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HalfPastHuman: Language: Linguistics: Tools: ALTA

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ALTA IR - 907 - Part 1 - November 22, 2006

Part 1:Introduction - By way of which, a strange little story* Populace/USofA - What is it good for?* GlobalPop & Populace/USofA - Israel - Feminine Ascendant* GlobalPop & Populace/USofA - Iraq Boils* Terra - North America - Balance Lost* Markets - Vomiting Dollars* Solar System - Mars - A Dark and Stormy Night* Asymmetric Language Trend Analysis Intelligence Report Changes in language precede changes in behavior. By Tenax SE for

Note this report is offered for entertainment value only. Any resemblance between the events portrayed in this report and any developing reality is purely co-incidental and in no manner represents foreknowledge on the part of the authors of this report. Note that this information is derived from humans expressing themselves on the internet. As such, human emotional values and the words used to express them are being sampled and interpreted here, NOT THE FUTURE. Any resemblance between this report and future developments is entirely in the mind of the perceiver and does not exist in reality. The Authors cannot be held liable for accuracy of lack thereof in this report. Authors cannot be held liable for human interpretation of this report nor any action any human takes as a result of this report. Any human foolish enough to alter their behavior based on this entertainment-only analysis demonstrates themselves incapable of rational appreciation of reality, and the authors are explicitly held harmless and blameless for any and all such mental aberrations on the part of the reader. 11.22.2006 Note: Entities are identified by a blue typeface. Aspect words are enclosed in square brackets []. Attribute words/phrases are within parentheses (). Near sentences or concepts composed of both leading aspect and trailing attributes are single quoted '. Interpretive editorial comments are preceded by an asterisk *. Editorial notes are within {} curly braces. Our expectations are to achieve 70+ million reads within our bandwidth limitations. We expect a 6 part report series from this data set. Depending on the processing flow there may be a 7th part to the series. This report in the series created from 13.22 million reads.



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Introduction - By way of which, a strange little story Excepting for our dessert preferences, I try to not impose our personalities nor personal histories on these interpretations. Of course, that effort cannot be absolutely successful, and all of the lexicon as well as the modelspace are interpreted through our personal filters. It cannot be otherwise. However, to spare the readers, we rarely intrude with personal stories as a component of these reports. Circumstances and universe compel another direction for this report series. As you are aware, as astute observers, "things ain't right". That is, the whole of the human environmental support system at all levels is breaking down. All of us notice this from the personal observation level to what we encounter in the global mediastream. And it is not just us....actual paid academics {ed note: no offense to subscribers intended} are even catching on, as witnessed by the increase in what Igor refers to as the 'bitchy tone' articles...ex.gratia.sub Sun is the cause... SUV's On Jupiter? Are humans responsible for climate change on the outer reaches of the solar system, or is it the sun? Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet Thursday, November 16, 2006 Kofi Annan today slammed global warming skeptics as being "out of step" and "out of time," but how will altering human activity halt climate change when the evidence clearly indicates that the sun itself and not SUV's is heating up the entire solar system? "The U.N. chief lamented "a frightening lack of leadership" in fashioning next steps to reduce global emissions. "Let us start being more politically courageous," he urged the hundreds of delegates from some 180 member nations of the 1992 U.N. climate treaty," reports Forbes. But how do we square the fact that almost every planet in our solar system is simultaneously undergoing temperature change and volatile weather patterns. Does this not suggest that global warming is a natural cycle as a result of the evolving nature of the sun? Can Al Gore fill me in on this one? - Global Warming on Pluto Puzzles Scientists In what is largely a reversal of an August announcement, astronomers today said Pluto is undergoing global warming in its thin atmosphere even as it moves farther from the Sun on its long, odd-shaped orbit. So noting that things just ain't right, many of us thrash around for what is the rational response to circumstances which *seem* to be increasingly dire; and then we discover this whole 'hunab ku' galactic central/dark rift alignment thing. Of course, stumble on those, and you have likely encountered several



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sets of rather distressing prophecy about these coming 'end of time' scenarios. And it sure does not aid the inner calm that the whole of the solar system is behaving like it really is going to 'hunab ku' all over us. {ed note: 'hunab ka' is the meso american descriptor/phrase for the solar system's galactic central alignment with just tons of emotional sub texts around it, while 'hunab ku' is the meso-american descriptor for the 'personal encounter with hunab ka', make sense? 'ka' is universal, 'ku' or 'jcu' is personal}. So what is a regular human to do? To say that the weather, climate, earth changes are getting serious is to totally miss the whole of the larger picture. It is getting so obvious that even we astute observers {ed note: euphemism for 'whacked out paranoid nutjobs} are finding that our 'head up their butts' relatives and friends are failing in their efforts to maintain their personal state of denial. Then there is the increasingly bizarre behavior of humans, and animals, collectively and individually.. all of which continues to pressure the whole of the global biosphere which we note is cracking under the strain. So what is a rational response to such increasingly extra-normal circumstances? Well, 1/one fellow we know decided that the thing to do was to take lots and lots of drugs. No, not the oblivion kind of drugs, and not the poison that is alcohol, but rather, this acquaintance decided the thing to do was to 'contact the Other through the use of psychedelic drugs' with the intent of basically asking 'say, dude, got any ideas on this ku crap?'. Now this fellow, we'll call him 'Roger', is an Italian from the far north near the Suisse border, who was more or less raised as an ex-pat American as his father was a lifer Italian diplomat who served at NATO bases as a liaison. 'Roger' is in his mid 50/fifties, is multilingual, single, rich, a former software engineer, and a practicing mystic as well as yogi. Your basic strange fellow. So, he fits right in here at HPH. I first met 'Roger' when we both were consultants on a mega computing project for British Airlines/GEC Marconi, and were working out of a large rented hanger south of London. The project, as with all large computing projects involving multiple large corporations with thousands of sub-contractors, eventually ended. We all went our separate ways, but over the years, 'Roger' and I have kept contact as universe infrequently brought us together. The point of 'Roger''s story is that he actually has gone the drug route in his explorations of the hunab ka. It is interesting to note that he is not alone, is part of what is appearing as a very large rising movement, and is successful in his endeavors. 'Roger' has personally taken more than 130/one hundred thirty of these 'ayahusca journeys', and has significantly benefited from them. His approach is to take the drug as the gateway to the Other as do so many, but he does not seek personal 'help me heal' information/resolution, rather has specifically been seeking practical information on specific subjects. It apparently has worked. On the extremely mundane note, 'Roger' is rich *only* since he began these journeys in 1989. He has made in excess of 500/five hundred millions of dollars since he began this quest. While he lives well, most of his net worth is in the form of working capital which is funding a number of businesses and is employing over 40/forty humans globally. And he has learned some things about the coming 'hunab ka crap'. A few things to note; first the usual "don't try this at home" disclaimer. 'Roger' is a serious meditator, practices bramacharya for decades now, has huge damn ki energy, and is an 'ultimate athlete' kind of guy when it comes to meditation. Most humans will not be able to achieve the levels of mental control that 'Roger' has obtained, and apparently can maintain under the influence of the DMT/MODI drugs within



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the ayhuasca elixir. The second item is that Roger is on a quest, he is not just 'out doing drugs'. Third, Roger, as noted above, is not alone. Recent books appearing cover the subject from the personal experimenter's view point all the way to the collective evolution of humans. And several of these books are focused on the HK imminent arrival component. From Graham Handcocks' offering, "Supernatural" at several hundreds of pages tracing the history of human evolution with psychedlics as an evolutionary spark, to Daniel PinchBecks' 2/two works of the personal experience of "Breaking open the head", and now his latest as an exploration of Hunab Ka, '2012: Return of Quetezecotal', the trend line is quite clear and emerging....many people are arriving at the same conclusion that things just do not look like they will 'hold together'. Some are taking radical approaches to seeking knowledge as a method of preparing for the coming times when the 'hold' finally releases. This 'radical approach' may actually turn out to be both supported by universe, as well as designed for just this sort of time. "Destiny" is what Roger calls it. But we need to know that Roger defines destiny as 'the certainty' of universe. What he means is that some actions/plans by humans are clearly supported by universe in that they work, and while not necessarily smoothly or without opposition, from the perspective of the human, the *experience* of working the plan feels good, provides positive feedback at all levels, and produces good-for-all results. We note that Roger dismisses 'good-for-me' results as not being worth the trouble. Roger is a very decent human who actually lives up to the Bucky Fuller ideal of 'service to omni-humanity' as being the 'only path universe actually supports'. Roger is just now heading back to Brazil for another round of 2/two weeks in the 'journey'. He had recently contacted us from his home near Geneve, and a particular item of the conversation struck as meaningful. When he had last gone to "visit the Other", Roger had said he was able to meet what he called 'Principle Players', apparently a step up from his usual 'chat buddies'. The thing is that they had a very clear message for him. It was, as Roger says, to "tell your friends, next year presents". To be absolutely clear, we note that 'presents' is *not* being used as in 'boxes with ribbons', but rather in the form of the word as a declarative variant of 'presentations'. So we could also translate this, in our own idiom, as '2007 is the year of manifestation'. Roger confirms that this is indeed a fair translation of the words. So the "Principle Beings/Players" have told Roger that 2007, is the 'year of presentation'....and he says, "we were discussing hunab ka at the time, and they said that 'ka presents' and 'ku accepts'". Hmmmm. Ok fine. Roger is off to Brazil again, and I have asked for updates from the Other should universe motivate him. Not that, so far, they are offering anything we don't know, but you never can tell with this woo-woo sheeit. Strange days bring strange ways and strange plays. Oh, and of course you can figure that this whole area is tied up with the 'death of religion' meme that we have been getting for some time now. But more on that later. Populace/USofA - What is it good for? Once again the immediacy values set for the Populace/USofA entity is showing the 'leading edge' of yet more 'social order change'. This 'social order change' aspect/attribute set is supported by aspect/attributes going toward the idea of a 'shift in {expressed/manifest} social mood/behavior'. This 'shift' will come about directly as a result of the 'rejection of war/violence'. However, in a tricky bit of irony, the very 'rejection of war' will set off its own thread of 'violence', and 'conflict' and 'tension' within the social structure of the country.



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The modelspace has the Populace/USofA entity showing signs of 'tension' in the form of 'conflict' between loci of 'power'. This is juxtaposed against the appearance of descriptors which indicate a change in the 'core values' of the populace has occurred which is just now 'coalescing/coagulating/solidifying', and which will place much of the 'populace {in} open conflict' with 'officialdom'. This last is augmented with the descriptor 'princes' as well as 'minions'. The interpretation is that the "lame duck" congress, and the other self-identified 'power brokers' are about to try something which will place them in direct conflict with a manifesting wave within the populace and 'violence' and other nasties will happen as a result. The 'tension' within the Populace/USofA is showing as persisting through the rest of Fall, and is still evident in late December as we approach the Winter solstice. This 'tension' is multifaceted, and is participating within the meta data layer of 'conflict' at several levels. Much of the 'tension' is to revolve around 'iraq', and the Bush war of aggression against the Iraqi's, however there is a significant level of support with 'israel' as a geographic reference. Further, while the values for 'internal tensions/conflicts' within the 'populace' are slightly elevated, the summations for 'conflict with authority' has risen to the top of our previously expanded scale. Again, this area participates heavily in 'conflict' meta data layer, but is also participatory in 'duality', as well as 'revolution'. Much of the bespoke aspect/attributes around the word 'tension' are modified by such aspects/attributes as 'inner tension too high', and 'unburden/release {when} tension breaks/cracks'. We also note support for 'violence regretted, contention {to the} end {is/becomes} bitter, sour bile retches {in the} morning'. Within the sub set for 'officialdom' under the bespoke 'tension' the aspects/attributes run toward 'reproaches fly {through the air like} knives', and 'pollution/contamination of the {social} order most extreme, regret, despair, woe'. We also note that this last has many supporting sets with cross links to the Press entity, and which can be translated as 'caught fouling {the} nest, public shame, ridicule'. Given the extensive cross links to the Bushista entity, as well as the sub sets in both entities going to 'religion' and 'religious meme', as well as the further modifiers within the Populace/USofA entity, it appears that the lexical set is suggesting that there will be 'much ballyhoo/claiming' on the part of the Bush administration of 'past accomplishments mattering/counting/pertinent', and that the 'claims of success' will be further 'diminished/reduced' by 'shrill proclamations' which seemingly will include an 'assertion {that they/accomplishments} cannot be taken away'. However, also within the set of cross links over to the Bushista entity are numerous links in which the termination point is all the same 'weakness'. This 'weakness' is shown as fully supported and suggesting that 'shrill cries/claims' will be 'rejected by the populace' and that the Bush regime will be 'resigned to exploration of law'. Hmmm. Wonder if that means what I think it means? GlobalPop & Populace/USofA - Israel - Feminine Ascendant The populace entities, when progressed along with modelspace though the last of the immediacy values and past the Winter solstice, and just into January, 2007, shows that 'dynamic action/flexing' from 'israel' will be 'profoundly altering' to the 'social order/composition/mood' of the populace of the USofA. Further the effects will also 'contaminate/pollute' the 'relations' between 'israel' and the rest of the GlobalPop entity. These aspect/attribute sets start becoming active within the entities in the last week of December, and then hold to a building trend line through to mid-January 2007. During this short period of emotional trend building the rising aspects are 'obstacles', 'aggression', 'frustrations', and 'burdens'. As an aside, there is a very robust lexical structure forming around 'injections' for this same period. These conditions continue to build until about the 18th/eighteenth of January, and then the terms begin to add 'resolve/resolution' as well as 'opposed progress', and 'revolution'. Within these are a number of internal cross links going to 'great woe', as well as 'aggressive' and 'powerful' as modifier to the aspect of



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'response'. If this area were to be interpreted as a description of a 'new war', then the general outline would seemingly run as 'an attack on Israel' near the December solstice provokes a 'dynamic' response in the last week of December in which 'over-reaction disembowels women/children'. This incident appears on teevee globally as does the 'continuing blood letting'. The net result is that 'israel gets shit for being without restraint/conscience', and for the 'wasting of lambs'. Further down within the data set is the 'arrival' of the 'female revolution'. This 'female revolution' will effectively 'turn back/recover/replace' the 'failed impetus/movement'. This 'flowing' is shown within the data set as beginning in the later half of January 2007. It continues with building tension values for 'stubborn success' in the face of 'repeated obstacles' through the Ides of March release period and well past July of 2007. It may even continue to 'transform' all the way into early 2008 if the long range value sets are accurate indicators. The very extensive "ropes" of cross links over to the Populace/USofA also terminate in many lexical sets with a focus on 'feminine energy'. These are, in the main, also participatory within both 'revolution', and 'transformation'. The suggestion from the action of the entities is quite clear that as Israel has a 'conundrum' of a situation develop in late Fall and Winter, the populace of the USofA will have a 'transformational awakening'. GlobalPop & Populace/USofA - Iraq Boils With the recent assassination of the 'west leaning' or 'anti-syrian' politician in Lebanon threatening to act as an 'Archduke Franz Ferdinand" event for WW4 in the middle east, it seems particularly important for us to take this time to examine the data sets around the whole issue of the 'stinking Bush mess/shit' in Iraq. The descriptor sets for the 'iraq war, invasion' are large, diverse, and usually strikingly discoherent. There is a change indicated for this Winter which will apparently settle the 'ambiguities' on a number of fronts. As with all endeavors, the Bush war of aggression in Iraq carries its end within its inception. The old saying of 'begin in certainty, end in doubt' is particularly applicable here as our Populace/USofA entity is indicating that 'iraq instructs' as well as 'transforms'. The data is forecasting that, along with developments in Israel, the 'iraq war' will also 'open new thoughts', and 'transformational paths/roads/opportunities' for the populace of the USofA this Winter. Much of the data set that accrues from the immediacy values is going towards a December 'eruption' within the 'repressed will' of the various 'ethnic factions/tribes' such that the 'land boils {as if} covered {in} ants'. Also note that within the data set for 'ants/multitudes/diminuation_of_details' are supporting sets for 'angry' and 'pissed off', as well as extremely high emotional summations. The progression of the Populace/USofA entity through the modelspace shows that the December 'eruptions' will be reaching a 'peak/crescendo' in the second half of February. The pace of the 'alterations/transformations' of the region is shown as being 'shocking' to the 'central core' of the populace. Probably referring to humans who are not paying attention. Nonetheless the indication is for a 'rapid transformation {in the} middle east social/power structure' which so 'swift' as to 'cause the abandonment of rationality'. It is worth noting that within this set are more references to 'indigestible holidays' with further specifics which suggest a 'reporting' of 'events/manifesting circumstances' which are so 'fast' as to 'leave much behind, undigested'. Further the 'digestion/internalization' of the 'facts/circumstances presenting' are shown to cause 'retching, revulsion'. Please note that this area extends its range of impact out to about January 15th or so of 2007. This



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suggest that the appellation of 'indigestible holidays' actually extends out that far as well. Further we then show that the 'impetus' of the 'circumstances/events' of the last half of January will 'propel/drive/promote' the 'transformation of iraq'. These last 2/two weeks of January are showing as 'tumultuous' in 'events in iraq' as well as 'straining, heart pounding' within the Populace/USofA. The 'strain continues' according to the data set, and 'pulls the social fabric/lies' aside within the USofA just as 'iraq transforms'. Unfortunately Iraq will not be transiting to a peaceful place anytime soon. The data set is indicating a huge escalation in the 'struggle for life/power' within Iraq and that this will continue from the 'terrible excuse' of the end of January, through to the Ides of March. The data is indicating that most of February will be filled with reports of increasing 'violence' and 'bitter, blood feuding'. This major escalation of 'hostilities' of course participates in both the meta data layer of 'conflict' as well as the 'consumption by/of conflict' which is/has shown as overtaking the Bushista entity. It would appear that the 'crescendo' of the situation is to be reached on or about the 'ides of march' emotional tension release period which we forecast as running from March 7th through to about a week past the Summer solstice. So in essence, a complete quarter from equinox to solstice. The indications are from the emotional tonality, and the emotional summations of the Bushista entity compared to the Populace/USofA entity that the 'defeat' of the Bushies comes with the Ides of March. Thereafter, the Bushista entity has a 'fit' of emotional response. This response is 'rage' and 'tearing/destructive abuse' which is 'heaped upon' the 'close advisors', 'cheney', and 'friends'. The whole of the response to events in Iraq brings out aspect/attribute descriptors such as 'extreme anger' within Bushista, just as a simultaneous emotional summation peak in Populace/USofA reaches the 'rebellion' stage. {Ed note: again, 'rebellion' is a shifting of power players while the structure stays intact, not to be confused with 'revolution' which is further out in 2007}. As a last note on the situation, we have the data sets emerging which in the past we have translated as 'context change' or 'unexpected events/circumstances which alter things thereafter'. These are, at the moment, both focused on Bushista, and Populace/USofA to a lesser extent, and are seemingly to appear in very late April, as part of the whole of the release period, and to extend out to end of July. This lexical structure seems to shift into 'transformation' just as the 'context change' completes, and there after a number of the currently operating meta data layers such as 'conflict', and 'duality' shift in importance as new meta data layers are seemingly set to emerge. The data set would seem to be indicating an 'unsound' or 'irrational' or 'otherwise occupied' Bushista will be pretty much the case all through the first half of 2007, and as such we can expect that the 'malaise' seen as the rising aspect of the Populace/USofA entity will get much of its driving momentum from the rapidly deteriorating Bushista. Terra - North America - Balance Lost For the last few ALTA series reports we have had building value sets for 'winds' as a dominating factor for this winter and the current processing has not changed. The immediacy values continue to accrue toward 'balance {of previous} winds lost'. This aspect/attribute is supported by 'risks', and 'missed/lost' as aspects with each in turn supported by 'external winds {at} risk {of} loss {of} balance'. The use of 'balance' is deliberate as it is the leading descriptor in the set, however an alternate interpretation could be 'previous orientations/arrangements'. So the data set could be interpreted as a 'loss of the previous/regular orientation of wind flow causes risk'. At the top of the lexical set for 'winds' within 'north america' is a rising/dominating aspect of 'steadfast/undisturbed'. At this level it is cross linked back internally over to the 'sun, sol' sub set within Terra entity where it terminates in 'beyond/extra'. Within this set are several



