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This report crafted from 77.617 million reads of the ALTA 709 series. Last report in this series. Posted October 18, 2008. Link to Print Version

Meta Arts - Lurch, Dense, Tense

We start each week's interpretation with the modelspace populated with the new data sets, and then slowly begin advancing modelspace along the time axis. The effect is as though being in a car with a clutch and stick-shift being driven by someone *just* learning to drive; it lurches forward, and then stops, usually shuddering. The stopping of modelspace occurs as we think we see something interesting, then quickly try to react before going too far past our 'target sighting'. The lurching and stopping motion, besides inducing nausea in Igor, has an interesting side effect of highlighting the granularity issues within the data sets. Our use of the term is focused on 'how many graphemes (words) we have per unit of time progression'. Basically, most of the interpretation is seeking out high granularity areas with modelspace on the theory that these are where 'things are hot'. Usually this is the case. This also brings up the issue of areas where the granularity is too dense to be meaningful, and these are usually within the sub sets in which politics and religion are located. Let us be very clear. The nature of our work tends to concentrate the extremes of language. Thus we need to note that the actual manifestation is unlikely to be as dire as we can all imagine from the language presented below. Further we need to also note that a temporal 'inflection' point is at


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hand. Within the core of our work is semasiology which is specifically focused on 'change of state' of language meaning, and is taken to a further level of complexity in our work through the monitoring of the rate of change. It is at this point within the process that the woo-woo, and hoo-doo, and voo-doo {ed note: no animals sacrificed other than igor's hump, and in spite of his protestations other wise, no zombies involved including Igor}. What we do depends a very lot on the interpretation of the rate of change within sub sets. The concept of an 'inflection point' denotes a "place in temporal stream where multiple linguistic sets each have similar probability weights". Stated another way, the data is presenting itself such that seemingly conflicting sets are vying for dominance. We are, in essence, being presented with data sets which our interpretation suggests are mutually exclusive. This *may* be that we are getting linguistics that will become [visible] due to being discussed within the global mediastream, but that will not be actualized as events, and rather remain mere discussions of probabilities. Make sense? Our work seemingly cannot tell the difference between the global discussions of a possible future, thus the language out-and-about, and the manifestation of that future, which then triggers the language. This problem is not really an egg versus chicken as to which comes first, and indeed, we can envision a situation where both occur, as an instance the planet's global mediastream discusses with intensity and alarm words the 'possibility of an Israeli attack on Iran', and then it actually occurs with the terrible resulting spiraling out of control. In that instance, both the pre-event discussion appearance of the language is being picked up, and then the language from the event series itself. At our level, we cannot differentiate between the various threads of probable futures. As the time ticks away within the Bushies reign, the pressures within the radical zionist groups globally for an attack on their 'arch enemy' will increase, especially as the planetary economy dies off and further pressures are exerted on the collective human psyche. So there is a *real* level of probability for the [israeli mistake] as detailed below...our problem is that we cannot discern the level of probability. However, we are assuming that we will be correct in the linguistics *IF* the [israeli] mistake does manifest as more than talk. And that ain't good for anyone. In other areas of the various entities where we have little or no conflicting memes such as the [economic] sub sets, and the [revolution] and [duality] meta data layers, the forecasts are a bit


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more 'solid'. And that ain't good for anyone either.

Markets - CRAKKKK, Default(s)

The imagery coming from the newly processed immediacy data and focused on next week and beyond through an additional 2/two weeks goes to the idea of [desperate hands] which will [grip] the [markets] in a [seizure]. This last can also be interpreted at the secondary level as [grasp/enclosure/restrictions] and other descriptors, all of which are participatory within the [restrictions on movement] meta data layer. The immediacy data is filled with archetypes for [great holding still], and [no movement (throughout) the system/lands]. Further the imagery includes modifying aspect/attribute sets for [rigidity], which is related to [brittleness], and [desperation] at deep archetype levels. The primary accretion patterns are still within the larger descriptor range for [epic] and [monumental] as applied to our current period of release language which again, appears to reach to February 19th, and from there slowly fade out through to about mid March. The [epic] and [monumental] linguistic sets have *not* yet been fulfilled. They are lacking many key descriptors in spite of recent events of globe altering nature within the [currencies]. Much remains to be revealed. The supporting aspect/attributes include [officialdom] in a very prominent set of roles within the generalized [restrictions on movement (including currency flows)], and such other modifiers as [documents], [awaited information] and [judge]. This last is also part of a context including the idea of [being judged], and includes [tribunal], and [consensus], as well as [examination], and [review]. The [officialdom] sub set is headed at its primary support level by bespoke [anxious], which itself is supported by [cold sweats], and [cramping bowels], and other bodily references. {Ed Note: there are no more primal archetypes in our system than aspects referring to body parts or processes, and so we take such very seriously.} The [tribunal] sub set within the greater context of [judging] is also a held set within the Markets entity where it is in support of the aspect/attribute set of [stasis], and [holding still]. The [tribunal] aspect/attribute set itself is supported by aspects going [3/three nations] that will [ally/become bound together to meet common


