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ALTA IR - 1206 -Introduction - June 3, 2006

Asymmetric Language Trend Analysis Intelligence Report Changes in language precede changes in behavior. By Tenax SE for

Note this report is offered for entertainment value only. Any resemblance between the events portrayed in this report and any developing reality is purely co-incidental and in no manner represents foreknowledge on the part of the authors of this report. Note that this information is derived from humans expressing themselves on the internet. As such, human emotional values and the words used to express them are being sampled and interpreted here, NOT THE FUTURE. Any resemblance between this report and future developments is entirely in the mind of the perceiver and does not exist in reality. The Authors cannot be held liable for accuracy of lack thereof in this report. Authors cannot be held liable for human interpretation of this report nor any action any human takes as a result of this report. Any human foolish enough to alter their behavior based on this entertainment-only analysis demonstrates themselves incapable of rational appreciation of reality, and the authors are explicitly held harmless and blameless for any and all such mental aberrations on the part of the reader. 06.03.2006 Note: Entities are identified by a blue typeface. Aspect words are enclosed in square brackets []. Attribute words/phrases are within parentheses (). Near sentences or concepts composed of both leading aspect and trailing attributes are single quoted '. Interpretive editorial comments are preceded by an asterisk *. Editorial notes are within {} curly braces. Our expectations are to achieve 70+ million reads within our bandwidth limitations. We expect a 6 part report series from this data set.

Time Maps - A view forward Consider the following chart.

Chart 1

This chart was developed for the ALTA 1006 series and is the expression of the totality of emotional sums shifts within the modelspace. The horizontal scale is an expression of time denoted in days (more about that below), and the vertical scale is the summation value range for the emotional sums. The numeric value on the vertical scale is relatively meaningless. It could just as easily be stated in hundreds or double digit values. It derives from our early assumptions and that we began the project in 1997 with a range for emotive values which went from -1 to 1 (minus/negative 1/one to positive 1/one). As the work has evolved over time we have had to adjust various scales given developing circumstances. This has led to the current range of minus -100/one hundred to 100/one hundred. The basis of the range is the correlation between rising emotional tension, and rising numeric values. The reverse is true for the falling emotional values. Within our work we refer to periods of time when emotions are 'rising' as 'building emotional periods'. Conversely, when the numeric values are falling we label such a time as a 'release period'. As may be guessed, both of these terms stem from the manner in which humans, both in the individual and the aggregate, digest emotional stressors. At the basis of our work, we have extrapolated certain characteristics of humans and their methods of emotional expression. One of our premises is that stressors on the humans induce emotional responses after a period of 'accretion' or gathering of emotional stressors. These are internally digested, and once a 'trigger' level has been reached, humans release the emotion, that is, express it or manifest its impact. Our work attempts to capture 'leaks' of both current and future emotional expression within the linguistic shifts which humans betray within their daily choice of words. Our work is further predicated on the premise that behavioral changes, especially within masses of humans, are motivated by emotional manifestation. Thus the theory that if we could monitor changing emotions, and accurately calculate the 'percolation time' between stressor input and emotional output, we could predict future behavioral changes on a broad scale. The 'percolation time' is at the core of the work. This is a best guess as to how long it takes for an event/circumstance to which there is an emotional component to 'work its way through the system' to where the emotional response to the event is being manifest into the universe at large. One can ascertain that the 'percolation time' is both the key to the whole of the process, and the weakest link in our chain. This lag between stressor and emotional reaction is a hugely variant component. In observation this can easily be validated by merely observing how individual humans react to various emotional stressors. Of course the very first variant is the individual human. As human responses to the same stressor are widely ranging, it was initially quite clear that the largest possible level of inputs for our work would be required just to smooth over the whole variance of individual response issue. So with humans widely and wildly variant in how they react to various emotions, and noting that individual humans themselves are also inconsistent in reactions, that is their health, state of mind, et al contributes to how they respond emotionally to the same stimulus, it became necessary to pursue our work within a range of values which we were assuming that we had incorrectly localized at any given point. Basically, as the whole of the process was based on some very wide possible ranges, we had to assume that we had our numeric representations "off" by some degree at any given time. Thus the value adjustment or 'tuning of the lexicon' which is an integral part of the processing. To lay it out plain, our timing sucks. As noted the 'percolation time' is a key component of our whole effort. We usually are incorrect in this area whereas we may have other aspects of our Time Map well laid out. The inaccuracy of this part of the processing is well known to us and arises due to the other core part of the processing. In beginning this odd linguistic exercise we had to start somewhere, so a copy of a very extensive English language dictionary in electronic format was obtained. The definitions were stripped out leaving only the word list. This lexicon was then placed as the 'key field' or primary key in a large database. At that point a series of associations were made between words which then formed our 'descriptor sets' in which all those words which were variants of a theme were linked. We then linked the words within the lexicon based on a large number (potentially up to 640 - multi-dimensional array, 64 by 10) of other associations. These include such things as word types, commonly shared usage/phrases, and our range of numeric emotional indicators which are the grist for the mill of the modelspace and which provide the numeric values which allow us to both place word groupings within our modelspace and which are used to create the charts placed within these reports.

Any discussion about our timing values must note that our time values are human and not calendar focused. For instance we ended up using a lunar calendar month as most humans seem to respond to that emotionally when viewed in the aggregate. Further we have many celestial markers such as the equinoxes and the solstices, but also note that cultural calendars trump solar associations as in the 'summer' being defined as Memorial Day to Labor Day (end of May to early September) within the USofA, whereas much of Franco influenced Europe thinks of 'summer' as the month of vacation which is usually August. Other variants of course extend to northern versus southern hemisphere climate realities. Within the limitations expressed above, what we have done at the core level is to assign a series of numbers to various lexical descriptors in various categories. For instance take the word 'jak' or 'jacked' with the meaning of 'to take by force or intimidation'. This word, being newly derived from slang, has a very high 'immediacy value' as it is emotionally loaded. As a general rule, slang develops within the culture within each new generation in order to 'reprioritize' the emotional expressions of the generation. In other words the idea is to to *not* use your parents emotive triggers as they are 'old and tired' and have less emotional trigger impact for your generation. So each generation develops its own new lexicon additions. Further, as these words gain popular acceptance and understanding, they are internalized to certain emotional levels or triggers which have become fixed by popular peer pressures *within that generation*. This explains why old farts *never* do slang well. Using slang which is out-of-your-generation is risky given that your emotional reaction to work groupings is inherently different from that of the slang creating generation. At least they think so, therefore out-of-generation usage of slang always comes across as misplaced, thus its consistent use as an emotional prop within media. But, for our work, even the attempt at the use of the slang words is revealing. And to return to our illustration, the word 'jak' has very high emotive values in both immediacy and short-term, but has very low long-term-impact values. Thus when we discover the word being used within our data set, it tends to drive up the immediacy sums for the area in which it appears, and to reduce the longer term values for that same group. Make sense? Now multiply this by a few tens of millions, et viola, you're in the extreme linguistics business. Oh, for your information, we have defined the "immediacy" value set as being from 3/three days to the end of 3/three weeks, while short term value set is from 3/three weeks (beginning thereof) out to the end of 3/three months. Long term values are sub divided into an additional 8/eight sets but continue on from 3/three months out to over 18/eighteen months. As may be expected, our longer term values also drop off in accuracy the further out we go. Our process begins and ends with our spyders which are computer programs which eat words off the internet in their hundreds of billions. We throw away most of the words as not being pertinent to our goals, and then process the others into a giant numeric stew. The resulting values are then reduced to a very small set of key indicators which then get associated with a group of X, Y, Z values, and such things as color indicators, and cross link associations. These numbers then allow us to turn on and color a single pixel in our 3/three dimensional modelspace to represent that particular word descriptor set. Our visual modelspace is basically a virtual aquarium space of 3/three dimensions all of which have a scale of 60 units each unit of which is composed of either a lunar day (X axis), an emotional numeric value (Y axis), or a change deviation numeric value (Z axis). It is the changing groups of supporting words and their emotional numeric values captured within lexical proximate to our descriptor sets which drive the modelspace forward in time. The modelspace has several emotionally neutral areas which are considered to be 'zero zones' in which the emotional values are neutral to behavioral change generation. The modelspace is too complex to provide a visual representation within our reports. Further, there is *NO* visual clue as to what group of words a pixel is actually linked. This is determined with a further level of processing after attractive groups of pixels are visually located within modelspace. To make the links back to the descriptor sets for our interpretations which provide the bulk of the ALTA report series, we must locate a grouping of pixels to examine, note their cross links by turning on cross links within the modelspace, note the termination points (as an XYZ,ColorHue, ColorVariant, Motion, DirectionVariant) set of coordinates, and then use these to trace back to the lexicon to discover the associated word group as a descriptor. At that point, the 'found' word is what we term to be an 'aspect' or

the 'head of a related, emotionally, current discussion word set'. Each aspect is supported by a set of words of indeterminate size which are interpreted to define the meaning within the modelspace of this "linguistic leak of emotional pressures on behavior change". Clear as mud? So the modelspace is too large in data to provide within these reports, and is meaningless without the work of associating pixel groups with word groups. We have extrapolated a charting technique from the modelspace as is illustrated above, but we continually note that this is a very very flat representation of a very dynamic, and complex structure. Further the charts are of a necessity *only* expressing the extreme values as they represent summation sets. Thus the nuances are totally lost within the charting. Further the charts are a frozen view of a dynamic process. Thus we have had emotional descriptor sets indicate a behavior change which initially was being pegged to a particular date, which after later processing was moved to some other date due to additions to the sums from new data. So the charts should be taken as only of a momentary accuracy. Further it needs to be noted that all charts as snapshots or frozen numeric sums represented visually will *not* show any changes to the emotional landscape as the various behavioral changes come about and then themselves ripple outward in effects which alter discussion sets on the internet and thus our next set of data gathering. We do get some hints about these ripples, but not reliably to the level of intensity. One last note about our modelspace is that groups of pixels are aggregated by our processing such that they are together within the model and form what we call 'entities' An entity is a grouping of descriptor sets around a central theme, usually one we wish to track. An example of an entity would be the Terra entity as a proxy for the emotional relationship between humans and planet earth, or the Markets entity as a proxy for the emotional relationship with the 'money industries'. We need to note that an entity definition may include tens of thousands of descriptors with associated cross links. These entities are complex, and as language changes, we must also change our entity definitions in order to stay current with linguistic nuance. Thus is could be seen that the very nature of the entity can and does change over time. As an instance our initial BushCo entity, representing the aggregate of Bush political, corporate, conservative, religious and media cabal has over time decreased into the current Bushista entity. This occurred as the various corporate, media, military and other sub sets have moved out of the entity as the various constituent groups have been disappointed and emotionally disenfranchised from the Bush cabal. We see these movements of emotional attachment months before the general mainstream media stumbles over them. Meta Data - Zipf's Distribution Discovery Dynamically Done As any linguist may suspect in seeing our results for the first time, much of our work is based on Zipf's Law and unique corollaries, and complementary extensions to the premise of our own devising. In the case of this work, the core of it has been to extend Zipf's Law to the dynamism which is now possible due to the internet. As noted ad nauseam, our work is based on the changes within the lexicons in use, lexical shifts from lexicon to lexicon (primary domain shifts predicated on lexicon shifts), and the attempt to gather and extrapolate from data in a near-real-time fashion. As an interesting aside, it is Zipf's Law which allows the "bible codes" to always provide just what the questioner wants to find, as long as it is run against letter/word/numeral languages such as hebrew, and when applied to events or circumstances, as long as it is done so retroactively. In other words, the Zipf's ratios provide for distribution patterns which will *always* manifest after the fact. Not really useful for predictive work. One of our extensions to Zipf's work is used to develop what we have termed to be 'meta data influences'. A meta data influence occurs when the same descriptor set, referencing the same emotively defined value set occurs in multiple entities simultaneously. Within our entities, or collections of complex descriptor sets clustered around central themes, the appearance of a specific descriptor set which also is found with the same level of primary specificity in other entities, marks the rise of a 'meta data layer'. An example of this is the currently active 'secrets revealed' meta data layer which is appearing in almost all of the entities within the modelspace. We must note that while common to the entities, the meta data layers are more impacting on some entities that others, and the impacts vary over time. So, as an example which may be easily observed within "real life" or manifesting circumstances, we offer the 'secrets revealed' meta data layer and its appearance over these last 2/two years within the Bushista entity (getting close to peaking

within this entity), as well as in other entities such as the Terra entity wherein we have had a number of years of increasing anxiety about 'secrets' being revealed concerning climate change. It is also possible to observe the rise of the 'secrets revealed' meta data influence on any number of "real life" analogs to our modelspace entities. Take as an example, the Markets entity. It only takes a casual glance at recent mainstream media outputs to come across the common theme that we are expressing as 'secrets revealed'. These meta data layers build up within the various entities over time, and progress from general behavioral influences within a specific entity, to broader influences felt across a number of entities if not the whole of modelspace. Along with 'secrets revealed' as a current meta data layer, we also have 'aggression' and newly emerging 'transformation'. There are a number of other meta data layers which will be discussed as we go forward with the series including 'rebellion/revolution', 'encounters with scarcity' and others, but for this introduction our attention is focused on the first two layers mentioned, 'secrets revealed' and 'aggression'. Both of these layers have been in operation, or "affective" as we say here in the radical linguistics business, for several years at this point. New developments within the last two report series show these two layers merging into a larger and much more complex meta data layer which we have labeled as 'conflict'. Now note that we label these layers. We do so deliberately after much analysis and discussion, but where ever possible we label the meta data layer with words from as high up within the descriptor set as possible. Thus in the case of the emerging 'conflict' meta data layer, there are thousands of words/aspects within the descriptor set from which to choose. Our guide in choosing labels is as broad as possible a context while retaining the highest emotional values. Thus for instance we did not choose 'war' as it has a higher than the mean emotive value, and is much more restrictive a descriptor within the connotations it produces than our alternative of 'conflict'. Does that make sense? Clear as mud? In the last 2/two series, a meta data layer has been observed forming within the longer term processing of the values for those series. Now, time being what it is, we have reached near to the manifestation point that we are projecting for the appearance of the 'conflict' meta data layer. As noted in the chart below, and within the last series, our data shows that the new layer will be effective on August 31, 2006, very late in the night, Pacific Coast of North America time zone. When examining the chart below, do not allow the large change of direction within the trend line at that time-point on August 31 to amplify the concept of 'conflict'. The trend line rises due to the totality of all the emotional sums for all of the entities and *not* from just the meta data layer itself.

Chart 2 The chart above shows the aggregate sums of the emotive values which is to say, all the values, both positive and negative, within their respective cohorts (immediacy, short term, longer term ranges), and the resultant sum is charted here. This is a very very crude way of compressing down the data within modelspace. We offer the charts only as a visual aid for the discussions, and of a necessity are frequently having to provide long discussions about how the modelspace actually deviates from the flattened 2/two dimensional version shown within the charts.

So, to be clear is good. We do not expect 'war' to break out planet wide on August 31, 2006. We do expect that the 'conflict' meta data layer will manifest its influence on events of that day and early September. We also do expect that the very rapid change from the emotional release period into the very steeply rising emotional building period to manifest as an event or series of trigger events which will propel humanity up the emotional trend line shown. A further chart to reinforce and clarify the concept.

Chart 3 To begin this ALTA report series, given the rapidly rising complexity which we are facing as multiple meta data layers push their influences into the various entities, and given recent events "on the ground" here on earth, we are providing a summation chart from the ALTA 1006 series as a jumping off point for the interpretations for this current series.

Chart 4 In order to provide some guidance as to how to measure or plot our projections against real world manifesting circumstances, we are providing the following chart which was produced for ALTA report series posted in early Spring of 2005. This chart provides an early charting of the emotive value sums for the period within which the Katrina/Rita/Fema disasters struck the USofA. Given how recent the events, the emotive reactions are likely still fresh, and should provide a basis for understanding the kinds of emotive reactions we mean when we discuss 'building' and 'release' periods.

Chart 5 Note that the vertical scale is *not* the same on both charts. To reconcile the values sets, you can note that in Chart 4, the very first red circle labeled as a 'revolution' within USofA separated from 'rebellion' is the equivalent of the totality of release from all of the Katrina/Rita/FEMA immediacy values within Chart 5. Does that make sense? Restated, the first red circle on Chart 4 found near September 16 (9/16) is the same emotive value levels as we find in Chart 5 for both of the red circles. To provide a better visual representation of the juxtaposition of the Katrina/Rita/FEMA disaster which triggered the release period shown on Chart 5, we are providing yet another version of the base chart for Charts 1 and 4 with the 2005 emotive summation values transposed to the current vertical scale.

Chart 6 As one may expect the data illustrated by these charts drawn from the last ALTA series gives the impression of "interesting" days ahead for 2006 and beyond.

Conclusion: Gather by the River...just leave us the hell out of it, Administrative Notes One of our policies is that if a subscriber irritates us with their religion, or insists on any religious attachments to our work, we refuse their patronage thereafter. We operate under a singular approach to the emotionally hot area of religion by invoking the only prayer in our personal religion: Oh lord, protect us from your followers! For we have real work to do, and they just get in the way. One other action which will result in refusal of patronage is if the contents of our copyrighted material are posted without our permission. It really really really causes headaches in the spyder operations at the server end the next time we go out gathering data. Our data is flowing and the processing for this ALTA series has begun. We will be deep into the first interpretation period this week with an examination of the immediacy values and any changes to the meta data layers within the modelspace. As a rule, which is frequently broken by how the data directs, we tend to process for immediacy values for parts 1 and 2, with short term and near-focus-longer-term values found in parts 3 and 4, and a return to immediacy values along with very long term values in parts 5 and 6. We note that "needs must as the devil drives" and as our devil is clearly the data, we go where it directs. We expect Part 1 to be posted by late on Saturday, June 10, 2006. We also need to note that some personalities within universe are apparently screwing around with us on the internet which may occasionally interfere with our email communications. So.... please check back on Saturdays to our main page at where we will have the announcement posted of the latest postings, as well as the headlines from the entities. Thank you for participating in this ALTA series. With apologies to Rabindrinath Tagore, transliterated from Gitanjali Where mind is without fear and the head is held high; where knowledge is free; where the world has not been broken up into fragments by narrow domestic walls; where words come out from the depth of truth; where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection; where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way into the dreary desert sand of dead habit; where the mind is led forward into ever widening thought and actioninto that heaven of freedom, let my planet wake.

Copyright 2006 by HalfpastHuman. All rights reserved. Released through subscription only. No reproduction in whole or in part without prior permission.

ALTA IR - 1206 -Part 1 - June 10, 2006

Part 1: Markets - Snatching Leopard Spots* Gold/Silver/Commodities - Destruction of the Feet* Terra - Oceans - Fish Wars, Unexpected Comes True, Space Goat Farts Drive to Increase* Terra - Fluid Motion, Fear of Ruined Shoes, 5/Five by the Side of the Road* TPTB - Marshy Waters Conceal Betrayal* Conclusion: Part 1 - Don't Feed the Monkeys

Asymmetric Language Trend Analysis Intelligence Report Changes in language precede changes in behavior. By Tenax SE for

Note this report is offered for entertainment value only. Any resemblance between the events portrayed in this report and any developing reality is purely co-incidental and in no manner represents foreknowledge on the part of the authors of this report. Note that this information is derived from humans expressing themselves on the internet. As such, human emotional values and the words used to express them are being sampled and interpreted here, NOT THE FUTURE. Any resemblance between this report and future developments is entirely in the mind of the perceiver and does not exist in reality. The Authors cannot be held liable for accuracy of lack thereof in this report. Authors cannot be held liable for human interpretation of this report nor any action any human takes as a result of this report. Any human foolish enough to alter their behavior based on this entertainment-only analysis demonstrates themselves incapable of rational appreciation of reality, and the authors are explicitly held harmless and blameless for any and all such mental aberrations on the part of the reader. 06.10.2006 Note: Entities are identified by a blue typeface. Aspect words are enclosed in square brackets []. Attribute words/phrases are within parentheses (). Near sentences or concepts composed of both leading aspect and trailing attributes are single quoted '. Interpretive editorial comments are preceded by an asterisk *. Editorial notes are within {} curly braces. Data set distilled from 10.38 million reads. Our expectations are to achieve 70+ million reads within our bandwidth limitations. We expect a 6 part report series from this data set.

Markets - Snatching Leopard Spots

In the chart below we need to note the second of the light cyan rectangles which encompasses from approximately June 4th through June 19th. Along with the other two light cyan rectangles, this area is one in which the "out and about" presence of Bush and members of the Bush cabal will be acting as 'pressure points' around which emotional tensions will be rising. We note with some satisfaction the deliberate attempt by the Bush cabal to drive up emotional tensions over specific issues such as 'gay marriage' so as to switch the emotive focus of the populace from the many real problems besetting the planet. Instead, the Bush cabal would rather have the focus on an issue which they believe they can use to effectively manipulate 'all of the people' one way or the other.

Chart 1 This emotional tension pressuring campaign by the Bush cabal has been forecast by the changes within the Bushista entity over these last few ALTA reports. This campaign of emotional manipulation by the Bushistas, and the subsequent one to begin on or about June 25th and complete on July 5th are significant in that they represent, as shown within the Bushista entity, the last time that the Bush cabal will be in a position to 'drive news' or implement any form of political action other than reaction. Further, both of the rectangle bound periods which terminate on June 5th also are entirely being driven, as is shown within the extensive cross links, by the Markets entity. It is as though the Bush cabal had been given instructions to mount a very emotional campaign around a very emotional subject in order that the populace should be very distracted during the month of June. The Markets entity points toward this being the case due to the rapid rise of the 'dollar death' aspect/attribute set to primacy, and due to its huge number of cross links over to the Bushista entity. The immediacy value processing as well as the short term value processing are all moving, within the Markets entity, the Bushista entity, and the 2/two populace entities, toward the lexical point that 'inner change' is going to be manifested by 'outer alterations'. Further an alternative interpretation of the dominant aspect for the Markets entity over the Summer of 2006 is 'distillation' as an aspect with supporting attributes going to the idea that 'distillation of the inner core leaves mud/debris'. As primary supporting aspect/attribute sets for the rise of 'inner change/alteration' or 'distillation' of the Markets entity, we find that 'arrogance' and 'fear' and 'greed' are the three sets most prominently situated within 'distillation'. Further there is much language to support the idea that 'fear' is overwhelming 'greed' as a direct trigger effect of the emerging 'distillation'. Much of this language is extensively cross linked back to 'fear' and 'anxiety' within Bushista entity where it appears that much of the resulting energy from the 'fear' is being channeled into the noted distractions. At the core of the 'fear' aspect, both directly held and through internal to the Markets entity as well as external over to other entities, is language going to the 'death of the dollar'. As noted on the chart above, the first of 2/two periods of stress concerning the 'dollar, usofa' occurred around mid May. The second of these, not noted on the chart, will occur just as the emotional energies peak around/on July 5th. At that point the trend line slips into an emotional release period. Also at that point the shift within the lexical base for the Markets entity suggests that 'dollar death' will become a very prominent feature of the economic landscape.

The immediacy values processing of these past 9/nine days points to a 'boil' or 'turmoil' on-going but 'invisible' except to those who would know how to 'read/analyze {the} ripples/currents'. Further elements within the lexical set have accrued such that the imagery is of a 'hole needing {to be} filled'. This and other language suggests the emergence of a very large push, with lots of emotional pressure behind it, to 'fill the hole'. As there are very extensive cross links to the Gold/Silver/PM's entity, as well as much in the way of 'commodities' referenced, it seems safe to suggest that the language is pointing to a 'boiling/turmoil' behind the scenes as those with 'holes' {ed note: in their shorts} are desperately maneuvering to 'fill them'. Further, as we examine the language accretions to the Markets entity in both the immediacy values area and the short term value set {ed note: taking us through August}, we find that the emotional boiling is just starting. As with all 'boiling', our Markets entity lexical 'boiling' begins with a number of bubbles, which rise to the surface, and pop, releasing their heat and steam. This is very much the picture that our descriptor set is painting. We first have a lexical sketch for all of the bubbles, most notably the 'housing' bubble as the point of concern in the last few months, and now, as the emotional momentum increases, the next 'bubble' being featured within the Markets entity is the 'dollar' bubble of these last few decades. The popping of the 'dollar bubble' as shown by the data set will occur over the course of several months. The first hint the language gave placed the inception date of the meme in mid May, with the manifestation of the visible echo effect coming on July 5th though the 8th. As had been noted in previous ALTA reports of this year, a situation would emerge this Summer in which a Bush cabal spokesperson would render some 'bad words/mal mots' about a developing financial/markets situation, and make things worse. In fact, the data now points to some more details in that this descriptor set is going to the idea of 'arrogant behavior radiates importance', but, as is shown within the supporting aspect/attribute set, the 'speaker/spokesperson' does not 'grasp the process, nor value', and their 'words push/drive proceeding' which in turn is seen as 'provoking misery'. Somehow the 'words of the face' are to 'trigger changes {at the/to the} core' such that 'once black' the 'spots run with yellow fear' while 'cold blood fills the feet'. The 'change' which will be 'induced {by} fear {of the} yellow spots' is seen as being 'repeatedly discussed'. This latter data set is suggesting that the 'discussion' itself, that is, the mere fact that it is occurring within the public fora, is important. Much of the discussion language within the data set is cross linked internally within Markets back to the aspect of 'danger'. This 'discussion of dangers/danger/risk' is shown as 'covered 3/three times', and on the last is 'accepted'. One interpretation of this language is a series of public discussions such as press conferences which will follow the 'gaff/malprop' of the Bushista which is felt as a proximate trigger to subsequent behavior changes within Markets. These 'public discussions' are viewed as important drivers of a very large change in attitude or mind set within the public at large. This is shown as occurring during our 'release period' which begins on or about July 1, and extends until August 31.

