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The information below is presented as entertainment only. Any use of this material in bets/investment or speculation which place wealth or resources at risk is *entirely* the result of mental aberrations of the reader, and the authors are to be held strictly harmless in such cases. The authors are blameless for any use of the material below for any activity as clearly such actions represent mental illness/instability on the part of *all* humans involved.
Today's (August 17, 2008) Speculator slices are prepared from all value set types of the ALTA 509 series. This is the last of the speculator slices to be posted.

1) Why stop the speculator slices? Well...a number of reasons spring to mind. First, the data sets indicate that the [markets] as we know them will radically change over these next few months (October 2008 through February 2009) such that [speculation] as we know it will disappear. Second, we will still cover the Markets entity in the regular ALTA reports in order to forecast the changes that will sweep through the social order over these next months, but as the [slop/spare/extra] component of the global economy is disappearing rapidly, the idea of supporting [speculation] in any form starts to take on moral and karmic implications. The issue rises from the nature of 'effortless profit', or stated another way, that [money] can [produce profit] in and of itself. This state of 'money working' mind set is an illusion which will die off with the crash of the [paper debt markets] over these next 2/two years. At a very core level, the planetary biosphere can no longer support the concept of [money for nothing]. At its core, economics 8/18/2008


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is about calories as we live in a physical world with finite boundaries on our actions, and *ALL* planetary wealth involves the input of calories in order to extract/create/grow more calories than were put into the operation. The concept of a [profit] is at the top of the illusionary pyramid. A [profit] where no calories are put into the process can *only* exist by removing/taking calories from someone else as [money cannot create calories, nor anything]. This is a fact. It is also true. The difference is the emotional loading of the the truth over mere fact. Profit is a very negative illusion. It exists only while the acquistor class and mind set rule, and only in an 'open' system predicated on perpetual growth and *plentiful planetary resources*. These conditions have been degrading by the day for years, and have just about reached the [tipping point] for the concept of [profit] as defined by [money 'working' to produce more money without effort input]. Our data indicates that the [tipping point] for [illusionary profit/acquisitor predatory capitalism] will occur over these next 9/nine months. The first of 2/two distinct social/economic changes will be in place over the next 5/five months, and the next necessary development will take place in May of 2009. Thereafter the [tipping point] will have been passed, and the aware observer will be able to view the new social milieu emerging. Note that the accumulation of [wealth] does not depend on a system of [acquisition] of other people's extra calories through [manipulation of paper/digital illusions]. There will still exist the idea of [profit] and [excess calories] in the future, but these will depend almost entirely on developing [new efficiencies]. In that sense we are moving into a multiple generational period in which [profit] is directly tied to [mental acuity]. As humans now utilize slightly under 48/forty eight percent of the biota mass of the planet annually, and as the current corrupt systems for management of humans and their activities are predicated on [growth uber alles and forever], the system will be forced by universe to change. Part of the issue is the narrowness of the [life support band]. It has been estimated that when humans reach the point of consumption of 44/forty four percent of the planetary biota, the species will [crash] due to the inability of the planet to replace its resource capital (biota) as fast as humans are 'using' it. We are now nearly 9/nine years past that point and are 8/18/2008


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suffering the first of the consequences of this planetary mismanagement in the food and energy crises. Of course, we need to note that the estimates also calculate that we waste over half of what we take, and given that, if our efficiency rates could be increased, we could cut our consumption by over 25/twenty five percent, and *still* support another 2/two billion humans. And all of us would be able to maximize our potential for contribution to universe. However, the current system is crafted around [predation] and essentially requires increasingly large numbers of humans to struggle with very short/harsh lives at the bottom of the pile in order that a shrinking number of ultra-acquistors can continue in their ways of egregious excess, and profligate waste. The base mass of humans have been duped into thinking that their place is at the bottom, and that the [systems] employed to keep the acquistor class at the top are [natural]. There is a buddhist aphorism which says that 'reality is what remains when you stop providing belief energy'. We are about to discover just what remains as reality as the planetary belief systems collapse over these next 2/two years, beginning with the 'big one' of the [profit system supporting the acquistor class/TPTB]. The modelspace is clearly showing the end of the acquistor class and predatory capitalism over these next 2/two years with the first of several major changes taking place in October, and the second in late November. In both cases, though likely *not* recognized at the time of their appearance these 2/two steps into the [revolution] will put the planet on a path which yields a completely different [trading structure] to replace the current [markets]. The new structure for [calorie trading] is indicated to be in place by November of 2010. Though there are indications that the old system will not go quietly, the [shock wave] of the collapse of the [globalism currency based, paper debts markets] is indicated to be so rapid, and so severe that [heart attacks] will result, killing a number in the [acquistor class] including a few of the more [prominent faces]. And then the [shock wave] hitting the [minions of TPTB] will propel [riots] and [turmoil] in the [poverty class] which will spill over into [violent actions] and that will kill off a few more of the [upper echelon acquistor class]. In at least 1/one instance a [lynching] will rise to [visibility] in the global mediastream to the point of being [emblematic] of the times and the turning of this particular social tide. 2) The second, and more forceful reason to stop the speculator 8/18/2008