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layers going to the idea that 'undisturbed {is} past' and 'changes beyond {our/your} control'. So the 'winds' sub set for 'north america' is probably pointing to the 'sun' area as an indicator that 'undisturbed' or 'regular' is gone/past. The 'winds' sub set is also cross linked back over to Populace/USofA where there are aspect/attributes going to the idea that 'winds force tribes {into} shelters/relocation', and that the 'tempers' of the 'tribes/mobs' will cause 'stupid' and 'hurtful' words which precipitates a *really* bad time. This area is cross linked back to Press entity and so likely will hit the global mediastream at some point during the events. Markets - Vomiting Dollars Within the immediacy values set, and within the sub set for 'commodities, necessary' within the Markets entity, the dominant aspect is 'encounter with scarcity'. Within this sub set is a lexical structure going to the idea of 'lack of employment'. This area is further reinforced with a very high emotional value summation set, as well as supporting aspects such as 'standstill', and 'complete relaxation'. This last is also interpreted as 'no labor' and it is supported with 'no demand/desire'. All of these areas are within a large ropey mass of cross links over to the Populace/USofA primarily, though there are some small numbers of these links also over to the GlobalPop entity. The overall impression given by the accretion of values to the Markets entity is that there is very soon, since these come from immediacy values, going to be a 'crash' in 'employment'. This 'employment crash' has already begun according to the data set, and is about to begin 'manifesting wave action/form'. So very likely this will become visible within the teevee mediastream soon. As a side note, this area is also showing as a very large driver of the coming 'nationist' war in the USofA in which the now unemployed millions of illegals are 'pressured' to leave. Can we say 'ethnic cleansing'? No, but those words will be used by those external to the USofA to describe the coming 'economic displacement/diaspora' which will overtake the country. Further, at much higher level within the Markets entity, and superior to the 'labor loss/displacement' aspect sets, the dominant aspect for the whole of the 'financial markets, usofa' is 'withdrawal'. The supporting sets to this aspect are pointing not toward a 'premature withdrawal', but rather a 'withdrawal too long delayed'. As if to reinforce the point of 'too long delayed', under that aspect/attribute set we find 'bad taste compels' as well as other aspects which point toward a strange, but fitting interpretation of 'too long sucking dollars, bad taste compels retching'. As a further bit of strangeness to this area, there are some cross links over to the Terra entity which terminate in 'earthquake', and the totality of the lexical sets would seem to be suggesting something like a 'withdrawal' perhaps from a 'banking fund/derivative' will coincide with the 'earthquake' which in turn is temporally linked to the beginning of the manifestation of the 'employment crash'. No pointers as to where this particular earthquake is, as the terminating links end at the highest level of the descriptor set and thus have no associated geographic references. Solar System - Mars - A Dark and Stormy Night Occasionally the 'solar system' sub set within the Terra entity will pop off an unexpected lexical set which bears investigating. In the past we have come across strange lexical groups which went to the idea that 'Iapetus is Alive!' or rather, 'iapetus is awakening'. Hmmm. Ok, and now we have a small set, completely and correctly {ed note: referential integrity checks out for the set} populated which is headed by the aspect of 'mars' as in the planet, and which has supporting aspects suggesting the very outlandish idea of a 'rain storm'.



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So we thought to let you know of the possibility for 'inclement weather' should your winter vacation plans include a trip to 'mars'. Though we do note that 'after the rainstorm', the resulting 'lakes/rivers', and such waters will be quite 'clear/clean' and apparently 'wind driven'. There are also some other cautions offered within the data set for those hardy persons taking the 'mars' grand tour this winter in that the modelspace suggests that 'refuge in a cave' will *not* be wise, likely due to the rising waters from the rainstorm. And further that the 'engaging/grasping vines/pipes' should be avoided as they are 'without integrity'. Or as the aspects/attributes would have it, are 'lying about their elevations, {and} sweet air'. Hmmm. Lying pipes...imagine that. My how advanced, down here it is just the politicians that lie. Conclusion: Part 1 907 The data sets for both of the processing sets that we have running at the moment are pointing toward some very rapid 'event shifts' within the next few months. The result of the immediacy values are seemingly being supported by the first of the shorter term value sets to be processed. The whole of this period through to the 7th of March is likely to feel as though the events 'get out of hand' or 'pile up upon each other'. According to Igor, it will be nothing that 'a couple of good pies' cannot handle. However, there are those of us who are not quite so sanguine. Recent solar system circumstances of increased radiation to all planets point to 'pan solar system heating', not merely 'global warming'. This process is clearly on an acceleration curve, and it is also clear that we have reached the point at which the rate of increase itself is increasing. This hints at an exponential process, not merely linear. It would seem that this is not good for humans. It could be that we are wrong, and this is not only good for humanity, but may even be necessary. Of course, frequently what is good for humanity, is not so good for individual humans. Oh well, what the hell, had nothing better to do with the next few years anyway. Part 2 is expected to be posted on Saturday, December 2nd.

Copyright 2006 by HalfpastHuman. All rights reserved. Released through subscription only. No reproduction in whole or in part without prior permission. ALTA IR - 907 - Part 2 - December 2, 2006

Part 2:Populace/USofA - New Deal at The Old Same Place, 5/Five Judges*
Markets - VegeBulls, NuWar Tests* GlobalPop - Israel - Uncle Shlomo Wants You!*



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Bushista - Hitting the Wall, Flashing Headaches, Constitutional Crisis* Terra - Flying Hei* Conclusion: Part 2 - Needs Must as the Devil Drives* Asymmetric Language Trend Analysis Intelligence Report Changes in language precede changes in behavior. By Tenax SE for

Note this report is offered for entertainment value only. Any resemblance between the events portrayed in this report and any developing reality is purely co-incidental and in no manner represents foreknowledge on the part of the authors of this report. Note that this information is derived from humans expressing themselves on the internet. As such, human emotional values and the words used to express them are being sampled and interpreted here, NOT THE FUTURE. Any resemblance between this report and future developments is entirely in the mind of the perceiver and does not exist in reality. The Authors cannot be held liable for accuracy of lack thereof in this report. Authors cannot be held liable for human interpretation of this report nor any action any human takes as a result of this report. Any human foolish enough to alter their behavior based on this entertainment-only analysis demonstrates themselves incapable of rational appreciation of reality, and the authors are explicitly held harmless and blameless for any and all such mental aberrations on the part of the reader. 12.02.2006 Note: Entities are identified by a blue typeface. Aspect words are enclosed in square brackets []. Attribute words/phrases are within parentheses (). Near sentences or concepts composed of both leading aspect and trailing attributes are single quoted '. Interpretive editorial comments are preceded by an asterisk *. Editorial notes are within {} curly braces. Our expectations are to achieve 70+ million reads within our bandwidth limitations. We expect a 6 part report series from this data set. Depending on the processing flow there may be a 7th part to the series. This report in the series created from 20.876 million reads.

Populace/USofA - New Deal at The Old Same Place, 5/Five Judges Now that the elections have seemingly impressed the "voice of the people" within a dual-opoly by selecting the "other" of the 2/two ruling parties, the global mediastream is thrashing about trying to fasten onto the next collective meme to pump. Within the USofA the mediastream is fortunate to have the "holidays" and political chatter/speculation to fill the void. Though there are hints that the 'economy' is starting to 'percolate' into consciousness as a 'building emotional tension value', the main impact of that is still off by a week or so. It is worth noting that *all* values associated with the economy are *always* building emotional values with the single exception of any word fitting within the context of a 'crash'. So basically even good economic news is 'worrisome' in that it is building emotional tension



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because *all* good economic news is known to be only a single announcement away from bad economic news. We are still within the 'building emotional tension' period as was noted in this chart from previous ALTA series.

Chart 1: Note the general rise in emotional tension values continues through to the Ides of March when the peak is reached simultaneously with the Bushista entity becoming 'dominated by conflict', and this is no ordinary 'conflict', but rather is the meta data layer 'conflict' which will express itself in actions both internal to the entity, and externally within circumstances presented in which 'conflict' will be the 'theme, meme, and point'.



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We need to compare the chart above with the next chart which shows the same emotional tension building period with a differing layer of granularity.

Chart 2: The chart above, also from a previous ALTA series shows the period we enter tomorrow. Note that the 'economic' issues continue to contribute to the increasing emotional tension as we move forward. The circle on the left margin is indicating that we are bringing forward some of the 'economic' focuses emotional values with the trend line. In the chart below, also from ALTA 307/607, we can see the 'emotive tension' jumps and the identified causative value themes, in this case 'economic', and in particular, 'dollar rot' as indicted by the blue boxed element.



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Chart 3: Our building shorter term value set is still continuing to paint a picture of 'dollar crescendo', or alternatively, 'last act for the buck'. The aspect/attribute sets are headed by the aspect/attribute set of 'completion {of the} effort/plan'. This is supported by aspects/attributes going to 'fulfillment/crescendo finishes/completes {the} effort'. Further we find that the supporting aspect sets contain repeated references to body parts such as 'thin skin {of/on} feet', and 'shin bruises easily'. These and other references are likely hinting at the general theme of the period which could be interpreted as 'walk gently' or 'proceed cautiously'. Noting that this is related to the 'usofa dollar' specifically, but from there very daunting numbers of cross links spread out to such terminating areas as markets:goods, and markets:housing, as well as the several large lexical areas that we have for an 'employment crash'. All of these are seemingly indicating that, as shown in the supporting aspect/attributes, the 'dollar {has reached the} crescendo of effort, and results force re-evaluation {of} values/life in the USofA'. Further reinforcement to this idea is repeated until we get the visual impression of a virtual pyramid of 'woe' building up within the Populace/USofA entity. At the bottom of the pyramid are the hundreds of



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thousands of 'housing' and 'debt' references which are being modified as the structure builds. Many cross links travel from the 'usofa dollar' section to the GlobalPop entity. In total, perhaps 1/one of every 3/three aspects within the 'usofa dollar' sub set is cross linked out of the Populace/USofA entity to the GlobalPop entity. Of the remaining, about the same ratio of the reduced set is cross linked out to Markets entity. The effect is of an explosion of cross links from a central point. Not unlike the aftermath of a tipping point as has been seen within our modelspace, this area is seemingly describing a 'termination' of the 'dollar as global reserve currency' due to 'emotional alienation' of the global populace with the 'officialdom' of the 'dollar/usofa'. This is continuing support for the 'vomiting of dollars' discussed in part 1 of this report. The idea of 'vomiting dollars' has become modified toward a 'wave' of 'dollar liquidation' which will apparently soon become 'visible' to the global mediastream, judging by the number of multiple cross links to the Press entity. Further the impacts of the 'dollar flight' are directly tied to the 'rapidity' of the 'employment crash' which is to 'shock blood from faces'. This last is repeated linked over to the Press entity and likely is suggesting that visuals of either media presenters or politicians will be seen in which the 'pale passes, knees weak, flesh sags', and as is noted further down the lexical structure, the 'blood chills, fainting spells'. About the time that USofA politicians start 'loosing {control of} their bowels' on teevee, the progression of the Populace/USofA entity through advancing modelspace is indicating that '5/five nations bind', or rather that a 'coalition of 5/five nations bind themselves', and that this 'group of 5/five' will 'advance judgment publically' on the 'dollar'. The lexical sets would seem to be indicating that '5/five' of the 'stakeholder' nations will get together to 'proclaim' a solution to the 'dying dollar'. This is intended to both 'present a united front' to the 'blind aggressors', as well as to 'provide reassurance' during this trouble time. The idea coming across is the 'swift' and 'sudden' evaporation of 'usofa' power both economic, and military. This causes the 'usofa dollar' to be 'vomited up' from the global reserve system {ed note: underway as you read this}, and this in turn will set off panic pretty much globally. Then 5/five nations get together to issue 'calming words' and a 'way forward' from the 'dollar abyss'. Also, according to the data set cross links to Bushista, this will not sit well, and will elicit 'bellicose farts'. These will seemingly be ignored by the new power structure of the 'gang of 5/five'. The whole of the 'economic' area within the Populace/USofA is running negative, that is the summation of all the emotional sums for impact as well as durational values is negative and has moved the entity below the neutral line. The data sets include language for our 'employment collapse/crash' which will rise from the 'dying dollar'. The language suggests that, again as noted in previous ALTA reports, that 'migrations of millions' will result. Much of the aspect/attribute set is pointing toward the 'shifting' of the 'illegals'' as a direct, and early result of the continuing 'dollar disease'. This is showing as 'increasing pressures' on Mexico as their is to be some level of 'repatriation'. This latter seems to be voluntary rather than deportations, however the whole of the area is based in bespoke 'fear' language structures so it is likely a response to 'fear of persecution' or 'fear of starvation'. The temporal clues that we have suggest that the Winter solstice is a key marker. Note in the charts above how a release period is associated with the solstice this year, and that the small release continues to the christmas holiday here in the usofa. At that point, once again, a very large jump up in emotional values is shown. The majority of the rapid rise in the chart is due to 'economic' issues. There will be media coverage given the number of cross links which appear at that time. As the modelspace is moved through the Winter the 'dollar' emotive sums go from bad to worse. The totality of the summations continue through January and February. The rising aspect for the 'dollar, usofa, global reserve' sub set is 'underwater' or 'sinking' throughout the whole of this time within the modelspace. This continues such that the 'dollar disease' become yet-another-burden-on-incompetentadministration as we move into March and close in on the release period beginning March 7th.



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Markets - VegeBulls, NuWar Tests The Markets entity, when progressed past the Winter solstice, shows that a 'coagulation of currency/paper' will take place in which 'wealth/treasure' will 'seek refuge' in other areas than 'dollars'. This shift, currently underway, from the 'usofa dollar' as both the 'global reserve currency' *and* the world's "petrodollar", will cause chaos. This 'chaotic response state' which is showing within our modelspace has quite a few interesting wrinkles hidden in the action of the entities as they progress through the Winter and toward both the Spring equinox, and our Ides of March release period. A key element is the shift, *again note it is underway now* toward 'eatables' and other forms of 'wealth' other than paper. Within the 'paper currencies' as a whole group, including the hints shown by the cross links to the GlobalPop, the 'dollar' will degrade, but there will be a few currencies which will come to occupy important regional or commodities niches. These will include the Russian Ruble, the Hindoo Rupee, the Brazilian Real and the Argentine Peso. On the whole though, the data is showing that all currency positions are both 'dangerous/risky_extreme', and 'churning/volatile' as the global populace thrashes through the 'dollar disease' which may well be turning out to be 'fatal cold'. As the 'currencies fail', the progression of modelspace shows a 'raging/frothing/thrashing' market developing globally in 'eating grains' such as is specifically mentioned, 'wheat, corn, rye, oats, and soy'. These commodities, among many others are showing as 'maintaining steps/stage/pace' while the 'stair steps increase {in} height'. So the overall impression is of a 'raging bull market in grains'. There will be other markets which are resource based which will also boom during these next few years as the various aspects of life here on earth start to shake themselves into the 'new universal perspective'. These commodities groups are described by the data sets as 'flesh affecting' such as 'foods, medicines, and clothing/shelter'. Unlike the mediastream defined context of 'housing', the lexical set for the 'clothing/shelter' is specifically pointing at 'necessities' rather than 'sale-able' sorts of things. For further clarity, this sub set includes things such as 'heating oil', and 'insulation', and 'shade cloth' among others pointing at actual 'required {by} elements/weather/circumstances' kinds of goods. NOT remodel or "flip" sorts of commodities. Fundamental shifts in 'human perspective/view' of the universe are indicated in many of the separate areas of the modelspace, and the Markets entity is no exception. At this point it appears that a 'shift' toward 'respect' or 'revaluation' of the 'basics/necessities of life' will take place over these next few years as the various 'abstractions/removals/separations' of 'paper debt' are 'resolved/completed'. The modelspace is suggesting that the 'shift away from paper' while underway at this time, is a multiyear and rather nasty process. We also note that the Markets entity is suggesting that December 4th and 5th, will 'test/try {the} soul'. This will arise from events coming out on December 3rd. These events, at multiple levels, are likely to be 'echoed' again in very late December, post solstice, and maintain throughout the rest of Winter. As this is an emotional tension building period, the suggestion from the data set is that 'economic' problems will be 'created/manifest' as a result of the 'aggressive' stressors of December 3rd through the 6th. Further, there are suggestions that the problems to 'emerge/manifest' on December 3rd will be directly 'oil' impacting. These also show cross links from Markets entity to both 'iraq' and 'Afghanistan'. These cross links are very extensive and are negative relative to the resulting position of the 'oil/energy' lexical set. While there are numerous 'war' lexical sets, the interesting aspect/attribute set which is rising in emotional sums goes to the idea of a 'new war' which is different, but will both 'engage' some of the same players, and will 'redefine' the 'reality of war' here on earth. As a side note, expect the Markets entity, sub set 'usofa markets' to 'react badly' to the December news out of Bush's War of Aggression in Iraq.