Gold/Silver/Commodities - Destruction of the Feet EDITORIAL NOTE: We do not forecast prices with our work, but rather look to the discovery of emotional trends. These in turn affect prices/currencies, but need not do so. In other words the current emotional trends are for 'desire to acquire' commodities such as gold and silver. Recent price movements are running contrary to all the emotional indicators that we have within modelspace. Given the nature and size of the gold/silver markets, the supposition on our part is that a very large manipulation is ongoing/manifesting. The emotional trends of the last few months are still in place, and still being reinforced by new value sets being processed. Therefore the counter-trend pricing would appear to be the result of large scale "paper pushing" as an attempt to drive down prices, very likely as an attempt to cover short positions. In spite of the movement seen within the prices for gold and silver, we still maintain that the emotional values and the trends/movements within modelspace are for 'desire to acquire'. Further, all our lexical sets are gaining in emotional values in the direction of positive perception for gold/silver, and as noted above, a negative or 'dying' position for the 'dollar, usofa'.

The current data for the Gold/Silver/Commodities entity as gathered for this series of reports shows a continuing build in both the impact of 'duality' within the real world, as well as a continuing of 'alteration of core/basis/fundamentals'. As noted above, the emotive sums associated with Commodities as an entity are still accruing positive for 'acquisition' and 'want'. Further we note that the rising aspect/attribute set within the Commodities entity goes to 'feet destroyed, life becomes hell'. While this is indeed a very negative linguistic set with very high emotive sums, and while it is supported by a number of aspects going to bespoke emotions such as 'sorrow', 'desire', 'need', and others, the whole of the area within the entity is focused external. The cross links are very pointedly showing that this lexical set is describing a 'cause/driver' for the short term, and longer term value sets. The emotional 'driver' for later this Summer and beyond is shown as a 'world under-going/encountering/enduring destroyed feet'. This aspect/attribute set has extensive support with imagery providing a view in which 'shortages dominate', and in which 'few sleep soundly, weeks of hell', and 'beds not restful, destroyed structures hang overhead {in} dreams'. Other imagery is painting a picture in which a combination of a number of factors are congealing into a situation difficult to understand. There are a number of supporting lexical structures going to variants of the idea of 'destruction {of the} old regime' and 'destruction {of the} dominant clique/group/mode'. At the top of this structure we note that numbers of cross links going over to both Markets and the 2/two populace entities, Populace/USofA and GlobalPop all terminate within aspect sets which go to the idea of a time in which the 'destructive ones' are to 'reach the summit'. One other interpretation is that can be reached is also supported by the data set and goes to the image of 'summit of destructiveness {will be soon} reached'. This last is supported in turn by 'skin wounded, battle stalls, destruction complete'. Our interpretation from the data is that the recent global price action in both paper and goods markets (commodities) is a manifestation of this 'destruction of the past dominant clique' which is both on-going at the time of this writing, as well as being linked to the 'dollar death'. It is clear from the linguistic sets we have now, that while the paper markets may well continue downward in price, the commodities will reach the limit of their 'summit of destructiveness' within the next 3/three months with the majority of that 'destructiveness' being reached within the next 3/three weeks. This area is apparently going to the idea of the 'destruction of the past dominant {paradigm/milieu}' which will be reaching near to its 'summit' of destruction soon. However, the 'dollar death' is *not* included within these aspects/attribute sets and will specifically continue all through Summer such that it participates within both the emotional release period {July 5 m/l through August 31} and the subsequent emotional build period. Further we find that 'dollar' references within the Commodities entity are redundantly and extensively linked back over to meta data layers participating in the 'conflict' manifestation of September and beyond. Even as we examine the data set, the values continue to accrue for a 'destruction of the feet' such that 'all things change' and that 'life become hell' for a great many. However grim the wording, it is also supported by aspect/attribute sets going to the idea of a 'beginning'. This 'beginning' aspect is fully supported, and is rising in both shorter term values and the longer term value set. The implication is that a new 'beginning' which is characterized as 'innocent/pure/fresh' and which relates to 'transactions/currencies' will start later this year as a natural outgrowth of the 'complete destruction of the feet'. This 'beginning' data set is located within the Commodities entity, and is heavily cross linked both internally and externally to the meta data layers of 'secrets revealed' as well as 'encounter with scarcity/shortages'. The interpretation arising from our timing clues {ed note: always to be taken very loosely, more indicators than exact dates} shows that the 'new, innocent/fresh beginning' will arise simultaneously with the manifestation of the 'signs/words/malprops' of 'disease {of} paper/dollar/debt'.

Terra - Oceans - Fish Wars, Unexpected Comes True, Space Goat Farts Drive to Increase As we once again bore the reader with endless repetition of our contention that several meta data layers are manifesting their influences upon all and sundry, we will note that we have instances of 'encounter with scarcity' rising with some speed within the Terra entity, 'oceans' sub set. In this aspect/attribute instance {ed note: the meta data layers primary aspect/attribute sets are held in all entities affected, but have local variants from the collective common set} of the 'encounter with scarcity' we run into the first supporting set

going very bluntly to 'nets without fish'. Further reinforcing the idea are both extensive cross links to the 'global shortages' appearing within the populace entities {ed note: Populace/USofA, and GlobalPop}. The whole of this sub set of the Terra entity, 'oceans' set, is dominated by the idea of '2/two changes' which are shown, by virtue of appearing within the immediacy and short term data sets, to manifest this Summer. Within our timing clues, we are seeing mostly late July, and early August, however the impact of the 'encounter with scarcity' and 'no fishes in nets' lexical threads go directly to 'crisis of survival' which appears within the long term data set of the populace entities for Fall and beyond. It is as though the concept of 'no fishes {to be} caught' will take a while to impact the Press and other entities with the idea of 'self at risk'. However there are multiple indications for much coverage of additional 'starvation clusters', and 'risk of empty bellies' over the late Summer and into Fall. Again this area, while participating in the meta data layer of 'encounter with scarcity', also participates, albeit as supporting aspect/attributes, in both the 'restrictions on movement' and the 'conflict' meta data layer. The issue of 'protein' from the oceans will apparently intrude heavily on 'local politics' such that 'bans' will be issued against 'trespass on open waters', or as we are interpreting it, 'traditional fishing grounds'. As the modelspace is progressed over the course of Summer, and into Fall, the issue of 'empty nets' will act as a proximate trigger for 'violence, nation versus nation'. Both the internally held instances of 'restrictions on movement' and 'conflict' within the 'oceans' sub set are supported by the aspect/attribute set going to the idea of 'the unexpected has come true'. This particular lexical set is very high in emotive values for all 3/three primary categories of immediacy, short term, and longer term values. The bespoke emotional descriptors of 'wonder' and 'awe/shock' are both present with very large supporting bases. Much of the 'unexpected comes true with resounding shock/awe' language is also focused on the Southern hemisphere oceans. While there is a considerable amount of Pacific Ocean referencing language, nonetheless, the overwhelming amount of the descriptor accretions for the recent processing are Southern oceans pointing. The whole of the 'unexpected comes true' language set also contains a complete set of descriptors in support which appear to be pointing to the 'end of the mature relationship' between humans and oceans. We also need note that this language is both internally holding, as well as externally cross linked back to yet another emerging meta data layer, the 'transformations' layer. Again, just to note that 'transformations' represents a 'no going back' shift from one state to another. This is very much a descriptor set which goes to the idea of morphing, or 'deep, permanent, radical change of state'. What this 'radical state change' will produce is not hinted at. What we do have as hints is that when the modelspace is progressed over the Summer, the Terra entity, 'oceans' sub set picks up several aspect/attribute sets for the idea of 'rocking' or 'oscillation' between 'balanced motion' and 'backlash/backwash/backward/retrograde motions'. This effect is shown as arriving around June 25th or so, and becoming something of a 'written curiosity' or 'spoken question' as though it will be discussed at some length within the mainstream media. Further we find that the effect is the proximate cause of the 'collapse of the last/final fisheries'. Much of these descriptor sets also point to imagery that 'winds, erratic/unseasonable' are the proximate cause for the 'oceans misery'. Terra - Fluid Motion, Fear of Ruined Shoes, 5/Five by the Side of the Road It will come as no surprise that the data set for the Terra entity contains large quantities of aspect/attribute sets going to 'storms'. The Katrina/Rita storm group of last year has boosted the subject substantially over this time, and now we have more 'storm' talk showing up within the data sets than ever before. The large amount of data is proving to be a problem to process, but on the whole, much more valuable within the structure of our lexical alchemy. A large supporting aspect for the Terra entity, as noted above, goes to the 'winds'. Within that we have the threads which relate to, support, or are influenced by the 'oceans' sub set. We also have a very large 'winds' lexical structure which stands alone, that is it does not participate within the 'oceans' sub set, though it does have cross links over to other 'winds' areas which do. The large, stand-alone, 'winds' section is providing imagery for 'winds' which 'knock things askew' in so far as weather is concerned. These 'winds' are also shown as being a very large 'carrier of misery' which will 'settle in {for the} summer'. Further we find that

several references appear to a 'contest' or 'contention' between an 'elderly, experienced' person, and a 'young', 'charismatic' person. The data set seems to be suggesting that the 'following of the younger leads to disaster', and that in the process the 'old will be abandoned'. The scenario in which the choice between the 'younger' and the 'elder' is to be made is unclear, but it is complete held within the 'storms' and 'winds' data sets suggestive of either tornados or hurricanes. Along with everyone else on the planet, our data also suggests that a very active, dangerous, and destructive hurricane season is to manifest this year. The data goes to the idea of 'crippling loss' and 'blood drains from the legs'. These areas are specifically held by 'hurricane' sub set within the 'storms, wind' sub set of Terra entity. As the entity is moved through Summer along with the modelspace we note that much of the values which propel the data set into extremes of emotive sums appears in late August, but extends to nearly December. This area is difficult to extract from the overall rapid rise in emotional tension which is apparently accompanying the 'conflict' meta data layer. Put another way, we do find a lot of very rapidly rising emotional sums relative to 'storms' and 'hurricanes' from late August onward, but given the totality of the emotional sums, the 'hurricane' contribution is not dominant. Make sense? We also note that as the modelspace is progressed, the 'winds' sub set acquires a number of new elements at the end of August, and the first part of September. These new elements participate within the 'duality', and the 'transformation' meta data layers which extend into 2007. The implication is for 'storms' which will 'manifest' due to the 'duality' of 'wind streams' which the data shows as 'affecting each other', but not able to 'merge'. These 'twin rivers' within the atmosphere are being described as one of the primary causes of a 'duality' which 'contends/confronts' the populace entities. Again we note that the 'wind' areas are also extensively cross linked to the fisheries issues arising later in the Summer. Also internally held within the Terra entity, sub set 'fluid motion', and running more-or-less parallel in emotive tension values to the 'winds' section is an area headed by the aspect of 'waves'. The 'waves' aspect has attribute sets going to 'tsunami', though we must be clear that it is impossible for us to detect the difference between the "fear of" an event, and the appearance of the event itself. What we do find is that the data is clearly pointing to 'waves' being a real problem in both the short term, and longer term time frames. Further the 'damage/destruction' caused by the 'waves' is showing to both 'humans', and their 'constructions'. This latter is *not* restricted to 'off shore energy platforms', but also includes language suggesting both coastal and inland damage from 'ocean waves'. The 'waves' are supported by a large number of descriptors which range from the prosaic 'tidal' to 'tsunami' to 'freak'. All of the supporting sets go to the idea of 'damage' and 'unexpected surge propels heart {to} throat'. This last is seen as affecting a very large group of people, perhaps as many as 3/three hundred, who will all apparently be watching this 'surge' from a 'high bluff'. The data suggests that this group will be 'facing west' and will have 'power eating {at their} feet, waves lick leather'. This last we are interpreting as 'shoes' as their is other supporting language suggesting a 'dress up' party or gathering on a 'grassy rise' which will have a whole lot of upset females as their 'dresses rend/tear' as they 'fall backward, recoiling' from the appearance of 'surging waves'. The data goes on to suggest that these unfortunate party attendees will 'fear for their lives' and will 'piss their pants' as the 'wave appears westward' and 'grows to head height'. Bearing in mind their heads will be several hundred feet off the ocean on top their necks which are peering from a 'tall knoll/hill'. The 'party' will be breaking up early as the attendees, led by their female cohort, 'recoil' down the hill, 'clothing asunder, torn', and 'covered with mud, shaking with fear, cold'. Again, following the 'waves' data set to is terminating aspect/attribute, we continually run into participatory sub sets which go to 'duality'. In this case most are referencing a 'duality {between/of} salt, fresh' with a suggestion that a 'large river' of 'fresh water' will be pouring into the ocean where it will *not* mingle, and problems with 'duality internal' will commence. This must also be examined in light of the 'no fishes in the nets' aspect of the 'oceans' sub set as it also has 'duality', and it would be quite devastating for the oceans to suddenly receive an unexpected river of fresh water. The data is also providing some further details or reinforcing aspects/attribute sets in that we have a very large number of cross links internal to the Terra entity in which the originating point is 'space', with the sub set of 'energy' and which terminates in either the 'oceans' or the 'winds' sub sets. In all cases the 'space' section of the Terra entity is quite clear about reporting the potential to 'receive energy' such that 'all things

increase' where the 'all things' is pointing at 'oceans, waves' sub set as well as 'winds, storms' sub set. Further there is a direct terminating internal cross link from 'unexpected happens' within 'oceans' and the 'rising increase' sub set of 'space, energy'. Much of the 'space, energy' sub set is tied to 'aries' as the point of origination, though this may be misleading as there are a number of 'energy events' shown, and not all possess this link. Also of a worrisome nature is that the 'space' sub set of the Terra entity has undergone an 80/eighty per cent change in aspect/attribute sets. Usually such large scale changes precede similar large scale events affecting humans which induce a large scale change in behavior. That the 'space' sub set has taken on churn at this level is indicative of some significant level of focus on the subject by mainstream media and the resulting change in emotions throughout the populace. The main aspect/attribute set for this area, when progressed through the modelspace moves to a rising aspect/attribute set of 'increase'. This aspect is supported by lexical structures going to the idea of 'increase {in} winds' and 'increase in waters/waves'. Both of these are shown as appearing *after* the 'unexpected comes true'. Then, the 'increase' in both 'winds and waves' is shown via cross link to both populace entities as 'pushing {humans/populace} off course' such that 'movements are halted, crisis'. This last is of course yet one more hook into the developing meta data layer of 'restrictions on movement'. In previous ALTA reports of this year we have been getting language indicating that a series of '5/five quakes' would 'rock our world' this Summer {ed note: more or less from Memorial Day/USofA holiday end of May through to Labor Day, early September}. The data showed that at some point within the quake series, likely after the first quake, the Press would be able to get into the quake stricken area, and out would emerge a story about a 'postponed wedding'. Following this first quake would be a gap of days/weeks, then there would be 3/three quakes close together with the last of the 3/three being the largest. Then the data suggested another gap of days, more or less equal to the first gap, and yet one more, largish quake would shake things up. It can be argued at this point that we have already seen the manifestation of the first quake, the subsequent 'wedding postponed' story, and then 3/three other quakes in close proximate to each other. This last would be the group of three quakes that struck near Fiji this week. IF this is the middle part of the series, then a gap of about 10/ten to 14/days would result and we would theoretically expect to see the largest of the group of five quakes described within the data set. Now we note that the first earthquake was a 6.2 and subsequently the largest of the most recent Fiji quakes was a 6.1. Therefore to fit our description, the next earthquake need only be a 6.3 in magnitude, but it should have the impact of producing 'isolation through restrictions of movement' and other noted impacts. Additionally, our previous data set had very strong suggestions that the earthquake which produced 'isolation' would be located 'north of 50/fifty' as in 50/fifty degrees of latitude. *READ THE FOLLOWING VERY CAREFULLY* The current processing of the data set does have a large Terra based sub set going to earthquakes, and there is a body of lexical structures which do indicate the West Coast of the USofA as the point of impact of the earthquake and the timing component does indicate within the last 2/two weeks of June. HOWEVER, we note that there are planned, and discussed "exercises" in place, and on-going in which a large number of people are pretending that an earthquake will strike the New Madrid fault of the USofA on June 19th. In addition, a number of government employees are to pretend that they are 'vital to life here in the USofA', and will run like rabbits to bunker down in burrows in a 'continuity of government' exercise. THESE and other drills will and do impact our data set. So there is a huge caveat to the interpretation below. Our data mining cannot tell the difference between a mass delusion, or mass pretending, and the actual events. If the numbers of people discussing the event is large, and they have a sufficient amount of emotional investment/energy within the exercise, then this may/will cause them to alter their lexicon and we will pick that up within our acquisition process as being a valid change set. Does that make sense? Put another way, if one is looking at a large group of people through binoculars from far enough away, it is hard to say if they are in a panic for real, or just pretending for a film, and the cameras are just outside the visible field of the binoculars. So, given our peculiar binoculars which is modelspace, and given the caveat above, we do find that '5/five' people who are described as 'liberal minded' will be the focus of the press *after* a large earthquake causes

destruction of the local infrastructure and isolation of the region. This earthquake is still shown within our data set as happening such that sleep is impacted, and that 'millions of feet' stumble about in the 'predawn/early morning' trying to both 'avoid bleeding cuts' as well as 'locate firm ground'. The implication is from the lexical set that a large number of smallish aftershocks will cause at least as much emotional anguish as the damage/trauma from the larger quake. Further we find that the data contains aspect/attribute sets with extensive cross links to the Press entity all of which go to the idea that '5/five strong individuals' will be reported as 'saviors' to 'tens of thousands'. This will apparently come about when these '5/five strong individuals' will 'accede to need' and will place their 'personal property' at the disposal of the 'people, wounded'. There is a specific lexical set further down within the '5/five strong individuals' sub set in which the imagery is of 1/one of the 5/five, apparently female who will 'promote/further/support' the 'governor {of the} province/state' by 'arriving {in} time, need' with a 'large truck' that 'contains all her possessions, mobilized {for} use/utility'. The 'governor' as well as most of the populace of the 'isolated region' is described by the data set as 'shocked/traumatized', and 'bereft/emptied of sense'. This last is due to the 'repeated shocks' of the 'litany of continuous crumbling decay/damage'. Though how we will tell the difference between 'shell shocked' government, and any other kind is still unanswered, we nonetheless note that the data set is very clear that perhaps the most devastating part of the whole earthquake experience will arise from the 'destruction of communications/movement'. And yes, once again let us note that this is a participatory element within the 'restrictions on movement' meta data layer. There are also a large number of lexical structures going to the imagery of 'isolation' caused by the 'release of tension/energy' within the 'crust of the earth' such that 'all {is} turned/converted {into} pulsating/rhythmic motion'. The 'physical isolation' is described as arising from 'ground damage/destruction' which includes 'over turned carts/trucks' and 'swaying/swinging unsafe/risky bridges'. Further the 'roadways' are described as 'impassable' due to 'mountains of debris' which will 'fill the crevasse/ravine' the way that 'dust fills the corner'. TPTB - Marshy Waters Conceal Betrayal Our ThePowersThatBe entity, composed of a lexicon gathered from the language of the "self declared/professed power elite", is showing that a period of 'placid satisfaction' or 'filled belly' is coming to its 'fruition/completion'. However 'content' and 'well placed' the TPTB entity may be feeling at this point in time even given, as the data set would suggest, that 'they know' about the 'betrayer of faith', the lexical sets accruing during this series are showing that the 'global corporate state' is about to 'embark' on a 'long voyage over marshy waters'. The issue for the TPTB entity comes from the imagery that 'betrayal known' merely leads to 'revenge/casting out', but that 'betrayal converse {or unknown/concealed}' is described as 'obstacles lurking beneath marshy waters, danger, risk'. The interpretation from the aspect/attribute imagery is that a reasonably public 'casting out' or 'revenge taking' is currently working its way out of the TPTB or 'elite' group of the corporatist world. The wording is such, and there are sufficient cross links to the Press entity to expect that some parts of the 'revenge against the betrayer of {the} faith' will become public. What will also become public in a somewhat dramatic fashion will be the 'results/occurrence of concealed betrayal'. The suggestion from the data is that the public may see the results of the 'concealed risks under muddy waters' without understanding that the whole of the 'corporate state' is at risk of succumbing. The TPTB entity, as the modelspace is progressed over Summer and into Fall, starts to transform into something new. We have seen such behavior in the past as such entities as the original BushCo entity transitioned into the smaller Bushista entity. In this case we do not yet have enough data to get even a broad brush description of the nature of the transformation, only that one is developing. Within the modelspace these transformational movements of entities are quite clear as the visual representation of the entity begins to separate. This is now occurring for our ThePowersThatBe entity. The suggestion is for a change coming which will manifest as a fundamental change within the social order of humans. We have to note that this area of TPTB entity, beginning in September shortly after the 'conflict' meta data layer starts to manifest, shows signs of coming completely 'unglued'. Also this entity is participating in both the 'secrets revealed' meta data layer, and is later deeply dominated by the 'conflict' meta data layer. As if that were not enough, several emotional sums spikes in the data relate directly back to the 'revolution' meta data layer developing

out of the 'rebellion' theme currently manifesting within the populace globally. The 'revolution' meta data layer does not auger well for this entity as the 'marshy waters conceal hazards'. And we ain't talking golf here. The data set is going much more toward the idea of 'guillotine, guillotine!'. Conclusion: Part 1 - Don't Feed the Monkeys In our work numbers dominate. They stream past as ISO character descriptors for unicode, or pummel us as data themselves sucked up from the number stew that is the internet. Numbers rule all. Within our processing numbers are employed as constant slaves attempting to discipline unruly linguistics. We use numbers with vanity, declaring that the functions of universe shall herd themselves as docile domestics into our mathematic corrals. We use numbers. We have also taken the time to read B. Fuller's Synergetics, including chapter 1200.00 on Numerology. After much skin wrinkling and coffee consumption, we even think we get it. So we distrust numbers. Further, we have a rule that numbers can be dangerous. Especially in the hands of some people. Some people will use numbers to attempt manipulation. This is a constant theme found on cable "news" shows of all kinds where numbers are used to scare, intimidate, attempt to awe, or as in the financial areas, actually used to change behavior. For instance, not a day goes by without some numbers being offered to drive behavior in purchasing. Numbers are constantly being used to beat people about the head on the assumption that a new behavior will result. Seemingly, for all the energy expended, and effort involved, it does not work. Still that does not prevent people from trying. But the real problem with numbers is that for the individual monkey mind, numbers are shiny strange attractors which captivate beyond all reason. In fact, they captivate to the detriment of reason. Take the case of the pending large earthquake that is suggested by our data. The observer could easily be faced with someone running up shouting "10/ten" as though that number has meaning. Seemingly, the shouter should have some concept of what a "10/ten" earthquake would be like, but when pressed as to why the huge 'fear rush' they are experiencing, and usually would like you to also experience, they have very little understanding of what a '10/ten' in earthquake language would actually manifest on the ground. When they are invited to step outside of monkey mind for a minute and analyze either their fear state, or the captivating image which drives it, both will melt under reason. After all, while earthquakes kill, as has been shown, they do so primarily through bad engineering. True, the recent Pakistan earthquake had a very high death toll, and there were many landslides, but the majority of deaths were caused by building failure, not sliding into ravines. Still, the point is maintained, that even when the earth decides to open up and swallow people during an earthquake, it is both rare, and affects small groups of people. The vast majority of injury and death comes from human engineering and construction practices, not the effects of the quake itself. Having recent experience with a 6.8 earthquake which nearly collapsed the Washington State Capitol dome, we can say, that as far as destruction is concerned, the number of the magnitude of the earthquake is less than meaningful. In many case people die due to engineering failure in very small magnitude quakes. So when presented with a foaming at the mouth, emotion engorged human waving numbers, the thing to do is to *not* take them seriously. It does not matter whether it is a government stooge shouting 'be well, the economy is the best ever, here are numbers' or whether it is the latest prophet shouting 'fear and flee, giant earthquake coming, god has given me numbers'. In either case the point being pressed is an attempt to enlarge the emotional wave, either positive or negative, with your participation. The smart human says "no thanks" and keeps their emotional state under their own control. The smart human recognizes it is unwise to feed the monkeys, and if one must, only to give them peanuts and never numbers.

