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This report prepared from the continuous data stream initially started for 709 and kept running across the building tension to release language shift on October 7th employing 86.16 million reads. The recent processing included 9.419 million reads from the 1109 data gathering.

Posted January 3, 2009

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Meta Arts - Paradigms Depart
The current period of 'emotional tension release language' terminates late in the day on February 14th. Thereafter, for approximately 6/six weeks, we will be in a period of 'building tension' language. The 'building tension' period can be thought of as the 'digestion' phase for recent events where time seems to cooperate by reducing {ed note: usually} the number or amount of intruding events while we collectively try to internalize the changes manifested within the previous 'release language' period. As this has been an exceptionally long 'release language' period, there will be whole lot of change to 'digest' within an unreasonably short time before once again jumping into the next release language period. As a side effect of the general timing of event waves indicated for 2009, there will be large segments of the [populace] who will find it [difficult] if not impossible to [reconcile] their [perception of reality] with the [rapid intrusions] of [changes]. This will first surface as a [feeling] or [impression] that 'not enough time' is between [life changing events/circumstances]. This [feeling of time pressure] is indicated to [accelerate/increase] through the coming year. This area of the modelspace is dominated by [transformation].


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As the [transformation] meme presses upon omni humanity, there are data sets indicating that large groups dispersed throughout the [populace] will more-or-less [cease to function]. Or, as the data would have it in a more poetic fashion, these poor fellows will be [surrendering to surreality]. Many will attempt to [perpetuate] the [already demonstrated as failing old social order] by [force of will]. The data sets indicate that this will be a [visible] feature within the global mediastream from late Spring onward. These [obo's (obsolete ones/persons)] will [demonstrate] and [act out] their [defiance of change] in a number of ways ranging from the merely [dramatic] to the [truly horrific] and [disconnected]. This last set is supported by sub sets indicating the rise of a new phenomena which we will label as [muckers]. These [muckers] will be [cognitively disconnected] persons who will be [very violent] and will [act out] by [killing sprees] as a part of their [personal suicide]. We already have seen the early examples of such behavior, but now the data sets in support of the [transformation] meta data layer are suggesting that this phenomena will be [global], and [cross cultural], and [greater in extent] than previously seen. The data sets are indicating that at some point in this coming year, a global [label] will be applied to the [muckers phenomena] and that it will derive from [amok], as in [running amok]. A secondary candidate for the label etymology includes [rogue]. The phenomena of the [muckers] themselves will take an even more bizarre turn here in the former [anglo/american empire] as the [muckers] will become [planners], and are indicated to be [exhibiting ritual] and [demonstrating pattern planning behavior]. This [planning by ritual patterns] is also indicated to include [drugs] and [stimulants] such that [muckers] can become [supermen] or [very powerful opponents]. The [visibility] of the [muckers phenomena] is indicated to fuel [copycats] and [one-up-manship/competition] which will [fuel] the [increasingly complex demonstrations] of [death ritual behavior]. Some of these [muckers] are indicated to become very [grandiose] and [extreme] in their [ritual suicides]. Not a good thing. The only good news about the phenomena is that it will be relatively short lived as manifesting conditions globally will provide *plenty* of opportunities for [unexpected death] such that both the potential pool of [muckers] is reduced, as is the motivation for the behavior. The data sets indicate that no part of the planet will be immune from [transformation] this year at large levels, and that especially within the USofA, the [transformation] meta data layer will dominate all aspects of life. The [transformation] meta data layer is


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supported by rising sets which begin to accrue as modelspace is progressed past January 15th and which go to the idea of [action]. This [action] sub set is focused on the idea that [no time to think] will be the [personally felt/experienced] emotional state so frequently in 2009 as to have this whole coming year identified with that particular quality. The data suggests that [pressures to act] will [experienced] at all levels from [omni humanity], down through [national consensus] to the [familial], and finally, and mostly, at the [personal] level. Noting the prevalence of the [transformation] meta data layer throughout the Populace/USofA entity, we also need to recognize that this is a multiple year process with 2009 being the year in which [transformation] becomes [personally felt], but not necessarily complete. Much of the data seems to indicate that 2009 is the [transformation] of the [old] by way of [destruction] and [dissolution]. This trend seems to continue until about Spring of 2010 when the first of the [receptive energies for new creation] begin to emerge at national levels. This is not to suggest that 2009 will not have instances of [new creation] or the [creation of new systems], but rather that the [destruction of the old paradigm] will dominate at the [national] and [global] levels. The movement of the supporting sets show that it will take until late Spring of 2010 for the first [successful] instances of [national populace transformation completions] to emerge in the form of [new social systems].