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need]. This is *directly* related to the [usofa dollar] sub set. Further the supporting layers for the [3/three nations] suggest via cross link to the Bushista entity, that a [document] or [official communique] will be [anxiously awaited] by the [officialdom]. The [anxiously awaited] sub set also has support for modifiers as [in trepidation], [with raging bowels] probably they are *not* expecting good news. As the Markets entity is progressed past the first 14/fourteen days of November we get into a period of the release language where the 'bulge' in the immediacy data is headed by a very critical aspect/attribute of a [giant loud noise]. This [giant loud noise] aspect/attribute is supported at the primary level by [shock]. The detail layers which accrue from the immediacy sets go repeatedly to [shock], and [stunned], and [bowel release], and [bladder release], and other archetypes for a [shock to the body which causes trauma]. The data includes imagery for [thundering shock (heard) across the world]. Further we have [alarm], and [release (of) forces (from) control], as well as [knocking knees], and [fainting], and [falling (over)]. All of the patterns of the accretion of the aspect/attribute sets within the supporting layers are favoring a view of [suppression] which is [breaking loose] in such a way as to [cascade around the planet]. This [large noise/shock], let loose by the [breaking/fracturing] of the [control system], is indicated by Market entity movement in December, to be the kind of event that just keeps 'rolling along' in spite of *all* [efforts] to [push back]. A surprising sub set of the newly processed immediacy data is centered around the idea of [fishes seeking to escape from the net]. This [attempt to flee] is indicated to [induce a panic]. Hmmm. Thought we had seen that, but apparently not. The bespoke [panic] aspect/attribute sub set is supported by such descriptors as [destructive force(s)], and [vomiting loses]. The [panic] sub set includes details that clearly focus on the 'bailout' or attempt to 'rescue' the global paper debt based financial system by pumping it [full of (yet) more money/paper debt] as being [beyond the realization of the difficulty]. This is further supported that the [difficulty] is [so large/unique] that [without previous experience] it [cannot be grasped]. Hmmm. Too bad none of us have been through anything like this before... The data suggests that [sorcerers and witches], by which we can assume [pundits and reputed experts/technocrats], will be [consulted] in [large numbers], and many [reforms] will be


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[proffered] in [attempts] to [find what works]. From the point at which the [officialdom] becomes [daily engaged], which the data suggests makes things a whole lot [worse], the rising aspect/attribute sets are in support of [rigid/stiff system], and [danger], and [rigidity (causes/brings) breaks/cracks (in the) system]. The [cracks] in the [system] are further supported as being [critical], or even [at a critical juncture]. The data includes specific references to the [heart of the system being stifled]. Further the data includes support from [wrung/wringing (out of) system (all) bad habits]. These [bad habits] are specifically to be [visible] with some of this language. This is seemingly important as a temporal marker in that it will precede the first [visible] evidence of the [death of the dollar]. The data sets accruing then forecast a period of [3/three days] from the [renunciation/wringing out of the bad habits] in which the [body and mind of the system/all control structures] will be [perceived/felt] to be [torn apart] by the [pressures]. There is then data which suggests that [sorcerers and wizards] will be [consulted], just before the [officialdom] decides to [revert to bad habits]. This is then the temporal marker for the last third of the [markets destruction]. This period is also defined within the [paper debt markets] sub set of the Markets entity as [affecting/impacting] the [holidays]. Further [emptiness] within the [markets] causes the [vacation] and [traveling] to *not* be a 'good time for all'. In essence the data sets are describing a [holiday] of very very [dour faces], and [mean moods] as the [pressures] of a bespoke [felt/perceived] pending [events] cause a [frightening (out of their) wits panic]. It is during the broad area from late November through to late December which is described as the [northern hemisphere, western hemisphere holidays] that we have the largest accretion of the data for a [default] within the [commodities markets]. Specifically focused on [precious metals], this [default] is but the [harbinger] of the [collapse] of the [global markets (in) commodities *AND* currencies]. The data is clearly indicating much discussion of a [force majeure] in which [thousands (of) speculators] are [caught out] with [no recourse]. NOW please note, that we do not get accurate descriptors of the 'events', rather we get accurate descriptions of the language that surfaces following the event. Therefore if the language is discussing a [force majeure], it may be simply due to a collective fear about such an occurrence which in turn triggers the discussion, but not necessarily the event. Clear as Mississippi mud on a moonless night?