Part 2 of this series is expected to be posted by late on Saturday, June 17th 2006.

Copyright 2006 by HalfpastHuman. All rights reserved. Released through subscription only. No reproduction in whole or in part without prior permission.

ALTA IR - 1206 -Part 2 - June 17, 2006

Part 2: Meta Data - Shifting Time Maps* GlobalPop - Obituary for a Buck, LingEx #22* Markets - Abysmal Supports Natural* Gold/Commodities - Irrigation of Summer Fields Foams Turbulent Creek * Populace/USofA - 2/Two per cent Solution* Conclusion: Part 2 - Burning of Rome, July 18, 64 AD - Six Days, Seven Nights*

Asymmetric Language Trend Analysis Intelligence Report Changes in language precede changes in behavior. By Tenax SE for

Note this report is offered for entertainment value only. Any resemblance between the events portrayed in this report and any developing reality is purely co-incidental and in no manner represents foreknowledge on the part of the authors of this report. Note that this information is derived from humans expressing themselves on the internet. As such, human emotional values and the words used to express them are being sampled and interpreted here, NOT THE FUTURE. Any resemblance between this report and future developments is entirely in the mind of the perceiver and does not exist in reality. The Authors cannot be held liable for accuracy of lack thereof in this report. Authors cannot be held liable for human interpretation of this report nor any action any human takes as a result of this report. Any human foolish enough to alter their behavior based on this entertainment-only analysis demonstrates themselves incapable of rational appreciation of reality, and the authors are explicitly held harmless and blameless for any and all such mental aberrations on the part of the reader. 06.17.2006 Note: Entities are identified by a blue typeface. Aspect words are enclosed in square brackets []. Attribute words/phrases are within parentheses (). Near sentences or concepts composed of both leading aspect and trailing attributes are single quoted '. Interpretive editorial comments are preceded by an asterisk *. Editorial notes are within {} curly braces.

Data set distilled from 19.97 million reads. Our expectations are to achieve 70+ million reads within our bandwidth limitations. We expect a 6 part report series from this data set. Meta Data - Shifting Time Maps The whole of our effort is dependent on the premise that changes in the "usual and common, daily lexicon" presay changes in attitude which begets behavioral changes. Note the key word in that sentence is "changes". The whole of our processing effort is devoted to changes. Thus it is to be expected that processing from week to week will reveal changes within manifesting trend lines. And so it is now. The chart below reflects the updated processing from this last weeks' immediacy, and short term value sets. Additionally it has the longer term values, sub sets "duration" and "impacts" also processed.

Chart 1 As can be observed when comparing this chart with previous versions, some changes in the timing have become noticable.The first to receive comment is that our 'peak' of the current emotional building period has now been shifted forward on our time scale by this week's immediacy value processing. Instead of appearing around July 5 or so, we now have the peak of the emotional building period shifted to June 28th. In addition, the value range is now higher by nearly .001 on our vertical scale. This is denoting a rising tension trend within the general trend upward. In other words, the most recent processing is finding nearly all the emotive values to be raised, thus raising the whole of the trend line with little alteration of its general shape. The next item to note is that the soon to manifest emotional release period has lengthened on the back end as well. Not only has it now indicated as starting nearly 8/eight days earlier, it also has extended out to September 8th, an increase of nearly 9/nine days on the back end. Further the depth of the bottom is lower, and the angles of descent are slightly steeper. In the same vein, we need note that several of the more singular 'release instances', as shown in safetyyellow on the chart, have deepened their individual value sets. This is also now true of the 'rebellion/revolution' release points indicated in green. In all cases the values sought lower lows even in the rise of emotive sums generally. As the chart shows, the meta data layer of 'conflict' is still emerging on 08.31.2006, though a slight shift closer to midnight (UTC) shows up. This move is only about 20/twenty minutes, and is not likely significant. The emotive sums of the 'conflict' meta data layer, along with the rest of modelspace, is showing an increase in the value set. This solidification of the emotional trend line for 'conflict' is also seen appearing in both 'secrets revealed' and 'duality'. GlobalPop - Obituary for a Buck, LingEx #22

As the modelspace is progressed past the June Summer Solstice and into July, new lexical elements are arising which may offer a few details to some of the larger brush descriptors that we had been able to extract in previous ALTA series. Since ALTA 406 we have been anticipating a couple of 'international crises' this Summer. As if there is not enough tension and aggression floating about in the world, the data indicated that these would be completely new international crises, though of course, as with all things human, they are related to the waves of emotions set forth by past actions. In the most recent immediacy values, the lexical structures for these crises have grown and provided us with some interesting bits upon which to gnaw. The data set is showing that our 2/two crises will be 'echoes of the past' in that they will be 'staging as though done/complete long ago'.The parties involved, while certainly including the Bushista entity, are indicated as being non-USofA centered. That is to say, that the international crises, while involving the USofA, will begin with 'conflicts/aggressions' or 'release/relief/redress' of 'old wounds/scars' on other countries collective psyche. In the case of the first {ed note: we think the first, they may emerge nearly simultaneously} of these crises, the lexical structure at its center goes to the idea of 'stresses/pressures on government in Belgium'. This set is very robustly filled out with much redundancy of both aspect and attributes at all levels. In addition, the set is extensively internally cross linked both to its own locality and to the larger GobalPop entity of which it is a part. The level of cross links suggests a very deep and impacting emotional wave with much residual ramifications stretching both forward into time, as shown with the extremely high longer-term emotive sums for this entity, as well as out-and-about geographically. The 'stresses on government in Belgium' are repetitiously supported several layers deep within GlobalPop entity. In each of the supporting aspect/attribute layers the data set also includes 'resignation', as well as 'dissolution'. As an added bonus, the second of the 'international crises' will also spin off some of its energy back to this same theme in that it will also 'return to pressure/stress government in Belgium'. Further, the second appearance of this crisis will be triggered by 'new actions/behavior' which will somehow involve Italy and its 'invasion' issues. As supporting layers of the extensive cross links all wrapped up in 'aggression' which is seemingly 'pressurized/compressed' into the 'conflict' meta data layer, the data set provides a number of descriptors with some additional level of details. As the first crisis is beginning to gain traction on the Press entity, several interesting cross links appear. A linkage to 'pharaoh' as a concept, and as history emerges. Shortly after this set is acquired, the data also gains links from Egypt over to Italy, and again, to 'invasion', and then joins in the supporting layers for 'stressors' within the GlobalPop, sub set 'government', sub set 'Belgium'. A separate thread that emerges at this point goes to the idea of 'travel bans/restrictions on movement' with a 'China' focus, and supported by 'international agreement'. This area could be interpreted as 'China, through international agreement, imposes a travel ban on ?', or that 'China lifts/retards travel ban/restrictions on movement'. While both of these word groups are supported within the data set, given the China to Iran connection these days, it may be that the second international crisis will involve China voting veto against sanctions on Iran. A much more probable scenario given current events. As the modelspace is progressed through the Summer, and as it has past July 15, 2006, the data set begins to rapidly acquire a number of new values in support of these international crises, including many in the Bushista entity. Further, the data at that point is also seemingly indicating that a 'global acknowledgement {of} depression in USofA' will emerge, as will some 'printed words, obituary for the USofA dollar'. Again, given the tightly restricted flow of mainstream media inside the USofA due to corporatism, it may well be that little coverage of 'dollar death' occurs within the borders of the USofA, and this is rather a more global phenomena which is why we are discovering it within the GlobalPop entity at this time. With the release period taking a big step downward on July 15th, the data set gains aspects suggesting that a new 'Pact of Steel' agreement will 'emerge into awareness'. The emotive values within GlobalPop suggest that this will be 'propaganda' focused, and will be a driving component of the up wave of the next period of emotional building shown beginning on September 9, 2006. Much of the wording within this group goes to the idea of 'propaganda' as well as 'reaction' or 'response'. Of course, this new 'Pact of Steel' will not involve

Hitler and the King of Italy. Care to guess just who will occupy which role? Hmmm. Linguistic experiment us your guess. Also bound up in 'international crises number deux' are a significant number of threads going to the 'catholic church', as well as 'roman catholic' and 'catholicism'. These are all, without exception, within this area, negatively when the emotional values are summed. The lexical structures also show the formation of very extensive cross links internally to GlobalPop and back to the emerging wide spread data layer of 'religion(s) destroyed/dissolved'. This theme is emerging in several of the entities, and although growing in both scope and size, it has not yet reached the level of meta data layer. It may yet, we cannot determine that at this point. However the main theme supporting the appearance of the 'catholic church' within GlobalPop following the movement of the modelspace beyond July 15th goes to the idea of 'cracks, rips/tears fabrics'. Alternatively, the set also provides imagery of 'history/tales drive split {in the} fabric/pattern {of} old social order'. This in turn is further linked back to the 'Pact of Steel' as well as much of the newly acquired values for 'israel/palestine'. Seemingly not to be left out of all the "fun" of this Summer, a separate thread within GlobalPop shows that as the international crisis theme goes forward Russia will be off on its own 'journey to the past' as the 'duma' will be 'set as imperial'. This may mean that the Russian Duma will begin to rubber stamp Putin's desires as though he is 'emperor/tzar', but it also could be interpreted the other way as 'executive control presses down on the Russian Duma'. At this point hard to interpret either way, but worth noting that the longer term value set shows what happens this Summer with the 'structure' of the Russian political system will be with the planet for a very long time indeed. The data set indicates that '1/one hundred years of value' is the impact of the changes. The immediacy values of this group also are arguing for a large and lasting impression as the 'duration' value is over 130/one-hundred-and-thirty times the sum of the immediacy-ofemotion value. Whatever this change to the 'duma', one of its first impacts is seen at the level of 'geography', and this area is heavily cross linked back to the 'restrictions on travel' and 'duality' meta data layers.

Markets - Abysmal Supports Natural Within our modelspace we sometimes are able to catch sight of changes within the entities as they occur. These happen when there is a significant change within the descriptor set which is used to define the entity. In running our processing in deterministic mode, we will "force" changes on an entity by altering the descriptor set, then running the prolog processing in order to see if there is actual data support for a particular descriptor set. At other times, the data itself is signaling a change by the addition or subtraction of descriptor phrases to the base of the entity. We have such a situation now emerging within the Markets entity. This entity is acquiring a very large base of new descriptors which are deriving from the Economy entity. Our interpretation at the macro level of this change is that more of 'reality' will be intruding on the fantasy/wishfullness of the Markets entity. This does not bode well for the Markets entity nor the real paper-trading markets for which it stands proxy. An alternative way of looking at the changes would be to suggest that there is to be a convergence between the "real economy" and the "markets economy", however there is no support for this within our modelspace. To the contrary, within modelspace the Economy entity is larger than ever, and is robustly adding to the overall emotional stew that defines our linguistic simulation. What does appear to be supported is that tendrils of reality based thinking will begin to 'erode' the layers of paper abstractions which form the base of the Markets entity. We note that as the modelspace is moved forward through July and August, several of the previously noted meta data layers begin to occupy larger areas of the dynamic emotional sums of the entity. Most specifically, and most dramatically, we are finding that 'restricted movement' and its companion

aspect/attribute set of 'encounter with scarcity' are becoming dominant within the months running up to the appearance of the 'conflict' meta data layer in September. We need to note that 'conflict' will likely express itself not as warfare, but rather as layer upon layer of conflict within all parts of the social order. This would include the political, and both the markets and economic realms within society. The 'restricted movement' and 'encounter with scarcity' meta data layers are also showing signs of moving into dominance within the Populace/USofA entity across these two months of July and August. At one level, the mere appearance of the 'restricted movement' and 'encounter with scarcity' meta data aspect/attribute sets themselves are indicative of 'conflict' being expressed. As the modelspace is moved forward through the Summer, the data suggests that for 'financial/paper/currency' markets this will be anything but a usual year. While many of the 'participants/traders' are seen as 'desiring relief, and relaxation {from the} strain', the data indicates that they will get neither. In the supporting aspect/attribute sets for the rising 'restricted movement' we note that 'heat steams water', and 'steam heat burns' as well as 'hot, energetic pace exhausts {the} young'. Further the data set goes on to acquire aspect/attribute support such as 'young {are} ignorant of risks/dangers', and 'supple stride hobbled, hampered {by} restricted movements'. Again and again we find repeated references to 'risks/danger' as both aspect and within the supporting attribute sets. The same theme emerges within the cross links, both internally to Markets entity and within the very extensive cross link set. This is especially true of the cross links over to the Economy entity as well as to the Gold/Commodities entity. Much of the supporting sets for 'danger' and 'risk' are unusually filled with specific linguistic sets relating to 'premature action'. This lexical structure is unusual in that 'risk' or 'danger' are a high emotional sum to a negative value while very usually not containing references to 'action' as 'action' is frequently seen within our sets as belonging to the groups that 'remove fear' or are 'anti-fear'. This makes sense at the grosser physical level as within many species, including homo sapiens modernia, 'fear' induces 'paralysis' both of mind and body. What we have here is the inclusion of language going to the idea that 'premature action' represents a 'larger danger/risk' than does the 'trapped in the headlights-of-fear paralysis'. Repeatedly, at several layers within the supporting aspect/attribute sets we find that 'fearless/disregarding_fear reaction/beginning' is to become 'stuck/mired' in a very strong 'top wave/rising wave'. NOTE that this is an emotional wave and does not represent any pricing or other currency related specific movement. INSTEAD what we have here is the indications that a 'new {emotional} wave/meme' will emerge which is shown as so strong as to 'overwhelm {the} gathering/massing tide'. Again, just to be repetitious as hell, the data set contains many references to 'regrets' which are 'associated {with} ignorance {of what is} on horizon', and 'brazen action brings misfortune/ruin'. There are a number of 'summer summits' which are indicated both at the macro level of Markets entity movement through modelspace as well as internally to the entity in its aspect/attribute sets acquired over this most recent processing cycle. Within this latter set we note that 'repentance disappears' {ed note: not a good thing}, and that 'reckless action' appears which sets up its own 'wave/cycle of regrets' to come. In that sense the 'summer summit' is the 'pinnacle of sorrow' or 'height of despair'. A curious phrase, as we would usually think of 'despair' and 'down', not 'up/height', but this is specifically showing up within the data set. It may be an artifact of the processing, but nonetheless it is supported within the lexicon for the Markets entity. Further the 'pinnacle of sorrow' is extensively cross linked internally to the idea of 'ignorant action, without thought, tension/energy driven'. The 'reckless action' is somehow associated with 'third' or 'partial piece, mostly a third', or 'third set {of} demons'. This last is curious, but there are some creeping sets of characterizations which are being added to the descriptor set of the Markets entity as was discussed above, and along with the 'reality based' language we also have a small number of words going to 'fearful images'. These descriptors should be taken as clues to developing emotional states as in 'beset by demons' or 'seeing demons' within market actions. In both cases the emotional state is one of 'fear' and 'tension'. Again, both of these also link over to the idea of 'premature action' which is 'driven by {one's} demons/fears'. Make sense? At the macro or large scale movement level, the Markets entity has acquired a very sharply steep downward motion past our neutral line midway within modelspace. Further it is acquiring a lexical set of aspect/attributes within the months of July/August which go to the image of 'abysmal support drowns all'. Yet another way of interpreting the aspects/attributes would be that 'abysmal support, dollar regularity improper'. This last aspect/attribute set 'dollar regularity' holds many variants on 'improper' of which a

number go to 'criminal', while yet others include 'bribery/crime'. It is also worth noting that the 'dollar regularity' is shown as 'eliciting party/confidence' which ends as there is 'no inkling' of 'proper conduct {under these} circumstances'. The implication is for a shift in perspective on the 'dollar' which will not do the currency any good at all. As much of this area is cross linked over to the Press entity, the interpretation is that while much of the 'dollar unhinging' may have occurred prior to late July, early August, it will take the mainstream media until then to start reporting the 'uncomfortable/tense' facts about the 'dollar, usofa'. As the modelspace reaches August 31, the data set has moved the aspect/attributes of 'natural position/location' into a rising state relative to the meta data layer of 'encounter with scarcity'. While still dominated by the 'restricted movement' meta data layer, this sub set of the Markets entity nonetheless indicates that 'natural position' of the 'material world' will be 'returning'. This 'returning' is supported by the acquisition of a large number of new values within the shorter term value set. The majority of these values are pushing the Markets entity into a very much tighter cluster within the modelspace. Igor noted that it looked like a "jellyfish in a pressure cooker". The description is apt. The usual "looseness" of the entity seems to disappear as the modelspace is moved forward into the shorter term value sets. The implication of the visual impression is of the whole of the modelspace becoming 'pressurized' over the month of August. This is due to more than merely Markets entity showing rapid transitions around values indicating 'tension' and 'internal pressures'. It is interesting that both within the emotional tension values chart, and within the Markets entity, the months of January 2007 and February 2007 are showing up as 'fulcrum/pivotal' for 'turns'. While our longer range data set has yet to be processed, we nonetheless are accruing references for both of these months, and associated with next year. It may be that whatever arrives in the way of "market sentiment" in Summer of 2006 will be with us until the end of February, 2007. Gold/Commodities - Irrigation of Summer Fields Foams Turbulent Creek The descriptor set for the Commodities entity which contains the sub sets for 'gold/silver/precious metals', over the course of the short term values processing {ed note: 3/three weeks to 3/three months inclusive}, shows a rising aspect of 'fertility' which is supported by the curious set of aspect/attributes going to the image of 'irrigation pipes active attitude'. This in turn is supported by 'wild creek foams {with} potential'. And in its turn, this is supported by 'channeling wild creek {brings} irrigation {to the} fields'. Note that all these word groupings individually tie back to the lexicon to the set of 'testing of limits' or 'limitations probed'. If we follow the chain of links from the Commodities entity back to the descriptor set within the lexicon we repeated run into the idea of 'youthful inexperience tests limits'. Or as is also found 'exploration of potential shifts attitudes'. Again, these are extensively cross linked within the entity back to areas which also go to similar sentiments such as 'questioning restrictions frees actions/movement'. Or, 'successful movement {depends on/achieved by} consistency {with} natural arrangement'. This in turn also appears at the same lexical summation levels as other aspects which indicate that 'turbulence irritates ThePowersThatBe'. Note this last is obtained by cross links to ThePowersThatBe entity where we have a termination in 'irritation/aggravation'. An odd aspect/attribute set which goes to the idea of 'budding starts {on} Winter solstice' appears as the shorter term values are processed. This 'budding' is supported by 'advantage/growth' and 'consistency {of} new spring growth'. However we again must note that the 'Winter solstice' is not the usual time of 'budding'. Also it must be noted that the whole of the period from August 31 through the end of February of 2007 is dominated by 'conflict' at the meta data layer, and that much of the language for the Commodities entity is also dominated by this aspect as well.

Populace/USofA - 2/Two per cent Solution

Both the 'real world' of modelspace and the illusionary world of manifesting circumstances are singing the same tune these days and the chorus is all about 'dollar death'. Unfortunately for all concerned, 'dollar death' is going to equal human death. There are 2/two very wide paths available for the future to travel late this Summer and beyond. The first path can be broadly described as the path of 'wars for lies' in which the Populace/USofA allows itself to be deluded further into supporting 'wars of aggression' whose only purpose is to 'revitalize the dollar'. The data sets, as well as an astute analysis of developing circumstance suggest strongly that such an attempt to promulgate 'wars for lies' by the self-proclaimed elite will indeed take place with the planning already underway. At this point only the modelspace has the intelligence to say "this won't work". An analysis of current events and stances goes to support the conclusions that modelspace is offering. THE primary issue is that over 66/sixty-six per cent of all "wealth" in the globe is stored in USofA dollars, either physical currency, aka paper, or as digidollars in an "account" somewhere. Well, as those who have to deal with dollars daily here in the USofA realize, the dollar is worth 'nothing'. The rest of the globe is also waking up to the 'worth-less' dollar and are rapidly doing something about it, such as buying gold. This has the self-proclaimed power elite structure within the Anglo-dominated parts of the planet shitting the small sharp bricks of terminal anxiety. The fascistic imperialism of the Bush mis-administration has precipitated much of the current problem, as well as eliminating many possible solutions through hardening of the global populace emotional stance as 'anti-american'. This does not help engender warm and fuzzy feelings about daily commerce using USofA dollars. So, as humans, the global populace is reacting to their emotional state, and getting away from the most tangible, and intrusive part of the global imperialism of the USofA 'elite' which is the dollar. So the buck is dying. Its death is expected, natural, supported by economic circumstance, and now is finally being killed off by 'bad vibes' emanating from the world's humans reacting to the horrors inflicted on the planet by the Bush cabal and a complicit, corrupt 'elected' government. The Bush cabal/elite response will be to try to initiate 'further wars of aggression' in order to continue in their ways as 'bullies' and thus coerce compliance from cowed populaces. It won't work. Modelspace and rational examination again agree. The Bush cabal/power elite approach to continuation of their dollar slavery of the world via military dominance will fail. Several underlying fundamentals such as 'willingness to pay' on the part of the USofA populace are no longer there. Additionally, just when the Bushista's need to drive out another lie such as WMD's in Iran, they have hit the walls of unfavorable popular opinion. Much of this opinion cannot now be swayed back to their point of view since it derives from a 'lies found out/once burned' stance which is more emotional reaction rather than mentality. Now, who would act on Bush claims that Iran has WMD's and is capable of 'attacking the US in 45 minutes'? So, we arrive at the other, much decried as impossible alternative which is suggested as the more likely path by our modelspace.....the dreaded 'revolution'. As the 'conflict' meta data layer comes closer to manifesting, the immediacy values are beginning to pile up within lexical sets going to the twin, but slightly different lexical sets of 'rebellion' and 'revolution'. As has been noted here in past reports of this series as well as other ALTA series this year, the 'revolution' words are gaining strength within the modelspace in both emotive sums, and number of new supporting aspect/attribute sets. The debated issue with our interpretation of the linguistic set linkage back to the lexicon at the primary level as 'revolution' comes down to a disbelief level. Igor and others express the idea that the "sheeple are too drone'd out" to participate with a 'revolution'. "After all", as Igor notes, "a revolution would mean these guys have to get their fat asses off the couch." Point well taken. However the reality on the ground is that the First American Revolution, that is, the one against the Crown of England which led to the Revolutionary War, was actually engaged, that is to say, inevitable when slightly less than 2/two per cent of the populace of America was involved. An, according to the current estimates, the whole of the Revolutionary War did not involve more than 5/five per cent of the populace at any given time. Yet it was fought and won with these levels of participation. Modern day analogs, as an example the Ukrainian "Orange Revolution" of 2004 involved active participation of less than 1/one per cent of the countries populace in any civil act, and over the course of the whole of the year

long political action, just slightly under 2/two per cent of the populace was involved. Again, the point to Igor and other doubters of the interpretation of this linguistic shift to 'revolution' from 'rebellion' is that very small numbers of humans acting together within the same emotive theme change history for the vast collective couch-potato masses. Whether they particularly like it or not. While it is debated whether the First American Revolution actually succeeded given that the Queen of England and her cabal currently own both the Federal Reserve Bank of the USofA, *and* are the recipients of the "national debt", it is undeniable that 'revolution' as a concept always succeeds due to the central mistake of dictators. Whether Queens, or the unelected-son-of-a-former-president {ed note: examples include Kim Jong Il of N. Korea, and G.W. Bush of the USofA}, all dictators have an inherent assumption that the 'masses must move' in order for them to be dislodged from their 'decider' perches. History of universe teaches that this is not true. While the dynamics of 'revolution' as a behavior within humans has been much studied, and even attempted to be codified and reducible to formula as was supposedly attempted by Che Guevara, the item of note is that no populace will "take to revolution" without the required underlying population dynamics. In the case of 'revolution', the requirements are for a 'radicalized' segment that runs to about 20/twenty per cent of the populace from which the required 2/two per cent who will become 'actors' can be drawn. Failing the minimum required 'radicalized' population base, as Che discovered, revolution will not occur. In that sense, the idea of "exportable revolution" is only marginally supportable, that is, such an activity is only successful where there is a pre-existing bias toward 'upheaval' levels of change. The argument that I am employing with Igor and others consulting on the linguistic shifts is that the 'revolution' meme is certainly plausible within the Populace/USofA as there already exists a predisposition toward 'radical change' within at least a majority of the Populace (democrats and independents) , and that the 'radicalized base' is growing rapidly, especially with the recent emergence of the 'context change' in which the far right segments of the populace have become radicalized over the issue of illegal alien invasion. Further, given the accrual rates this year in all ALTA series for language around the idea of 'dollar death', additional support is given for the idea of 'revolution, bloody revolution', as an accurate interpretation of the shifts we are seeing. My contention is that emotional levels of 'dissatisfaction' and 'disenfranchisement' will rise precipitously along with the emotional turmoil of the rapid degradation of the USofA dollar. Further, the pressures on the populace of the USofA will scale up along with the ancillary effects of the 'dollar death'. This is to say that unemployment et cetera, and repudiation/failure of paper debt at all levels will create huge levels of emotional tension both internally and internationally. It is inevitable that such pressures will be felt here in the USofA. As a reminder of the key point of this debate, the difference between 'rebellion' and 'revolution' is substantial. In the former, the changes ultimately shake out to merely being personality alterations within the existing power structure. In the case of 'revolution', the whole of the power structure is taken apart and something new emerges from the chaos of the times. As few compare to Dickens, let us contemplate just how far we are currently from living this description: IT WAS the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way- in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.