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slices component of our reports is the 2012 meme. There is now demonstrable evidence that as our solar system is moving closer to its alignment with the Dark Rift just next to the center of the Milky Way galaxy, that what is called [hyperdimensional physics] is manifesting within our 3/three dimensional reality with increasing strength. The evidence not only is visible on all the planets of the solar system, but following the inexorable logic of the fractal nature of our universe, the evidence (which we have been anticipating for nearly a year) is *now* showing up at the microscopic level as well. Though not the place for the announcement of our 'discovery' (probably will do this on the Jeff Rense radio show at his convenience or on the first Monday of next month {a newly arranged regular interview slot on his show at 9 to 10pm}), it is worth noting that the [confluence/convergence] of the [hyperdimensional] physics manifestations was a *huge* temporal marker which 'coincidently' appears within modelspace *just* as things go sour for the [acquistor class] and [paper debt based paradigm]. So not only does the appearance of the HD/hyperdimensional manifestations act as temporal marker for the change in operating paradigm for planet terra/earth, but it returns our attention to the whole of the 2012 'issue'. And the 4/four years remaining. Our data sets indicate that October 7th brings a shift into 'release of emotional tension' language which continues through to the very end of 2012. Noting that our data sets lose granularity as we extend beyond about 19/nineteen months, nonetheless the trend lines continue to hold as release language, with only a very few, brief periods of building emotional tensions which are miniscule in emotive sums compared to the over all release language trend. From October 7th through to 2013...and beyond. Sooo.... from that view point, it becomes increasingly difficult to give a crap about [paper debt markets] and [illusionary/predatory capitalism]. The planetary populace is going to go through huge personal changes which will result in a totally new, planet wide social ethos. The leading edges of these *huge* changes will become [visible] to the aware observer over the course of this Fall and Winter. Of course, at several levels, this means absolute chaos over these next few years. As the old systems of the acquistor class die off, we can expect that there will be [violence] and [death] and [destruction] at staggering 8/18/2008


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levels. A karmically fitting disproportionate share of the suffering will be born by the populace of the Anglo-American centered world. It will be much worse than what the populace of Russia and other eurasian states suffered after the collapse of the Soviet empire. It will be this suffering at a personal level which will propel the [revolution] meme beginning in the Summer of Hell in 2009. If one's living depends on the [paper debt abstraction markets], it might be a really good time to consider alternatives. [Woo woo warning] Not only will the economic and social change drive the emerging chaos, and paper debt markets destruction, it will also fuel the [secrets revealed] meme throughout all of the populace, but with much larger emotional sums coming from what we call [western civilization]. This will unleash the [alien wars] of later this decade as the [secrets], especially about the [harvesting/abduction/mutilation/mutation] of humans by [aliens] comes out. The data sets describe the next big [contact] meme boost as coming out [suddenly] such that it [arrives with a shock wave]. This in turn starts off the temporal marker for the [ancient history of humans] meme to go absolutely batshit on the internet. That in turn causes whole new [cults of personality] to emerge around some of the most unlikely-to-be-celebrities people seen in decades. BUT what is important about this shift is that the [human history paradigm] can be seen to have already started to change when these new ancienthuman-history personalities go mainstream. That will also be a huge step toward the [dissolution] of the [religious power structures]. Those in turn will [spark] the next round of [secrets revealed] as a [defector] from the [roman catholic church] flees the [organization] with [historical records]. And, as the data not [assassinated], and further becomes one of the very first of the [powers that be minions] to initiate the 13/thirteen days of [unburdening]. That in its turn is a temporal marker for the planetary populace movement which emerges within a revolutionary structure a mere 20/twenty days later. 3) Our data sets forecast the current period of the [dollar boost], though we called it a [2/two (more or less) month period of a more ebullient/buoyant mood]. Further we noted it would arrive in mid July, and continue to about mid September. We also noted that it 8/18/2008


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existed entirely due to gigantic efforts on the part of the ThePowersThatBe. This period was to have followed a large earthquake. And further, it was described as being 'interrupted' by the change of power in Pakistan. Hmmm. This all sounds like it is manifesting, and that is a very very scary thing indeed as the data sets which allowed us to make these projections of pending developments have also provided the October 7th date for a shift into release language and the subsequent social stresses, *and* [paper debts markets based on dollar currency death]. We worry that accuracy (seeming) in forecasting our present summer 'boost' may prove a precursor to accuracy about this Fall and beyond. If we are accurate about the coming economic and social changes, then those whose income depends on paper debts may wish to consider what alternatives may be available. There is nothing that any of us can do about the death of the dollar and the global repercussions. At personal levels it may help to own gold/silver, or farm lands. The refining and growing of your personal skill base *will* help, and in more ways than immediately apparent. Every new skill set gained brings new opportunities for social networking, and history proves that personal survival in difficult times favors those involved in cooperative communities. There are also some hidden advantages to expanding your skills at the mental functioning level which *may* offer some benefit vis-a-vis the whole HD/hyperdimensional physics thing going on in 2012. If we are accurate about the coming economic and social changes, those who are in the American middle classes up through the middle level of TPTB minion classes will suffer the most as we go through these next 4/four years. They are the populace sub set most invested in the current paradigm, and most [tunneled into] the propped up illusion of reality that the TPTB sustain. Once the effort to sustain the illusion exceeds what is available, various bits of it will crumble, and those whose whole lives have been within the protective cloak of the current [military-alien-industrial complex paradigm] will feel the effects most dramatically. And suffer the mental shocks harder that those in the lower classes, or the fringe classes who have little emotional energy invested in this paradigm.

