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This report crafted from the last of the ALTA 509 data sets and the first 9 million reads of the ALTA 709 series. Posted September 4, 2008.

Meta Arts - Deeper and Steeper, Dark Reading Irish 33.33 degrees... of every damn thing. Multiply this by the 60.39 nautical miles per degree of latitude across the surface of the planet, and you get....2012.9... and where does *every* hurricane want to go? You've got it. To 33.33 degrees N latitude. Not only the 'core' degree for the Masonic lodge and the secret societies supported by the vast lodge system as a candidate pool, but 33.33 degrees is also the 'prime' latitude for hyperdimensional physics. The rabbit hole is getting deeper and steeper. When have ThePowersThatBe engineered the end of the Mayan (meso American) calendar? Why for December 21, 2012, but much more importantly, exactly at 11:11 am on that solstice day. Hmmm. 1/One third of 33.33...hmm. The whole 'numerology' feel of the [secret societies] imprimatur on western society and history drives curiosity into intensity. Why? Well, we know that they are fond of placing clear descriptions of their plans out in plain sight knowing that all will ignore such obvious interpretations. We also know that 11:11 is the numeral designation in a cryptic short-hand for the broader context of the [forbidden knowledge]. We also know that the [forbidden knowledge] is completely focused on [hyperdimensional physics]. And recognizing that 'any technology, sufficiently advanced, cannot be distinguished from magic', we then recognize the implicit desire of the 15th century Pope Gregory to imprint into our consciousness, his calendar and its crossing with the end of the Mayan calendar at 11:11. We also remember from our Occult Numerology 101 (pun intended at all 3/three levels) that 11 is the numeral representation of [mastery], and further carries with it the [doubling of unity] or the [reconciliation of duality (into complete knowledge or enlightenment)]. So what was the [master of the catholics] saying all those centuries back? Perhaps it was a statement of intent? Say the imposition of magic mastery across time? A mystic expression of intent to be masters at this


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time? With the increasing power (seemingly so) of the secret (and not so secret anymore) societies, comes a clear arrogance in which their [ritual symbology] becomes rampant. The larger patterns within modelspace around the [religion] context indicate that the [religious subjects] which is to say those who are [mentally controlled] by the [edicts/dictates] of [religious organizations] will be the group which will have the most difficulty coming to grips with the [new times] emerging over these next four years. Not only does modelspace indicate very large scale changes and manifestations of previously hidden subjects into daily consciousness on a very broad scale, but also preceding this unfolding of the formerly occult (means hidden) gnosis, there will be [signs and portents] in abundance. For the aware observer who wishes a bit of revision/review on the subject of [symbology], a visit to YouTube with Michael Tsarion as the search term may be indicated. For those unaware of how universe works, we need only note that universe provides us with what we need and not what we think we want. Thus in our planetary times of troubles, rising biospheric upset, increasing fascism and attempts at a NewWorldOrder corporatacracy based on ancient gnosis, universe has provided us with the Irish....apparently what we needed. Go figure.

Meta Data - 11/Eleven Long Days, Collective Inhale, New TeeVee The newly arrived immediacy values continue to provide support for a sudden and [unnerving/unsettling/disturbing] plunge into 'release language' in the wee early hours of October 7th. These sub sets are now being augmented by data which provides a chilling view of the days leading up to the 7th as being a [long period] of [holding (one's) breath]. The immediacy sets indicate that on or about September 27th, the [planetary populace] does a [collective inhale] in [shock], and then proceeds to [retain tension/hold breath tightly] until the morning of the 7th of October. These 11/eleven days are described as emotionally [long] and [tiring], and [exhausting]. Further there is language suggesting that the [tensions] will be held in this [plateau] for such a length that [illness] and [death] will occur as a result of *just* the [emotional tensions] here at the end of this 'building emotional tension' period. We need to note once again that the label for the period from December solstice 2008 *through* to the December solstice 2009 is [transformation]. The linguistics at the meta data level indicate that the whole that solar year will be [transforming] for nearly all life here on terra/earth. Not that the trends begun or maturing in this year will necessarily be complete. Rather the sense of the [transformation] context is that [all/everybody *will be* involved in