A Tale of Two Cities, C. Dickens

Returning to modelspace, in support of the 'revolution' aspect/attribute set within the Populace/USofA there can be found a number of completely populated aspect/attribute sets directly held by this entity which all go to the image of 'poverty kills' or 'poverty drives {to} madness'. It is my contention, given the extensive cross links over to both the GlobalPop entity as well as both Bushista entity and Markets, that the manifesting of a 'dollar death' will produce visible poverty within the USofA at such a very large scale, and so rapidly as to meet the language which goes to 'shock the world/globe'. It is important to note that 'shock the world' as a linguistic set appears just at the very far range of the short term values, but is also repeated extensively within the long term value sets. Presented with the huge rise in emotional values just appearing shortly after the emergence of the 'conflict' meta data layer, and with the continued accrual of 'dollar death' language, the interpretation for 'revolution' still stands. The scenario that the language is painting is for economic, political, and population upheaval globally rising from the 'dollar illness/disease' and its subsequent 'repudiation/rejection by all'. We note that given the G. Ure postulate, wherein a correlation exists between the time before the event linguistic change, and the magnitude of the event on the ground, and given the 2/two plus years we have had accumulation of 'dollar disease/death' language showing up, and given the 66/sixty-six per cent of the global wealth that is 'stored' in USofA dollars, the results of the manifesting of the death of the USofA dollar will truly 'shock the global population'. Those within the USofA will be plunged into such turmoil that similar recent episodes in both Russia and Argentina will be viewed as training exercises for the main event. In support of my interpretation, as dark as it may be, and against Igor et al with the idea that change will be limited to 'rebellion' only, the modelspace provides that over the course of late Summer and through Fall, a rising emotive meme for the Populace/USofA emerges in which the 'continuity of balanced movement' is lost. This area is very extensively cross linked to Bushista and involves much language containing formal, and legal terms. These sorts of linguistic values are very heavily longer-term affective. Even without the longer term sets processed, we can still state that the circumstances of Summer/Fall of 2006 which are to be Bushista focused will provide a 'decade' impact. Further, the language specifically states in aspect/attributes that 'equilibrium {of the} state/body-politic is {at} risk', and further that 'goals {of the kings/elite} have been missed, calm {is} shattered'. This last is very extensively supported by language to the effect that 'last/final shards {of} respect lost' and that 'demands {for} docility, obedience' will not be heeded. Rather, as indicated within the chart above, the 'revolution' language increases several fold within 3/three distinct bubbles of activity. This is not to say that 'rebellion' and 'revolution' are not both active throughout this period, but rather that there will be these 3/three visible instances of 'steps toward revolution'. The modelspace is also supporting the idea of 'internal resistance' which includes wording going to 'acts of violence'. Not surprisingly, these will be 'labeled insurrection' by the Bushista's, just as the Vichy French Government in collaboration with the Nazi's labeled 'acts of resistance' against the occupying German Troops as 'insurrections against legal authority'. In attempting to determine how the 'conflict' meta data layer may manifest within the populace entities we have examined many possibilities, and debated them all extensively. There exists, as noted above, 2/two parallel broad paths which may be taken within the context of a collapsing global reserve currency and the resulting decline of ability to pursue imperial ambitions by the Bushistas. As the 'dollar death' will actually remove the 'blinders of abstraction' from paper debt instruments, and simultaneously bring about global poverty unseen in human history, there will be incredible amounts of emotional pressures placed on the Populace/USofA. As this will be manifesting within the 'conflict' meta data layer, the tendency to assume that this will lead to international warfare against/involving the USofA is natural, but at this point, is not supported by our data sets. Rather the modelspace is pointedly showing that 'chaos' within Mexico as well as the 'loss of continuity' and 'shattered calm' of the Populace/USofA leads to a situation in which the data is suggesting that the largest, visible 'conflict' will be within the USofA. We have data sets showing a movement from 'loss of continuity' directly into sets dominated by 'tension/aggression/confrontation' which are themselves supported extensively by 'violence', 'prelude {to} conflict'. The descriptor set for 'tension', at the tertiary level contains language going to the image of 'inner tension/stress too high', and 'conflict {acts as} release {to} aggressive tension'. The lexical set goes on to paint the picture of 2/two groups 'snarling' at each other

which is reinforced with 'smell {of} blood, salts, urine, fear'. Hmmm. This somehow does *not* sound like a regular political dust-up. A parallel lexical set exists which originates within the short term value set, and which supports 'rebellion' and which seems to be indicating that a 'rebellion {within/by} the army' will start just about the time of the bottom of the emotional release period. This 'rebellion of the soldiers' is extensively cross linked over to the Bushista entity, and will be a clear temporal signal that the manifesting trend of the 'duality' meta data layer is about to go vertical within the Bushista entity. While somewhat confusing to all of us, the 'duality' layer, at least in its cross links between the Populace/USofA and the Bushista entity is clearly associated with 'revolution'.

Chart 2 As may be seen from the emotive tension summation chart from the Bushista entity, the September 6th bottom of the emotional release period for the modelspace as a whole also is marking the peak of the emotional values for the Bushista entity. We also note that while the emotive tensions are rapidly rising for the world populace driven trend line seen in chart 1, the emotional trend line for the Bushista entity precipitously in response. Further spread of the lexical sets, including cross links, which are 'rebellion/revolution' focused within the Populace/USofA entity have corresponding impact areas within the Bushista entity. And once again, much of the negative emotional sums within the Bushista to Populace/USofA cross links are composed of 'dollar' related lexical sets. The clear indication from the data set is that the economic landscape of this Summer will be the primary factor in developing circumstance. Much of the political and social turmoil which is forecast to emerge has its feet firmly in the 'dollar disease/death' linguistic set. As the French determined in their previous experience with 'revolution', the only thing that will bring down a government faster than 'watering down the currency', is 'watering down the wine'. In the case of the USofA, both conditions, that is 'destruction of dollar' and 'encounter with scarcity' as proxy for 'dilution of rewards', will exist in abundance. Conclusion: Part 2 - Burning of Rome, July 18, 64 AD - Six Days, Seven Nights "His patriotism came before everything, Nero asserted; he had seen the people's sad faces and heard their private lamentations about the extensive travels he planned - even his brief absences they found unendurable, being accustomed (he added) to derive comfort in life's misfortunes from the sight of their emperor. Just as in private relationships nearest are dearest, he sair, so to him the inhabitants of Rome came first: he must obey their appeal to stay! The people liked such protestations. They loved their amusements. But their principal interest was the corn supply: and they feared it would run short if Nero went away. Senators and leading men were uncertain whether he was more abominable present or absent. Subsequently, as happens when men undergo terrifying experiences, the alternative that had befallen them seemed the graver."

Tacitus, The Annals of Imperial Rome, "the burning of Rome" During the night of July 18, 64 AD, fire broke out in the merchant area of the city of Rome. Fanned by summer winds, the flames quickly spread through the dry, wooden structures of the Imperial City. Soon the fire took on a life of its own consuming all in its path for six days and seven nights. When the conflagration finally ran its course it left seventy percent of the city in smoldering ruins. Link to article

But as Tacitus notes, Nero *only* returned to Rome when the fire was nearing the mansion he had built to link the Gardens of Mascenas to the Palatine. The flames were in danger of overwhelming the whole of his palace when he was seen goading the populace 'with his small blade and shrill voice' to 'fight the flames with their bodies' crying 'your lives are mine, use them to spare my works'. This in spite of his 'menacing gangs' who had been preventing the populace from acting to save their own dwellings for several days. Hmmm. Summer's almost here. Barbeque season. Wonder what will be burning on the grill this year?

Copyright 2006 by HalfpastHuman. All rights reserved. Released through subscription only. No reproduction in whole or in part without prior permission.

ALTA IR - 1206 -Part 2 - Addendum - June 19, 2006

Part 2A: Meta Data - Scandal FINALLY showing up?

Asymmetric Language Trend Analysis Intelligence Report Changes in language precede changes in behavior. By Tenax SE for

Note this report is offered for entertainment value only. Any resemblance between the events portrayed in this report and any developing reality is purely co-incidental and in no manner represents foreknowledge on the part of the authors of this report. Note that this information is derived from humans expressing themselves on the internet. As such, human emotional values and the words used to express them are being sampled and interpreted here, NOT THE FUTURE. Any resemblance between this report and future developments is entirely in the mind of the perceiver and does not exist in reality. The Authors cannot be held liable for accuracy of lack thereof in this report. Authors cannot be held liable for human interpretation of this report nor any action any human takes as a result of this report. Any human foolish enough to alter their behavior based on this entertainment-only

analysis demonstrates themselves incapable of rational appreciation of reality, and the authors are explicitly held harmless and blameless for any and all such mental aberrations on the part of the reader. 06.19.2006 Note: Entities are identified by a blue typeface. Aspect words are enclosed in square brackets []. Attribute words/phrases are within parentheses (). Near sentences or concepts composed of both leading aspect and trailing attributes are single quoted '. Interpretive editorial comments are preceded by an asterisk *. Editorial notes are within {} curly braces. Data set distilled from 19.97 million reads. Our expectations are to achieve 70+ million reads within our bandwidth limitations. We expect a 6 part report series from this data set. Meta Data - Sexual Scandal FINALLY Showing Up? Back on May 8, 2006, in Part 5 of ALTA series 1006, we had written the following about our timing error with the 'sexual scandal' which has been showing up repeatedly for months, and with increasingly affective, large and negative, emotive sums: We also note that a little while back the 'secrets revealed' meta data layer went vertical within the Bushista entity and will continue on this line until late May of 2007. During this time it will seem, from the perspective of the Bushista entity, that every weld in the hull has sprung a leak as all of the inter-tangled, mutually supporting lies/delusions which compose the Bushista world view come into 'conflict' with reality. There will be no greater evidence of this than the projections for the period of 8/eight months following the August 31st initiation of the 'conflict' meta data layer. Subscribers of a longer duration to the ALTA series may recall that previous ALTA reports have/had shown the 'development of a scandal of a sexual nature' impacting the Markets which was first seen some 7/seven months back, but which was erroneously placed as manifesting within late February, or early March. We are/were some months off in the actual appearance of the 'sexual scandal', as the current exposure of the 'Watergate Brothel' just now emerging within the mainstream media fits the language that we associated with our forecast 'sexual scandal'. We note that the 'scandal' will travel through the many layers of 'officialdom', both 'political and monetary', and will 'bind the bowels of the markets' as though a 'crippling disease'. The emotional potentials first seen a number of months back are apparently manifesting now, given the emerging language around this event/scandal. Soooo.... we were off by about 2/two months, but are going to seemingly be nearly accurate on the emotional impacts. This will not be a 'little scandal', but instead will be seen as a 'cancer' and a 'proximate cause' of collapse. The ripples will bring out our first 'international crisis' of the Spring/Summer, as well as contribute to the 'reversal of fortune' now pressing down on the Bush Wars of Aggression. Expect mismanagement, and denial to rule for a very short period only, and then the 'secrets revealed' layer will kick in with a vengeance such that so much is spilling out of so many involved, that complex charts will be needed just to keep track of all of the guilty parties and their cross connections. Igor suspects that those who will prosecute this new 'watergate' scandal could use our expertise in visual modeling of complex relationships. end extract - part 5, ALTA 1006, May 8, 2006:

We note that over these last few weeks, the whole of the 'scandal' has had basically nothing in the way of impact. Thus, as much as the wording may have seemed to fit the Watergate Brothel scandal developing, it

is now less likely to be the "big deal" that we have had within our lexical structures for now better than 9/nine months. So, when the Globe publishes the story about "Laura Walks Out", we think that we have a "winner" in our lexical structures. Already the language is showing up within the fora/chatboards which mirrors to a fine point what we have had for months. The reason that this bit of scandal deserves a special update within an ALTA series is *not* that we think we have a "hit" with the system, but rather that our continued reference to the 'sexual scandal' within previous reports was as a proximate temporal marker for other events, most notably, those which will affect the 'price of money' and the 'stability of the union'. This last phrase means the 'union, political' as seen within the Populace/USofA entity. Noting once again some of the language that we have had arise related to the effects of this scandal are that the Markets entity will be 'gangrenous in the gut, no motion'. And yes, once again, impacted by, and participates within 'encounter with scarcity' and 'restrictions on movement'. All these meta data layers so annoyingly referred to repeatedly will now start manifesting with a vengence as this temporal marker has also manifested. We also need to remind that the recent part 2 of this series has the latest data showing the release period to begin on June 28th. It may well be that it will take nearly 2/two weeks of building tensions over the scandal (and the yet to be revealed 'sexual horrors') before the mainstream media goes teevee with it. However, a scandal at this level, especially as it will trigger a 'flood of piss' as shown by the Bushista entity (a reference to the 'secrets revealed' meta data layer), is just the level that has been seen to 'kick the wind out of the dollar'. Also note how the populace begins to react over the rest of the current building period. Our data set suggests a bit of a build and then once the release period has started, events, and deterioration will rapidly escalate. This will be most pertinent for those idiots amongst us who continue to 'trade' in paper assets. Do not think you are wise enough to time this impact. Once the process begins the acceleration into the emotional lows of early September, the levels of rising emotional tension values are pointing to a 'time of chaos' in which 'events trample'. Just a heads up from the nutjobs here at halfpasthuman. Other than this, have a nice Summer. back to work on part 3. clif and igor.

Copyright 2006 by HalfpastHuman. All rights reserved. Released through subscription only. No reproduction in whole or in part without prior permission.

ALTA IR - 1206 -Part 3 - June 24, 2006

Part 3:Bushista - The Last Hurrah, Roasted Hindquarters, Yet Another Wounding* Terra - Isolated Mountain Ascends*

Populace/USofA - Summer of Surprises* Conclusion - Part 3 - The Deviation Factor*

Asymmetric Language Trend Analysis Intelligence Report Changes in language precede changes in behavior. By Tenax SE for

Note this report is offered for entertainment value only. Any resemblance between the events portrayed in this report and any developing reality is purely co-incidental and in no manner represents foreknowledge on the part of the authors of this report. Note that this information is derived from humans expressing themselves on the internet. As such, human emotional values and the words used to express them are being sampled and interpreted here, NOT THE FUTURE. Any resemblance between this report and future developments is entirely in the mind of the perceiver and does not exist in reality. The Authors cannot be held liable for accuracy of lack thereof in this report. Authors cannot be held liable for human interpretation of this report nor any action any human takes as a result of this report. Any human foolish enough to alter their behavior based on this entertainment-only analysis demonstrates themselves incapable of rational appreciation of reality, and the authors are explicitly held harmless and blameless for any and all such mental aberrations on the part of the reader. 06.24.2006 Note: Entities are identified by a blue typeface. Aspect words are enclosed in square brackets []. Attribute words/phrases are within parentheses (). Near sentences or concepts composed of both leading aspect and trailing attributes are single quoted '. Interpretive editorial comments are preceded by an asterisk *. Editorial notes are within {} curly braces. Data set distilled from 26.2865 million reads. Our expectations are to achieve 70+ million reads within our bandwidth limitations. We expect a 6 part report series from this data set.

Bushista - The Last Hurrah, Roasted Hindquarters, Yet Another Wounding With the repopulation of the modelspace for the short-term and longer term value sets, the eye is instantly drawn to the Bushista entity. After loading the short term value set, but before setting the modelspace in movement through to the longer term values, the whole of the Bushista entity is completely dominated by the meta data layers. There are no visual indications of *any* activity within the entity which is independent of the meta data layers. This has never before been seen within our processing. Given that our history with the techniques employed here is only a few years old, it is to be expected that 'first time' events will pop up now and again. This new visual impression presented by the Bushista entity was so striking that we had to stop and validate that it was not an artifact of some change to the processing or the data. We discovered no such reason for the behavior, nor could note any other errors that may account for this new presentation from the Bushista entity. Therefore we are going ahead with the interpretation on the assumption that indeed, this is the way it should be at the present time. We had previously noted that the Bushista entity had the meta data layer of 'secrets revealed' going to vertical within the modelspace. Now we note that 'duality' as well as 'aggression', and 'secrets revealed' are all dominating the secondary and tertiary layers within the aspect/attribute sets for this entity. The primary set is completely focused on the 'restricted movement' meta data layer. This layer is shown to dominate from the beginning of Summer, post solstice, all the way through August and into September. The

dominance of the 'restricted movement' layer is so complete that all supporting aspect/attribute sets within the entity also contain internal references to 'restrictions' or some emotional variant. The overall impression is a 'summer of frustration due to inabilities, set backs, reversals of fortune, and restrictions placed on movement/behavior'. Through the cross links to the populace entities, we note that this theme of 'restrictions on movement' will propagate out from the Bushista entity to the country as a whole. It would not be surprising to have this summer bring some form international 'restrictions on the behavior/movement of the USofA' as a result of the 'premature/childish' actions of the Bush admin. These last are shown, through cross links back to the immediacy value set, to appear shortly after the posting of this report. Also these 'restrictions on movement/behavior' will involve the previously noted 'childish/uninformed speech' which will precipitate more than a few problems for the Markets entity. This last references a previously noted incident, to be manifested during the early stages of the fiscal problems of Summer, in which 'hasty words' will 'cause bleeding/wounds'. These words will arise from a premature attempt to 'staunch the flow' from a problem. The way the data set reads it comes across as though some real smart fellow in the Bush cabal decides to 'nip it in the bud' with 'pronouncements from on high', only the effect is not quite what was anticipated. Ought to be one hell of a show....the indications from the cross links to Press entity are that this will all be broadcast. The 'restriction on movement' layer manifesting within the Bushista entity merely gains strength as the modelspace is moved forward through July and August. The layer adds both depth and breadth, as well as huge numbers of cross links both internal and external. From the look of the movement, the Bushista entity is saying that for Bush et al, "big tests coming this summer". The projections from the data set as to the Bushista response to these 'tests/problems' are not encouraging. The data clearly states at the highest of the primary support levels that Bushista entity will 'enjoy the party, act as a drunken child, nothing positive will emerge' and if that is not enough, the data further goes to 'no inkling of regularity'. However 'disjointed/irregular/erratic' this Summer will be for the Bush cabal, the Bushista entity is clearly stating that it will be the 'last {of the} days {of} control'. This area is supported by aspect/attribute sets going to the imagery that 'control/regularity slips away' and further reinforcement of the idea in a more poetic way as 'mists drift through fingers, illusions lift'. Within this set as a whole are supporting areas with bespoke emotive states such as 'expansiveness' and 'propping {up} illusions/delusions against grim reality'. The areas of 'self delusion' are shown as 'dying/mortally depleted' by early September, and along with the rising of the emotional tensions, the Bushista entity is indicating that both 'emotional strength', and 'selfdelusions' fall for the Bush cabal as 'grim reality eats flesh'. As the shorter term values are progressed along with modelspace and the first of the longer term comes in to view, it appears that from early September through December of 2006, the Bushista entity will be 'eating {its} own leg {in} frustration, despair'. Much of this language is supported by descriptors going to 'hindquarters' and 'ass'. Due to the nature of the 'ass' supporting set we are interpreting it as referring to '1/one butt cheek' as opposed as a generalization referring to the administration as a whole. So one interpretation could be 'chewing butt', however given the links back to the lexicon, a more descriptive interpretation is 'eating leg' with 'frustration' as the primary supporting aspect to the set. So the general feeling coming from the whole area is of 'gnawing frustration'. Also appearing within the September shorter term value sets and also within sustaining impact values that are very high, we once again have the appearance of the 'wounding' aspect which was seen a number of months before the Cheney wounds lawyer incident. Now true, we were interpreting it as a 'wounding of the administration' rather than the 'administration wounds someone', so were a bit off in our view of the actual meaning of the word. So, once again it pops up only this time we will reserve judgment and only say that with this crowd it can obviously go both ways. It would not be surprising therefore to have yet another member of the administration 'wounding' a member of the public or even their own 'comrades' rather than the other way round. Still, the 'wounding' language is accruing yet again, so we just thought to mention it as an actual word of caution. Around the Bushista group, no one is safe.

Terra - Isolated Mountain Ascends

The Terra entity as a rule has the largest body of static linguistic structures within modelspace. The base of the Terra entity lexical structure is larger than the rest of the entities combined, however its rate of change is usually the lowest of any of the entities within any week's processing. While this ratio is likely still true in the main, the data set for the second month has results with the Terra entity change rate increasing. In the processing of the last of the immediacy values, and the shorter term value set this last week, the Terra entity has acquired 2/two rising aspect/attribute sets which may be related to, or driven by the same underlying circumstance. The aspects are 'mountain' and 'dangerous'. In the case of 'mountain' its primary support attribute set goes to the image of 'isolated mountain ascends/rises/lifts'. In the case of the primary support for the 'dangerous' aspect, the data contains very extensive language toward the idea of 'last people {to} withdraw {are in} dangerous position' further this in turn is supported by an aspect/attribute set going to '{they} disappear/vanish within right moment'. This last can also be interpreted by its secondary lexicon links as 'they vanish in an instant'. Examining the data set it is tempting to interpret the 'mountain ascends' as it is 'being driven away {by} raucous behavior'. This last aspect/attribute set is fully supported and extensively cross linked to the GlobalPop and relates to a 'period of disorderly behavior'. While fully supported by the idea of a 'party/celebration' we also have the language that would support the idea of a 'soft riot'. Or a 'drunken melee'. Further amplification of this theme comes from lexical sets containing 'feasting', 'drinking', 'stealing', and 'vulgar behavior/pissing in public'. Many more sets going to the idea of 'drunken, pissed upon, laying {in/on the} street' also exist within the supporting structure. In this instance the data set apparently is intended to reinforce the idea of an all out, 'vine and hops' based bacchanal'. Unfortunately for the attendees, or 'drunk-en-ees' the party is to be rudely interrupted by an 'isolated mountain/volcano' which will decide to just 'rise up/lift up, reach high'. As we put the modelspace into motion and progress it beyond the Summer, the effects as shown by both shorter term values and the long term value set indicate that the result of the 'mountain reaching' will be to 'alter winds', 'change rain', 'produce rivers', 'deplete ice/glaciers', 'mudflow/lahar', as well as to 'break roads'. This last is shown as not only being a local phenomena, but also 'reaching/extending {from the} hips to the toes'. The body part references are key archetypes within our work and in this instance provide a suggestion of a 'continental/national/nation-wide' level of impact. The supporting sets go to the the point of 'bridges twisted loose {from/at the} bolts', and 'steel spans sag {like/as} wet straw'. To further irritate the 'drunken party attendees', the 'mountain' is shown as producing 'emergency' and 'shortages/encounters with scarcity' as a result of its 'rise to the sky'. Well duh, would imagine it would. The point of this particular lexical structure may be to point to the 'shocks' which are seen as 'spreading {around the} planet' within the 'food supply' as a result of this 'rising mountain' and its 'sudden movement'. Other details suggested by the data set include that the 'mountain {is} yellow', and that 'yellow mud moves' when the 'mountain rises'. The 'river of yellow mud flows north and east', according to the data set, but the caution against geographic references is raised here as always in that our data processing spends much of its time throwing out specific geographic references. Further detailed descriptor sets go to the idea that 'a fifth of the mountain moves' , and that the mountain is associated with a 'hook', and with an 'oxen'. As the modelspace is progressed, the longer term value sets continue the trend within the Terra entity for impacts from the 'rising mountain' completely through the end of the year and into 2007. From those timing clues that we can glean, it would appear that the data set is showing the 'mountain rising' near late Summer, perhaps even close to the September equinox. There are also references to 'tides', however this is somewhat ambiguous at this stage of the processing as it could be interpreted either as a temporal marker such as the type of tides experienced on the equinox, or it could be suggesting that the 'rise of the mountain affects the tides' which would naturally direct the attention to the rise of an undersea's mountain. Given the volcanic action of late, as well as the continued references within the Terra entity to the '2/two lands rising', it makes sense to consider this a reference to an undersea's mountain/volcano which will rise up, perhaps gaining a 'fifth' of its current height such that the displacement actually will affect tidal activity. Such a level of

action would also bring about the level of 'road way distortion' suggested by the higher level data sets within this area of the entity. Populace/USofA - Summer of Surprises As if it were not enough that August/September show up as the initiation of the 'conflict' meta data layer {ed note: does not mean war...actually a much broader interpretation of conflict}, we now are showing in the short term value set, that yet another 'context change' will be occurring at about the same time. As with the previous 'context change' which was forecast, and is now thought to have been the raising of the "immigration/invasion-by-illegals" issue to mass public consciousness, this pending 'context change' will be a situation of 'mass awareness'. Again, as with the previous context change, there are no emotional values suggesting grief or anguish or any bespoke emotions indicative of an 'attack' or other similar circumstances. To repeat, even though we are now forecasting a 'context change' which is decidedly populace of the USofA focused, but it does not have any values indicating a general attack or outbreak of warfare. What we do have points to a 'context change' in which, once again the 'unexpected event' is seen as 'manifesting suddenly' and 'forcing {a} reappraisal' of the 'reality surrounding'. This whole of this 'context change' period is expansive. Unlike the previous forecast for context change in which merely weeks were involved, this pending instance appears to stretch out from late July through to the end of September. This is coincidental with the large rise in emotive values shown in the chart below, and is also a large part of the driving force upward, however, it is only part of the emotional tension equation.