Today's (August 10, 2008) Speculator slices are prepared from the immediacy values (3/three days through 3/three weeks), shorter term value set (3/three weeks out through 8/18/2008


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3/three months) and the longer term values (4/four months out to 19/nineteen months)

1) Omnihumanity is still within the building emotional tension period which our data still holds as ending in an abrupt shift on October 7th. Note our timing is not exact. The emotional tension trend line could shift within a couple of days on either side of October 7th. The recent outbreak of war between Georgia and Russia has brought the building tension nature of the period to the fore. We expect the language to continue to build around the Russian Georgian war, and other international problems over these next 10/ten weeks. Again, in spite of the nature of the international problems, and the building tensions, our data, especially within the immediacy value sets, are still forecasting that the Markets (USofA/Bilderberger) will be able to maintain the 'more buoyant mood' of recent days. In spite of the relatively low values of the indices, and the volatility ranges, the data indicates that *all* efforts by [officialdom] will be used to sustain the illusion of a [functioning market system] over at least the next 6/six weeks, or until about mid September. Our data sets are very clearly suggesting that what you get this Summer, in so far as [markets] actions and indices levels, is the *best* that this year has to offer, and that with the October release language shift, the [markets] will [deteriorate] in a way that will [fill (the) mouths (of the teevee shills) with dust], and [empty their bowels (as they sit)]. 2) Both the shorter term values, and the longer term data sets are suggesting that the [markets] will be [reeling] from both [internal fractures] and [external events] in October. The data sets are also pointing to the [markets] being [ripped apart/torn asunder] as we progress through October and into the rising political chaos here in the USofA. The data sets are filled with language going to the idea that the elections will end in absolute [chaos], and [disruptions]. The language is several times more [disordered] than was seen during the year 2000 vote counting fiasco. The Markets entity is filling with data sets from mid October onward which are populating areas of support for [dissolution]. The primary levels of support are within the areas of [arrests], [riots], [social chaos], [damaged infrastructure], [disruptions] and [energy blackouts]. There are further supporting sets which are heavily influenced by the [revolution] meta data layer which in this case morphs into [official reformation (of the) markets] by about mid January, 2009. 3) As of this time, the language around the [disruptions] to the [USofA social order] in October through November are hard to 8/18/2008


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overstate. Some of the very early, and longest lasting effects of this [social chaos] are within the Markets entity. There are sets in support of [assaults (on) markets personnel], and [bloody lips], [torn noses], [bandages], and other [visible] [facial scarring] on [teevee personalities]. There are also detail sets going to [federal assets/property] which will be [seized/appropriated] by both [state authorities] and [crowds/mobs]. It is this last which brings up a very large boost of [secrets revealed] which in its turn will seriously propel the [problems] of December into a whole new category of worry. There are also data sets suggesting that [skirmishes] begin to break out this Winter between the ThePowersThatBe and the [rebellious masses] as the [deterioration (in the) political system] continues to the point of [open acknowledgement] that the [system has irreparably broken]. The Markets entity has repeated instances of data which can be interpreted as [shut downs] which are supported for a number of different instances. These are also supported by language which suggests that [excuses of technical difficulties] will be [proffered] initially, but later the [shut downs/cessations] will be [happening without excuse]. 4) The details within the Markets entity are painting a picture in which [mobs/crowds] of [usofa citizens/bilderberger slaves] will [seize/take over] a [federal repository]. This will be done *not* because of the [records/evidence] there, but rather the [political action] is described as being more a [target of opportunity], *BUT* the result will lead to a [systematic recovery] of [looted/stolen information] as well as [diaries of dirty deeds]. These [liberated records] are further described as [surfacing/appearing] in early 2009 as *the* casus belli for the [reformation] of the [usofa markets]. This [information] is indicated to [precipitate/cause] a number of [suicides] in the middle ranks of ThePowersThatBe as it comes to be circulated. The timing clues suggest that this [mob action] will occur in [winter], or very near then in early December, and it will be a deliberate, and perhaps the very first [mass act of rebellion]. The [rebellion/revolution] sub set of supporting data here indicates that the [action] is [forced] on these people by the [dire circumstances locally] which may involve [cold/freezing] and [lack of energy]. This last is also supporting [restrictions on movement] which in its turn has [military forces], and [cordons] as supporting sets. 5) A note of caution for those who speculate against the formula's of ThePowersThatBe and their machinations of the [currency based] markets. Our data strongly indicates that the odd, disjointed 8/18/2008


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markets action of these last weeks since July 15th will be the *best* that is available for the rest of the year. This is to say that the data points to this time now, these 2/two (more or less) months of [more ebullient/buoyant mood] as being the 'last hurrah' of the context of [normal] when applied to the Anglo-American or [dollar based] markets. This period of [enforced] or [propped up by TPTB] markets is indicated to end very near the September equinox of the 21st. Thereafter the most favorable descriptor sets appearing are headed by [deterioration] and [disruptions]. Others are much more dire and distressing. BUT please bear in mind that our data sets have a natural bias toward the extremes as an artifact of our data collection methods. This disclaimer being noted, if even half of the language sets that we have building are actually used by the global mediastream to describe the markets over the Fall and Winter, then the USofA dollar based, Bilderberger controlled, debt based markets will be only a very small shadow of the markets at their most recent peak of [normalcy], and [effectiveness] which, unfortunately for speculators, is now, this last week. 6) Sitting here contemplating the spread of the data sets for this Fall and Winter, it is very difficult to get the mind wrapped around the level and nature of the changes forecast. Even given the external evidence of instability already out-and-about, it is still hard to conceive of the world being described by the data sets. The 2009 label of [transformation] is too soft a word to describe the metamorphosis which is indicated by modelspace, but given that, there should be a predictable transition period of events which both set-up and trigger the [transformation]. The immediacy data sets are indicating that these [set up] or [precursor] events are just ahead of us over these next few weeks. The progression of modelspace through August and September shows that events external to the markets will be piling up globally such that pressures are increasing on an already fragile Federal reserve and their dollar hegemony. The data sets within the other entities suggest that neither the Fed nor the dollar will survive the stressors of the various system crashes over this next year of Transformation.