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GlobalPop - Israel - Uncle Shlomo Wants You! The GlobalPop entity, when the modelspace is progressed through the most recently processed shorter term values shows that 'israel' will have 2/two 'opportunities for maturity' arise within the month of December. The first of these 'opportunities' will come just after this report is posted, on or about December 3rd, while the second is a longer period which seems to extend from about December 19th out to the middle of January. Both of the lexical sets which accrue during this time which go to 'tension/conflict' are also participatory within 'duality' and 'encounters with scarcity' as meta data layers. Both of these periods will represent possible 'echo creation points' for the 'israeli' sub set of the GlobalPop entity. The implication is from the data set that if the 'populace' does not 'get it right/correct' on December 3rd/4th, then the 'consequences' are showing as being 'magnified' by the possibilities of December 19th through to January 18th. Again, in both cases the data set is very clear in saying that 'what presents {as} chaos' will really be a 'deep/fundamental opportunity/challenge' for the 'israeli people'. Specifically, the 'israeli officialdom' is not being considered here within the GlobalPop entity which has these lexical structure. Also this area is supporting the manifestation of the 'rebellion' meme within the GlobalPop entity and is participatory within the meta data layers pointing to 'revolution'. If we can project an interpretation on some smallish sized lexical sets, then the impression is that a 'challenge' will be manifest on December 3rd which the 'israeli government' will respond to, and, in the 'eyes of people' will 'fail, repeated, bloodily'. This then sets up the 'israeli people' to 'respond in sorrow, disappointments, crushing burdens, crying' on December 19th through mid January. The implication also is that if the 'winter sorrows' do not 'change the blood', then the coming March release period which is running way out into September of 2007 will provide a 'huge echo' of the 'challenges/opportunities' of Winter. Probably this is not good as never in my life has the Israeli government ever met a challenge *except* by responding in violence. What these "power players" fail to realize is that time itself is undergoing a change in its very nature, and that 'old school' just don't work any more. Not in new time. The whole of these 'tests' which are showing in the GlobalPop entity are cross linked internally to the 'death of religion' aspect/attribute sets. Further note that the 'death' is specifically focused on the '3/three faith-based/monotheistic religions'. There are cross links both internally and externally which paint a very interesting picture. While the core of the 'death of religion' aspect/attribute set is still growing, and thus will undoubtedly be discussed again, especially in light of its extraordinarily high emotive tension summations, the 'israeli' connection, and the developing clarity make a diversion into this area worthwhile. The core issue appears to be a 'divide' which is 'duality' expressing itself between those 'peoples/humans/collectives/tribes/nations' which are 'shamanic' versus 'brahmaic'. This becomes clear as we watch the various sub sets of the populace entities line themselves up within modelspace as it is loaded and then progressed. The 'brahmaic' based religions/societies/cultures have descriptors going to 'aggressive', and 'constant war/tension/conflict'. These 'brahmaic' based religions are typified by having at their core, a 'duality' or 'separation from' the 'personal experience' of reality 'through interpretation/ritual/channels'. This is versus the 'shamanic' cultures which have at their core the 'rasta far'ai' or 'direct experience {of the} divine/reality'. So fundamentally those religions which are 'priest/rabbi/minister/brahman' based with a structure which separates the 'world' into 'priest/rabbi/brahman' and 'populace' are doomed. In fact, according to our data set, their demise appears to have begun about '10/ten' years ago. This is now apparently reaching an 'acceleration phase/quickening' of the meme as is indicated by our 'tests' section discussed above. What the data is showing, as well as the reality presented by the global media, is that those cultures which area shamanic based are *not* at war with anyone, while those which are 'priest/rabbi/brahman' based are at war with everyone, and pretty much constantly.



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Well, within the core of the GlobalPop entity, and within the sub set for the 'israeli' populace, we are seeing that these December 'tests' will be 'fundamental' in determining whether the 'people become sovereign' or not. The data set is suggesting that the 'government goes batshit' on the first of these tests, but that there is some level of 'interference/consternation/emotional leverage' which comes 'up from the populace' during the second December test. Will the populace succeed in derailing the 'brahmanic' state intentions? Bushista - Hitting the Wall, Flashing Headaches, Constitutional Crisis The Bushista entity is down, way down below the neutral line. Along with the rest of the Populace/USofA, as indicated by cross links, the Bushista entity is going to be 'dragged along/transiting' this December as Terra entity continues to show that 'terra {will} intrude, painfully, on thinking'. There is a supporting set for this area which has an aspect of 'headaches', and a supporting attribute set which includes 'blinding', 'confusing', and 'electric'. Hmm, so an 'electric blinding confusing headache' will intrude on 'everyone/omni-humanity' over the course of December. The Bushista entity, in spite of the 'denial-of-the-face' about 'changing climate/environment', is showing that the 'twin intrusions' of Terra over the course of Winter 'burn out lies', and 'blind eyes {in} flashes {of} reality'. The 'wall' of 'reality/terra intruding' is just one of many supporting sub sets for 'wall' within Bushista. Viewed from the perspective of progressing modelspace, the Bushista entity is seemingly running into 'walls of rejection/obstruction' at every turn. Allowing a moment of weakness in considering a 'rational universe', it is as though the Winter of 2006/2007 will be 'presenting' the Bushies with 'every opportunity/challenge' for growth. Hmmm, want to bet they screw the whole of the opportunities? The 'twin challenges' of 'flashing headaches' this December (first is prior to solstice) and later in Winter will be but a small part of the 'degradation' of 'empire'. Instant karma has come back to bite the Bushies, and those who supported them. The Bushista entity is showing that the 'bites come through the thigh, ankle, and spleen'. Again, noting that 'body part references within entities are usually followed by manifesting nastiness within universe. The short term value set continues to accrue lexical support for 'constitutional crisis', and the inference from the visual impression of the Bushista entity moving along with modelspace is that the 'crisis' is continuing, and is 'percolating/heating/near boiling' in the background. The modelspace shows in both the immediacy values, as well as the front/leading edge of the shorter term value set that this next week will 'expose/manifest' some of the 'containers' being 'created/crafted/constructed' which are somehow 'central action/behavior' or 'key elements' to the 'unfolding' of the many layers of this 'constitutional crisis'. The lexical sets are very clear within the shorter term value sets that the 'constitutional crisis' is still manifesting, and is gaining some considerable strength over this processing period. Further the shorter term values are pointing to 'anger' and 'rage, hardly/barely contained/restrained' to appear this coming week within the small release period shown in the charts above. As well as a 'flare up/eruption' of bespoke 'fear' induced 'rage', we also note that the data sets are showing the longer term emotional values as at a peak of emotional summations, with the implication being that the 'constitutional crisis' will not only consume some considerable amount of national emotional energy in 2007, but will also have very long lasting results. The temporal clues on the 'crisis of constitutionality' will have a '10/ten year' duration *at the higher values*. As also shown in the charts above, and as has been reported within the last ALTA series, a key temporal marker will be/is the 'rice dissed' theme. This thematic element within the Bushista entity is no small matter. Rather it has nearly as much emotive summations now as does the slowly manifesting constitutional crises meme. The interpretation here is for some very large scale 'dissing' to occur relative



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to C. Rice *likely* leading to calls for resignation, and or an 'actual/manifest' resignation. The data set is indicating through the vertical track of the meta data layer of 'secrets revealed' that 'rice is/will be flamed out' and that 'rice leaves cold, icy', and further that 'glares/stares undo/remove protection/shielding'. This last is showing as a primary motivator for the 'dissing' and 'degradation' of C. Rice over the month of December. This is also showing as 'creating echoes' within the Bushista entity which further boost the rapid rise of the meta data layers of 'secrets revealed' as well as 'duality' within the entity. We also now have some further clarification on the meta data layer of 'duality' as it expresses itself within the Bushista entity. The idea coming across is for 'all sections/levels/areas {of} public life {of Bush/et al}' to be 'shown dual' over December, and then with a vengeance, in Winter. The 'shown dual' lexical set contains within its supporting layers the language for 'duplicity', 'deceit', 'lies', and '2/two faced'. Hmmm. Probably not good for stability here in the USofA. No wonder the Markets and Populace/USofA are painting such a negative picture of the Winter of 2006/2007. It will not be soon forgotten.

Terra - Flying Hei The title for this Terra entity section of the interpretation is presented as a pun's pun. The Health Effects Institute (HEI) is having its next conference in early April just as the Terra entity is predicting that 'flying high' will bring about 'instances' or 'occurrences' of the 'minor sun disease'. This would appear to be references to some form of CME which may cause 'health issues' for those flying during the 'last {of} winter, days {near} equinox'. This is referring to the Spring equinox of 2007, and is seemingly pointing toward 'health issues' from the 'facts/state of flying'. This is a curious bit of lexical structure which is pointing to a 'long term' issue, even within the shorter term value set. A further reinforcing the idea that the 'dangers/risks' of 'flying' will take a huge 'emotional' jump up in 'tension' values. These are showing as being several orders of magnitude larger than current levels. The implication is for some form of 'air health disaster' which will 'motivate' the bespoke 'fears of flying' into whole new territories as a result. This area is pointing to the involvement of the 'sun' and 'conditions {that} refuse to dissipate'. The data further shows that the impact is 'multiple years' in length. There are also indications for all sorts of 'legal actions' to come from this, but in the overall emotional tension balance, the 'lawsuit factor' is small. Rather the majority of the 'shock' coming to the emotional context of 'flying' will directly relate to 'trapped' and 'burnt'. Hmm. More support to the 'health issues' are provided within the lexical structures by internal cross links and directly held values going to the idea that the 'health {of} populace' will be directly impacted by 'risks' of the 'sun'. This is apparently operative at several levels as there are indications of 'medicines' which will no longer be able to be 'flown' as 'conditions do not favor' or 'increased risk of radiation'. This 'encounter with scarcity, medicine' sub set is both participatory within the meta data layer of 'encounter with scarcity', as well as being the local hub for several layers of supporting sets each of which go to some further wrinkle to the 'sun misbehaving'. Some include the previously mentioned 'lack of medicines' since they now have to be 'walked' rather than flown. Others go directly to 'plant species destruction' due to 'increased solar radiations'. Again, even our shorter term values are pointing toward 'long reach' for the problems resulting. Conclusion: Part 2 - Needs Must as the Devil Drives As we have noted in previous ALTA reports, 'needs must as the devil drives', or as Igor says around here...'damn data is kicking my butt'. The usual exasperation's come from data sets which we can tell will alter the charts from the last series {ed note: used for our jumping off points}. This causes Igor some extra levels of work as our protocol is to reprocess any such data through our referential integrity contexts for validation. Usually we find that this is sufficient to expose either a bug in processing, or bad



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data sets, or, sometimes, actual trend line changes. It has *always* been worth the extra time/effort to run our validation correction programs when we get indications of a 'shift' in existing trend lines. This is also the case with this part of the 907 series. Igor has rerun the data processing and we can now state that our trend lines for the coming year have changed over the series of charts from the 607 series. In all cases of noted changes we are finding that existing trend lines have been increased or magnified by the new data. So, whew! no new interpretation of previously examined data, rather we just need to note that the lexicon is pointing to reinforced trend lines, rather than new directions. Consider the chart below.

Chart 4:



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In contrast to Chart 2 above, the latest plotting of the data sets presented in Chart 4 are showing that we are *not* going to 'flatten' out the end of the Ides of March release period in early June. Rather a new, and ominous looking drop into a precipice and then a choppy movement continues down until our September 19th reversal back to a building emotional tension period. This new data is also showing a deepening and "roughened" chart trend line for April of 2007.

Chart 5: The responsiveness of our processing to new data sets, as well as new magnifications of existing data trends provides us with a sensitivity to change which occasionally is very prescient. In examining the chart below, compare this the rising emotional tension line on the far right of Chart 1 above. It is easy to see that the steepness of the rise has increased, as well as the 'transition times' having shrunk. Also note the very large level of rise. These are some serious emotional tensions. We also need to note that the very bottom of the Ides of March release period, located around September 19th, is where 'conflict' as a meta data layer goes vertical in most entities.



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Chart 6: As to our '9.5' pan Pacific earthquake, we do *not* have any cessation of the building values for that event, and also continue to have no release which *we suspect* is large enough in emotional tensions shed to reflect an actual earthquake *until* we get to late November and early December 2007. It is likely therefore, that our immediacy data sets actually were picking up the 'earthquake hysteria' which hit the Hawaiian Islands earlier in the month. It is true that the data sets are continuing to accrue for a pan-Pacific earthquake event, along with the data sets for both the 'sun disease' and the idea of a 'global coastal occurrence'. All of these are intricately bound up together, difficult to separate out, and all are continuing to gain both shorter term and longer term values which also tends to point to a 'next year' occurrence. In conclusion to Part 2, please note these last 3/three charts as they are really reflecting the idea of 2007 as the 'year of manifestation' given our large emotional swings.



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I am taking the liberty of posting Part 2 early as we have some rather large emotional release drops indicated for December 3. The intensity drops indicate that the December 3rd through December 10th period is likely to be very volatile and upsetting. We try to get as much lead time as we can on such release periods and the few extra days from posting early may assist in preparations. We suspect that Part 3 of the series will be posted on December 9 or 10. We have a very large data bulge to work through this next week so very likely, unless compelled by the data processing, we will *not* post early.

Copyright 2006 by HalfpastHuman. All rights reserved. Released through subscription only. No reproduction in whole or in part without prior permission. ALTA IR - 907 - Part 3 - December 8, 2006

Part 3:Hunab Ku - Discussion With a Physicist* TBTP - Splendid Spectacle* Populace/USofA - Mighty Mo PO'd, Sharp Nails Deep Gouges* Conclusion: ALTA 907 - Part 3 - Floods and Fights* Asymmetric Language Trend Analysis Intelligence Report Changes in language precede changes in behavior. By Tenax SE for

Note this report is offered for entertainment value only. Any resemblance between the events portrayed in this report and any developing reality is purely co-incidental and in no manner represents foreknowledge on the part of the authors of this report. Note that this information is derived from humans expressing themselves on the internet. As such, human emotional values and the words used to express them are being sampled and interpreted here, NOT THE FUTURE. Any resemblance between this report and future developments is entirely in the mind of the perceiver and does not exist in reality. The Authors cannot be held liable for accuracy of lack thereof in this report. Authors cannot be held liable for human interpretation of this report nor any action any human takes as a result of this report. Any human foolish enough to alter their behavior based on this entertainment-only analysis demonstrates themselves incapable of rational appreciation of reality, and the authors are explicitly held harmless and blameless for any and all such mental aberrations on the part of the reader. 12.08.2006 Note: Entities are identified by a blue typeface. Aspect words are enclosed in square brackets [].



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Attribute words/phrases are within parentheses (). Near sentences or concepts composed of both leading aspect and trailing attributes are single quoted '. Interpretive editorial comments are preceded by an asterisk *. Editorial notes are within {} curly braces. Our expectations are to achieve 70+ million reads within our bandwidth limitations. We expect a 6 part report series from this data set. Depending on the processing flow there may be a 7th part to the series. This report in the series created from 32.122 million reads. Hunab Ku - Discussion With a Physicist A slight departure from the usual format as I need to relay the contents of a recent conversation with a physicist. The conversation took place as a result of the connections provided by the backer who pays for our bandwidth costs. It had been arranged that I would speak with the physicist through a translator, however his english was more than adequate, and so we were able to converse without the filtering of translation as an issue. "Doctor P.", our mutual backer assured me, "is as fascinated with the whole HK thing as we are. And as a former physics department head at SSS University in SSS city, he is well aware of both the national and global governmental attitudes." So I spoke with Dr. P. at some length about many of the HK ramifications. The conclusions of our conversation, and such pearls of wisdom as I was able to obtain are presented here. We start with 'revision' as they say in British schools, in that we will briefly examine some salient facts. First up, magnetism. In the graphic below, note how the compass alignment changes as they are moved through the field lines radiating out from the magnet. Also note that there is a 'boundary layer' within the magnet which is represented by the meeting of the red and blue halves. At that point, the magnetic field is theoretically neutral for a small space before flipping the other way from direction you started. Also note that this boundary layer extends out from the middle of the magnet and widens with distance.

Graphic 1:



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The annotated graphic below highlights these areas.

Graphic 2: Note in the image above how the boundary layer in the magnetic field "coincidently" comes out around the 'tropics' area of the magnetic field. In other words, the extent of the transitional boundary layer within the magnetic field, if it were around earth, would be at the limits of the tropics of Cancer, and Capricorn. Also note that the 'tropics' exist within the earth's complex system and mark the northern and southern most points of the planet at which the sun can be perceived as directly overhead at noon. The tropic of Cancer marks the northern most latitude, and this corresponds to the June solstice, while the tropic of Capricorn links to the December solstice. As such they mark the 'turning of the seasons'.



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Graphic 3: While the image above does not show the boundary layer of the magnetic field it does provide an indication of the relative 'tilt' of the internal magnetic field within the planet. Now please bear in mind that the "science" which proclaims a giant spinning ball of molten iron+nickel within our planet is *NOT* accurate. Actually the heat of any iron based compound argues against such as no molten metals *can* hold a magnetic field. The most recent, plausible, theories postulate a spinning core of plasma (energy in the process of converting to matter) which as we all remember from Quantum Physics 101 *can* and *will* produce a magnetic field of some considerable strength all out of proportion to the size of the plasma center. This also allows a mechanism for the flip of the magnetic pole which *does* not exist in the postulate of a spinning iron ball at the center of the earth. In that case some considerable mass would have to stop spinning, and then change to spinning in another direction in order to be a cause of a magnetic pole flip. But, as was recently demonstrated by the sun in 2000, the magnetic poles of plasma based fields can alter in remarkable ways just on energy level variations. No movement required. Dr. P had stated that in his opinion, and seemingly gaining some wide levels of support within the cognoscenti of the space sciences, the 'alignment' with the galactic central is *NOT* causing problems here on earth. Rather it is the result of a 'spinning system' moving through a 'null point' within a strong 'field effect'. According to Dr. P. the pan solar system instabilities are directly tied to the movement, since 1932, of the solar system into the stronger combinoritic field at the middle of galactic central. This



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has led, and is leading, and will continue to lead to erratic environments on all bodies in the solar system, including the sun and earth, as the whole of the spinning mass slowly transits the alignment with the 'dark rift' or 'null point' of the galactic central energetic field. Dr. P. also states that the stellar evolutionists cognoscenti are also aware that since 1998 the main bulk of the solar system started its transit through the field and of course we have had numerous examples too tedious to annotate of 'global warming' on all the planets since that time. And the rate of increase of erratic behavior will increase as more of the solar system gets through the field. So the implication is that following the transit of the solar system past the alignment, that the weather here on earth and other sol based planets will 'calm down' and a 'new normal' will be established. Also we need note that if Dr. P. is correct, then it follows naturally that humans, and other life, being energetic bodies *will* experience the effects, at some level, of the transit. So erratic behavior within humans likely will escalate in tandem with the increasing 'global warming' effects. As the transit approaches its maximum, which is *not* in 2012, but rather occurs, according to Dr. P. when 'over half' the 'width and mass' of the solar system has past the 'dark rift' alignment, and this will occur on October 18th, 2011. We note the 'synchronicity' which appearing in that NASA is announcing that the peak of this current max solar cycle will also happen in October of 2011. A few points of interest from the conversation with Dr. P. include the idea that 'there exists the possibility' of apparent or actual 'hang time' when the sun aligns with the 'neutral point of the field'. This would, according to the consensus of Dr. P's peers, perhaps account for such things as historical/prehistorical reports of 'sun standing still' or even, a reversal of orbital direction. Though Dr. P. does question the possibility of the latter occurring. A second point of interest is that during the actual transit of the alignment with the galactic center it may be that the ESR, or 'electron spin resonance' will change. Further Dr. P. says there is speculation that *perhaps* the geometry of the ESR will change. We note that ESR change at any level will physically affect all humans/life as we are all made up of atoms which will potentially shift their usual rates of spin, or even more impacting, it may be that the atoms will lose their own precessional tilt, or that it will alter. If so, the alteration of the precessional tilt of the planet would also potentially change, but even more fundamentally impacting, the ESR change would alter all human, and animal brains. Thinking *would* be affected. Dr. P. also poses the idea that G.I. Gurdijef and other have historical/alchemical records suggesting that the mental fields will change, and that warnings/cautions of the impacts of such changes come to us from deep in our species amnesiac past. Some supporting links on magnetic issues. Magnetic Field Effect Earth's magnetic field - magnetosphere The good Dr. P. took some effort to get the idea across as to just how divided the scientific communities are, and how 'just a few' humans were actually investigating anything about the upcoming HK alignment, and its probable causative relationship to pan-solar system warming. However, the important thing issues come into being when the discussion goes to the whole of the planetary human social body. Those who are 'in the cognoscenti' about "the transit" as Dr. P. calls it, are divided into the 'large mass of woollies', aka 'the great unwashed', and those very few of the elite who actually know "what is what" at the root of their 'secret societies'. Dr. P estimates that perhaps only 30/thirty thousand people on the planet are aware, at a "scientific level" of what is approaching. He does go on to say that much, in his opinion, of the 'shadow government' is now in 'distraction phase' for the next few years. He fears, his own word, that the 'rumors of governmental types engineering mass extinction machineries is true', but



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not the way that either the rumor mongers, nor the rumor believers think. It is his fear that the government, as a 'slightly aware' organization, is currently 'distracted' and planning for 'resource wars' and other earth based problems over these next 5/five years as though *these* are the 'real issues'. His fear of such lets him imagine that parts of the government have concluded that population reduction is beneficial, and that it is something that humans need to do. Dr. P, as do I, believe universe has other plans of its own. However, the nasty bits may arise from ignorant, distracted, or deliberately misinformed humans going batshit. Speaking of humans going batshit, a key reason that Dr. P. was inclined to speak with me, beyond my having read Synergetics, is that he was taken by the prediction of a 'sun disease' and a condition which will drive 75/seventy-five per cent of the population of the planet insane. He notes that 'insanity' is a very likely expression of the impact of an ESR change on the 'unprepared mind', and as he continued "perhaps even the prepared mind will warp beyond our potential to predict if the ESR alters, even momentarily". In our conversation, Dr. P elaborated on all of the types of changes that have been noted at the scientific community level, and also that there are 'undoubtedly, many other types of energies which we cannot detect and that are also changing". They recognize at Dr. P's level within the stellar evolutionist community, that 'global warming' is merely a 'distraction path'. He is of the opinion that the strategy of blaming human population growth was planned in 1958 when he first became aware of the idea being crafted, and scientific support for it being planted in the school systems of the developed world. He thought it bogus then, and even more so now. "Just another distraction ploy", he said. "They want hope alive as long as possible." is his conclusion. The idea being, of course, that the hope of it being caused by humans is that it may/might be correctable."Nothing could be further from the truth", says Dr. P, and goes on to say that to stop the continuing rise in 'bizarre effects, including kinetic macro and quantum energetic reactions' it would be necessary to "halt the rotation of the solar system through the transit of the Ku field". Which probably won't be happening.