TPTB - Fear Sweats Grow

The sub set for the [minion class] within ThePowersThatBe entity shows a large growth in the [fear] component supporting sets. The bespoke [fear] language is under the influence of the [duality] meta data layer and is expressing this as the [minion class] is indicated to become [greatly/increasingly] in states of [visible fear] from their [masters/TPTB] as well as increasingly [afraid] of the [populace] in general. These [minions] are indicated to be [reacting] to the [increased pressures] from TPTB which are apparently being [demonstrated] in the [deaths/disappearances] of many [prominent minions]. We note with some irony that this [fear] level within the [servant/minion classes] will be [propelled skyward] over 2009 in large part by the [sudden disappearances] of [highly visible minions] and some of the lower level [ThePowersThatBe] individuals. The irony is that our SpaceGoatFarts entity is indicating that at least some of these [disappearances] will *not* be at the hands of TPTB, and will instead be caused by


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[unknown/unknowable forces]. The SpaceGoatFarts entity forecast of the [harvest] of [prominent peoples] {ed note: sometimes with both their cadres of bodyguards *and* locations, such as mega yachts} via [inter or trans dimensional forces unknown to humans generally] is now showing, by way of cross links over to TPTB entity, to [greatly accelerate] the [fear state/level/quotient] of the [minion class] to the point that the [disappearances] will [contribute] to the [pressures to speak] that is forecast to bring out a wave of [whistleblowers] from all levels of the [minion classes]. Of course, TPTB 'removing' troublesome [minions] in [visible] ways will provide the base for the bespoke [fear] levels, however the data sets suggest that a very significant, and unplanned [increase] in the [fear] will be the result of the [disappearances] which are not orchestrated by TPTB.

GlobalPop - Zionistas Miscalculate, Eurozone Inundate

The recent attacks by the Israeli military on Gaza has indeed been very fulfilling of the [israeli mistake] language. Near to 18/eighteen percent of the supporting sets under the [israeli mistake], sub set [brutality] have been seen in MSM (main stream media) publication in these last few days. Further, the global mediastream is supplying much of the linguistics around the [israeli mistake], sub set [pariah nation] and sub set [shunned/coventry/rejected]. As the immediacy values are processed it becomes apparent that the [israel] sub set of the GlobalPop entity will dominate much of early 2009, right up to the beginning of the [summer of hell] period which actually looks to start in very late May, rather than at the June solstice. The immediacy values are indicating that several layers of sub sets in support of the [revolution] meta data layer will be affecting the [israel] sub set over these next 6/six months (or so). The [revolution] meta data layer is rising within the [israeli] sub set, and is near to challenging for emotional dominance within that sub set. The ratios of [active] versus [passive] emotional numeric's within the set are nearly even, and this implies that the [revolution] meme will not only affect the [internal populace of israel], but also the [relationship] between [israel] and the [rest of global populace]. These sub set ratios are seeming to support the idea within the [israeli mistake] language that points to the [rejection (of) israel (by) the global populace (as a) criminal state/nation]. There is also actual linguistic fulfillment for the [criminal state of israel] language within the main stream media, albeit as reports of the


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expression of protests against the recent attacks on the populace of Gaza. However, the levels of linguistics for this concept are very small, and do not yet reach to the levels forecast by the previous ALTA reports discussions on the [israeli mistake]. We now have [south america] associations with the [israeli mistake], and the [altering of the global relationships]. Specifically we have references to [brazil, argentina, paraguay] among a few others. These references are supporting the [restrictions on movement] and [encounters with scarcity] sub sets which may be indicating the beginning of the appearance of the [boycott (all things) israel] movement forecast to arise from the [brutality] sub set of the [israeli mistake]. A key component of the [israeli mistake] sub set of language has to do with the [defeat] of the [israeli military], and the [surprise] felt as a [shock] within the [israeli society]. As our data sets line out, they are indicating that the [south american] connection to the [israeli shunning/boycott] will be a good temporal marker for the next phase of [military escalation] that then produces the [defeat/reductions in forces] of the [israeli military] through yet another expression of [israeli mistake] language. This last is a key component of these last few months since the Georgia/Israeli invasion and bombing of South Ossetia. These are all incidents within the broader theme of an ongoing manifestation which we have labeled as the [israeli mistake]. These incidents each express some elements of the [mistake] theme. In the case of the [israeli/georgia military] action which led to the Russian response, the [israelis] lost several key sets of [documents] and [intelligence] due to [mistakes] at all levels of the [georgia] and [israeli] military organizations. Now the [israeli mistake] is show casing the [brutality] sub set previously forecast to take the world mainstream media stage. As the circumstances manifest we can note that the [mistake] component grows more prominent with each new step in the process, and the data suggests that the [larger mistake] of being [brutal invaders] will be reaching its [pinnacle] with an actual [attack in force] by the [israeli military] which then experiences or participates in manifesting the language of [extreme surprise] and [stunning shock] as a [huge/large] number of [israeli casualties] reaches into the [collective/social emotional matrix] of [israeli society]. This in its turn is a direct supporter of the [revolution] meta data layer existent within the [israeli] sub set of the [global populace].


