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ALTA 1008 Part One


ALTA 1008 - Part One

Asymmetric Language Trend Analysis Intelligence Report Changes in language precede changes in behavior. By Tenax SE for Note this report is offered for entertainment value only. Any resemblance between the events portrayed in this report and any developing reality is purely co-incidental and in no manner represents foreknowledge on the part of the authors of this report. Note that this information is derived from humans expressing themselves on the internet. As such, human emotional values and the words used to express them are being sampled and interpreted here, NOT THE FUTURE. Any resemblance between this report and future developments is entirely in the mind of the perceiver and does not exist in reality. The Authors cannot be held liable for accuracy of lack thereof in this report. Authors cannot be held liable for human interpretation of this report nor any action any human takes as a result of this report. Any human foolish enough to alter their behavior based on this entertainment-only analysis demonstrates themselves incapable of rational appreciation of reality, and the authors are explicitly held harmless and blameless for any and all such mental aberrations on the part of the reader. 12.27.2007 Note: Entities are identified by a blue typeface. Aspect words are enclosed in brackets [aspect]. Attribute words/phrases are within parentheses (attributes). Near sentences or concepts composed of both leading aspect and trailing attributes are single quoted '. Interpretive editorial comments are preceded by an asterisk *. Editorial notes are within {} curly braces. Navigation links are in italicized bold green, and red when visited. Our expectations are to achieve 70+ million reads within our bandwidth limitations. We expect a 6 part report series from this data set. Depending on the processing flow there may be a 7th part to the series. This report in the series created from 12.871 million reads of the 1008 series. Meta Data - Prelude to manifestation.. a perfectly preposterous prediction When we had labeled 2008 the 'Year of Manifestation' in very late 2006, we had *noooooo* idea what the hell we were talking about. Oh, sure, it is still accurate, but the incoming linguistics suggest that the actual 'manifestation' of 2008, will make us all change our definition of the word. Noting that each word within our contexts contains an association of 640/six hundred and forty cells array of emotional values, and that we use similar states of the numeric values of the various cells within the array to link back into the lexicon and draw up the details of the context. Sooo...from a meta data level, the modelspace is actually shocking us here at HPH. Hmmmm. Probably that is not good in itself. After recovering the single wit that Igor and I share, we proceeded to examine just the what that is coming out of the initial load of the modelspace with all new 1008 data. For sake of discussion, a chart of our perfectly preposterous prediction is below. With apologies to our international readers, and all the ships at sea, we need to point out that this report will focus almost exclusively on the USofA (with a few important exceptions) due to the huge amount of changes being forecast by this entity and its interaction with the Terra entity and modelspace itself. So, again, a few important exceptions, but mainly looking at the USofA and some pending manifestations. This is probably a good thing, in that, at this juncture in the progression of time, what happens to the USofA ripples out into the world. Part of our perfectly preposterous prediction includes some previously presented particles of information, and some currently manifesting trends. These bits are being provided to place the main body of the predictions in appropriate context in manifesting circumstances. Soooo...we are coming from a perspective of the modelspace having been just loaded with immediacy values, and some small amount of shorter term sets. These sets include the base of Modelspace itself, and the Terra entity and the Populace/USofA entity. Instantly we observe that the Populace/USofA entity is bloated as never before seen. And that the swelling continues up the data chain tree to include the cross links and meta data layers. In deference to the extremely unusual nature of this interpretation, we will be presenting it in a slightly different format.....please note that in the article below, some of the references are labels being used for [unknown aspect/attributes] of particular contexts, and that these are to be considered as 'variable names' or placeholders until we are able to induce the details about the actual contexts later. So, this is necessarily a higher level view of stuff rolling down the time hill toward us.