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Graphic 4: As a curious co-incident arrival, we note the article referenced at the link below in which 'metamaterials' are being 'discovered/made'. Of course the aware mind begs the question of 'why now?'. Is it possible that 'new materials' and the abilities are related to the HK field effect? Perhaps...metamaterials At the end of my conversation with Dr. P., he said that it is his understanding of the "physical" universe that prediction about just what effects the HK field will have on our solar system and ourselves is "limited". That is to say, that we can only 'reliably guess' just so far as our model of physical process allows. Should the field constellation of energies within the field effect change the nature of physical processes as we understand them, then all predictions fail at that point. Or, as he noted on signing off, 'rely on metaphysics for our guidance'. Hmmm. Smart fellow. Probably likes pies too. Further the good doctor also pointed out that 'energetic inputs of unknown kinds would tend to support the plasma expansion model' for earth's development. Some supporting alternate views on 'expanding earth' are provided in the links below. Most have cool videos or animations showing the earth expanding. Very nice to see. Tectonic expansion site Adams expanding earth site



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TBTP - Splendid Spectacle The modelspace has not been kind to its interpreters this run as the density of the cross links has become a burden in and of itself. However, in the process of 'sweeping away the cobwebs' it is possible to examine the intricate patterns which form from the interplay of light and 'obstacles'. These 'obstacles' can emerge as underlying linguistic patterns as well. Within the ThePowersThatBe entity the primary rising aspect is 'obstacles', though at the moment the metadata layer of 'duality' is still dominant. The pattern emerging as the modelspace and the TPTB entity are progressed through the shorter term value set and into Spring of 2007 is of a 'group divided' with 'pending tensions building {to} action'. Further the supporting aspect/attributes are going to the idea that '1/one in 6/six will perish' and that '1/one in 3/three forms the separation'. The imagery is of a 'house divided by knowledge' and that 'time is pressing'. This area is both internally supported by 'conflict' and 'duality', as well as 'restrictions on movement'. Further these are all areas which are participating in the meta data layers of the same name, and are also heavily cross linked both internally and externally. The overall impression is of a hot pressure cooker bound up in black duct tape. Something has to give. Within the core data sets for the entity there is reinforcing structure to support the idea of a 'prominent death' which will 'set motion {to} conflict/war'. Deeper into the supporting layers we find that the core support for the data set rests on a descriptor set headed by 'knowledge'. It would appear the entity is suggesting that 'knowing {the} right stuff' is what sets off this 'internal struggle'. As the modelspace is progressed through Spring of 2007 toward the June solstice, the 'secrets revealed' meta data layer reaches its peak {so far} in emotive strength within the entity, and the overall modelspace supports the idea of 'war exposed' to the global populace. As an aside, when the cross links to both GlobalPop and Populace/USofA are traced to their termination points, the majority go to descriptors indicating 'confusion' or 'stunned, not thinking, cognitive dissonance'. In other words, it would appear the modelspace is saying that come June of next year, the majority of the populace "just won't get it", but that 'war will be exposed'. This section also has huge ropes of cross links going over to Markets. Many of the cross links are concentrating on 'currencies' and 'dollar, usofa'. Further the impression formed from these interpreted cross links is for conditions to have already 'witnessed/viewed/seen' a 'precipitous drop' in 'usofa dollar' value by Spring, and that this 'wastage' of 'perceived wealth' is creating 'havoc' internally within the 'populace base' of TPTB sub sets which in turn is 'pressuring for war/revenge'. Taking a step back and viewing the motion of TPTB entity through the modelspace suggests an alternate interpretation. It could be that the TPTB entity is signaling a 'predictable change' as 'events shape/take course'. The idea is that a 'reduction by a third' of the 'body' of TPTB was always planned for this stage, and now it is implemented. Whether the TPTB entity core was 'waiting/anticipating' the death of a prominent personage amongst their ranks as the 'point of initiation' or merely were sparked to action by it is not described. We have lexical hints for both interpretations. However it is clear that a 'prominent death in early Spring' will 'initiate slicing/separation actions' in late Spring, and that 'war results in Summer'. If it is a case of a 'planned jettisoning' of 'wastage' within the TPTB organization, then the modelspace is suggesting that the 'ferocity' of the 'response/war' will 'chill the blood' of the 'core' of the TPTB. Though they won't admit it, seeing themselves as 'divinely all powerful/manipulative', they will have lost this 'war' with the first move. Not that the '1/one third shunned/attacked' will win, rather it is a question of 'harmonization with {the} flow'. Neither 'faction' within TPTB will 'successfully' win the war, but, on the bright side, the 'secrets revealed' meta data layer is forecasting a very entertaining time as 'secrets fall



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from pockets' and 'gasps of dying men'. Hmmm. Rosebud? Populace/USofA - Mighty Mo PO'd, Sharp Nails Deep Gouges As the modelspace is progressed through the last of March and past the Spring equinox, the Populace/USofA entity is dominated by an aspect of 'manifestation/emergence'. This descriptor also is showing up within the Terra entity, as well as also being directly held as a supporting aspect for Terra entity, sub set 'north american hemisphere'. The supporting areas for the Populace/USofA entity are so cross linked to the Terra entity that the easiest conclusion is that the 'manifestation/emergence' will be 'earth biosphere' related. If we follow the top level cross links from Populace/USofA entity, we arrive at a termination point of 'flooding' within the Terra entity. That same cross link originates within a sub set of 'north america' geographic references whose *largest* value goes to the 'mississippi river' and then secondarily shows the 'red river' as the other area of prominence. This area of Terra entity descriptor sets is cross linked back to the Populace/USofA entity much in the same 'twisted' fashion as arose about the 'city going back to the mud' lexical clues of New Orleans, prior to Katrina. Currently, within these cross linked areas of 'flooding' which will 'affect/afflict' a region broadly described as the 'mississippi and missouri river complex', we find that the Populace/USofA entity has a numeral descriptor for '700,000' as in 'seven-hundred-thousand' which is supported within the entity by 'displaced' and that, it its turn, is supported by 'permanent'. Hmmm. Doesn't sound too good, what with our recent experience with FEMA and the rest of the Federal Government. Other aspect/attributes held in support of the set go to 'flooding induces/causes shifts in populace, mind set destroyed'. Further within the directly held descriptor sets we find that '700,000 {or} more {will} walk all time {day/night?} to flee mud flooding'. This 'mud flooding' is also described as 'south flow, blocked access, rising waters, tidal push' which then has within its directly held support a large "rope" of cross links going over to the Terra entity where we have 'crazy making waters push under thunder', and 'powerful {tidal} flow clashes {with} mud, rising waters back, {the} dead float {for} months'. This last may be referencing water flow from saturated ground which floods and releases the already buried for a floatabout. Within the Populace/USofA entity, and perhaps of greater importance, is a large descriptor set going to the 'alteration of the mind set/view' as a result of 'the 700,000 {who} shift'. This area is focused on 'planetary/biosphere' awareness as a primary aspect, with supporting attributes going to 'shift' and 'cracks' which will appear within the 'official perspective'. The whole of this area of the entity is supporting the idea of a 'panic attack' at the national/social-consensus level. This 'panic attack' will come 'up from the gorge', and will cause 'numbness in the legs', as well as 'vomiting {to/til} unconsciousness'. Hmm. Sort of a 'reality bites the sheeple' moment. The data set has within its details 'disasters' off all kinds imaginable that will be caused by or associated with the 'flooding'. These range from 'burning fires floating {down/along} streets', as well as 'planes' which will be photographed as they 'float {in} groups, wings clasped'. Further there will be large numbers of 'rescues' which will be, judging by the cross links to the Press entity, video cast on the global mediastream. The emotive sums of this area are suggesting that the totality of impact on the national psyche will be much larger than Katrina/Rita, though basically many of the same themes will repeat within the experience. The longer term values are pointing toward a 'revolution' within the 'minds of the populace' which centers around 'biosphere/planetary environment'. An interesting support group of descriptors



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under 'revolution' does not bode well for politicians, at least for those who are still trying to 'fish' the 'river of denial' within the media stream. Note that while the shorter term and longer term values are pointing to 'spring flooding', the modelspace has also acquired a large group of immediacy values which are pointing toward the 'face/scalp' of the 'country of the USofA' being 'altered/contoured' by 'weather'. This arise just as the modelspace begins its progression for the shorter term value set. The nearest temporal clue that we have points to the second week in January as the 'point of emergence' for our 'face altering weather'. This set of immediacy values sets the level very high within the emotive sums from which the 'flooding' impact values take their jump upward. It is very much as though large 'weather coughs/expellations' are going to 'sculpt/twist the scalp of the land'. The values we have are pointing to manifest changes in the shape of the land itself as though 'scored' or 'scratched'. It could be that the 'woods knocked flat' will be 'plowed under' by winds, but the preponderance of references are for 'flowing water'. So perhaps the rivers which flood with such devastation later in the Spring will do so as a result of mud shifted by the 'flowing waters' of winter. The data set is less than clear, but the values we have as geographic references are 'north pointing', and go to 'red ground' which will be 'shaped anew' by the January 'flowing waters welling up in unexpected places'. Further impacts from the 'weather manifestation' of January will be 'pollution of the wells' such that they become 'condemned' and 'without use'. This will also produce a 'shift of populace', but the data is not suggesting anything nearly as massive as the 'flooding' will produce later in the year. There are interesting cross links between the Terra entity, the Populace/USofA entity, and the Press entity. Within this January time frame there are also pointers to 'cities {forced/having} to move' because of the 'calamitous' and 'sudden' loss of their 'aquifer'. The cross links to the Markets entity are numerous. The general tone is not good. The infrastructure of the continent from 'electric' to 'roads' show as 'taking a beating' such that 'feet move'. This last is as opposed to 'wheels do not move'. The implication is for 'roads chewed' to the point where wheels simply will not 'cross/transit' the 'new deep gouges' in the terrain.



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Chart 1: Reinforcing the idea of 2007 as a year of manifestation, the Populace/USofA entity is also holding values which cross link to Terra entity and terminate in 'earthquake'. This 'restrained earth' energy is supported by aspect/attributes going to 'unleashed, and destruction {of} personal past/history'. The data set also contains descriptors for 'shaken awake' which, along with other lexical sets, suggest a 'late night' earthquake which will 'break the bed {under} sleepers' while 'shifting sands deep' in the planet. The 'deeply shifted sands' are pertinent as they will apparently impact 'storage bins' and 'lose contact' with their 'contents'. Further the 'earthquakes' will 'destroy past records'. Now it may be that the meaning of this is to 'break records', such as magnitude, *OR* it could be that the earthquake 'destroys past records' as in archives, or other 'records storage' areas.

Conclusion: ALTA 907 - Part 3 - Floods and Fights



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The shorter term value sets for this series are nearly as voluminous as the longer term values. Again this points to a very active 2007. The shorter term values are pointing out 3/three months toward our Ides of March release period and are continuing to build for a large emotional release. It is quite clear that 'unexpected, large, powerful events', likely involving weather-related or other 'natural' processes are going to impact the 'actual, physical reality' of the 'usofa' this January. Given the multi layer nature of the data presentation that we see it *is*possible that the 'flooding' which will 'displace' the '700,000' could come in January, however if that is the case, then the results of the flooding will be truly horrific as the longer term data sets are still growing with values relating to this 'flooding'. So...that would imply that a 'january flooding' would 'move 700,000' who will *still* be 'displaced/relocated' over 8/eight months later. Hmmmm. Hope we are wrong and the flooding is *not* related to the January 'gouging', but rather is a problem further in the year. The shorter term values as well as the longer term values are building 'humps' within the data set now which are indicative of some major 'aggression' and 'violent' response from the Bushista's. This area has yet to be interpreted, but is nonetheless quite visibly bulging in May through June. Along with the bulging of the data set within the Bushista entity we are building very large long term value sets which are Markets based. The whole of the entity is below neutral line now so we can say that likely these new data sets are not going to offer *good* news. We will be exploring these data sets as well as the precious metals and other subjects in Part 4 which we expect to have posted by end of the day, Saturday, December 16, 2006. Copyright 2006 by HalfpastHuman. All rights reserved. Released through subscription only. No reproduction in whole or in part without prior permission. ALTA IR - 907 - Part 4 - December 27, 2006

Part 4:Meta Data - Secrets Revealed, P1 McNaught*

Populace/USofA - Constellation of Factors, Black Marble in the Gut, IWreck Wounds All (January '07), Painful Gouges, Screaming Priestitutes* Markets - Immediacy Values Bulge - Numb Feet 2 Face* Terra - Immediacy Values Bulge - Blow Happens, Double Down Up There* Conclusion: Part 4- Getting Caught Up, Meta Data Patterns, 2007 - Year of Emergence* Asymmetric Language Trend Analysis Intelligence Report Changes in language precede changes in behavior. By Tenax SE for



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Note this report is offered for entertainment value only. Any resemblance between the events portrayed in this report and any developing reality is purely co-incidental and in no manner represents foreknowledge on the part of the authors of this report. Note that this information is derived from humans expressing themselves on the internet. As such, human emotional values and the words used to express them are being sampled and interpreted here, NOT THE FUTURE. Any resemblance between this report and future developments is entirely in the mind of the perceiver and does not exist in reality. The Authors cannot be held liable for accuracy of lack thereof in this report. Authors cannot be held liable for human interpretation of this report nor any action any human takes as a result of this report. Any human foolish enough to alter their behavior based on this entertainment-only analysis demonstrates themselves incapable of rational appreciation of reality, and the authors are explicitly held harmless and blameless for any and all such mental aberrations on the part of the reader. 12.27.2006 Note: Entities are identified by a blue typeface. Aspect words are enclosed in square brackets []. Attribute words/phrases are within parentheses (). Near sentences or concepts composed of both leading aspect and trailing attributes are single quoted '. Interpretive editorial comments are preceded by an asterisk *. Editorial notes are within {} curly braces. Our expectations are to achieve 70+ million reads within our bandwidth limitations. We expect a 6 part report series from this data set. There likely will be a 7th part to the series. This report in the series created from 51.971 million reads. - Data bulge from the spyder gathering delays is being integrated into current processing much as a python digests a pig. Slowly, and visibly. Meta Data - Secrets Revealed, P1 McNaught With the recent 'zionist' slip of the tongue by Israeli head Olmert about the 'non existent nuclear weapons' that Israel does not have in large quantity, we can pretty much see that the 'secrets revealed' meta data layer has made its impact on Israel. Within the GlobalPop, sub set 'israel pop', the area is indeed covered by thick cross links back to 'secrets revealed' as both a meta data layer and as a fully held internal aspect/attribute set. Expect more of the same, with new 'revealings' to come causing even more of an issue for the GlobalPop within the Ides of March release period. As was noted repeatedly within ALTA 607, the whole emotional 'tone' of 2007 is shaping up as 'the year of manifestation'. This is opposed to the tonality for 2006 as 'the pivotal year'. While the mechanized world is run on the solar calendar and its year begins nominally on January 1, we work our emotional analysis techniques around a lunar calendar of 13/thirteen months of 29.53059 days (the synodic month) which yields a 'year' of 384/three-hundred-eight y-four days. Over the course of our work we have found that the emotional waves within the human populace matches this timing set more readily than the solar day calendar. So, the reason to bring that up is that for the purposes of our work, the new year, or 2007 as a sampling base target actually begins with the Winter solstice of December 21/24. Note that the 'solstice' is by definition an 'apparent standing still' of the relative motion of the sun at its rising point on the horizon, and that this 'standing still' lasts, from the human perspective, more or less, 3/three days. The whole idea of the '3/three days' is critical at this point as we have found that our data sets are frequently that amount ahead of usual astrologic alignments which are coincident with some of the peaks and valleys that we are able to chart. In other words, our data sets seem to show that humans are reacting 3/three days early to astronomic/astrologic alignments of significance. This has been confirmed



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by professional astrologers who are able to point out where some of our chart peaks or bottoms may also be 3/days ahead of a meaningful astrologic event. So, it is not surprising then to discover that there is some serious groups of very rare(ish) alignments {ed note: please consult your local astrologer for details} which will 'bracket' our year of 384 days beginning December 20th, 2006. Further it is also of interest that a new, 'blind siding' comet P1 McNaught streaking in from the opposite side of the sun such that we will not get a good look at the critter until it passes its perihelion, and zips about to the earthside of the sun. Noting that humans in historic times were not really fond of comets, we can reasonably ask if we really need any more 'electrical agitation of the sun' or other solar system bodies at the moment. The recent outpouring of solar flares is has already sent an estimated .002 per cent of additional solar energy in the last month. So, we will await the P1 McNaught with interest to see just how much more things get bollocks'd up with its appearance. And will it be coincident with changing rain patterns, erratic weather and continental scale flooding? And in ancient cultures both Roman and Vedic based, comets were seen as 'messengers' who brought or 'revealed' the secrets held by the gods. Hmmm. A little spooky, what with our meta data layer 'secrets revealed' going near vertical in all entities before the Ides of March release period. Along with the cometary influences we note that some reports of the 'sun catching its worst cold/disease in 30 years' are beginning to surface. Pun intended. This will get worse. If the field effects noted in Part 3 of this series are indeed accurate as a model of currently unfolding events/changes, then we can expect that such 'disease' conditions of the sun are likely to increase in both frequency and intensity over the course of the transit through and past the point of 'null field space' in October of 2011. So it can be anticipated that other, larger flaring, some eventually earth-directed, will occur over the course of the next few years. Even glancing blows from extra solar radiation will have effects at 3/three levels. Immediate: potential for disruption to avionics in flight, ISS or other space based astronauts at risk, communications, and gps systems at risk. - Timing: during the event. Shorter term: Health impacts to humans and animals including heart attacks, and blindings, as well as circulatory problems. Health impacts to plants of all kinds. Radiative effects including fires from 'sparking' of elevated electrical lines. Loss of electrical infrastructure due to damage to conductive components or generative capacity. Terra based storming, irregular rain patterns, extreme winds. Timing: 1 to 3 days following event. Longer term: Health impacts including DNA damage, as well as brain chemistry alteration due to radiation contamination. Plant and crop DNA damage. Nitrogen cycle interrupted within the soil. Magnetosphere damaged. Atmosphere damaged. Aberrant electrical discharges. Increased volcanic activity, increased earthquake activity. Ultimately, planetary expansion, or pole shift. Timing: 1 month to 3 years?