Today's (August 3, 2008) Speculator slices are prepared from the immediacy values (3/three days through 3/three weeks), shorter term value set (3/three weeks out through 3/three months) and the longer term values (4/four months out to 19/nineteen months)

1) The recent longer term and shorter term processing shows 2/two distinct windows of time in which the [markets] as a whole 8/18/2008


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globally, but with special emphasis on [bilderberger markets controlled through the USofA dollar] will be subjected to events which are described as [dramatic], [upsetting], [rapid], [extreme], [flaming], [on-fire], [restrained], [rigged], [manipulated], and [destroyed]. These aspect/attribute sets are all [usofa dollar focused]. The 2/two windows of time for these events to manifest are first from September 27th through October 28th, and second from November 24 through January 4th, 2009. In a broad sense, the data movement within modelspace suggests to very large waves of [manifesting events] which will be [sudden/swift] in their onset, but [sticky] in their effects over the shorter term periods (out to and including 3/three months). The first of these windows for very early Fall is the more [abrupt], but the second is the more [painful], and the area of greater long term impacts as it is described as [holding sway/controlling] the [mind set/perception] for the next [9/nine months] our out to about October of 2009. *Please Note* - In *both* of the windows above, there are [physical effects] to the [american continent] which will greatly [exacerbate/amplify] the conditions within the [dollar denominated markets]. These [physical effects] first include [winds], and [dramatic weather], while the latter period includes our forecast December earthquake, *and* would seemingly site the most [damage] here in the continental USofA. *Please Note* - In *both* of the windows above the potential exists for the [physical damage] to include, but not be limited to, [attacks] on [infrastructure]. This might be referencing FFO (false flag operations) undertaken by the [bilderberger officialdom] as a [mental control] mechanism. The supporting aspects/attributes for the [attack] sub set include [gathering forces] which, as the Markets entity is progressed forward through Fall along with modelspace, changes into [oppression (of) limbs]. 2) The very long term value sets that we have processed these last weeks contain a clear forecast that no matter how bad the [markets] may get over this next year, the [real depression] does not settle in until later in 2009, around mid November. This [depression] then is indicated to continue through the complete range of the longer term data sets, which is to say, at least through 2012. In this [depression] the [wars of corporate control] are a major visible background element, but the largest level of [disruption] comes under the aspect/attribute of [recalibration]. The [recalibration] aspect includes [currencies], *and* has aspects for all of the social 8/18/2008


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infrastructure of the Populace/USofA including *all* of what we now think of as [long term entitlements], and [social safety nets]. These include [social security] as well as such things as [housing], [banking], [currency], [security], [transportation], and just about any other [officialdom-to-populace interface organization] that can be named. 3)As we reset modelspace to display the immediacy data sets which cover from 3/three days *through* 3/three weeks, the dominating supporting aspect/attribute set is [decay]. The [decay] set grows as the modelspace is progressed over these next 3/three weeks, *in spite* of [official pronouncements] which will be [perceived (as) positive]. The [decay] sub set builds as we move toward the [official end of Summer holidays] both here in the USofA and in EU zone. The [decay] aspect/attribute set is an immediacy value set only, in the sense that it will be replaced over the last of the 3/three weeks by [dispersion/scattering] as the dominant aspect/attribute set. Please note: while [decay] is the dominant sub set, the supporting sets for it include explicit [vampires sucking blood], and [evil situation that cannot continue (due to) excessive drain (on) resources]. Hmmm. Probably *not* a good sign. 4) The immediacy values accretion patterns had a curious 'hiccup' or 'stutter' in their accrual within these immediacy values most recently processed. This may or may not be meaningful. The processing yielded a growth pattern which can be described as a 'lull' of 3/three days, followed by a 'start' or 'jump/fit' of data accretion. This was then followed by another 'lull' of data accretion of 3/three days. 5) The [decay] supporting set grows as the modelspace moves over the 3/three weeks in such a way as to progress through a range of emotional expressions such as [worry], [anger], [fear], [hesitation], [hope], and finally, [belief]. This indicates very wild 'emotional range' in the peak-to-trough. These emotional shifts are shown to be very powerful, though also very very fleeting as we will go through all of these over these next 3/three weeks. As the [decay] sub set is being supplanted in the domination hierarchy 3/three weeks from now, the aspect/attribute set of [bad news (for a) patient/ill process] appears. This is a 1/one day transitional phase as the next dominant aspect/attribute set is [dispersion/scattering]. 8/18/2008


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6) The data sets indicate that the [traders/speculators] over the rest of Summer will be facing [days of intense actions] followed by [worriedly reviewing (previous) actions] at night. This pattern is shown to [intensify] as we move closer toward the [dispersion/scattering] of September such that the [speculators] themselves will [begin breaking down/ill health]. This has a high level of [visibility] so we expect that at least a few instances of [absence due to health] will occur on the [shill teevee] around Markets. 7) The data sets are supporting the [speculators stomach disruption] sub set with the aspect/attribute set of [opportunity] which itself is supported by [transitory], and [abrupt], and [disappearing], and [illusionary]. These sub sets are pointing to some *real* mistakes as the emotional range takes us into the [belief] sub set. At this point, the major supporting set change is *just* a day or so away (early September likely), and yet the [belief] emotional context [blinds] many to the [conditions] so that they will *not* be happy as [dispersion] rises to dominance.
Today's (July 27, 2008) Speculator slices are prepared (in the main) from the shorter term value set (3/three weeks out through 3/three months) and the longer term values (4/four months out to 19/nineteen months)

