believe lies' which will lead to 'obscurity of vision' relating to 'weather events'. We see that the eastern seaboard, primarily Florida weighted, will be subject to demonstrations of the 'laws of nature' about the 'movement of water', and that 'water does not run uphill', but is seen instead as 'covering the hill from the feet up'. The indications are that the storms of this year will impact the Populace/USofA along the eastern half of the country such that 'citizens hide in caves' and 'refugees float goods across rivers'. Again, please note that strong indications for 'bad water' are developing for this region of the USofA, however at this time the data is pretty clear that while the oceans are intimately involved, the danger will be seen as 'falling rain' rather than tsunami. Not to be too vacillating about the subject, but we do note a small knot of data around the idea of significant loss of land due to ocean flooding. This area is more USofA focused, and more focused north of Florida. This section contains almost no Caribbean references. The modelspace is indicating, separately from all possible causal probabilities, that the 'housing industry/markets' within the USofA will be 'in disarray' by the winter solstice. We find data elements which show that our largest impact will come around the fall equinox, and that by the winter solstice the only thing left of the market will be the 'awakening of the players to the empty table'. Prior to the equinox, the data goes to the idea of 'pacing, idling, back and forth', or 'no accomplishment, no movement'. Then comes the 'position of danger' which is seen as 'one step forward, supported on lies', and that this period leads directly to 'convincing oneself' of the 'justification for action', all of which is seen to 'fail against the bright light of the sun/daylight'. This section of the data shows that there will be '7/seven days' of 'panic, fear, flailing' around the period of the equinox, and that this is preceding a 'interruption of the past, permanent'. The data also goes to a 'silent awakening, whole cycle breaks'. Again, all of this area has been examined without following the cross links which go back to the Terra events of this

summer and early fall. So separately, this section is explicitly stating that the 'housing bubble' has indeed 'sprung leaks, blowholes'. Silver - Emotionally rising Separate from the weather related elements, but still within the [economic] sphere of the entity, there are a number of cross links going between the Populace/USofA and our small Silver entity. The Silver entity continues to advance up, and is completely separated from the rest of the Markets entity by over 122 units {approx. twice its diameter} by the end of July. While not an indication of pricing, this is clearly an indication of emotional attachment. There are also some indications that this rise in the emotional view of silver will be a direct response to the degradation within the [economic] aspect of the Populace/USofA entity. We do not, as of this point in the processing, yet have any 'panic buying' emotive indicators. Though we are only about 209 summation values below such a level. To put this in perspective, last year silver never rose higher in emotive values than 1200 units away from 'panic' as the motivating emotion. In the last year this has been a very steep emotional rise, and it is still ongoing. Press - Foul Stranger Within our Press entity {bearing in mind this represents the corporate controlled mega media, primarily USofA based}, we note that a very 'foul' situation will be developing fairly soon. Within the details we see that the 'stranger' will bring 'foul deed, smells' with him into the 'house, guest status'. Deeper within the 'foulness' shown the aspect/attribute sets go to the image of the Press 'castigating the lame', and 'hurrying the blind to fall', while 'degrading the smile' of the 'poor'. This then is accompanied, as indicated through cross links back to both Populace entities, by 'shouts against {those} who disrespect the conventions', and 'railing against the mouth that speaks despicable words'. Further we find that this area is cross linked back over to one of the key tipping point areas within the [economic] section of the Populace/USofA entity. Basically, no matter how far down we drill, the image is the same, one of the populace calling 'shame' on the 'propagandists of the press'. The aspects supporting the cross links to Populace/USofA go to the idea of a very

visceral reaction to the Press as it 'calls common, evil, grubbing, behest of masters'. One interpretation would be that the propagandists of the MSM will label someone with the particular view that TPTB would like to promote, only to get a very unexpected reaction from the Populace. The data points out that the reaction will 'shock' the 'rectum loose' within TPTB, and will lead to the Populace/USofA 'acting out frustration/rage' by many 'attacks/confrontations' with individuals of the Press. Given the data, it would not be surprising to see reports surface that members of the teevee press are 'knocked in the face' and have their 'material/equipment trampled/stomped' on the street. The data suggests further that smallish 'brick buildings, red, aged, moss covered' will stand as silent witness as the 'neighbors' set about 'beating ears', and 'thrashing/trashing' the Press on the scene. It is seen as being so bad that the press will 'flee' and will have to 'send law enforcement/agents' back to 'retrieve once-property' which is now 'garbage' with 'cables/strings askew'. In the end, our combined entities are clearly showing a two fold influence on the Press as an entity. First we have their corporate masters dictating certain views which are seen as running counter to what the Populace will accept. This brings out a 'rebellion of words' against both their 'owners/masters' as well as the 'fouler of the nest'. However, at this point it is too late, in spite of individual journalists quickly growing a spine, as the whole of the Press entity is facing a view within the Populace entities as being a 'foul stranger shitting on the floor'. Needless to say, such behavior is not going to receive a very favorable response. Adding to the developing woes of the Press entity, will be the 'shots' which 'crack the glass' leading in turn to 'release of the knowledge'. This latter is hugely cross connected back over the 'sun, withdrawal to strength' section of Terra entity. The obvious interpretation is a 'glass breaker/whistle blower' who leaks out some very disturbing information to the Press. Then continuing the thought, the Press reports the information, but is told by their masters to 'lay the {man} down in mud', which they do. But the public is not buying it, choosing to believe their own 'direct experience'. This in turn causes the 'final rift/cessation' of support within the Populace/USofA for the Press. We also have to note that within the Populace/USofA entity even now we see emotional indications about the Press which were similar in levels to 'used car frauds', and assaultive criminals'. Those writers who do conscious discuss the Press as a concept, are now doing so with the bespoke phrases as

'worse than liars, mercenaries'. This of course, is in a period when 'mercenaries' do not have a very good reputation. We expect, given the emotive impact values, and the very high immediacy values that we can look forward to our Press entity manifestations over the next few weeks, perhaps through July, but the modelspace is indicting that the fireworks should begin almost immediately. Conclusion We have a large number of changes coming in during this last bit of data gathering. Most of this will be reflected in Part 4 which we hope to have posted by Monday, June 20th. We should note now that we may get an email update if processing warrants it. For instance Igor tells me that the data elements for Iraq are showing large scale changes. We will examine those first chance we get post processing, but as of now he indicates that something on the order of an 80 per cent or greater change is occurring within the data set.

Copyright 2005 by HalfpastHuman. All rights reserved. Released through subscription only. No reproduction in whole or in part without prior permission.

ALTA IR - 905 - June 19, 2005

Part 4: Silver - Moving to Double* Terra - Global Earthquakes - Headache, Bellyache, Heartache* Terra - North America Continent - PNW - Movement to Isolation*

Terra - Inconceivable Power, Singing Voices* Terra - California - Soggy Marsh Drains, Sated with Rain* Terra - USofA - New Madrid - Flowing Down River* Terra - Oceans - Duality Degrades* Markets - Commodities Wars, Cutting the Knot* Populace/USofA - Foul Stranger Appears, Tension Between the Shoulders, Dred Companion Climbs Hills* Populace/USofA and GlobalPop - Food Crisis* Populace/USofA , GlobalPop - Energetic Sun 3 Times in One Day* Bushistas - Noise Explodes, Past Digested* GlobalCorp - Her Emotional Power* Conclusion - Gathering Threads

Asymmetric Language Trend Analysis Intelligence Report Changes in language precede changes in behavior. By Tenax SE for

Note this report is offered for entertainment value only. Any resemblance between the events portrayed in this report and any developing reality is purely co-incidental and in no manner represents foreknowledge on the part of the authors of this report. Note that this information is derived from humans expressing themselves on the internet. As such, human emotional values and the words used to express them are being sampled and interpreted here, NOT THE FUTURE. Any resemblance between this report and future developments is entirely in the

mind of the perceiver and does not exist in reality. The Authors cannot be held liable for accuracy of lack thereof in this report. Authors cannot be held liable for human interpretation of this report nor any action any human takes as a result of this report. Any human foolish enough to alter their behavior based on this entertainment-only analysis demonstrates themselves incapable of rational appreciation of reality, and the authors are explicitly held harmless and blameless for any and all such mental aberrations on the part of the reader. 06.19.2005 Note: Entities are identified by a blue typeface. Aspect words are enclosed in square brackets []. Attribute words/phrases are within parentheses (). Near sentences or concepts composed of both leading aspect and trailing attributes are single quoted '. Interpretive editorial comments are preceded by an asterisk *. Data set distilled from 51.982 million reads . Our expectations are to achieve 60+ million reads within our bandwidth limitations. We expect a 6 part report series from this data set. Silver - Moving to Double We have developed a very curious duality around the Silver entity context. If we examine the data from one set of aspects, we get our 'silver submarine, iced tea in glasses' and the emotive values moving toward 'panic' as in 'panic buying'. If, on the other hand, we follow the slew of cross links over to the Populace and Bushistas, and Markets, and TPTB, we can extract these elements, clump them together and our opposite view emerges. This would be the perspective of the manipulators of the Markets component of the Silver entity. From this view, we see that 'hard times' are coming. With the idea of the manipulators firmly in place, we see that the cross links to Markets show the 'sitting' on Silver will run into 'difficulty' that had 'initially been suppressed', but now is evolving to where the 'agents/ministers' of the 'scheme' will 'wrestle' with 'one problem after another'. This is seen as 'causing/creating' an 'attention gap' where the 'minister' reports to the 'ruler' and both discover that 'no progress can/has

been made'. There is much more language to this basic point, suggesting by way of interpretation that the silver suppression crowd has run into the end of their reach. The lexicon goes to the idea of 'pushing hard, no reward'. This is supported by 'tired arms fail to hold'. The more we read down into the aspect/attribute groups the more the picture of too many things all going too wrong {from the point of view of the minister of manipulation} to continue to control the circumstances. Most of us know that such 'control' was only illusionary at best, but now apparently it is time for the 'minister to lose his head in chaos' as he and his master realize their resources are nearly used up. When we progress the modelspace forward, we note that a large emotive jump, previously referenced in email notification this week, of 105 points occurs. Within the transition from June to July, and likely before the middle of July we will see some manifestation of this new 'emotive attachment' level. Will it be price movement? Perhaps, or perhaps it will be both price, and MSM reporting of the actual circumstances surrounding the precious metals. While this is uncertain, our data does show that Silver as an entity is moving up on its own within the modelspace, at the same time that the cross links from Silver over to both Populace/USofA and GlobalPop are entering into the tipping point regions in both of these entities. The suggestion is that as the 'conscious perception value' of the context of silver rises within the Populace entities more and more emotional energy will be manifested outand-about within the social contexts of the Populace entities, i.e. more people will be openly talking about silver in very positive language. This in turn USUALLY accompanies a rise in price of the commodity. However, we must note that just because the end is being indicated as near for the silver suppression crowd, it does not mean that it is quite here yet. But still, it is close. Terra - Global Earthquakes - Headache, Bellyache, Heartache Sadly, our data indicates that during July and August at least 3/three large earthquakes will 'release restrained energy' and produce a period of 'headache, bellyache, heartache'. Further, the suggestion is that as 'one is released' it causes energy to be 'restrained/bottled elsewhere'. Continuing down we find that this newly 'restrained energy' will be 'available' around the 'fall equinox'. We see that the 'responsive movement of the earth' is held within the overall aspect of earthquakes, and the very large levels of cross links to both

Populace entity argue in favor of a global interpretation. The supporting aspects all go to support the idea of '3/three great quakes'. Great quakes are defined as an 8 on the scale or larger. What appears to be developing is an interconnected group of entities all relating the same data, just from differing views. For instance, we find that the GlobalPop entity, tied back to the 3/three great quakes area, shows that 'ten years' of 'work, sweat, suffering' will be required to 'recover to neutral' from these quakes. This area, within GlobalPop has heavy cross links back over to Markets, and in turn, it is also saying 'ten years costs' and 'ten years devastation', as well as 'no profits' for 'ten years'. When we examine the internal cross links in Terra, and follow the larger ropes from 3/three great quakes, we end up in the section defined by the aspect of 'plate shift'. There we find that these 3 quakes are merely the setup, and not the crescendo of the 'plate shift'. Our lexical sets within this area of Terra go to the image of 'pulses' and 'pulsating movement' which is cited as being 'deep under the mountains' and 'within the bones/knuckles of the earth/ground'. It would appear that the 3 large quakes will be as 'bubbles popping' in a 'pan of boiling water'. The lexical sets are also quite clear, including links back to both Populace entities, that it is 'celestial forces', or 'solar energy' which is the proximate cause of all of this activity. As a brief diversion, we note that the 'solar energy' as the driver of earth events is still showing within the Populace entities over the course of the summer. One interpretation would be the general realization that extra-earth energy sources are the cause of the problems. This would fit with the strange lexical structures building around the 'housing industry' and 'markets' in general over the summer. These all go to the idea of 'confusion' giving rise to 'panic over the sun'. Returning to the 'plate shift' section and its cross links to the '3 great quakes', we find that both areas contain aspects/attribute sets for the earthquakes being the 'small steps' which 'lead to the stairs'. Further down in that chain, we note that continuing cross links between the two sections maintain that the 'ladder' will 'break 3/three rungs'. Also that 'water displaces 3/three stones'. Not to beat the subject into the ground, but to provide what detail might be gleaned, we also see that the ALTA 105 through 605 indications for 'rising

land' are now shifting to 'emerging ground', and 'rising plateau', as well as 'new lands drain seas, skin/hide/leather of the ocean'. This is coupled with other areas of Terra going to the image of 'retreating feet, advancing waters', and 'tipping earth, waters slide'. Again, further within the lexical sets, 'tipping earth, lapping seas', and by internal cross links, 'seas push retreats over pulsing mountains'. Terra - North America Continent - PNW - Movement to Isolation Cross connected to our 3/three quakes and the 'plate shift' we have a number of ambiguous references to place names. These, as noted in the last posting, could be PNW of the North American Continent including both Alaska and British Columbia, Canada {our first interpretation}, or Victoria Land, Antarctica up to Wellington, New Zealand, or it could possibly be Northern California. This last is included as Igor points out the many tributaries {albeit small ones} to the Russian River in California which also fit many of our place names. I am discounting the California connection as the set of named locations matches much higher on both Antarctica and the PNW {including AK, BC}. While there are still no clear references to determine which location is the site of the 'plate shift' there are curious, perhaps ominous, cross links from this area over to Populace/USofA. When we examine those we find that almost all of these cross links internally have references back to Terra, and the plate shift or 3 quakes areas. Further, within the Terra entity, and also contained within the cross links, are images that go to 'isolation imposed by ground movement' as well as 'underground {infrastructure}, ruptures, bleeds, sickens'. We also find that 'communications cease, power fails'. This last aspect/attribute set further contains '6/six months on, no repairs'. While that section of Terra containing the 'plate shift' shows the actual movement to be 'small, furtive', within the areas geographically indicating North America, Pacific North West, including Alaska and British Columbia, we see that the 'small movement interrupts continuity {of life?}' and induces 'return to ancestors', or 'the destruction of the past, beginning anew'. We also find that 'respiration'is affected as 'particulates/particles/dust/motes' are seen as being 'expelled from cleaves' and 'floating over the unconscious {sleeping?} bodies'.

