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ALTA 209 - Part One


This report prepared from 21.43 million reads of the ALTA 209 series.

Meta Data - Duality Deepens, AntiPodal Stirrings The meta data layers have thickened in their supporting depth over this first processing of ALTA 209 series data. These linguistic structures are defined as meta data layers as they are present across all of the major entities within modelspace, and likely are found in many of the smaller entities as well. Further, meta data layers are repeatedly found in the depth of the data for the entities, frequently in repetitious patterns of both directly held, and cross linked supporting chains. In the [duality] descriptor sets, the meta data layer has extensively grown with the new ALTA 209 data sets. So far the processing has nearly doubled the [duality] supporting sets within the populace entities, the Markets entity, and largest of the entity sets, the Terra entity. We even note that [duality] is coming to dominate the SpaceGoatFarts entity both as a meta data layer and as a directly held descriptor set. As the [duality] sets grow within the entities, larger patterns are appearing in the manner in which the supporting aspect/attributes accrue to the various sub sets. The rise of the [duality] meta data layer is coincident with the peak of the [conflict] meta data layer playing out within the Bushista entity, and even that pattern is expressive of the [duality] meme itself in that while the Bushies are still [stuck in war], this is in directly opposition to the prevailing mood of the populace which had already turned against [war] as a [mechanism of control], thus expressing the [duality] or [opposition]. This example also illustrates the widening [spread] of [duality] between the [opposing views] at this level which is now being forecast to 'spread downwards/outwards' to all aspects of life over the rest of 2008, our year of [manifestation]. It is seemingly fitting that [manifestation] as such, which is to say the [creation of change states] is entirely dependent upon [duality] in order to be [visible] or [felt] by humans. In other words, without the [duality] of [opposition], we would be unable to be aware of change. The data sets are forecasting a *whooooole" lot of change, and apparently universe will provide many examples for everyone at many different levels, *just* to be sure we are all 'getting it'. The increasing [visibility] of the [oppositions/opposing forces/duality] in daily life is being indicated to take a very large and [visible] step up. We expect that the manifestations of 2008 will include [extremes] of [views], as well as [extremes of positions] being made [visible/manifest]. The data sets include the [economic] sub sets in which the [duality] meta data layer is deeply embedded. The Markets entity in combination with the populace entities are forecasting that the [poverty gap], already hugely wide, will increase [visibly] over the rest of this year, especially here in the USofA. This [duality/separation] between the [masses] of the [planetary populace] who are [poor] and those [few controlling elite] will provide much in the way of support for the [visibility] sums within the [duality] and [revolution] meta data layers. This further pressures ThePowersThatBe entity, and provides large areas of bespoke [fear] sums within that entity which further feeds the [manifesting duality] meme as the TPTB react, and try to [increase the distance] between themselves, and the object of their [bespoke fears/paranoia], the humans of earth.