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ALTA 1008 Part One


US to hold Elections Early

(dateline: future (May[ish]?), 2008) (by major news services) Due to the overwhelming popular demands for immediate elections, the [Constitutional Council] and the [reconstituted supreme court] have decided that national elections will be held in July of this year, 2008. The inauguration is expected to be held in early August. One of the first orders of business for the new government will be to appeal for international aid in bringing US soldiers home. While the current levels of [international aid] are certainly welcome, they are less than adequate for the massive needs here in the USofA, let alone the costs of transporting the [soldiers] home. Yet these soldiers are desperately needed in the [national recovery effort]. Of course the recent [climate/environmental/natural disaster(s)] have pushed the emotions around the election to a fevered pitch. The subsequent problems within the Bush administration, directly related to the [secrets revealed] by the [death] of [politician Q], and the [death of the dollar] also have provided political pressure for early elections. The [dollar death] and the collapse of the [financial sector] including the [federal reserve] which afflicted the country just as the [environmental/natural disaster] crushed the last [resources vitality] of the [nation] also provided vast amounts of previously hidden secrets, the revelation of which led to the [political earthquake/revolution/upheaval]. The impact of the [climate/environmental/natural disaster] triggered the partial collapse of the [national electrical grid] which has yet to recover. On the positive side, the [climate disaster] has caused so many people to relocate that the demand for electricity in the affected region is but a fraction of its former levels and is easily solved, if there were generators and fuel to be moved into the region. The [remnants] of the [population] within [region X] are still found to be gradually moving out, reducing demand for services even more. Beginning with the [dollar death] in late [winter], and the inability to maintain our military due to the total collapse of the [economic system], a major concern for the [populace], after [food] and [home energy], has been the inability to purchase [fuel] and [transport] to return our soldiers from abroad. As the [political situation] deteriorated, and the [mutiny] became more dominant within the ranks, the sense of [urgency] for [reform] at a [core] level became almost a palpable part of the late [winter winds]. The [manifest] [revolution] within the [American political system] was coincident to the [abject failure] of the [political class] to [affect rapid change] following the triple disasters of the [dollar death], the [climate/environmental disaster], and the [secrets revealed] about the [politicians] as a result of the [impact] of the [Bush Bust] among the [civil servants] who were no longer being paid to remain silent. Once the [secrets] began to be [revealed] on [television] following the [seizure (of the) Name-of-National-Monument-Here] by the [veterans] in support of their [brothers in arms in mutiny], the [collapse] of the [politician elite] was certain. The final push came with the release of the [forbidden knowledge list] and [proof of contact] from [formerly stifled employees] at NASA. That the national political infrastructure took so little time to collapse was [shocking] to many, including the [fundamentalists]. In spite of the huge shock to their perceptions, and the [active denial] of many of the [radical fundamentalist/evangelical clerics], the [fighting] was also [surprisingly brief]. Many say the [shock] of the [reality of the secrets] was a contributing factor to the [surrender] of the heavily armed, [anti-revolutionary community of religiously blinded people]. This [surrender] marked the [swift end] of the [violence] of the [revolution], and the people turned their attentions to more productive [revolutionary work]. Following the [executions] of the early days of the [revolution], the [participation] of the [civil servants] increased, and the [secrets revealed] also increased. It was information from the first wave of [abandoned government workers] which provided the [trail] of the [guilty] and led to the [recovery] of some of the [gold stores] once held at Fort Knox. The [seizure of the assets] of the [financial classes/elitists] by the [constitutional council] after the [trials] of the [former government officials], have allowed the [constitutional committee] to be able to fund the [national elections] in July. A call for [donations] to help the [new government] in its daily [tasks] has gone out via the [national(ized) media], and items are slowly beginning to come in, however, the huge needs of the [displaced camps of homeless], as well as the [refugees] from the [climate/natural disaster] are taking priority for the [new government] and many [civil workers] will continue to toil without [compensation] other than [new dollars/script], and [meals]. A surprising development is the unexpected return of many ex-pat Americans. Apparently the [dire needs] caused by the [economic], [climate], and [political] disasters shown around the world have prompted ex-pats to begin to make their way back to the country. They are wading 'up stream' against a rising tide of people, including citizens, fleeing the country, but many are determined to come back home to help.

As the preposterous prediction continues, we offer a chart of the expectations of the mood of the USofA [populace] over 2008.