1) The data sets have been accruing across several entities in a pattern that we have previously labeled with its top 2/two aspects, [lock] and [down]. We noted that the [lock down] was explicitly *not* a misinterpretation of a [lock up]. In the supporting sets, the patterns of accretion are clearly forecasting a [series] of [small actions] which will [join/merge] into a [system wide seizure]. This is indicated to happen via both [human actions], a' la [regulations/laws], and through [cycles/forces/actions]. The idea is that a combination of both human and 'process' impacts will form a combination which causes a [ratcheting up] of various [regulations] as the [controllers] attempt to [control the degradation of the markets]. These very [regulations/actions] are indicated to cause [disturbances/imbalances] within [trading days], as well as [automated systems] which will further [stress the system] such that over a number of [weeks], perhaps as few as 3/three, several [laws/regulations] will be [prosecuted/enforced], resulting in first the [closures] of the [e-money] avenues. The interpretation is that some form of [side effect] of a [rule] which is put in place to [dampen/restrict exploitive actions] in combination with a rapid [loss of confidence] leads to a [collision/conflict] within electronic systems producing a [bottleneck/restriction] on [flows] that further 8/18/2008


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accelerates the [panic desire for possession]. This is seemingly an ATM kind of 'glitch' which starts the whole [degradation] ball rolling. The many 'attempts' to fix the [erosion of confidence] will *of course* just fan the flames, and further [extend the problems/lock downs]. Then there are supporting aspect/attribute sets for a [catalyst] within the [trading system] which will be [initiated/triggered] by [statistical abnormalities] and this is the 'proximate cause' for the [shedding/dropping/falling] of the [giant steaming lumps of derivative shit] which in turn cause the [regulators] to [become mad/crazy]. This [crazy making] reaction comes as [public confidence] is [stressed (into) shattering]. This last is reflective of the [retirement funds crimes] which the immediacy data sets are suggesting is only a couple of weeks or so away from being dominated by [secrets revealed] and making its rapid rise into [visibility]. 2) Concurrent with the developing series of [reactions] which produce the [lock down] of the [systems], there are aspect/attribute sets suggestive of the emergence of the [shift] or [gravitation] over to a very [active], but [gray] or [black] market. The data seems to indicate that the [rapid loss] or [sudden retreat] of TPTB on 3/three [fronts] will precipitate the [loss of currency] process which culminates in the [depression] as the planet moves into the 'release language' period forecast for October 7th through late February 2009. The longer term data indicates a pretty rapid response to the [lock down (of paper 'assets')] in which the [populace/usofa] will be [forced] into [local resources only]. This last has some positive elements in that [local producers] will come into a [boom time] indicated to last for decades. Apparently the days of the [outsourcing] and [globalism] and ['free trade'] are finished after the events of early October. 3) In the very early days of the [manifestation of loss of *the* currency (dollar as global reserve)], those [local producers] of [necessary goods/services] who are *not* [net dependent] will be the first beneficiaries of the [transformation] of the [USofA economy], and the [global economy]. The aspect accrual patterns are suggesting that the USofA will go through its own form of the [collapse of empire]. This is indicated to be rapid enough that the [new conditions] are well in place by January of 2009, such that the [new TPTB administration] will be [severely impacted] by the [truth on the ground/new reality]. The [manifesting conditions] of the [new economy] post [dollar death] are such that the [local producers] growth in [power] will be a fore shadowing of the 8/18/2008


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[restrictions *(on)* central power] within the [transforming social order]. We note that our label of 2009 as the [year of *the* transformation] is actually being forecast to begin with the events of early October, 2008, at least for the [economy] and the [paper debt markets]. That the effects are being seen emerging in this are first are actually a positive development, even though hundreds of millions of humans around the planet will be [caught out (in the cold)] as a result of the [dollar death]. The more dramatic [social order transformations] will be lagging behind the [economic transformation]. 4) Unlike the Argentina experience of collapsing currency and paper debt markets which occurred at the beginning of this century and which began a 'recovery' within 2/two years, the Populace/USofA entity *and* the Markets entity are showing a [multiple decade] response period. However, *just* as with the Argentine experience, the [economy] goes on following the [crash of the currency], albeit with [significant], and in many cases, unpredictable changes. But it is worth noting that [markets] as defined as ['trading' places] in which [paper debt] is [bought and sold] will *not* least not as they are now. Further, the [paper debt markets] will be subjected to [repeated attempts] to [resurrect] the [paper debt systems]. Each of these [attempts] will [alter the system status] and not in a positive way. These various [regulatory processes], and [bail outs], and [rescues] will all [fail] over a number of months as [officialdom] and the [power elite (minion classes)] are forced to [learn] that [confidence/trust/belief] cannot be [legislated] or [forced into existence]. 5) The descriptor sets for our [lock down] sub set, at the detail aspect/attribute level, are filled with imagery of [numbers and identifiers] which likely refer to the 'digital accounts' which are to be [rendered valueless]. Unlike the previous [depression] in which the [stock holders] of the suddenly [worthless notes] actually were able to use their [paper stocks] to insulate the walls of their shacks, this [crash] and [depression] will result in [servers] being [turned off], and [not backed up] as the [numbers identifiers] are not worth the [electricity] to [maintain their lives]. In many instances the detail layers suggest a period of [rioting] in the [winter] due to [severe conations] and the [failure of the flow of currency]. What makes this noteworthy is that the [riots] are described as being in [extreme weather conditions] such that the [local authorities] decide to [not intervene] in attempting to [save property]. This last sub set 8/18/2008