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To be very clear, the discussion below is highly speculative (as if radical linguistics predicting the future isn't).... Please be advised of the following reality cross links. First that the recent mega storm with resulting devastation on Burma/Myanmar is [antipodal] to the current eruptions of the volcanoes in Chile. That is to say that the majority of the storm damage in Myanmar is as close to the Tropic of Cancer as the Chilean volcanoes are as close to the Tropic of Capricorn. Further, and most telling, are the relationships between these locations hemispherically. This is to say that both a Great Circle route, and a straight line through the planet route exists linking these 2/two sites. Sooooo....what's the point ? Well, the kicker is that giant storms such as hurricanes and the super cells which spawn tornadoes are examples of electrical disturbances of the atmosphere which 'ground out' on the land. Also note that the pulsations of the magma up (or down?) the west coast of the Americas, and the earthquake swarms which preceded it (all forecast in previous ALTA reports - see swarms as key word), have/had created (or responded to) a planetary electrical/energetic [nexus/center]. On the American hemisphere side of the planet we had vast quantities of volcanic gas and ash expelling, along with magma movement representing a discharge, while opposite that event (many days in duration so far), we have the 'grounding out' of the largest storm ever seen in that area. Also note that the higher than usual ocean levels participated in causing such damage levels as it provided just that much more 'platform' for the storms' energies, as well as necessarily driving it further inland to find a suitable 'grounding' point. Was the electrical activity of the volcano release drawing in the storm? Did the electrical activity within the crust that resulted in the Andean volcanoes erupting cause the buildup of high energy particles at the Tropic of Cancer such that the storm's cell was charged, thus requiring a very large 'grounding event'? Probably something along these lines was present in this curious antipodal arrangement of planetary events. Now the really interesting part is what this may tell us about future planetary 'electrical discharges' which will be covered in the Terra entity and SpaceGoatFarts entity. However, at the meta data level, that is the point at which we compare the entertaining fictions of the ALTA reports with reality, we need note that indeed, antipodal relationships seemingly do exist, and further that the recent volcanic outreach from Chile, in spite of thousands of tons of gas and material being released, and in spite of the 2/two volcanoes rupturing to become a single, larger eruption, the [pulsations] along the west coast of the American hemisphere, *AND* the deluge of high energy particles from space via magnetospheric fluctuations {ed note: you can almost taste the negative ions here in the PNW even at sea level, very rare occurrence}, have not ceased nor abated. Let us restate that. In spite of volcanoes going off, we still are experiencing the same level of both pulsations, and high energy particles along the western edge of the American hemisphere of the planet. So, what does this mean? Well, probably a very good time to go lash down everything moveable, and really examine your surroundings for what could shake loose if shakes started. Further, remember that in environments which you cannot control such as offices, look for triangular shaped voids which will be created when ceilings fall in on such things as FILLED file cabinets, and bookcases. Also note all exits, and be aware that stuff falls, and humans habitually do *NOT* look up... might be a good time to practice, eh? Oh, and a personal at-work/travel earthquake kit will have water in a stainless steel container, some quick energy calories, a small flashlight, and such medicines or other necessities to see you through 36/thirty-six hours. Needs to be small, and quickly reached. Bon chance, omnihumanitas. We also need to note that the cyclone grounded out at very near the hyperdimensionally significant point of 30N by 90E, and the Chilean volcanoes are near the antipodal hyperdimensional point of 30S by 90W. Kind of a very

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big HMMMM!?!

Terra - Damn Duality Doubled Decisively, Rising Lands, Winds Redux The processing of the immediacy data and the first of the shorter term data sets (effective from 3/three weeks out through 3/three months) continue to accrue aspect/attribute sets under the [climate] sub set supporting a [duality] which is shown as [currently manifesting]. This [duality] is also described as [continuing (through into 2010) to manifest], and is also directly supporting the [transformation] aspect/attribute set. The [duality] being [expressed] within the [climate] sub set is merely a single instance of [duality] within the Terra and other entities. As a meta data layer itself, the aspect/attribute set for [duality] is found repeatedly within the entities and across all the major entities. Even the [complexity] sub sets within the entities are now hosting [duality] aspect/attribute sets. The expectation is that [duality] will be, or is currently manifesting within the [climate] such that the [division/opposition] will [widen] as the year progresses. This [duality] manifestation within the [climate] sub set is pointing toward [higher waves], and [stronger storms] and [deeper gouges (from the) winds], and in [opposition] to this sub set we have [larger (areas) of still/oppressive airs], and [soundless/heavy waves (of) heat], and [heated air (rolling) through slowly]. The idea coming across from the pattern of accretion is that the [climate] of Terra is currently expressing [duality] such that essentially only [2/two seasons] will exist from this point forward for a number of years. These [2/two seasons] will express [duality] as [long stormy winters], and [short intensely hot summers]. The expression of [duality] will also extended, as with fractals, down a few layers such that within the individual seasons there will be periods of [intense storms/winds] alternating with [calm] such that [temperature extremes] can/will develop. This accretion pattern within the data sets is shown to continue, via longer term values brought in through links to the lexicon, well past 2010. Deeper within the [duality] sub set are aspect/attributes which express the [opposition] component of [duality] via various opposing descriptor sets. The idea coming across from the imagery is that the rise in [duality] over 2008 will produce the [transformations] of 2009. Note that we here at HPH work on a 13/thirteen lunar month calendar and so our timeline shows that 2008 runs into January of 2009 within the solar/business calendar. The [duality] details supporting layers within Terra are creating the image of a [delicate balance] which is [still/continuously] maintained in which the [oppressive heat], and [stark cold] will be [separated], but nonetheless [interacting]. This [balance] is indicated to be a very key element of the [climate] for the next few years, and further is both [fragile], and [changing]. The [duality] within the Terra entity is but a small fraction of the meta data layer laying across the whole of modelspace, but within Terra, the [duality] meme is indicated to be especially [visible] as the [climate] and [planet] begins to makes its way through [manifestation], and into [transformation]. The Terra entity grows the [duality] sub set at a number of levels, but at the primary support level the aspect/attribute set of [dissolved] has appeared. This set is supporting [duality], and also contains [duality] within its own support chain. The effect is of [duality replicated/fractal_expressed]. The data suggests that the [climate] will express the [duality] both at large levels, and within very small areas. Within the larger levels for [duality expressions], the Terra entity has [oceans] and [counter currents] as a central point of focus. The descriptor sets are for [duality (between) counter currents (to) dissolve] which is then shown as [creating/inducing] a [duality of weather manifestations] on [ground/land]. This is further indicated to [produce/set in motion] an [expression of duality] within the [air currents/jet streams] such that [cutting edges] and [sharp defines] will be [altering life patterns] in [summer]. There are supporting sets for [summer] being a time of [dissolving] of the [livestock/animal herds] due to [duality of climate] expressing itself. Further there are data sets for [dissolving duality] of