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The [spoilt/rotten holidays] are a temporal marker within the [visible] mainstream media which provides a bit of a heads up for the next round of [struggles] and [sufferings] and [mistakes] which will be [rising up from the past]. Further data suggest that the [suspicions] will be [prevalent], and the [class distinctions (within the populace/usofa)] will be in the process of [dissolution] via [poverty]. As the modelspace is progressed from this point (near or after the December solstice), the [secrets revealed] meta data layer is the dominant influence as some [outside (of the markets) sources] will be [releasing] the [spawn/spores/out flowing] of [dirty secrets] which will be deriving from the [3/three days] of the [pressures against the systemic walls/control structures]. The [lower orders (of the) minions] of the ThePowersThatBe will then be in [freak out/loss of mind control] over the [frenzy] that is [seen/perceived (to be) building] within the [populace globally]. As the Markets entity is progressed into 2009 along with modelspace, and the [hyperinflation] linguistics appear (see Populace/USofA), the sub set of aspect/attributes supporting [metals, precious, gold/silver/et al], gains a very very large volume around [desire], and even bespoke [lust (for) gold]. This set is such that we feel *marginally* comfortable in predicting that at some point in the pre-Summer of 2009, the [currency price] of an [ounce of gold] will exceed the [currency price] of the [dow index/basket] by a multiplier of [3/three]. Soooo.... the data sets may be implying something on the order of [900/nine hundred dollars, usofa] for a single [ounce] of [gold], and that the [dow basket] would have a price, under those conditions, of [300/three hundred dollars, usofa]. Of course, we actually expect the numbers to be higher due to [hyper inflation], but we do not wish to play tease to monkey mind, is time for *no* aware observer would be in the position of desiring to sell gold or silver in early 2009 unless *absolutely* necessary as the Markets are describing a [40/forty year (or 2/two generation)] duration for the [global economic woes]. The Summer of Hell, 2009, which has been appearing in our data for over a year now, is still being defined at the core descriptor sets as being of [default], which is to say, the [death of the full faith and credit of the usofa government] and the [default of, by and to the Federal Reserve banksters]. This [death of the dollar] does not catch many by surprise, but nonetheless when the dying elephant finally


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falls over, the ground all around shudders. In this case *the* most dangerous of times of [emotional stress] at the international level will come from very late Spring 2009, through to Fall. The indications are that the [collapse of the usofa dollar], and the [repudiation of *all* obligations] by the [ruling elite/gov't of the USofA-bilderberger] including all of the [expected social contract] will cause the [plunge] into the release language phase of the [revolution] meme here in the USofA. To get really spooky about it, we can adopt some of the religious language and say that 'by these signs you will know the times', and then point out that when the [elites] are [encasing/hunkering down], and that reaches [visibility] with [videos] of the [armed compounds] into which the [congress critters] and other [officialdom] take refuge, then we are within 39/thirty-nine days of the *first* of the [incidents of local insurrection] here in the [former bilderberger empire]. These 'incidents' will not involve 'ballot boxes'.

GlobalPop - Metal Boots, Fatty Long Pig, Sorcerer Kabob's, Silver Lining
The recent problems at the Cern Large Hadron Collider (LHC) are but a small preview of the GlobalPop entity forecast for its future. The data sets accruing are indicating that an instance of [impacting metal boots] will be causing [dark images] within the [robotic controls] of [disguised device]. This in turn is described as producing an [imbalance] which will be labeled as a [destructive event]. At that point, some of the [visibility] around the [LHC machine] will begin to focus on the *huge* costs that the [machinery consumes], and the [intense needs] of the [populace]. This will be a [feed point] for the next temporal wave which goes towards a [deconstruction] of the [financial drains] of the [excessive government]. Of course, [excessive government] does [resist]. There are some data sets associating the [CERN LHC] with a particular date of [March 8, 2012]. No explanation as of this processing. Within the GlobalPop entity are several threads which point to massive instability caused directly by the [death of the dollar] at a planetary level. Some of the problems being caused include various areas, regions, countries, and islands where [usofa ex-pats] will be [targets (of) hatred/frustration] as the [dollar death] creates [chaos] and [disruption] to [social contracts/glue] around the planet. As modelspace is progressed through late November, where the [health


