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HPH ALTA 209 - Part Two


This report prepared from 34.87 million reads of the ALTA 209 series. Meta Data - Bespoke, Transformation, Charts Some readers have run into the wall of the 'bespoke' word. When this is used it signifies that the word which follows it is an actual emotional reference within the data. To clarify, we note that frequently the archetype of [fear] arises within the aspect/attribute sets. For the most part, the [fear] aspect is inferred from references to other context words such as [trembling], as in [trembling in fear], or perhaps even closer, a tense, and tone variant such as [frightened]. However some times the actual emotional or other descriptor will be encountered in the aspect/attribute sets, and that is when the label of 'bespoke' is used. In this case it would be used when the word [fear] was encountered in the data sets in that form of the archetype. So the interpretation would note that [fear] is actually showing up in the archetype levels of the data sets by prefacing it with 'bespoke' as in "bespoke [fear]". This is method whereby we can indicate that the archetype is more pure in its definition, and that the emotional archetype itself has been encountered within the data. We take such references as being a bit more intense than the more common archetypes, but not as powerful as the references to human and/or animal body parts/processes which appear to be the lowest level, and most intense of the archetypes. Clear as navy coffee on a moonless night? The label chosen from the descriptor sets for 2009 is [transformation]. This meta data layer is defined as [being completely within the new state] or [actively being involved in change]. So the 'pivotal year' of 2006 provided the transition into the 'emergent year' of 2007 which in turn acts as the platform for the 'manifestation year' of 2008 and this in turn launches us all into the 'transformation year' of 2009. We have recovered (post virus, and mechanical breakdown) most of the charting capability within our software. We have also provided smaller charts which will hopefully be legible given the constraints of the new page design. Further please note that we had to adjust our scale of values from the old chart style so some of the data will be of differing summations.

SpaceGoatFarts - New Space Shocks, Oceanic Foggy Phenomena The SpaceGoatFarts entity shows a curious 'contribution' to the mix of the cross links in Fall as there are extensive cross connections to the Bushista entity, and both the GlobalPop, and Populace/USofA entities from the aspect/attribute set of [calamity]. This aspect/attribute set contains supporting values indicating that the SpaceGoatFarts entity will be a [background participant] within the [expressions/manifestation] of [calamity] in the Fall. This originating aspect/attribute set within SpaceGoatFarts is tied to terminating aspects in the populace entities which are headed by [new/novel] and include [shock] as the first level of support for an interpretation as the [shock/reaction of encountering the new/novel_conditions]. The [calamity] sub set of the SpaceGoatFarts entity is reflective of a similar grouping within the Bushista, and Populace/USofA entity. In the case of the