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transformation] by the end of 2009. The issue of [transformation] presents some not-so-obvious supporting elements in the broader context. These include the tendency for [transformation], at least for humans, either as individuals or organized groups, to induce reactions of [violence] and [conflicting emotions]. The basic problem stems from resistance to change. No matter how well prepared, there is always a reaction to change, and when not prepared at all....well, humans just don't do so well under the circumstances. This will be especially true for the very large scale changes appearing over these next 4/four years. The aware observer can expect inappropriate reactions in others, as well as themselves, as the strains of accelerated change accumulate. The meta data layers are indicating that the pace of change increases with our October 7th shift into release language. The point at which we can all exhale...probably with lots of screaming and shouting.... for the next few months. Oh well, we were getting tired of all that political bullshit on teevee anyway, time for something new. Populace/USofA - Confused, Constipated, Fervor, Collapse, Blue Tarp Camping at the End of Summer The last of the ALTA 509 reports labeled the upcoming [election] within the USofA as being [confused]. We think that with the McCain selection of the [younger woman] {ed note: see item #4 in July 13, 2008 speculator slices}, the whole of the [confusion] meme is rising within the general populace as the hard core racists are now suddenly having to confront their sexist side in facing the non-Obama choice. And then there the Republican angst over McCain's choice not only at the gender level, but also the experience layer. No wonder that [confusion] archetype has been showing up within the data sets for so long in relation to the [popular delusion of voting within a controlled 2/two party system] of this Fall. The data sets continue to grow in support of the [confusion] aspect/attribute set, and also the [oh, let's just get it over with] meme for later in Fall. Given the data that we have coming in from the ALTA 709 immediacy value sets, it seemingly could be possible that there will be *no* clear conclusion to the elections in November. The data sets are growing under [confusion], and [disappointment], and [delayed actions] faster than any of the other sub sets under the [election] context. Thus far the immediacy values are just barely straying over into aspect/attribute sets other than [confusion] related archetypes. Some of these other aspects gaining supporting values include [young people] and [youth] with the supporting sets at the primary level being dominated by [finishing/completing]. A reasonable interpretation of all of these sets would be that the [election] is [finished/completed/decided] by the [young]. The data also includes specific references to [corruption] which will play a significant part in the


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[tally/counting]. Further issues will arise within the [elections] as the [doctrine (of) movement/action] is [revealed] by [foreign interests]. This [doctrine] is indicated to be a [descriptor/biography] of [old evils] which are shown as [tainting] the [voting]. The data sets *could* be interpreted as involving [judges] and [courts] deep into December. This area is internally cross linked back over to the [confusion] sub set with primary support on [deceptions] and [lies] which will be highly [visible] within the global mediastream. This does not mean that ThePowersThatBe will 'allow' the [mainstream media] here in the USofA-Bilderberger to also disseminate the information, but nonetheless, the [secrets revealed] meta data layer may be promising an effect on the elections without regard to the [corporate media] here in the USofA. Curiously there are huge numbers of cross links between the [election] within the Populace/USofA entity, and the SpaceGoatFarts entity where they terminate in the [alien/space alien/NotFromHere Beings] aspect/attribute set. The numeric values for the emotional sums within the Populace/USofA are nearly doubled by the contributions of the [aliens/space alien/NFH Beings] sub set, and this in spite of the longer term data sets from ALTA 509 which are pointing toward a [very bad] Spring of 2009 in the [aliens/space alien/NFH Beings] arena. Stated another way, the directly held sub set within Populace/USofA entity for [aliens/NFHB's] has nearly doubled in emotional sums due to a near doubling of aspect/attribute sets in the supporting layer. The growth of this sub set within Populace/USofA entity roughly parallels, but does not participate in, the growth of a similar set within the SpaceGoatFarts entity. Along with the [alien/space alien/NFH Beings] sub set of the [secrets revealed] meta data layer, *and* the [contact] meme which will be creating [consternation], [constipation], and [discord] within the ThePowersThatBe over late Winter 2008/2009, and into Spring, there are immediacy data sets indicating that sometime in late Fall a [rush/flush] of [secrets] about the [Bushies/NeoCons] will produce a *huge* problem for the [USofA political establishment]. These are apparently a different set of [secrets] than those discussed above. These [secrets] are of a more recent nature, and are apparently very [damaging] to the [structure] of the [2/two party control system]. These [secrets] are indicated to lead to [sudden] and [disruptive] [resignations]. This sub set is heavily cross linked into the [pogrom] language sets in the continuing longer term data groups. As modelspace is progressed from Fall into Winter, and around the December 12th [earthquake] forecast, the data sets indicate that [religion] will be [weaponized] within the [populace/USofA]. This will involve an attempt, tinged with [desperation] to [invoke/instigate religious fervor] by ThePowersThatBe. This sub set is cross linked internally to the [unburdening] of the [evangelicals] sub set of Populace/USofA which is a supporting context to the [death of