Populace/USofA - Constellation of Factors, Black Marble in the Gut, IWreck Wounds All (January '07), Painful Gouges, Screaming Priestitutes The Populace/USofA entity has, with the recent processing, both outpaced {in progression speed} and



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overtaken the Bushista entity in the progression of the modelspace forward. The impression created by the visual presentation of the modelspace is that the Bushista entity is going to 'get stuck', and with the continuing building emotional tensions within that entity, it will 'swell/enlarge/puff-up'. This 'swelling up' of the Bushista entity is being discussed within this section due to its influence on the Populace/USofA entity over the course of the Ides of March release period {ed note: actually begins March 7, 2007 and runs through to September 19, 2007}, and into the shocking rise of emotional tensions which hit the planet in September of 2007.

Chart 1: In examining the chart above,the base of which was previously shown in part 2, the level of rise of the emotional tensions is hard to ignore. We have the situation outlined within the annotations. The level of emotional release shown for the Ides of March release period is larger than anything we have previously encountered within our work, and this statement includes the 911 attacks, the Sumatran tsunami, and the Pakistani/Kashmiri quake. Further, the release period will be 'tortuously' long in that it will take



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196/one-hundred-nintey-six days to complete. Previously, a long release period was on the order of 60/sixty days. And as noted in the chart above, the conclusion of the release period occurs on September 19th, where the planet is suddenly thrust into a very rapid rise in emotional tensions which will take us to over twice the height of previous tension levels, and we will transit this emotional building period within a very brief 67/sixty seven days. As may be expected, most of the release period will be involved with the 'stuckedness' of the Bushista entity. Within the modelspace it is as though the Populace/USofA entity wishes to continue moving, but having 'run up against' the 'stuck' Bushista entity, the Populace/USofA entity finds its forward progress slowed, even impeded to the point where both entities begin to drop toward the negative values together. Visually it is as though a goldfish swims along and swallows a marble which happens to be sinking and passing in front of the fish. The fish, in spite of its own impetus toward upward/forward motion, is continually fighting the 'downward drag' of the marble. The interpretation of the Populace/USofA entity, now having to continually take the Bushista entity into consideration as the 'drag' on progress, will necessarily have to become slightly divergent to a 'pure' interpretation. As an example, the data suggests that the Populace/USofA has already begun the long process of 'internal reconciliation' of our 'war mongering' past with a result of a 'promise of neutrality' for the future of the populace. If we could interpret this entity in isolation, the outcome would suggest a gradual slogging through all the problems which 'denial of reality' bring, and ultimately a 'better/brighter future' would seemingly draw the populace entity forward. However, with the Bushista 'marble in the gut', well, things are not so clear.



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Chart 2: While the primary modifier to the interpretation of the Populace/USofA entity is the Bushista entity, the impacts on both of these from the 'dollar disease' playing itself out within the Markets entity needs also to be considered. The implication from the most recent processing is that a large portion of the upward line of the emotional trends from December of 2006 through to the actual onset of the March 7 release will be 'controlled' and 'driven' by the 'dollar disease' and its impacts on the psyche of the populace. Initially the effects will seemingly 'miss' most people, but by the end of February the impacts will be so felt as to form a 'necessary part/component/need' of 'daily conversation'. Further the impacts of the 'dollar disease' upon the Bushista entity are significant in the extreme. It is the 'dollar disease' and NOT the Bush war of aggression against the Iraqis and Americans which will devestate the Bushista entity, and in turn drive it deeper into a 'decreasing spiral of madness'. The data sets are pointing toward a 'triple whammy' of sorts in that the 'dollar disease' will bring a 'malaise' to 'public life' within the USofA which in turn is shown to 'ripple across the planet'.



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Unfortunately for all of us, the 'ripple' will soon turn to a 'torrent' of 'selling of dollars/dollar-assets'. This is shown within the data set as precipitating the event in the first week in March which initiate the release period. The Bushista response, which is indicated as 'dragging down via the marble in the gut', will 'outrage' the Populace/USofA and spark the first of the 'revolutionary' acts within the USofA in response, while also acting as the temporal marker for the 'momentum/acceleration' of the 'planetary resistance movement'. Bearing in mind that the USofA imperial era ends with Bush, and that the hegemony of the dollar CANNOT be defended, all actions taken by the Bush admin, as forecast by the Bushista entity, will not merely end in failure, but each will accelerate events/processes already underway further exacerbating the whole of the situation. And, the Bushista reaction? Ah, now there is the rub. If we are to interpret the Bushista entity in isolation, ALL of the indicators are that Bush is 'pushing war' the way the drug dealers *USED* to push addictive substances. However, that would be an interpretation in isolation. If we instead view the data from the Populace/USofA point of view, and interpret the subsumation of the Bushista entity, as well as all of the cross linked aspect/attribute sets, we arrive at a potentially much different picture. In the interpretation of the Bushista entity as 'war mongering all to hell and gone' through the March release period, there is a HUGE assumption in place which is that the Bushista entity will have the 'power' both 'personal' and 'political' to 'wage new war'. This *may* not be the case. There are aspects/attributes within the Populace/USofA entity which would favor the interpretation that, yes, the Bushista entity is 'hopped up on war/conflict/tension', but not externally focused. Rather the data sets could be showing that 'conflict' breaks out between the 'populace', and the 'princes/officialdom'. Further there are more references to 'revolution', 'rebellion', and 'resistance' within the Populace/USofA entity for 2007 data set than *ALL* of the aspect/attributes within the Bushista entity in toto. Further, the 'resistance' meme is hugely dominate within the GlobalPop entity, even up to the point of 'altering the paradigm' within the Markets entity globally. This last is to be the 2007 'state of mind' as a result of the manifestation of the 'dollar disease/death'.



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Chart 3: While the 'resistance to empire/NWO' movement is labeled as 'global' within the chart above, it should be noted that 2007 will also bring the 'visible manifestation/emergence' of the 'revolution' meme within the mainstream USofA, *including* an oft repeated phrase within the national mediastream. The emotional tension drivers within the complex multi-dimensional array of values {ed note: 8 x 8 x 10 in size, composed of hexadecimal integers} which are powering the Populace/USofA entity through this period are deriving over half of their forward energy from the summations for longer term impact and duration, and these in their turn are being "powered" by the tuples of aspects headed by 'revolution', 'rebellion', and new to this processing 'resistance'. This latter aspect has joined our previously discussed ad nauseam pair and the new triplets of motivating force {ed note: powered = increasing sums within each category and several cross table categories within the emotional values array} are pushing the 'populace' and the 'mid classes' as well as the 'disenfranchised' into 'active resistance'. This 'resistance' aspect has many temporal indicators showing for a 'shining of light' or 'made manifest' attribute set to kick in on or about the time the release period begins in early March. The temporal indicators are



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showing that the 'middle of the [populace] of the planet will resist [with force/determination] new aggressions'. The 'new aggressions' are showing as originating within the Bushista entity and with the 'intent' of 'propagation' outward. Now here is where the interpretation gets tricky. The various entities involved, that is, Bushista, being 'wrapped up in', and simultaneously 'dragging down' the Populace/USofA entity, and the Markets entity, all are holding 'turmoil' as a primary aspect set, and in each case, the aspect is also validated by internally held supporting aspect/attributes of 'internal/gut/intestinal' and 'self-possession'. This last is a lexicon designation such as our 'self' value which we use to indicate (crudely) the concept of 'intent' or 'focus' where applicable. Mostly the 'self-possession' is a value based on the conjugations of the verb 'to be', and we use three bases for this, italian, hindi, and chinese. If all three language based values point to the same sub set, then we take that as our guide in "reading" the aspect/attribute sets. In this case we can make the prediction that the entities are showing that 'turmoil' will be the order of the day pretty much in any human sub set of awareness at the start of the March release period. But, the tricky part is interpreting the interactions of the various entities as they, in their states of 'turmoil' and 'agitation [unto/til the state of] shaking knees' bounce off and affect each other, as well as alter themselves. So the above caution noted, it could be that the Bushista being wrapped in, but obstructing the Populace/USofA entity just as 'resistance' becomes a 'global daily phrase' *may* be indicating that the actual out break of hostilities will be between Bush and the people of the USofA, rather than the intended 'redirection' of the 'forces' outward toward more illusionary conquests as the Bushista would indicate. The situation arising from the interplay of the entities within an increasingly confusing modelspace suggests such a 'layers upon layers' manifestation between March and September. Please note that following September 19th, 2007, the data sets are arguing *against* any such ambiguity. In the wording of the aspect/attribute sets for the 'turning' of September 19th, thereafter 'universe intent [is] shockingly clear'. To return though, to the future past of next September, we find that as the modelspace is progressed forward through the 'currency motivates/moves all' period of the first quarter of the year, and past the January 'debacle' which will 'focus attention to the gonads/genitals' in relation to the Iraq war, we see that the 'populace/usofa' will be 'wounded' by the Bushista's {ed note: by last week in January} as a result of the 'sell out/off/duplicity' of the 'officialdom'. This will become 'visible' to the populace to the point that 'problems present difficulties' to the Bush administration and as we know they are just soooo good at solving problems that once again the data set is forecasting their decisions to 'produce/incubate problematic response' from universe. The details of the data set as shown in the chart below have a longish rise up in emotional tensions through the early weeks of January, then a sharp mini release, followed by a jerk upward again which culminates on January 24th/25th. The Populace/USofA gains a rising aspect at that time which is 'acceptance' and which is in its turn supported by 'wounded'. This could be read as 'accepting the woundings of the past' or some variant. As there are many body part references within the set, we take this very seriously. The whole of the area within this section of the Populace/USofA entity is heavily covered in cross links to the Bushista entity, and of these a visibly large majority are terminating in 'iraq' related descriptor sets. A presentation of the imagery is not gentle. We note that 'pustulent blisters cover/would all populace'. Further there are to be 'recriminations/cries [which] accompany acceptance [of] past [sins/aggressions]'. The whole of the area has a very gloomy feel to it, and the presentation is suggestive of 'competing forces' in the twisted 'world [of] illusion' which *is* the Bush administration is about to make things a lot worse for everyone everywhere. At the same time as the 'pustulent wounds' are appearing on the populace of the USofA, the Markets



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entity, via cross links to Populace/USofA and Bushista entity, is showing that the 'currency drives all [to] extremes'. Further the impacts on the Populace/USofA entity of the coming 'dollar storm' of late January, and through February, will produce ripples which will 'cross connect/intersect' with the 'displacement of the 700 thousands'. So the data set is suggesting that a 'pre-existing economic condition arising from the dollar disease' will participate in this 'displacement'. The implication is for some form of 'impoverishment' to 'suddenly' become apparent *just* as the 'displacement' of the populace emerges as a result of the 'water/rain/rainwater/flooding' problems. Now we need to note that the data set has previously indicated a 'gouging [of the] land/landscape/ground' is forecast for January, and likely this is referring to 'exceptional rains' which have been noted in the past few ALTA reports, and while this may be the initial "event" which sparks the 'displacements of townships/regions', the modelspace is difficult to interpret as the emotional trends of the 'displacement' are still at very high levels in July through August of 2007. So if the 'water/flooding' happens this January, and in such a manner as to force evacuations of large populations, then the 'money shrinkage' will be of such a magnitude as to still have the populace in general 'emotional distraught' over the continuing 'wandering' of the 'displaced peoples/tribes' throughout the Summer of 2007. The chart below, now much cluttered with annotations also shows the 'troubles' which are to 'strike [the] anus' of the 'papal power structure'. Now we do have alternative descriptor sets for all of our aspects, and we can alternatively, using the cross links back to the meta data layers where 'secrets revealed' is going vertical in the sub set of 'pope/church/organized religion', we can offer an alternate interpretation of 'karma/retribution strikes papal power structure in the ass'. Either way the ramifications [pun intended] are serious. The data set is forecasting that 2007 will also be the year of manifestation of the 'break up/break down' of 'organized religion'. This has been the case for at least the last year of ALTA reports. Now the data set is pointing toward soon-to-manifest events which *will*, at some point, reach the global mediastream such that we, the people, will 'react to priests [as] screaming harsh harlots/prostitutes'. Further, the deeper one goes into the descriptors of this sub set, the more the cross links go from 'rome, vatican' over to the 'usofa, populace, politics, and power'. Here is where the interesting wrinkles of irony come about. According to the data set, 'actions' initiated by the Vatican are about to 'rob them' of the 'protection of the robes', which in turn will cause the 'great prosecution' to begin. At the core of this data set is the 'dollar disease', both directly held and via cross link over to the Markets entity. Apparently a 'robbery thwarted' will participate in the building emotional tensions such that 'prosecution' of the 'robbers' will lead to the 'removal of robed protection' which in turn 'reveals prostitution [by/of/for] priests'. This in turn will initiate a 'public outcry' *just* at the right time for the 'rise of powers/forces' which will be 'aimed at the removal' of the 'special protections [for the] selfdelusional/priests'. This in its turn has a huge spiraling and growing cross link section back to Markets entity which is bound up within the 'dollar disease'. Oh, and as a side benefit, the data set is indicating that a number of 'prominent peoples' will 'suddenly retire/die/suicide' *just* as the whole story starts to get traction in the global mediastream. It is this 'withering of the faithful' with 'extreme prejudice' which will actually 'provoke eyes, ears' and 'open the festering wound'. It is the 'stench of the rot' within the 'festering/boiling flesh' which is shown as 'removing/destroying papists authority'. Though begun with an event, that is the 'foiled robbery', the rest is process and the 'lowering of the tall hats' will take all of the rest of 2007. There will be further notable events in the year in that the Vatican will have 'conflict' going vertical just we hit the end of August. And that does not bode well for any human.



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Chart 4: Returning to the theme of the 'wounding' of the Populace/USofA by way of the actions of the Bushista entity, we note with some satisfaction that the Bushista to Populace/USofA entity cross links could be seen as saying that the 'wound' will also be actual, and will 'beset/land upon' Bush himself. There are lexical sets within the both entities which come into visibility in April, and are suggesting both an 'actual' wounding, as though from an 'assault' as well as a 'wounding' of the Bushista entity, and its ability to do anything. This latter is filled with cross linked data sets headed by aspects of 'stuck' and 'rooted'. Now while these may imply intransigence, we also have more active descriptors such as 'restrained', and 'movements met/countered', as well as 'self-consumed', and 'restricted/arrested'. This latter aspect specifically *does* include the descriptor set for 'arrested' which is defined with attributes filled with legal language. The obvious interpretation is for some persons within the Bush administration to be 'arrested/brought up on charges' just as the 'aggression' within the Bushista entity starts to be outwardly directed. This 'arresting development' is indicated to 'alter' the planned course of events, though the whole of things still seem to be edging toward complexity piled on top of complications.



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Our apologies for the confusion of the chart. We had to limit the amount of non-interpretation graphics due to time (pun intended, hahahaha) pressures for getting caught up as well as posting this part. Markets - Immediacy Values Bulge - Numb Feet 2 Face As universe would have it, the wind storm and subsequent power loss led to our having to restart the processing sequence again. This included the data gathering spyder programs, and as an expected consequence we had a 'flush' of new immediacy values which had been building up over the time we were off-line. It was my decision to include the immediacy values in this section of the report as the formation of the return from the spyders suggests 'something is up' due to the large bulge in immediacy values. We found that the bulge is composed in the main of 3/three sub sets within 2/two entities. We have Markets immediacy data and Terra entity values. The Terra entity is larger and more diversely spread. The Markets entity is stating rather plainly that a 'shock comes now'. And by 'now' we are referring to the range of parameters which govern the data set being examined, in this case the immediacy values which range from 3/three days to 3/weeks (more or less defined as instant- out to - less than a sidereal lunar month of 29.25 days). The 'shock that comes' is described as 'looming, visible, darkening', and yet within the same data set is 'suddenly perceived/seen/apprehended'. Further we find that 'realization [of being] correct/aware [of the] seriousness/gravitas [of the] suddenly manifest danger leads to joy [for the] very few'. Hmmm. Damn specific. Hate these kind of immediacy values...they remind me of the Olympics "accident to athletes" incident. To continue...the data set is specifically referring to the 'alert attitude and questing mind(s)' which 'perceive(d) beyond [their/self-same] vision limitations [are/will] jump [on the floor] in joy, walk [with] honor/accolades'. Hmm. Then further into the same lexical set we find that the 'shock comes swiftly [but] not unseen to all'. It then 'opens the door [to] laws [of] nature/universe, and humans'. This is in turn supported by 'smiles' which are seen as 'shining stars [amongst/in the midst of] seas/oceans [of] dark scowls'. A last cryptic note within this descriptor set is the aspect/attributes for the termination values suggest that within the next period (3/three weeks) the 'way foreseen will be embarked upon, conclusion [of] waiting'. Very clearly a statement of manifestation within this entity just as we are finding in so many of the other entities that repeatedly we must point yet again to 2007 as a 'year of manifestation/emergence'. The data set for the 'sudden appearance/manifestation of rapid change' which equals 'shock' within the lexicon is also supported with aspect/attributes going to 'shock [so like] thunder inside [a] cavern [as to] recall memories [of] childhood fears'. Most, according to the descriptor set, 'who hear [the] roaring [thunder of] sudden change will drop everything' in an attempt to 'climb [their way] out [of] pits/holes'. The continuing examination of the descriptor sets lead us to 'feelings of numbness [from the] feet [to the] face'. Then, just when we are getting comfortable with being 'numb' we discover that next we will end up as 'butt naked/raw/exposed' as well as 'fallen over, chafing [on] rough stone'. Hmm. Cold, naked, numb, and chafed. That won't be a good day. Much of the rest of the immediacy values within the Markets data set are lexically attached to the aspect of 'threat'. Under this aspect, the supporting aspect/attribute sets run wild in all directions. It is as though a 'systemic threat' is causing very wide spread panic to the point that, as the data set describes it, 'the cow/goat/herd mentality departs/disappears'. Of course the astute reader recognizes yet another way of saying, 'every man for his self'. Within this data set are repetitious references to 'skin lost', and 'skin flayed away' as well as other 'economic horrors'. Apparently the 'sudden shock' will be of such a nature