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SpaceGoatFarts, the [calamity] aspect does not have an active form of supporting values, but more on the order of passive influences. There is an exception in that r. aspect set. Within this set are supporting values from the shorter term set for [fire] which is supported by a directly held value set of [expelling/leaving]. The indications for a [marker] for [calamity] which involves a CME or solar eruption such as from a sun spot would seem to fit the level of intensity values that we have here. This is viewed more as a 'coincident temporal marker' than a 'main event' lexical set as the level of intensity when compared to the other sets already focusing on Fall show it to be an also-ran. But still, the SpaceGoatFarts entity suggestion of watching for this [expellation] may be pointing toward it as a point of delineation between the last of the old, and the first of the new (conditions). Other supporting sets for the [calamity] as temporal marker include [reaching extremity] which is a variant on the [extremity of language] sub set forecast to dominate the Populace/USofA over Fall and Winter. This sub set now appearing within the SpaceGoatFarts entity is pointing to an actual [physical property] which is indicated to have [reached extremity], and thereafter the [change begins]. This language set is clearly indicating that a 'next phase' kind of thing or the [end/beginning] of a cycle will be observed as part of the events of Fall. The shorter term, and immediacy values are not of such intensity summations as to make this a 'world changing event' so much as to say 'here marks the change'. As part of the sub sets in support of [calamity] are a large number of cross links which originate in the SpaceGoatFarts entity, and terminate in the [oceans] sub set of the Terra entity. The majority of the supporting values which accrue after the entity is advanced through mid August, are presenting as though an [accomplishment of unity] occurs around the emotional contexts of [oceans]. This can also be interpreted as [arising consensus/unity of vision], and both of these would fit with the imagery coming out of the SpaceGoatFarts entity. Further cross links go over to the GlobalPop entity where some are terminating in the [female personality] and her role as [uniter]. These links are adding [visibility] sums which suggest the appearance of the [female personality] within the global mediastream at that time. The rise in the [visibility] sums is seemingly connected to the growth of the sub sets around [climate change], and [solar influences/acts/actions/eruptions]. Along with the growth of these cross linked sets the SpaceGoatFarts entity's has directly held values for [still airs] and [fogs] which are shown as being a [novel phenomena] in [autumn]. Further these [fogs] are so [obscuring] as to [cause disruptions] as well as [regional atmospheric problems], and [health alerts/threats]. Populace/USofA - Extremes Redux, Rude Nightmares, Economic Nooses A key aspect of the past ALTA series, when forecasting emotional tones for this Fall, has been the [extreme language] which was seen as dominating the [visibility] of the global mediastream language. We now have evidence of the shift being underway as the various media streams have been reporting on [natural disasters] here in the USofA and abroad. The language associated with these reports has scaled into our projected [extreme states] as the phrases the reporters are applying to the subject of their reports runs to the ' al". As the reports on [extreme weather] and other biospheric interruptions such as Chile's volcanoes, and global storm patterns shade into examples of [extreme language] in May/June, the aware observer will be able to discern many [future echo's] in the terms now being applied. These [current events as future echoes] will be returning in a few short months as Fall settles into place in this, the year of 'manifestation'. Within the general [extremes of language] forecast for Fall, there are several 'subject' areas found in the aspect/attribute sets. These include [extreme irrationality] from the [bushies], as well as [extremes of effort] from the [usofa military], and [extreme weather/climate] within the northern hemisphere, and [extremes of economic degradation/destruction]. In all cases, the [visibility] factors are high, and the global mediastream is forecast to be reporting on the [extremes] which will be manifesting. They will necessarily also have to grope

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for new language to express these [extremes], and will necessarily fail most of the time. This [failure] of the reportorial stream to [capture the emotional tone] of the populace is itself also forecast to become a 'story' within the mediastream, as well as to put further pressure on the [cognitive dissonance] affecting the populace. The data sets accruing now are forecasting that those of the [populace] who are described as [unconscious/asleep] will be [kicked into/forced into a [new understanding] of the [manifesting social order]. This is not to say that everyone will become awake/aware. Rather the data sets are suggesting that [manifesting circumstances] will [force/propel] the [unconscious/unaware populace] into [chutes/control paths] en mass, and that during this [propelled/driven experience], many of those currently [unconscious] will be [shocked] into a new [state of awareness] by the [seemingly sudden appearance] of [extremes] in [reality]. This sub set is a supporting layer for the [duality] meta data layer, and further has internal cross links in support of the [revolution] meta data layer. As may be expected, the [loss of money] on a vast scale affecting the [populace] as a whole will provide a lot of [propellant] to the [consciousness shift] forecast to begin in Fall and to continue over the next year. The data sets are indicating that the [thanksgiving holiday] will bring a significant [burst] of emotional response due to the [secrets revealed] meta data layer, and the [sudden failure] of the [social shielding] for the [elite/TPTB] as the [loss of money] brings about many side effects. Bearing in mind that the data sets are indicating that the global populace will have suddenly switched into 'emotional release language' on October 7th (still forecast for 7:10 am UTC), the side effects from the [loss of money] on so vast a scale is also forecast as [shattering/rupturing] many [old/ancient social contracts] which have been used to [prop up/hold up/support] the ThePowersThatBe, and to [shield them from the results of their crimes].