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As a further sub set of the [israeli mistake], the [secrets revealed] meta data layer suggests that some [pissed off russians] are within days of beginning the [release] of [damning information] previously captured in the Georgia gambit. These sub sets within the GlobalPop entity are cross linked over to the Populace/USofA entity, as well as to the waning Bushista entity, and to the ThePowersThatBe entity. We can note that the [israeli mistake] sub set in now gathering longer term value sets which contain language for [extremes] of [language] that will be dominant for the [israeli populace] through to at least the March equinox of 2011. Then the trend lines converge with other linguistic trends within GlobalPop into the melange' that we have labeled the [planetary populace movement]. These [extreme language] sets within the [israeli mistake] are indicating that [extremes] in the emotional realm will dominate. This includes [bloodshed], and [brutality], indicated to be manifest by the [israeli/zionistas], as well as [extremes] of [disappointment] and [anguish] to be experienced by the [israeli populace]. The current form of the [israeli mistake] is actually producing a bulge of data within sets relating to the [israeli consensus/social mind set]. These newly processed data sets indicate that through nearly all of 2009, which is to say, all the way through to about November 19th, the [israeli populace] will be [enveloped] in the [propaganda] of a [perception of a battle for survival]. There are expressions of [duality] within this sub set which indicate that this [mind set/perception] will be [sold] to the [israeli populace], and as a result, the [israeli/zionists] will be actively attempting [genocide/ethnic cleansing] at [blatant] and [large] levels. Further the data suggests that [ethnic cleansing] underway will, under the [duality] influence, actually [provoke] or [prompt] responses of [radicalization] which *will* put the [zionist goals] at risk by early October of 2009, with a final [putsch] coming in late October through mid November. The longer term data sets are suggesting that the first of [many/multiple] forms of [physical retribution/retaliatory attacks] will be most likely between March 22 and April 15th of 2009. However the data also spikes around [violence], and [extreme anguish] language over April 13th through to late in the day [israeli time] on April 15th. This is indicated to be the [heating point] for the rest of the year for the [israeli/zionists] in the Middle East. The language around this period for the [zionistas] as well as the [populace] of [israel] indicate [grief], [sorrow] at levels that are


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both [national], and [extreme]. A further echo of these linguistics surfaces for the [zionistas] in very late August of 2009, and continues through the end of September. There is a brief respite, then a [sudden], and [extremely violent] rising language wave for late October through mid November that is smaller in both summation and size of the lexical sets, but contains more references to [violence] and [risk]. These references indicate a less [military] dominated language set, and more of a [loss], [risk], and language going toward [out of control], or [escaping control]. The whole of the last months of 2009 within the [israeli mistake] are going to the idea of a [push from universe], or [inexorable outcome] kind of feeling for the [israeli populace]. The dominant emotional value set for this period goes to [active dread], and is further supported with the highest values for language relating to [survival] for the whole of the year 2009. The longer term value sets are indicating that the manifestation period of [extremes of extremes] for the [zionistas] will emerge in early January 2010, perhaps as early as the 10th, and will continue through to February 9th 2010. It will be during this period that the [populace/usofa] will also reach the peak of its [shared responsibility anguish] levels. Within the data sets a coincident linguistic structure emerges for the [european zone of influence] which is *seemingly* tied to the [zionista mistake waves], but not necessarily driven by them. This [eurozone] sub set is indicating that [flooding], and [inundation] will be dominant wording in [waves] which will [course through] the area over 2009. While including the [flooding] of [physical resources], which is tied to the expression of [flooding] within the Terra entity, there are also indications that various forms of [flooding] or [inundation] will be emerging from within the [european social order]. The supporting aspect/attribute sets for this area include [immigration], but also [social consciousness] as sub sets of the [inundation] aspect. The imagery coming through the supporting aspect/attribute sets is that [wave-like] instances of [social transformation] will [progress through] the [european social order] beginning with the first such [wave] in late February, 2009. The data sets indicate at least 3/three of these very large [social waves]. The [social disorder] recently seen in Greece can be considered to be a template for what is to emerge in 2009, however the indications are that these [transformative social waves] will be larger in [magnitude] and [deeper] in terms of the [social unrest] expressed. We note that we still have instances of building data