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[ocean currents] affecting not only the [immediate weather] but also the [predictable location] of [fisheries stocks]. The impact of this is indicated to be a really piss poor [harvest] of [foods] from the [oceans] to a level such that [global comment] arises within the global mediastream, and further such that [millions of humans] are affected both in [work/livelihood], and in [food resources]. There are indications that some serious [visibility] of the subject will arise at a [petty-people/politicians dinner] here in the USofA over [summer] as the [elite gather to meet and greet and eat (the last) of an available species]. This *may* be focusing on [lobster] or other shellfish, as there are a number of supporting sets going to the [devastation/destruction of the benthic biolayer of the oceans]. Further expressions of [duality] within the Terra entity are focusing on the [separations/distances] between [lands] as well as the [creation] of [new lands/grounds], and the [release/revealing] of [hidden lands]. These both have a [summer] appearance within the data sets and the latter is heavily supported with [antarctica] references. The data sets accruing to the [antarctica] sub set are extensively cross linked, both internally within the Terra entity, and externally to the SpaceGoatFarts entity. In the Terra entity many of the cross linked [antarctica] references are terminating in either the [climate] sub set, or the [global coastal event] sub set. In the [climate] sub set, a large area of emotional summation support under [intensity] and [behavioral motivation] rises from the [antarctica] sub set in combination with the [oceans] sub set. The interpretation is for a [change] at a very core level within the [oceans] which is likely *not* related to the [shape] nor [position] nor [height] of the [oceans] so much as it is related to the [chemistry], and [weather creation properties] of the [surface waters]. The result being forecast is yet another turn into [sharp duality] as the [ocean chemistry] is indicated to [project upon/augment] this coming [winter]. This [duality] expression within the Terra entity is in its turn cross linked over to the populace entities, most heavily into Populace/USofA where the termination points are [petty-people/politicians]. The primary supporting sub set for this area is [profit]. Within this set the support comes from [senseless] and [without/absent understanding]. The [pulsations] and other movements of the planet in the form of [earthquakes] and [land rising] from [undersea's volcanic activity] are also gaining support from accretion of aspect/attributes sets and in turn are contributing support to the [dissolving of the benthic life band/biosphere]. In the most obvious case are 2/two contributor to the impact on [deep sea/bottom dwelling life], the first being [extreme chemistry change], and the second is a side effect of new lands which is described as [mud pollution]. The [mud pollution] is both a [continuing process], as well as an [exciting/disturbing event]. The data suggests that the oceans will show [disturbances] in the [bottom muds] such that [visibility] within the global mediastream rises and pictures of the [staggering size/amount] of the [mud pollution] will become available. This area is also shown as having a direct impact on the total number of [humans] on planet earth. As an aside, several [marine accidents] including some involving [submarines] are indicated to arise from the [turbulence] within the [oceans] over 2008 and 2009. This will have a very [disconcerting] effect on [global government(s)], as first the [oceans], then the [atmosphere] is denied to their [war machines]. The data indicates that within only a few years, the [atmosphere] will become extremely [risky/problematic] as a [support layer] for [manned flight], and this will impact the [global balance of power] in a number of ways. Without the traditional layers for [extension/expression of power], the ThePowersThatBe will discover themselves in a much reduced world of possibilities. As the modelspace is progressed forward into Summer, the Terra entity gains further [duality] supporting sub sets. The [still (and dangerous) air] sub set first seen in ALTA 1008 is gaining values and is indicated to rise to [visibility] in the global mediastream as many [people] will be [direly affected] by [extreme heat/pressures] from the [still air episodes]. This aspect/attribute set is in opposition to the [violent winds] sub sets which are also showing continued