Much of the [secrets revealed] supporting aspect/attributes within Populace/USofA is cross linked over to the Markets entity, and further is also frequently cross linked to both the Bushista and ThePowersThatBe entities. In the case of the switch to the 'release language' change in October, the data sets are pointing to a [release] of [information] which will be a [catalyst] for the [awakening/awareness] of many of the [populace] as they are indicated to be [shocked (from) sleep). This will be a very [rude awakening], and is indicated to be accompanied by both [personal] and [social] [turmoil]. As the [pathogenic behavior] spreads through the Fall, the [populace] is shown as [shaken/shocked /rocked] and the supporting sets are for either [waking/awakened] or [death]. So again we get [duality] manifesting in that many of the [populace] will be [shocked (into) a rude awakening], while others react to the [shock] by deciding to [die]. It will not be quite so simple, and the data sets are probably referencing coincidence, rather than cause-and-effect. There is a clear data set for this Fall beginning a period of [exceptional/extreme numbers] of persons

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[dying], though the 'causes' are not necessarily known here, the result is that many of those remaining will be [discussing/commenting] on the [high numbers] and other aspect/attributes around their [recent, personal experience] with [death (of) companions/friends/relatives]. Again, curiously the fractal nature of language and time shows up as we have bespoke [extreme] that is describing language which will be applied to an [extreme (seemingly) high numbers of deaths] in 2008. Other key descriptors for the Fall found within the Populace/USofA entity include [nightmarish/horrific_dreams], and [loss], and [abandonment], and [betrayal]. Much of the last 2/two of these go to the support of the [revolution] meta data layer, and are further supplied support in their sub sets via the [secrets revealed] meta data layer. The Populace/USofA entity is indicating that the [personal response] to many of the [nightmarish behaviors] coming this year will include a resurgence of the [drop out/opt out] mentality which in its turn supports the [diaspora] sub set with specific aspect/attribute sets indicating a [surge/wave northward], as well as a [new wave] of [small boat/little raft adventures]. We note that 'small raft' is also a designation for the [theravada] form of Buddhism, and this area is also very extensively participating in both the [awareness/awakening] sub set as well as the [death of religion(s)] sub set. Providing support within the [death of religions] sub set are several aspect/attribute sets going to the idea that [preachers/priests] will be [joining] their [fellow conspirators] in [breathing their last] together. The data sets are suggesting that a very huge [scandal] will be [revealed] by the [catastrophic loss of money]. This [revealing] of the [long hidden/denied history] is shown as [initiating/beginning] both the [anti-zionist pogrom] as well as [starting/fueling (a/the) fire/rage (in the belly) against religious organizations]. This last is filled with support indicating that [riots] and [assaults] will take place in which the [wealth (of the) churches] will be [plundered] by the [children (of the) duped/fooled]. Again we note that there are many cross links over to the Bushista and ThePowersThatBe entities, where in both the terminating sets are indicating that the [establishment] and its [elites] will be [too involved/wrapped up] in their own [fears] to [attempt to intervene] to save the [stolen wealth (of the) churches]. The data sets are indicating that a very good temporal marker for this period will be reports of [intercine warfare] within the [new age movement] over [religious power mongers], including the [disruption/split /schism] which has apparently formed at the [core/heart] of the [scientology religion]. Along with this, the [visibility] of the data also points to a [lawsuit] or [visible attacks/confrontation] between [priests/preachers] who are in [conflict] over the same [money/power source]. The [economic nightmare] that is being forecast for Fall will present some pre-appearance effects being suggested by the accrual patterns for the Populace/USofA entity. Since about mid 2007, we have had data sets which infer that a [call for early elections] will arise in 2008, most likely over the Summer. This was also interpreted as being the emotional expression of the [populace] wishing to [just get (the elections) over] as the [outcome is obvious]. This data set continues to grow and seemingly is indicating that an [air of defeat, despair, and dejection] will [envelop] the [republican party] over August such that by early September, the [republican party] is seen as being [hollow] and [emptying/actively_being_abandoned], and by then the [corruption] charges against the [republican candidate] as well as the [republican party] will have taken hold, and thus the [call for early elections/just get it over] will make sense under those manifesting circumstances.