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religion] meme which rises coincident with the rising [contact] and [revolution] memes in 2009 and 2010. The [desperate actions] this [winter] will be an attempt to [mobilize/organize] the [masses] within the [religious control structures] as a [police/enforcement cadre]. This effort will [fail], and further is indicated to begin the [unburdening] process. We note that the [attempt at weaponizing religion] *may* already be underway, and the data may be indicating that the results of the [first test (of) authority] may be what shows up in late December. The data sets are gaining supporting sets that are declaring a [religious upheaval] is taking place during this period when the TPTB attempt to [employ religion] as their [control mechanism]. The data sets show that some very very prominent [religious 'leaders'], now beholden to, and [slaves of TPTB] will be [assassinated] or [destroyed] as the TPTB pressure them to [control] the [revolutionary] members of their [flocks/chattel]. The data sets indicate that in at least 1/one instance, the [religious 'leader'] will be [killed] as an [object lesson] for other [priests/pastors/rabbis/imams] on the [rewards of rebellion]. In what will seem to be, to the [slaves of the church(es)] a [shockingly short] few weeks, the *whole* of the [religious power structure] here in the USofA will be [overturned] with entirely new [personalities] being placed into [power positions] by TPTB as they [clean out] the [religious control structures]. As of this point in our processing, the weighted geographic references are indicating that the 32/thirty-two to 36/thirty-six degrees of latitude for the forecast December 10th through 12th earthquake are also being augmented by lots of [follow-on/after-shock damage] which will extend [northward] from the [epicenter]. There are also indications of an [antipodal impact]. This area is supporting the [twin] aspect of the [natural disaster] sub set within the Populace/USofA. Further this [twinned disaster] component has geographic references for the Pacific Northwest as far north as B.C. Canada. There are a number of lexical sets indicating that the [slip-stream faults] near or in the [san juan plate boundary] will shift. Other lexical sets involved include the [isolation] sub set which is supported by aspect/attribute sets indicating an [electrical] and [communications] form of [isolation] will exist. These levels of [isolation] are the more heavily supported, though there are aspect/attribute sets going toward the [physical isolation] as well. This includes problems with [road way transportation]. Along with our late December [religious death], and [evangelical unburdening], the data is pointing toward a [global] pattern of [rationing] that will be emerging. This is a [global problem], and it will begin with the [loss of honey], and is followed this coming [spring (northern hemisphere)] with [crop collapse]. The early indications will begin to [increase food supplies pressures] on the [populace/usofa] in our Summer of Hell/2009. This area also participates in the [revolution] meta data layer, as well as having extensive cross links over