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is primarily supported by aspects/attributes going to the [property/resources], including [foods] of the [rich]. Within these sets are aspects providing images of [rioters/looters] [seeking refuge from the storms] in the [bellies/vaults of the banks]. These [rioters] will be called ['rebels'] and ['insurrectionists'] and ['terrorists'] by the mainstream press, 6) New [economic] centered forms of [self organizing collectives] which will be [operating] at a local level are indicated by the immediacy value sets as becoming [visible] over these next 3/three weeks. These will apparently be [visible] as [background stories] behind the main headlines as we move into the Chinese Olympics month. The data sets are pointing to some of these new SOCs as being very important to the emerging and transformed social order in early 2009. The importance of these [separatist movement clubs (as SOCs)] is as a temporal marker for the rise in visibility of several new [disease] memes internationally. These new memes are indicated to cause [tumult] within the [banking] and [big pharma] 'industries'. The data sets suggest that some very very very [rich bastards] will be [beggared] by what is to emerge as the [transformation] meme takes over the [economy] sub set. In the late days of this Summer, the data sets are indicating that [death scandals] will [paint] both the [banks] and [big pharma] in [innocent blood] in such a way as to both [horrify] the [populace/usofa (specifically)], and to [alter] the [behavior] of the [mass population] in 12/twelve days time. This may be related to the very large spike in data sets pouring into the [hormones], and [bones] sub sets of the [big pharma] descriptor set. 7) The [lock down] sub set continues to gain values as do those areas of the [economy] focused data sets which are now all moving under [transformation] as the controlling meta data layer. Other areas of the social order affecting [currency] and [loss of confidence] are also gaining data over these last weeks of processing. The data sets include forecasts for a [record low] in [donations], and indications that [foreign aid/charity] is about to become a *huge* issue as we near Fall and the [economic transformation] slides into the [release language period]. The [shock] induced by the [reports] of the [low flow] of [donations] can be used as a temporal marker as the data indicates this will arise *just* as the [conditions] are about to [dramatically worsen] for the [paper debt markets]. There are also indications of a very large [employment crash] in the USofA, which will [remove] the [jobs] of even supposedly secure [government workers], and which will 8/18/2008


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also be coincident with a [rush] against the [retirement funds]. This last is partially due to [lay off/reductions in force], but is also due to [rising panic] as the [points of no return] are being reached in [retirement accounts]. This new form of [bank run] against the [retirement accounts] is also indicated to be a component of the [lock down] process as the [officialdom] tries to [cope] with [disaster] and [secrets revealed] compounding events by the minute. 8) It will be a very interesting, and tense 2/two months (more or less) as Summer 'wanes', and emotional tension values increase prior to the sudden shift into release language which is still indicated for October 7th. Then it will be a hell of an emotional ride for 5/five months. Or we could be wrong.
Today's (July 20, 2008) Speculator slices are prepared from the second processing of immediacy values, the shorter term value set, and the first of the longer term values for ALTA 509 series.

1) The longer term value sets are now accruing in patterns that suggest the October shift into release language and the subsequent 5/five months of continuing release language will be very largely devoted to [discovery] of how to [live without dollars] as though the late September into early October period is to be devoted to the last efforts to save the [dollar]. These are indicated to fail, and for nearly the next half year, the populace of the USofA and to only a slightly less extent, the populace of the globe will concern themselves with a [post dollar world]. 2) The data sets are indicating that much [thrashing around/discontinuity] which is also interpreted by its other descriptor set as [rapid and chaotic change] will accompany the [currency loss] in Fall and Winter. It will not be until late in January of 2009 that the emotional tone will begin to change, and as noted in the ALTA Part Two, this will be a mood change against a background of a totally new world. Much of the [thrashing around] and the considerable [wailing] and [moaning] will be as many different [efforts] to [resurrect the dollar based economy] will [fail]. There are also indications that the 5/five months the planet spends in [release of emotional tension language] will be but the first of a number of waves of [social instability] which the longer term data are indicating will persist for at least 9/nine years. Yes, repeat that....9/nine years. 3) The 'markets' as they exist now, which is to say the global trading and speculating in paper debt based 'structures' will cease. It 8/18/2008


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will not exist in this form into the Summer of 2009. There will be many attempts to [get things going again], but the data is indicating that the [secrets revealed] meta data layer will effectively crush the emotional energies needed for this effort. There will be [markets] as there always have been for human history, though the function will shift down toward [basics] and will leave behind [paper abstractions]. The collapse of the [debtor nation] which is the [USofABilderberger] will [suck] away any interest in [debt trading] for many generations. The data sets are indicating that [commodities] will continue to 'perform' right up to the end, but that the [loss of the dollar as currency] will *really* screw up the global illuminati [financial vehicle scheme]. 4) Over these next few weeks a strain level in the abstract paper debt markets will be approached. The result of the strain will be to force ThePowersThatBe to expend vast quantities of energy and money in shoring up public and 'investor' confidence. IF they can succeed through August 3rd, then the effort will likely be able to continue through to the end of September, and then our October shift into release language will be primarily due to the [sudden] and [swift failure] of the efforts of TPTB. IF the 'paper debt market' breaks up in Summer, as opposed to after the September equinox, then the 'next shoe' to drop will be of a [military] nature, and will come in the early hours of the 7th of October. The data is indicating that *should* the [military operation] be the proximate cause of the shift into [release language], then the resulting [debacle/defeat] will be so staggering as to [crash the dollar] and to [denude the emperor/empire]. Further if it is [military operations] which bring about the shift into release language, the effects on the [markets] will be to [impose a lock down] from which they will *not* re-open/recover. And further, if the [lock down] happens as a result of [official declaration], then *only* the very top tier insiders will [get whole] from the [experience]. 5) The very long term data sets are accruing in patterns which go to the idea that October of 2008 will be used as a [historical marker] as to the [failure/collapse] of the [central banking scheme globally]. This collapse will begin over Fall/Winter 2008 and be complete by sometime in 2010. 6) Strange reports of [odd movements], and [anticipatory behavior] 8/18/2008