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GlobalPop - Walk'about Mountain, Nova Via, Vomiting Bucks The GlobalPop entity is indicating that this [winter] will be best described as [retreating/yielding] in the [reactions] of [humans] to the manifesting circumstances of the planetary biosphere. The data sets indicate that [mountains (will be) displaced], and that the [diaspora], already well underway after the [fall shakes] and [fall thunders] will receive a large emotional boost from the [mountains moving]. This set is indicating something a bit stronger in emotional tone summation than a 'mere earthquake', and further is the beginning for an extended period in which [mountains] will be a dominant part of the manifesting global mediastream background. The idea is that the memescape of the [winter] will be first [captured] by the [walking/moving mountain(s)], and then [blanketed] by the resulting [land/terrain changes]. This *MAY* be a big precursor to our forecast global coastal event. It may be that the data sets are actually referring to [glaciers] as either part of the [mountains gone walkabout], or as the actual [mountain] being described. The GlobalPop entity is suggesting that the [diaspora], initiated once again by the [moving mountains] will present many challenges to a very large group of humans described as a [nation/tribe] as they attempt to [get beyond] the [mountains]. The details within the aspect/attribute sets processed from the shorter term values, and the first of the longer term value sets, suggest that as the [nation/tribe] starts to [relocate/respond] to the [moving mountain], they will be [forced] by circumstances to [change] their plans repeatedly as each [avenue/way] is shown as being [blocked] by [mountains]. The data offers a caution or advise in the form of [yield/soften] as the way in which to [overcome] the [mountains walking (into their) path]. Further, the data sets are accruing in patterns which suggest that the [mountains] will (in some places) be experiencing an [uplifting] motion which will be able to be [countered/used /employed] by those who [catch on/grasp the motions]. Other details describe a very large [tribe/nation] with [millions affected] and [hundred(s) of thousands] who will be [forced onto the path/road] due to the [mountain walking]. Some of the [walking out] of the [danger area] will be accomplished by following [now dry/recently emptied river beds]. Also as a consequence of the [mountain moving], there will be many in the [nation], and also others not of that [tribe] who will [suddenly/shockingly] discover that [rivers] have also [relocated] and are now [threats] to their [location], thus also contributing to the [diaspora]. A strange part of the building data sets are going to a [petty_person/politician] who will [say/speak rash words] when [drunk]. These [drunken ravings] will make it into the global mediastream and will have a very significant impact on developing events from the perspective of [secrets revealed] and [rebellion]. The aspect/attribute sets of [return], and [sounds/noises] accrue in support of the [rash words spoken when drunk], and further, this set is cross linked over to

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the SpaceGoatFarts entity as well as to the Terra entity. Both the actual [mountains moving] as well as the [rash words from the drunk] sub sets are in support, via cross link, of a [social movement] within GlobalPop which begins to gain [visibility] after the first of the [diaspora] episodes following the [rivers relocating]. This new [social order] is itself cross linked over to the [death of religion] and to the [secrets revealed] meta data layers. In this sub set the supporting aspect/attributes include [seizing/capturing churches] and [locating the treasure of endless records/deep history]. The [acts] of [seizing religious property] supports a number of other sub sets including the [liberation (from) tampered history] as well as the [return (of the) object(?)]. In both cases the [sounds/recordings] are very significant to the developing [rejection of evil] and the [creation (of the) new way]. This aspect of the [new way/nova via] provides large support for both the [abandonment (of) corrupt practices], and the [diaspora], and in their turns, both of these are large 'seeds' for the FuturePop entity shown waaaaay out in 2018. A further sub set of the [new social order] provides support for this area as well as for the [drunk] sub set. The idea is that [visibility] within the global mediastream will be given to [large groups] who will decide that the [method] for [coping/handling /absorbing] the [changes] will be to [escape into drunkenness]. The images of large groups of [drinking people] in [pastoral settings] will be broadcast on the global mediastream, likely from helicopter video as much of the language is descriptive of [looking down upon] the [lolling groups/tribes of drunken/stupefied revelers]. Needless to say, universe will demonstrate that being [drunk] will *not* be an effective strategy for coping with [biosphere changes]. In addition to the impacts of the [mountains moving] and the [rivers relocating], the data sets are painting the [winter] of 2008/2009 as the [last of the manifestations] which go toward the rising [visibility] of [troubled times/years]. The [troubled times] are indicated to first be very [visible] within the global mediastream as those [south of the mountains (which move)] are [forced out]. Then the [relocating rivers] will induce further problems for those who are [north] of the [walking mountains]. The timing clues suggest that in June of 2009, the global mediastream will *still* be filled with the continuing problems coming from the [winter of 2008/2009]. Further hints for the [troubled times] stemming from the [winter woes] are that [yielding voluntarily] will be shown as [working] for those who are [prepared]. The [preparation] sub set is supported at several layers by [mental] and hints that [open mindedness] will be a key survival factor. This is to say that the data goes to describe the [mentally rigid] as being [washed away] due to [seizure/rigidity] which arises from the [mental shock] of it all. This [active denial] and [inability to comprehend] is in support of both the [surreal] and [cognitive dissonance] sub sets. Further it is indicated to *not* be a good thing. This area of the data set gains its largest levels of supporting aspect/attributes in late [winter]. In its entirety the [mountains moving] sub set is a supporting sub set for the [global coastal event]. This sub set of the [walkabout mountains] has very large supporting sets directly held which go to the [water] and [flooding] meme. These sub sets in their turn are directly held by the larger set of the [global coastal event]. Seeing how the data sets are accruing suggests that the [global coastal event] will be a multiple month occurrence. This may be akin to the slow motion earthquakes we have here in the Pacific Northwest of north America, *or* it could also be that the global coastal event will be so large as to produce months of discussion in the global mediastream after the fact. As of this point in our processing, it *appears* that the global coastal event itself will take several, perhaps as many as 6/six months to manifest, and then the global mediastream continues to discuss the whole of the situation for at least another 9/nine months for our forecast total of 15/fifteen months involvement with the global coastal event. As if [walking mountains] were not enough to fill the global mediastream this [winter], the GlobalPop entity accrues nearly as many new aspect/attribute sets