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support for a [raspy, former convict french citizen (presumably male)] to emerge as a central figure in the [social disruption] of 2009. These data sets are heavily cross linked over to the Markets entity, though the details for the [personality] shows that the connection is likely abstract, and the individual did not work within the [markets]. More likely this [french intellectual with a good idea] will be promoting a [radical alternative] to [existent predatory capitalism]. We may also be incorrect about the [convicted social criminal] sub set in that such a status may be yet in this persons' future for 2009 such that they cause a [ruckus], and get [jailed] in a [visible] manner, then are [released] by [exogenic forces] later in 2009. The [waves of social transformation] are supported by data indicating that at some of the [pressures] on the [social order] will be centered around [starvation], and the [collapse of food supplies]. This may not be widespread, but is indicated to be a tipping point for [mass social actions] which will in their turn lead to [bizarre reactions/results] from TPTB and their [political class minions]. Also the data from within the GlobalPop entity in these particular sub sets are heavily cross linked over to the SpaceGoatFarts entity where they are terminating in the [unexplained disappearances] sub sets.

Populace/USofA - Damned Oppressive, Helping Hands

The longer term data sets within the Populace/USofA entity are indicating that a [continental] movement will begin in very late 2009 which will be the seed for the [american renaissance] which is indicated to emerge in late 2015 and thereafter to provide a [3/three generation (approximately 63/sixty three years)] impact on planetary sciences and arts. A primary driver of the [american renaissance], as well as its first, and perhaps most important global contribution, will be the area we are labeling as the [new electrics]. The data sets are suggesting that *the* [fundamental achievement] or [conceptual breakthrough] in the [new electric sciences] will occur later in 2009 {ed note: current data suggests in Fall}, but the [conceptual breakthrough] will be [subsumed] or [buried] within the [social upheaval] which will be dominant within the former [american empire] at that time. As the modelspace is progressed through to the end of January, and the 'official' removal of the Bushistas from power, the


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Populace/USofA entity has several meta data layers dominant, but none more so than [duality]. Examples of this meta data layer in action include the bespoke 'test of Obama' {ed note: spoken by Biden, Colin Powell, and others in 2008} which will become [visible] on January 26th such that the Populace/USofA entity is indicating a [reaction] to the global events of January 22 through 26. The [duality] meta data layer expresses itself within this particular sub set of the Populace/USofA entity by indicating that the rising aspect/attribute set of [oppression] will have the [obama administration/elites] both [reacting to oppression] as well as [instigating oppression]. The level of [duality] being expressed will also flow down within each of the [actions] being taken by the [usofa bilderberger political elites] such that a sense of [cognitive dissonance] emerges at a [national] and then [global] level. The data sets indicate that the [cognitive dissonance] will express itself in [unbelief] words within the [mainstream media]. The value sets accruing within the [oppression] sub set of the Populace/USofA indicate that the emergence of this [crisis of oppression] will create a [3/three year] impact on the [populace/usofa]. Further details indicate that the [place of the lakes] will be [centrally located/centered focus] for this [oppression], and that the [duality] being expressed will include a [dry lake] or [dry lake bed] as a prominent site within the [place of the lakes]. The [duality] of the [dry] being manifest within the [wet] is showing as being very important by virtue of the emotional value sums, however the interpretation skills for the reason for this importance are lacking, and all we can do is to note that as events of January 22 through 26th emerge, and are followed by reactions through to February 15th, the aware observer will find that [dry within wet] theme will be setting the emotional 'tone' for the next 3/three years. We have supporting sets for the last days of the release language period (January 26th through February 14th) that include [scarlet] as an aspect with attribute sets indicating [clothing], and [ritual clothing]. Further supporting sets include many references to [sacrifices], and [bad luck], as well as [deliberate (delusional) bad karmic actions]. There are other supporting linguistics for [oppression] which include further references to [scarlet bands], and [oppression (before) dinner/eating], and [dismemberment], and [oppression (from the) purple banded peoples]. This last has a sub set indicating that some [act of oppression] which will be [intended to be implemented] by the [purple robed people] will be [visibly] [forestalled/interrupted] by a group of [poor people/oppressed families/tribes]. The data sets indicate that this episode will involve