This area also has further references to 'respiration' which will be 'held tight' as '4/four large/huge/gigantic pulses rush the feet, pound the legs'. This in turn is seen as 'carrying away matter beyond its control', as well as 'repenting about inaction' will 'leave the mind' under 'impacts traveling the legs'. There are a number of references to rising land. Many feature 'mountains emerging' and 'mountain rises upward' as well as 'land folds to mountains' as supporting aspect/attributes. This section of the Terra entity also has many references to solar/celestial alignments, and other pointers toward 'solar energy' and 'energetic behavior' of the sun. These are seen as proximate causes for the '4 steps of the ground', as well as 'inducing echo {in the} mountains'. All of the above goes to support the fastest rising aspect for this area of Terra which is 'equilibrium at risk'. Within this area we have supporting aspects which go to the images of 'water over shoots/extends beyond goal/boundary', and 'calm and continuity are at risk {from} upset equilibrium'. This is seen as coming from 'disturbed flow/respiration between sun and earth'. Further, we find that '4 waves/pulses of energy' are seen as 'striking in sequence, quickly'. These are what are seen as sending 'shocks to the feet, stilling breathing, holding heart still'. Along with these groups, we have rising aspects which are continuing to accrue supporting values toward the same images. The newly acquired data goes to the idea of 'on the road, shaken out', and 'road tired feet, moving away'. Also there are specific references to 'disorderly behavior, newly awakened', and 'calm person walks, chaos reigns'. We also find that as we drill down into the data the imagery becomes more specific with references to bespoke 'danger, dust blinds, roads hazardous', as well as 'danger, step away from cement, many lame'. There are a large, and growing number of these aspect/attribute sets which go to the idea of 'roads' and 'roads with feet' and 'roads, blanketed/covered {with} people' such that the image in total is of a very large number of people either walking down roads normally reserved for cars, or simply hanging about on the roads, as the data would have it 'driven from the doors, dust, foul smells'. Many of these people are seen as injured. Mostly we are getting references to nasty, but not life threatening injuries. We find fully populated aspect sets to the idea of 'blind in one eye, rocks, chips, shreds',

and 'lame, both feet broken', or 'toppled, head gashed'. Further there are a number of aspects which, through cross links to Populace, go to the images of 'bandages, shortage/lack', and 'water washes blood, bandages/wraps'. Many of these are also hanging under aspects which contain descriptors toward this nursing activity taking place 'in the road/roadway'. As we proceed to examine the individual cross links and the originating data source, we get a new image arising which contains references to 'new social condition, unfamiliar', as well as others such as 'unfamiliar conventions, different social surroundings, hesitation', and 'gratification to fulfill the needs of the people, wounded'. We also see that 'water carriers, gifts' will be 'appreciated as life'. A cautionary note emerges suggesting 'cheerfully forgive' the social 'errors' which will 'arise {due to} unfamiliar social conditions' as 'no intention of offense' is present, and all is resulting from 'stress of shaking ground, pulses through feet'. Further we see that 'ten times in one day' the people in the 'roadway' will 'wait out' the shakes by sitting down. Terra - Inconceivable Power, Singing Voices Not only do we find that the Terra entity has specific earthquake references for the PNW, but we also see that global quakes, as indicated by the 3/three great quakes as described above, will 'unleash energy {such that } rocks sing, dust/dirt dances, birds fall'. There are a number of curious references to specific kinds of migratory birds which would seem to indicate that the activity being forecast here is more focused on the far northern areas of both Canada, and Scandinavia over into far northern Siberia. The references go to the idea of 'birds falling from the sky' and 'birds {seek} refuge in buildings'. We also find repeated language suggesting that 'solar energy' will be 'creating havoc' which includes at least '9/nine days blindness'. Again, even deeper within the lexical set are more references to migratory birds being 'besat {with} confusion/anxiety' as well as 'birds refuse to fly'. One obvious interpretation would go toward some form of large scale magnetic disruption such that the birds are quite confused, and decide to just 'sit it out'. Within this section, we note that terminating internal cross links focus on the idea of 'inconceivable power' which is so 'affecting {that} rocks sing, deaf ears hear'. We also find that lexical sets at this level terminate in cross links back to GlobalPop which go to the idea of 'sitting, running, sitting, running'

as though a series of repetitious quake activity would have people sit out the shake, and then run before the next one hit. Continuous references emerge at all levels of Terra indicating that the sun will play a very large part in this summer's events and that awareness of this participation rises to the public consciousness such that 'daily talk' will 'shine on sun' which is felt to 'press energy into earth' which in turn is 'released as singing voices'. The movement of this section of the Terra entity through the modelspace suggests that by fall, a period of 'anxious quiet/quiescence' is felt, in which 'sighs exhale, still taut gut, awaiting next' and this 'quiet breathing' is related to 'next onslaught/wave'. When we look at the cross links from this level over to GobalPop we see that the terminating area leads right to 'watching chaos'. This area within GlobalPop suggests that much of the populace may well be focusing on 'waiting resolution of disorderly situation' while 'hoping for joy' on the 'receipt of news'. Terra - California - Soggy Marsh Drains, Sated with Rain Separate from any references which could indicate earthquakes, but still cross linked into the whole morass, we note that areas specific to California are seen as experiencing quite the odd summer. The images go to the idea of 'rainwater satiates ground' as well as 'rains come, overfill'. In fact, some of the imagery within the aspect/attribute set suggest that some area of the 'horizon, long, valley, dust, hills east' will experience a 'filling to completion' which will 'drain the soggy marsh {into a new} inland sea'. It would appear that part of the previous ALTA reports this year in which references to 'rainwater/rain/rain storms' is specifically California focused. We note that much of the issues of 'restricted movement of food supplies' and 'storing of resources, temporarily, blocked by rain' will impact the food producing regions of California. Some of the lexical elements here are suggestive of our 'rivers of water' within the atmosphere coming down on California as the 'first lands over {flown/floated}' such that 'new rivers', and 'new streams' will be 'carved into the thighs {of the} mountains' and that so much 'light brown dirt' will be 'funneled down' that the 'dam/levee/wall' which is 'holding in the soggy marsh' will 'rupture, spread, sink, dissolve' and the 'sea, coastal' will 'wear a roan coat'.

Terra - USofA - New Madrid - Flowing Down River Given all the recent earthquakes, and other manifestations of radical changes in the human habitat here on earth, it is not really surprising for us to find an increase in language focusing on the New Madrid fault area. We do note that this increase is both recent, sudden, and steep. We find language suggesting that the 'new madrid, mississippi river' will be the 'conduit' for 'energy flowing down river' which is seen as 'draining lakes/marshes to the sea'. There are suggestions that earthquake activity will be involved, though the actual verbiage which we have seen in the past for earthquakes is mostly absent, leaving us with new words which can be taken as suggesting shaking. We find aspect/attribute sets which go to the image of 'tree crashes through frame {house}' and 'extracted all energy from earth, replete, spent'. Further we note that 'enjoyment of life vanishes' to be replaced by 'holding still, fear'. We also find supporting language further down which goes to the image of 'alchemic process' which is involved with 'depletion of energy from dirt/ground'. This last is seen as 'depriving trees of nourishment', and that that induces 'fruit withers, belly rumbles'. Along with this are some very robustly populated aspect/attribute sets going to the idea of a 'large palm/area' which is 'bereft of nutrients, marsh drained, salt covered' such that large areas of food production are affected. Specifically the language states that 'seeds fail to germinate', and 'dropped seeds dry in sun'. Also it is worth noting that the 'heat evaporates' the 'standing marsh, fish struggle in mud'. A curious note is that not all the heat is seen as being directly sun related. We do find four small areas which reference 'earth bakes, releases heat' and 'internal heat {of the body/earth} drives steam up'. While trying to avoid repetition, we have to note yet again that this area of the modelspace, as we progress through summer and into fall, also ends up within our 'restricted movement' dominant aspect. It is as though the idea of 'restricted movement' will play out over many layers of human perception. We see that 'voices are stilled/ held fast' as well as 'blockades of water, food delayed, impatient feet wait'. Along with these we find many references to 'waiting in silence, tired' as though one of the major chores of life will be the 'getting of {self} from here to there'. Yet another clue toward our restricted movement, which is specifically New Madrid focused goes to the idea of 'oppressed by heat, and entangled by

vines of mud' at the 'brink of the new lip/crater/crevasse', everyone is seen as 'waiting impassively' while 'steps and fits, faults found'. While looking at the data, especially with earthquakes in mind, we fail to find any sure and certain indicators, however we must consider that some of the more descriptive language such as 'banks crumble, trees fall in' and 'trees into houses', as well as 'ferries lost footings, pilings twist' may well be indicative of the results of earthquakes in muddy regions. This may develop as we proceed through the data left in this run, but at the moment, we have to say that this section is ambiguous about the source of the problems which will cause the 'restricted movement'. At the moment the preponderance of the data goes to the idea of the 'rain, sun' induced problems, rather than earthquakes, except as noted in the language above. Terra - Oceans - Duality Degrades We need to note briefly that the aspect of the 'oceans' is rising within Terra where we find that 'the duality' is 'breaking'. This is referring to the 'cool, salty' being 'blended' with the 'warm, salty'. The imagery is one of 'currents co mingling' and 'currents disappearing'. The net effect is not good. Our emotive values for human-to-oceans relationship are rising fast and are all shading negative with overtones of 'mourning'. Indicative of the rising general awareness of global environmental systems break down, we find now that 'oceans' will 'lose their duality' this summer. This is seen as 'creating havoc' and 'stilling transportation' in late summer and early fall. We do see a number of cross links over to the Markets, as well as the political areas of Bushistas, and areas of GlobalCorp. Within both are repeated references to 'sinking' and 'sunk low'. We also see that the issue of the oceans will produce 'salt mud, covering hogs' and 'salt water floods mountain wells'. This further is attached to 'storms, unexpected, bizarre', and 'sudden wave, bridges topped'. Note this is not specifically tsunami related, and is in a general area of 'wave' related language which suggests that the 'degrading of the duality' between warm and cold water will produce 'confusion, navigation errors', as well as 'sudden tides, flood farms'. Curiously, within the 'oceans' area of the Terra entity we do find that 'heat' will 'pulse' the 'bottom of the oceans' and that 'water laps at the lip of the

cup', while the 'pulsing of the earth' is seen as 'reverberating in the wave tops/crests'. Again, this is seen as a lot of lower level activity and not one big pulse. There are odd references to 'chariots' being 'washed/floated' into 'side streets' while 'boulevards hosts awe'. We also see that 'collectives of sharing' will 'emerge from chaos' leading to 'beneficial alliances, blessed discovery'. Further there is much more language indicative of a 'roots binding, plants survive as mat' approach to activity. That is the interpretation is shading toward the emergence of a new 'social arrangement' from the 'chaotic waters edge'. This emergence is seen as both 'self-organizing' and 'rejecting' of 'authority'. Speaking to this last, we have imagery of 'boats of princes/officials' who will 'raft toward community' and 'attempt orderly speech'. This 'imposition of will' will meet 'resistance of will' and in turn is seen as 'returning 9 corpse, 1 head' to the sending officials. One more odd note has to do with the 'dred companion' described below. We do find several links for 'oceans' to this person/personality, and these are all current associations. This period of 'chaotic oceans' is the time when the 'public face' of the 'female master, blind in both eyes, lame in both legs' is seen as appearing. And given the connections, a reasonable interpretation is that this person comes in by boat from the east-by-north. Markets - Commodities Wars, Cutting the Knot As we progress the modelspace over the summer and into fall, we see a large clump of data forming within the Markets entity which goes to the idea of 'wars/battles' over 'resources/commodities'. This is seen as inducing 'weakness in the knees', as well as 'stiping/hobbling at the ankle'. Again, the references within the Markets entity also participate in the 'restricted movement' theme which is manifesting in the Populace entities. Also, there are numerous pointers within the Markets entity which also go to the idea of weather and climate being 'problems of record, excuses written'. Further down within the data set we find that the summer will be a 'period of tension, reducing to weakness'. Much of the language involved with the general aspect of [commodities] has become decidedly 'combative, confrontations' in nature. In fact, now some 43% of our aspects contain either direct references to combat or have attribute sets whose imagery goes to the same idea of battles.