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to the GlobalPop entity where they terminate in the [planetary populace movement]. {ed note: we will refrain from providing specifics about this emerging movement until it is well established, so as to not provide TPTB with any insights which may compromise the revolution.} As we investigate the state of modelspace, then move it forward a bit for another look at the changes, a pattern of alteration within the entities is becoming apparent. The many cross links back to the TPTB and the Bushista entities, as well as the formation of support layers for [repression] within all the entities suggest that the ThePowersThatBe are aware of the pre-2012 changes and are now positioning their forces for the [conflict/tensions] of 2009 and beyond. The Press entity is filling with language going to [extreme control], and [censorship], and other aspect/attribute sets indicating that the [propaganda machines] are being readied for a huge outpouring of [mind control] over Fall and Winter in preparation for the [sweeps] of Spring. Further indications are coming from the Markets entity where [repression] is taking the form of [wars] for [currency survival] amidst the [continuing deflation/devaluation] phase of this crash. The Populace/USofA entity continues to support the idea of a very large [systemic lock down], and/or [crash] with the aspect/attributes going to [loss of THE currency]. The data sets of newly processed immediacy values are growing rapidly in support of the [collapse of consumer spending] across the [broadest measure] of the [populace]. These sets appear in November, sometime after the 13th and continue to add their emotional sums to the entity for at least the next 2/two years through 2010. The [collapse of consumer spending] cannot be over stated relative to the emotional sums that we have both currently within the immediacy value sets, and within the longer term sets from ALTA 509. The [collapse of spending] within the [media propelled economic/social matrix] here in the USofA will *totally* change the planet. This [collapse] is no mere [slow down] in spite of the soon-to-be-heard media 'spin'. The effect will be of a continuing [wave] of larger and larger impacts going forward. The first [visible] symptoms of the [consumer spending collapse] will be [visible] in November. In a manner reminiscent of the previous Depression, a primary operating meme will be "if it isn't food, it isn't purchased". The mentality will cause very large levels of social disruptions as the driving engine for employment, the small business sector staggers under the sudden reductions in flows from already very low levels of spending. The great [unwinding] of the [luxury/rich attitude] has begun and the USofA-Bilderberger is now becoming a giant [re-education camp]. GlobalPop - Convalescence, Chemtrails, Currency, Oppression The latest immediacy value set includes some shorter term references for a


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[period (of) long illness] with [successful, if slow, recovery]. These references develop as the modelspace is progressed into October. The period can be labeled within this entity as a time of [hidden lines (of) communications] which will result in a [invisible accomplishment], that in its turn will be [hailed/described] as a [stroke of genius]. The GlobalPop suggests that a [persevering fellow] working in a [hidden fashion] will [extract] the [situation]. The [extract] aspect is supported by aspect/attribute sets including [dire], [risky], [untenable], and [intolerable]. There are repeated references to the [critical conditions] indicated to [arise/rise up from the east]. There are further descriptors for a group which is [lost in the dessert], and [suffering] as a result of [imprisonment]. These data sets are also bring along echo status to the [revolution] of the [working/middle/merchant classes] in late 2009. The echo of the [suffering] sub set includes [knowledge] which will be gained due to [secrets revealed]. In this instance the [secrets revealed] sub set is supported by [stolen/leaked] and points directly to the Bushista entity core of [control/mind control] by way of cross links. There are also very large layers of cross links between the [middle class/burgher revolution], and [American Revolution 2 (AmRev2)]. These pick up from the [secrets revealed] about the [mind control] and [methods (of) elimination] which will [fuel] the [insurrection] of Summer 2009 here in the USofA. Within the GlobalPop entity, and to a far lesser extent within the Populace/USofA entity, the [revolution] meta data layer meme is given support over the Winter 2009 by the [erosion(s) of the skin]. These [erosions] will be a [cause' celebrity] for the [revolution] meme, as the [corruption/degradation (by actions/presence) of chemtrails] information flows through the GlobalPop social order. The [erosions] will include [plants], and [animals], and [humans]. These [skin erosions] are also indicated to produce some very [startling images] including [hairless humans] and [dogs]. The data sets are pointing to a [confrontation], which will include [international] which is to say [nation state versus nation state], over the [poisoning] of the [populace] via the [chemtrails]. The data sets indicate that as the [revolution] meme gains emotional sums next Spring and into Summer, several instances of [revolutionary actions] will be taken against the [perpetrators] of the [chemtrails]. The lexical sets show that this will include a [remote control facility] in Europe in which an [assault] against the [facility] not only brings [clean skies], but also yields a [treasure] of [secrets revealed]. In retrospect it will be seen that the [chemtrails actions] will mark a significant turning point for the [planetary populace movement]. As modelspace is progressed through the recently processed immediacy values, the GlobalPop entity gains new contexts in the form of [direct aid], and a corresponding opposite of [reduction (of) gifts]. The shorter term values associated with these immediacy sets are pointing to this Fall and the [loss of The currency] as being a pivotal point for the [global aid industry]. The data