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growth within the Terra entity *and* continued growth of cross links over to the Populace/USofA entity indicating that our 'experience' with [traumatic winds] in 2008 is not yet over. There are some sub sets indicating that not only will [tornado] and [squall winds] be a problem on land here in the USofA over [summer], but also that [cyclones/hurricanes] will be adding to the total [winds as natural disaster] meme. The [winds of disaster] meme is not restricted to the Populace/USofA via the cross links, and the Terra entity continues to grow data sets around [traumatic winds] for the GlobalPop entity as well. There are indications that [dusts] and [stones] from the volcanoes in Chile will be spread by aberrant winds, and that further [damage/threats] to life and property will arise from [yet more volcanoes] including some [destruction] of [weather patterns] by an [off shore] and [undersea's volcano] in the Pacific. These are also cross linked internally within Terra entity over to [manifestations] of the [pulsations of the lands]. This set is cross linked over to the Markets entity where it is terminating in [off shore drilling] and suggests that forecast [pulsations] within [grounds/land masses] will negatively impact the ability to [maintain production facilities] as well as [drilling sites] as the lands [shake]. Further growth within the [damages] sub set of the GlobalPop and the Markets entity goes to the idea that the [earthquake(s)] within the [usofa] which are [pulsation] related/caused will also [create damages] which affect the [transshipment] of goods internationally. Within the [winds of disaster] meme set in both the Terra entity and via cross links to the Populace/USofA entity, are sub sets in support of a [related disaster] which is described as being both of [winds origin], and [earthquake origin]. The other descriptors go to the idea of a [lake on the top of the mountain], which may be [glacier fed], and which is indicated to have the [blockages to flow removed]. This will create some [heart stopping visibility] as apparently it will be captured on video. The [stagnated movement] of the [lake on the mountain] is shown to initiate both [flowing waters] and to create [fires] on those waters as though [fuel facilities] are involved. This area in the Terra entity is also providing direct support for the [restrictions on movements] meta data layer, and is specifically in support of both [restrictions on movement], and [encounters with scarcity] within the Populace/USofA entities. Within the Populace/USofA entity, this sub set also supports the [diaspora] meme which is rising in [visibility] as the modelspace is progressed through Spring and into Summer. As the immediacy and the first of the shorter term value sets are loaded into modelspace from this week's processing, we note that the [winds] aspect/attribute set continues to grow. The [restrictions on movement] meta data layer has a directly held sub set within the [winds] aspect/attribute set which provides a large portion of the emotional summation strength indicating that we will see yet more [traumatic winds] in 2008, and that the continued resultant effect will be further [restrictions on movement] and its complementary meta data layer, [encounters with scarcity]. A significant portion, nearly 30/thirty percent of the total amount of emotional energy summed within the [encounters with scarcity] direct support aspect/attribute set for [winds] is either cross linked or directly supported by [plants] as a sup set. This and other language indicates that [plants] will not fare well in the [traumatic winds] of the rest of 2008, and as humans depend upon plants for every damn thing, we too will experience the [up chain flow] nature of [problems with resources]. As the [winds] sub set is advanced along with Terra entity in modelspace, it continues to gain linguistic sets in support of [strength] and [impact]. Noting the meta data discussion above, the immediacy and shorter term value sets are therefore considered to be supporting [yet more traumatic winds incidents] globally in 2008. As time draws us forward into the year, we can presume to suspect that the [mid season] temporal markers are pointing at serious levels of escalation of usual [wind patterns]. Said another way, since the early and pre-season periods for cyclones and tornados were so filled with exceptional storms, we should anticipate that the middle or peak season for such storms will