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under [ill/sick USofA dollar] sub sets. The data indicates that the [repudiation] which begins as a [trickle] in late [summer], and progresses through to [streams] of [returning dollars] in [fall], turns into a [torrent of vomiting], or perhaps better interpreted as [vomiting torrents (of) US dollars] in [winter]. It is the [repudiation/return] meme which is providing the most support for [secrets revealed] and [transformation] here in the USofA. The [ill dollar], or [vomiting (up) of bucks] meme is described as being [between drowning] and [climbing a mountain (of) debt] such that the [smallest error] will [consume] the [whole system]. This area within the GlobalPop entity, as expected, has large numbers of cross links over to both the Populace/USofA entity and the Markets entity. The Markets entity terminating sub sets are headed by [crushed bones] which in its turn is supported by [crushing blow], and [broad (powerful) swipe], and [heavy hands (strike) deep blows]. There are a large number of cross links from the [iraq] and [israel] sub sets which are cross linked internally back to the [vomiting (of) bucks] which have supporting sets that are cross linked over to the Populace/USofA where they terminate in [retreat] and [pogrom] respectively. There are further GlobalPop data sets indicating that at least outside the USofA, the [dollar] will be [useless/nothing] after [winter] of 2008/2009. Hmmm. Just about says it all. Terra - Tensions Chart The chart below represents the Terra entity values extracted from the modelspace chart as is seen above. These are just the values coming from the directly held supporting sets within the Terra entity. As it is compared with the charts above, the difference in the 'release' versus 'building' emotion tension values can be seen. The Terra entity is thus providing for large amounts of [building tension language] while the totality of modelspace is dominated by the [release of emotional tension language]. This implies that the volume, and intensity of the non-Terra language found in the global mediastream will 'drown out' (apt choice of phrase) the Terra entity language in total summation of all inputs for the period. However, another way of thinking about this is as a separation of contexts, that is to say, that when the Terra related contexts are referenced, they will be discussed using 'building tension' language due to the biosphere changes, but that the non Terra related subjects such as the global economy will be deep into release language due to the manifesting circumstances. Also note that the large drop into 'release language' for the Terra entity contexts comes at the end of January 2009, and then continues deep into Spring, 2009. This corresponds to the 'second wave' down of the general release language showing in modelspace as a totality. So we will begin Fall 2008 with a step off into release language which will be dominated by non Terra related contexts until early in 2009 when the already prevalent release language will then be applied to Terra related events *as well as* other contexts including the global economy, disease, SpaceGoatFarts, et al.