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will start to flow through the [speculator community] beginning either Tuesday or Wednesday of this coming week. These [reports] will also be categorized as [rumor], *BUT* note that this will be an entirely new class of odd behavior and it will be focused on [ports] and [shipping]. These reports/rumors will be part of the [ramp up] to our [crux point] of August 3rd. These rumors will likely involve [mysterious reallocation of resources]. These will include [mountains] of [ore] and [coal] which will show up as [gone missing] from some [inventories]. This will apparently upset a large number of [speculators].
Today's (July 13, 2008) Speculator slices are prepared from the second processing of immediacy values, and the first of the shorter term values for ALTA 509 series.

1) The issue of the [bank going into bankruptcy] as forecast some months back in previous ALTA series has started to shift from fiction to fact with the announcement of the IndyMac bankruptcy and closing. If, as forecast, this bank is the *large* bankruptcy with [foreign inter ties] then we can expect a [contest/lawsuit] from [foreign holders] over the [items/details] of the [receivership]. Please note that the [bank in bankruptcy] forecast is a very significant temporal marker. It was shown as coming post-solstice, and being connected to the new behavior to thereafter be exhibited by the [commodities] in which the linguistics of [double] would be used in 3/three separate 'episodes' of [visibility] about [silver, and gold]. Also note that this [double] application has no time limits involved, but is to start its emotional rise in public consciousness as a direct, and even 'bespoke' response to the [shock/shakiness/tremors] caused within the [retirement system] by the [bankruptcy]. We note from our previous forecast and records taken at the time of that data processing that the [bankruptcy] *will* follow the [return of gold (to its usual relationship) to oil] which has manifested, and will also mark the [return to the ancient mean in the silver to gold relationship]. It is this last that accounts for at least 1/one of the [double] linguistic sets. Also note that silver is a suppressed market, and that the [double] word does not reference [price], but is rather speaking of [emotional attachment/desire] on the part of the [populace]. Further as the market is clearly manipulated, the more likely first impacts will be [controls] rather than very rapid prices rises. These [controls] will include more levels of [rationing], which will work temporarily, however, once the situation reaches a certain critical mass of [desire], then global market movements will overwhelm the 8/18/2008


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attempts to suppress price actions in the metals sub set of commodities markets. Such control systems are already under severe pressures as commercial users of silver are now being forced into paper [shuffles] to obtain supply. It would not be surprising to see the structures of the controls on the commodities markets break down over Summer such as to be participatory in the forecast Fall [loss of currency/money]. 2) The shorter term data sets are explicitly referencing the [leader/elite] who will be shown [standing outside the red gates], which we are taking as meaning [gates] in Bejing, and pointing to the opening of the Olympic games as the time frame involved. This [appearance] of [standing before the red gates] is temporally significant as modelspace is indicating that it will mark the [revealing] or [great passing of confidence] as the [structures (of the leader/elite)] are [exposed] for their [weakness] both [inside and outside]. The data suggests that the period following this will include an increase in [actions] which will be [affecting/weighing] on the [structure of the (financial) house(s)] such that they are described as [sagging]. This last has a very high visibility summation, and will likely be a large part of the news in global mediastream from mid August onward. 3) Some [promotions] within the [elite/ruling power structure] will also occur temporally near the [red gates] incident, and these will also be very significant markers as they will point to areas in which [cracks/ruptures] are forming within the [power structure] of the [corporations]. Soooo... the idea is that if suddenly Mr. X gets a promotion to position Y in the government (or [council]), then the underlying reason is that the area that position Y regulates is near to [rupture] into [visible degradation/collapse]. This will also be true of [military promotions] at the upper levels which become [visible] after August 10th. 4) There are some indications that within the [corporate power structures] a soon-to-be-announced [promotion] will involve a [younger woman] who will [take over] for the [old man]. This will be a very good, albeit temporary, shift for this [organization]. If it is a corporation, then it will have a boosting effect on the public perception of that firm. However if it is a regulatory body of some form, then we expect that this would be the next area for an [eruption of visibility] of the continuing decline of western hegemony. In either case it is the gender shift which is showing as significant, and that the impact wave will be rapidly positive in the 8/18/2008