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Bearing in mind that this prediction set is preposterous, we still note that much of the actual emotional shifts which produce the [demand] for [early elections], as well as the virtual [disintegration] of the [political 2/two party system], are in place and active currently. The [rampaging debt defaults] shown as a proximate cause for the [next leg] down of the [dollar collapse] are already receiving press attention. The [debt burden] already in place has set the stage for the [collapse] of the [national economy] as the data suggests that the [dollar will be rejected by all (internationally)]. This linguistic set has been building for the last 4/four years since the context first formed. It is now apparently completing through manifestation. With the [rejection by all (internationally)] of the [usofa dollar], the [flow] of goods into the USofA will cease almost instantly. Apparently the [collapse of the dollar] to [worth nothing/rejected by all] will be so rapid that [ships at sea] will be told to [return to port] rather than deliver their cargoes to the US. To all the Ron Paul supporters, please note that the [political death/murder] does *not* have any supporting sub sets which indicate that Ron Paul is involved. Rather the data set is focused on a [deep insider, life long,elitist], who provides [political vetting/choosing/decisions] and who is of a rather despicable characteristics including apparent [sexual deviancy]. This person is seemingly currently alive, but soon to depart, much to the bespoke [chagrin] of the build-a-burger group (say it). The data suggests that the circumstances of the [death] are *much* more important than [who] of the politician class bites it. See Populace/USofA entity interpretation below for more details. We now return to the regular strangeness of the ALTA report from our perfectly preposterous prediction. Terra - Traumatic Winds, Rapidity Spins, Coastal Sins, Dramatic Rains Reign Although the data is still in immediacy sets processing, the resultant aspect/attributes are bringing a lot of shorter and longer term values into the modelspace much earlier than usual. In the case of the Terra entity, much of the [natural disaster] lexical sets are focused on [winds] which have, as the first modifier, the aspect/attribute set of [traumatic]. This set also includes, [damaging], as well as [horrific], [barely survived], [wide spread], [bloody], [scrubbing], and other aspect/attribute which also paint a pretty nasty picture indeed. Part of the troubles being forecast by the Terra entity include an effect which arises in the context associated with the [global world view] and [perception of earth/terra]. We have labeled this effect as [time stunned]. This emotional state will be nearly as debilitating as [traumatic shock syndrome] as many people suffer a [rapidity shock] to their world view as the planet begins to [manifest] change at a rate that surpasses *ALL* expectations. The sheer [speed] of the [interlinked changes] will [kill] many as they will be [too time shocked] to react properly. The [time shock] is another name for [active cognitive dissonance] as events happen in [days] and [weeks] that the populace had been *told* would take a [decade] if not longer. Lots of the unaware humans, more focused on the mundane matters of