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Conclusion: ALTA 209 - Part Two - Return to Glory!, Beyond Empire to the Electric Planet of the Future! Of the many aspect/attribute sets which form the FuturePop entity (nearly 40/forty thousand at this stage of the processing), most are supported by [electric/electricity] as a primary aspect/attribute set. We have noted that many of the 'current memes' which are available to be gleaned from today's and yesterday's global mediastream content do *not* survive into our FuturePop entity. As may be expected, quite a number of the to-be-disappearing memes relate to [energy] as 1/one of several primary driving/defining sub sets. Other disappearing memes include [usofa militarization (of the) populace], and [usofa empire]. The [empire] based lexical sets seem to drop off as the [dollar, usofa] perishes over these next 2/two years, but remnants of the lexical sets within other contexts indicate some stubborn [resistance to change] with [disaffected groups] trying to [resurrect (the) empire of the USofA dollar/military] in much the same way that the [disaffected groups] of today persistently maintain a presence pushing the 'Rise of the South' as a 'rallying cry' for the [resurrection of the Confederate States of America] in spite of the fact that the Confederacy was defeated in the 1860s, and that *no single person* will be swayed by references to this 'long dead dream'. The data indicates that for at least the next 10/ten years there will exist a [delusional group] of [self reinforcing insanity] attempting to [return to glory]. This [return to glory] meme is supporting the intertwined nature of [religious extremism] and [military extremism] which is so prevalent in the social order of the current USofA political power structure. However, as with all things abstract, such as politics, the realities of much more mundane issues actually determine the nature of the future. In the case of the FuturePop, this entity is clearly signaling that [electricity] of several orders of magnitude greater sophistication than exists today will quite literally, and actually [power] the FuturePop. The shift from [popping/thrusting power] of today's dependence on internal combustion engines to the [flowing/morphing] power of FuturePop's [sophisticated electric planet] coincides with 2/two fascinating trend lines: first is the [loss] (albeit gradually/incrementally at least initially) of the [military mind set/aggressive war focused elitism] of the USofA which is indicated to settle in comfortably over the next 7/seven years, and persist at least for the following 84/eighty-four years; and secondarily, the [rise] of the [creative/invention] value within the USofA social matrix. This last is best described as a [re-ordering] of the [social order] in which such occupations as [military/politician/banker] are dropped from favor, as are all of what can be generally described as the [acquisition] types of work where the goal is [wealth]. These will be very much downgraded within the value system of the USofA society, and the complement will be the rise up in value of the [community serving problem solver/synergist/inventor]. This social values change will not be easily accommodated, but is shown as being in place by 2018 as the FuturePop takes over from today's world. Curiously, the [transformation] of the [social value system] within the USofA is shown as being [instigated/created/driven] by a class of persons best described as [warriors], and though not necessarily [military], these persons will be very [visible] over the next few years as the [revolution] takes hold in the USofA {ed note: and GlobalPop}. These [revolutionary warriors] are *not* military in the usual sense of the word, though are certainly described as [personally disciplined] and very unusual in today's world, [self sacrificing (for the) good of the species/community]. So the loooong look ahead, what we call the [far view] here at HPH, shows that the [revolutionary warriors] of these next few years will foster a culture in which innovation, and problem solving will be placed at the top of the value system, and it will be from the newly nurtured class of creative thinkers that new forms and formulas will emerge that will lead to the [sophisticated electric planet] of the FuturePop. The data sets for the FuturePop, noting how sparse is our view that far ahead, are beginning to show that a plethora of power

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solutions emerges over the next generation which brings about the bespoke [sophistication] of the future electric planet. The data is also indicating that both [globalism] and [corporations] as are known today will cease to exist over the [revolution years] which lead us up to 2012. In support of the premise of the FuturePop's [sophisticated electric planet/world], we will occasionally provide glimpses, as they are captured in the data gathering, of possible paths to that future. Today we offer the beginning of the [scalable electric planet] which is described within the FuturePop entity as being [composed of a myriad of millions of particle paths (or millions of small electric 'blocks')]. At first the [blocks] reference was lost upon us some months back when first encountered. We were even tempted to interpret it as [bricks/squares] of [electricity]. However, from the pictures found at the SUNRGI site, blocks does fit well. Also please note, within the words describing their product, the reaching into [eXtreme] language to try to effectively label their product. So, as the Beatles were known to intone/in tune: here comes the sun... and it perhaps is the first building block into the Electric Planet of the Future. #### Speculator Slices for the week will be posted by late Sunday, May 18. We expect to have Part Three posted by late on Saturday May 24th.

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