As we progress our modelspace through the summer/fall period, much of the internal cross links within Markets which tie [commodities] are observed to fall off the entity. These cross links dissolving away are leaving the Markets entity very much cleaner in visual appearance although the impact appears to be for a 'separation' or 'cutting {of the knot}' between 'resources/commodities' and 'currencies/money'. The overall impression is one of money chasing the resources. As the Markets entity has recently emerged from a tipping point condition it moves through the modelspace like strands of spaghetti coming out of a pasta extrusion machine. They are separating and twisting away from each other within the entity in a fashion not before observed. This new movement may be suggestive of a splitting up or fracturing situation. At this point it is unclear. We do see that areas of influence on the Markets up through Fall include 'rain/weather', and 'partisans'. We also note that within the rain focused area, much of the data goes to the idea of 'being covered in mud'. Within the Markets entity we may wish to consider that this should/could be interpreted as 'corruption' as opposed to actual dirt-based, mud. There are also indications that a 'lone person' will 'attempt to speak the mud away' or to 'dispel the clouds', but that this effort will not only fail, but is seen as actually triggering events which 'chase away the weak', and 'bring the house beam down'. Curiously, the area referencing the 'house beam' shows up at a higher level where we see that 'bad words cause the house beam to crack/splinter'. The suggestion is for a two part problem to develop around someone who is going to be 'prominent, public' and 'open mouthed, lying eyes'. Populace/USofA - Foul Stranger Appears, Tension Between the Shoulders, Dred Companion Climbs Hills The previously noted 'foul stranger' language from the Press entity has now shown up in replication within the Populace/USofA entity. This is unlike a cross link as the aspect and much of the attribute set is actually duplicated within the Populace/USofA entity. This duplication is less than total, and is immediately divergent as the data accrues new values within the Populace/USofA entity which did not exist within the Press entity.

The number of cross links back to the Bushistas beg the question as to whether the 'foul stranger shitting on the floor' and the 'foul stranger drops knife in shit', as well as the 'foul stranger disrupts social custom', are all pointing toward Bush being painted in a more realistic light by the press and such a view being accepted widely by the Populace. If this is an appropriate interpretation, then some of the other references to 'foul stranger barricades {himself}, family, in walls' and 'foul stranger, foul feet, foul mouth' as well as 'isolated by language/words' might not be describing a developing political condition. Indeed we do find some language suggesting that 'rancor' will 'drive the meeting' which leads to the 'withdrawal/retreat' of the 'foul stranger' to refuge behind a 'crumbling wall'. Our Populace/USofA entity has a well formed spot which is moving through the tipping point process. We have to note though, that having progressed the modelspace forward, that this tipping point does not resolve, nor complete. That is it does not "take over the whole entity" as a normal {as if we can apply that word} tipping point would behave. Rather what we see is that just as this tipping point appears to begin the "capture the entity" process, another, more intense spot forms, and a large portion of the tipping point energy then appears to flow to that spot. Not all though, as the original spot remains, just a bit smaller in diameter, and slightly less intense. It is as though the energy around the tipping point context does not dissipate, but rather splits, amoeba like, and what remains stays, while what energy leaves goes right over to the next tipping point as it forms. We find that Populace/USofA has this behavior pretty much out as far as we can move the modelspace. Very likely this is indicating a serial tipping point in the sense of all kinds of 'riled up' energy which moves from aggravation or anxiety du jour, to the next. It does not give one a comfortable-in-the-belly feeling. Staying with body part imagery for a minute, we should state that the tipping point action of these next coming weeks all falls under the aspect of 'tension in the shoulders'. We find that this aspect phrase is fully populate with supporting attributes at all levels, and is heavily cross linked internally. The 'knot of tension' which is forming in between the collective shoulders of the Populace/USofA *does* have a reflection of rising energy within GlobalPop. Further the emotive sums are the same, though the intensity

values are about 20 times higher for Populace/USofA around this tipping point area. The 'tension' in the 'shoulders' of the Populace/USofA is arising from a data area which is participating in a primacy state shift. This is an underlying shift of the general hum or tone of emotive values. Our tension levels are associated broadly with 'energy', and 'gravity' as well as both 'rain/rainwaters fall', and 'cannot hold back the sky'. This last aspect set is steady, and contributes a large segment of the emotive sum primacy state shift. This area is also, as expected, heavily cross linked back to the 'sun/solar' area within both Populace/USofA, and Terra. Within the 'tension in the shoulders' we find that it has 'breathed a knot' of 'ropey tension', seen as 'wrapped tightly around worries/fears'. Further this 'knot' is has supporting aspects going to 'rising awareness', and 'uncomfortable awareness of tension in shoulders'. These both are augmented by cross links to Terra which terminate in 'coming slowly into focus'. We also find that the supporting aspects with Terra go to 'shakes (but/left out) the least of it'. The Populace/USofA entity shows that the 'tensions in the shoulders' are arising due to 'fear/anxiety' and 'hurt feelings/bad feelings'. This is further compounded by a very deep string of aspect/attribute sets of bespoke emotions. Unusual. These emotional aspects are further muddied by being cross linked very heavily to Terra where we find that most seem to terminate under the aspect of 'sound' as in 'noise'. Back over in Populace/USofA, some of the 'noise' cross links terminate in 'hurts', and 'damage internal organs' as well as 'noise makes mad', and 'noise/sound drops birds from sky'. In following this thread we find that there are perhaps 300 references to 'birds falling from sky' including those of 'birds through roof, injury, left hand broken'. To totally muddy up the whole 'tension' in the shoulders area, we find that there are many cross links from this area going back to the BushistaWars area. We have had to separate the WARS from Bushistas, as the whole nature of the BushCo alliance of corporate, political, and dominionist interests is fracturing. Noting that the Populace/USofA entity does not see the Iraq war as theirs, that is, no ownership language to speak of, and also noting that this attitude is now shading over to the general War-on-Terror, we have placed the BushistaWars as a minor cancer-like entity on the

Bushista larger entity. So, when we examine this area, and the many and tight cross links to Populace/USofA, we find that the Populace/USofA entity has much anxiety from this area participating in the developing tipping point. Further the language of concern contains such references as 'unequal fight', 'US/us too weak', 'retreat', and 'retreat humbly', as well as 'continue to torture self'. Within the many references associating 'torture' to the USofA {a horrible state of affairs totally the action/fault of the Bushistas}, we note that the view is more of 'mental torture' and 'continuance of aggression' is seen as 'continuing torture of populace, mental'. This 'continued torture, mind, mental, populace' is a very robust aspect/attribute set which also contains references indicating that the 'tension has not yet risen, pressure up, knots form, fascia/muscles tear, pain, blood'. We also see that the 'torture' area brings 'blood, pain, tears, fear, anxiety' to the Populace/USofA, and under that aspect the attribute set goes to 'fear of masters, rebellion, clever spears'. The other cross links within this area of 'tension' go to a more active 'reaction to stresses/stressors' which is seen as developing initially as part of this tipping point and then the aspect moves over toward other areas of the entity as other tipping points arise. The 'tension' is seen as 'beginning by being thrown back to past age/accomplishments'. Further this is augmented by 'repelled/pushed back' until the 'past is now present/claimed' and 'proclaim/shout/cry the past as deeds won'. This is apparently a reference to a movement, likely by the Press or Bushistas, to try to focus on past accomplishments as a distraction to current events. If so, then the interpretation has to go to the idea that 'shouting claims' about 'past accomplishments' is done to 'foster righteousness' or 'claim status'. Within the attribute sets, this area is seen as resulting in 'chaos of disbelief', and 'claims of godhood/godhead rejected, laughter, ridicule'. While these are all internal cross links as origination points, we also see that there is a terminating cross link within the Bushista entity in which the language goes to 'suspended discussion', and 'position too weak to win, withdrawal', and 'resignations begin', as well as 'move to the exploitation of law, impolitic'. This latter, while full, is not completely populated, suggesting that a move to the exploitation of law *against* the Populace/USofA will fail. We find some supporting evidence over in Populace/USofA where the Bushista cross link terminates as 'premature

movement/climax', 'hands visible', 'teeth rip flesh, skin shredded', as well as 'madness perceived, aberrance rejected'. As we move the modelspace forward, and observing the tipping point within Populace/USofA we see that the tipping point knot of context values seems to twist in upon itself through constant reinforcement of its internal value sets. At some point within the July to early August period, the tipping point knot seems to begin its expansion, only to have perhaps as much as 40 per cent of its lexical values spin off toward the next developing tipping point. Just before this occurrence we have a very small, but intense spike of emotive values around the phrase 'reproaches contaminate the air'. Within this area we see the 'hospital/health care' aspect emerge which leads to 'resign/resignation' which is attached to the values of 'dark heart, small mind'. What is interesting is the curious rising of some references in this time toward the 'dred companion', and his 'master, female, lame in both legs, blind in both eyes, penetrating insight of mind'. We have noted the really damn odd appearance of language around this pair in the past few reports. These usually arise associated with TPTB {The Powers That Be}, but in this instance the values are coming from the Populace/USofA entity with geographic associations to 'mountains/hills/mounds' and 'salt water marsh'. Further this appearance is now starting to participate within the Populace/USofA entity structure in a couple of ways. First we find a lexical separation between the words 'dread' and 'dred'. The latter is far richer in connotation, and associated descriptors for emotive values. Whereas 'dread' is now falling in values, 'dred' is growing. Within the emotive connotations of 'dred' we are seeing an accretion of more or less positive values. This is significant as 'dred' as always, and still does, carry a very high level of criminal word values as baggage. What we are seeing now is that 'dred' and 'dred companion', while still maintaining the hard core of outlaw related descriptors, is acquiring a layer of emotive values toward the idea of 'champion/avenger'. Further, while there are still many religious word baggage associated with this emergence as 'champion' we see that more of the language hangs under 'righteous' as a dominant aspect. Please note that our lexicon separates this word 'righteous' away from religious use as it is entirely dominated by the "street cred" emotive connotation of someone who 'does the right thing'. Further amplification of that theme shows that the 'righteous' are 'consciously, deliberately, mindfully' self-sacrificing. Also note that such persons are also described as 'non-joiners/anti-social' and

'derisive/disrespectful' of 'tools/stooges'. We also find 'self-aware', and 'selfactualizing' as primary descriptors within this set. One last point of clarification, this descriptor set is redundantly filled with words going to the emotive sense of 'hard case'. To complete this image we need to note that only the 'dred companion' is seen as 'active' within the Populace/USofA over the course of this period. As we hunt around within the data set we still see that our 'female master' {note this may be taken as a "sifu" or "sensei" use of the word as well, as in "master of skills"} is still outside the country or in the background. Nonetheless, she is still being felt within the Populace/USofA as a rising element of emotive values as we have cross links through the 'dred companion' to her 'contemplated arrival'. And we must still note that our 'female master' is seen as 'moving/floating' within a 'cloud/surround' of 'past evil, future deeds'. However her past may be affecting her, the current descriptor set has this woman having a 'forge, hot, firefilled' for a mind which leads her to 'postulate small movements, huge consequences'. She is carries descriptors for 'kind acts, small courtesies, respectful countenance' while also being heavily flavored with descriptors for 'irreverent', and 'disrespectful of authority', as well as 'hardened/toughened by fire', and 'blood purified, pain'. A very odd emergence indeed. Populace/USofA and GlobalPop - Food Crisis Common to both Populace/USofA and GlobalPop we find a 'food crisis', and 'nourishment disaster' lexical subset. While previously we had seen the 'restricted movement' lexical set applied to 'food sources' we now have a clear statement of a pending 'food crisis'. Again, noting it is within both entities, we also see that while not identical in structure, we do find nearly an 90 per cent common lexical base. The issues are curious as the imagery has 'people stand and stare' apparently wondering 'does the food have value'. There are repeated references to 'questioning its worth, food', and other imagery that goes to the idea of questioning whether 'the essence of nourishment is sound'. We have the more prosaic 'shall we eat it?' and 'bad eating, bellyache'. Further there are repeated references to the questioning, but only some references to a 'contamination'. We do see that 'vegetation' is repeatedly within the descriptor set, as are words indicating 'leafy lettuce'. However we also find

that 'tigers/predators' are seen as 'needing more than salad', and 'seek meat, not bad flesh'. This could be taken as a spread of the bird flu perhaps. Or it could also be taken as a basic 'fear of contamination' in which the fear will have primacy over the reality of the situation. That is, we find much more language about the end result of the fears than we do about the actual appearance of a contamination. BUT the point must be made that *emotions rule* and as a result, it only takes the fear of a food crisis to create one. At several levels within this lexical structure within both Populace entities, we note a large number of cross links to 'gold' and 'silver' which all return back on termination to this same 'food crisis' area. This may be an indication of the food crisis having a severe impact on currencies and the perception of gold and silver. While the Silver entity does not contain any food crisis values, we nonetheless have significant levels of repetition around silver and gold within this area of Populace, both entities. Further, our Populace/USofA entity has references which suggest that some 'voice for reason' will 'call for sharing/rationing' and will 'tout discipline'. Big and very bad mistake. This 'voice for reason' is seen as being a 'tool' or 'lungs/voice' for the 'officials'. As per usual, once the officials become aware of a crisis it is usually too late to do anything about it, and our progression of modelspace shows the 'voice calling for rationing/self-discipline' will appear after the 'food crisis' is well set within the Populace entities. As a rather ominous note, we see that the 'food crisis' aspect has a longevity factor of 'one half a generation' which is taken as 'ten years/decade' or longer. Populace/USofA , GlobalPop - Energetic Sun 3 Times in One Day Also common to both Populace entities are many references to the same descriptor set for 'energetic sun' or perhaps best taken as 'solar energy pours down to earth'. This theme has been reported in previous ALTA reports around the concept of an 'energetic sun' which will 'send down storms 3/three times, one day'. This reiteration of the same set of data, now augmented, demonstrates the emotive potential is still active, and the indications are that this occurrence will happen later in July, perhaps in early August. {our timing is usually off a few weeks at best}.