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daily life will be suffering from this [time compression] feeling. This data set goes specifically to the same lexical areas as has been previously discussed as [unreality] and [surreal], as well as [mental illness] in the general populace to such a degree that lots of others, not quite as badly affected will be required to care for the [stumbling, time-stunned, walking 'wounded']. Diving into the specifics of the Terra entity sub sets, we note that the [desert] effect already far advanced in the [american south east] will continue to grow. This will be 1/one of many loci from which the [diaspora] spreads. The [desertification] will *not* be limited to the USofA however, with new, large areas of [desert run amok] seeming to 'spring up' in [russia] and the [steppes]. Further [desertification] will accelerate in [china] such that much of that countries [coast] will be impacted by the [dust storms] in 2008. These [coasts] will also be [under threat] as the [sea levels rise] in [rapid steps] coinciding with [vast glacial melt]. This is the on-going [global coastal event]. The [desertification] will not be affecting [europe], though the [dust storms] of both [russia] and the [steppes] will impact. Fortunately for [europe], the [dust storms] in America are shown as being driven by [contrary winds] and headed to the Pacific instead of the Atlantic. Some of the problems being cited within the references in support of the [desert dust] and [traumatic winds] relate to [dust damage] to such infrastructure as [electricity] both [production] and [delivery], and [air travel], among more general [transport] issues. Some problems are also seen as affecting [train] transports across the northern hemisphere due to [dust] both in [accumulations] and within [air cleaner systems] for the [engines]. The [desertification run amok] will impact [agriculture] in several ways, including [burying/drowning soil], and [poisoning wells]. Now the *good* news is that such things as [volcanoes], [earthquakes], and more traditional disasters are *not* showing as being in excess. There are indications that both [earthquakes] and [volcanoes] will be in abundance, but when the year is viewed as a whole within the Terra entity as it is currently constituted, the [earthquakes] and [volcanoes] will not be the legacy for 2008. Rather this new year will end in memory as the [manifestation year] and for many humans it will be [winds] that will stand out in memory. The [earthquakes], and even the [volcanoes] will be more active, though this is apparently to be [modified] by [rising waters]. So seemingly the *good news* will be that at least the extra water involved with the [global coastal event] will somewhat [dampen] the effects of [earthquakes] and [volcanoes]. This is shown as being the case in 2/two separate ways; first as the [population] will already be moving away from [coastlines] which are also the more earthquake prone areas of the continents, and second as the [rising water] is indicated to [physically] affect [earthquakes] by [shifting weights] on the planetary core. Well, damn, glad there is *some* good news. A singularly excepted [regular natural disaster] which will be impacted by the [traumatic winds] is [hurricanes]. There are indicators pointing to an [increase] in [space born electricity] which will be so [dramatic] as to [produce visible light effects] in low latitudes, that is, closer to the equator than the poles. This [space based electricity] is cross linked over to [space] within the Terra entity and then extensively over to the SpaceGoatFarts entity. As SGF entity has not been loaded yet, we can offer little details other than to say that [hurricanes] in 2008 will be known for [wind damage] rather than [water], though of course, the whole planet is currently undergoing a slow motion [global coastal event] which does involve [water], and which will also increase [water damage] from [hurricanes]. From the Terra entity point of view, the [hurricanes] are merely a sub set of the [traumatic winds]. Further the [winds] are showing as having very [damaging] impacts on [infrastructure] such that the [diaspora] will be affected. That is, the [winds] will [redirect/relocate] people who are already [diaspora involved] due to being [refugees] from other Terra manifestations. The [winds from space energies] lexical set includes some indicators that [europe], will take [damage] from the [winds], though it escapes the [desertification run amok]. This also includes [greater britain] specifically including [southern england], and [wales], though apparently both [scotland] and [ireland] are less impacted by the [winds]. We note that as part of the [royal pains] referenced in Part Zero, the city of [london] will be [wind plagued] such that the [royals] are [altered] in their plans. Other islands including the [island continent of Australia] will also suffer severe problems with what the data is describing as [running winds]. In [greater britain], the [winds] will also be bringing [extraordinary] levels of [rain] and [flooding]. In America the data sets are suggesting that the [south west], and the [central states] will both be [wind damaged], though not as the [winds] are indicated to cause damage in the [north]. In areas generally thought of as the [north eastern seaboard], the [winds] are indicated to be [energy filled], while in the [central] and [southwestern] states, the [traumatic winds] will be [desertification supporting]. Noting this explicit reference for [desertification] in the [south west], we *still* are accreting values under the [floods for southwest]. So likely that is not good. We no sooner deal with the [desertification] issues, especially in the [southwest] of the American continent, than we run into the cross links to the [dramatic rains] which also are showing up with emotional summation numbers for [remembrance values]. In other words along with the [traumatic winds], we have [dramatic rains] coming. While it is only a small hope, perhaps the [rains] will help cleanse some of the [dust] problems, but knowing how this stuff works, probably not. The [rains] are to be so [dramatic] due to the [volumes] of [water] flowing. The [flow rate] is being supported by descriptors indicating that [rock] will be [crumbled] and the [landscape altered] by how much rain will come. Now please note that we here in the PNW (Pacific Northwest) have already had first hand experience with the problems that can arise including the sudden impacts on transportation. We bring up the recent flooding here as it had several of the descriptors also being associated with the [dramatic rains] coming for 2008. These include [flow], and we had unheard-of, and neverbefore-experienced levels of [rains] from the sky. Please note this is an area of the planet where rains are typical. Another descriptor set fulfilled by the recent rains here includes the [aberrant] and [stationary] nature of the downpours. Almost all of our regular areas flooded during the rain storm, but this year many areas in the highlands also flooded, as did new counties where drainage is so good they have never flooded before. Very [dramatic] indeed. It is this sort of [stationary rain demons] which are shown as being among the [remembered] things from 2008. This will be especially true in both America, and Asia, with focus on China down through Vietnam. It is very clear to those who have experienced it, that a [stationary storm] is indeed [aberrant] weather.