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be proportionally worse/greater than usual. *AND* we need to also consider the impact on the magnetic fields of the planet by the movements beneath the crust which have so recently produced the swarms of earthquakes, and volcanic releases on the western edge of the American hemisphere. Such fluctuations of the magnetosphere cause 'holes' or [gaps] to form which allow for large amounts of differing kinds of energies to reach the surface of the planet. Many of these energies are translated into electrical energy in transiting the magnetosphere. This electrical energy has to be released/grounded out somewhere. Along with the [winds] sub set, the aspect/attribute set for [pulsations] continues to accrue support. The supporting sub sets grow as the Terra entity is progressed through 2008, with a continuing focus on early December. These [pulsations] are likely indicating that yet more [volcanoes] will erupt, and as per usual with humans, these eruptions will be characterized as [unexpected]. We also note that the [antarctic sub ocean volcanoes] sub set is also growing, and slightly faster than other areas within the general [volcanoes] sub set. This continues the support for [underseas erupting volcanoes] which change not only the [ocean currents], but also produce [rising lands]. We need to also note that the aspect/attribute set of [enormous] has joined the [volcanoes] sub set in support. Further there are multiple instances of [enormous] appearing within the sub set supporting chain. This probably does not bode well for humans and other life here on earth. As if reality is not screwy and disturbing enough, we now are gaining considerable emotional summation strength in the sub sets of [water levels]. This sub set has been within the Terra entity data set for some number of years, with intermittent growth occurring at irregular intervals. Now the data shows another period of support for [rising waters] has appeared. We note that the [oceans] are becoming a more frequent sub set seen in all the other sub sets of the Terra entity in either directly held lexical sets or via internal cross links. The sub set of [rising waters] is very deeply connected to the [earthquake] sub set, especially that area with geographic references for the [west coast] of the [americas]. This includes the complete American hemisphere, central, south, and north. The [earthquakes] sub set for this geographic sub set is predominantly supported by the [rising waters], and [extreme waters] sub sets. There are detail layers going to [rocking marshlands], and [estuaries (placed into) movement/shaken], as well as [water levels rush (into) marshlands/estuaries]. Further detail layers provide for [visibility] points which will include [waters (and/or/resulting from) earthquake] which will [push/propel boats and cars backwards]. Then deeper detail layers point toward the [diaspora] sub set and include support for [stranded long time], and [unreachable (no communications) for a long time]. And [intolerable situation], and [long isolation].

Markets - Ill Winds, Paper Floats, Dollar Don't, Hot Bucks As the modelspace is progressed by the first of the shorter term value sets through the [bad summer], the Markets entity gains the dominant aspect/attribute set of [miserable] as the primary descriptor for the Fall, basically from very early October onward. So the [miserable] label starts to appear just as the Markets entity crosses the line into October, and then it gains in visibility as the month progresses. The [miserable] label brings with it support for a [changing and dangerous situation] as well as language indicating that Fall will be both [ugly], and [confusing]. There are repeated supporting sets for [not knowing what to do], as well as [discernable differences blend], and the reappearance of the [lock down] language which was first indicated for early in Summer. It now appears as a deep and supporting structure with cross links from the Markets entity, sub set [lock down/lock out], over to both the Populace/USofA entity, as well as the Bushista entity. In the Populace/USofA entity, the cross links terminate in [confusion], and [masked reality], as well as [deceptions] and [dissolutions]. In all cases here, the aspect/attributes are under