Apparently the Populace will be aware of the impact of the solar events of that day as we find references to 'hiding from the sun' and 'dark caves beckon'. We also show that 'damage comes' to those 'fools/unaware' of the 'danger' who 'persist in their activities'. Much of the 'damage' has descriptor sets going to 'blindness', 'death', 'burning', 'peeling skin', 'burned hair', and other radiative energy effects. While some will perhaps think this is indicative of a nuclear impact, and noting that there are Sunburn missiles in the world, we still have to point out that the 'sun/solar energy' is the dominant aspect and we do not find references for nuclear anything in this section. Rather the totality of all aspect/attribute sets go toward a 'natural occurrence of flux/pulsation' which 'lashes earth/ground' during a 'long day' with '3/three bursts/blasts/envelopements' such that 'people run, fear, broken legs, burned hair'. And we see that 'no one/none will look up'. We also note that 'evacuations to caves' will occur in which 'secrets are revealed'. This last is interesting as it goes to a huge area of political 'debris' which is within Bushistas entity. Again we note that this solar energy day is associated with late summer/early fall, and may be participating in our 'plate shift'. Bushistas - Noise Explodes, Past Digested Cross connected very heavily to the 'foul stranger' areas in both Press and Populace/USofA, we find that the Bushistas are going to have a rough summer indeed. In fact, the period is seen as so bad that the 'head' will 'spit rage', and 'curse with foamed lips' the many 'transgressions of the innocent' against the 'ruler of heaven/sky'. This period is seen as 'aggravating the bile' and 'bring the gorge to the mouth' to produce a 'bad taste' within the Bushistas which in turn is seen as 'painted large, colored' in the public mind. Much of this period goes to the ideas that the Bushistas will be 'desperately shedding' the 'compulsions inherited from father' as well as trying to cope with the 'domination/control of the mother'. In both cases the cross links back to Populace/USofA end in 'disgust' and 'revulsion' as fully populated aspects. The indications are that Bushistas will try to 'become the personification of the father' and 'promote the father's ideas' only to have the whole 'campaign/strategy' of 'forceful words' end as 'drool on the floor'.

GlobalCorp - Her Emotional Power Our GlobalCorp entity is the extracted 'commercial interests' section of the old BushCo entity which has been self-transforming over these last few months. At this time we have many cross links from GlobalCorp over to the Bushistas, but now, GlobalCorp is far more dominated by 'environmental decay' than any other aspect. We note that the entity is clearly beginning a tipping point and the first manifestation of that will be some form of 'cessation of activity' due to the 'shock of the sun', and the 'emergence of the new idea'. This 'cessation of activity' is business associated, but as an aspect is directly cross linked back to our 'female master' and her 'dred companion'. In fact the cross links from this area all go to 'her emotional power'. When we follow down these aspects within GlobalCorp we get the image of 'appearance shocks to standstill', and 'light of the sun shows dred companion walking the hills'. Also we find that the 'female master' has the 'emotional power' to 'render mute, stun the eyes' and to 'bring horses silent, standstill'. While all sort of vaguely 'planet x' related, this interpretation is still focusing on an actual personality rather than a personification of elements. If accurate we find that this 'dred companion' will be seen 'walking the hills' during the 'rains sating the marsh' as described in the Terra entity. The cross links from there over to GlobalCorp reveal that the 'rain comes, activity halts, trading ceases, women wait'. We also find that the 'restrained power of rain, unleashed, earth quivers under pelting impact, transports halt'. Again, this whole area is under a commercial interests section and has numerous links to 'crisis' and 'confidence vanishes/disappears'. This last is amplified by 'confidence vanishes faster than sound fades'. We have this area emerging within the GlobalCorp in late summer and early fall as we move our modelspace forward. Conclusion - Gathering Threads We will conclude Part 4 of this ALTA report series by noting that Igor says the 'threads are being gathered' when one looks at the modelspace as it progresses. He is very accurate in that the visual impression is the cross links are now starting to dominate all the entities and it does appear that the individual black threads of the many tipping points are being gathered into the context of a 'global environmental damage event' and the subsequent impact on human emotions and psyche. Our modelspace would have this

summer be a platform of emotional alteration leading to a transitional period in which many of the fundamental components of life on earth will be forever changed. We expect that the emotional changes of this summer will manifest, as per our modelspace, by behavioral changes en masse during this coming fall. Many of these changes are seen as being profound, long lasting, and almost natural. In much of the Populace entities lexical structure we are noting that 'authority' based descriptors are just sort of falling away as though the events of summer will lead to large areas of the planet reverting to purely local control of political circumstance. This is not to say that annoying officialdom goes away, rather that the lexical clues are for it 'fading away, shadow-like, faint' in the 'increasing light of the sun'. We have a lot of data remaining, nearly 11 million reads yet to be processed as our bandwidth was maximally full this run. We expect to have Part 5 posted by late Sunday, June 26, 2005. Bona fortuna omnes. Respectfully, Cliff and Igor.

Copyright 2005 by HalfpastHuman. All rights reserved. Released through subscription only. No reproduction in whole or in part without prior permission.

ALTA IR - 905 - June 26, 2005

Part 5: Note on Reality* Terra - Fluid Pulsating Motion* Terra - Transformation - Advancing Oceans over the Mountain* Terra - California - Broken Mountain Sags* Space - Deep Impact - Contemplation of Error* Markets - PaperGoods - Tension to Humiliation* Bushista - Infatuation to Dissolution, Dying Off - Peak Oil Acceptance?* Populace/USofA - Unanimous Purpose Up the Arse* Populace/USofA - Chemtrails - Sober Sparkling* Asymmetric Language Trend Analysis Intelligence Report Changes in language precede changes in behavior. By Tenax SE for

Note this report is offered for entertainment value only. Any resemblance between the events portrayed in this report and any developing reality is purely co-incidental and in no manner represents foreknowledge on the part of the authors of this report. Note that this information is derived from humans expressing themselves on the internet. As such, human emotional values and the words used to express them are being sampled and interpreted here, NOT THE FUTURE. Any resemblance between this report and future developments is entirely in the mind of the perceiver and does not exist in reality. The Authors cannot be held liable for accuracy or lack thereof in this report. Authors cannot be held liable for human interpretation of this report nor any action any human takes as a result of this report. Any human foolish enough to alter their behavior based on this entertainment-only analysis demonstrates themselves incapable

of rational appreciation of reality, and the authors are explicitly held harmless and blameless for any and all such mental aberrations on the part of the reader. 06.26.2005 Note: Entities are identified by a blue typeface. Aspect words are enclosed in square brackets []. Attribute words/phrases are within parentheses (). Near sentences or concepts composed of both leading aspect and trailing attributes are single quoted '. Interpretive editorial comments are preceded by an asterisk *. Data set distilled from 61.04 million reads . We expect a 6 part report series from this data set. Note on Reality: As we have brought forward all this year, the actual nature of a phenomena may remain unknown, but that does not preclude humans from using it as an indicator or measure of change, or potential. While the public perception in the USofA of UFO's is tainted by decades of very hard work on the part of government agents to degrade the idea in to a joke, we must note that the reports of sightings of UFO's are significant in and of themselves. Such sightings occurred prior to both the Bam, and Sumatran earthquakes. We also note that a very large, mass sighting of UFO's has occurred and been photographed/video'ed in Mexico in the last few days. Again, the report itself should be taken as a serious indicator of the rising potential for change. Terra - Fluid Pulsating Motion Our data continues to show a climbing amount of language associated with both earthquakes, and [plate shift], and now, as we have progressed the modelspace forward, the visual indicators are of a clustering of new data around the 'disasters, two cities' which has been with us since the ALTA 105 of December/04 and January/05. In this case we have a rising aspect which is temporally associated with the September equinox. During the 'transition to fall' the 'planet/earth/ground' is seen as 'taking on/behaving as' a 'plate set adrift' in/by a 'fluid, pulsating motion' . This is seen as occurring during a time of 'wild storms, lightning

rips crust', and 'thunder deafens beasts'. We also note that the solar influences have been noted as an aspect/attribute set goes to the idea of 'sun/solar twists twice, energy flood'. This supporting aspect has cross links over to several other areas within the Terra entity including one which indicates that a 'city in the mountains' will be 'blinded, glare striking, metal shimmers/electric' as though the in-pouring energy is electrical or creates bizarre electrical conditions in the very high altitudes. Within this area we note that a 'city by the sea' will be 'overwhelmed {with/by} the release of earth tensions, oceans spring forward'. When the 'oceans spring forward' the impact will be to first cause 'blocks to passage' in the 'mouth of the channel', but this is only a momentary occurrence as the 'blocks of the mouth of the opening/bay' are seen as being 'pushed/flung to the docks, windows smashed/broken, salt-water inside'. Further we find that 'communications {infrastructure} drowns in basement, gone evermore'. As if that is not bad enough there is some suggestion that many of the 'buildings of the city, flood, great height'. In support of this last we find that 'salt water retreats, fifth floor'. All of the 'pulsating motion' is seen as a 'thing of an instant, momentary', but it carries with it 'ten generations of toil'. This further is part of a 'vigorous/violent motion/action' which is 'shocking in an instant, feet fail, legs tremble'. This is all part of the 'fear of no escape, cold sweat, urine'. We also see that a 'flash' of 'warning shakes' is followed the 'lightning of pulsating motion, fluid, plate floats free'. There are some timing clues suggesting that the occurrence will strike 'near to food taking, meals' and that 'too easily, moves most downhill' as though there is a considerable segment of the city on a slope. During this time the 'thunder storms' are 'raging violence, sky lit up, rain pours'. This is further complicated by 'dust in air' which brings 'mud falls {as/like} rain'. The above not withstanding, there are more lexical clues going to the day beginning with 'westerly clouds, no rain, dry, gray, dark', and 'no rain comes, clouds cover, gray'. We also find that there are indications for a total of 5/five quakes participating in the 'shifting, floating, pulsating motion'. These are seen as beginning with a 'north-ward shift' which produces the odd occurrence of 'top half, mountain, slides into valley'. This apparently is within visual range of the 'city at the sea'.

Terra - Transformation - Advancing Oceans over the Mountain As part of the Terra entity we are noting a bespoke movement toward 'transformation of face', or 'transformation of visible characteristics'. We find within this section indictors for the 'advancing of the oceans over the mountain, alteration of landform'. As we move our modelspace forward, this area continues to grow through the summer and into fall with the interpretation being that this is not referring to a violent movement, or 'single instance, not' but is instead going to the image of 'tidal advancement, oceans slip lip' and the 'perpetual alteration/transformation' of some 'landforms, mountain centered'. This form of 'advancing of the oceans' curiously does not include language indicating 'flooding', but rather has verbiage as though the 'oceans claim the land'. So unlike flooding, which at least in the human mind is considered a temporary event or incursion of water over land, this is coming across as a 'transfer of ownership' between humans and the oceans. We have a great many geographic references which makes pinpointing this transformation difficult. We note that the geographic references cluster around Antarctica/New Zealand, Florida north to the Chesapeake Bay, Puget Sound and points north to Nanimo, as well as many references for the Arabic Ocean side of the Indian subcontinent. Then there are the references to many isolated islands, including some larger chains such as the Maldives. The language that arises in the supporting attribute sets for this 'transformation' aspect is curious. We find very poetic language such as 'faint light/fire, beckons in the night, reflecting off calming waters, mountaintop refuge, all about still'. We also note that the 'change of form, inexorable, feet flee, dragging goods/carting, uphill, slowly climbing waters push'. As well as other indicators that the effect is seen as more tidal rather than tsunami-like action of the oceans. We also note that much of the language goes to huge levels of 'dislocation of tribes, peoples blend, wars/battles cease, sea presses all upward', while we see none of the usual indicators of some form of violent action causing the displacement. The people are still seen as being 'inconsolable', but this is clearly supported by 'drowned houses, fields, crops' and not drowned peoples. This area is separate from the above as it appears as a separated section within the modelspace, and the nature of the tones of the language does seem to indicate that the 'tidal transformation' will be far different from what causes the loss of our two cities.

Terra - California - Broken Mountain Sags By following cross links between Terra entity and the Populace/USofA entity as well as the GlobalPop entity we have been able to isolate a number of geographic references to California. This approach is experimental in that is has not been tried before. We have no track record for this effort, however, it would seem to be justified given that the SummerTime Shakes reported in ALTA 405 seem to be localizing to California. Bearing in mind that is a totally *unproven* approach, we do find some interesting lexical correlations which need to be reported. As an instance, both of the Populace entities have a view that '6/six of 6/six {will have to} put feet to road'. Further in that vein we find that 'nights on road/path {bring} mornings chill, cooking smells, low noises'. Also contained within this descriptor set are references to 'cultures aside, men/women only' and again as this is seen from the perspective of being 'on the road' or 'living on road', perhaps this is indicative of a melting pot effect arising from common circumstances of suffering. Also within our cross link connected, California focused data, we find that the 'energy ripples the marsh', and 'fractures the clay, water drains'. This water is seen as 'draining {into} the deep fracture {through} broken, surface clay'. We also get the imagery of wholesale movement of people and animals away from this 'fractured clay bowl' as the 'water, lost, ground upheaval'. Within our 'ground upheaval' aspect we note that Terra entity, and both Populace entities carry a fully populated aspect/attribute set for 'broken mountain sags' very much as though in the background image, if standing on the edge of the now drained 'bowl', one will see an actual 'mountain, back broken, shoulder sags'. There are repeated references to 'risk' and 'stepping off the beaten, worn, proven path', as well as 'danger, thin ground gives way'. We also find repeated references to those who 'persist, one eye wounded', or 'persevere, lame one leg'. As though minor injuries will be so common as to be left without treatment. The data seems to indicate that this shaking is associated with 'salts, metals, carbons' all with industrial use overtones. Perhaps indicative of an area where the ground may have been weakened by mining or mineral extraction of some form.