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of the planetary economic system] is described as [failing], the data accretion patterns are bringing the aspect/attribute set of [isolation] to the top of the primary support group for the [dollar death meme]. This [isolation] *may* be the response to over 2/two billion people on the planet being suddenly plunged from their usual daily [dollar ration] of [2/two dollars a day] down to [0/zero dollars a day]. The data suggests that this is a [catastrophe] at all levels, and that the one-third of the global populace suddenly thrown into [instant starvation] do not take the situation [calmly]. At first the incidents will be few in number, and mostly *not* reported here in the USofA due to the [tight grip] that the [bilderbergers] have on the [nuts of the press], but the nature of the [incidents] will be described as [horrific] as well as [justified],both being merely a matter of perspective. From the [vision] level of the 2/two billion starving humans, the [incidents] of [attacks/mob action/murders] focused on *any* and *all* things/people [american] will be entirely rational responses to the [injustice] being done to them. To the [murdered ex-pats], the view will be slightly different. To the [politicians] with [more ass than sense] who will [attempt] to [use] the [mob actions] for [political gain], the [glory days] of being at the [head of the mob] will be short will many of these same [politicians]. *Some* of the data sets are seemingly indicating that the [mobs] will not only [turn on] the [politicians] whose [promises] did not [arrive speedily enough], but also that some of the [mobs] will [actually consume] the [bodies] of their [former leaders]. This is apparently *after* all the local [banksters] have been [consumed]. Some of the data sets could be interpreted as describing [islands] that were [formerly] considered to be [safe havens] for the [elite], as becoming [cooking pots] as the [death of the dollar] proceeds to its inevitable conclusion. The imagery is for places where [banks] had [congregated] in [worship] of [money]. These [tropical paradises] will change quite a bit over these next 6/six months of [economic degradation]. The accretion patterns are suggestive of a [unified response] to the [crimes] of the [paper debt masters] that *may* involve a [global embargo] against the [usofa]. The data accruing is under the [rejected by all] aspect/attribute set that we have had under the [usofa dollar] sub set for over 2/two years. Recent 'outbreaks' of the [revolution] meme are coming apace with [ revolutionary theater] striking at the heart of the banksters empire


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within the [global populace]. We expect that such [direct actions] will increase in fits and starts until early March, then start to rise exponentially, until we enter the [active] phase of the [planetary populace movement] in Fall of 2009. As the GlobalPop entity is progressed along with modelspace through the few days remaining of the [bushista reign], the [israeli mistake] sub set, again begins to gain values. These are co-incident with, and cross linked over to the Populace/USofA where the primary termination point is the [election cycle] sub set. Within the GlobalPop entity, the [israeli mistake] sub set is now gaining support for [bad actions], and [major/huge setback/reversal of fortune]. This last aspect/attribute set is supported at the primary level by [reckless actions]. That aspect/attribute set is supported in its primary position by [struggles] that relate to a [theft] of [precious commodities]. This last is at the top of a linguistic set which supports the [pariah state/nation] sub set of the [israeli mistake]. The data sets under this area are further gaining support from aspect/attribute sets indicating that a [person addicted to sexual bliss] will be in [conflict] with a [person (probably male) who is maturing under struggles]. This last can also be interpreted as [purified by adverse circumstances]. In both cases, the resolution of the [conflict] between these 2/two will determine the [fate/destiny] of all the [israeli's] and most of the [judaists] on the planet. IF the [conflict] resolves itself to the [initiation of war], then the data can be interpreted as the [outcome] going into a [global spiral] which leaves [all persons] within the [alive global populace] as [haters of israeli's]. This last is *NOT* to be minimized as the supporting layers for the [hatred] are so intense as to produce the imagery of [destruction] of [every house], and [every building], and all [signs] that the [judaists/zionists *ever* existed/lived] in Palestine. The wording for [pogrom] does NOT capture the intensity of the emotional levels that come across from the detail layers for the [israeli mistake]. The data suggests that a global [pogrom/mass killing] with a durational value of [4/four generations= 84/eighty four years] *will* result within the [global populace]. Bearing in mind the previous ALTA forecasts that the [israeli mistake] will [produce lingering death/horrors] for over 22/twenty two millions in the American hemisphere alone, the sentiment expressed by the linguistics is easily understandable. Further, the data is also supporting the idea that [christ believers] will be [identified] as [worshipers/minions of judaists/zionists] and as a result, the [global populace] also becomes increasingly