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short term, and very enduring in the effect of the change on the populace perception of that particular area of human interactions. Make sense? Clear as Fed accounting? 5) Relative to the temporal marker of the [red gates] and the [promotions] of Summer, there are very explicit references in which [collapse] appears frequently. These linguistic sets appear very rapidly starting after mid August, and spread like a measles epidemic throughout the Markets entity as the modelspace is progressed through August and September. There are indicators for a [default] within the [funding of the pharmaceutical commodities purchasing chain] which will cause very significant [visibility] in September. Further there are indications that [food processing] as an industry in the USofA has a very bad [episode] in late August or early September when the results could not be more critically timed....for government. This is a bit of a puzzle, but the linguistics are suggesting that somehow the [contagion] of the [bad foods] will [spread] into the [rank-and-file civil service] in very late Summer such that as we move toward the equinox, the [government] at the civil service level runs into [extreme] language around its ability to [maintain daily operations]. This does not appear to be a normal instance of illness, but rather something which is [emotionally charged] or [emotionally centered] such that [reluctance to (continue) to serve] becomes a key issue in [continuance] of the [document stream]. As we have noted in the past....IF the events of Fall (specifically our target date for release laager shift of October 7, 2008) are economic/fiscal/currency based, then this would be the best outcome for humans. True it means the ultimate crash economically, and the loss of the American Dollar as a currency with all the attendant suffering, but it would also indicate that [military] as a subject area would *not* be the emotional driver which pushes the world into the [release language plunge (of nearly 5/five months)]. This would, on balance, probably be a good thing. 6) As a last note, the data sets are accruing around the idea of an [extreme] Terra based [intrusion] into the workings of the Markets themselves. This indicator is concurrent with the [maritime disaster] which causes major political problems for the [shadow government]. This [extreme terra intrusion] does include references to [traumatic winds] only in this instance these are to be [directly affecting] the [daily operation] of a major [market/transaction center]. 8/18/2008


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Today's (July 6, 2008) Speculator slices are prepared from the first of the ALTA 509 immediacy value set.

1) The recent release *during our forecast release period* of the female former candidate for President of Columbia, who holds [dual] citizenship in both Columbia and France, and thus unites the Americas and the European countries has so far met over 82/eightytwo percent of the forecast linguistics. We will continue to monitor for the rest of these to be met. This is a very important temporal marker for significant change in a number of entities, including both populace entities, as well as the Markets entity. We note that we are within the Summer, for this [uniting female personality] to have made an appearance, and that the other temporal clues provided are also in place. The [visibility] of the [uniting female personality] does provide confirmation of several of the linguistic threads which are associated with the appearance of this person. Note that for Markets, the appearance/visibility is important at this stage, not the subsequent actions (for at least the next 2/two months). So, since part Female of the forecast has manifested, we have a slightly higher degree of confidence in the other parts of that related forecast. This will include the [silver leading gold], and the [conjunction] of the [death of dollars] with the [rising of metals as currency], as well as [alternative forms of money]. Further, the [behavior] of the Markets in toto will be changing, probably beginning on Monday, July 7. Think of the linguistics around the [unprecedented] word, and you will have an idea of what is coming to [markets behavior]. The idea that [formulas] or [mathematics] can provide a [trading edge/platform] will soon die, along with the [dollar]. We do expect a counter-trend of very [aggressive] and [extreme] attempts by some of the minions of TPTB to [pump them up] over these next 64/sixty-four days. This likely will include the Plunge Protection Team, and other nefarious [secret operators], however, as the [secrets revealed] meta data layer is also heavily involved with the appearance of the [uniting female personality], we can expect that these will be [last ditch efforts] and will also be seen as such. Further issues will arise relative to the [ability for international trade], as well as the theme of [piracy/nationalization/organized theft] which in the coming weeks will [destroy] the last (if any) confidence that a [consumer society is viable], and that a 'bottom' in the western world's real estate market is meaningful. Note our data suggests that a 22/twenty-two year cycle is involved in the [real estate valuation schemes], and thus 8/18/2008


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*IF* it were a meaningful concept, the bottom of the cycle is still nearly 20/twenty years in the future. 2) We expect the next round of [squeezing] on both [price] and [availability] of [foods] to begin within these next 2/two months. This part of the [encounters with scarcity] cycle will be more severe, and will be the first to provide a [multiple month burden (emotionally)] on the [populace/USofA]. Just part 2/two in a decade long theme, so we will get used to it, but the point for the [markets] is that just as they will enter into a period of [very strange behavior], along will come even more [pressurizing problems with food supplies]. It will be near the end of this Summer that the [oceans' illness] will be rising in [visibility] and which will impact Fall [food prices] and [availability] globally. 3) The immediacy data sets continue to accrue values for [dramatic rains] and [traumatic winds] relative to the north American continent. These twinned/linked climate elements had been forecast for a number of ALTA series as being the driving forces for 1/one of 2/two natural disasters for the USofA over 2008. These are not yet finished, and are still accruing values for both [encounters with scarcity], and [restrictions on movements]. Both of these are indicated to have a pending, fiscal impact which will be a large background obstacle to [economic] issues over Fall and Winter. The linguistics tend to favor an interpretation of another Katrina/Rita scale incident, though the focus of geographic references is marginally pointing toward the [eastern seaboard] (Florida north including Newfoundland, CA). That the geographic references are only slightly dominant for the [eastern seaboard] *may* be an indicator of multiple hurricane landfalls over a wider than usual area of the continent. 4) It is worth noting that the SpaceGoatFarts entity *(our repository for all things 'officially denied', and 'unknown' with a space sub focus)* has begin to form a large number of links over to the Markets entity in the immediacy values processing of this last week. More details as we interpret the Markets entity over the coming week, but the sheer number of the cross links is suggesting that a *something* which is [space based] is likely to intrude on the [markets conscious populace] over these next 3/three days out through 3/three weeks (inclusive). 8/18/2008

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