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The data suggests that the [dramatic rains] will provide the long predicted [south west] flooding. The indications are for later in the year for this area. Other parts of the continent, including areas of coastal Canada will also be hit hard by the [stationary rain demons]. There are some indications that the [winds] will [favor] Canada, as that at least they will be spared some of the [dust] problems prevalent to the south. The data sets are very damn clearly pointing toward 2008 gaining the label of the "Year of The Great Melt" in the global mediastream. This will directly impact northern hemisphere countries where the *usual* winds from the Arctic circle are usually cold, and dry. The [great melt] will contribute to vast [rivers] of water being dumped into the global weather system from the Arctic. This will bring some [dramatic rains] to the far north where a distinguishing description will be how [warm] are the [rains]. Some far northern countries, including Canada and Siberia will have their [landscape] altered by the [rains] and subsequent [flooding]. There are some indications of large [lakes] forming. To the south, specifically the [southern hemisphere], there are indications that 'location, location, location' will serve them well in the [manifestation] in 2008. The data sets are suggesting that the totality of effects from [dramatic rains] will be far less in South America. Other than some small [wind] issues, the whole of the continent is seemingly well placed, and receives a very disproportionately small impact from 2008 weather. This happenstance will begin to direct many of the [diaspora involved] humans south, and deep south at that. The data sets suggest that [argentina], and [chile] and [southern peru] will be especially favored by the [diaspora] in spite of some [wind] problems. These will be very small problems, relative to what is occurring in the northern hemisphere. Africa will also do well as the [electrical energies] from space drive the [winds], and the [rains]. In Africa, areas of long established [desert] will be changed during 2008 by the [rains]. Further indications are for [damage] levels along the [coast] of Africa due to the [rising water] levels will be less than in the more developed coasts of the [northern hemisphere]. This is not to imply that the water levels will be less, rather that the response will be much more rapid, and that the total amount of infrastructure available to be damaged is less. As 2008 progresses into [summer] in the northern hemisphere, it will become increasingly apparent that the [desertification/drought] issue which is plaguing various parts of the planet has also [settled] on a region which extends from [greece] over to [lebanon/israel]. This [drought] will increase [diaspora] pressures on the [populace] in those locations. Populace/USofA - Look...quick before it changes, Invisibility Collapses, POVs Melt The data sets for the GlobalPop are only partially processed so we cannot tell yet if the [time stunned] or [compression of events feeling] will affect the global populace as much as the Populace/USofA entity is suggesting it will rock the [populace] here. The data sets are going toward some [severe shock] that will include [active denial], as well as the apparent need for [education specialists] to come in to assist people with [rebuilding (their) world (view)]. Some of the populace will be [reeling] from the planetary effects of the [dollar death] and are indicated to [deny reality] and [not recover]. Just as the [reality] of the [dollar not coming back] begins to manifest, the data sets indicate that a [nation affecting natural disaster] will occur. This [natural disaster] will likely be within the Terra entity description of the [traumatic winds], and [dramatic rains] both of which will further exacerbate the [desert run amok] impacts already manifesting in the SouthEast. Further problems caused by the on going [global coastal event] will also drive many 'round the bend'. The data sets are suggesting that the [populace] will be [reeling] and [stumbling] in both metaphoric and actual meanings of the word. The descriptors include [stumbling], and [drifting] which will be applied to those who will suffer from the [time stunning] or also described as the effects of [event compression in time]. Basically, [reeling] from [too damn much stuff] coming at you [too damn fast]. The data goes further and suggests that many such people will have to be [assumed/taken_in] by [relatives], themselves [suffering], and [barely aware]. Given the extensive cross links between the Populace/USofA and the GlobalPop entity, we can forecast that the [secrets revealed] which begin in ernest with the [prominent politician/political class/tptb death/murder] will span the globe. The data suggests extremely starkly that the [secrets revealed] will be like a [3/three blood dagger] {ed note: 3/three blood refers to the 3/sided nature of the blade. It is equilateral triangle in section, and produces a wound which will not close and heal. Used in Europe since the Napoleonic years.} to the bespoke [frightened heart] of the [cabal/conspiracy] which globally is referred to as the [illuminati]. However, please note that the [illuminati] descriptor set is labeled thus due to current 'popular opinion'. Our descriptor set includes other [secret societies] as well as their [masters]. In our processing, and internal work, we label the whole [grand unified conspiracy group] as those [slaves/minions] of the [300/three hundred families]. While this ultimately drills down to a single individual, we need a broad enough label set to describe all of the [conspiracy groups] in general, while specifically including the 'invisible hands' at the top. Our descriptor set includes many of the major world religions and their presumptive 'leaders' within the sub set of [slaves/minions] to the [300/three hundred families]. The very thing that makes the [300/three hundred families] possible will also be their undoing; that is, their [invisibility]. As had been noted by many observers, once the 'invisible hand' is seen, the 'head' is only a single arms distance away. The data sets growing rapidly within the Populace/USofA entity are indicating that the [breach] has already occurred for ThePowersThatBe, and their [secrets] are now being [collated] ready for [distribution]. Apparently the [reckoning] long feared by TPTB will manifest in 2008. The data sets are suggesting that nowhere will the reaction to the [secrets revealed] be so [forcefully/violent] and cause as much [upheaval] as here in the USofA. It is directly from this [upheaval/shaking/earthquake] within the [secrets about secret societies] that the [political earthquake] arises. The data is presenting the [secrets revealed] as being of such a pervasive and huge [magnitude] as to [drive] many people [mad/crazed] as they [attempt] to [absorb, and reorient]. The data further suggests that the impacts of the revealing of the [control cabal] and its effects on [omnihumanity] will be such that [revulsion] will rise, and [imposed morals] will fall. This last is directly supported by aspect/attribute sets