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that 'old men groan/weep [in] plain sight'. This and 'officialdom quakes, unseen, [but] knees cracking heard'. Such descriptors within the supporting aspect/attributes, especially when cross linked to the Press entity suggest that a series of very nasty 'face exposures' is coming for 'officialdom' at all levels regarding the 'shocking' situation developing within the markets. The Markets entity, which is our proxy for the paper trading markets, is showing that 'species/currency/liquidity coagulation' is at the 'dying heart' of the 'sudden shock'. As a curious side note, which both Igor and I take to be confirmatory of the nature of what we are interpreting, there is a small, very small in fact, data set which goes to the idea that a 'core group' of persons will 'receive instant peace/calm' while others 'receive reverberations [which] threaten [their] feet'. The 'core group' or 'small number' of persons who do receive the 'instant inner peace' will do so as a result of 'emergence [of] proof [of their] correctness/righteousness'. In the past, when we have had well segregated lexical sets with elements in tension which could be interpreted as defining "opposing views" for the same situation, those lexical sets have had a higher degree of reliability than those with only 1/one view expressed. In that vein we also point out that references to human body parts also 'up the ante' in respect to the probability spread that we have any clue at all as to what is 'coming this way'. Terra - Immediacy Values Bulge - Blow Happens, Double Down Up There Well, damn. The Terra entity is also, as noted above, bulging with immediacy values. And the larger groups of geophysical references are for the USofA, including Alaska and Hawaii. In all cases, and this hurts to write after our recent experiences here, the nasty is described as being 'wind'. Further our lexical set goes toward 'wind out of west, driving clouds, no rain, dense to [the] sea/waters'. This is in its turn supported by 'winds scour [the] mountains, dust, mud flies'. Then the deeper data sets which support this go to bespoke 'danger' and 'risk' as well as 'harm [to] body, ankles break' and other references to 'broken bones, split flesh'. As a side note for subscribers in Hawaii, the data set is showing that 'grandfather/ancestor visits, grandmother/ancestress absent, appointment/meeting [will be] missed/failed'. In spite of the 'failed' language, the whole of the data set is within a positive value emotive tension summation so the interpretation is 'dangers apparent, but successfully avoided'. The references to 'ancestors' as in male as distinguished from female 'ancestress' is likely meaningful relative to local 'place traditions'. Further within this set are references to 'birds [stupidly] flying up [over the top] of the mountain' which leads to them being 'swept away' while presumably smarter or heavier birds 'disguise/blend themselves [into/with] dark lowlands' and are seemingly safe if somewhat emotionally disturbed by the incident. Again, the Hawaii focused data set is also suggesting that its very location relative to the 'head waters/formation zone' of the winds will lower both the wind speeds, and density which impact the islands. The larger of the impacts of the winds is shown for continental USofA and Europe. In both cases west to east blowing winds will 'move mountains', presumably of 'dense dry clouds' such that a whole series of 'dangerous situations' develop. Ultimately it seems the 'clouds will produce rain', but in the 'transit' of the 'clouds' they are shown as 'gathering, building' mass, not shedding it as rains. This area may well be a prelude to both the 'gouging' reported for the USofA northern and western states, as well as setting up conditions for the 'upsetting/relocation' of the '700/seven-hundred thousands' which will so strain the populace later in this year of manifestation/emergence. The other large area of immediacy values within the Terra entity are within the descriptor set for 'space' and its direct influence here on earth. Within this data set we also find that our growing internal cross link chain to 'south' and 'south pole' and 'antarctica' continues to build. Further there would appear to be some data spiking in the 'antarctica' sub set relative to the longer term values which are just now being



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processed for Part 5. This data set is headed by aspect/attributes going to 'high air' as in 'very upper atmosphere'. Within the supporting aspect/attribute sets the emotional summations are growing with the aspects of 'activation/activates/initiates motion', and 'oxygen disappears'. Within these sets are further descriptors which include 'officialdom' which in its turn is shown as 'consulting [in] desperation [with] all or manykinds-of charlatans, fortune-tellers'. Hmmm. Well they have not yet come to us....yet. In any case, the 'officialdom' is shown as 'writhing' in 'desperation'. A very curious cross link "co incidence" has developed where in we find heavy cross links from the Terra entity, sub set 'space' sub set 'antarctica' sub set 'officialdom' over to ThePowersThatBe entity where the termination point is aspect/attributes which can be interpreted as 'desperate [to] get through'. This can also be interpreted as 'desperate actions [in] an attempt to break through'. Or alternatively this could be also describing 'desperate attempts to communicate'. Hmmm. Then this whole area, within the Terra entity origination area is headed by rising aspects of 'visitor' and that in turn is supported by 'of no fixed residence'. Again, a long sigh, then hmmmm. We will leave this as done for the moment while awaiting further data clarification within the next week's processing. Conclusion: Part 4- Getting Caught Up, Meta Data Patterns, 2007 - Year of Emergence Bearing in mind that an operating premise of ours is that 'energies from space affect humans', we note with some trepidation the very large, abrupt, steep, and brief rising tension line for September of 2007. As our target date with this series, 09.2007 presents a real challenge. This has become even more involved as the data set is now repeatedly getting our attention with reaffirmations that '2007 is the/a year of emergence'. Hmmm. Would rather it said 'manifestation' over 'emergence', but clearly not our call. The data set bulge is now being processed for shorter term values and the initial longer term value sets. These will be integrated into Part 5. Usually we start getting back to the immediacy values with parts 5 and 6, but in this case due to the interruption in data gathering we will have to contend with a bit of jumping around within the interpretations. Sorry about that. There is some trepidation up here in PNW about the developing weather patterns, now amplified by our processing. This unease is further amplified by the 'temporary' nature of the repairs to the high capacity/ high tension lines which carry electricity over the Cascade mountains to western Washington, and then points south. These were damaged severely with the last wind storm, and are in a temporary repair state which likely will persist until late Summer. Further we need to note that even now large areas of the northern Puget Sound still are without internet access due to the local cable providers having to follow behind the power crews. I have obtained a new generator which will be delivered on Friday of this week, and I will have in place and running to recharge the battery array over the weekend. But while I may have electricity in spite of future manifesting weather, there is still the issue of internet connectivity. So far we have been lucky with this component of our systems. As we expect there will be further electrical problems for PNW and the west coast of the USofA, we are expecting that there may be further delays with the completion of 907. As our 'year of manifestation' is actually begun since we work on a 13/thirteen lunar month calendar starting with the winter solstice, we



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can expect, we think...." a whole lot more of the same and then some" to be headed our way. Basically the message working its way through the mass consciousness and emotions is 'do it now' or 'time is short'. Recent kick in the ass by universe has gotten our attention and we are off our asses and working hard do get'er done now. We anticipate having Part 5 posted on January 6th, a Saturday, probably pretty late. New activities and commitments which emerge for us in January will alter the posting times. This is all assuming that we don't get 'blown to kansas' over the next week. Hope not. I spent time in a large depression in Kansas and am not found of the 'flat states'.

Copyright 2006 by HalfpastHuman. All rights reserved. Released through subscription only. No reproduction in whole or in part without prior permission.

ALTA IR - 907 - Part 5 - January 7, 2007

Part 5:Meta Data - A note about processing*

GlobalPop - Thunder Rages over India* Markets - USofA - Regrettable Behavior* GlobalPop - Populace/USofA - A Ration of Rash Actions* Populace/USofA - Nuk'lar Plateau, Noble Departure* Conclusion- Part 5: - Revolution, Dollars, and Sense* Asymmetric Language Trend Analysis Intelligence Report Changes in language precede changes in behavior. By Tenax SE for



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Note this report is offered for entertainment value only. Any resemblance between the events portrayed in this report and any developing reality is purely co-incidental and in no manner represents foreknowledge on the part of the authors of this report. Note that this information is derived from humans expressing themselves on the internet. As such, human emotional values and the words used to express them are being sampled and interpreted here, NOT THE FUTURE. Any resemblance between this report and future developments is entirely in the mind of the perceiver and does not exist in reality. The Authors cannot be held liable for accuracy of lack thereof in this report. Authors cannot be held liable for human interpretation of this report nor any action any human takes as a result of this report. Any human foolish enough to alter their behavior based on this entertainment-only analysis demonstrates themselves incapable of rational appreciation of reality, and the authors are explicitly held harmless and blameless for any and all such mental aberrations on the part of the reader. 01.07.2007 Note: Entities are identified by a blue typeface. Aspect words are enclosed in square brackets []. Attribute words/phrases are within parentheses (). Near sentences or concepts composed of both leading aspect and trailing attributes are single quoted '. Interpretive editorial comments are preceded by an asterisk *. Editorial notes are within {} curly braces. Our expectations are to achieve 70+ million reads within our bandwidth limitations. We expect a 6 part report series from this data set. There likely will be a 7th part to the series. This report in the series created from 65.2231 million reads. Meta Data - A note about processing As a result of the impacts of the recent Ides of December wind storm, the resultant tree and power loss, as well as the recent bouts of internet fragility in the PNW, we have had a number of alterations of our usual and accustomed processing routine. As it usually would occur, parts 5 and 6 of any given report series will return to processing of/for immediacy values for a last look at the 'rolling immediate future' just before it arrives at the door. The technical problems and our restart of data gathering after 9/nine days with the servers off-line has provided us with twin opportunities of a data bulge in both the immediacy values set, as well as the longer term data set. This latter occurred as a result of our simply restarting the longer term value acquisition spyder in place and setting it out-and-about. So we received a 'fresh flush' of both value sets. The longer term values are reinforcing of the initial interpretations of 2007 being a 'year of emergence'. We are deliberately using 'emergence' as opposed to 'manifestation' due to the lexical construct developing within the meta data layers. It should be noted now that our target of 907 has proved to be somewhat disconcerting as we find a number of lexical clues to what Igor terms as 'real nasties' awaiting, but without the clarity which allows us more than hints. It is our intent in part 6 to examine the longer term values again, attempting to see beyond September to determine if the emotional tonality of the months that follow can provide some more details of just how big these nasties be.



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GlobalPop - Thunder Rages over India Part of the wearing nature of doing this work is the constant reiteration/demonstration by humans of what butt-heads they may be. Once again, the immediacy values are suggesting that a group of such humans hell bent on demonstrating yet again the 'violence' which is inherent in the 'unstable' or 'religiously dominated' mind. We note that the GlobalPop entity, within the very near edge of the immediacy value range of '3/three days to 3/three weeks', is showing that a 'group [from the] north' will *attempt* to 'launch/initiate' an effort which the data set labels 'thunder over the mountain'. The dominant aspect/attribute set within the descriptor set is for a 'labor' which is 'designed/aimed' at producing 'thunder over the mountain'. Many of the internal sets go to the idea of a 'static attack' which is shaded linguistically toward 'stationary munitions' rather than 'bombs', though please note that the underlying descriptors include 'explosives'. The timing of this sort of thing is tricky. The impacts are showing up in both the immediacy value set and the shorter term values. Therefore a bit difficult to project, however, given the "usual and normal" {ed note: joke intended} course of events here on earth, it could be suspected that the 'stinky/smelly' attack such as in 'clouds of [gunpowder] smoke' will occur first. If so, then that places the starting point of this particular bit of human depravity and stupidity at about January 14th {ed note: given our sucky timing, let us say late 12th through late 15th}. The supporting aspect/attribute sets describe a 'sudden', and 'violent' attack which is further detailed as 'thunder [raging] over the mountain, downward, fear'. Further detail sets go toward suggesting 'new delhi' as the target, though note this may not be actual, as much as 'central'. There are large numbers of data points indicating the idea is to 'attack the heart line/centerline' of the country. It just so happens that 'new delhi' is near to being on this 'central divide'. In any case the descriptors are suggestive of an 'artillery attack' which is intended to 'produce fear' and to 'justify revenge'. So, given this it does not appear that the stupid humans will be a government so much as a 'rebel group'. Also given the nature of the current political mess in the Indian sub continent, the most likely point of origin is Kashmir. The point of the attacking 'thunder over the mountain' is to induce 'repression' for 'dark forces' or 'totalitarian regime'. While it is showing within the data set as 'instigating' the attack, the 'idea/meme' is also seemingly coming from 'external influences'. As to further details, and noting that these may be misleading we have some descriptors going to 'valley of the illuminated moon' {ed note: transliterated by machines, so who really knows}, and 'reflecting marshlands [at the] base [of the] mountain'. This last is apparently the point of origin, that is 'hidden forces [deep/rooted in] marshland'. The only other descriptors are metaphoric or allegoric in nature and run to aspect/attributes such as 'bird, with wings spread, beak points south [to] heart'. The last of that set goes to the image of 'back of bird, equals human hand, 1/one [rather than] 10/ten'.



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Chart 1: Note that the previously developed chart of the combined emotional tension values is showing a 'release plateau' for the time period of the 'thunder rages attack'. Probably this is not a good sign, as release periods are just that, a point in time where humans 'release' their pent up emotions relative to the current issues. Even though seemingly predictable, they are nonetheless both 'volatile' in nature, and possessing 'unexpected' results potentials. Such periods represent the 'collision' of 'complex systems', and much as when the Borg on Star Trek assimilated a new enemy, both are changed. ED NOTE: we are aware of recent news reports from India about the Assam attacks. These may be part of a larger manifestation, or the item that the data caught, and we were too slow to get it out. However we note some differences which suggest that perhaps not yet all has emerged. Markets - USofA - Regrettable Behavior



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The Markets entity, sub set 'usofa', as augmented by the latest immediacy values, is showing that the rest of January, and February up to about February 5th will be dominated by 'emerging regrettable behavior'. This is in regards a 'forced trip/mission'. This aspect/attribute set is confusing, and further supporting layers do not really clear things up as they have imagery going to 'family vacation/trip' in which the 'theme' is 'expressed unity [of] purpose'. However the data set is also clear that the 'participants' are 'forced to attend/meet/gather/collect' and that this whole effort will end in 'very regrettable behavior'. This last has very high duration values in both immediacy value sets as well as the longer term data sets. The 'regrettable behavior' will become 'visible' during the 'shift to [vast/huge] energetic movements'. This shift is being characterized by the aspect/attribute set as being 'seeking of value/youth/new-ness'. It needs to be understood in relation to the GlobalMarkets entity in that the 'seeking of youth' is a reference to 'wealth/paper assets' moving in large measure out of the 'usofa dollar' into 'young markets/countries'. As an interesting aside, the dominant aspect for the sub set of 'usofa' within the Markets entity is 'mature relationship'. And we note that the secondary tier of descriptors within that set is 'end of cycle'. The 'regrettable behavior' is but a single, and passing phase as the Markets entity is moved along with modelspace. As reported previously, there will be episodes of 'sudden shock' as well as days of 'wide volatility'. No, we have yet to see such volatility as is being described within the data set. The lexical clues are pointing toward such days having '3/digit' swings in 'all wealth categories'. The specific details suggest days in which there are '3/three digit swings' in the DOW sort of indexes, as well as that same day seeing '3/three digit swings' in the prices of gold, as well as silver. Note that this is likely pointing to '100/one hundred' dollar swings in gold, and 'one dollar' swings in silver, wheat, and some other commodities. This view is derived from the common reporting methods for those commodities and the expressions which arise within the data sets. Given descriptors that we have, the days are not yet here where the 'sudden shocks' hit, as these immediately precede the first of many '3/three digit' days. But as the immediacy values are turning upward with the processing of these last weeks, such days are not far off. The data sets at this time present some real challenges for interpretation. An issue that must be confronted in this effort is the very large emotional tension rise showing for mid September 2007. A plausible, and *possible* interpretation ends up showing that 'circumstances destroy' the 'global markets' as of that point. The data set would/could support such a view, especially with the rapid growth of our longer term values around aspects/attributes of 'panic'. As the whole of modelspace is visible at all times, with the numerous cross links visible as black ropes of interconnections between entities, it is less and less possible, over these last 2/two years, to interpret the entities separately. Thus we reach a point where we can say "hmm, something wicked this way comes", *and* that it will be coincident with the appearance of 'panic behavior' in global markets, with special emphasis for the 'usofa' sub set of markets. However, we cannot say that the 'economic panic' is a causal factor in September. Given the nature and depth of the cross links, it appears that the actual triggers for the 'panic(s) of September 2007' will not be economic in nature, though the results will immediately focus on the economy. We also are unable to say with certainty what the 'triggers' to 'human behavior change' will be, however, we do note that it will be taking place against a background of 'wisdom/knowledge creep' amongst the populace. The extensive cross links which begin to come into existence as the Markets and Populace/USofA and GlobalPop entities are progressed past the Ides of March release period initiation are pointing at a 'growth [in the] body/mass/numbers [of those who] understand'. This 'understanding creep' cannot be over emphasized from our perspective as it is just what provides the emotional tension base from which the release period suddenly, almost violently jumps into building tension mode on or about September 19th, 2007. GlobalPop - Populace/USofA - A Ration of Rash Actions



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In working through the larger than usual amount of immediacy values, the modelspace has become distinctly distended/full. The data bulge represents a period that encompasses most of January. Within that space the lexical clues are headed by manifesting meta data layers, specifically 'rebellion', and 'conflict'. The 'revolution' meme is still alive and well, but it will be a 'rebellion in the provinces' as well as 'reacting rashly' on the part of the 'marginally involved' which will take center stage within the global mediastream over the rest of the month. The data sets suggest that 'rebellion' and 'ill conceived behavior/response' on the part of Bushista, and ThePowersThatBe will 'precipitate defiance' as well as 'demonstrations of strength'. These last will have the immediate effect of changing the nature of the time back into the building emotional trend line as indicated in the chart below.

Chart 2: Much of the GlobalPop participation within the 'release plateau' highlighted above is supported by



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aspect/attributes under 'unexpected consequences' and 'rebellion'. The impression from reading through the data sets is that a 'burst of energetic activity' is about to overtake the global political structure. Due to incoming space goat farts? Perhaps, but nonetheless, with most of the planets' humans *unaware* that their actions and thoughts are 'under-the-influence', this 'frenzy' of incoming 'rebellion' and then the 'stupid/witless response' which in its turn initiates a 'defiance' of the TPTB in many spots around the planet, needs to be avoided. By being aware of the potential {ed note: electrical pun intended} for 'extra planetary' influences on collective thought/actions, we can *perhaps* dampen the impacts on at least the personal sphere. There seems little to indicate that much can be done about the global 'fit of backbone' about to strike back at TPTB/Bushista global hegemony. Mixed in with all of the 'rebellions' and other political turmoil of January, the data sets are also showing that 'ufos' and 'biospheric changes' will be popping up within the mediastream with increasing frequency. And, seemingly, increasing importance. The very large emotional shift level seen in September requires a stable, and large emotional base from which to build. It can be thought of as everyone in the crowd watching the fireworks is collectively holding their breath during the finale and then collectively exhales as the spectacle begins to emerge. That is to say, the collective "aaaaa!" effect. This illustrates an emotional base from which large numbers of humans can build a common emotional tension value set. Similar effects are encountered in large concerts or other, 'emotionally entraining experiences'. As of this point of the processing, it appears that the whole of the Ides of March release period will be 'occupied' with a 'global human collective aaaa!' emotionally entraining experience. The manifestation of the experience will not be 'visible' until September, in the main, due to the nature of other release emotions cluttering up the global media stream. However the 'entrainment experience' will be creeping through the global social biosphere over the course of March through to mid September where it will be providing a major leg of the supporting structure for the very sudden turn around in emotional trend lines.