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the [duality] meta data layer once again, as [violence] will be [subsumed/tamed] by [floods of nonviolent martial actions]. Other data sets which describe the rest of Winter 2009 within the Populace/USofA entity include [jaws (of a) dilemma], and [grasped (by a) problem]. These are supporting sets for the [political elites] within the Populace/USofA entity, and are themselves supported by data sets going to the idea of being [squeezed] or [pressured] by the [duality] inherent in the situation such that the [obama administration] will be facing a damned-either-way situation. The [response] from the [obama administration] to the developing circumstances is indicated to rely on [military], specifically the [army]. We still have values accreting in support of the idea that [others] will [offer] assistance to the [populace/usofa] over the remaining days of [winter 2009] with a spike in these supporting sets coming in the middle of February. This area is associated with [energy] relative to the [populace/usofa], and includes support for [helping hands (being offered)] which will be due to the [manifesting circumstances]. Further supporting data comes in the form of linguistics around [wealth] with specific focus and separation between [paper dollars], and [coins/metals/jewels/commodities]. The idea of [national treasure], perhaps indicating [Fort Knox] and the supposed [gold storage] there will be prominently [visible] within the global mediastream as a sub set of this emerging offer of [support/assistance]. There are further sub sets indicating that [militaries] in the form of the 'formal organization' of the [social class of military personnel] will be involved at several different levels. Recalling that the [duality] meta data layer is dominant through this time, and that [transformation] is also exerting influence on events, the data sets also are found to include references to the [usofa military] which are in their turn supported by [resources limitation], and [sudden constraints], both of which are cross linked back to the [dollar demise] sub set. The general impression is a [crisis] within the [militaries] of the [anglo/american empire] as the [funding fails]. Not only will the [usofa military] be impacted, but so will other national military organizations currently dependent on [usofa dollars] for their support/existence. The [dollar death] meme, and the [hyperinflation] meme are rising in support of the idea of a [crisis of influence] which will [visibility] ripple through the [militaries] of the planet over the last of Winter, and Spring 2009.


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Markets - Busts, Paradigm Busts, and Busted Busts

As the first report of the first series of the new year, I have decided to provide a general overview of the broader, markets affecting trends in the form of an annotated list of 'areas of interest', which are also known here at HPH as 'contexts'. The contexts below represent those areas with the larger emotional value shifts from the ALTA 709, and 909 longer term values, as well as the current 1109 series immediacy value sets processing. Some large trends for 2009 Bogslife support knowledge - Such publications and internet sites relating to the [skills of self sufficiency], including [personal responsibility skills], will 'boom' in 2009 and through 2010. Any form of [old tyme knowledge] will be sought after, and a sub set of these linguistics indicate that within the [populace/USofA] this will include an intense interest in [early americana], and [early/rural american skill sets]. A sub set of the [bogslife (beyond organization/gov't systems)] meme includes the more academically focused [reformation] of the [study of economics]. Supporting sets are indicating that as the [dollar collapse] continues, and the [USofA federal government] becomes impacted later in the year (early summer), a [global] meme of [resource and human species based economics] will emerge to challenge the [now apparent that it is dying capitalist economic system]. Also to be known as [biophysical economics], the [death of the dollar], and the [collapse of the american predatory capitalistic system] is indicated to provide a huge boost in [acceptance] of the [new resource based economic paradigm]. That this new [academic understanding] rises just as the [dollar collapse] accelerates into the [death of the american empire] is understandable given the conditions to be experienced globally from about mid May onward. From the [summer of hell] will come a [new awareness/new understanding] movement which will attempt to place [economics] and [planetary resources study] within the broader context of the relationship of [individual humans] to the greater omnihumanity-in-universe. *As* improbable as it may sound now, the [new biophysical economics] and the rise of the [omni humanity in universe] debate will get a huge boost in emotional impact and [visibility] values in late 2009 (likely mid Fall) from the continuing stream of events within the