Chart 1 Within the chart above we have noted blocks of time with associated lexical sets arising from the Populace/USofA entity. Much of the entity change over the short term values is going to the idea of a 'Summer of Surprises' in which a number of events and manifesting circumstances will be provided by universe for our entertainment and enlightenment. The larger of these is a 'slow roll context change' which, stretching from July through to the middle of September, will have some very interesting sub sets for your amusement. Within the beginning wave of the context change the data is suggesting that 'purple passions ignite' which, when the supporting sets are examined, is likely referring to a 'drug wave/meme'. This linguistic structure is much linked to both Bushista and Iraq, and may be forecasting the appearance within the mainstream media of reportage on 'substance abuse' and other 'purple passions' which are afflicting the occupying soldiers in the Iraq War. As an aside, such events would be quite predictable as soldiers, forced into the role of occupiers and invaders *always* turn to mindless brutality and drug abuse as a remedy for the tortures of the soul. Such has it always been, and obviously those today do not know their history. The data set here is not quite so explicit, and is much more expansive so our interpretation has to be a bit loose in the sense that while it is clear that 'drug use' is involved within this period/episode, it is not quite clear just what kind or in what context. This latter is due to the nature of the events arising within a 'context change' period. Even

though linguistically separate, it is likely that if things are changing all around then these encapsulated incidents should be interpreted within that framework of change. We do note in leaving that this area contains more references to Iraq than any other areas, but it is the Populace/USofA which is providing the 'perplexity' as well as the 'purple passions'. Another time frame to note is the last week in August as the Populace/USofA entity has a clearly bound group of short term values which show a sudden emotional release within the sums and the aspect/attribute set for the period is led by 'violence'. This section is repeatedly cross linked to the Terra entity, as well as internally cross linked to the 'military'. While there are some links to the Bushista entity, it does not appear from this view that Bush cabal participate within this event very much. Rather it seems as though the Populace/USofA is suggesting through supporting aspects that a very 'short duration' and 'unexpected' event will 'generate shock' within the populace. This 'shock to the system' is internally linked to 'rights', and 'civil rights', as well as to 'rebellion', as well as 'protest'. We need to note that the 'protest' aspect is also a primary area in which we find the 'violence' as well as most of the support for 'instantly appearing' or 'suddenly manifesting'. It may be that the data is suggesting that a violent response meets a protest. Some caution on this interpretation is urged as there are also a number of cross links to the Terra entity so we may be actually looking at the response to a 'violent storm'. In either case the effects of this event are very rapidly driven backward out of consciousness by subsequent changes within the 'context change' period. The 'violence' and 'rebellion' event within the 'context change' shows up prior to August 31 which is still pointed to as the beginning of the 'conflict' meta data layer. Very shortly afterward, around September 7th or so, a 'broken bones' incident is showing within the aspect/attribute sets. The area of the Populace/USofA entity which is dominant during this period is heavily internally linked with references to 'israel' and 'zionist'. These aspects are supported by attributes sets going to the bespoke emotions of 'frustration', and 'rage'. This last arises with support showing that 'bowels blocked, gangrene sets in/takes start'. And this last may be referencing 'fiscal/financial' issues as there are very heavy cross links back over to the 'dollar death' linguistic sets within Markets, as well as links to Bushista in which the terminating points are 'confusion' and 'self-destruction'. Again, all of these areas within the 'broken bones' set which afflicts the Populace/USofA are also within the 'context change' area of the entity, as well as affected by the meta data layers of 'duality' and 'encounter with scarcity'. It may well be that the Israeli state is jeopardized by the collapse of the USofA dollar and its subsequent impact on the populace of the USofA. Also under the 'duality' cross link aspect within the Populace/USofA is a set of cross links which are entirely 'israel' focused. These are what we call 'resultant pairs' and form an intertwined pattern of reciprocity. A 'resultant pair' formation occurs when the entity is expressing both sides of an emotional view point at nearly equal weights. It is natural for countries/nations/groups to always contain the full range of any continuum of emotional stance around any given subject. In other words, it is natural for groups to be composed of people who will express the complete range of emotions possible about any subject specified. Hmm. Well, that did not shed a whole lot of light on the subject. What we are getting at is that all entities are likely to have a muddied emotional view of any given subject. In the case of 'israel', the resultant pairs formation is merely showing that it is both strongly supported and strongly rejected all in the same entity. Which is natural. Lots of individuals within the populace of the USofA actually support the zionist movement and its prodigy, 'israel', while many others are rejecting of the idea that the USofA should always, and forever, support the zionist occupation of Palestine. The interesting part of the emerging 'duality' aspect within the Populace/USofA is that now the trend lines are both clarifying, suggesting that fewer people within the populace are without an opinion/strong_emotion, and that as the clarification proceeds, it is becoming increasingly apparent that 'israel' as a concept in the Populace/USofA entity lexicon will go negative en masse. The downward slope within this part of the Populace/USofA entity is such that it will cross below the neutral line totally in 2006 if it maintains the current rate of accretion of values. This will place the majority emotional view of 'israel' as a subject in the negative within the Populace/USofA by early December. Further aspects within the Populace/USofA entity within this subject area are also bound tightly within the the 'revolution' memes for Fall and Winter 2006. Many of the cross link sets are going to the idea that the 'secrets revealed' meta data layer will cause some 'disasters' to be 'shaken loose' from both Bushista, and Markets entities which are shown here as 'indicting israel' and 'unmasking/revealing complicity in death'. Both of these entities, in 'revealing past slavery {to} israel' will

be 'bowed back' by the 'wave of anger/retribution' which will arise within the Populace/USofA. It even appears that at least 1/one of the early 'revolution' episodes will be focused on 'zionist manipulation {of American} laws'. The emotional sum growth for the Populace/USofA entity increases significantly in August. A very large part of this growth is focused around descriptors going to 'internal values' or 'internal character issues' relating to 'being american'. Within the new aspect/attribute sets which accrue from August onward, the data set is showing that a number of national 'discussions/debates' will emerge, some 'forced' and some 'native'. Within these sets we note that 'invasion' by 'illegals/foreigners' will take a decidedly 'defensive' stance as 'attackers/enemies' will be 'paraded' after having been caught. The implication is that some form of 'border warfare/strife' will emerge, at least as an incident, and that some 'prisoners' will be taken for 'political' purposes. Oddly enough, the Populace/USofA entity is showing, through cross links primarily, that this action is really going to piss off a number of people in 'government' such that the 'small border incident' will feature very prominently in subsequent shifts of emotional weight from 'rebellion' over to 'revolution'. The incident will also trigger some 'spasms {in the} bowels of the legislature'. This last emerges from within the Bushista entity and goes to the idea that a 'smuggling' connection will be revealed such that members of Bushista will be 'at risk {of} revelation/exposure'. This all ties in as the Populace/USofA has the terminating values for these cross links within an aspect set headed by 'treason'. And as the language progresses in accumulation, we note the rising of a whole lot of very long term values derived from formality...this is usually an indication of 'legal proceedings' being involved. The general state of the Populace/USofA entity as the modelspace is progressed through August and into September is not good. The descriptors of rising prominence include bespoke emotional defining aspects such as 'confusion', 'discordance', 'disputes', 'restless', 'upheaval', 'contemplation', 'errors', 'shame', 'glory', 'revelations', and others which are supporting en masse of the idea of a rapidly emerging 'context change' which is *not* showing any primary activity within the GlobalPop entity. Our interpretation is that the 'upheavals' to come are entirely USofA focused, and go to an 'internal strife' which will arise rapidly given the escalating value sets. This 'internal strife' will be generated by the populace coming to terms with the 'reality {of the} manifestation' versus the 'expressions'. Basically, it seems as though the 'secrets revealed' meta data layer is going to hit the populace of the USofA with a vengeance such that 'much that was known is not {anymore}' or rather is now 'known {to be} false'. This 'revelation of deceit' is, according to the Populace/USofA entity, enough to 'force examination' of the 'character {of the} nation'. From this point onward, things get grim. In examining the chart above, note the upward trend line of 'building emotional tension'. This trend line is mainly driven, in its emotional sums, by the 2/two populace entities. In turn, the tension levels within the populace entities are being rapidly increased by the Terra entity, the Bushista entity, and the Markets entity in that order within the modelspace. Within the Populace/USofA, a distinct 5/five to 1/one ratio is emerging which is suggesting that 5/five out of every 6/six people will be participating within the emotional reactions such that their behavior or choices are changed. Thus the very large upward motion within the trend line. The vertical axis on the chart provides a very crude version of the motions which are visible within the more complex three-dimensional modelspace. In spite of the flattening of the effect in translating the modelspace to charts, we think that this chart does provide a view toward the levels of participation which we think we see emerging from the entity as the modelspace is progressed forward into Fall. As the aspect/attributes within the Populace/USofA entity would have it, as the emotional building period reaches into Winter of 2006/2007, 'nothing {within the populace/nation} remains untouched'. Conclusion - Part 3 - The Deviation Factor This work has been on-going, in more or less its current format, since 1997. The initial concepts which drive it were discovered in late 1994 as the internet was entering its initial growth spurt. Over the course of 1997 and 1998, a deviation within the emotional sums parameters of greater-than-one-standard was encountered. This threatened to derail the work. Well actually it did, but in a totally unexpected way.

At the time the effort was to develop a commercially viable emotional basis system for trading of stocks/paper/et al which would be successful due to its ability to time and predict emotional patterns/waves which drive purchasing/selling decisions. This was well underway when small, but significant levels of data for 'sun' started showing up with large deviation beyond the expected, as well as way beyond the other data within the set. This bifurcation of the data was perplexing to the point that work had to stop until the issue was resolved. It turned out that a simple solution existed which was merely a matter of tweaking the lexicon. The whole of the problem arose as we had previously defined 'sun' to be 'sun, computers, stanford university network'. It was when we examined the associations within the aspect/attribute sets which led to an understanding that many of the references we were getting in the data were for 'sun' as in 'sol, big scary ball of fire in sky'. Aha! we said, what is required is to merely have 2/two definitions.....and thus we were doomed. The resultant impacts on the modelspace opened up a view into the world in which we now lived. We discovered on examining the details of the reads associated with 'sun, sol' that a number of people, many with very impressive credentials and organizational association, were 'worried' about the 'sun'. Well, we just could not pass that by. So it, along with the early chemtrail testing/spraying here in the PNW, led to a broadening of our scope within the sampling work. Thus here we are today. In 1997 when we first tumbled to 'worries' about the 'sun', we had yet to have experienced the solar pole flip of 2000, nor the giant increase in GRBs {ed note: gamma ray bursts} into the solar system, nor the Sumatran eq/tsunami, nor the Pakistan/Kashmir earthquake, nor the Katrina/Rita series of storms. So initially, it was just a little bit daunting to discover this thread of 'solar worry' out-and-about on what was then a much smaller internet. It led to some changes for us in how the work progressed, as well as an alteration of our view of universe and the solar system's place within. However, it is worth noting that our early detection of the 'fears' associated with sudden climate change were bang on. That subsequent manifestation here on earth has indeed proven those worries to be founded in reality, even if that reality is denied by so many including the governments and the mainstream media. This sort of review-for-validataion where in we can say, "yep, damn...we were right after all" goes a long way toward bucking us up when we are forecasting even stranger levels of changes down the road. In spite of the many voices decrying that it 'cannot happen', and that the 'sheeple are too couch bound', we maintain 'rebellion' is even now slipping over to 'revolution'. This 'revolution' appears to have staying power within the data set. However, as with all things, reality intrudes. The reality of 'revolution' within the developing context that is described in modelspace is limited. It is our interpretation that modelspace is showing a universe of growing influences and complexity in which 'revolution' within the Populace/USofA is to be worked out as a minor sub plot within even larger themes such as 'conflict within nature'. The modelspace has been saying since 1997 that "things ain't right" here in the solar system, and once again, the largest group of trend driving emotional values come from the Terra entity. And once again, the processing is showing a move up in emotional tensions larger than a standard deviation. Hmmm.

Copyright 2006 by HalfpastHuman. All rights reserved. Released through subscription only. No reproduction in whole or in part without prior permission.

ALTA IR - 1206 -Part 4 - July 1, 2006

Part 4: Meta Data - 66/Sixty-Six Days* Populace/USofA - Universe Squats, Old Wars New Again* GlobalPop - Inter(National) Unity/Union, Squeeze the Octopus for Oil* Terra - Echoes Part Deux* Conclusion: Part 4 - Exercises for the Will - Little Dogs Gnaw *

Asymmetric Language Trend Analysis Intelligence Report Changes in language precede changes in behavior. By Tenax SE for

Note this report is offered for entertainment value only. Any resemblance between the events portrayed in this report and any developing reality is purely co-incidental and in no manner represents foreknowledge on the part of the authors of this report. Note that this information is derived from humans expressing themselves on the internet. As such, human emotional values and the words used to express them are being sampled and interpreted here, NOT THE FUTURE. Any resemblance between this report and future developments is entirely in the mind of the perceiver and does not exist in reality. The Authors cannot be held liable for accuracy of lack thereof in this report. Authors cannot be held liable for human interpretation of this report nor any action any human takes as a result of this report. Any human foolish enough to alter their behavior based on this entertainment-only analysis demonstrates themselves incapable of rational appreciation of reality, and the authors are explicitly held harmless and blameless for any and all such mental aberrations on the part of the reader. 07.01.2006 Note: Entities are identified by a blue typeface. Aspect words are enclosed in square brackets []. Attribute words/phrases are within parentheses (). Near sentences or concepts composed of both leading aspect and trailing attributes are single quoted '. Interpretive editorial comments are preceded by an asterisk *. Editorial notes are within {} curly braces. Data set distilled from 37.93 million reads. Our expectations are to achieve 70+ million reads within our bandwidth limitations. We expect a 6 part report series from this data set. Meta Data - 66/Sixty-Six Days As a rule when we get to parts 3 and 4 of a series, we are processing mainly longer term value sets which have been accumulating over the course of the data gathering. At this point all of the processing goes to attempting to place the longer term value sets processing results into the modelspace in a smooth fashion such that the entities are progressed from the short term values over to the long term value sets without loss of information. A bit of tricky work with some (lisp) programs which populate the Intellicad software which is the host of the modelspace view. This is an issue as there are usually as much results from longer term values as is seen in both shorter term sets and the immediacy value sets.

Chart 1 The chart above, much annotated, probably close to the point of each new addition increasing the obscurity of the information as a whole, is now showing on the extreme left, the notations about the current period. As of this past week, the globe has slipped into our 'release period' in which we will see emotional release responses to events played out within the mainstream media. If we consider the 9/nine days following the Katrina hurricane in the USofA, the mainstream media was dominated by images of emotional release from victims of the hurricane, and other visual presentations about the hurricane and its impacts. This is a good example of a 'release period' as it manifests. In the current release period we already are noting that emotional release elements are manifesting in the form of the kidnapped soldiers in Iraq/Israel with subsequent actions being reported. The Israeli response of the on-going attack on Gaza will release yet more built up tension. The news from Iraq is also moving into release kinds of stories with the continuing trend for 'American atrocities' coming to light. There are also the impacts of the flooding in the NE. Then for all the politically addicted, there are the first hints of political releases with the recent Supreme Court ruling against the Bush administration, as well as the degradation of the political situation in the Middle East. We can expect these sorts of emotional release threads to continue over the next 66/sixty-six days until the next emotional tension building period begins. Given how release periods manifest, it will not be surprising to see the various threads continue, and cascade to further and deeper levels of emotional release. An example would be to see the Israeli actions develop, deepen in both intensity and impact, while broadening to bring in more and more of the population as the period progresses toward early September. This 66/sixty-six day release period, with the downward slope kicking off on July 1, 2006 is *not* likely to develop any new emotional "themes", rather to express within the themes established within previous build periods which yet remain unresolved. In the political realm, as the Bush people never accept responsibility for anything, then yet everything remains unresolved. That being so, expect to once again have to review the Bush lack of military record, the various and long string of lies, and all of the 'secrets revealed' thus far. While there may be new wrinkles showing up within the 'secrets revealed' meta data layer, these are likely to be enhancements, and not new directions. The 'secrets revealed' meta data layer is most active within the Bushista entity, the Markets entity, and via terminating cross links, the Populace/USofA entity. However, as the 'secrets revealed' layer is a meta data layer it is expressing within all the entities and so will have some effect broadly throughout the release period. The manifestation of the 'secrets revealed' layer within the Populace/USofA entity is very extensively connected, both in directly held linguistic structures, and through internal/external cross links, with 'rebellion' and 'revolution'.

Populace/USofA - Universe Squats, Old Wars New Again

A curious linkage of rising aspects in both Populace/USofA and the Markets entity is showing when the modelspace is progressed via the longer term value set to October/November. The primary aspect is 'violence' and is permeating both the Populace/USofA entity while also clearly impacting the Markets entity. This linkage is curious in that both aspect/attribute sets within each of the entities is separately held and fully populated, thus independent of the effects of the other to drive its emotional sums, but both still move at nearly the same rates as they rise through their respective entities. The cross linking is also curious in that it cannot be ascertained as to which, if either, of the entities is the driving force behind the seemingly linked movement. One interpretation that does arise just at the visual levels is that 'market activities will precipitate violence within the populace which in turn propagates violence back to the markets'. The sizes of the 2/two entities, Populace/USofA and Markets are dissimilar in the extreme with Populace/USofA being over 40/forty times larger than the Markets. However the Markets entity will gain and lose values/lexical_sets at a rate several times that of the Populace/USofA entity. The rate expressed within the 'violence' aspect is running at 1/one to 3/three with the Markets entity picking up 3/three supporting aspect/attribute sets for every 1/one of Populace/USofA. Also of note is that the Populace/USofA carries differing emotional levels within its 'violence' sets, and that these are running over 17/seventeen times higher in emotive sums than those 'violence' sets within Markets. This contrast in emotive sums has created a nearly synchronized movement of the 2/two entities within modelspace such that they appear to be progressing through the modeled time dimension in near lock-step. A very strange occurrence, never seen prior to this processing, and entirely dependent on long-term values. Within the 'violence' aspect within Populace/USofA is a curious dichotomy of complementary/conflicting values. This entity is also participating within the 'duality' meta data layer which itself is rising dramatically in effect just about mid October. The internal aspects/attribute sets seem to form a series of "bad news/good news" pairs. As an example, at the top level of support for 'violence' there is an aspect of 'shocking experience' which is supported by twin aspect/attribute sets containing 'revolt/disease/accident/unexpected cause-of-remorse' which is tied in its values by its twin of 'blessing hidden beneath/under/in the bones'. This last is an odd bit of recurring lexical descriptor which we have taken to interpreting as a 'blessing in disguise'. So we have the juxtaposition of bad news as in 'nasty something, like revolt/disease' which is shown as causing 'violence' within the Populace/USofA, however, the modelspace is also seemingly saying that "well, in the end it will be seen as a blessing in disguise, never mind all the chaos and destruction". Well, ok fine, I guess. As the modelspace is progressed through October and November, a slightly less murky picture seems to emerge with the accretion of the the supporting aspect/attribute sets within Populace/USofA. We first encounter the secondary supporting layer moving into place in which we find that 'violence' which 'results from robbery/theft' will 'conquer all/almost anything'. This aspect/attribute set in turn has a twin value set within it which goes to the idea that 'successful/good/decent manifestation {of} circumstance {within} secrets revealed cleanses {the} populace'. Again, the bad news and good news pairing. While the public will apparently get massively ripped-off, triggering violence and chaos, the entity seemingly is saying that in the end we'll all feel good about it. Yeah, sure.... Much of the following, paired supporting sets go to repetition rather than revelation in that we find 'good violence will purge {the} public mind/emotions'. Within the supporting sets are also lexical groups going to the 'after time/postea mensibus paucis' of this period of 'violence' as being a 'time of return/re-gathering usual movement'. It is within that set that we find repeated statements that 'violence {of recent past} is fully justified'. Within this grouping are supporting references to 'public forum' in which 'examination/discussion of the violence' will 'provide exoneration/reaffirmation of honor' of the 'actions of populace'. Hmmm. Also within the supporting sets are continued restatements of the basic idea that 'violent action fully justified' and 'early intervention brings advantages'. Within this set, and internally cross linked to 'robbers', we find that 'public eyes/spies/view ascertains/discovers robbers besetting public couriers'. This 'public view of the robbery' will begin a series of events as the entity is suggesting that 'action {by/from} old men will precipitate following {of the} people/tribe/group'. The entity is not so sanguine about the immediate result as many of the 'old men' who 'motivated/driven by outrage' will 'first move from seated/resting' will

find themselves 'cut in half' like 'knots on ropes holding crates'. However it appears that it is the very 'violence of thought/action/voice' which meets these men which causes the 'revolt' of the 'combined tribes' against the 'robbers'. The data set is quite clearly using the 'revolt' lexical set and is not referring to 'rebellion'. We have the supporting sets to 'revolt' including the standards such as 'carriage/infrastructure over turned/destroyed' and 'bricks pulled down, steel to rust, flesh to dust'. In the specifics of this set the data also contains 'regenerative energies/forces at low level' and this is supported by 'no effort to turn {the mobs}, observations of violent destruction, bricks pulled from the walls'. Much of the supporting language of this area goes to the idea, repetitiously, that the 'carriage looses its wheels', or alternatively, 'cart is overturned, axle breaks'. In the midst of the detailed area of the supporting aspect/attributes it is worth remembering that while there are hundreds of references to 'cart breaks' which we will interpret as 'infrastructure damage', that each one of these elements is replicated/echoed over in Markets on a 1/one to 3/three ratio. Further, there is much to suggest that the Populace/USofA entity is showing 'violence' in part or whole, as a reaction to events over in Markets, and elsewhere. These aspects and cross links within Markets are discussed later in this article. A word about a word. The discussion here is centered on 'violence' arising as a dominant theme within these entities. However let us note that 'violence' is the "modern english" primary descriptor for a complex of emotionally grouped words. Part of the issue that needs to be considered is that the English language lexicon to which all of our processing reconciles is very limited. For instance, in Italian, French, and other "romance" languages, the choices for 'violence' also include the idea of 'gravitas' {ed note: in local linguistic variant}. In the other, non-roman alphabet languages, we also find references to a 'gravitas' concept. As expressed in both ancient and modern languages, 'gravitas' directly references 'man struggling with weight of universe'. In some languages, such as latin, Italian and a few others, 'gravitas' is more emotionally focused on 'weather' than universe in general, but even in these languages the root comes down to us as a 'struggle, man versus universe'. So, in reading our aspects/attributes it is very important to keep in mind the limitations imposed upon our understanding by the base language of our lexicon. In this case, especially as the 'conflict' meta data layer is becoming active in coming months, we need to pay close attention to nuance, and the limitations of concepts inherent within the language itself. As the idea of 'violence' conveys so much more than 'gravitas', and thus loses some specificity, we need to note that 'gravitas' can be easily substituted for every occurrence of 'violence'. Given the examples of this past week, and month, and year, and decade, of 'universe squatting on humans', the modelspace may well be going to the idea of 'gravitas' in the sense of 'violence of weather unleashed on humans, there to create struggle/effort_to_overcome' as opposed to the more current idea of 'violence' being 'human versus human'. It is also pertinent to recall that the vast majority of the movements within modelspace are driven by the emotive sums found within the Terra entity. This entity *always* provides at least 60/sixty per cent of all movement within any progression. So it is logical for us to suggest that we think of the 'violence' which will drive the 'expression of emotion/behavior' of both the Populace/USofA and Markets entity through Fall as at least having a 60/sixty per cent chance of being driven by 'weather impacts'. As the longer term value sets are processed, and the modelspace is progressed through October and November, the picture of the 'violence' or 'gravitas' interpretation becomes a bit muddied. While clearly the Terra entity shows a 'pressing down/squatting upon' of Terra on humans, there are also the very many lexical structures, both within the Populace/USofA entity and the GlobalPop entity which go to 'revolution' themes. Most of these threads within the Populace/USofA entity supporting aspect/attribute sets which contain either bespoke 'violence', or alternatively descriptors with the implication of 'violence' such as 'weapons', or the results of 'violence' such as 'blood on roads cause falls'. Within the 'revolution' meme itself, the details within the longer term value set become even more muddied as they appear to spread out in all directions, politically speaking. There are repeated references to the Queen_of_England within the Populace/USofA entity within the 'revolution' sub set. Further, within several of the supporting aspect/attribute sets for this we have both 'violence' and 'war'. Within the 'war' descriptor

set, there are redundant internal cross links back to 'queen_of_england'. Also within the supporting aspects/attributes there are descriptors going to 'city, financial, london' which in turn is supported by 'currency, money' which is cross linked internally back to 'violence', and 'transformation'. Within the 'transformation' are supporting sets for 'ruination' as well as 'suicide'. As if this were not enough, there are further references which can be interpreted as 'populace/usofa versus the queen of england in a replay of old wars'. The references to 'old wars' contain supporting sets for images such as 'secrets revealed {of old betrayal} spark calls/heralds {of} war'. As is indicated within the chart below, this 'populace/USofA versus Queen' version of the 'conflict' meta data layer manifestation will coincide with other events of note in early Fall of this year.