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Chart 3: Recognizing that 'ufo' reports are increasing within the mainstream media at this time, we need to be aware that the data suggests that this is 'barely [the] beginning', and that 2007 will see a precipitous increase in 'extra-terrestrial awareness' increases. This last includes a wide variety of levels within the descriptor set and ranges from the more mundane 'ufo/aliens' up to the 'supping/eating/digesting' of 'extra solar' energies. Oh, and these are seen as being way up, the old 'sun disease' business manifesting through out the year. A number of the lexical structures seemingly 'burst' in new data element accruals in the period of July and August. This includes over half of the 'ufo' individual descriptor sets. The inference that we are making is that this Summer of 2007 in the northern hemisphere will be 'space filled' and will include yet another form of 'rash actions', that of 'seeing the unreal' as the data sets describe it.



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Chart 4: Returning to the examination of modelspace, as we progress the entities through 2007, the Bushista entity starts to emerge to 'open collision' with the GlobalPop. This includes the sub set which is the Populace/USofA entity. As highlighted in the chart above, the building emotional tension of the very few days left prior to the Ides of March release period {ed note: Actually begins on March 7th, 2007}, will be occupied with a 'building momentum' of 'global resistance'. This 'resistance' will also begin manifesting within the USofA as 'actions' which will include 'refusniks' as well as 'obstructionistas'. As the Bushista entity is showing, the 'attempt at reprisals' will 'come out as pus'. We take this reference, and the other supporting lexical structures as an indication that the attempt will fail miserably. However, at that point, our 'constellation of problems' becomes visible within the USofA populace, its military, and the 'civil officialdom'. And of course, the predicted 'constitutional crisis' begins to ripple in March out through the various 'confidence structures' of the Former American Empire. These will include the 'dollar', all paper assets globally, as well as all trade pacts/agreements, and other international



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arrangements. All of these areas are showing as 'entering disorderly states' and the supporting lexical structures go to the idea that the 'crisis of the American people/nation' affects global markets and currency confidence. Of course we *ALWAYS* err to the negative, and usually the extremely negative of the probabilities inherent in developing circumstances, but, it is worth noting that the events which manifest over the months of January and February which involve the Bushista entity, will have magnified echoes appear in the March release period. The supporting aspects/attributes would allow such as 'open warfare' between various sub groups within the American political spectra. The shape of the descriptors suggest that a much more likely scenario includes 'open insurrection' within the 'civil authorities' which provokes a 'insane response' from the 'cadre at the middle of Bushista'. The 'response ridiculous' as it will be tagged by the mediastream, provokes a decision among ThePowersThatBe entity, and as the globe slides down the slippery slope of the Ides of March release period, the word goes out to 'unleash the dogs'. This movement against the core of Bushista provokes a counter response from a very small, but powerful group within the TPTB entity. The counter measure is to start a series of memes which play into 'secrets revealed' as an attempt to deprive some of the 'hidden elements' of their protective cover as 'regular humans, albeit rich and powerful'. All of this is occurring against the increasing manifestation of 'conflict' emerging within the Populace/USofA between the BushBots/authoritarian types, and the larger downtrodden masses of 'citizens'. Oh, and the 'dogs' will be first showing their hands as they 'rubbish' Gee Dubya and cronies in the global mediastream with facts. Yep, actual hard facts. The battles are unequal, but the consequences will be shocking with very high levels of durational manifestation values. These last would suggest that changes coming to the 'body politic' of the USofA will be akin to the 'cultural revolution' which over took China last century. That is to say, the emotional release levels involved as well as the durational summations across the array argue for a 'multigenerational' impact on the order of 120/one-hundred twenty years. The visual impression within modelspace is that the 'changes happen' beginning a few weeks ago with the December 2006 solstice, and will continue unfolding for the next few years with some vigor. This vigor will begin to be seen in the developing plot line of 'global resistance' to both the Bush cabal, and the TPTB hidden hand manipulators which is even now emerging within the immediacy values with some strength. We see the first of these 'problems' as arriving in January. As the modelspace is progressed forward through the last of the building emotional tension period and into the March to September release time, the Bushista entity shows that a series of shifts begin within a very narrow range. The data is either trying to imply that the 'range of actions' become limited for Bush et al, *or* that the 'limitations at the top hem/box in possibilities'. In either case a clear bespoke elment of 'frustration' shows up. This is supported with an odd reference to 'incantations' such that the area could be interpreted as 'frustrations with incantations that do not work'. There are other areas indicating that the 'shining/illumination' at the very top goes very 'weird/strange'. The suggestion is for 'bizarre behavior', and 'actions without [popular] understanding'. This area in its turn grows over the course of the movement through to September to form the core of the 'final support' group for Bushista. Too bad for everyone that the data sets are indicating both 'fanatic' in the nasty sense of the word, as well as 'delusional' and 'religious zealots'. As the release period opens in March, we can expect a 'brutal' Winter to have taken its toll on most of the populace, with large numbers still affected by 'loss' and 'removal of access'. This last is cross linked to 'travel' and 'goods flow' so may be indicating either political 'restrictions on travel' or 'weather/climate' induced restrictions. Nonetheless, the impact will be such that in the remaining 2/two months of the emotional build, the 'frustration' found within the 'oppressed populace' will spill over into the political realm.



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As we have been noting for at least the last 2/two years, 'rebellion' would precede the out breaks of 'revolution' within the USofA. The current rumors of mutiny *are* supportable, given the language that we have seen develop within the Populace/USofA over these last few years. We had initially hoped that the 'rebellion(s)' would be successful, however the data set is indicating that the 'rebellions' will be followed by 'revolution' as the entrenched, and increasingly demented 'cadre' of 'deciders' refuses to acknowledge the intrusion of external reality into their internally generated delusions. The data that has been processed in 2007 can be interpreted as a 'hardening' of these 'willful delusionary positions' which will precipitate the 'crisis of Spring'. Again, our data shows that this will be a 'constitutional crisis' which actually is still indicated to have begun on November 6, 2006. The 'Spring crisis' will tip the populace and the Bush cabal and the TPTB over into the release period in a very sharp, and noticeable way. Note that on March 7, and lasting until the 15th, there will be a 'tension' plateau, as though some 'standoff' has developed with all parties 'holding their breath' and 'measuring their words'. Then early on the 15th and through that day, 'tensions' will break into 'conflict'. This will directly bring Bush and his 'loyal few' into a harsh spotlight. The data suggests that on that day, the majority of the 'formerly sold' will get a 'revealing/revelation' such that 'shit runs cold'. Hmm. We take all references to bodily functions very seriously as they form the primary archetypes for human group think/cross-cultural understanding. Just as all cultures place the seat of fear in the stomach, such references to 'sudden release events' within the human body are meaningful. Populace/USofA - Nuk'lar Plateau, Noble Departure To continue to examine the always increasing Bushista entity distracts us from the more meaningful examination of the various populace entities. We need to note that during the March release period, which may be so emotion filled as to seem as though the many months are a single, long emotional wailing, that a curious link to 'humility' rises between the sub sets of the populace/USofA, and the populace/Iran. This link to 'humility' is of the kind where extensive replication of the same data sets within both lexical structures are also augmented with large numbers of cross links. In attempting to understand the curious and continuing to develop cross links between the populace/Iran, and populace/USofA, the modelspace is progressed forward through the Ides of March release period and toward our 'fate filled' September. During the initial movement of the modelspace at around the March equinox, a 'constellation of factors' begins to appear within each of the data sets. First there are the mutually held values for the 'standoff/face-down' of the March 7 through 15th. There are 2/two easily presented interpretations for the 'March stand-off' plateau. The first could be that the 'world is held hostage' by a 'nuclear threat [of imminence]' such as Israel threatening to 'nuke Iran'. The second easily reached conclusion is that a 'stand off [at the] top of the world' between 'rebellious factions', and the 'titular head' also holds the world hostage. Again, there is also the threat of 'nuclear weapons' involved even in the latter as a 'shell shocked', and 'bunkered' Bush *might* be capable of any action. Further there is nothing to say that these 2/two possible scenarios are mutually exclusive. In the experience of most, those humans who 'claim nobility' never are, and the only place that 'true/actual nobility' can be encountered is in the 'worst of times, in the worst of places'. Such is before us now, or so says the data set. We have a case of bespoke aspect of 'noble' which is supported by 'expression/actions' and which in its turn is supported by 'departure'. All of these values are cross connected to the the populace/Iran and terminate in the 'humility' sub set which is also cross linked back to the populace/USofA sub set where it also terminates in 'humility'.



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The 'humility' structure, found as a rising aspect in both populace sub sets contains some very interesting 'actions' and 'response' forms of lexical growth. There is a suggestion that a 'personality of individual strength' will rise to the occasion within the populace/USofA and will 'depart [the] situation' as in perhaps meaning 'abandoning' the Bush war of aggression against the Iraqi's. Then as a result of the 'noble departure', the populace/Iran sub set is showing that an 'accommodation' on 'aggressive tendencies' could be offered. And this has 'nuclear' as an attached supporting set as though '1/one gesture of seeking common good' would be 'met in kind'. However, noting the expressed nature of the Bushistas, it seems as if this is a far edge kind of forecast, more wishful thinking in reading the data set than sharp eyed scrutiny. There are numerous data structures within the heavily cross linked areas of Populace/USofA and the Bushista entity toward the idea of 'revolution' and 'crushing weight [of] exposure'. As noted above, there are cross links over to the ThePowersThatBe entity which suggests that a 'deluded prince/ruler' is to be 'deliberately brought low' by the release of damaging information which is showing as 'stinking' up the global mediastream. The image coming across from the data set is that Bush et al, including some former adversaries, are 'weighted down' by their 'compulsive behaviors' now and of the past. The release of this information is shown to 'sour the stomach' of the Populace/USofA, and to 'stoke the revolutionary fires' which are just then spreading. There is some chance, some measurable amount of probability that the 'noble departure' interpretation can/will manifest. This conclusion comes as a result of watching the data set build over the processing. We are seeing a very large, and cohesive mass accumulate now with a clear 'noble departure' definition, and a clean termination, with complete and correct population of the value sets. This is an indicator to us that there are 'background' activities actually manifesting now to place this interpretation within the realm of probability, at whatever low level of measure currently. It *may* be possible for the astute, and aware observer to locate further clues in the global mediastream over these next, brief, and tense weeks showing evidence of the 'manifestation thread' of the 'noble departure'. As the wise of all cultures have noted, the seeds of destruction always contain the growth to follow. Conclusion- Part 5: - Revolution, Dollars, and Sense As we have stated recently, the number of cross links has greatly added to our interpretation tasks. Undoubtedly a sign of rising states of complexity becoming visible. This is due to the creeping instability in all of the complex systems which are the human world. The rise in complexity is increasing as we note in the charts above. There are, as noted, rising threads for 'rebellion' to manifest, and then the shift to 'revolution' in both populace base entities. The 'revolution' will spill over to affect a wide number of complex systems currently in place. To say that 2007 will be/is a year of emergence is perhaps understating the nature of what is materializing. The 'revolution' meme will progress rapidly. In fact, 'rapidity' of 'change/motions' will be an identifiable 'feeling' within the general populace as the year moves along. The sensation will be of 'time speeding up' and this alone will have consequences for humans and how they face the changes which manifest. The data sets are too extensive, and too cross linked to be 'simple and clear', but our impression from the dance of the entities through modelspace is that any, and all of the political problems building through Winter, and releasing in Spring are *not* good for the 'usofa dollar'.



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Of course our recent experiences with biospheric upheaval here in the PNW are certainly motivators, however, there are numerous other indicators within the data set which are stating clearly, 'get sense, time is short'.

We expect to have Part 6 posted by late Sunday next, however we are still running into low/no power days, and are still struggling with less than robust broadband connections so the universe may intrude on this schedule.

Copyright 2006 by HalfpastHuman. All rights reserved. Released through subscription only. No reproduction in whole or in part without prior permission. ALTA IR - 907 - Part 6 - January 14, 2007

Part 6:Meta Data - Flow Notes, Asimov's Rocking Model*

Mundus Incognitus - The long emergent narrative* Gold/Silver - In Times Of Troubles, Great Possession* Conclusion: ALTA Series 907, Part 6* Asymmetric Language Trend Analysis Intelligence Report Changes in language precede changes in behavior. By Tenax SE for

Note this report is offered for entertainment value only. Any resemblance between the events portrayed in this report and any developing reality is purely co-incidental and in no manner represents foreknowledge on the part of the authors of this report. Note that this information is derived from humans expressing themselves on the internet. As such, human emotional values and the words used to express them are being sampled and interpreted here, NOT THE FUTURE. Any resemblance between this report and future developments is entirely in the mind of the perceiver and does not exist in reality. The Authors cannot be held liable for accuracy of lack thereof in this report. Authors cannot be held liable for human interpretation of this report nor any action any human takes as a result of this report. Any human foolish enough to alter their behavior based on this entertainment-only analysis demonstrates themselves incapable of rational appreciation of reality, and the authors are explicitly held harmless and blameless for any and all such mental aberrations on the part of the reader.



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01.14.2007 Note: Entities are identified by a blue typeface. Aspect words are enclosed in square brackets []. Attribute words/phrases are within parentheses (). Near sentences or concepts composed of both leading aspect and trailing attributes are single quoted '. Interpretive editorial comments are preceded by an asterisk *. Editorial notes are within {} curly braces. Our expectations are to achieve 70+ million reads within our bandwidth limitations. We expect a 6 part report series from this data set. There likely will be a 7th part to the series. This report in the series created from 71.5341 million reads. Meta Data - Flow Notes, Asimov's Rocking Model The "usual" course of processing within our system is to collect data and process/interpret in a particular flow in which we examine immediacy values for parts 1, and 2, with some of the shorter term value sets appearing in part 2, but mainly interpreting those during part 3 and longer term values in 4, and some mixture in part 5, with back to the un-examined immediacy values in part 6. There was no "usual" flow with this 907 series. First we were hit with 'unseasonal' Winter wind storms and cold in November, then the Ides of December wind storm and sub sequent power/internet loss. Following this have been a series of additional storms which have worked their way across the western half of the country and are now heading east. These storms have impacted both data gathering, and its processing such that we are left with large amounts of unexamined data sets which will soon 'expire' as time overtakes our value sets. Already much of the immediacy values are past their appearance dates. This has impacted this part 6 interpretation and led to some skipping around between value sets seeking the largest areas of change *within* the total data set. In addition we are running a private ALTA series, also with large data groups expiring, and with common entity sets with this series. This report includes some of the conclusions from that series as well. It is very much as though the September equinox of 2006 was actually signaling Winter and not Fall. This is in line with a number of cautionary, non-fiction works by famed thinker Isaac Asimov. Primarily known as a writer of science fiction, Asimov was in fact a prolific producer of works of 'science fact'. In the tradition, now carried on by writers such as Graham Hancock, of assembling and distribution, Asimov approached the concepts of 'sudden catastrophic climate change' in the 1950's. His conclusion was that the results were nasty for all life, and *always* had proceeded along a certain path which *should* be able to be used as a model for future episodes of human-testing 'sudden catastrophic climate change'. Isaac Asimov's model of how it works can be encapsulated as follows: external radiations increase global temperatures, and spike anomalous electrical activities. The planet gains heat, glaciers melt globally, and suddenly, at least beyond our ability to conceive of the rapidity of such change. Then the water goes into the atmosphere inducing a period of unknown years of violent global storming during which torrential rains are unleashed. When, during the period of torrential raining, there are 'space anomalous behavior', such as a magnetic pole shift, then, and only then, will new poles form which induces cold into the system from space sources as the rejuvenated magnetic field brings in very high energy, and very damn cold, particles from space into the poles. Water comes down in these regions as snow, then morphs to ice, then glaciers, and the whole herd of processes is off and running once again. Humans of that period get so say, 'whew, glad that sheeit is over, now lets party'.



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Asimov's 'oscillation model' of 'rocking between the hot and cold complexes' is not his own creation, but his reporting of it, including descriptions of the play of forces involved is uniquely human. The rocking wet model for atmospheric reduction also includes the notion that glaciation, as a process, will most likely 'go too far'. This can/has produced effects documented by Charles Hapgood, Handcock, and others, and it has in the distant past, produced crustal shifts as well as magnetic pole shifts. In spite of the desperate attempts (so far successful, but now crumbling) of ThePowersThatBe and their mediastream whores to keep the discussions on the planet away from the realities of the current times as the 'sudden catastrophic climate change' manifests, the general level of awareness of the populace on this subject is increasing. How can it possibly *not* increase as we all live through it. Or not. We are noting the jerky shifts in information releases coming from a Press entity under increasing, and mounting pressures of emerging patterns. While the whole of the method being used by the mediastream as distraction/distortion is to focus not on patterns, but rather "isolated" events, the effectiveness of the efforts are crumbling. We expect, given the data sets, that the facade of 'freak' weather, rather than emerging new patterns will take some very large blows {ed note: pun intended} this year, and that by Summer in the northern hemisphere, the "press" will have to address their karmic burden of denial and do so publically. And we all rock on... Mundus Incognitus - The long emergent narrative The world is changing. The data sets are suggesting that as the mundus mutates toward whatever will be next, that is the 'unknown' future, this year will be seen as the year of emergence. The emergence is not only of topologic planetary changes, nor climate, but also of change in the state of being of humans. As the changes emerge, one upon the other, each in its turn triggering further change to crowd in upon is causal predecessor, humans must be affected. The data sets suggest that no longer will doubt about changes be an issue after 2007. As 'the emergent' year following the 'pivotal year', 2007 will see several of the larger themes rush upon us in the very near term. The immediacy values, as well as the whole of the shorter term value set are arguing for an interpretation of the 'stalemate breaking' which propels us into a period of cascading change.