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[contact (with) space aliens/notfromhere beings] meme as it progresses through collective consciousness in 2009. Climate/Weather fascination - The accretion patterns are indicating that the whole subject of [daily weather], as well as its wider and deeper cousins such as [climate change], [meteorology], and all things [earth/planetary science] will be at the core of a very [intense] level of interest by the [global population] over 2009. Beginning with [winter/2009] we will see that [increasing] amounts of [visibility] within the [mainstream media] will be devoted first to [unusual weather patterns], and then later to [planetary changing conditions]. Please note: this is *NOT* a passing fancy, but rather a level of [intense emotional attachment] never before seen within the [general planetary populace]. The data sets indicate that much of the new [levels of fascination /absorption] within the populace will be driven by what we are labeling as the [oscillation phenomena] in which large regions of the planet will exhibit [weather patterns] in which [oscillation/rocking] between [extremes] will occur on such [close time scale] that even the most obtuse among the populace will become [absorbed] by the [strange weather patterns]. The data sets in the Terra entity, including the cross links over to the GlobalPop, and Populace/USofA, *and* Markets entity indicate that the [extremes] of [weekly] and [daily] [weather] will fuel this rising [intensity] of [interest/fascination] with [geoscience] to levels that will be [stunning] to those [producers of content] currently in these fields. The indications are that these [producers of content] will be [overwhelmed] by [interest] as the [year] and the [climate change] progress. The choice of the word [fascination] is deliberate with special emphasis on the archetypical structures supporting this word which include the idea of being [mentally/emotionally captivated], and even [enslaved by magic]. Both of these provide some small measure of greater understanding of what will develop within this meme. The data sets are indicating that very large segments of the planetary populace will be [entranced/mesmerized/hypnotized/entrained/enthralled et al] by the [weather/climate] developments, especially the [oscillation phenomena], and will be [fixated] upon all things/sources for [weather information]. This is indicated to include speculation, and even fictions. Within the cross links over to both of the Populace entities, the Markets entity sub set for [weather/climate] includes descriptors indicating that the [weather guy] will become the next trend for [rising celebrity]. The idea being that the [climate/weather professions] will take a huge rise in public visibility. Think about this as its markets based analog in which brokers, and other 'money


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makers', and ultimately [money faces (CNBC/Bloomberg et al)] became [famous celebrities] over the late 1990's and the first 6/six years of the 21st century. This level of [celebrity/fame] is indicating to be shifting over to the [weather guy(s)]. The longer term data sets within the populace entities are indicating that this shift from focusing on the [acquisitor classes] over to the [knowledge-able classes] is but the very first, and small, popular movement which ultimately will provide the [mental acuity base] for what will become the [american renaissance], and the global emersion into the [new electrics] of the latter half of the next decade. Pharmaceutical/Medical - The longer term, as well as the recently processed immediacy values, are indicating that the [economic pressures], specifically the [collapse of the usofa dollar as global trading currency], and the [planetary scope] of the [developing depression], on [global trade] will provide [impetus] for a [new direction] in [health care]. This context is mostly focused on the laughingly labeled [developed nations], and within that sub set, most specifically focused on the [anglo/american (former) empire countries]. Such a [developed world] focus is *not* to say that the [impacts] of the [new health care movement] will be absent from other countries, in fact the data suggests that [south american, most notably Peruvian, and Brasilian populace], as well as [India/Pakistan] will benefit from this developing trend, although in different ways. The data suggests that [south america] will be [emerging] over 2009 as *THE* source for [preparations] and [resources] for the [new health systems], while [India/Pakistan] and to a lesser extent, [China] and [Iran], will provide the [systems] or [systematic underpinning] for the [new health systems]. These sub sets include references to the [ayurvedic] and other [holistic] based systems from those countries. Death Services - The data sets are indicating that a rising demand will be for all of the [death services], with a special emphasis on the [populace/usofa]. These will include the normal [burial] forms of [services] for at least a short time {ed note: perhaps only about 2/two more years before resource based economics will move the planetary populace away from 'whole body burial'}, as well as all of the attendant [legal/governmental] services. These last will *not* exist in their current forms much beyond late 2009, as the [crippling economic conditions] emerging globally from the [dollar death], and subsequent [social contract dissolution] will severely limit the [ability] and [desire] and [funding/resources] for [death rites] much beyond the [necessary minimum]. Basically the data suggests that


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[inheritance] and other [property transfers] will be far less of an issue. This will result from the massive [paper wealth/debt destruction] so that large amounts of [paper denominated 'property'] will cease to exist, and thus not need to be [transferred], as well as from the [collapse of the ability to buy/sell property] of all kinds. This last goes to the idea that [gripping poverty] will radically alter the context in which [death rites/rituals/services] are held. This whole area is indicated to have a higher than usual degree of [visibility] as the data sets suggests [increasing deaths] both from [demographics] as well as [biospheric] and [universal time] causes. This last is a label we are applying to the idea that lots of people, mostly in developed world, and mostly of either [aged] or [infirm] conditions, will [opt out], or [give up] and thus will accelerate the [death rate]. There are enough linguistics in support of this meme to have a raised [visibility] value in the global mediastream, so we expect to see media discussions about the [death wave] over the later months of 2009, and into 2010. Housing - Within the Markets entity sub sets relating to [housing] as a [paper debt backed] area of [economic activity] we have primary supporting sets indicating that the [dollar death] will [kill off housing] to a very significant level over Summer and Fall of 2009. There are a very diverse group of supporting values for [housing woes], and it is difficult to pick just a few of the more pronounced areas for discussion. Of course the [financing] and [dollar death] will continue to contribute to the [inability] to [sell housing]. This area is indicated to participate in the [restrictions on movement] meta data layer settling over the [former american empire countries]. Further problems arise from the [massive reductions in working populace] at a global level, though again, with special emphasis on the [anglo/american empire countries]. Other problems will arise within the [populace/USofA] as the [social contract disintegrates] over 2009, and these include the [inability to transfer property], and the [lack of capital], but also the largest impact is indicated to come from [shifting demand demographics]. This last is indicated to have a [multiple generational impact] and it is extensively cross linked to, and supported by the [bogslife] sub sets. Further impacts will arise from [power problems] which are caused/triggered by [climate changes]. Other issues will be the result of [global climate changes] including [coastal impacts]. Additional pressures will be felt from the [collapse of the university systems], and the [death wave] {ed note: see above}, and the [planetary depression]. This last has specific impacts on the [housing] sector of things in areas such as