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the influence of the [secrets revealed] meta data layer and the implication is that the [masked reality] will break due to the [uncovering (of a) corner (of the) deceit] within the Markets entity. As the Markets entity is progressed through October, and into the rest of Fall, the [miserable] descriptor set gains support from the cross links to both the Bushista and the Populace/USofA entity. In both cases the [political arena] is highlighted as is [foreign relations]. In both cases the Markets originating points for the cross links begins in [quarrel], and the interpretation is that a very large [conflict] within the [global markets structures/rules/order] will [erupt] over Fall and into Winter. This [quarrel] is shown as having [international] and [inter nation] consequences, as well as being [very bad/ill_winds] for the Markets globally. Within the [ill winds] sub set the [debt markets] are supported by [implosion] as well as language going to [floating (away)], and [distance floated], and [floating paper (sinks)]. These aspect/attribute sets are also supporting the [hyper inflation] meme which has now expressed in both energy and food prices in dollar terms. A symptom of the dollar death, the current hyper inflation in food prices is so globally affecting over the course of the first half of 2008, that the data suggests that [repudiation] comes [en masse] in Fall as the planet abandons the [dollar, usofa]. As the Markets entity moves through Summer and into our [miserable] Fall, the [inflation] context gains aspect/attributes in support of a [global pattern] of [return] for the [inflation] that the USofA has been exporting, along with jobs for so many years. The [return] of [inflation] is described as being [accelerated] as well as [compressed (in) time] such that the [populace/USofA] will [experience/feel] the [impacts] of [a year] in [each month]. This is a pretty good definition of [hyper inflation] and it points to the continued [price increases] as well as the [decrease (in/of) choices/availability] in goods selections. As the Markets entity progresses through Fall, the [options/exposures/choices] sub set gains values in support of the [lost opportunity] aspect/attribute set. This aspect has support coming from [dead end], and [repeated (failed) attempts], and [unclear responses], as well as [rumbling/grumbling public], and [revolution]. There are new instances of [dangers], and [lurking/hidden enemies] as well as [confusion], and [conflict] within the sub sets in support of the Fall [debt markets] sub set. Further details describe a [credit market] which is [collapsing] like an [arch] without a keystone. This is further supported by aspects of [failure] within the [credit cards] sub set. This area is also participating within the [millions of small particles] meme indicating that the [repudiation] of the [dollar] outside the USofA will also be a temporal marker for the [abandonment] or the [rejection] of the [credit card debt] by [millions] more cash depleted citizens. This area also participates within the [revolution] sub set. When modelspace is initially loaded with the processed data so far, the Markets entity shows that the [dollar, usofa] sub set is dominated by [overheating/fired_up] over the immediacy values, or out for about 3/three weeks. This aspect/attribute set of [overheating] is supported by [heat rising gradually], followed by [brief occasion/episode] and this set in turn is supported by [migrations to the south]. As this is based primarily on the immediacy value data sets, the [brief occasion], and [gradually heating up] can be interpreted as applying to the current conditions within the [dollar trading/valuation] markets. This may be forecasting that either the best that the [dollar] can hope is happening now, or alternatively, that a [brief episode] of [happiness/return] prior to [overheating] is within these next few weeks. Further the totality of the [dollar] data set is quite clear that [summer] and [fall] are going to be very much [worse], and even have bespoke instances of [ill dollar], and [bad summer, horrible fall]. In either case, it would seem that the [dollar] has had its best days behind it, and the [hyperinflation] already near, will be in place by Summer. The current levels of increase in [oil prices] and [food prices] are shown as being somewhat moderated in the very near term {ed note: 3/three days out to 3/three weeks}, but that [summer] {ed note: June solstice as

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ALTA 209 - Part One


marker, not Memorial day} is the point at which only the [loyal] will continue to hold the [dollar]. The data sets continue to have growth under [hyperinflation], and there are indications that the [inflation] seen these past weeks in energy and food prices will be more than [doubled] by the arrival of the [horrible fall]. That would suggest that *weekly* rates of inflation may jump to over 10/ten percent.