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[negative] toward *any* [signs/expressions] of [christian religion]. This is indicated to produce [global phenomena waves] that include [church destructions], and [mass burnings of bibles and other jewish artifacts]. As a side effect, within the [peoples conquered by christianity], there will be a [revival] of the [popular/local belief structures]. The [revival] of the [former thoughts/philosophy] of the [indigenous peoples] are described as including some [shocking discoveries] within the [Scandinavian countries]. These are sub set by sub set linked over to the SpaceGoatFarts entity where many of the termination points are within the [officially denied space alien/NotFromHere beings]. This area within the GlobalPop entity is repeatedly linked over to various sub sets of the [contact] meme. This area gains emotional intensity values in large jumps as the Summer of 2009 fades into Fall. This [renaissance of local spirituality] is coincident with the [looting of the place of sorcerers/vatican]. We need to be clear about this area as the GlobalPop has the [looting of the vatican/sorcerers palace] as a sub set of the [revolution] meme and is independent of the [israeli mistake] sub set. As the [planetary populace movement] goes [active] later in 2009, the [revolution] meme also becomes more about [acts of revolution], rather than [rhetoric]. So the [vatican] is indicated to [suffer retribution] for the [crimes of christianity] against the [peoples of the planet]. This area of the data has its own 'incept' thread where we begin to see that [knowledge] of the [crimes of vatican/christianity] begins to gain strength as an temporal offshoot of the [unburdening/confessions of the evangelicals] this Winter. The thread grows over time, as [secrets revealed] begins to bring up the [continuous connection] between [organizations/religious control structures] and the [fascist/zionist control structures]. As these mature in 2009, a series of [incidents] will come to be [visible] in the [economic chaos], and a spark of [hunger] which leads to a [break in/burglary (hunting for food)] will instead [release a treasure (of) knowledge about vatican crimes]. The first of the impacts will be a *huge* emotional crisis within the [roman catholic societies], but that will also rapidly follow with [core debate] within the [social order], and then the [resolution] {ed note: as in a formal, political/social resolution} to [sack the church] to [feed the populace]. The [vatican] appeals to its [slaves] for [military assistance] against the [populace/mobs], but to no avail. The data suggests that the [death of the church of rome] occurs over only a single, very long [day]. The imagery is of [vengeance released] in [mob actions] that will [scour the warrens] seeking out the [black robes] for [execution]. Many will be


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[tortured] for [knowledge] and then turned over for [impalement]. Much of the language is both very descriptive *and* horrific. Without going into too many details, there will be wide spread [looting] not only of [valuable trinkets], but also a [looting] of a [repository of knowledge]. This last will include [decades] of [medical records] for [popes/bishops/cardinals/et al] in which it will become [widely known] that the [sexual proclivities] of the [ruling elite] extended to the [cloaked officials] and included [histories of sexual disease], as well as [distortions of being]. This last will apparently become clear as the medical records are released globally. A positive note to come from this data is that seemingly the internet is still up, or at least there is some form of [global dissemination] available for all of the [secrets revealed] manifestations. Yeah, sort of like saying, at least there was a silver lining to having been shot, the bullet was copper jacketed, and went right through you so no possibility of getting lead poisoning. Still been shot, but...

Populace/USofA - In Lieu Of..., Never again, Hot time in the Summer

Living in [abandoned strip malls], and other [commercial buildings] as well as [squatting/occupying] of [empty houses] will become an accepted part of the [new american/usofa social order] by late Summer of 2009. The Populace/USofA entity shows that by July of 2009, *all* the [rules] by which the [social contract] was [defined] pre October 2008, will be in a state of [flux]. This [flux] aspect/attribute includes [fluid] at 1/one end of its linguistic range, and [energetic reorganization] at the other. The data sets are indicating that *all* components of the [usofa social contract] including [law], [trade], [property rights/laws], and [inter personal communications] will be both [dissolving] and [being reconstituted] over the Summer of 2009. This is *not* to say that the process is anything other than merely begun next Summer. The whole of the process is indicated to be [2/two times generational], or near to [40/forty years] in its total progression. The shift into the [reappraisal of the social contract] begins to take place in late November here in the USofA. This is a continuous part of the [economic crises] from that point forward and through 2009. Some of the offshoots of the [social contract reappraisal/destruction] include wide ranging themes of [local, social reorganization] which includes [regional/local councils]