As an odd note, there are references to 'fleeing to road', and 'enemies encountered, war' within one of the lexical structures within Populace/USofA. However, also within this area are indications that this 'war between children' will be settled by those around them such that 'careful choices' will then be made in order to 'avoid tribal censure' which is apparently manifested as 'sticks falling {on} skulls'. In spite of the 'risks of travel, shakes, tumbles', a measure of 'firm resolution of will' comes through suggesting that the 'crowds of 6/six from 6/six' will 'set out on the road, north, east' apparently headed toward 'sagging mountain'. Again, in spite of the perceived 'risks of travel' we note that 'perseverance overcomes, mistakes corrected'. At a modelspace level we have difficulty in determining anything like a timing clue, but do note that this area persists within the separate entities over the course of summer and past the equinox, perhaps indicative of continuation through to fall. We also note that the GlobalPop entity has many of the same lexical structures, but these are 'remote/removed' as though seen through reporting, as opposed to experienced. We also note in our combined Populace cross links a rising emotive stance, or operational paradigm shift toward the idea of 'humility' in the 'face of earth movement'. This 'humility' is seen as becoming a 'prevalent {mood for those} on the road'. When we find such bespoke emotions taking their place in the aspect set, we pay attention as such occupancies have proven themselves as indicators in past runs. Further when the bespoke emotions are accompanied by the higher sums in the 'carry value' and 'intensity value', we can make the prediction that the emotion is likely to manifest within the population as a whole over the course of the next few months. We should point out that months ago our ALTA reports noted the rising 'rebellion' and 'rejection' values for the Populace/USofA merge into the tipping point of early June which was to be firmly in place by June 28th. Now, coincidently, the issue of the Government 'right to seize' private property was rendered such that the reaction is firmly in place and we do have a very large emotive change within the populace of the USofA and prior to June 28th. This rising of the 'humility on the road' lexical set is therefore seen as one of our stronger indicators for actual manifestation of the changes shown by our modelspace and in spite of this unproven approach of cross link extraction. Space - Deep Impact - Contemplation of Error

Our modelspace, when advanced into July, shows that a rising aspect of 'observation of error' is now leading the descriptor set for the Deep Impact space probe. Our data suggests that a connection exists between this probe, or perhaps the period, and our numerous reports of 'people on the road'. Also we see that the probe will be 'regretted' or more actually that 'men regret' the 'action'. And that while 'mistakes {are} made', the probe will 'peek/peep' and that 'shame results'. We further find that 'overview of the situation' will 'reject the retracing of the steps' and will 'proceed/continue on its way'. The data goes on to suggest that 'wise men regret error {in} advance' and that this 'avoids mistakes/error' in the future. Further we note that the 'surprising outcome' will 'indicate/show/reveal great strength' or 'strength/power {in} great measure' which will be 'shocking/illuminating' to those who 'observe'. We also find that because only 'children' are to be 'found at the helm {in control}' and 'no wise men/women' are around, that 'errors abound, great number'. Lastly we also find that a 'single misconception' will be seen as 'chaining error'. Markets - PaperGoods - Tension to Humiliation Very heavily cross linked over to the Bushistas, and to many of the newly rising aspects within Populace/USofA, we note that the Markets, this week {June 27th through June 30th}, and more USofA focused, are entering a period of 'tension' which will lead to 'humiliation' as the month progresses. We see that the rising language is now moving more of the 'solids/goods/commodities/raw materials/resources' out of the Markets entity. Or, another view is that having emerged from the May tipping point period, the Markets are fracturing, with the 'real things' seeming to move out on their own as we saw last time with the formation of the Silver entity, and leaving behind the language sets representing the 'paper goods' or all forms of 'paper debt instruments'. This fracturing is nascent, so we cannot yet project how far, and how soon we will see this manifest in behavior, but the suggestion from the data is that it is underway as a serious movement beginning this week. Further there are actual occurrences of the bespoke fear of 'panic' which arise as we move closer to July 1. The whole emotive movement is to be 'set in motion' by 'reproaches, hanging in the air'. Further we find that the 'gravity pulls paper {like} rocks in slow stream'. We also see that 'tension, relieved, flaccid, limp' and 'ending down, floored perpetual/multigenerational, struggling to breathe'. Much of

this language is new, and is appearing as we move our modelspace forward through the month of July. We have noted that July appears to be a very emotive month, and now are seeing that much of the emotion will cluster around, and impact, the markets for all things, paper as well as resources. The impact for paper, debt, government instruments, and currencies is decidedly negative in so far as our data indicate at this point. We note that a number of the threads within the Markets entity are diving down, as others are floating away, either up, or merely away from the Markets entity. We are currently interpreting this as the 'fracture' of the Markets, with paper/debt instruments going one way and the 'real goods, vive necessities' splintering off. Also we need to note that the Markets entity is just chock-a-block full of change indicators. That is, at a meta data level, the entity continues to churn as it drops older language sets and acquires new ones. This is yet another indicator of a very choppy emotionally filled month. Since we continue to have very heavy cross links between the Markets entity, and the BushWars {subset of Bushista}, and both are very negative, a probable interpretation goes to the idea that Iraq, and the continuing failure of USofA occupation, will show up as a very negative impact on USofA markets, and will do so soon. In fact we find language going to the image of 'unequal fight, who is to pay', as well as 'lion down, spear in gut'. We also note that the Markets entity is seen as 'suffering gravity/fall' as though 'bleeding through artery'. Going again through the many cross links we get the impression that the upcoming Bush speech will set one of the many emotive tones for this as 'protestations of past accomplishments lie cold, dead on floor'. And 'all taken away, no accomplishments more'. We also note that the Markets entity is 'soured, vomiting over continuing loss'. Within at cross link between Markets, Populace/USofA, and BushWars, we find that there will arise a 'repulsion/rejection of blood money'. Within this aspect/attribute set the imagery is of a 'heart flow/movement' welling up within the Populace/USofA which clusters around the emotional sum for 'rebellion'. This movement will apparently adopt the tactic of 'no trade {with the} bloody hands'. In fact, there seems to be a climbing level of language indicating that some form of more-or-less organized effort to 'stop trade, republicans' may lead to a boycott of all Republican owned businesses or some similar focus. The point being that our accruing language goes to the

idea of 'mid party, functionaries' will 'stand and repudiate' the BushWars. It also appears that the beginning of a backlash against the Bushistas will go so far as to include some significant level of 'abandonment of the party/collective', which in turn is seen as 'forcing senatorial censure'. However the 'censure' is also seen as 'failing to cleanse blood', and in turn leads to 'disrespect, physical'. Returning back to the Markets entity from these cross links we note that 'cries of injustice' will come from 'corporations' which are trying to 'set distance' between themselves and the 'bloody hands'. Apparently the GlobalCorp will be somewhat upset about having to take responsibility for 'backing/financing bloody failure'. As the Bushistas are making much of the upcoming speech by Bush, and apparently are pushing for a 'prime time' play out of the speech on teevee, our interpretation is that the speech will fail to 'rally the troops' as the Bushistas wish. In fact our data suggests that 'reproaches left hanging in air' will 'ignite' and in turn create a 'backlash/strike out' which in its turn will be 'language/words' which 'dispel lies, reveal fabrics'. This is also seen as participating within the 'press of gravity' on the Markets over the month of July. We must also note that the recent Supreme Court decision is already having an impact on Markets, though at this point, its effects are subtle. But note that the meme of 'property ownership' has been severely damaged under the Markets entity, and suggests that the idea of home-ownership, now called into question by the Supremes will impact the housing market. Why buy if the government can seize? After the beginning of the 'tension presses to ground', we note that 'discussion is suspended, edict'. This may refer to criticism of the BushWars. It is supported by aspects/attributes going to the idea of 'position too weak, law imposed', and this is seen as creating the conditions of 'resignations, foul cries, stamping feet'. We note that both the Markets and Bushistas entities share a common rising aspect of 'frustration' over the course of July. In the case of the Markets, the indications are for the 'frustration' coming from the Bushistas as their language is seen as 'turning to rancor, hate', and 'venom drips'. This is all cross connected within the Markets internal links to our 'reproaches left hanging in air'.

We also note that the Markets suffering will extend to 'the parties' as the 'rainshower of money' is apparently over. The Markets entity is seeming to indicate that the markets/lobbyists do not like to 'pay for failure' and will intend to 'suspend words/actions' as 'retribution' for the 'damage coming'. We also note that the Markets entity will 'send a message' to the Bushistas to 'restrain yourselves', but our data indicates that this message will be 'cast out, old belt'. Apparently a total of '3/three officials' will 'in one day, refuse/repudiate' the advice, which will lead to 'abandonment of the parties, both', and 'cursing of Republicans'. A further, and perhaps very telling point to make is that the Markets entity has a very large number of very diverse cross links under the 'tension' aspect. We find that the fracturing of the Markets entity as it comes out of tipping point mode is very severe, as noted above with the churn of the lexicon, but also have to further amplify this meme as the Markets entity is seemingly trying to indicate 'tension' as the dominant aspect for every part of the entity. The aspect of 'tension' is found within all of our separate sections and includes such things as oil, real estate, banking, currency, et al. Again, our tension sub aspects, when summed get to be quite heavily weighting many aspects of Markets entity. Some of the most affected include currency, derivatives, and housing. Also within the housing area of Markets we find repeated cross links back to Populace/USofA and the results are definitely not favorable. There are still indications that further pressure will be put on the housing-as-market area from some to-be-experienced weather/sun events this summer. Just as the Supreme court decision has now removed one reason to own property, the sun is about to remove another. While the law has affected the property ownership rights, apparently the sun will affect the use of property as shelter, and lead to some significant level of 'abandonment/surrender' of the 'ownership'. While it may be some form of direct solar impact on a region, the more probable interpretation is severe weather causing yet-moreweather-refugees, and apparently with some level of permanency arising from the abandonment. While there are many references which can be taken as indicating coastal involvement, we have nearly as many for areas away from the coasts, so the interpretation has to be a bit vague. Bushista - Infatuation to Dissolution, Dying Off - Peak Oil Acceptance?

The Populace/USofA is currently in its tipping point mode. The formation began to emerge with a June 12/13th time marker within our modelspace. When progressed through our modelspace the Populace/USofA entity moves from one tipping point condition to the next over the course of the rest of the year and into spring of 2006 which is our current range extension on the model. During this time the tipping point process is continuously restarting just as it is nearing completion. As we are currently able to observe within the body politic of the USofA, there are indeed a number of very high emotive events transpiring. One of the most recent was the Supreme court decision regarding the seizure of private land to favor corporate interests. This is but one, very observable, emotional 'trigger' for our current tipping point status within the model of the populace that we maintain. There are certainly other contributing events and modifiers to the developing tipping point mental frame work of the populace, as well as for the Populace/USofA entity. Within our model we show that the contributors to this first tipping point condition all could be characterized as being a 'emotional response to law'. We also note that the tipping point status clearly {well, duh, should have caught this one earlier as it has been there since part 1} shows the Populace/USofA is moving to consider the 'social contract' between 'individuals and groups' and their 'masters/officials' to be 'broken goods, returned'. Participating in this emotional shift toward 'confrontation' with 'disrespectful authority' are many threads ranging from the Abu Grahib/Gitmo Gulag context over to the Delay Criminal Conspiracy context. We note now that a very heavily cross linked area between Populace/USofA and Bushistas is developing and intersecting our already firmly-in-placeand-moving-forward tipping point. This thread may be the result of the up coming Bush speech. There are many cross links going to the idea of the 'death of infatuation', and 'transiting to dissolution'. This latter is clearly supported at many levels with internal Populace entity cross links going back to the 'dissolution of the social contract, abrogation by ruling fiat'. It would appear from these Bushista to Populace cross links, as well as a very dense cross link area slightly below the tipping point which connects the Populace/USofA to Markets, that a parallel set of effects will emerge over the next week and manifest through summer. Apparently stemming from Bush's speech, the Populace entity will 'transit from infatuation to

rebellion' or 'rejections of the words, universal'. This begins the upper, more politically/socially oriented, clearly within the tipping point movement. Below this, the Markets connected cross links seemingly indicate that the Markets will react to the reaction of the Populace. As though the 'rejection' of the 'mal props/deceptions' will be 'seen with discernment' by enough of the Populace to put a real case of the 'shakes/jitters/visible anxiety' into the Markets over the next week and through summer. Not that this is the only thing weighing on the manipulated market structure globally, but that the Populace/USofA reaction will significantly impact the perception of those in the markets as to the pending course of the future. We find that the Populace/USofA will be 'rejecting the mores/morals' presented, and over the course of the following week, and the months of July/August, will be 'placing restraints' on the relationship between themselves and the 'officialdom'. This area is supported by 'revelations of weakness', and the 'personification of indignity, lack of virtue'. We also find that the emerging perception could be stated as 'perception/discernment' of the 'claims of mores/morals' being 'duplicitous/deceitful'. Further, and perhaps much more emotively damaging, we find a very strong cross link which goes to the idea of 'rejection of the weak face' as though now the mental image of the 'officialdom', in the midst of the 'breaking of the social contract' will be 'tainted/painted' with 'rancid tallow, lips' such that the Populace/USofA will 'cringe in the face of the masters'. Further, in a very odd change, we find that we are now seeing a preponderance of female or feminine associated words accruing to the cross links from Bushistas over to Populace/USofA. This shift is recent. In reviewing the previous data, we can now find that it started at some small level in the data from April/May, but is now quite noticeable as we progress the modelspace forward. Perhaps on interpretation could go to a shift to viewing the Bushistas as more 'female' in nature since the appointment of Rice to Secretary of State, however much of the language around her is decidedly male. We can, at risk of offense to females everywhere, interpret this perceptive movement of the Bushistas toward the feminine as connected to the rising perception of 'weakness'. However much such a view might well fit with the mental state of the Bushista supporters, we find evidence that something more powerful is manifesting. To avoid insult to those of the female gender, let us note that this perception is emerging from the Bushistas and not from the Populace at large.

What we think is emerging is that the Bushistas {and their supporters, and Republican slaves} are manifesting their own perception of their own developing weakness. We are seeing a large scale descriptor set change around the Bushistas as we have noted in previous reports. These changes indicated previously an abandonment by the corporate interests of what is being perceived as the 'continuing costs of failure'. Now it would appear that the Bushistas are trying to cope with the alteration of their self created 'cowboy image'. Bearing in mind that to the Bushistas, at all levels, the idea of feminine equates to weakness. This is the perception at the very top levels all the way down to the most slavish Bush worshiping fundamentalists. Taking a minute to set the context of the above. We have an administration/ruling class, the Bush cabal, which has always maintained, and even stated in public that they 'create reality' as they choose. This is and has been supported by Bush's slavery to a particularly convoluted religious imposition of his self image. The Bush cabal has spent some considerable emotional energy over the years pimping the image as the reality that they wished to create. Now, at least at the pre-conscious levels, even the Bush cabal players are learning reality bites. Their image has run into the foreseen problems of their actions, and since circumstances have failed to conform to their desired view of reality, there appears to be an internal redefinition of self image underway. Not that they will admit it. However, the language of the speech to be given by Bush will likely have very conflicting gender nuance, in spite of the continued projection of 'machismo', the suggestion from our data is that the reception of the message will be very much not as desired by Bush et al. In point of evidence to this idea, we find that a rising cross linked area between Bushista and Populace/USofA has an aspect/attribute set which says 'for 3/three years, no action benefits'.