Populace/USofA - Bespoke Poverty, Change of State, Resurrection Shuffle, Natives Noodle As the Markets move into a [miserable] fall in Fall, the [populace] of the USofA begins to undergo a very striking shift into [poverty] as the [credit system] fails. The [poverty] sub set continues to both provide support for [revolution] meta data layer as well as to participate in direct supporting chain for the meta data layer. We continue to find that [riots] and [civil order disruptions] are pending as a result of the [shocking repudiation] of the [dollar], as well as the accumulated [hyper inflation] of Summer. As Fall settles in on the USofA, the [populace] is described as [irritated], and [stressed], and [exhausted] as well as [despairing]. It is this last emotional state that has gains the most support from the [revolution] meta data layer, and the details of which are suggesting that [squatters camps] will be [raided] by the [law enforcers] which will trigger a number of [civil actions] and [acts of rebellion] in [eastern cities]. There are also indications that more rural areas will see different forms of [squatting/public seizure/mob actions] relative to [displaced/homeless families]. These will also involve [law enforcers]. In the many instances being suggested, the [law enforcers] are *not* in a good position. The [damages] to the [citizenry] are shown as being [bloody] and [violent], but also [liberating] and [freeing (of the) emotional uncertainty]. The idea coming across is that a [national rally cry for bloody revolution] will emerge from the [chaos] of Fall as the populace of the USofA faces very [grim circumstances]. The data sets have specific and bespoke [loss of money] for the Populace/USofA as a whole as the dominating 'theme' for this Fall. It is explicitly shading from the immediacy set of [loss of money] over to the longer term values of [poverty] signifying a 'change of state'. This change of state descriptor set is repeatedly filled with supporting values going to the [change/alteration of the mind/awareness]. This is further supported by [vision] as in [loss of (former) vision (of) self], or [national identity]. The data set seemingly points to a period beginning this Fall in which the [populace/usofa] will be losing their [vision] of themselves as the [richest nation] on the planet. This is a core support point for the [american dream mythos], and is also a very key supporting point for [common (under) rule of law]. This last is significant as it is the last and hardest of the barriers to [revolution] needing to be overcome; that is to say that the mind set of [justice for all under a common rule of law] is the primary blockage to [violent mob actions/revolution] in any social order nominally based on democracy/republic. The data set in support of the [loss of money] goes very deep into very deep emotional levels of persona and [national] identity. The current processing suggests that the [american dream] as [mythos], and [common identifying thread] will be [altered] by the [loss of money] to hit the [populace] this Fall. It is hard to overstate just how large the sub set is for [loss of money], and how deep are the supporting layers of aspect/attribute sets. The Fall [loss of money] producing the [winter loss of national identity] or [change of state], is shown to be even more [aggravating] due to the [pandering] of the [media/propagandists] during these next few weeks and into early Summer. The cross links to the Press entity suggest that the [hue and cry] will be taken up with very high [intensity] and will be pointed at the [happy days are here again] sort of [resurrection shuffle] for the [economy] and the [dollar]. The idea that will be [sold to] the [propagandists] is that it is their [responsibility] to [talk up] the [economic news/situation] until the [recession] probability is reduced. The [shills] will be touting the [numbers] for a recovery from the [doldrums] with many new numbers. The data indicates that the [press] will be [put to work]