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suggests that the [crushing] and [sudden poverty] which hits the [USofA] has far reaching impacts in such areas as [international aid], and the [conduct] of NGOs. This newly emerging trend is indicated to gain very large [viability] within the global mediastream in mid to late November, and then to continue through the [crisis] stage in January/February of 2009. This occurs in conjunction with the [food crisis], and the [break down/rupture] of the [food chain], both on land and in the oceans. This conjunction of problems within the [food chain] and the [global aid industry] comes during a [cold] and [debilitating] Spring which also brings out the [visibility] of the [global food crisis]. Again, the [food prices], and [encounters with scarcity] continue to [fuel] the [revolution] meta data layer as we go forward into the Summer of 2009. A significant part of the emotional tension held by the GlobalPop entity just prior to the October 7th shift into release language is derived from the very large context of [military]. This context within the GlobalPop entity is predominantly negative in emotional tone at base levels, so it is not surprising that there are large, negative sum aspect/attributes which accrue to this area as the release language shift begins. The [military] context has primary support coming from aspect/attributes going to [1000/one-thousand miles]. Please note that this is to be taken archetypically, which is to say, as meaning a [great distance], rather than precisely 1000/one-thousand miles. The supporting layers under the [great distance] aspect/attribute set include descriptors for [sudden requirements], and [distance problems], and [far (distant) 3/three mountains]. These are supported in their turn by aspect/attribute sets for [snow mountains], and [snow problems/harsh environment], and [cascading/shearing problems]. There are some geographic references for [china], including [tibet], but nothing more than minorly dominant. The descriptors of the [place of problems] includes a [high rock arch], and [arches overhead], as well as [late day sun warmed rocks] which are apparently some form of [resting/shielding] furnishings. There are aspects/attributes for [stripes], which include [black bands] as general background to the [high arched rock]. The data sets indicate that the [military] will be involved with a [very troubling turn] within the [canyons] below the [arch], and [problems] encountered with [communications failure] will result in the [snow problems]. The data sets are indicating that this will be a [visible] incident with long duration ramifications as propagated [waves] of [emotional bonding] as a result of the [actions of the military] under the [arched rocks]. Much of the other [military] support set within the GlobalPop entity is supported by the aspect of [oppression] with extensive cross links over to the ThePowersThatBe entity. The beginnings of the [revolution] meme will take hold in a number of new places around the planet and this will force the TPTB to decide about [resources allocations]. In the end, they will [abandon] the