Over the course of summer, that is, from late June through to the early part of September, we find that a clearly manifested change will occur within the Bushistas entity. As we progress our modelspace forward, more and more words accrue which are internally defined by Bushistas as going toward 'weakness' and 'disorderly execution'. We find that 'disorder rules, chaos intrudes', as well as 'disorderly situations refuse to languish'. Further the Bushista are going to find that their famous 'unshakeable will' is being

'eroded internally'. This latter is surrounded by developing lexical sets which suggest an interpretation of several scandals about emerge in which both 'law' and 'social custom' will be central themes. These themes are to be played out against a background of the Bushista's trying to 'shepard the herd away from stampede'. In the supporting aspect/attribute sets we find that the bespoke 'fears of trampling' are rising with fully populated attribute sets going to the image of the 'rug/fabric shredding away in the fingers'. As we have been reporting for some time now in our ALTA reports, we have an odd confluence of the bespoke period around December 1, 2005 and the aspect word of 'deaths'. Now we note that the Bushista entity has acquired an area in which we have 'barking death' and 'dying off, putrefaction' as twin rising aspects. These, when the modelspace progresses, are replete with aspect/attribute sets going to the idea of 'dying off, energy gone' and 'energy extracted, barren rock'. An obvious interpretation for this area could easily go to the idea of a significant alteration of the human relationship with oil. In support of that we have many aspects which contain 'fluid' as some form of their structure. Also we find that 'energy extracted' is a common theme within these many aspect sets. The interpretation could go to the manifestation of the 'acceptance of death, fluid' as perhaps the settling in of the idea of Peak Oil. We note that whether Peak Oil is a reality manifesting this instant is not easily determined. However, we also note that it is not necessary for Peak Oil to manifest in some tangible way, if the idea itself is able to take hold within the populace. In either case, actions will follow the belief in the Peak Oil scenario, and the net result will be the same. We also need to note that the confluence of cross links makes this a very hard area to label. We could alternatively have approached this from the perspective of the Markets, or from Populace/USofA as both are very extensively cross linked over to this area of Bushista. But staying with the perspective of the Bushista's for a moment, we note that the continuing rise of the concept of 'evil stays with the youngster', and 'evil rising in view' are both very strong aspect/attribute sets which are cross linked back to Markets, specifically Oil related areas. We find within this area that 'placid satisfaction fails, situation changes' and 'relaxed situation changes, not last forever'. As the lexical sets are examined deeper within the Markets area of these terminating cross links we find that the 'abandonment of the child' is necessary to 'return to the mature judgment' such that 'evil consequences are avoided'. However we have to note that cross linked both to this area of Markets, and to the Bushistas from the Populace/USofA entity are areas

which clearly suggest that 'time past, too late the awareness', as well as 'isolated from reality, failure to comprehend change'. In both cases these areas within Populace/USofA are externally directed as though the view is rising that both Bushista's and Markets are 'disconnected from reality' and are 'danger to continuance'. Staying with this thread, we note that rising language within the Populace/USofA indicates through a new area entirely that 'parties languish, abandoned' will be part of an 'emerging rebellion, new words, new voices'. This set within Populace/USofA indicates that a new movement away from the current, crumbling, and 'ineffectual in face {of} crisis' political parties will begin to manifest clearly by end of summer. As we progress the modelspace, all three entities, Markets, Populace/USofA and Bushistas acquire very large levels of new aspects/attribute sets. Cross connected over to the Terra entity, we find that a number of threads come back to Bushista indicative of 'one-sideness leads to attack'. Now while this might refer to a physical attack against the Bushistas being played out in the USofA territory, it can also be interpreted as the Bushista's viewing the 'transformation of earth' as a personal 'attack' against them. As this link goes to the Terra entity, and as both ends of the link terminate in 'misfortune', we can see this from two perspectives. The one is that the 'earth movement/damage' is viewed as a misfortune by all affected, but the Bushista entity will be taken up with so many other highly charged emotional issues that any 'disharmony' is taken as a personal attack. Within the Terra entity, the terminating links suggest that the 'movement of the low' to 'new heights' and the subsequent 'disruption of view' of the planet, will add to the 'woes' of the Bushistas at many different levels. A very interesting section suggests that some 'earth shifting' event will trigger a 'series/group of words' from the Bushistas which will 'reveal, fail to conceal' and 'immodesty shown', the Bushistas will 'suffer bloody faces'. Populace/USofA - Unanimous Purpose Up the Arse According to the data we have acquired in this last processing of ALTA 905, the tipping point condition that we had observed some months back has now come to fruition, and the foreseen results will be manifesting for some time. The social contract having been broken, we now find that the Populace/USofA is truly entering a period of very long lasting tipping point status. One of the rising aspects, 'rebellion' now has come to the point of 'collective action burns politicians', also re-stated within the aspect/attribute

set as 'unanimous purpose puts boot up ass'. Presumably we safely identify the 'asses' involved as the 'political class'. The Populace/USofA entity has some very unpleasant things in store for our 'political class' and their 'collective ass'. It appears that 'anger spills over, collective purpose, many fires burn fiercely'. What is interesting is that this is new material and does not reflect the anger about the recent property rights decision, but reflects some new 'outrage of the common senses/sensibilities'. This new anger is obviously being fed by the recent move into tipping point state, and the subsequent emotional turmoil, but it will also be 'fueled by mis-deed/bad word'. Perhaps this relates to the illfated speech upcoming from Bush. Another rising aspect in support of our 'rebellion' theme is 'regrettable behavior'. Odd, but completely supportive when examined at the attribute set level where we find that 'regrettable behavior encourages creative energy {in} rebellion'. Also cross linked back we find that 'regrettable behavior' is a terminating aspect in Bushista entity and has the attribute set of 'regrettable behavior, shitting on floor, fouls common nest'. Not a good sign. Also within the Populace/USofA entity is the suggestion that 'all old men' are 'turned aside' in favor of those who 'promote unity'. This last is suggestive of problems also hitting the Democratic party and their 'old men, feeble, dried' who are seen as being 'cast aside, history/historic tide'. Apparently we will be treated to a 'revulsion of the skin, shedding old habits, past behavior' in favor of a 'new paradigm, beginning to return'. This shift is shown as rising from our tipping point currently in place, and continuing with accretions as the Populace/USofA entity is progressed through the modelspace. Within this framework we find that the Populace/USofA will be 'shown old lies', and 'revealed deceits, past' such that 'convulsions, violence' will be the 'reactions {to the } political class'. Further we note that 'politicians flee, power lost'. At a meta-data level the Populace/USofA entity, now firmly into its tipping point, has progressed from a 115 in primacy state down to 20. Further, as we move the modelspace forward over this year and into early 2006, we note that the Populace/USofA drops to 1 as its primacy state value. For our purposes, 1 is the number of "manifesting change". It has never appeared as a primacy state value before, and only rarely as a motivating state variable {such as in the East Coast power outage predictions previously}. One

reasonable interpretation would be that wholesale change of view is coming to the Populace/USofA entity. As one of the rising emotive perceptive values goes toward 'slavery/subjugation' and our primary dominant rising aspect is 'rebellion', it could be interpreted that the populace as a whole is about to redefine its collective self-image over the course of this summer and the rest of the year. This does not bode well for those who would try to 'hold on to privilege/power' as our indications are that the Populace/USofA entity is about to go through a bit of reality re-construction. Encapsulated within this area of the Populace/USofA entity are more clues that the general feeling has definitively turned against the BushWar Against Iraq, and that this feeling was clearly reinforced by the reports of the recent deaths of the women Marines. We note within our data that while the cross links from Bushista show the upcoming speech to be of 'promises to fly to hill {i.e. succeed}', that the Populace/USofA already views this as a 'defeat' and as such now brand the 'war hawks' as 'losers'. This is a double edged problem for the Populace/USofA as so many of the individuals who make up the populace actually did accept, believe, and support *all* the emotive reasons for the BushWar against Iraq. Now, having seen it a failure, and having gone through the emotional changes to reposition themselves as being against the war, its costs, and continuance, they will not be receptive to once again 'believing the religion' of the Bushistas. This speech is going to be a huge blunder on the part of the Bush administration. It will be seen as 'boasting success' while 'standing one legged on failure'. The Populace/USofA is showing an increasing 'distrust' in Bushistas over the course of summer such that by fall the common perception of the BushWar Against Iraq will be '3/three years of blood, wasted'.

Populace/USofA - Chemtrails - Sober Sparkling We have a new structure building under the subject of 'chemtrails'. These ubiquitous 'lines in the sky' left by planes are now a globally discussed phenomena met with 'stony silence' and 'denial of mentition' on the part of governments everywhere. Yet the populace in general has accepted their appearance, and many believe in one or more of the internet based explanations for their appearance.

What is interesting is that now we appear to have crossed a threshold within the Populace entities. More so with the Populace/USofA entity, and this may relate to the pending tipping points and turmoil seen in other areas, but nonetheless, even the GlobalPop entity is joining in by a common lexical set around the subject. We note with interest that the data suggests that an 'incident' will occur in which the 'sparkling dewdrops' of the 'artificially placed lines in the sky' will emerge via 'leaks, drips, drabs' into the MSM {main stream media}. The indications are for a 'chemtrail plane' to 'crash/smash' into a 'field, fallow, red dirt' near a populated area. The Populace entity suggests that when this happens, so many with 'cameras, eyes' will be 'close at hand' that within '20 heartbeats' or sub-seconds, the 'planet sees'. A reasonable explanation will be that camera phones will place images of the 'broken back' of the 'chemtrail plane' on the internet faster than the fascists can say stop. The net result will provide yet more emotional fodder for the Populace/USofA entity as it continues with its tipping point manifestations. We find that the 'dewdrops sparkle' and are seen 'hanging in front of the mountain, arrow down'. This and contributing language within the set go to the image of the chemtrail plane continuing to spray all the way down such that a 'giant finger/pointer {in the } sky' will exactly 'guide all, downed bird'. An interesting occurrence is being suggested, especially when we read further into the data to find that the suggestion is that the 'driver died, carriage continued'. There is much more supporting language to suggest that an internal 'glitch/malfunction' will kill the crew, and when fuel runs out, the plane merely 'falls to earth, silent {as though no engine noise}' and leaves a big, 'greasy trail' hanging in the air for all to see. Conclusion We will have a part 6 to this series which will be posted next weekend and will provide clean up data and some of the smaller entities with forward looking values yet un-reached. This part 6 is likely to be short as the indications are from our principle supporters that we will begin a new data gathering run this coming week, probably Wednesday, going for ALTA 1105. If there is an ALTA 1105, we expect the part 1 to be available in the week of July 4. We will issue email notifications when appropriate.

On the interpretation side, we need to report that our view forward values seem to have stabilized, that is, the reduction to extremely short term values seems to have past, and the values are starting to lengthen again. This is likely due to the entrance of the populace in general into the period of the tipping point, and the subsequent focusing more on emotional reality which by its nature is more 'now' than 'future'. As we are into the tipping point period, and as we are seeing some of that emotional focus manifest, the shift some months back toward language with only a brief forward-looking view now makes sense. If this special case instance turns out to be valid for a general rule, then we could postulate that: 1) the view forward will stay 'short' as long as the tipping point process continues; 2) the appearance of a shift to short term values, and the continuance of such language is indicative of a period of rising/intense social emotional turmoil leading toward significant change. Our data suggests we have indeed entered into such a period, and that it will likely continue through the rest of the year and to spring equinox of 2006, if not beyond.

Copyright 2005 by HalfpastHuman. All rights reserved. Released through subscription only. No reproduction in whole or in part without prior permission.

ALTA IR - 905 - July 3, 2005

Part 6:Terra - Sun - Failure of Authority* Terra - Earthquakes - Stick a fork in it* Terra - Ring of Fire - Strong Waters* Terra - Oceans - Possession in Great Measure, Dying Off* Terra - Australia - Attracting Strong Waters* Press - Fear Disappear* Silver - The Transforming Element* Markets - At Rest and Impassive* Markets - Oil - Summer Misery* Populace/USofA - Waiting in a hole in the ground* GlobalPop - Water yet Again* Conclusion of ALTA 905 Series: 1 Per centile Probability Analysis Asymmetric Language Trend Analysis Intelligence Report Changes in language precede changes in behavior. By Tenax SE for

Note this report is offered for entertainment value only. Any resemblance between the events portrayed in this report and any developing reality is purely co-incidental and in no manner represents foreknowledge on the part of the authors of this report. Note that this information is derived from humans expressing themselves on the internet. As such, human emotional values and the words used to express them are being sampled and interpreted here, NOT THE FUTURE. Any resemblance between this report and future developments is entirely in the mind of the perceiver and does not exist in reality. The Authors cannot be

held liable for accuracy or lack thereof in this report. Authors cannot be held liable for human interpretation of this report nor any action any human takes as a result of this report. Any human foolish enough to alter their behavior based on this entertainment-only analysis demonstrates themselves incapable of rational appreciation of reality, and the authors are explicitly held harmless and blameless for any and all such mental aberrations on the part of the reader. 07.03.2005 Note: Entities are identified by a blue typeface. Aspect words are enclosed in square brackets []. Attribute words/phrases are within parentheses (). Near sentences or concepts composed of both leading aspect and trailing attributes are single quoted '. Interpretive editorial comments are preceded by an asterisk *. Data set distilled from 61.04 million reads .