Chart 2 GlobalPop - Inter(National) Unity/Union, Squeeze the Octopus for Oil Within the GlobalPop entity, and running more or less in parallel with the same themes within the Populace/USofA entity, are several duplicate descriptor sets such as 'revolution', and 'international {populist} unity'. This last is a bit difficult to interpret or translate as the idea is of a 'global concrescence of self organizing collectives {tribes} involved in resistance' is a wordier, but far more descriptive label. The GlobalPop entity is accruing aspect/attributes sets, which are cross linked to nearly parallel linguistic structures within the Populace/USofA entity, that go to the idea that a 'global popular front' will emerge which will 'produce change'. Again, just to be clear on this last bit, what is being referenced here is not a 'wish' for change, nor a 'demand' for change, but an emotional summation of the descriptor set which links back to the lexicon to the aspect of 'production/creation/manifestation/emergence/manufacture'. This aspect is explicit in speaking of 'accomplishment' or 'actual manifestation' of the associated value sets. In this case the associated value sets are bespoke 'change'. This aspect is also very high in emotional potential so the subsequent release of the emotion within the small release period which is highlighted ought to produce very visible effects on the global political stage. As may be expected, in both the GlobalPop and the Populace/USofA entities, within the 'violence' and 'revolution' sub sets lurks the 'oil, energy' demon. In the case of the GlobalPop entity the 'oil/energy' interlocked global corporations are characterized as the 'oil octopus'. Within this aspect the language is shockingly similar to that found within descriptions of the 'struggle against the oil octopus', an article written in July of 1939, in which the same word groups, and some of the same conclusions... Anti-trust laws and Supreme Court edicts have proved powerless to restrain this mighty monster; governmental regulations, far from strangling it, have helped promote its growth. Obviously, more radical methods are required to rid the country of this pernicious parasite. The Octopus will not submit to control; it must be killed.

are to be 're-run' this Fall on a global scale. The GlobalPop entity is also showing a clear, via extensive cross links to Populace/USofA, that a 'poor human collective/gathering' will 'ignite fires'. This last is also tied back to 'revolution' within the Populace/USofA entity, as well as 'revolution' within the GlobalPop entity. These in turn are linked to the 'violence' aspect, and while it does appear as a "held value set" internal to the GlobalPop entity, it is nonetheless only minimally seen within this entity compared with the large number of such sets within the Populace/USofA entity. And as may be expected, many of the cross links from 'revolution' within GlobalPop are going to the Bushista entity. The implication is for a global 'resistance movement' to become active against the Bushista's as an expression of ThePowersThatBe, and that this 'resistance' will include 'acts of violence' within the USofA. However let us note that the concept is not going to anything like rioting, or general uprising. Rather, as with all things emotional within human social orders, this is to be a 'building process' in which the first few acts will spawn both other such acts, as well as the expected cycle of radicalization, and cogitation by the 'new plebeian' classes globally. There is also some suggestion within the GlobalPop entity, reinforced by its cross links over to ThePowersThatBe entity, and to the Markets entity, that 'problems in repose/sitting' with the USofA dollar over the course of Summer will participate in bringing about a 'crystallization/manifestation/vocalization' of the 'castes' on a global scale. This area is cross linked to supporting aspects/attributes which are participatory within the 'global poor union' as well as the 'octopus of oil'. Again, within the terminating cross links from GlobalPop over to Populace/USofA end in the 'violence' sub set. Within the GlobalPop entity, as the modelspace is progressed through October and November, a set of aspects for 'celebration' which are supported by 'palestine' as a primary aspect arise with a complete complex of supporting aspect/attributes. One interpretation, allowing for error within our non-roman alphabet language transliteration to English, would be that a 'global movement/collective emerges with the goal of turning the species away from war'. The modelspace supports this within the long term value set with imagery going to the idea that 'seeds {of} crops of peace sprout {like} grains {in} new Spring'. We need to note that it could be also interpreted as the 'seeds of change toward peace {sown now in October/November} watered with Winter blood, sprout in new Spring'. As a rising set running parallel to the 'peace plants being seeded in Fall', we also find that 'hot, dry conditions ignite fires {of revolution} against {the} queen_of_england, pope'. Again as a reminder, previous ALTA reports as well as this series have data sets continuing to build which are going to the '(self) destruction/immolation of faith religions'. The many references to 'revolution against the pope/TPTB' are also participatory within the 'destruction, internal, self-driven of religion, faith' thread which is held in both of populace entities as well as the TPTB entity. Further we need to note that within the GlobalPop entity, the 'pope' references are almost all cross linked internally to the 'secrets revealed' meta data layer expression within that entity. As these elements within the GlobalPop entity are based on longer term value sets, we can expect those which begin to express within the October through November to become continuing themes extending to near Summer, 2007. As this period, highlighted in the chart above is a 'release period' within the larger building period of some months {ed note: much like Katrina/Rita/FEMA disaster}, we can expect these themes developing here to be amplified during the manifestation of the larger, general release period beginning in early 2007. It is also worth noting that this is the first 'release period' in the larger, general building period dominated by the manifestation of 'conflict' as a meta data layer. Terra - Echoes Part Deux As is indicated by the chart above, the Terra entity is showing that 'gravitas' will continue to be an issue globally during this October/November release period. Before beginning that discussion, let us consider the 'five toes kick ass' earthquake forecast of previous ALTA reports. In this case we may well have had those

'5/five' earthquakes, each of which was associated with an island {ed note: now we can note the metaphoric link between island and toes within the data set}. In this case, other than the first earthquake, which interrupted the wedding as was shown within the forecast, there were not great scenes of damage. It nonetheless could be that this forecast is complete, and that our association of '20/twenty million feet' outand-about trucking "as a result of the earthquake" was erroneously assigned to this series. This appears to be the case as we still have building levels of data sets for a '20/twenty million feet' earthquake. This implies it to be still pending. In our work we frequently have a choice to make in the interpretations, and that choice always relates to assigning a 'probable point of manifestation'. The issue comes down to a guess as to whether the current state of processing is the termination of a particular theme, or whether we think that the next week's processing will bring in more data to this same set. This choice is made more difficult in that the data is not processed uniformly in that we run the immediacy values, then the shorter term sets, then the longer term value sets. Further it is complicated in that data has a tendency to ebb and flow around subjects as opposed to arriving as a steady stream around a particular subject. So we take this fiction work seriously and have a tendency to err on the side of caution, and to consistently attempt to place such potentially devastating events as earthquakes as early as possible. This leads to the conditions we currently have, that is, the continued build of data for '20/twenty million displaced feet', but also the complete absence of any further new data for '5/five toes kicks ass'. Does that make sense? The idea is that we have to guess repeatedly that the data flow tapering off is actually the end of the data, and not merely an ebb in the processing, and thus guess that an 'event' or manifestation would occur at X date. There is enough evidence to suggest that the '5/five' toes series of earthquakes is complete with the Rat Island string. However, as the chart above shows, the data is now pointing to yet another point at which we can say we *think* that the '20/twenty million feet' will be set walking. The longer term values are bring up linguistic sets which are suggesting that a very large 'earthquake/shake' will 'push waters/tsunami' in a 'southerly/westerly' direction. The data set seems to go to an 'echo of past circumstance' in that the 'earthquake' and 'tsunami' will be 'walking {in} old ruts'. Our geographic references - noting them to be almost as unreliable as our timing clues - are pointing to 'nippon' and 'taiwan' very prominently with 'australia' as a lower order, secondary data set. The implication is for an earthquake in the 'japan or taiwan' region to initiate a 'south running wave/tsunami'. The Terra entity is, at the near edge of the longer term value set, showing that 'Summer storms damage' will still be unresolved as of October/November, and that the 'winds' of Summer storms will find 'echoes in the Fall'. Specifically, there are repeated references to 'winds, south by west, to Fort Union, tornados'. These will arise in the Fall as indicated in the chart 2 above, however there is a muddied data set seemingly indicating that 'damage/debris' from the Summer storms will be somehow involved within the 'Fall winds which blow NE to SW'. In both cases, that is the 'summer storms' which show up, according to the data set beginning after August 24th, and in the 'Fall tornados/extreme_winds', the primary supporting aspect/attribute set is headed by 'traumatic damage'. And this supported in both cases by longer term value summations within the attribute sets going to 'multiple years' impacts. Again, there is also wording indicating that 'winds fling/bring/carry {old/previous} debris' as well as other indicators that 'damage yet un-repaired, wounded again'. The data set is showing explicitly that 'pipelines/transmission pumps' will be 'destroyed' and that subsequent repairs will be 'considered long' and 'slowly executed'. Oh, just as an after thought, the 'violence' aspect is very high within the 'storms of Summer', even within the values within the longer term data set which are showing the "resultant emotional impact"; and that our timing clues are really focused on the last week of August. There are many repeated references to 'hurricanes/winds/tornado' for that time. Conclusion: Part 4 - Exercises for the Will - Little Dogs Gnaw The modelspace is continuing to show that the 'conflict' meta data layer kicks off on August 31. Current hostilities within the world can be considered to the the 'normal' level of strife, here at the end of the Kali Yuga. What we are seeing is a distinct upward movement in expressions of 'conflict' within the globe as a

whole. This likely *does* not mean world war. Rather it is much more likely that 'conflict' will be manifesting within many more segments of the human condition at all levels, including the personal. As meta data layers are expressing at all levels of humanity, it is worth noting the existence of such a period so as to be able to exercise conscious control. By becoming aware of the influences/pressures which are being exerted upon its resident life by universe, the wise inhabitant has the capacity to 'step outside' or 'deflect the effect'. Once the inhabitant is able to shift to observer status, rather than active participant, during one the manifestation of a meta data layer influence, then it becomes a matter of will to control the influences at a personal level. It is similar to discovering that the pain in the ankle is being generated by a gnawing little dog. Once discovered, you need only change slightly to change totally. Make sense? However, if you do not discover the presence of the gnawing dog, and merely react to the continued pain in the ankle, then you are a likely participant within the gnawing, and may even spread its effects out-and-about by propagating your own pain outward in waves to others. But, if you know the dog is gnawing, then you can use an act of will to *not* participate, and to exclude the little bastard from your (re)actions. Thus you become a center of calming rather than a nexus of magnification for the 'wave of meta data influence'. The aware observer is also favored by calm in the face of aggravation, as discovered within martial arts, in that both decisions and action come faster with the mind is calm. Frequently, a calm mind in the face of adverse circumstance is the key element in successfully meeting the challenge to survival. Meditation techniques provide the tools needed to control monkey-mind, as well as to extend strength of will. Recalling that 'mind is an excellent servant, but a terrible master', it makes sense to provide the will with every tool possible to assist in keeping the employee (mind) in line. Especially when the outside influences to mind can prove devastating if reacted to without awareness of the broader context. It would seem that our modelspace is projecting the second half of 2006 to be a period in which we will all be able to test our relationships to our employees (mind) and our strength of will. Even as we were/all students and are loath to admit it, tests have value. They allow us to assess our skills, and frequently also provide education that other schooling can not. A procedural note: Igor is off 'dry side', which is the Puget Sound dwellers way of saying 'east of the Cascades', on a vacation and to look over a couple of homestead sites. He will be gone for 2/two weeks. There are a number of large lexicon tuning issues, as well as server maintenance between parts 4 and 5. Igor's vacation, and the national holiday, as well as events of the next few days, will *most likely* result in part 5 being postponed until around the 12th or so of July. So do not expect that we will be able to post part 5 next Saturday, and instead look for a notification of posting in the middle of the following week. Remember to take the will out and exercise it occassionally....the only way it gets any strength at all. So, all together now...a'one....a'two....a'three.... Copyright 2006 by HalfpastHuman. All rights reserved. Released through subscription only. No reproduction in whole or in part without prior permission.

ALTA IR - 1206 -Part 4 - Addendum - July 5, 2006

Part 4: Addendum - Observer's Guide to the ERP

Asymmetric Language Trend Analysis Intelligence Report Changes in language precede changes in behavior.

By Tenax SE for

Note this report is offered for entertainment value only. Any resemblance between the events portrayed in this report and any developing reality is purely co-incidental and in no manner represents foreknowledge on the part of the authors of this report. Note that this information is derived from humans expressing themselves on the internet. As such, human emotional values and the words used to express them are being sampled and interpreted here, NOT THE FUTURE. Any resemblance between this report and future developments is entirely in the mind of the perceiver and does not exist in reality. The Authors cannot be held liable for accuracy of lack thereof in this report. Authors cannot be held liable for human interpretation of this report nor any action any human takes as a result of this report. Any human foolish enough to alter their behavior based on this entertainment-only analysis demonstrates themselves incapable of rational appreciation of reality, and the authors are explicitly held harmless and blameless for any and all such mental aberrations on the part of the reader. 07.05.2006 Note: Entities are identified by a blue typeface. Aspect words are enclosed in square brackets []. Attribute words/phrases are within parentheses (). Near sentences or concepts composed of both leading aspect and trailing attributes are single quoted '. Interpretive editorial comments are preceded by an asterisk *. Editorial notes are within {} curly braces. Data set distilled from 37.93 million reads. Our expectations are to achieve 70+ million reads within our bandwidth limitations. We expect a 6 part report series from this data set. Meta Data - Observer's Guide to the ERP As of July 5, 2006, it is now quite clear that an 'emotional release period' of some significant level of 'shedding' of pent up emotional tensions has begun in ernest.

Just noting the headlines of the past few days, and observing the progression of the 'emotional release' as well as the many, not-so-hidden references to pending 'conflict', one is tempted to say that our description of these '66/sixty-six days' is reasonably accurate so far. If it continues to track along, we can expect the current level of 'release' as seen within the mainstream media to continue apace with the projections of the chart above. This addendum is more of an "observer's guide" to the emotional release period (ERP) than a detailed description. It is noteworthy that this 'release period' is just prior to the advent of the 'conflict' meta data layer. Many of the events and manifesting circumstances of this period will be played out against 'conflict' as a background element.

Other manifesting meta data layers such as 'secrets revealed' and 'aggression' and 'duality' will also be going into very visible states as we move through these 66/sixty-six days of release. Much of the mass of the 'secrets revealed' meta data layer components are continuing to show up in both Markets entity and Bushista entity. And, as may be expected, many of these are cross linked. Some things to seek in your observations would be the manifesting linguistic "hints" that 'dollar coagulation/distillation will produce rebellion' within the Populace/USofA, as well as the emergence of a global 'war against war (and the corporations who profit from death)' emerging from an unlikely alliance of 'hemispheres of influence', and 'people of disrepute'. Further, note that a 'hard edge' will emerge within the Populace/USofA centered around 'rebellion' in which 'blood spilt on the meadow/grasslands' forces the USofA military/corporatists to begin 'retreating to holes {in the } ground'. It is from these 'holes' that 'secrets revealed' goes into overtime, and also from which the 'unexpected happens' this summer. Stay tuned to a mainstream media near you for the latest in spin/coatings on your emerging reality. It is going to be an interesting 2/two plus months. As the saying goes, "those who can't read the times are doomed to ride the times". So, put on the reading glasses, or saddle up....ERP is here. Yes, much sunscreen is recommended.

Copyright 2006 by HalfpastHuman. All rights reserved. Released through subscription only. No reproduction in whole or in part without prior permission.

ALTA IR - 1206 -Part 5

Part 5:Populace/USofA - October Revelations Bring December Distillations* GlobalPop - Israeli Boomerang* Markets - DOW 1000?* Terra - A Winter in Wet Hell* Conclusion: Part 5 - in dis iwah we as rasta no dese times are dread*

Asymmetric Language Trend Analysis Intelligence Report Changes in language precede changes in behavior. By Tenax SE for

Note this report is offered for entertainment value only. Any resemblance between the events portrayed in this report and any developing reality is purely co-incidental and in no manner represents foreknowledge on the part of the authors of this report. Note that this information is derived from humans expressing themselves on the internet. As such, human emotional values and the words used to express them are being sampled and interpreted here, NOT THE FUTURE. Any resemblance between this report and future developments is entirely in the mind of the perceiver and does not exist in reality. The Authors cannot be held liable for accuracy of lack thereof in this report. Authors cannot be held liable for human interpretation of this report nor any action any human takes as a result of this report. Any human foolish enough to alter their behavior based on this entertainment-only analysis demonstrates themselves incapable of rational appreciation of reality, and the authors are explicitly held harmless and blameless for any and all such mental aberrations on the part of the reader. 07.10.2006 Note: Entities are identified by a blue typeface. Aspect words are enclosed in square brackets []. Attribute words/phrases are within parentheses (). Near sentences or concepts composed of both leading aspect and trailing attributes are single quoted '. Interpretive editorial comments are preceded by an asterisk *. Editorial notes are within {} curly braces. Data set distilled from 50.019 million reads. Our expectations are to achieve 70+ million reads within our bandwidth limitations. We expect a 6 part report series from this data set.

Populace/USofA - October Revelations Bring December Distillations December, the month of the solstice, or 'standing still' of the sun. This year, according to the progression of the modelspace and the entities, the sun will be just about the only thing standing still. The data set, already growing steadily in emotive tension over the course of a very rough Fall, will hit December, and then go into even more rapid accretion of emotive values. The implication is that the transition from an emotion filled November into December will be dramatic. While noting that the building emotional tension period begins more or less with the appearance of the 'conflict' meta data layer on August 31, 2006, the modelspace shows that we will not reach the next release period until March 15th, 2007. Yes, the Ides of March mark the start of the next release period. So as dramatic as December promises to be, it is still merely in the series of the last steps building up to the release of the Ides of March. Within December the modelspace is showing that 2/two release periods, while minor in the general sweep of the emotive trend lines, will nonetheless bring out very large changes. Each of these release periods is larger than the total for the Katrina/Rita/FEMA disaster of 2005, yet each is very minor relative to the trend line drop for the release period of the following March. Nonetheless, each of these release periods in December is several times as large in emotive sums magnitude than was Katrina/Rita/FEMA disaster.

Chart 1 Within these release periods, held within a 6/six month long emotional tension building period, 2/two separate, but interlinked 'release foci' are to be found. In both cases it is not possible to extract the elements of the release period from the over arching emotive tension building period values, however, the modelspace does show the 'release foci' rising to the top of the value sets, and thus we can provide an interpretation as to the "flavors" available within the emotional stews of December. In the first of the release periods, showing as occurring beginning on December 6, the central theme will focus on "social" issues, while the second of the 2/two periods beginning on the solstice on the 21st will focus on "economic" issues with the added layers of the impact of 'money/funds' on the 'function/corruption' of 'government'. In both cases, these release periods will free up some emotional tension levels very rapidly, each over the course of less than a week, but also in both cases, the emotional tensions will rise very rapidly following an abrupt reversal of emotional values. To those who will live through it, the month of December is likely to feel very much as though 'roller coaster riding while drunk'. The modelspace is projecting that the whole of the month will be one of a general feeling of 'unreality' as changes happen both suddenly and violently, each shift in mood precipitating yet more sudden changes in the social/economic order. The lexical sets which can be extracted from the Populace/USofA entity, as well as the GlobalPop entity, for the first of the release periods in December show a decidedly 'social revolution' tone. All the aspect/attribute sets with higher than the mean level of emotive tension values, and which are showing high change values all are going toward the idea of 'social transformation'. Further, if we examine the supporting sets for all of the values aspects, we note that while the 'social transformation' is to be visible as such, much of the underlying motivation is economic. The view presented by the data set for December here in the USofA is pretty bleak. It is populated with words which can be extracted from descriptions of past period of large scale social change such as was seen within the 1920s through the 1930s in the USofA and Europe. The modelspace is showing that both the Populace/USofA entity, as well as the linked entities of Bushista and Markets will be 'transformed by fire' over the course of the month. Within the first release period the issues will 'burn the veins', and 'cause transformation of the populace' into a 'shouting beast of 1/one breath'. This latter may be a poor interpretation of the concept of 'howls of rage' or 'shouting in unison'. Hard to say given the large and very diverse supporting sets, however the basic idea arising from reading through the set is that a 'large impact/shift/deviation' will occur which either results in 'everyone shouting {the} same word, revolution', or 'mass actions/reactions produce violent expression'. In all cases within the release period, all of the 'social unrest' aspects are either holding 'rebellion/revolution' or they are internally cross linked to the set. A curious, held aspect/attribute set which is repeated quite often within the 'revolution' supporting sets goes to the idea that 'terra moves/motivates revolution {against} power/dictator'. Further, there is language within the larger set which shows that the 'ruler(s) {will/do} fall to knees, howling {out/in} frustration/rage'. This last is supported by the aspect/attribute set of 'cursed spleen fails, bladder fails, shame seen suddenly'. Hmmm. Probably a description in extreme language of Bush et al. At a higher level within the Populace/USofA entity, and in direct support of the 'transformation' aspect which is the highest level descriptor set within the entity for the month of December, we find a number of

cross links to the Bushista entity which also go to the idea of 'transformation' of the 'relations'. In several of these cases the operative result of the 'transformation' is a 'distillation' of the 'core crimes/hurts/wounds'. This 'distillation' is seen as producing the 'siege of Washington {DC}' in which 'barricades' are 'broken/torn loose' following the 'riot/mob_action'. We further find that the 'ruler/decider' is shown as 'weeping about worries' and 'moaning' during a 'flow of tears'. This is a 'shown/seen' occurrence with some very interesting results. Within the overall seeming chaos of the release period, which is described as including 'citizen action' as well as 'labor actions', the mainstream media is shown as 'participating {in the} unveiling'. This last is cross linked to both the Markets entity and the Bushista entity and does not auger well for either. Just as the 'conflict' meta data layer developed over the course of Summer, at the point of the first of the release periods in December, the 'transformation/change' meta data layer forms. It appears to be the result of the progression of the 'duality' meta data layer which has been in place for most of 2006 into 'transformation/distillation'. A very large percentage of the supporting mass for the 'transformation of the populace' of December directly arises from the 'revelations of October'. These are extensively cross linked to Bushista entity, and from this entity over to Markets in turn. The expectation is that the 'secrets revealed' layer which has been vertical in Bushista entity for much of 2006, is also now vertical within the Markets entity, as well as both Populace/USofA and GlobalPop. A sort of curious note is that 'secrets revealed' is also nearly vertical at this time in the Terra entity as well. The net result provides an interpretation that the 'Bushista revelations {of October} will/have impacted/crushed Markets and will 'prod/push' Populace/USofA into transformation through fire/violence' in December. The 'fire/heat/energy' descriptor set found within Populace/USofA in both of the December release periods is replete with references to 'violence' as a 'transforming vehicle/experience'. Further we find that 'social/labor unrest' is shown as 'spilling over cowls/cowling' to result in 'actions/riots' and other indicators of 'social disorder'. Mixed within the general 'social disorder' which is shown as a beginning of very large scale 'transformations' of the body politic, we also note that 'race issues', and 'racial attacks' will feature prominently, albeit only temporarily within the first December release period. There is also a separate lexical construct for 'illegal aliens/invaders', so the 'racial attacks' lexical thread is showing separately, and thus the interpretation that the 'illegal aliens/invaders' problems which will result in the declaration of 'special programs' will be conjunct with, but not include some other 'racial tensions' being released. While the Populace/USofA, and to a lesser extent the GlobalPop entities are showing general social unrest and 'disorder' which is the beginning of a long 'transformation' of the 'personality' of the social body politic, there are a number of lexical structures held within Populace/USofA which are going to the idea of 'pressure cooking {Bushista} meat/flesh'. The basic idea coming through is that many different forms of 'social pressure' will be coming from the Populace/USofA entity and pressing upon the Bushista entity. The indications are for both 'legal' as well as 'street/populist' pressures bearing down. The terminating area within the Bushista entity from the multiplicity of cross links originating from Populace/USofA is dominated by 'moaning {about/over/because_of} mountains of worries/problems'. There are also a number of these links which originate at places within the Populace/USofA indicating that 'old/ancient grudges/grievances' will 'precipitate/create' new problems for Bushista et al both from 'legal challenges/rebellion' as well as 'popular revolution'. In the origination of the cross links there exists a veritable stew of 'postponed problems' which will beset the Bushista entity as the 'duality' meta data layer comes to sit upon the Populace/USofA entity. The pressure on the Populace/USofA entity is shown as being a proximate cause to the Bushista entity once again containing references to 'wounding', and 'loss'. As if the impacts directly from the Populace/USofA entity were not enough for a release period, the same time in December also produces a GlobalPop 'rebellion of disaffected provinces'. This area within GlobalPop cross links over to 'revolution' within itself as well as Populace/USofA. In turn this area of Populace/USofA cross links over to Bushista and through that entity to Markets entity. The interpretation from the lexical sets is that a 'revolt' in a 'foreign province' will produce 'riots of liberation' {ed note: some data suggesting a prison will be impacted or is the source of the rioting} which are shown as 'freeing political prisoners'. These are cross linked over to 'fear and worries' within Bushista, and in turn go to 'restricted movement/lack of motion' within Markets.