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ALTA 209 - Part One


toward the effort of [creating buoyancy] where none really exists. It will be this concerted effort which will further erode [confidence] as the [top down oppression] fails to [alter circumstance]. The meme which results from this [coercion effort] is described well by the aspect/attribute set of the terminating cross links here in Populace/USofA entity, that is [constant/persistent failure]. Other nice descriptor sets include [empty sack (cannot) support itself], and [eating imaginary foods (produces only) more hunger]. It is the [persistent failures] of the [economic masters] over Summer which brings about the conditions cited last year in the ALTA reports as [calls for early elections], or alternatively ["let's just get it over with"]. In the case of this linguistic set we continue to have growth, and it still points toward a very unique set of circumstances as Summer moves into our [poverty Fall]. The supporting aspect/attribute sets suggest that, along with [foreign diplomatic/military failures], the [poverty] which will [roll over the populace] this Fall will also include [domestic dithering/failures] on the part of the [petty_people/politicians] such that [revolution] as a meme becomes very [visible] with that particular word gaining daily, national discussion. This is at the extreme end of support for the [early elections calls] sub set. As language shades from meme to meme, we attempt to discern where likely meets possible to suggest a probable trend line, and currently the [revolution] as extreme support end is gaining more emotional support than the more peaceful and constrained "let's just get it over with" meme. As a last note from the immediacy and shorter term value sets in the Populace/USofA entity, there is a set suggesting that [tribal peoples], erroneously referred to as 'native' which is a word deriving from 'natal' meaning 'related to birth', are going to play a very [visible] role in the [national debate] here in the USofA this Summer and into Fall. Thereafter, as noted above, the [vision is altered] as a result of the [money] being lost and the data sets indicate something of a 'role reversal' for [tribal peoples] here in America. We note that this is not limited to North America, though this is the area with the highest initial [visibility] summations. Further the [position/perception] of the [tribal peoples] is somehow to be connected later in Fall to events at the CERN 'collider'. And there are indications that [new tribes] will form this year and into 2009 which will [persist] into the 2018 period in which our FuturePop entity seems to supplant the Populace/USofA. Conclusion: ALTA 209 - Part One: Gnawing Words, Nervous Nellies We have received copies of many of the now visible words out-and-about on the internet and in other media which reference both 'global coastal' and 2009. In all cases so far we have found some lexical structure related to 'risk' within the language discussing the 'global coasts'. The references are increasing, and deepening in that it is not merely a single source being oft repeated, but are coming from multiple sources with differing perspectives. While it is true that our interpretations cannot discern between the arising to visibility of language about an event, and such an event itself, we still continue to build supporting sets within modelspace for our [global coastal event]. Stated another way, we do not yet have the amount nor the precise language itself out-there such that we could say with confidence that, yes, this is it, and the 'event' is really this global discussion of the probability of such an event. Rather we have the data sets continuing to build in areas where we are *not* seeing any of the language replicated. As these areas are very large in relation to the language seen so far, the conclusion is *still* toward a pending [global coastal event]. That many differing perspectives are producing articles about 'coastal risks' are undoubtedly some of the 'source material' which first led us to the [global coastal event] forecast several ALTA reports back. This is to say that the appearance now, in the media of the moment, was the trigger for our initial 'pick up' of the 'emotional urgency' around this subject in preceding years. While it may be that such current articles and stories in the media are the future leaks which feed our modelspace and produced our past forecasts of the [global coastal event], it equally true that today's stories about coastal risks are being driven by factors which are producing the global coast event as a probable

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ALTA 209 - Part One


future. Said another way, while we may pick up tomorrow's headlines for use as today's forecasts, what is it that is producing those headlines? Or, just another time to be sure that we have driven clarity deep into the mud of language, why has universe chosen now to propel these many individuals to all begin producing articles and stories about coastal risks? Well, obviously, very real changes occurring are the most likely wellspring for this meme. These very real changes are showing up in all forms of scientific research, and as the current state of science is fractured and divided, the many conclusions will appear wearing the robes and lexicons of various diverse fields of study. So the geologist, seeing the changes around him will lean toward a particular interpretation, and the meteorologist (weather dudes) will be blown toward a slightly differing view of manifesting circumstances. The differences in their perspectives will be captured within their word use when they start setting down their worries to bits and bytes. This then becomes fodder for our current data processing and the archetypical relationship changes will show up as forecasts of future developments. Basically our forecast of a [global coastal event] derives from the articles and other linguistic interactions occurring now, which were very subtle ripples on trend lines back when the initial forecast was teased out of the prescient language leaks of the past. This is sort of a screwy way of saying "aha! language about global risks to the coasts, and impacts on civilization have appeared as forecast!". However, this is *not* good, as the thought occurs that if we got that part correct those many months ago.....what about the rest of it? Is it really just a case of being able to predict nervous nellies nattering nonsense? Or perhaps prescient predictions provide practical products in preparation. Hmmmm.

#### The graphing software awaits yet another consistency check before we can call it complete. If it passes we may return to charts in Part Two. Without regard to charts, the speculator slices will be up on Sunday, May 11, and Part Two is expected to be posted by late on Saturday, May 17th.

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