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assuming [power] during this period of extended, and worsening [degradation] brought on by the [death of the dollar]. The data sets here *may* be interpreted in conjunction with the GlobalPop entity sub sets indicating a global [embargo] on all things [usofa], including the [paper debt/dollars], and [any shipments] into the [zone of control] that will be established. The accretion patterns further suggest that this [isolation] causes, as may be expected, gigantic levels of pressures on an already [decaying] situation. Within the Populace/USofA entity are many diverse threads describing some of the pending 'side effects' of the current [planetary economic meltdown] due to the [dollar death]. These include many and repeated sub sets for the [usofa military]. These sub sets include very diverse reactions, and impacts as a result. In some of the 190/one-hundred-and-ninety countries currently [occupied] by the [american military empire], the [soldiers] and other [personnel] will simply become, after some years, parts of the [local populace]. This and other [unanticipated consequences] will arise due to the [lack of funds/funding] to the [usofa military] as a [whole], and the resulting [inability] to [transport] almost [anything], including [soldiers]. In some of the descriptor sets are linguistics going to the idea of [some] of the [units/troops/brigades] being [self supporting] and able to make their way back to the [continental usofa]. In some of the data sets the situation is more [dire] and [isolated] soldiers are *not* accepted by the local [populace] after years of [occupation] and [abuse]. Still other descriptors are of [heroic journeys], which is to say within the description of [epic] as [isolated groups] make their way [across the globe] to [home]. The Populace/USofA is painting a very grim picture of the immediate future. The data sets are presenting a view that can be interpreted a number of ways, and probably *all* the interpretations are valid with it being merely a question of the geography and time. We have, as an example, a large area centered around the idea of [hope] and [rededication] to the [principles]. These are presumably the [principles of hard work, and personal reliance] upon which the USofA was built. These [hope filled days] come in very late Winter, and persist all through 2009, albeit, in a [floating] form rather than a [continuous state]. The idea seemingly is that various areas of the [usofa] will be under the influence of the [hope and work] meme at different times, as the many and diverse problems


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become addressed as they manifest on the national scene. Therefore while several areas of the [northeast] are being [succored] by [aid] due to the [intense cold] and [power problems], there are also areas further [west] where the idea of the [new electrics] {ed note: this language first surfaced 2/two years ago and focuses on the 'core' technology of what we are labeling as FuturePop, or the society of 2018 and beyond} springs up along with the [hope filled days]. In these areas, the [focus] will be [work] that is described as being [nearly desperate], and [serious], and [compelling]. Other areas of the nation within this same period will be experiencing [social breakdown], and [fusion of cultures] as various [new forms] for [social cohesion] are considered and tried. A significant reason that we have labeled the Summer of 2009 as the Summer of Hell is due to the [chaos] and seeming [anarchy] as the [various control structures] break under the pressures, and [new social methods] are developed. There are also indicators from the Terra entity via cross link that [weather] and [climate] as well as [terra activities] will further pressure the remaining [resources] of the [usofa]. Some of the [natural disasters] are showing as [inducing food aid] as well as [humanitarian assistance] from other [nations] most notably, the [south american collectives]. As the modelspace is progressed through Fall and into Winter 2008/2009, a linguistic sub set develops under the aspect/attribute of [vouchers]. This set is related to, and in support of [rationing]. The data suggests that [vouchers] for various and assorted items, including [electricity] and other forms of [power], including [fuels], along with [food items], *especially* noting [cooking oils], and [salt] and [flour/yeasts] will be [emerging] as a [rational response] to the sudden [local shortages]. At this time, the data is seemingly describing a [local phenomena] in the form of [local] and [regionally] issued [vouchers] for [basic services/goods]. These are in response to the [increasing fracturing/breaking] of the [federal government]. Remember this is a process, not an event. Part of the problems facing the [usofa populace] according to the developing data sets, is that after we move into Spring of 2009, the various systemic failures start to reach deep into the [federal government] in the form of both the [civil service] and the [military]. Further the [chaos] and [global disruptions] are also shown as taking away the [continuous communications streams], such that [isolation] and [disconnection] will force [local actions]. Many of these problems in [communications] will be exacerbated


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by the [breakdown of trust] between [locals] and ['authorities'] of any kind. This last is due to the [blatant lies] which will be [repeatedly exposed] as such, by the [officialdom] about the period in which we are now living. In other words, the [lies] and [deceit] of the [federal officials] about being able to 'rescue' the [financial system] will bring about their [downfall] when the [system cracks open]. At that point, the [incompetence] of the [officialdom] will be [assumed], as will the [self serving lies] of these (upcoming) last days of the [dollar as global reserve currency]. As the [federal authorities] will have spent the last several months prior to the [crack up] shouting at the tops of their lungs 'trust us, we can fix it', and then reality proves them wrong in such a huge and horrific manner, that the linguistics are shouting back from modelspace that the new [peoples' motto] will be ["never again"]. The situation in modelspace is describing a [confused] election process against a background of [economic chaos] in the form of [near continuous, serial. conflagrations/eruptions] of [newly discovered problems]. By the time of the passing of the [confusions] around the [election], and the [assumption] of the [transition] to [new authority], the [economic background] once again reasserts itself into the foreground of everyone's thinking. The late November through January [exacerbation of financial collapse] prompted by [officialdom mistakes multiplying (exponentially?)], brings the [usofa] into the [hyper inflation] language that was forecast in earlier ALTA series of this year, and more fully fleshed out in ALTA 509. Again we repeat many of the linguistic sets within the [hyperinflation] sub set as the [spiraling out of control], or [twisting in to death spiral] {ed note: both sub sets present}, sub sets are gaining support. The large data bulges within both the far edge of the shorter term sets, and the longer term values, are pushing the [hyperinflation] aspect/attribute set into a rising, though not yet dominant, position for very early 2009. The data seems to be suggesting that January, perhaps as late as mid month, is the real [take off/acceleration] of the [hyperinflation] sub set. This then grows rapidly over the rest of Winter/2009, and into early Spring of 2009, when the [hope filled actions] of the [new authorities] come [crashing] into the [freeze up] as the [dollar dies]. This [freeze up] language is specifically indicating the [shut downs] and [closures] of both [markets] and [businesses] in very large numbers. There are indications that a [wave] of [instant bankruptcies] moves across the nation from [east to west] all in a [single week] with most of the actions of