Terra - Sun - Failure of Authority We find that a number of lexical threads in multiple entities are now running with 'sun' as their dominant aspect. These include Populace, both USofA, and GlobalPop, more so the latter, and Terra, as well as both GlobalCorp and Markets. By far the largest group of supporting attributes is found within the Terra entity, so the sun focused data will be presented here. Within our data we find that a curious arrangement has arisen in which 'externally focused' emotive values are dominant within the 'internally focused' emotive set. This is to say that the Terra entity's 'sun' aspect has two primary sections, one housing all its internal cross links, and one with the external cross links. Bearing in mind that these are both merely lists of words, separated by numeric values, we still find that the set with all the internal cross linked words are almost all linked over to the externally focused area of this aspect. Within the externally focused area, we have a more or less normal grouping of words which are also found in similar positions in other entities. These are each internally cross linked back to the Terra entity and back to the same

aspect, 'sun'. We have not observed this before and so can offer little in the way of meaningful interpretation other than to note that some form of a reinforcement of an idea or change in emotional view is likely being noted. At a metadata level, 5 of every 6 external cross links is internally linked as well. Within the internally focused aspect/attribute sets for 'sun' in Terra entity, we have even bespoke 'exterior' words arising. One such is aspect 'exterior' with supporting attributes 'oriented toward'. Fairly explicit. Further within this set we find that 'threads/strings/lines/ribbons pull {like/as} roots'. This area, at this level, has cross links over to GlobalPop where it terminates in 'discussions', supported by 'thoughts expressed, hidden before, fears acknowledged'. Within our GlobalPop entity, and cross linked to this area is a section for 'common people/crowds/vacationers' in which we also find a terminus that goes to 'discussion' with supporting aspects of 'beach/playa, table/tableau' and 'hiding faces, thoughts bare'. There are further supporting attribute sets which indicate that 'metal abandoned' along with 'fuels, problems' with both of these being under the aspect of 'hot, excessive'. One obvious interpretation is that ambient heat will begin to cause problems with such mundanities as 'fueling vehicles', and 'cafe tables'. We also find that indications are for power blackout due to 'heat fatigue' within power infrastructure. Of the many references for this, India, and southern USofA have the distinction of having the most in number. Also within the Terra entity, and under the 'sun' aspect, we have a completely populated aspect/attribute set going to the idea of 'going stymied, return impossible' and this in turn is supported by aspects which basically go to the idea of 'planes, trains, and automobiles'. This in turn is a continuing expression of the 'restricted movement' thread that has been developing all year. This area is also internally cross linked back to 'sun, energy, meeting/arriving earth'. As the solar energy impact controls earth weather, as well as earthquakes, the effects could range broadly. Not weasel words, just that at this level, in spite of its internal repetition, we don't have much in the way of clues as to what form of solar energy problems might be manifest. Further cross links from 'going stymied, return impossible' over to both GlobalPop, and Populace/USofA are reinforcing of our 'restricted movement' theme. Within both populace entities we find that 'no action' and 'not time {for} movement' show up as rising aspects with robust supporting attribute sets. Within both we find references to 'bricks {too} hot'. Within

the GlobalPop, under a general 'political class' aspect, we also find that the 'hot bricks' terminates in 'no leadership'. This latter is supported by '{leadership} failing/abandoned, considerable time {now/past}'. This is itself supported with quite emotively heavy values for both carry-forward, and impact/duration. It suggests that a very serious emotional state is developing within the global populace relating to the 'total/complete failure/collapse' of any 'planet conscious' or reality based, environmental leadership. This area in turn is cross linked back to Populace/USofA and our very much developing 'rebellion' emotive thread which first arose in regards the Press entity, and then appeared within the Populace/USofA entity as part of its tipping point process. Cross linked back to the Terra entity from the GlobalPop, 'no leadership' sub set, we can locate our still existent threads for two cities to suffer a 'disastrous' shaking or event. We still have one city being described as 'merging back' with the 'mud/marsh/wetland' from which the 'mud was taken' to 'make/manufacture the bricks of the city'. The set still contains wording indicative of the 'city on the water(s) edge', but we have little particulars for the type of the water or the location of the city. It could be river, bay, ocean, or lake. We have about an equal number of all such references. Cross linked back to Terra from both Populace entities we also have a very high emotive aspect which is 'observation' supported by '{of} events/developing circumstance'. This in turn is supported by attribute sets going to the image of 'helplessly observing', and 'watching impotently'. Other, lower supporting aspect/attribute sets go to the idea of 'reading/discovering/viewing' of the 'developing events' taking '2/two days time'. This could be interpreted as events playing out over two actual days, but may also be taken as a general 'short time' indicator. As to timing on our model, when progressed, the only clear timing signals we are yet receiving have to do with the 'transitions of the seasons'. We have just past the summer solstice, and so the next transition can only be the fall equinox. If we peg this as the extreme edge of our explicit timing clues {noting how poorly we do on timing issues in general}, then it may be possible to suggest that the current solar energy patterns developing, as well as our data, are indicating a relatively short period. If our past interpretations were to be taken as a base, then we would consider that today's data is indicating that the solar energy fluctuations, and the subsequent impact here

on earth, are to be fully underway by the time of the autumnal equinox in September. Further, our data also seems to suggest that the 'regular passage' or 'smooth transition' of the 'seasons, planetary' has 'ceased'. The suggestion is from our two populace entities that perhaps by the time of the autumnal equinox, a general discussion of just such an effect will be underway. Further, at that time it would appear that this whole planetary climate alteration issue also starts to propel changes in the positions/power of the political classes {pretty much globally}. While too early to suggest global political revolution, we nonetheless do have 'revolution' rising as an aspect with a growing attribute base. Also in support within the attribute base are environmentally focused word sets at all levels within the supporting attributes. It is as though almost all issues, no matter how seemingly political, are now tainted at some level with environmental concerns. Terra - Earthquakes - Stick a fork in it Within the data set the area of Terra which is led by 'earthquakes' as an aspect is still accruing values and supporting attributes. Suggestive of potential still building, we can note that an interpretation for our 3/three great quakes perhaps now should include the possibility that they might happen over a short period of time. There are also data indictors for the 'crust cracking' which we have seen within the 'plate shift' aspect set since the beginning of the year. Again heavily tied by cross links we have this area associated with the 'change of the seasons'. And again, summer solstice now past, we can only presume to be thinking in terms of on or before the autumnal equinox. In this case, the lexical sets relating to earthquakes do show that 'observation' of the 'sun and the moon' as well as some indications for other planetary influences would *seem* to suggest that the quakes are more likely prior to the equinox than on or after. Within our quake set the aspects/attributes go to the images of 'bedrock {is} pulled apart, seams split', and further that 'frame {of} rock, cracked, settling'. This latter is also supported by inclusion of cross links back to Markets entity suggesting that it will occur such that 'beds shaken, tumbled people' will also 'tumble' the markets that morning. An odd link to be sure, however

also suggests that the impact of damage is so apparent that it has immediate markets ramifications. We also find a curious cross link in this area which is internal to Terra, and goes back to the 'failure of authority' section but rather than human authority, this is more suggestive of the 'authority/regime/power structure' of the 'regulators of the seasons/climates' has been 'over-thrown/purged'. Also of a curious nature are some indications for a 'beneficial' outcome, or circumstance to develop from our '3/three great quakes'. This would seem to be related to 'climatic developments', though also the indication is only found in our 'long term, anticipatory' emotive values. Terra - Ring of Fire - Strong Waters Unfortunately the data is once again showing that we have a 'strong waters' potential for the Ring of Fire area. The data is far less than illustrative of the geographic regions, but we must note that the potential for tsunami is great all around the Pacific plate. Our data suggests that another episode of 'strong waters', which will be 'propelled {out of} the abyss' will 'fill the hole/cave {to its} rim' and the 'waters {will } not escape'. This is very reminiscent of some of the language we had last year prior to the Sumatran earthquake and subsequent tsunami. We also need to note that there are many 'rain waters', and 'strong rains, waters from above' references within the descriptor set so the surety level that we are talking ocean waters in the form of a tsunami are less than 100 per cent. In this case we now have additional sets which did not appear last year. Some of these go to the impact of the 'strong waters' which 'quickly fill the ravine, danger', as well as 'ravine crossing, danger, rushing waters'. These may be interpreted as pertaining more to flash floods than tsunami form of strong waters. The data set also contains supporting aspects/attribute sets toward 'escape, blocked/stopped short {by} steep/deep abyss', also containing under it is 'abyss shudders/shakes/expels strong waters'. This in turn is cross linked internally to an aspect which goes to 'observed, watched, not rescued'. This in turn shows that 'crossing the ravine, alone, ropes successfully match

strong waters, danger, risk'. This set in turn also contains supporting aspects/attributes for 'dangerous, restless' in which we find 'no action, tossing about, rocks/shards cutting, dangers'. Our Ring of Fire 'strong waters' lexical set also contains a thread of aspects which go to the idea of 'dinner party, interruption, power outage'. This in turn describes a 'hanging house', and 'crowds around, restless ground, rain waters down'. Within this set the attributes go toward 'mountains, hills, natural barriers, less than perfect protection {from} seas'. Also, 'dry hills, ocean waves, short trees under'. Further within the set is 'setting sun' and under this is a very complete aspect/attribute set toward 'setting sun, overhead, dinner, earth fire pit/hearth, waves approach, walking retreat'. Under the 'retreat' aspect hangs the aspect attribute set of 'retreat, waters push upward, thorns tear/entangle, struggle, hills dry, sun set'. This set curiously terminates in 'completely lost, struggling up hill, dry eyes'. The odd reference to 'dry eyes' is cross linked over to the Bushista entity where we find it terminates in 'elevated lies' which in turn is supported by 'lies as truth, elevated/raised deceit'. And under 'raised deceit' the reinforcing idea of 'lies {about/of} water, pressure upward, risks to people'. As we progress the modelspace, our 'strong waters' imagery takes a more permanent tone. The values associated with length, breadth, and duration of impact at an emotional level rise significantly. We also see that accruing values go to the idea of 'strong waters occupy in great measure' or alternatively, 'strong waters take great possession {of the} lands'. Rather ominous, and also fits with the Terra entities other aspects/attributes going to 'waters press upward', and 'waters overtake {the} lip'. Our only timing clues within these newly acquired lexical sets are some less than specific pointers to 'celestial pegs' to the 'changing seasons'. And again, we have to note that much of the data at the lower supporting level contains just as many specific references to 'rain waters' as it does to 'strong waters'. What is reasonably clear within the data set is that this is associated with the 'ring of fire' or 'pacific plate' in its totality. While unusual, this level of large scale geographic representation is not unknown. Terra - Oceans - Possession in Great Measure, Dying Off

It the 'strong waters' thread above is followed back at the highest level of aspect to its internal Terra entity cross links it comes back to the 'oceans' as an aspect. Within this thread, we also have to note that this 'oceans' aspect has an exactly worded subset which also is 'possession in great measure' or through alternative choice from the lexicon, 'great possession'. This set mirrors much of the 'strong waters' references above, but is not associated with the Pacific Ocean nor the Pacific plate in specifics. This area is more generally representative of 'oceans, global'. In this case we find that the same lexical subset for 'strong waters' and 'great possession' is replicated here. Further as the Terra entity moves forward within the modelspace, the entity is acquiring a large number of very bleak negative emotive values which bring it the rising aspect of 'dying off' or 'putrefaction'. While we have little in the way of timing or duration clues at this point, our 'dying off ' values are supported by aspects/attributes going to the idea of 'sea swamps marsh, hot waters putrefy', and 'mixed/blending waters, dead fish'. There are also supporting sets below this area suggestive of both 'volcano' heating as well as many links over to 'solar/sun energy' as the cause of the heating. The many data layers added during this processing period show a trend toward, at least through the summer and into the fall, much degradation of oceans/seas, especially in coastal areas, to rise to consciousness. In fact, some of our emotive sums relative to this, and specifically cross linked back to Populace/USofA, and GlobalPop, suggest that the rise of awareness of the 'oceans, putrefaction' will reach a 'crisis level' before the fall equinox {one of our few timing clues}. Much of the language associating with 'oceans' over this recent processing is the more emotional language used when expressing political views/arguments. These words and emotive tones are now associating in a more general sense as they are being applied toward trying to 'lie/spin/sell' a position relative to the obvious 'transformation of the oceans'. Terra - Australia - Attracting Strong Waters Again, noting that we area now chasing our own timing clues, we have to note that within the Terra entity, and specifically for those areas in the southern hemisphere, and most specifically for Australia, we also have the same 'strong waters' lexical set rising. As we note that Australia has already received 'strong waters' in the form of 'rain waters', our interpretation is somewhat reinforced by recent events.