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[supplies/resources], and [planetary demand (for housing/housing related items)]. Social Impacts of/from/on Housing - As the social contract supported by the [anglo/american empire] and its [dollar] begins to crumble, new [social patterns] {ed note: exemplified by the BOGSlife movement and others} will emerge into [visibility] within the [global mediastream]. Most of the [social contract dissolution] will emerge first in the [populace/USofA] in reaction to the [death of the dollar]. Some of these include the previously forecast [squatters movement] as well as (later in 2009/2010) the alteration of [property ownership laws]. Some new trends will emerge over the first half of 2009 as the [university system], aka [debt funded education systems] collapse, and large numbers of [young people/students] are [forced/propelled] into [new life]. The changes from this include the [shift of populace] which is a sub set within Markets entity that is participating within the [diaspora (scattering of the peoples)] meme long forecast to be very active in 2009. The data indicates that over the totality of this year of [transformation], a significant and [measurable] part will be the [relocation] of [millions] of the [populace]. This will impact the whole of the [underlying concepts/infrastructure] for [housing]. A very large amount of the newly processed data is piling up in support of the idea of the [reduction/removal] of the [suburbs] as a very [visible] temporal marker for the [social contract transformation] within the [american empire]. Much of these [reductions] and [removal/transformation] of [suburbs] will be [evident] by the end of this year. Some of the longer term data sets indicate that by 2010 it will be [commonplace] and [accepted] to find [villages] being [created in areas that were [formerly] such things as [golf courses]. Other examples of the [social transformations] include [abandonment] of [newly created towns] in areas where [dependency chains/logistics] will begin to [fail]. Such areas within the data include descriptors for places where [air conditioning] is a [requirement], but [electricity] becomes [unreliable]. Other examples include [vacation towns] where the existence of the local economy hinges on [tourism]. This will be *especially* true in areas which were formerly catering to [college aged vacationers], and [middle/lower middle class families]. In some of the longer term data sets, the imagery of 'locals' using the [bones] of the [theme parks] as their [resource] for [building materials] arises. These longer term projections are 2010 and beyond. Also note: The data sets are indicating that it will take until mid 2010 for the [viability] and the [visibility] of the [life aquatic


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communities] to emerge. This sub set has indications for a [nascent] level of activity being severely impacted by the [global coastal event/process] of 2009/2010. This [life aquatic communities] meme focuses on people taking to [living on boats] as the [social contract] and the [restrictive laws] begin to [break down/go unenforced] during and following the Summer, 2009. Construction - The data sets are indicating that for at least a portion of 2009, the attempts to [rescue/save] the [capitalist system], especially here in the USofA will be predicated on the [construction] 'industry'. The data sets suggest that [infrastructure construction] will *not* [rescue the capitalist system], though it will provide for some boosts in various areas of the USofA and elsewhere for a brief period of time. The local populations affected by the [re-construction 'industry'] will experience both economic and [emotional] benefits but the data sets are indicating that the [reconstruction effort] will be largely a failure throughout 2009. The primary supports for this context include areas relating to the [death of the dollar], and the [planetary depression] as obstacles that will *not* be overcome by the effort to [reconstruct american infrastructure]. There are indications that some of the [initiatives] started in late March/April will participate in providing the [formative environment] for the [fundamental breakthroughs] of late Fall that will in their turn propel the [new electrics] next decade, but for the most part the [attempt to reinflate] the [economy] by a [construction policy] on the part of ThePowersThatBe aka 'the american government/administration' will fail. General trends extracted from the Markets entity, based on the longer term data sets from previous ALTA series, as well as these first newly processed immediacy values, indicate that the [transformation] meta data layer will be dominant within the [markets] at a global level throughout 2009, and that this trend will kick in with a vengeance in the last few days of January. This [first transformative wave] will emerge into [visibility] within the global mediastream over the last days of January and through February 14th. The data sets indicate that the [first blush] or [initial manifestation] of the [transformation] wave will come in the form of [buried insights] which will be [hidden] within the [military] sub theme of the [general social discourse] at the end of January. Stated another way, the aware observer will be able to locate several emergent trends within the [chaos] and [military upheaval] memes that will run through and beyond February 14th. These [markets