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[policing effort] and several new states will be [declared rogue]. The data sets are indicating that this situation of [dwindling resources] will become [visible] this Fall as [global military efforts] are indicated to [fail] in very [visible] ways. There are curious linguistics pointing toward the [russians], and the [russian state] as being the [revolutionary support center] over these next few years as the [wars against slavery/slaves revolt] meme begins to shift into the active phase. A large percentage of the [planetary populace movement] forecast is coming through the Cyrillic alphabet languages being sampled. SpaceGoatFarts - Smokers, Shriekers, Electric Croakers The last of the longer term data from the ALTA 509 series provides a glimpse of what may possibly lie ahead a loooong way out as the 3+/three-plus year data sets contain a number of aspect/attribute sets which describe a [forest] of [cell towers] which will be seen to [stream smoke to the east] as the [winds] from [western storms] are [driving streamers/plumes/flumes] of [acrid] and [electric] [smoke] across the [country]. The data sets go further to describe a series of [days] when the [electric smoke streamers] will [merge/join] into a [vast cloud] that will [cover/blanket] the [atlantic ocean]. There are very few clear descriptors suggesting what may be cause of the [streaming smoke] and [sparking fires] within the [cell towers], but those we do have are pointing toward some form of [electric phenomena] which arises from [ground disturbances] and [electrified airs]. The [aliens/space aliens/NotFromHere Beings] aspect, and the [contact] aspect have gained considerable emotional sums in the last of the ALTA 509 longer term data sets. The increase in emotional sums is nearly double in both the intensity and duration fields. In both of these the increase in summation values is from a broad mass of new aspects/attribute sets in supporting layers as opposed to either cross links or small value sets of high value sums. Make sense? The data is indicating that the [contact (with) NFH Beings] will escalate due to a broad spreading participation by the [populace] in the phenomena. Noting that we always err on the side of the extremes of language due to the nature of our sampling, the data sets are describing a period in which [late summer evenings] are filled with [ufo's] and [other/unknown/indescribable phenomena] which will be [visible/seen] by [5/five] out of [6/six] people (in any given week). Now that is what the [contact] meme is *all* about. These aspect/attribute sets accrue to the SpaceGoatFarts entity as late Fall of 2009 moves into what will surely be the [strangest] Winter ever as the data sets are indicating that [space/upper atmosphere] will be [howling] and [shrieking]. Not that this is a [good] thing. The nuances of the data sets are pointing to many [not good] aspects including the [harvest] of [human body parts], and [fluids] as


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well as [inter cine warfare] within the [other side] of the [contact] meme. The idea of the [alien wars] moves into place in 2010, late in Spring and into Summer. This meme is a strange moving thread in that it does not burst out into [warfare], but rather sort of dribbles the idea around as though skirmishes start the process off, and only after several months does the thread become dominated by the [warfare] component. This linguistic set is firmly in place prior to the [streaming cell towers with their electric smoke] sets. It may be that a casualty of the [alien wars] are the [cell towers]. In any event the imagery for [ant fighting] and other [insect(oid) eradication] aspect/attribute sets does not bode well for our future selves where most of our 'free time' will be seemingly spent fighting [space alien bastards]. And we may well be [fighting in tunnels]. The descriptors for the [alien wars] have a higher than usual degree of granularity considering the long range nature of the source data sets. This may have to do with the 'front loading' that the media and science fiction imagery industry have put into place over these last few decades. Nonetheless, the language sets even include descriptors for tactics, and weapons against [electric throwing aliens]. Hmmmm. Not gonna be a boring 2011.

Markets - KorkMatz (Pressure Cooker), Empty Pots, Dead Foods The aspect/attributes for the Markets entity for the months of September through November are *not* encouraging. The immediacy data from this series as well as the last of the longer term sets from ALTA 509 continue to support descriptors of [confusion], and [uproar/protests/riots/discord]. These aspect/attribute sets will be dominant in October with the onset of the release period, and will continue to increase in emotional intensity as our [October situation] matures into November. The data sets are indicating that the [markets] mood will [break/crack] in late September, around the 22nd. From then until the [collective gasp] of September 27th the [markets] will be [filled/overwhelmed] with [turmoil] and [indigestion]. This last is directly supported by the [derivatives], and [ability (to) continue flows (of) capital]. Further this set is supported by layers of aspect/attributes including [difficulty], [difficult stage/phase], and [destroyed platform]. Other significant aspect/attribute sets are sliding into supporting positions under [blockage], and [destruction (of) escape/pressure valve], as well as [filling/clogging (of) pressure relief]. Hmmm. Sounds like a 'plumbing' issue with the pressure cooker. The [markets] context is pointing toward a period of [pressured problems] in the sense of a [blockage] to [flows] which is then