Our data suggests that the current deluges are just the start. As we move our modelspace forward, the association of Australia specific geographic references and the 'strong waters/rainwaters' continues, in fact, significantly increases both in numeric sums, and total aspect/attribute accretion. As the supporting aspects continue to build for this area throughout July and August, it would be a fair interpretation to suggest that Australian weather is likely to fall into a disturbing pattern of very 'strong waters' capable of 'scrubbing bare resources' and 'removing cattle {from their} feet'. Also of note is that the 'strong waters' will have a much more negative impact on immediate 'food production' than they will positively impact through drought relief. Within the aspect/attribute sets we note areas where the data suggests that 'strong rains' will create 'flooding streams' which in turn are seen as 'meeting the sea {in} city streets'. This level of flooding is also supported by the many references to 'ravines rising {with} sea water' and 'marshes flooded {by/with} ocean waters'. The imagery we have is clearly something more like monsoons rampaging in India, but again, our geographic associations are also quite clearly Australia. Press - Fear Disappear The language developing within the Press {sub set of Populace/USofA} entity suggests that this summer will see an 'out break' of 'unity {in the} face' which in turn is seen as a supporting element of the rising aspect of 'fear disappear'. Apparently the 'early rebellion/resistance' is 'wearing, lasting' and the result will be some new, externally focused 'reclamation of value' and 'restoration of historical ratio/balance'. As the modelspace is progressed over the summer, the Press entity acquires a lexical structure indicating that 'others, like, unite', and 'fear dispelled/vanished/disappear', will lead to 'new words, new judgments'. Within this area we also find that 'others make contribution, judgments settled heavily'. All of this is joined as we progress over the summer with 'resistance grows/leans/strong', 'men acting impudently'. All of the Press elements seem to converge near the end of our detail from the current processing, or in late August or early September. We note that

there is a developing trend toward wording such as 'restraint, not long/cannot endure', and other attribute sets toward similar sentiment. The aspect also is showing that 'sharp flexibility, subtle intelligence' is seen as 'communicating around {the} high hedges'. Perhaps indicating that at some level even the mouths of the MSM wish to speak 'good words', rather than propaganda. As we are constantly informed by science, 68% of communication is non verbal. In any event this summer will apparently have a period in late August in which the Press entity is suggesting that the 'obstacles vanish', and 'progress is favorable'. Hmm, might be nice for a change. Silver - The Transforming Element The modelspace still shows Silver as its own entity. At this point as we progress the model forward over the summer, the Silver entity appears to hang in place until late in July, there after it does a 'two step' shuffle upward. The first step comes as a doubling of emotive sums for 'carry forward value'. That is, the numbers used to represent the emotional potential for an idea to carry forward in time have doubled. This is sometimes seen as a precursor to a shift in emotive nature of an entity. Not to be confused with tipping points in which all the emotive sums are altered, this is merely one emotional attribute sum within the entity. However, usually around 23, indicating basically 'no real interest' in the public at large, we are seeing that when the Silver entity starts to move in late July, that it begins with a better-thandoubling of the 'carry forward value' to 51. Then as the modelspace is further progressed through to fall, we find the Silver entity again better than doubles this value to 119. At that point we are also seeing the sums of a number of the other emotive tone values rising within the entity as well. This is indicative of the 'transformation' that is also indicated within the lexicon. The 'element {silver}' is seen as 'being discovered'. Hanging under this area are indications that a new or newly popular use for silver will rise into public consciousness. Cross links exist between this area and both of the Populace entities where it terminates in the aspect of 'science' under GlobalPop, and splits into 'monetary' and 'cure/health' under Populace/USofA. We note that the 'science' heading under GlobalPop does not preclude a 'health/cure' association there as well. Further into the Silver entity, as it is moved forward over late summer and into fall, the aspect ratios change, and a new, rising aspect of 'confirmation'

comes up. This aspect has a fully populated attribute set with contents going to the image of 'desperation {in the midst of} cacophonous noise', and 'shouts/yells fill the air'. Also there are an equal number of parallel threads going to the idea of either 'danger' or 'horrors'. In the case of the latter the aspects have the imagery of 'out of breath' and 'trembling in fear'. Under both of these are 'motivates action/behavior'. Also under these there are the deeper support layers of attributes suggestive of a 'battlefield' being 'developed/surveyed'. Along with this are cautions to 'not move early' and to 'delay premature response' to the 'provocations presented {by} others'. There are many supporting aspects and attribute sets more or less all reflective of the theme of 'shock' or 'electrical shock' or 'electric like shock' or 'shocked by loud noise/thunder/electric thunder' and others. This 'shock' is also supported in a number of the sets within the Silver entity as being an 'electric shock {to/about?} value'. In other areas it is not quite so clear and goes toward 'shock impact value new sneeze tingle'. Also in support of the 'shock' aspects, though in another part of the lexical set, are references to 'shock of equilibrium' such that the 'heart beats faster'. All of this may be referring to new medical uses seen for the 'transforming element'. Markets - At Rest and Impassive It is at this point in the processing that we begin chasing time, in that our emotive values were collected so long ago that much of the short term value set is now current or passing. It is with the Markets entity that we find the largest share of now-decaying short term values accruing during this last phase of processing. Within the Markets set the current rising aspect is '{at} rest' with a large supporting aspect/attribute set which goes to 'impassive before the shift/movement/step'. We have further data points which also reinforce this whole notion of 'no movement {at this} time', as well as 'stopping/resting, road shines empty'. This whole condition of 'no movement' is a strictly short term phenomena and is being picked up from the newly acquired values. When the modelspace is progressed forward through summer and into fall, the lexical set undergoes a significant shift with the 'no movement' dominant aspect being replaced with 'dissolution/dissolving'. Within our set we note that the summer is seen as a point of 'shifting priorities' which will 'define the ranges {of} the peaks and valleys', but as

the lexical set headed by 'shifting priorities' moves through summer, it is transformed into 'melting/dissolving into solution' by rising aspect/attribute sets. Prior to the emergence of the 'dissolving' aspect, we have a more or less 'regular as heartbeats' indication. Then the Markets entity starts to acquire values related to 'water', and 'water impact' as well as the odd 'water {from} space'. It is this set which brings along the supporting attributes which alter the emotive sums of the Markets entity and bring the 'dissolution' to the top of the aspect dominance heap by the time the modelspace progresses into fall. We also note that along with the 'water/water impact' aspects, these bring attributes going to 'discontent' and 'discontent from below, not heard', as well as 'radiation {of} discontent'. Now this last one may also be interpreted as 'discontent {with} radiation'. In either case it has a supporting aspect/attribute set of 'discontent' and 'radiation' {of the} 'low/low laying' is seen as 'not being heard {by those who} do not bend over to listen'. We also find more than half of the references go toward 'lower class' and other indicators of the 'class wars' seen in earlier ALTA reports. One interpretation could be toward the use of Depleted {supposedly} Uranium in the BushWar Against Iraq, and its now returning to roost consequences. The area here is ambiguous in that it also contains many references to the 'sun' and 'solar radiation' as well. The overall tone, however, is quite clear, and that goes toward a very high degree of 'resentment' and 'anger {of} words ignored'. The supporting aspects/attributes for this set also contain a small number of words for 'weather' but in the main, the primary theme is 'radiation'. It may be that this is to be another of those "marker events" in which an odd word pattern or usage emerges into public consciousness and our reports are picking it up as a marker for other changes. Whatever the developing 'radiation' story is to be, most of its impact appears to begin following a short period of 'rest and impassive' markets activity, then shading rapidly into a state of 'dissolution'. Within the dissolution are a number of supporting aspects/attributes for currencies, and many of these also contain 'food' and 'resources' associated language. One interpretation is that a continuation of preference for 'things' over 'currency' will progress with increasing strength. Markets - Oil - Summer Misery

There is a curious data association developing with short term values dominating in which a near duplicate lexical structure is appearing in both Markets and Bushista. The dominating aspect of the Markets section is 'oil', and the dominating aspect in the structure in both of the entities is 'distillation'. This is not merely a case of cross linked values replicating main aspects. We have a duplicate of values for 'oil' with primary aspect of 'distillation' with duplicate attribute sets in both entities. Both were separately derived. In the case of the Bushista entity, the 'distillation' structure hangs from a date range of summer, and in the case of the 'distillation' structure under 'oil' in Markets, we find that its boundary date range is '90/ninety' days'. This more-than-coincident rise of the same lexical structure could be interpreted at face value and pertain to the obvious linking of the fortunes of Bush et al to oil. We can also apply it metaphorically and consider that in the case of Bush et al, they will be dealing with a 'distillation' of things this summer. In either case, the details within the attribute sets do not bode well. Many of the supporting sets are conflict related, and very difficult to apply since the BushWars are so wide spread. Our geographic references rise to the level of noise and are meaningless under the circumstances. The 'oil' structure under Markets gives the best clue in suggesting that 'distillation' involves 'fire' and in this case 'misery, sweated'. Under the 'sweated' aspect, we have an attribute set going to 'what is not clear, investigated until certain'. This in turn is linked in both cases back to Populace/USofA where it terminates in very high, short term impact values. In both entities the 'distillation' aspect, as the modelspace is progressed over the summer and into fall, picks up aspects of 'skin glued' {politically stuck?} amidst a whole slew of very heavily weighted words such as 'laborious', and references to 'bending bones' as well as other injurious images. There are many associations to the color 'yellow' within the set. Colors are difficult for interpretation as they are culturally biased. The set also contains very explicit aspect/attribute sets toward 'too late {implementing} change', and 'self admiration, no others', as well as

'repentance vanishes in words, last restrictions gone, dangers'. This area really gains over the course of the modelspace movement suggesting that an issue with 'words spoken, now lives' will come back to haunt the Bushista group over the course of the summer. This will be found to be linked to 'oil' and in both cases terminates in 'failure'. And in both instances, the 'failure' aspect is supported by aspects going to 'blind'. Within the 'distillation' aspect in both entities we have a lexical thread of aspect/attributes which goes to 'arrogant behavior' in turn supported by 'arrogant mind', and 'behavior radiates importance ahead of feet'. While easily interpreted when applied to Bushista, how this may apply to oil is really a stretch, but it clearly is part of the structure for 'oil' under Markets. Further, this area contains some 'hope' under which hangs 'proceeding/activity' and under which hangs 'misery/misfortune'. Then, also off the 'arrogant mind' aspect set, we have 'grasping process, too/excessive late', under which is the attribute set containing 'fewer black spots, yellow dirt'. Now this could easily be predictive for oil, but Bushista? Then we muddy the whole thing further with yet another supporting aspect/attribute set for 'behavior fails to distill', and 'behavior changes, misery shown'. As we move the modelspace forward, capturing more of the accruing values, we note that both structures maintain their integrity across the summer period. In both cases we are moving forward toward a period when 'words rule', and 'weight {of} words crush men'. Basically it looks to be a period of pending reckoning of 'accounts' of 'words'. The obvious suggestion for Bushistas is for some very lively periods in the upcoming post summer holiday, political season, but for 'oil' the interpretation should be toward the markets understanding the 'dry yellow earth' over the course of summer. Given a choice, our interpretation for probability is that the 'oil' area will be going toward worse over better in both short term and long. Our most recently processed data elements are necessarily short term focused, and they are suggestive of 'weight of words' being a very meaningful weight indeed. Populace/USofA - Waiting in a hole in the ground

Just a few notes on the recent additions to Populace/USofA. An odd lexical structure, headed by 'waiting in a hole {in the} ground' has arisen. It is supported by 'bloody past' and 'waiting in blood'. Within the structure as a whole we have all the values being externally focused. The 'waiting in a hole in the ground' actually has supporting imagery for 'looking out while {waiting in a hole in the ground}'. This may be Fourth of July focused as we find that much of this is associated with 'waiting while festivities happen', or 'waiting/watching during festival'. As we find a number of 'ocean' and 'sky' associated links, we can perhaps assign this structure and its tone of anxious anticipation to the pending 'Deep Impact' shooting of a comet with a 700 pound copper bullet. If so, the emotional tone we have here is foreboding, and does not argue for a good out come. There are several, less than specific, threads going toward 'errant energy' and 'energetic behavior'. Again, likely not good. GlobalPop - Water yet Again The most recent additions to the GlobalPop entity have brought in yet more 'water', and 'rain water' references. They are supported by extensive aspect/attributes to 'tension' which in turn are cross linked back to the area of Terra where we find the pointers to '3/three great quakes'. The interpretation has to shade toward anxiety which would naturally develop about 'waters' and tsunami's under the circumstances of 3 large quakes, especially if they are Pacific Plate based. There are several aspect/attribute sets within GlobalPop which go to '3/three times before dawn, taking off/movement'. As though perhaps three warnings move populations during the night. While short term value dominated, we have not got a decent time reference for this as the data is aging faster than our processing can capture it. Basically more 'bad waters' language showing up. Conclusion of ALTA 905 Series: 1 Per centile Probability Analysis Much of our work is probability analysis. We use many tools derived from set theory for our work. Some of these tools are embodied in the SQL languages of the relational databases. Others are created within the predicate calculus of the prolog programming language which allows the creation of very large, and very complex databases in RAM. However, our source for the relationships exposed with our programming tools comes down to the language used by millions of humans.

This language is meaningful and predictive even at a meta-data level. As an instance, one could predict that conditions will favor impeachment for Bush and his cronies just on the rise of the number of times that word 'impeachment' is being seen, and the spread of its use to larger numbers of bespoke apolitical fora. What we then do is to take that level of analysis one step further and to begin drawing inferences from the other words used in conjunction with 'impeachment'. As we find that their emotive values rise, we can postulate with some accuracy that the "human energy levels" around that subject are rising, and that this is suggestive that the energy, not unlike earthquakes, must be 'released' in some action. Again, a following postulate might be that the more emotional energy building within the general populace around the 'impeachment of Bush et al', the higher the probability that it will make the MSM {main stream media}. And from that, the premise that the more 'impeachment' is discussed in MSM, the higher the probability that it will occur. Humans are also intuitive by nature. Frequently, unknowingly so. It is this ability to 'intuit the future' that spills out unbidden within our daily discourses. Presumably accurate in the aggregate, if damned hard to interpret within the 1per centile probability levels this is why so much such analysis will miss the early appearance of 'impeachment' and the even earlier appearance of the rising pre-cursor conditions of the change of emotions {i.e. energy} on a broad scale. Of course, by doing this, by reaching way far forward, hunting for the very first appearances of emotional energy change, which presumably will lead to behavioral change, and then trying to guess its direction and description based on only a few clues *MUST* mean that accuracy is affected. The inaccuracy is bound to spread based on the nature of the subject. It should be understandable that we would be less accurate as humans in dealing with the subtle clues preceding earth changes, than with those which precede changes in the social order. We actually consider it remarkable that our weather/climate guesses come out as accurate as they do within the context of the ALTA reports. As a closing point on the meta data level, we should note that there are indeed very large bulges of data for both our Terra entity and the planet/system it represents, as well as for the entity we have titled the Bushistas. In both cases the accretion levels are very high over the entire processing during this run. This is suggestive of a very high level of change

for both areas. We also have had a 'hump-backed' emotional value curve in which the short term impact emotive values have been rising relative to all other values within the aspect/attribute set. This is suggestive of a relatively short period before we see some of the changes manifesting. It is sort of like a mathematic equivalent of a 'cresting wave' in which our short term values are now frothing up to the top and getting ready to 'break'. Igor and I would like to thank you for being part of the ALTA 905 series which concludes with this segment. It is our general feeling that those who are not watching out for change are likely to be bowled over by it. More succinctly put in the martial arts community by 'seek destiny, or accept fate'. Again, both go to watching out for patterns. We will be sending out email announcing the next ALTA series as well as posting such information on the main page at the site.

Copyright 2005 by HalfpastHuman. All rights reserved. Released through subscription only. No reproduction in whole or in part without prior permission.

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