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affecting] trends will be able to be observed as background elements within the moves of ThePowersThatBe in the handling and especially the [deployment] of the [military]. The data sets are indicating in the accretion patterns that subtle, but [revealing] hints of [pending processes toward recalibration] will be able to be observed within the [relationships] that will emerge from the [military crises] of late January through February. Specifically, longer term [markets] and [monetary control] moves will be part of the [actions] taken by TPTB in response to manifesting circumstances at that time. These trends will include [pressures] on the [flows of currency], including [electronic transfers], and [contractions], and [pressure points/restrictions] on [movements of goods] as a result of [sudden relationship shifts] which will *seemingly* arise as a 'natural' reaction to the [military moves] of this time. Not to be too vague about it, but the data could be suggesting something like [boycotts] and [restricted access to strategic materials] as a result of [confrontations] over these next 2/two months. Other general trends developing as the Markets entity is progressed through Winter, and into Spring of 2009 show that [curtailment], and [constraints] become the dominant linguistics for the first half of this year, especially within the [anglo/american empire nations]. The whole of the Markets entity becomes increasingly [bound] to the [constraints] of [drastically reduced flows] of all kinds of [currencies] as well as [trade] in general. The [reduction of the flows] of the [currencies] are intimately tied into the [usofa dollar], and to the forecast (and still pending) [hyperinflation] language. The idea coming across is that [reductions] in [spending] (as forecast in late 2007) and the [collapse of the consumer spending], will, over the course of all of 2009, produce the [death of THE currency paradigm]. The supporting sets for this linguistic structure indicate that the [dollar death] will affect ALL currencies, and will [propel/shove/push] forward the [destruction of the social contract] which supports the actual existence of the [dollar]. The data sets accrue in patterns suggesting a [lapping wave] motion of various [tides of crises] will be the operative 'feeling' for these coming months for those persons in the [paper debt markets] as well as [governments] globally. The data indicates that as the [dollar dies], there will be a [sudden, visible/noticeable shift] in paradigms that *should* be [visible] by the end of Spring, and which could/will be labeled as the [death of the consumer] as the [core of the economic engine] globally. This [paradigm bust] will accompany the actual [economic bust] of late Spring and through Summer in which the


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largest part of the [visible] collapse will emerge.

Conclusion ALTA 1109 - Part Zero:- Running Fast

This new year promises to be a period of extraordinary levels of change for omni humanity. The changes showing within our modelspace are at so many different levels as to defy the possibility of adequate discussion of even the majority. Our goal for this series is to be able to pick out the most important sub sets for thorough examination, and then to provide a high level view discussion of the general background provided by the rest of the data sets. We also note that we may be racing time and events with our processing of immediacy values given the anticipated rate of changes pending. The events pending and manifesting globally over the rest of January and February may intrude on this series directly, but will certainly propel our examination of the immediacy values as soon as they are processed. We will race with the events, and may choose to provide email updates if warranted. We are expecting a greatly accelerated pace of [economic manifestations] to dominate the global consensus through to February 14th before reaching a point in which the language will shift over to building emotional tension. The general impression that is coming from modelspace for this year is [running hard] to [keep up with changes]. This expression of [running in place fast] will be the [felt experience] component of the [transformation] meta data layer. So the aware observer will set a mental 'tickle point' to remind themselves that the [feeling] of [running hard just to keep up] is [transformation] expressing in their lives at that moment. For some, this realization will also trigger the response of letting go of the tension, and harmonizing with the [transformation] process. In harmonizing with universe, it is usually reported that once the idea has dawned to actively harmonize with changes currently expressing in life, the tensions of deep hidden conflict drift away revealing new and rapid 'progress'. Sort of a reward from universe for paying attention to what is really manifesting. Frequently it will be seen that monkey mind has its grasp firmly on some trivial portion of reality, and is blocking awareness of the greater expressions emerging. For those bound up with monkey mind problems, 2009 will *not* be a good year. We had some expectation to be able to get to the work of interpreting the SpaceGoatFarts entity in Part Zero, but that entity along with the Terra entity are now so large that they must be


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processed separately. Their size also impacts their visual display, as well as the time necessary to gnaw on their data sources for tasty bits. The current plan calls for both entities to be discussed in Parts One and Two. ### Part One is expected to be posted by late on January 10th.


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