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describing the whole notion of [aristocracy/elites]. The idea coming across is the 'ultimate backlash' against both the ideas embodied, as well as the persons of the 'elite' and 'political classes'. The supporting data sets are also pointing to the inclusion of almost all [religious leaders], as well as [religious institutions] in this category. The [upheaval] is to be so [deep] according to the supporting sets, that [corrupt religious institutions] will [fall] in [orgies/frenzy] of [mob destruction], including many [mega churches] here in the USofA. Further the data sets indicate that [looting] of these [institutions] will bring many more [secrets] to the awareness of the global populace. As an aside, within the data sets specifically focusing on the [churches, evangelical/fundamentalist], there are supporting sets suggesting that an 'incident' with the [seizure] of the [religious television station] will be among the early temporal markers for other, linked and pending events to follow. The [visibility] factor for the [take over] of the [religious teevee] is very closely followed by much more chaos, so even noting its appearance may only provide mere hours warning. Of course, much of the predicted chaos is directly related to the [global rejection by all] of the [usofa dollar]. The picture coming from this component of the lexical structures within the Populace/USofA is hugely [suffering] filled. As the [dollar dies] across the span of [winter 2007/2008], the ensuing upward pressure on [secrets revealed] meme escalates into nearly exponential growth. To put this another way, the dollar will die, and in the process, some secrets will leak out, which will [embolden] other [newly disaffected/poor] stooges of the TPTB who will in turn [unleash] more [secrets] which in their turn both continue, and expand the process. Make sense? Clear as as the grounds at the bottom of Navy coffee? This 'self renewing cycle' of [secrets revealed] operates at a number of levels, and will involve the [usofa military], both [high] and [low], and will include [contact] meme [proof]. This last is going to be a [catalyst] for many humans to [opt out] of further [reality], and it is these poor fellows who the data forecasts as being [burdens] on the society just when we don't need any more obstacles. Yet another side of the [dollar death] is being predicted by the data sets. That is, the [dollar dying] will bring such radical [mundane/real /daily_life] changes to the general populace that their [minds] will be [altered]. That is, the data accrues to the idea that the [suffering] and [economic chaos] will so devastate their 'global view' especially as regards the [position] of the [usofa] within that view, that they will be [accepting] of the [secrets] as they are being [revealed] to a much greater degree than might otherwise have been the case. The imagery coming across suggests that [haggard/worn/drawn faces] will [contain/hold eyes] which will [devour] the [new information/secrets revealed]. Further the linguistics suggest that [acceptance] will be easier for a lot of people due to the previous nasty month(s) as reality forces them to [accept abject poverty]. And of course, let us not forget the [shocks] coming from the [disintegration] of [normal weather]. That also will help prepare minds to accept the pending torrent of [secrets revealed]. Following this other side of the [dollar death] meme within the data sets briefly, we note that many [americans] will have a very large problem, predicted to affect them [deeply] and [for decades] as they try to come to grips with the coming changes both in [global status] for America, and in the [recent american system] itself. There is some very small comfort for those Americans beset with this [reality gap] in that there will be a [return to original American values] sub theme within what we have labeled as [AmRev2 (american revolution 2/two)]. This sub theme is *very* important in its ability to capture 'hearts and minds' in the normal course of political events and will take on whole new levels of meaning by late Spring. As noted repeatedly within this, and previous ALTA series, the [death of the dollar] will manifest to the [populace] of the USofA in 2008. As it does, the [american empire] will collapse. Coincident with that, the Terra entity is forecasting huge pressures on the populace due to altered biosphere and alarming weather patterns. The American component of the global [diaspora] begins again, fresh it would seem, in 2008. Affecting this will be the [encounters with scarcity] which grow to the degree that [shortages] of [vital goods] and [energy] begin to force [changes] on the [populace]. Of course the sudden [collapse] of the [american banking system] does not help matters. Nor does the [floating electrical distribution system] problems which will have some USofA cities being labeled as [Baghdad West]. What many of the citizenry of the USofA will find equally as shocking as the dollar death/banking collapse impacts, will be the [sudden appearance] of [friends] from the [tribes] once thought to be enemies. Once the [populace/usofa] has crossed a certain threshold of awareness, and this begins to be reflected in our [internal communications], as well as [revolution] being expressed, the people of the US will be greeted as long captive [brothers] by other, equally oppressed peoples we were once told were our enemies. There will be a great many who will have a hell of a time trying to wrap their minds around all the change, and thus the [time stunned walking wounded] meme. This area of the Populace/USofA entity is heavily cross linked over to the [royals pains] area previously discussed. This linkage is indicating that the [revolution] meme is [global], and that the [cabal] will be [hunted] across the planet, not merely here in the US. The [sudden loss] of nearly total [influence] on the planet, while causing the [empire death deniers], will nonetheless end up providing a very good [breathing space] for the Americans to [sort things out]. It further starts a [repatriation] of some pretty good minds, while simultaneously causing the [immigration/invasion] problem of [illegal aliens] to [dry up], and [reverse]. After all, if the incentive is economic, the death of the dollar finishes that right there. As the [health care system], and the [banking system] collapse along with the dollar, other, social incentives to [illegal immigration] are removed. There are also disturbing longer term values in the supporting layers of aspect/attributes which paint a picture of [starving/desperate citizens] who will [camp out] along the [routes] used by those exiting the country where they will try to [rob/loot/pillage] what ever resources they can from those [fleeing]. Of course, 'law enforcement' won't care. Those formerly in that profession will also be sorting themselves out. More on this meme in later reports. It is from many of the [walking wounded] that the data is predicting the [violence] and [killings] will emerge. Not only are these poor fellow citizens to be [desperate], [unemployed], and even worse, [unemployable], with no currency worth anything even if they had a job, the more terrible injury is that their brains are just *not* adequate to the task of keeping up with the level of emerging change. These