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[pressured] by [time]. The [pressuring] is indicated to begin *after* the [blockage] is [discovered]. The [discovery] will occur late on a Friday {ed note: October 3rd?}. It will then cause a *huge* [upset] within the [minor ranks/minions] of ThePowersThatBe over the weekend such that the following week begins the [leaks] of the [pressures] caused by [time]. Just as the [pressure cooker] of the [clogged flows] is becoming [known], a series of [bad reactions] and [panicked decisions] will combine to [burst open/rupture (the) platform] which in its turn leads directly to the [lock up/seizure (of) flows]. The [lock up] is indicated to directly lead to the [collapse (of) spending] by the [populace/USofA]. This thread also supports the rising aspect/attribute set of [rationing] and [encounters with scarcity]. The [encounters with scarcity] meta data layer gains over 200/two-hundred percent in the [duration], and [emotional intensity] fields. The specifics of the [rationing] sub set have their own duration summations which extend out into late 2009 and very far beyond. The [rationing] sub set is easily separated into 2/two distinct parts; the larger is focused on [food supplies], and the smaller goes to the idea of [rationing] of [digital flows]. This last is mainly supported by sets relating to the [credit crises] and is entirely involved with abstract notions of wealth. The [food supplies rationing] is very heavily cross linked to a [crop failure crisis] area in the Populace/USofA that moves into modelspace in early 2009, and comes to dominate the release language from Summer onward through the year. This area is supported by data sets indicating the near total [abandonment/collapse/walking away from] our current [mono cropping agriculture]. The [abandonment] sub set indicates that by 2012, the current [corporate food growing industry] will be in total [disarray], with many of the [corporate food processors] having [gone out of business] in the intervening years of 2010 and 2011. Part of the problems pushing the [processors of foods] into [oblivion] stem from the [biospheric degradation], including the [bee collapse disorder], but a significant portion of their [woes] will arise from the Fall [lock up/seizure] within the [global currency/derivatives] markets. Yet a further contributing factor will be initiated by the [secrets revealed] meta data layer, and this will relate to [deliberate poisonings] by the [food processors]. The [allowed/approved] of [tainted foods] meme will begin to surface late in Winter, and will seriously escalate along with the many other [food crises] of Spring 2009. The Markets entity is suggesting that the [owners] of the [creations/formulas] will be [at risk] due to the [exposure] of their [goals] in late December, and then a rapidly shifting [story/story-line/lies-stream] will be [unveiled] in January to try to [deflect] the [growing awareness] within the [populace]. The data sets indicate that the January based [lie stream] will act as a trigger to [disturbed personalities] to [take personal revenge] for their [poisoned/dead relatives]. Their targets will be the [formula creators], and


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others within the [foods processing industries] which they consider to be [guilty]. The [dead foods murders/revenge killings] will be yet another [shock] to the [markets], or what is left of them as the release language seems to indicate that the [dollar death] reaches a [critical stage] over [winter 2008/2009]. Further [fear] variants within the ThePowersThatBe entity are also heightened by these [revenge killings], and a [cry] for [protection] for TPTB from the [populace] is shown to be [visible] within the [elite/political classes] at this time. The meme indicates that the [corporatacracy] uses the "you're next" control phrasing on the members of [congress], and the [civil service] to [attempt] to bring out [populace control mechanisms]. This area ramps up by Spring, with the [cadres] of [mercenary bodyguards] being [visible] as the [minor functionaries/mid-level minions] of TPTB move around and are photographed and subjected to video recording. There will even be an attempt to make the [possession] of [recording devices] within the presence of the [elite/TPTB] a [felony offense]. This will rise from the [ashes] produced by a particularly nasty [revenge killing] where the [target] is shown on [internet video] in the week prior to the [killing]. This will also be the 'excuse' for the [censorship] effort of TPTB against ALL [unregulated/uncontrolled media] which modelspace shows as being a key part of the [Summer of Hell/2009].