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[shuttering/closing/locking up] all coming on a [single day]. The timing of the [turn into hyper inflation] seems to be just as the release language period is ending, and we have the slight rise to dominance (temporarily) of the building tension language. The data is indicating that the [hyper inflation] *just* precedes the [default of the USofA , or death of the dollar] by mere weeks, perhaps as little as 8/eight days. Our granularity is such that we cannot ascertain more temporal clues. Further complicating the analysis is the very large amount of very hot emotional building tension language. As to the elections which are mere weeks away, the data sets are very dense for that period, so rather than get trapped into the minutia of the election day(s) itself, we have instead advanced modelspace to after the first 4/four days following the elections. At that point the dominant aspect/attribute set is headed by [placid/relaxed] satisfaction. Note that this rising up through the [confusion] sub set, and is seemingly a developing [acceptance] and [manifestation] of [change]. This linguistic set is rapidly rising, and is also being changed from within as modelspace is moved forward into late November where the [political] language sub sets are dominated by [biding one's time], and [watching one's words]. This sub set is apparently from an 'on-high' attempt to [control] the [situation] and to [dampen] the [emotions] involved. It is difficult as there is sooo much [agony], [angst], and [disruption] from the [economic] side(s) of life. It is within this period from late November onward that the [credit card system] starts to [grind to a halt]. It is within this time that the [entrenched establishment], as typified by the cross links from the ThePowersThatBe entity, become [cross] with [each other] and with the [press] in general. Further it is within this late Fall into early Winter period that we have the [press gaffs] which induce soooo much problem for TPTB. The general direction of the linguistics is for a [rout] of the [neocons] by the [obamaians]. Noting that both candidates from both parties are merely tools of the TPTB, the data nonetheless indicates a [sweep] of [historical proportions] for the 'democrat version of TPTB'. This does not sit well with the more rapid followers of the 'republican version of TPTB' and the data indicates that much of the [confusion] energy moves through toward a [secessionist movement] in early December. Unfortunately for the [religious right] their timing is terrible and the [secessionist movement] is [thrown off the path/center] by the [unburdening of the religious evangelicals] in December, and the subsequent


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[scandals] which drag out through to Spring. Further problems for the [secessionist movement] comes from the very forces, especially [economic] which are propelling it emotionally. The [economic degradation] is showing as providing large [barriers] to any form of [collective actions] which [rely] on [traditional funding means]. Then there are also the [tainted touts] issues. The data shows that the [secessionist movement] is to be [led/directed] by some individuals who will be [tainted] by the pending [secrets revealed] meta data manifestations related to the [unburdening] and 2/two other [scandals] appearing in Winter. Not that the [democratic triumph] will mean anything in the long run into 2009. Merely an indicator as to which sub set of the TPTB will be facing the [ire/anger/rage] that propels us into [active revolution] in 2009. As the modelspace is progressed through November and into Winter, the Populace/USofA entity is suggesting that the [relationship] with the [zionists] becomes very rapidly [strained/tense]. This [strain] is shown as precipitating a [backlash] against [certain members of the press/media] who will be [shouting Israeli praise] and thus will be on the [wrong side of history] relative to the manifesting [mood/emotional tone] of the [populace/usofa]. There are indications that the [full weight] of the [press] will be [pushing down on the populace mind] at this time, but the data suggests it will *not* be successful, and in stead will [reveal] the [not-so-hidden agenda] of TPTB. This area is cross linked over to the [israeli mistake] language and the Press entity. This likely does not relate to any [new wars] in late Fall, but rather seems to be a [recalibrating] of the [worth] of [israel] after the [looting of the populace/usofa]. The data is clear that no amount of [public opinion massage] will persuade the [populace] to not [hate] the [israeli/jewish banksters] who will flee, or already have [fled to protection] in Israel. This area is extensively cross linked over to both Markets, and the GlobalPop entity. It is a key theme that will develop through 2009. As the [gov't of the usofa] becomes [impoverished] in Spring and Summer, the [respect/worship] for [israel] falls here in the [populace]. This area is cross linked in support of the [death of religion] meme, the [revolution] meta data layer, the [duality] meta data layer, the [restrictions on movement] meta data layer, and the [encounters with scarcity] meta data layer. Much of the [populace anger/mass rage] over the very grim circumstances of 2009 will focus, for a while, on [revenge], and the data suggests that [gov't/officialdom actions] taken in [defense] of