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[desperate people (including housewives)] will turn to the only available path to get through the [mental haze/fog], that is, [violence]. That *most* of the [victims] will themselves be [perpetrators] or in [collusion] with TPTB *will* be seen as [ameliorating] to their crimes. However, the nature of the new directions for the populace under the twin influences of [secrets revealed] and [revolution] will insist that such individuals be restrained for the good of all. The data suggests that the social order will actually invest some significant effort/energy over the coming years in [reeducation] for the [time shocked]. It sadly won't be enough. However, there are other [manifestations] which may help. GlobalPop - Waking out Once the GlobalPop entity was loaded into modelspace, it had its own unbelievable story to impart. Once again, the data sets for a [female personality] described in earlier ALTA series of 2006/2007, have had a very large accrual of values in this early processing. The [female personality] descriptor set has primary support from an aspect/attribute set labeled [globally affecting], which itself has many layers of support indicating someone who will be [important] to [omnihumanity]. This [omnihumanity] label is now being used due to the slow solidification of our new cosmology (See BaseKnowledge Article of this series). In the past we may have referred to the supporting descriptor set as being [global humanity], however now, we lift the self-limiting [global] restriction and say that the data is pointing toward this [female human] as being important to [all humans, everywhere = omnihumanity]. A small distinction to be sure, but we note that we are *professional* jutnobs here and *always* strive to provide the complete contexts. To continue, our important [female personality] will *not* be a [politician], nor a [religious leader], nor an [aristocrat], nor a member of any [elite], nor is she a current [celebrity]. In the descriptor set we continue to note growing associations with [south america], and the [amazon basin]. Further there are [central american highlands] associations for the [female person] in her [younger years]. Now, the [manifestation] component, as well as the global impact of the [secrets revealed], especially the manifesting global awareness of the [contact] meme, and the [hidden hand ruler elite] meme, are combining to point to an [emergence] of this [woman] into a global presence by mid April, 2008. The [female personality] descriptor set is supported by extensive cross links from GlobalPop over to Populace/USofA, and the terminating aspects are such that even here in [controlled news land], we also will be affected [viscerally] by this emerging presence. Not to imply any 'god like' aspects here, but rather a [gifted person] who is described as [harmonious], and [intelligent]. This last is supported by [aware/enlightened], and [universal compassion]. So what we have, 'duh', just at the coincidental dawning of the 'age of Aquarius', is the emergence of an archetype within the data which describes just such a deep archetype appearing in the flesh. Hmmm. Zodiac now manifesting as humans? Well....we will see. But stranger things have happened. Astrologic references notwithstanding, the [female personality] is also described as a [unifier], and a [central voice] around whom will gather the [hundreds of millions] of [disaffected humans] after [she] has been [observed] to [wake out], or alternatively [enliven (those/the) ready]. The [woman] being described here is *not* a politician, but is or will become a [leader] who does not [take control], but rather can [point the proper direction] during the [worst of times]. The interpretation is that there will *not* be elements of dominator 'control culture' around this woman, rather the situation will be akin to a giant self-organizing collective of humanity to such an extent that [massive] and [deep] and [long lasting] change occurs directly as a result of the SOC forming around the [vision/voice] offered by this [woman]. While prosaic, the discussion above should not be underestimated. Our data is such that poetically it is describing this 'non leader woman' as [waking (the) populace (from under the) control/slavery]. She will accomplish this as a [peaceful presence], however we also note that the rotten nasty bastards within the TPTB will unleash violence in response to the very real threats that they face this coming year from the arrival of this [female person] and the [collapse of invisibility]. Please note that the descriptor sets have always maintained, and continue to accrue supporting values for this [female leader] to be [beyond violence] in such a way as to [reduce destruction] which would apparently occur without her presence. However it is still reasonably clear within the data sets that many of ThePowersThatBe/Were will be threatened or dead during the developing social chaos from which the [female personality] rises. There are a few other descriptor sets still forming in support, and perhaps we will have a better picture to present later in the series. The thing to note now is that she will be emerging by mid-April, and so the aware observer will be not caught by surprise by the events of this Spring.