Conclusion - ALTA 709 - Part Zero :- Preening, Preparing, V/V Alts, Upside down Turtles Well, we're off and running up a steep slope to the end of the month and whatever new bit of crisis the 27th brings. Then as we flail around holding our breath for 11/eleven days, we can at least jog in place prior to the both-feet-off at-the-same-time leap into release language. At least it will be a change.


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As the chart above indicates the current period of building tension language has been in place since February 9th of this year. These 8/eight months of building tension will be followed by nearly 5/five months filled with a whole lot of release language. But at least it will be a change. Something new and startling, or old and disturbing, but a change nonetheless. Nothing more boring that years of politicians preening in self praise. Enough already. And seemingly, universe is providing.. what we need, which is a [pre-election (here in the USofA)] shake up of considerable magnitude. Oh, and then we get earthquakes....but all things considered, a nasty disastrous Fall filled with change and trepidation and fear *has* to be a better alternative than yet-more politician prattling. The continued emphasis within the data sets on [food supplies] and other [necessary resources] are troubling at several levels. There is only so much that can be done, and after examining the subject for years, it is our conclusion that becoming a net producer of foods is the *only* way to go. As a net producer, even if only in a very narrow area such as specialized herbal sprouts as an instance, provides trading power. While the example is highly specialized, and only useful in certain areas with a broader production base, the point is well taken. As Cuba encountered the 'lean years' of the great social change, their populace shifted en masse into small, local net production points including producing farms in the inner city. This movement is even now gaining


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momentum here in the USofA and in other 'developed' nation/states under the [guerilla gardening] label. It still has far to go. Our data sets are continuing to hold very significant segments of the [revolution] meme around [food] and [food supplies/production]. Initially the [food crisis] of 2009 will provide [shock] and [consternation], but these will soon turn to [will to overcome/innovate] within a fair portion of the populace. This will lead to a [cultural explosion] of some seriously incredible size as the [gardening/food production] meme becomes a quasi religious movement within the [populace/USofA]. A large part of the [revolution] meme takes its power from the [home grown movement] *just* starting to be [visible] in its new incarnation late this Summer. This trend is indicated to be the nascent [rebirth] of the [manufacturing/producing industry] here in the [USofA], albeit as an entirely new form, and *not* centered on automobiles/transportation. Rather the new [emotional impulse], soon to be reinforced by [paranoia about space aliens], will be toward [local] and [near-by] centered activities. Many of these activities will present the TPTB and their 'new power structures' with real problems as the whole [control system] comes under increasing pressures with the loss of the [usofa dollar] as the primary control mechanism. The [home grown] and [guerilla gardening] movements are indicated to morph into [political action support segments] as 2009 progresses into the [active phase] of the [planetary populace movement] or [slaves revolt]. We note with some humor the irony that [old hippy shit] will save the [planet] as the [new guru's] of [sustainability] and the [vegan/vegetarian alternative] will come from the [still fit/still revolutionary old hippies]. The [vegan/vegetarian alternative] forced on the [shocked] populace of the [developed world] by the [food supplies crises] of 2009 are indicated to be but part of universe's plan as it starts a whole lot of folks down interesting paths of self-education *just* as the planet seemingly needs great gobs of aware observers for some larger tasks such as [alien wars] in 2011 and beyond. But don't panic. At least not yet. There is still time for a couple of pies before the Spin hits the Politician. Igor is favoring peach at the moment, though the native cascade blackberries are ripe along the road sides and back yard fences here, and if strained for the seeds, make a very tasty pie. And even the [space alien wars] are not *all* bad in that the data suggests humans will gain great understandings about the nature and use of [electricity] from these experiences. Hmmm. Maybe new ways of cooking pies?!? Flash cooked??! Instant Pies? Just add hot water?!? Oh, oh...too much of a good thing...Igor just fainted and is rolling around on his hump like an over turned turtle. Oh well, back to reality, or at least what passes for it here at HPH. ###


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Part One is expected to be posted by late on Saturday the 13th.


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