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Chart 1: The cascading changes lead to a fracturing of several of our large entities such that the entities as they are now formed do not appear to exist after September. In clarifying that, let us state that it does not imply catastrophic ends, rather just change to the point that major entities must be 'redefined' by the new inputs to their structure. So the GlobalMarkets entity does not carry forth in its current definition past September. However, perhaps if we eliminate the 'usofa dollar' defining sub set of descriptors from the entity, it would repopulate. Perhaps. Nonetheless, many of the entities do not carry forward with their previously defining characteristics. Change will occur at that deep a level such that our modeling will require a reworking, even if it is able to proceed. We say "if" advisedly. This is due to the level of change potential that is visible within our modelspace. We just cannot say that any more ALTA reports will be possible following this series. We can say definitively that there are several possible futures within the next few months which *would* make it improbable. The concerns developing from the data points not merely to September, but rather to the 'eight/8' days from March 7th through March 15th inclusive as the 'key bending point'. During this time, the data suggests that some form of 'stalemate' or 'obstruction' will 'break free' and thereafter the world is propelled into the 'unknown'. While it is the cumulative total of the release which makes for the sudden turn around in September, it will be the 'tone' or 'nature' of the blockage in March which will form the



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'yelling box' of the release period in which the emotions will be vented. It could be that the 'stalemate' represents a point in which the 'rebellion versus revolution' meme will be accelerated as the populace finally steps up to take on the Bushies. Or it could be that it is a time in which the Bush cabal has engineered a confrontation with Iran. Or it could be that the 'blockage' is a reference to a 'physical' blockage within planetary changes which become unblocked. Or it could be that we are speaking of 'space based blockages'. And while we await and ponder the 'unknown world' pending, we can at least glean from what we are able to discern within the linguistic clues. We have a large number of well supported, directly held values with extensive cross links supporting the idea that no matter which of the sorts of 'stalemates' above materializes, the 'bushies' will get 'stomped'. The level of the 'stomping' is severe, and will play out over the course of the release period. The problem for our monkey minds is that the nature of the 'kind of stomping' which shows up can dramatically alter the dynamics of the release period itself. Noting the extremes of the weather, and noting the earth changes currently emerging, we will nonetheless set these aside for a moment to consider some alternate probable futures. Zero - the first probable future is a 'stalemate' between the Bushies and the populace as 'plans/plots' of the Bushistas come out, and the populace right objects. The objections are ignored in an 'imperious fashion', and a constriction crisis ensues. This 'crisis of confidence' abruptly escalates to a 'test of rebellion' versus the 'need for revolution'; basically, does the system work and remove the lunatic or not? If not, the 'revolution it is' with a rapid coup, some attempted counter-coups, and 'street actions'. This plays out within the release period with Terra frequently intruding, and in a very large way. The populace fractures, regroups, ungroups, thrashes around, and political chaos grows as 'secrets revealed' gets totally serious as 'new media' or 'revolutionary pipelines' open and thrive providing a starved public with actual facts about their own hidden history. The nature of the 'american dream' is both examined, and altered in an instant of 'disclosure'. The structure of the 'american republic' alters just as easily with 'secrets revealed'. Soldiers are recalled home from every damn place in over 100/one hundred countries, and an internal encounter with national karma long over due arrives during monumental climate/biospheric changes. Whew, and that is just from March 7 through to September. As the 'populace of the usofa' begins the process of 'freeing itself' from its current multiple layers of delusion and slavery, the rest of the globe is rapidly encountering its own predestined groping toward reality. This includes globally affective weather, climate, biospheric alterations including interaction with bodies in space. In this future, the populace of the USofA suffers seriously. But, in this future, the populace fights to reclaim its integrity and destiny against the forces bent on global domination. One - the second probable future is of a 'stalemate' engineered between the Bushies and Iran. As the stupefied populace of the USofA stumbles slowly toward some form of waking stagger, the Bushies push on in a rush and 'bomb the crap' out of Damascus and Tehran. As expected, the Iranians retaliate. Several of the technically superior 'sun burst' missiles {ed note: sun disease?} burn out 2/two fifths of the USofA Navy in about 15/fifteen minutes with demonstrations of the asymmetric 'double dome' attack. Occurring simultaneously with the attack on the USofA fleet in the straits of Hormuz, several fronts open up in the 'one day war'. USofA forces in Iraq, and throughout the Gulf states are attacked by combined Shia militias, both state and non state sponsored. Most of the fighting is lopsided as without air power, the American ground troops are staged as isolated compounds pre-surrounded by millions of 'unfriendlies'. Also at this time the 'shia versus sunni' fighting moves across the narrow waters into S. Arabia, striking the Wahabi'i deep in their own territory, and simultaneously unleashing the 'insinuated' foreign workers moles as agents of disruption. For the most part the Iranian response is effective. Nuclear weapons are very likely to be used in this conflict. Again, our data cannot rule out such a future, nor establish probability at any meaningful level, but again we note that the Bushista entity does poorly.



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Very poorly. No surprise there of course, given their track record and Bush's whole life story being the repetition of the pattern of 'dumb ass kid getting rescued by rich, powerful papa'. So of course he/they/Bushista's will all default to this pattern yet once again, and certain defeat is predictable. Problem is, even with the Terra intrudes part of the larger picture, the populace of the USofA suffers seriously. The expected 400/four hundred dollar a barrel oil will be at the bottom of our worries list. In this future, the suffering flows a does the waves of psychoses through Bushes delusional pond thinking itself the whole of the oceans. Two - the third probable future is or can be a combination of the above, but wherein the 'terra changes' come to dominate all other issue, including the many devious squirms of the Bushista karma. In this emergent reality, which is forecast to happen regardless of the human dramas playing out, the 'blockage' is a littoral {ed note: hahahaha....oceanographic pun intended} and literal 'blockage of the currents'. Specifically, this 'blockage' arises along with a 'spine of volcanoes' under the ocean and basically builds a land bridge between South America/Patagonia, and Antarctica. This occurs along with some really striking storms to hit Antarctica which includes 'rains/rainwaters' and 'warm floods' which 'sweep the plains clean',but also 'seep down deep' into the ice. The 'spine' of new land shuts off the ability of the planet to 'blend the oceans' at the 60/sixty degrees of latitude, and thus all weather/climate everywhere changes in just that 'single day'. In this scenario the alteration of the oceans is profound, and recognized so by the immediate impacts on South America, Africa, and Australia/New Zealand. The 'shock of the realization of the new' causes the global population to exclaim 'what the fluck?' very loudly, and to pay far less attention to the politicians and their mind games afterward. In fact, war as a method of political persuasion falls off in effectiveness within days as the nations scramble their resources trying to 'tend their own gardens' as Voltaire would have it. The governments are all dealing with a 'global coastal event' as tidal patterns shift, ocean currents pile up and try to find new places to flow around obstructions and all manner of 'disharmony at sea' emerges. In this scenario the species of humans is 'shocked into correct mind' and delusions start to fall of their own weight. Obsolete concepts such as nations and states start to dissolve into meaninglessness as ocean current changes precipitate changes in all other complex systems on the planet including atmospheric rotation, heating patterns, glaciation, earthquakes, and the totality of global climate. Every thing is 'upside down' including the poles which are twitching around as you read this, and are just itching to go 'hop about'. Unexpected consequences of the 'ocean currents' floating include such nasties as huge increase in 'methane release' from the panpacific methane shelf, and the now heated tundra globally. Sea level elevations are deserted en masse as the continually dwindling populations seek higher ground and breathe-able airs. As may be expected, certain components of modern life such as global markets, and paper debts seem to have waning influence in this possible future. In this future scenario the Bushista's once again live up to their karmic incompetence as they try to take the world fishing up the river of denial. Again, it doesn't work, and the 'failure/defeat' of the Bushista is total as even the concepts of their power become more supposed, and old world, rather than real amidst the new mundus incognitus. What we think we do know We think that over the course of the March release period, the Bushista 'magic touch' will once again reassert itself as the Bushista entity indicates 'aggression' and 'lashing out [at all] around' manifest as the rising and dominant aspects. The Bushista entity is once again signaling complete intent to 'manifest total failure'. We think that the 'aggression' and 'delusions of military might/grandeur' will be most emergent in April and May. We think that this will be concurrent with, and directly linked to the 'derivatives complex system damage' which is directly tied to the lack of post-September 'global markets' as they are currently defined. We think that there are profound implications for the paper currencies, and the prices of all commodities globally. BUT will it matter? Much of our data sets within the markets are pointing to an 'irrelevance' to developing circumstances as though the changes of March equinox to September solstice will be such that vast amounts of human emotional energy will drain



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away from such abstractions. We have included an extract from the concurrent private ALTA series on gold/silver as pertinent. We think we know that maneuvers are underway to 'instigate' further warfare, likely against Iran. We think we know that this will be the largest (to date) blunder of the Bushista/TPTB should it be undertaken. We think that there may be some possibility that 'terra intrudes' enough to put down warfare. There is some lexical evidence to support this. It is hard to decide if it is a worthwhile exchange of death and destruction for death and destruction. We think that there is evidence to support a confluence of events which will create 'social order alterations' within a very short time which pressures will lead to 72/seventy-two days of very intense 'social and personal growth'. We think we know that the primary meme of the personal growth for this year is the 'emergent nature' of the 'universal changes'. We think that over the course of the March to September release period, that 'terra intrudes'. This 'intrusion' is to the point of 'altering the flows' within the oceans. This alteration undersea's, along with simultaneous magnetic 'issues/anomalies' will participate in a build up of climate/biospheric change which will impact 'hundreds of millions' globally in 2007. Even those not directly impacted by sudden climate change locally will be 'altered themselves' due to the 'fading of delusions' and 'dissipation of propaganda' in the face of our new 'emerging world'. We think we know that this process will be temporally near the occurrence of some bizarre weather in Antarctica. We think the 'undersea's blockage' will be created by a 'spine of volcanoes' in the south, which will 'reach north, upward' and will 'shift the planet' by way of the oceans. As may be expected, such an occurrence will have very long range impacts on planet earth. Not very many will be positive. We think we know that these changes will involve the 'redistribution' of waters on the planet, including the 'shifts of rainwaters'. Again much of this area is in support of 'flooding'. Most of these lexical sets are cross linked to populace entities with the expected terminations for the results of flooding including 'inland migrations'. What is a bit surprising are the number of references to the 'refugees arriving *up* at heights where air is gasped, but breathing continues'. Some of these may be indicative of the idea of 'fleeing' and with 'flight' comes fear and rapid breathing, but some of the areas are pointing to 'poisoned air' and 'airs malodorous'.



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What we think we don't know We are sure that we don't know just what is the 'conflict' at the heart of the Bushista karma during our March 7 through 15th 'stalemate plateau'. There are so many from which to choose that our linguistic clues are less than helpful. We think that we do not know and are pretty damn sure about it, what the timing will be. The temporal clues are sparse, but are unique enough as to be useful, if we have the placements correct in our interpretation. We think we don't know just when the 'antarctic storms' start, but these and other 'southern hemisphere' based changes are very clear markers for the pending 'global coastal event'. We think we do not know IF the 'shock of the new/changes' will actually derail the plans of ThePowersThatBe for the 'grand novo seclorum.

Gold/Silver - In Times Of Troubles, Great Possession The GlobalMarkets entity, as it is moved along with modelspace into, and through September, shows that 'gold/silver' as a specific sub set gains the rising aspect of 'fulfillment/completion' with supporting aspect/attributes of 'almost'. This last can also be interpreted as 'pending' or 'on the cusp'. We also have supporting aspect/attributes to this aspect of 'movement started' and 'progression begins'. The details go toward the idea of 'gold bar floats upward, rising moment/momentum'. The data set continues with contrary support pointing to 'paper assets' as 'holding [on] desperately', and



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'weak up, almost gone, last gasp(ing) breath'. Further data imagery of 'material/earthly addictions demand/call [for] holding desperately [to the] sensors/skin'. This data set is very strong. It has all of the characteristics of the data sets which in the past have led to forecasts which manifested subsequently, and with some 'force'. The data set is currently building, which reinforces the idea of 'the initial motion of a continuing event'. Further, as the data comes into the modelspace the visual impression is of a growing change beginning to flow around a blockage, with the overwhelming moment both in the near future, and certain. The descriptor set goes to a 'strong/supportive base/foundation' from which the 'last of the desperation' will be 'pushed aside/away'. This aspect/attribute set is pointing to September as the 'month of fulfillment'. Note that this is not 'completion' being expressed, but rather a more complex descriptor set in which a 'wave/cycle' has reached a 'point of activating [to] fulfillment'. This is another way of saying that the 'wave has begun to influence' the general cycle in which it operates. Thus we have a 'rebellion' wave slowly emerging within the Populace/USofA which will be 'stoked by circumstances' into an active 'revolutionary wave'. This we expect to dominate that entity sometime later in the year. But the seeds for that domination will be visible long before {ed note: by months} its actual manifestation as the ruling aspect. So what is being seen here now is that the September period for 'gold/silver' will be the point at which the 'wave dominates' the surrounding markets entity. The 'emergence into fulfillment' is supported by aspects/attributes describing the 'un-sheep-like' persons who 'would not go with their friends'. This last has a sub aspect/attribute set indicating 'flock' and 'sheeps', as well as 'unlike/contrary'. So the whole of the aspect could be read as an affirmation that those who 'did not flock with their friends [into paper assets] will prosper in September'. The descriptor set is clearly showing that 'slowly [in the past] advancement laborious', while the modelspace shows the 'gold/silver' sub sets dominating things from that point onward. This would put a context of 'previously, gold/silver advanced slowly, and laboriously', while now, the 'natural laws' will 'propel' the 'advancement' as 'smoothly' as 'heat rises'. Much of the supporting sub sets within this descriptor are cross linked to the previously reported 'panic' aspects. The whole of the picture is of a set of conditions which creates a 'panic to own' situation for 'large wealth/paper holders'. This 'upper classes panic' will be the actual temporal marker for the 'sudden shift'. As it is increasingly clear that the USofA Federal Reserve, and the Reserve/Central Bank cabal has lost control of the 'bubble creation' ability, and as deeper degradation settles into 'housing',the last of the large bubbles in the northern hemisphere, the 'tops too high' and 'upside down innocence' aspects showing for 'gold/silver/precious metals' will become increasingly visible. This will coincide with the 'dollar disease' manifesting as a global 'currency virus' in March/April. Much of the non 'war' language with higher emotional values is centered clearly on 'economics', and sub set 'commodities', sub set 'resources', sub set 'gold/silver/precious metals'. A scenario with probability would have the 'usofa' economy 'reeling/staggering' in late February, and early March in conjunction with political 'stalemate/stand-off', and 'visible manifestations' of a 'constitutional crisis'. Also blending into the meld will be quite visible evidence of a developing 'employment crash' rising from the sudden death of the housing bubble, just as there are 'interest rate hikes' which impact the millions of sub prime mortgages. The 'bank fears' of having to 'take back bad paper' starts legal proceedings. This last will be a singular temporal marker for a number of developing circumstance including the rapid appreciation of all classes of commodities related to precious metals. And, however depressed the energy sector is at the moment, the onset of the 'dollar hyper inflation' and the deflation to follow will take it down considerably lower. There is much to suggest that the 'usofa' as an economic base is about to enter into a 'great dip/depression' such that demands for 'tools/resources of production' will drop precipitously around the planet. However temporary a depressing factor, the shift



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in demands for global resources will become even more exacerbated as the Terra entity intrudes on human planning/actions through the rest of 2007. As an 'emerging factor' in the rising of the new consciousness, the biospheric alteration will very soon come to dominate most local resource allocations. The immediate future of gold/silver/pm's is showing in hints as the complex become 'unbound' to other resources, specifically 'oil, energy complex'. The idea coming across from the developing data accretion patterns is that March/April will form the base wherein the 'collision of forces' within the 'usofa' will precipitate an acceleration of the dollar disease into a deflationary period as the currency dies off, but with specific commodities holding very high, relative prices. Noting that hyperinflation will proceed the deflation, and as the data set suggests 'by design/will/intent'. The cross links suggest that the 'elite/bankers' will be trying to 'pump up the dollar' through to an inflationary trend line, and the process will explode out of their hands. Within the data sets for 'gold/silver' we have 'cautions' showing up in late February which are gaining language such as 'against claimed theft' in March/April. The data sets continue to build with aspect/attributes of 'powerful force [from] above [attempts] manipulation'. This is supported by numbers of references to 'failure' and to 'catastrophe'. As a further reinforcing data point, there are cross links from the Markets entity over to the Terra entity which come into place all in a rush during the late March and early April period. Many of these are concerning 'reconciliation' which in its turn is supported by 'flooding', and 'permanent loss'. These in their turns are supported by 'derivatives' both directly held, and through internal cross links, and 'land lost/invisible'. The idea coming across is that during early 2007, a global consciousness change will have to be made by the 'moneyed few' in that they will 'encounter restrictions on movement' as both the currency and the lands are lost to more or less 'permanent flooding'. This change will dramatically affect the totality of the 'global investment climate' over the second half of the year. The accretion levels continue to suggest that the 'shift' coming is so radical as to preclude the existence, as we know them now, of global markets after September. What we are lacking in our data is the former 'big picture' descriptor for the global markets. Much of that is now appearing is still there after September, but the complete descriptor set can no longer be populated after that point. What this suggests is that a change has occurred such that our descriptor set does not reflect, adequately, the emerging reality of the time. This has occurred in the past as our initial entity BushCo has morphed into Bushista through the loss of the 'corporate' elements, as well as 'press control' elements which were there in the beginning. So the shift of data beyond the boundaries of our currently descriptors is part of the processing over time. Our task now is to redefine our global markets descriptor set such that it can be populated once again. At that point we should have better knowledge of the directions of the emergent after-change state of things. The course of the global markets entity does not have any negative aspects for 'gold/silver' at this time, and it is hard to envision a large change under current circumstances which would be bad for precious metals. The data set agrees throughout the progression of modelspace, but we need to note that into late March and continuing through April, 'gold/silver' is showing as being labeled as 'the great possession'. Conclusion: ALTA Series 907, Part 6. This section concludes the ALTA 907 series. There will be a 'headline clean-up' part 7 if the new data processing remaining warrants the effort. As of this point, and bearing in mind that our years actually are solstice to solstice, and based on lunar months, 2007 is manifesting its ass off. We have everything from the old ALTA predictions of 'brain worms', and 'sun disease' manifesting. This last is very likely to really get moving in the next few days as the comet grande P1 McNaught gets serious in doing its 'round-about' of the sun. With the Powers



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That Be so afraid of the implications as to forbid mainstream media coverage of the largest comet in the solar system in several hundreds of years which was discovered ONLY last year and so kind of snuck up on us, the continuing movements of P1 should definitely be considered both on its own transit, and as a precursor to other 'space based emergences' later in the year. We have the continuing manifestation of the 'dollar disease' as well as predictions of significant changes to the planet over the course of this next year. Let us hope that this is an aberration of the data processing, and thus is a *big* error on the side of the extreme. Speaking of extremes, we all are aware of the continuing 'extreme weather manifestations', and given our data sets, it makes sense to prepare as though the recent past is merely prelude, the 'tuning of the winds' rather than the main 'blow' of the symphony. And speaking of 'blow' though in another context, the Bushista problems and the frequent mention of the words 'constitutional crisis' in the mediastream validates our previous ALTA reports of earlier last year. Now we know that the 'constitutional crisis' *will* involve 'war' and 'conflict' though there is yet time for the populace to 'take back' their destiny and to restrict the new conflict to the USofA instead of unleashing yet another Bushista brain fart upon the universe. As power shifts along with the planets and stars, it behooves us to remember that 'universe rules'. That within 'universe rules' there is an unbridgeable gap between those who can think for themselves, and those who live life without recognizing the repeating patterns continually placed there by universe attempting to prompt a stumble into enlightenment. Thus the continued puzzlement of the self-aware over the actions of the 'pretentiously bound'. The hard part of the enlightenment journey, and perhaps/probably the whole of the Hunab Ku impact on humans, will be that the aware will come to recognize that reality will force a shift in populations. Some will walk forward, others will remain. For those who advance, a series of painful lessons awaits. Of course, the enlightened recognize that growth in the material world *only* comes at the expense of pain. No organism evolves without pressure, threats, and annoying stimulus. However, as a caution, bear in mind that it is up to universe to provide the stumbles along the road which lead to the step off onto the path of personal enlightenment. Humans seemingly cannot provide this service to each other. As will testify those door-to-door religion sales people/proselytizers. Basically even these people learn that "you can't tell people shit". Or as more poetically put by M. Twain, "never try to teach a pig to sing. It won't work, and it will annoy the pig." Remember as time flows this year of emergence, and as times of troubles beset the planet, the aware mind knows not to waste time with porcine singing lessons, and instead concentrates on mutual assistance with those others stumbling along the same path. Vale. And thanks for the participation in what has been an interesting few months of delays and restarts. Here is to hoping we are way wrong, and have to turn to the professional pie eating circuit to make a living. Clif and Igor.

Copyright 2007 by HalfpastHuman. All rights reserved. Released through subscription only.



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