Conclusion - Part One - John Q. - Pissy and Squirrelly Well, it does seem, at least according to GlobalPop and Populace/USofA, that manifesting circumstances will favor the otherwise belabored populace of the USofA in at least 2/two small areas amongst all the karmic shitstorms to strike. First it seems that a trend has already developed for [illegal aliens] to be exiting the [usofa] as they are among the first to feel the effects of the construction/employment crash which accompanies the housing bust. The coming troubles will hugely accelerate that trend. Enough so that the subject of [illegal aliens] will greatly diminish relative to the elections. Also there is the idea of early elections, which of course favors all of us who have to endure the prattling of the participants ad nauseam. However this time the extra added bonus will be just how rapidly it comes down to clear choices and [capitulation]. Damn them [secrets revealed] and rising [revolution] memes~. Living here in the USofA, we are not looking forward to the coming [time stunning reality shock]. It is anticipated that much trouble will

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come from those who cannot accept the death of empire and the waning of influence in the world. We can feel sympathy for our fellow citizens, as the speed of the [upheaval] will be unparalleled in our known, modern history. Further, the depths of the degradation and corruption yet to be disclosed will be shocking to all, even those aware it is headed their way. Then poor John Q Citizen, once thinking himself a 'voting member' of the 'greatest republic/country' on "god's green earth", will be completely shattered to realize that he has never had a legitimate choice in any of his political decisions over most of his entire life, and that further, *all* of what they taught him in school was lies, and then on top of all that, he learns his 'leaders' are in fact, members of a grand unified criminal conspiracy. Oh, and his dollar is dead, his savings reduced to ashes, his retirement is the plug of knotted hate developing in his lower intestine, *and* the planet has apparently decided that he doesn't live here any more, an ocean or new lake does. No wonder the emotional tension will build. If that were not just quite enough, thank you, then there arises the terribly mentally disturbing problem of the [space aliens], including all the [space alien nasties] and gigantic relics of a freaking huge human civilization. Hmm? Can you blame John Q. Citizen for being just a little bit squirrelly at a time like this? Interesting year so far, 2008, and it hasn't even started yet. #### So ends our look at 2008 from the week ahead. Part Two is expected to be posted late on January 5.

Copyright 2007 by HalfPastHuman. All rights reserved. Not to be republished in any form without written, prior approval.

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