About this time, the Bushista entity is going into its own 'restricted movement' where the lexical sums produce a vertical trend line for this meta data layer. Again the associations with both 'legal' and 'prison' are suggestive of further 'restrictions on movement', and likely are referring to a 'loss/curtailing of power'. One of the results will be a 'wave of resignations' from within the Bush administration. This 'release of long capped emotions' is also shown as participating in, and helping to drive both 'duality' within Bushista, and the 'revolutions' within Populace/USofA through a fresh round of 'secrets revealed'. One of these 'secrets' is so powerfully affective that it starts its own lexical structure which is still in existence some 5/five months later and comes back with a vengeance in the Ides of March release period. to the really nasty bits... As the modelspace is progressed through December and through the end of January, a series of very large clumps of data are accrued within several of the entities. Even if associated with the release periods of December, the data clumps nonetheless are contributory at some level to the rising emotional tension trend line as it develops toward the Ides of March 'turn' and the beginning of the next release period. The Populace/USofA entity and its twin the GlobalPop entity are signaling that while things are going to be decidedly 'awkward' for the Bushista entity, with mass troubles piling on, 'secrets revealed' leading to 'resignations/abandonment' within the 'power structure', the totality of problems will be small in comparison to what will beset the long suffering populace. GlobalPop - Israeli Boomerang The modelspace shows that the current campaign of violence on the part of the Israeli occupying forces is actually the beginning of a 'turn' for the situation within the Middle East. The ebb and flow of the situation, as shown within the modelspace now involves all the immediacy value sets as well as long term values including our extremely-long-term-impact sums. The modelspace is providing data which can be interpreted as 'the beginning of the end'. This 'end' specifically refers to the 'status quo' which has been in place for more than 40/forty years. Our modelspace has provided a number of the entities with 'israel' and 'zionist/Zion' related clumps of data. When examined in totality, the impression is that all areas are showing that 'change arrives' for 'israel' and the Middle East. The 'changes' shown within modelspace extend out to about early March of 2008 by which time the entities are indicating that a 'resolution/cessation' is 'adopted'. However, it ain't what you think. The military situation for 'israel' is described within the modelspace as being 'active' and 'involved', and the 'concrescence of details/small elements'. While the present assault is shown as going into a 'hiatus' by the end of the week of July 14th, 2006, this is by no means the 'end of the conflicts'. In fact, the 'israeli' aspects within the data set are completely involved, which is to say participatory and dominated, by the 'conflict' meta data layer as it begins on August 31, 2006. The data set shows that while 'battles' may be 'deferred' after mid July, even into August the 'israeli' mindset is such that 'over-reaction', and 'domination/control' will be the response throughout much of August. As an aside, this area is also extensively cross linked over to 'oil/energy' within Markets entity, and is also cross linked to the rising 'bad fortunes' of Bushista throughout much of this time. Just as the 'conflict' meta data layer is rising, the data set is indicating that a 'withdrawal' by Israel will 'buy time' for a few weeks, but is also shown as 'not reducing/no alteration' in the levels of emotional tensions in the region. It is as though Israel, for reasons relating to its own internal political structure will find itself 'stymied' by 'proximate failures {of} small actions' and will 'harden the lines'. This appears to last until early to mid October when, conjoined with the rapid rise in emotive tension sums within Bushista, the situation goes to 'hell' and does so rapidly. This 'warring state/expressed conflict' is showing *while emotive tensions continue to build* through the Fall and Winter until about the end of January, 2007. BUT, the 'issues' with 'occupation' of Palestine, and the many 'echoes/replay of past crimes' while initially dominating the news, will be only a very small part of the 'israeli misery' that is shown for this Winter. The other problems will be arising from non-human sources. Along with much of the rest of the planet north of

the equator, the 'israeli' government will be 'shocked' into 'apoplexy' this Winter by activities arising from 'sudden catastrophic climate change'. Our modelspace is showing that much of the 'conflict' facing Israel from this coming Winter onward will be 'within life' or 'struggles to survive' in the face of climate change acceleration. The indications are that all of the Middle East including Israel and Palestine will be facing 'dueling' weather patterns this Winter which will 'assault from both east and west'. There are lexical structures for all kinds of daunting conditions extending from 'flooding' to 'slips/slides/mud_movements/landslides' to 'coastal mastication'. This last is a curious, and new descriptor set with multiple language support all going to the idea of the 'ocean eating the coast'. All of these linguistic constructs contains very long term values at high levels indicating a more or less permanent 'munching of land'. Returning to the theme of Israeli war for a moment, we note that as the modelspace is progressed through the December release periods, a 'provocation' claimed by Israel is 'used as {a} stick' to stir up war in the region again. The indications are for an 'all out/totally committed' response to some 'perceived/claimed' grievance which will lead to the Israeli boomerang' effect. The modelspace and all of the entities are showing, via cross link, that a complex of emotions and inter connections will arise from 'israeli war' in December and January. The effect will be to 'splash back' on Israel and to 'pull away' former supporters. This will include most of the people of the USofA and North America. This last will be due to the 'gutting/disemboweling' of what modelspace is showing as a 'tribe' of children. Yes, there will be video. As an aside, a few hints within modelspace show via cross links to the Press entity that a 'prominent/major' press personality will be 'injured unto/near death' in the attempt to 'bring out {the} news'. Further, the association of 'female' dominates the whole of this area, both within the Press entity, as well as the GlobalPop entity and Populace/USofA. According to modelspace a complex situation arises in which the confluence of events involving the collapse of the Bushista empire, the rapidly degrading Markets entity, escalating 'shortages' of 'key minerals/supplies' globally, and skyrocketing energy prices will all coalesce around the 'israeli invasion' and will produce a 'backlash' which results in the 'reigning in' attempt by ThePowersThatBe on events within the Israeli sphere of influence. This attempt to control the 'harsh/brutal' actions will fail, and that itself will contribute to a 'shifting of alliances', not in Israel's favor. The modelspace is showing a pretty much global condemnation as well as 'restricted movements' being placed on 'israeli passports', 'goods', 'funds', and 'materials'. However, given the Terra entity forecasts, the Israeli ability to make war or influence events is to be curtailed first and most severely by 'weather change' and 'ocean change'. Markets - DOW 1000? The Markets entity is showing that a 'severe contraction' in 'opportunity' is underway by early December. The longer term value sets are explicitly headed by aspects of 'contraction', however note that this could also be interpreted as 'squeeze' or 'shrinkage' or 'reduction'. All of which have the same longer term summation sets within the lexicon and are within the descriptor set group of primary aspects. The idea is that some form of 'global contraction/squeeze' has resulted directly as a result of 'political events' of October/November such that the end of November through to early January is showing as being dominated by 'reduction' and 'set back'. Note that the 'set back' is an aspect/attribute set which is explicitly pointing to a 'set back {to} 1/10th {one tenth}'. Also can be interpreted as a 'set back/return to' a 'previous age'. The 'previous age' aspect has supporting attribute sets going to the idea of 'starting point' and links to timing clues pointing to 'first trimester' of '1973'. A quick examination of history shows that the DOW climbed over the 1000 mark in April of 1973. The modelspace may well be signaling a return to these levels. Even if the interpretation provided here is off on the actual manifestation of a particular number for the DOW index, nonetheless the linguistic sets dominating the Markets entity all through November into mid January are 'reduction {in} force {by} order of magnitude'. Much if not all of the problems besetting the Markets entity from about November 20th onward are extensively cross linked to both Bushista and Terra entities. There is also a huge impact in early December on the Markets entity from the 'conflict' meta data layer. This is an exacerbating influence though as the entity is awash in 'secrets revealed' and 'duality' and 'transformation/distillation' impacts by mid November,

so the situation is loaded with potentiality for change. However, the changes to be seen during this time, are of the 'building emotional tension' type so do not expect that resolution of any emotional tensions will be forthcoming, excepting during the 2/two release periods of December. The Markets entity, as with all of the other entities within modelspace will continue to build emotional tensions through to the Ides of March when it will also participate in the subsequent release period. The real question arising from the modelspace is whether it will matter that the markets are participating in the release period. This query is postulated as a result of the diminution of the total amount of emotional energy showing within the Markets entity as the modelspace is progressed. In other words, the modelspace is showing that after the peaks of emotional tensions within the entity of late Fall, the total amount of energy or 'emotional investment' by humans within the concept of 'financial markets' falls rapidly, and precipitously. It is as though 'something else' comes along which so totally occupies human emotions as to force the 'dumping of emotional investment' as though there is just too much going on and 'something has to go/give/release'. And humans will choose do dump any emotions previously focused on the 'artificial/paper abstract markets'. The modelspace is providing a number of clues for us that so much emotional tension builds from so many different points that humans will have to choose what to worry about, and given the 'gravitas' of the situation, paper abstractions such as 'worthless currencies' will not be retained. Terra - A Winter in Wet Hell According to modelspace, sometime this Summer, the 'unexpected occurs/happens'. We now have processed the longer term value sets which allow us to forecast the aftermath of the 'unexpected happening' and the picture is not good. The data sets show an accretion in values for 'oceans' and 'increase' such that 'oceans eat land/coasts'. This is predicated on the Terra entity showing that 'ice moves'. Our inclination is to forecast that an 'ice mass/glacier shifts into the oceans, raising water levels dramatically'. However, now that that has sunk in {ed note: pun intended}, we must also note that if enough of the populace of the planet became aware of the possibility of a sudden shift of a glacier such that a mass emotional consciousness change about the subject manifested, the results for us would be the same. Did that make sense? In other words, if enough of the planetary population of humans becomes aware of the pending shift of a massive glacier with subsequent rise in ocean levels globally, then they would generate both the emotional content and linguistic changes that we are gathering. So it could be a global meme suddenly shifting to 'stark, real focus', or it could be the actual 'shift of a glacier, alteration of global oceanic body'. In either case, we would get these same level of linguistic value changes. Again, in either case, and for some entities such as Markets, and Bushista, it will not matter whether it is mere 'knowledge/forecast' or 'actual manifestation' as the results will be the same. At least in the context of the linguistic shifts. In previous ALTA series of this year, we had shown that 'un seasonal/extra-seasonal/out-of-season' flooding would occur for England. At first, given the similarity of place names between England, Great Britain, and New England, USofA, it appeared that recent flooding in the New England area could have been what was forecast, erroneously, for England. However, the recent New England flooding is now past, and yet our shorter term and longer term value sets continue to acquire new values for 'extra seasonal flooding' in England with a special focus for the 'south' and London. Also given the newly accrued values for 'oceans rising due to glacial shift', the implication is that the forecast for 'the capital flooded, covered in mud, smelling/odiferous' with specific associations for London and 'the city' {ed note: within Markets entity}, the forecast continues to sort of make sense. Much of the Terra entity associations for 'europe' as a whole are also dominated by 'water' or 'rain' or 'oceans, tides'. Again, much of the language indicates severe 'flooding'. In several instances within the supporting subset we find both 'property destruction' and 'population relocation/refugees'. In both cases, these linguistic sets are showing extremely high values for longer term impacts running out over a year.

The areas referenced within the geographic sets gathered would seem to indicate that very little of Europe is spared with the exception of Spain where we find very few place names appearing. As a curious aside, the Terra entity has some supporting aspect/attributes as well as a rising aspect for the idea that the 'waters divide {the} union'. Further supporting data goes to the image of so much damage from the flooding that the whole concept or 'working potential' of the European Union is placed at risk. We must caution against too literal an interpretation as the data set, within the Terra entity, replete with cross links to Markets, and GlobalPop, may be indicating *either* a condition in which so much damage exists as to financially drain the EU to within risk of collapse, *or* it may be indicating that Brussels itself, including the buildings housing the EU political operation, may flood. Either situation would produce the limited linguistic description that we have of the situation. Without regard to which situation develops, the data set is showing that the 'water winter' of 2006 will produce European 'weather/water/rainwater' refugees who will be a political/humanitarian/fiscal issue for the EU for at least a year, and likely much longer. There are also indications within the aspects that this 'weather refugee' situation is merely the 'first' and 'smallest' of a 'gathering storm' for Europe. While the Terra entity is only 1/one of 10/ten major entities, it is responsible for well over half of the total tension rise shown within the chart above for the November through January period. It also participates within the 2/two large release periods indicated, but providing interpretation for this is difficult as the entity continues to build emotional tensions in spite of the smallish release elements it contributes to the release period. A likely interpretation would go to the idea that the 'weather/ocean' issues of this Winter will be globally affective such that a few areas will have 'emotional tension release' while the majority will continue to gain 'emotional tensions'. The idea, in other words, is that while some of the global population will actually be trying to cope with 'release of emotion due to weather/climate destruction', most of the rest of the populace will be 'dreading same', or 'anticipating destruction, fear'. The 'flooding' and 'ocean changes' will not be felt in the EU alone. Much of the USofA will be experiencing the direct impact of 'oceans rebelling'. A curiosity, we do also find that much of the characterization of the language through this Winter found within the mainstream media will be picking up on the idea of a 'planet/globe in rebellion' or 'climate revolution'. This is a strange aspect to arise here, and we may be interpreting this incorrectly since the descriptor set is also found prominently within the 2/two populace entities, but at the moment it appears that the Terra entity is suggesting that 'climate in revolution/rebellion' will become a Press theme of this 'wet winter' in 'hell'. As an aside we note that that the participation of the Terra entity in the 'restricted movement' and 'encounters with scarcity' rises rapidly in late November with a noticeable increase in references to 'air travel', 'airlines', and 'fuels'. Further, the next largest linguistic structure within this supporting group is dominated by 'disruption/cancellation', and that in turn is supported by 'trans ship/shipping'. All of the 'disruptions' are in turn cross linked internally back to 'water', and 'rainwater' or 'oceans'. Again, this whole area of the data set continues to accrue values for 'global oceans/global oceanic body' and 'disruption/alteration/changes' all through the Winter of 2006/2007 {ed note: northern hemisphere}. Much of the supporting language, for both the Terra, 'eu' sub set, and the 'usofa/america' sub sets, are populated with bespoke references to 'trouble', and 'problems', and 'failure(s)'. These in turn are supported by references to 'climate' and 'weather' and 'oceans, ocean/tides/littoral'. Returning for a moment to the top level of the 'oceans' sub set of the Terra entity, we find a descriptor set which could easily be interpreted as meaning that 'the behavior of the planetary oceans threaten human social/political unions/unity globally'. An idea ripe with complexities, but an idea that is indeed supported by the aspect/attributes going out some considerable time forward in longer term impact values. And in turn, these areas are cross linked back over to the idea of a new class of people who are 'displaced by weather' and that this will become a 'trans/over continental or global' phenomena. Again returning to a previous theme, we need to note that at various different layers within the complicated Terra entity we continue to run into cross links or explicitly held references to 'unexpected occurs/occurred'. These repeated references all link back to the lexicon at a point where we can find the

descriptor set for 'physical changes/alterations' and which contains 'permanent' along with 'transforming' as major supporting sub sets. Again, it is our interpretation that this 'unexpected/un believed event/manifestation' which will happen is related to 'oceans, global' and their impact on 'immediate' weather/climate patterns. However, it is worth noting that we also have some 'space' references within the areas in support of the 'oceans' sub set, and within these 'space' aspect/attribute sets, the dominating aspect is 'sun'. So it may be that we can anticipate a 'solar influence' on 'oceans' this Summer/Fall which will produce the forecast 'alterations' in the oceans such that widespread global impacts are felt in 'floods' of both water and waterdriven refugees. Again, ad nauseam, we need to remind that previous ALTA reports of this year have contained languages suggesting a 'global, coastal event/manifestation' would 'change perceptions' for pretty much all humans. And yet one more time, it could be *either* the actual change of global coastal conditions, or the anticipation of same due to some major, global information distribution about a pending ocean change. Given that 'secrets revealed' meta data layer is near to going vertical within Terra entity as well as Markets entity, and is already vertical within Bushista entity, it would not be unexpected to have the modelspace forecasting the 'global release of climate change information' which would present such a threatening and immediate impact as to generate the levels of linguistic change that we are gathering now. Make sense? Clear as the mud about to cover the streets of London? Diverting to the 'usofa, north america' sub set of the Terra entity, time period of this Winter of our Wet Hell, 2006/2007, we find that even the Terra entity knows that 'denial' is pumping in the veins of 'officialdom' within the 'usofa' and that 'rejection/denial' of the 'facts of change' will be the order of the season. At least on the 'eastern seaboard'. In spite of 'evidence' and losses described by the data set as 'horrific {to} contemplate/calculate' the 'officials' are seen/heard in 'constant refrain' where the chorus is to be "ain't no change here on denial". Further supporting sets as well as cross links over to Bushista are explicitly saying both 'failure' and 'chained to ignorance, willfully'. Hmmm. Does not bode well. However, the whole of the 'usofa' sub set is dominated by 'splits' and 'dualities expressed/manifested'. We have the geographic references for the 'western seacoast' of the 'usofa' with an entirely different linguistic base, as well as diverging value sets both short and longer term impacting.What we have dominating this area are the twin nasties of 'earth shrugged', and 'hurricane'. The interpretation that we have here is for both types of 'earth shrugging' which is to say, earthquakes as well as 'water induced landslides' are showing. Further the 'hurricane' is explicitly described as just that, a west coast striking 'hurricane' with geographic associations indicating an origin in the waters south of Alaska. The 'hurricane' is seen as bringing some 'devastation' to nearly the entire west coast south of Alaska and north of San Francisco, with again, pointers to the creation of 'weather refugees'. Again, this area of the data set is supporting the 'unexpected occurs' set within the 'oceans' sub set. The inference we are taking is that the 'oceans' alterations will cause wide spread, perhaps global, changes in weather/climate over the course of only weeks, and not decades. Conclusion: Part 5 - in dis iwah we as rasta no dese times are dread "Mon, know/no that these be too dread" says the deep voice echoing out of the speakers scattered through out the rough but lush garden. "De seas mos be with dread." The speaker continued on with his message. Dread times are here. Recently, a largish gathering of a particularly focused, self organizing collective (SOC) took place at a compound of houses on the south coast of Jamaica. No point in being too specific as to where. This SOC is large at over 180/one-hundred eighty principle members. With the many family members in attendance, as well as some support from the local population hosting the gathering, something over 400/four-hundred people were present. Among the many other subjects, and more or less the theme, was the idea of the 'arrival of the hour', or in rasta, "in dis iwah come'. The SOC discussions about the 'come de too dread times' were of a practical nature leading to selfselecting-work-parties forming around the central themes of 'predictions' or 'preparations'. The meeting

lasted for 4/four days. At the conclusion shamanistic explorations were discussed and 'rights and roles' were accepted by various members of the SOC. The consensus arising from the meeting included the agreement that the 'iwah' was indeed upon the planet, and with the exception of specific parties, the role of 'soldiers against dread merchants' was to be curtailed. The SOC consensus was that the 'iwah be too dread' to waste time/energy on battles with foes who would also soon be 'under seas' with their own fights for survival. Instead, those with the 'presence in dem selves', are to continue the work of predictions, while the 'soldiers' are to 'gather to demselves all de tribes of mon' for relocations. Further, the women were to 'lead to de new lands' under the guidance of the 'prophets o'de dread', and most importantly to 'shield the tribes of plants and knowledge of de use' for the move. Under the guidance of the collected prophets of dread, a group of 'signs and portents' were chosen, and knowledge of these distributed to all who came to the SOC meeting such that they would know the hour of the move. Time and tide were sung out, and the gathering dispersed. One of the attendees of this meeting is known to me. I first met the individual when we were both employed on a large university contract in Mexico City in the early 1990s. We both survived a nasty 8.1 earthquake which struck the day after our late night arrival. Mutual dependency during very stressful times has a tenancy to form long lasting bonds even in the absence of much contact. In later years I had provided my rasta friend with copies of my reading software for his use with children with reading/learning disabilities on the island. Over the years mutual respect and similar life themes have kept us connected. A very small, and long distance SOC. I was contacted recently with the information about the SOC meeting in Jamaica as a courtesy. The discussion eventually led to the 'duality' being expressed around my rasta friend within his locality and similar experiences here in the PNW of the USofA. One element of the discussion centered around the apparent 'unwillingness' of ThePowersThatBe to 'see it as it can be seen', or in other words, to grasp reality in a whole-istic, or total view form. My friend noted that the SOC took place only 3/three weeks after 'dem boys' or TPTB had one of their meetings, also on Jamaica, with the same subject as its agenda. Of course, there were black people in attendance at TPTB meeting though as servants to 'dem boys', and being good folk, they took what they heard from 'dem boys' back to their friends. Thus our SOC was informed in great detail of the discussions, and conclusions reached at TPTB meeting. Not that my rasta friend and his SOC buddies needed any confirmation of what their eyes have been telling them for some time. But it was very profitable for the SOC to be able to know what the "'dread merchants be think'n and do'n". A further note of discussion was the realization that as the times change, so do humans, and how they are organizing themselves. The report from the SOC is noteworthy in several ways, not the least of which is the confirmation that such meetings are occurring planet wide. Further that even as TPTB are desperately trying to force waves of fascistic control on humanity, there is the naturally arising counter force manifesting in the SOCs. Given the examples of history of humans in times of global stress, my bet is with the self organizing collective rather than the dominator, top-down, centrally controlled structure. And as my friend says "in dis iwah we as rasta no dese times are dread". To which I replied, "in dis iwah of dese times'o dread, we as human need no where our SOCs are". Chant down babylon one more time. Part 6 is anticipated to be posted on July 19th and will include both the immediacy values left to be processed as well as some of the longer range values still in the processing mill at this time.