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individuals [perceived guilty] of [crimes against the people/planet] will be the actual 'trigger' for the [revolution] shifting into [active].

Conclusion: ALTA 709 - Part Six, last report in this series:- Questioning manifestation
As a note of clean up of pending linguistics, we still have the Terra entity forecasting twin earthquakes for early December, and now it is also suggesting that [winds] in the form of [stronger than usual storms] will add further to the emotional pressures already impacting the tense populace of this tiny planet during Winter 2008/2009. All of the emotional tensions and pressures of this particular time in our collective planetary history are now our focus here at HPH. We, perhaps better than most, realize that the precarious nature of emotional tensions plus unruly minds functioning without clear vision often propels calamitous events. The questions now naturally it written? Is the seeming inexorable march of events toward a catastrophe and over reaction and lashing out a necessary, and predestined path for omni humanity? Or can events and manifesting circumstances be absorbed in different ways, thus offering the possibility of changing the progression from emotional over reactions into managed expectations? We do not know. A very good statement for humans. We just don't know. But we will find out. Not that we will likely enjoy either the answer, or the process. The data seems clear, as do developing circumstances, that a global financial fiasco of epic, and historic proportions is unfolding within our individual and collective days. It becomes predicable, even calculable, that the [revolution] meme we have had in the data for over 5/five years will manifest as the crushing burden of poverty comes rushing up through the mist created by trillions of dollars as illusionary wealth. Probably we are even correct in some of our timing clues as to the various when and how of the manifestation of [revolution]. At least in the broad language. But does it mean the worse needs occur? Or could a collective effort to [seize] the [revolution] meme be undertaken that would harness the emotional energy into more productive outlets be possible? Knowing that [devastating wars] are direct consequences of the emotions created


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by the global financial system collapse while still under the paradigm of scarcity and national competition, could a movement for change of global social consciousness/awareness emerge that precedes the wave of hatred, and thus is able to properly focus it onto the elites, and in so doing, spare humans pointless, long and bloody wars?. In essence, it comes down to the 'sorcery' that the illuminati and their ilk try to employ. They use rituals to harness and steal emotional power. Could not those same rituals be used to redirect the energies already in motion away from the more dire, for omni humanity, consequences? Well, apparently the TPTB do believe so, as they are bound and determined to NOT be 'sacrificed' during this time of developing wars of [magic] against mere [sorcery]. So much for the wishes and whims of the mighty. I guess they have never read Ozymandias by Percy Bysshe Shelley. OZYMANDIAS I met a traveller from an antique land Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone Stand in the desert. Near them on the sand, Half sunk, a shatter'd visage lies, whose frown And wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command Tell that its sculptor well those passions read Which yet survive, stamp'd on these lifeless things, The hand that mock'd them and the heart that fed. And on the pedestal these words appear: "My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!" Nothing beside remains: round the decay Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare, The lone and level sands stretch far away. But of course, the Smith rejoinder (see link above) is *much* more appropos to the current situation: In Egypt's sandy silence, all alone, Stands a gigantic Leg, which far off throws The only shadow that the Desert knows: "I am great OZYMANDIAS," saith the stone, "The King of Kings; this mighty City shows "The wonders of my hand." The City's gone, Nought but the Leg remaining to disclose The site of this forgotten Babylon. We wonder, and some Hunter may express Wonder like ours, when thro' the wilderness


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Where London stood, holding the Wolf in chace, He meets some fragments huge, and stops to guess What powerful but unrecorded race Once dwelt in that annihilated place.
Horace Smith.[8]

### This is the last report of the ALTA 709 series. The complete series, in pdf format, will be available for download in a zip file within the next few days. Thank you for participating in this series. We will keep on keeping on while we can. Recognizing that all things will be changing for all humans over the next few months and into 2009, it would seem likely that our ability to produce these reports will be curtailed over this same time by these same changing circumstances. Igor and I both want to thank you for the support. Pies up, we'll all need all the strength we can get.


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