Copyright 2006 by HalfpastHuman. All rights reserved. Released through subscription only.

No reproduction in whole or in part without prior permission.

ALTA IR - 1206 -Part 5- Adddendum

Part 5:Addendum

Asymmetric Language Trend Analysis Intelligence Report Changes in language precede changes in behavior. By Tenax SE for

Note this report is offered for entertainment value only. Any resemblance between the events portrayed in this report and any developing reality is purely co-incidental and in no manner represents foreknowledge on the part of the authors of this report. Note that this information is derived from humans expressing themselves on the internet. As such, human emotional values and the words used to express them are being sampled and interpreted here, NOT THE FUTURE. Any resemblance between this report and future developments is entirely in the mind of the perceiver and does not exist in reality. The Authors cannot be held liable for accuracy of lack thereof in this report. Authors cannot be held liable for human interpretation of this report nor any action any human takes as a result of this report. Any human foolish enough to alter their behavior based on this entertainment-only analysis demonstrates themselves incapable of rational appreciation of reality, and the authors are explicitly held harmless and blameless for any and all such mental aberrations on the part of the reader. 07.13.2006 Note: Entities are identified by a blue typeface. Aspect words are enclosed in square brackets []. Attribute words/phrases are within parentheses (). Near sentences or concepts composed of both leading aspect and trailing attributes are single quoted '. Interpretive editorial comments are preceded by an asterisk *. Editorial notes are within {} curly braces. Data set distilled from 65.008 million reads. Our expectations are to achieve 70+ million reads within our bandwidth limitations. We expect a 6 part report series from this data set. Meta Data - So this is what a 'release period' feels like; In the light of Zion; What we expect Yes. In response to the many emails, this is indeed what a 'release period' feels like, more news, and change than we can imagine occurring at once. And then it escalates. So be prepared. As noted in the chart(s) below, we ain't seen nothing yet. We note ironically that 'zion' in several languages is 'sun/sunshine/sunlight', but it was not a 'sunny' day here on earth. In the light of Zion marching about in the ME, and after consultation with Igor and other members of the local SOC, i thought to produce this addendum just as a reminder of how the impacts of the day/week/month are fitting in to our forecast picture. First, chart 1 from a previous part of this series:

Chart 1 Please note that the first of the green circles marks the point of the first large drop of emotive tension values within this release period. Also please note that earth is within that time period now, and as we can all see from recent events, things is progressing right along. What we expect: We expect a coming 'context change' to emerge from within the events with occur within the confines of this first large drop within the 'release period'. See the chart below for temporal definition (again, previously posted in earlier part of this series).

Chart 2 As the events begin to start multiplying upon each other over these next 6/six weeks prior to the 'conflict' meta data layer manifesting, we need to remember that the 'conflict' layer is already active within GlobalPop, and will be going vertical within that entity on August 31, 2006 at around 5/five pm UTC. Further, the 'conflict' meta data layer will also involve the Populace/USofA, as well as Bushista and Markets on that day {ed note: thus manifesting as a meta data layer}. We expect, given the events of this first large emotive tension release, that events will slow down a small bit just before the next large drop, and then "flare up" yet again, this time drawing in more participants. Further, we expect that the twin or joined meta data layers of 'shortages' and 'restricted movement' will start manifesting quite visibly as the 'conflict' layer spreads throughout the various entities in its movements toward manifestation as a meta data layer. So, we expect more shortages, and as previously forecast for this period, a steeply rising pressure on the 'dollar, usofa'. As a side note, we expect the coming slide in global markets, the rise in energy prices/availability, and the degradation (rapidly) of the dollar to all contribute to a 'forced stall' of Israel and American/USofA military ambitions within the Middle East. We further expect

these effects to 'hit' the military efforts very rapidly. We note that back in the USofA, the squeeze of 'shortages' and 'restricted movement' will further pressurize the social/political situation within a crumbling infrastructure and a failing currency. Then just to thicken up the stew, the social/political/environmental conditions within Mexico will deteriorate steadily over this period until there is a long wall of 'conflict' along the border which will expand to affect all of the USofA. We expect that the Terra entity will be intruding as a mixing and multiplying agent. As the 'dollar' dies, it will bring huge political storms of a very violent nature to the 'usofa'. Much of the drivers for the violent reaction will be the escalation of 'secrets revealed' within the Markets, and Bushista entities. Then the 'violence suppressed, oppression/slavery revealed' will push the social response wave into 'rebellion' first, which is then 'violently' suppressed by Bushista and then thus into 'revolution'. As noted in previous charts, revolution comes in spurts over this next year. ThePowersThatBe entity is also about to go into its 'conflict' mode, so we expect that the G-8 will be anything but 'great'. Prepare for much harsh language emerging which, if listened for with ears of green, will reveal who is playing behind the screen. As a concluding point, please note that the release bubble of August 6th is also of the same order of magnitude as the bubble we are currently enduring. So, expect the same level of 'news shock'. Not a happy time, and not a 'good' time, but for the aware observer, not a time of 'surprise' either. Sic semper paratus. Vale.

Copyright 2006 by HalfpastHuman. All rights reserved. Released through subscription only. No reproduction in whole or in part without prior permission.

ALTA IR - 1206 -Part 6- July 16, 2006

Part 6:Markets - Precious Metals and Papers - Adorable Meets Putrefaction* Israeli/Zionist War - Demonstrations of Futility/Stupidity* Terra - Dog Days Dog Days* Populace/USofA - Refuseniks Lead Revolution* Conclusion: ALTA Series 1206 - Part 6 - As Times Change, Time Changes*

Asymmetric Language Trend Analysis Intelligence Report Changes in language precede changes in behavior. By Tenax SE for

Note this report is offered for entertainment value only. Any resemblance between the events portrayed in this report and any developing reality is purely co-incidental and in no manner represents foreknowledge on the part of the authors of this report. Note that this information is derived from humans expressing themselves on the internet. As such, human emotional values and the words used to express them are being sampled and interpreted here, NOT THE FUTURE. Any resemblance between this report and future developments is entirely in the mind of the perceiver and does not exist in reality. The Authors cannot be held liable for accuracy of lack thereof in this report. Authors cannot be held liable for human interpretation of this report nor any action any human takes as a result of this report. Any human foolish enough to alter their behavior based on this entertainment-only analysis demonstrates themselves incapable of rational appreciation of reality, and the authors are explicitly held harmless and blameless for any and all such mental aberrations on the part of the reader. 07.16.2006 Note: Entities are identified by a blue typeface. Aspect words are enclosed in square brackets []. Attribute words/phrases are within parentheses (). Near sentences or concepts composed of both leading aspect and trailing attributes are single quoted '. Interpretive editorial comments are preceded by an asterisk *. Editorial notes are within {} curly braces. Data set distilled from 65.008 million reads. Our expectations are to achieve 70+ million reads within our bandwidth limitations. We expect a 6 part report series from this data set. Markets - Precious Metals and Papers - Adorable Meets Putrefaction While we do not usually bother to try to separate out individual shares or sectors from the modelspace, due to our initial {ed note: 1997} focus on things economique', we do have the ability, albeit through extra futzing around and hard work, to dissolve the Markets entity, and populate the whole of the modelspace with nothing but that entity. I have done so due to the many emails around the issue of 'paper gold/silver'. Put another way, we have received a number of questions about whether paper representations/shares of the 'gold mining/producing' companies would hold up better than markets in general, with an especial interest in the time of this coming Fall and Winter, 2006. Will gold/silver shares hold up better than the general market this Fall/Winter? Well, according to a stripped out modelspace with nothing but the dissolved {ed note:actually 'spread apart' for clarity} Markets entity, the answer is yes. Now, let us be clear. The Markets entity is showing a precipitous decline all through Fall and Winter to reach a state that can only be described as 'abysmal' by 2007. True, it is also showing that the 'gold/silver' shares will be under an aspect of 'adorable enchantment', this is against a background of general, and total decline. So take that with a huge lump of salt. This 'adorable enchantment' can also be interpreted as 'eager desire/wooing/seeking', or alternatively 'precious {as} blood'. Now the problem statement. The 'adorable enchantment' runs smack into a 'hard wall' which is headed by the aspect of 'putrefaction/rotting'. According to modelspace, the 'adorable enchantment' will hit the wall of 'dying off {in} environment {of} putrefaction' along with all of the other paper "assets" as the days progress through Fall and Winter of 2006. So, the bad news is that the description being provided by the modelspace is of a flow of all paper assets including currencies toward 'dying off' or 'rotting {in the} mud' by January 2007. But the good news is that

before the general 'die off' comes, and for a period of some brevity, the *paper* representations of gold/silver/PMs will indeed have a 'special place' due to the 'adoration' and 'eager seeking' of the general public. However, be advised that this situation is both temporary in that these shares are also shown as 'hitting the wall of putrefaction', and that this may be illusionary in that over the course of Fall and Winter the whole of the Markets entity is headed downward {ed note: in emotional summation values, not necessarily prices}, so it may be a case of these shares being the favored, but within an environment of overall degradation. We can offer no timing clues for trading on this information. This is due to the dropping trend line of the markets as a whole. It totally distorts the inner trend lines and emotive sums when plotted. In general this view of the Markets entity is suggesting that the entity will track downward, en masse, for all of Fall and Winter, and that several precipitous drops are observed at several stages in the next few months as the various meta data layers go vertical within the entity. This will be particularly true of the 'secrets revealed' layer and the 'duality' layer. Also note that the latter seems to be heavily linked to the 'usofa dollar', and its fate. The modelspace is providing some indications, repeat, *some* indications that any gains to be found within the 'adoration' phase of the gold/silver/PMs shares will turn out to be a 'superficial display' only as the underlying 'paper currencies' will be 'dissolving/stepping into putrefaction' on their own. Did that make sense? Kind of like having the 'best' seat on the bridge of the sinking hell of a view, right up to point of going underwater. Further we need to note that the 'conflict' meta data layer is the elephant about to sit on everything, and this impact cannot be overstated. The domination of all trend lines by 'conflict', from August 31 through to the Ides of March,2007, will have disproportionate impact on the Markets entity. Repeat that last: "disproportionate impact" on the Markets entity.

Israeli/Zionist War - Demonstrations of Futility/Stupidity Noting the "coincidence" of the alignment of actual manifesting circumstances with the emotive tension trend line charts provided in previous parts of this ALTA series, we can suggest that the modelspace is arguing for the current 'israeli war' to maintain its pace until about August 4th. At that point the modelspace is suggesting that Israel will start to feel 'placid satisfaction, sanguinity' about its position relative to the previous few weeks of 'war/aggression'. The GlobalPop entity shows that this state of 'contentment with {current} accomplishment' will last until about August 18/19th as indicated on the chart below.

Chart 1. We expect that the 'violence' of the 'episode {of the} manifestation {of the} unexpected circumstance' will last with 'israel/zionista' as the focus from August 18/19th through August 26/27th. This will be followed

by a 'global breath taking', then once again, 'violence' reappears within 'israel' sub set from about September 1 to the beginning of the upward change of the emotive trend line or about September 6th. Thereafter the 'israel problem' seems to fade to a very distant background in the midst of other manifesting layers of 'conflict'. Until the 'attack' seen coming in December. This propels the 'conflict' meta data layer nearly vertical within the 'israel' section of the GlobalPop entity. This continues until about mid 2008 with many swoops downward, and reversals upward in emotive tensions. The implications are for a multiple years long war of a more or less continuously active nature. We need to note that 'iran/persia' shows up as beginning its 'conflict' meta data layer associations in early 2007, and that these are heavily cross linked to the 'ides of march' debacle within the Bushista entity, as well as the 'aggressions of empire, failure, devastation' track line for the Populace/USofA. Further, the impacts of the 'rejection by all' of the 'usofa dollar' on 'israel' cannot be over stated. The modelspace shows that by 2008, the 'rejection/destruction' of 'currencies' has had its impact on the 'slave states' such that 'rats is food'. Hmmm. Not a good sign. Of course, the Terra entity is going to come along and kick all our butts, so 'conflict' between nation-states is merely a 'passing fad', the real 'conflict' will be individual, and internal to thrive and mature in a world racked with change. Terra - Dog Days Dog Days The Terra entity immediacy values show that August will be very rough on poor old earth. See previous sections of this series. Long term values are still going toward very large 'ocean' originating problems with both 'climate' and 'coasts'. When the Terra entity intrudes on the 'tiny/small' affairs of humans this Summer and into Fall, the real impact will be for a 'rearranging' or 'shuffling' of 'habitable zones'. Much of the impacts shown by the Terra entity as it is progressed along with modelspace have to do with 'coastal evacuations', and are pretty much global in nature. There are no continents including Antarctica which are *not* represented within the 'evacuations from coastal areas, littoral problems emerge, shores die-off'. It is worth restating that all of the longer term values for years have indicated that a point would arrive at which the 'petty fighting' between 'tribes/groups' of humans would be 'suddenly' superceded by the 'struggle within natural chaos'. The value sets are showing that the Summer of 2006 will begin the process of bringing this reality home to us all, though it will take a while to circle the globe. According to the modelspace, all of 'humanity' will be 'looking at the seas' this Summer, and 'still looking' come December. Deck chairs anyone? Populace/USofA - Refuseniks Lead Revolution War, by Edwin Starr Starr had it wrong, but only slightly. There are a few things it is good for, such as reallocating by force, resources in times of shrinking possibilities/potentials. In that same vein, it is good for reallocating/reestablishing control over the masses as extragenic forces intrude upon carefully {ed note: if grandiosely} planned strategies for 'personal/small group' advancement. War is also good for the excitation of waves of negative emotions and karma upon which feed some of the more loathsome of universe's inhabitants. Throughout the remainder of Summer, 2006, the Populace/USofA entity is stating that 'war' as a theme will dominate the manifesting circumstances here in USofA. Not only are the 'restricted movement' and 'encounter with scarcity' meta data layers within this entity leaving the bottom of the 'J' curve before going vertical, but an additional sharp rise is occurring in the 'duality' layer. While the 'restrictions' and 'shortages' are to be expected, the rapid step upward in 'duality' was not seen within the previous immediacy value processing. The nature of the 'duality' and how it may manifest within the social body of the populace of

the USofA is necessarily complex, however the main theme seems to be that a 'rising war body, small, fractured, pressured' will 'impact/strike' the 'solid/material resistance' of a developing 'peace movement'. This latter is also shown as being under 'official pressures', but unlike the pressures exerted on the populace prior to the Bush War against the Iraqi's, there are indications that a 'sell israel' emotional wave will begin floating through the populace which will 'derail/overturn' the 'push to invade, join war' efforts. The 'duality' shown within the Populace/USofA entity for the Summer of 2006 is also the 'floor' upon which the 'revolution' meme will develop over the course of Fall and Winter. There will be significant pressures brought to bear on the 'revolutionary parties/partisans' within the USofA, including several to be 'imprisoned/pained/killed' according to the modelspace. In this small lexical set we see that the entity is indicating via cross links to Bushista that a 'reluctant, weak' Bushista will 'obey orders' and 'inflict pain' on the Populace/USofA in 'retribution' for 'refusals'. This, of course, merely leads to more 'radicalization' and further popular pressures for 'revolution'. The modelspace is replete with cross links from the various entities back over to Populace/USofA entity with the imagery going to a 'failure' of the Bushista policy of 'war and prosperity' or 'bullets and butter'. As the modelspace is progressed over the course of Summer of 2006, it shows that variants on historical patterns will emerge which go to 'frustrate' the 'israeli' and Bushista agenda's. Specifically, while the historical reference for refuseniks goes to the point of Russians of jewish descent, and later migrated to Israeli military refusing to participate with the required atrocities with which to maintain the occupation of Palestine, the term will come to be associated with both 'anti-war' and 'anti-Bush', and 'anti-government' movements within the developing 'revolution' in the Populace/USofA. In a broader sense the lexicon is showing that the 'refusenik' label will be defined as 'sovereign individuals refusing mass controls'. This is only the early parts of the process however. As the modelspace is progressed through the immediacy values for Summer of 2006 and then the short term sums for Fall, and into longer term values which carry us to the next release period of the Ides of March, 2007, a shifting within the Populace/USofA entity emerges. This shift is precipitated by the many forces and wars which are placing pressure on the social order. In fact, the Populace/USofA entity is clearly indicating {ed note: remember we *always* err on the most extreme side of things linguistically} that the 'social fabric rends/tears', and as a result, 'demons {are} released'. Much of the aspect/attribute sets within this area go to the idea of 'over-reaction', or the 'return swing of the pendulum'. The latter is the more fitting interpretation for what is indicated by modelspace in that 'artificial' or 'manipulated' conditions are shown to be 'free/released' from their 'constraints' and as an expected, even predictable, result, the 'pendulum swings too/extreme far'. Some of these 'swinging pendulums' are shown as affecting/impacting 'currencies', 'gold/silver', and 'israel'. In the latter case, there appears to be a potential for a 'pogrom' within the 'officialdom' in which a 'burning {of} hidden/secret israeli agents/citizens' will occur. However, this arises from long term value set and is in the middle of a very complex linguistic construct in which 'revolution' is more or less causing 'chaos'. However, the 'chaos' will actually be coming from the collapse of the currencies as the 'usofa dollar' is 'rejected by all'. Mostly the latter appears to come from the Bushista stance of 'damning/warring' on the 'islamists'. Much of the acceleration of the 'secrets revealed' meta data layer in several entities begins with the 'conflict' layer in late August. The 'secrets revealed' rise within Populace/USofA is coincident to the 'final fall' of Bushista over the course of the rest of this year. Again it is worth noting that the 'plays and conceits' of humans, especially those here in the USofA will be 'interrupted' repeatedly by 'natural processes/events'. This will include very large impacts on the ability of the 'officials' of the 'usofa' to both 'wage war' and 'control dissent'. Both of these are seen as arising temporally close to the 'eruption(s)' of volcanoes, likely underwater given the details set. These 'volcanoes' are either a proximate trigger or merely temporally coincident to the first of the 'revolution' waves against which the Bushista boat will impact. Mixed up in this stew are the impacts on the populace of 'restrictions' and 'shortages' which will have already 'hardened attitudes' against Bushista, then the modelspace is showing that Bushista is 'distracted/impacted/diverted' by 'volcanoes erupting'. During this 'distraction period' the 'shortages' accelerate to the point that 'armies starve'. Much of this linguistic set starts to appear within the Populace/USofA entity in mid August.

Thereafter, due to the 'army starving/depleted', the populace takes a 'hard turn' against the 'officials' and Bushista as a result of 'yet more failure', this time to secure 'against disaster'. Coincident to this lexical set is one which suggests that a Dunkirk-like effort will spontaneously emerge from the Populace/USofA as the individuals attempt to succeed where Bushista fails. Further failures of the administration throughout August and early September set the supports in place for the first of the 'revolutionary' episodes in early October. It *appears* that this is the one which will be 'suppressed' by 'dictatorial/authoritarian' decree. Hmmm. Not a wise move in the most heavily armed populace on the planet. Radicalization, according to the progressed modelspace, follows naturally from 'brutal repression', and the 'blood of the weak' is smelled on the streets. Only a matter of time from that point onward. Also noting within the chart above that the green box of 'context change' is very heavily supported with elements of the 'usofa dollar' and its 'demise'. We have shown now for the last 2/two years that 'rejection by all' of the 'usofa dollar' would lead to '4/four months of hell' in which the 'house burns down', and that would be the inception date for the 'revolution' which will ultimately lead to the kind of carnage in the streets not seen in the USofA since the 1890s. In those times, the PowersThatBe used 'extra country' military 'adventures' to distract the populace from the 'duality' of the times and as a way of draining off energy from the home-grown 'progressive movement'. It worked, and by 1913 the PowersThatBe were in the position of dictating the creation of yet-another-central-bank-attempt and the subsequent birth of the 'federal reserve bank note'. All of these karmic themes are now playing out over the course of these next 2/two cycles of 'emotional tension' building and release {ed note: starting in September, 2006}. However, given the extremes of the times and the nature of the language showing up, it would appear that 'revolution/progression 2006' will be a shockingly graphic manifestation. The imagery for 'bankers lynched' and 'bodies rotting, burned' and laying in the streets comes up with disturbing regularity. This will not be a happy time. As the TPTB are now shown as 'victims' of their own karma, they will not necessarily survive/thrive to re-state history as they did with the 1890's "golden era". Conclusion: ALTA Series 1206 - Part 6 - As Times Change, Time Changes This concludes the ALTA 1206 series. It is unfortunate that manifesting circumstances here on earth are mirroring the dire flow of the fictions presented within these articles. However we note with some satisfaction that while the times are certainly changing, so is the nature of time itself ( see Hendaye Cross). Therefore new outcomes to old, festering problems are anticipated. One of the old festering problems is that of 'war'. Very few of the stupid people in charge of things yet realize, but the nature of time is such that during these last decades/baktuns, no war can be 'won'. What occupying army can withstand the continual assault of a population committed to their removal? The answer is none, by the way. And this has been repeatedly proven by some regimes such as the old soviet super-power who were unashamedly brutal and sadistic in the treatment of their hostage populations. With Bush being at best a 'timid' and 'weak' dictator at both a personal and political level, as well as being a moral coward, his brutalities are no where near enough to even begin to subdue the populace of the countries he wishes to occupy. Looking at it at the "big picture" level it has to be granted that in order to take over and subdue an enemy, the occupier using military tactics must be at least as tough/authoritarian/dictatorial as the regime being replaced. Consider that if this is true, what must the armies of the USofA become in order to 'conquer' and 'occupy' North Korea? It staggers the imagination just to consider the concept in spite of the proving ground being demonstrated daily in Iraq. Brutality begets brutality, revenge begets revenge, and who wins? No one involved with that mind set, that is assured. So the good news? Well, that appears to be that the climate and structure of universe is about to provide a demonstration of 'perspective' to humans here on earth.

This is the end of the ALTA 1206 series. Given the nature of the events we felt to post early even at the expense of the size of the last article in the series. Our apologies, but events of the coming week(s) will rapidly manifest the coming 'alternate reality' of global tensions, and some strange things may be expected to happen to the internet. We thought to get this series finished before any intrusion by events, here on earth. There will be another series, with an expected announcement in a few days. Our principle backer agrees that the emotional flow of these days represents a good opportunity for our data gathering. We will send out emails, and place an new link on the access page when the next series planning is complete. Tough times demand smart humans. Any doubt that tough times are here?

Vale, clif and igor.

War lyrics (War! huh What is it good for?) Edwin Starr War! huh-yeah What is it good for? Absolutely nothing Uh-huh War! huh-yeah What is it good for? Absolutely nothing Say it again y'all War! huh good God What is it good for? Absolutely nothing Listen to me? Ohhh? War! I despise Because it means destruction? Of innocent lives War means tears to thousands of mothers eyes When their sons go to fight and lose their lives I said - War! Huh Good God y'all What is it good for? Absolutely nothing Say it again War! Whoa, Lord ...

What is it good for Absolutely nothing Listen to me? War! It ain't nothing but a heartbreaker War! Friend only to the undertaker War! It's an enemy to all mankind The thought of war blows my mind War has caused unrest in the younger generation Induction then destructionWho wants to die? Ohhh? War Good God y'all What is it good for? Absolutely nothing Say it, Say it, Say it War! Uh-huh Yeah - Huh! What is it good for? Absolutely nothing Listen to me? War! It ain't nothing but a heartbreaker War! It's got one friend, that's the undertaker War has shattered many a young mans dreams Made him disabled bitter and mean Life is much to precious to spend fighting wars these days War can't give life, it can only take it away War! Huh Good God y'all What is it good for? Absolutely nothing Say it again War! Whoa, Lord ... What is it good for Absolutely nothing Listen to me? War! It ain't nothing but a heartbreaker War! Friend only to the undertaker Peace Love and Understanding; tell me, is there no place for them today? They say we must fight to keep our freedom But Lord knows there's got to be a better way War! Huh Good God y'all What is it good for? You tell me Say it, Say it, Say it War! Huh Good God y'all What is it good for? Stand up and shout it. Nothing!

Copyright 2006 by HalfpastHuman. All rights reserved. Released through subscription only. No reproduction in whole or in part without prior permission.

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