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ALTA 1309 - Part Three

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This report prepared from the data stream initiated on February 13th for the ALTA 1309 series. Additional inputs from the ALTA 1109 longer term value sets are included. The recent processing included 44.382 million reads from the 1309 data gathering.

Posted March 28, 2009

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Meta Data - Shifts happen, Snoutus Pointilis
The usual spread of almost anything in universe-as-humans-experience-it is characterized by the [standard distribution pattern], which mostly means the archetypical 'bell curve'. This is exhibited in the steps of stone buildings as the 'bell curve' is expressed in the millions of human steps gradually wearing down the stone to reveal the pattern. The [standard distribution pattern] is also visible in how humans arrange themselves, as well as how universe has chosen to arrange humanity. Normal distribution patterns observed in nature can, and do veer away from the bell curve when exogenic circumstances intrude. This could be the result of physical factors, say as a shift in rocks in the monastery producing a bulge in the wall which forces all the monks to the other side of the staircase over a few centuries, and thus shifting the bell curve out come, with some distortion during the transition. Some distortions come from humans mucking about in things. Thus the non standard distribution of say, colors of horses, or size of dogs, due to human efforts. There are also examples of humans attempting to engineer things for humanity, or at least their local version of it. In the instance that comes to mind, it would seem that there is evidence, from the fluoride in the water, to the fluoride molecule showing up in antidepressant drugs, to the spread of neuro-


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toxin based artificial sugars (many if not all containing fluoride molecules), to the reported composition of the chemtrails, that the 'invisible hand' which attempts to rule humanity *has* been engaged in a centuries long effort to shift the particular distribution pattern of both intellectual knowledge of, and experiential knowledge, of the actual nature of universe. Including [hyperdimensional engineering], and other related contexts {ed note: many from the SpaceGoatFarts entity where all the [officially denied], and [actually unknown] thingeys are held}, the ThePowersThatBe, in their singular incarnation as the [13/thirteen council members (for lack of better identification)], have, over at least the last 100/one hundred years, though at a lower level this has been underway since the 1400's, been systematically engaged in attempting to alter the [standard distribution curve] of humanity as it relates to the broader context of [enlightenment]. This broader context is very detailed, and includes references to the [active iridium] at the core of the [brain to-pineal gland interface] among many other supporting contexts. Those who are aware of the deeper meanings held within the context of [alchemy/(1/one point science)] will also be aware of the [potentials] inherent in the [alchemy/ (1/one point science)] at the [experiential levels]. The first of three graphics below presents a crude representation of what could be expected of the standard distribution curve of humanity across this particular axis-of-understanding.

The influence of ThePowersThatBe, especially their recent work in the last half


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of the 20th century, and the first years of the 21st century, has been extremely effective in providing for a truly massive alteration of the normal distribution patterns. Thus the 'state of affairs' that exists now.

The issues as beset ThePowersThatBe, and their control efforts are very complex, convoluted, and complicated, but are also very very short. The interpretations that we get from the data sets are forecasting these next few years as being the 'make or break' point for TPTB. And the outcome is *not* certain, thus their bespoke levels of [fear], and the increasing number of contexts from which that [fear] rises. The suspicion arises that TPTB feel themselves in a race against universe itself as it pressures for a return to balance in this area, and many others. This [balance point pressure], will, in our opinion here at HPH, be preceded by some period of time where the distribution curve will be swung to the opposite extreme as a necessary part of the natural response of rebalancing humanity. That extreme is pictured in the graphic below.


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The issue of the [spread of humanity across the enlightenment spectrum] is pertinent as the change that is pictured by these crude graphic above is already underway. The meta data movements across modelspace, which is to say the movement of the meta data layers in terms of growth and contraction, are such that a very large increase in the [gnosis state] is indicated to occur over this year (part of [transformation]) {ed note: see GlobalPop below}. In our lexicon, the [gnosis] context is very complex, having over 5/five thousand primary aspect/attribute sets as its descriptor base. The level of complexity has increased over these last 8/eight years {ed note: incredible! Has it actually been that long?} as the context has developed. The [gnosis] context complexity places it at the top level of such constructs. In comparison, other contexts such as [financial derivatives], and [nuclear engineering] are simple. The context of [gnosis] is also 1/one of the more distantly spread contexts within modelspace, encompassing, as it does, several hundred sub sets in every entity in the system. Within the [gnosis] sub set are a plethora of divergent lexical structures that all return to a central context (which we won't go into at this time). Many of these divergent lexical contexts will find expression in the [public media] across the rest of this year with increasing amounts of words and details applied. An interesting radical linguistics experiment will be to heighten awareness around the human body archetype of [nose], as in 'your snout', as it will be associated with various of the sub threads of [gnosis]. Eyup, it does seem absurd at this


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moment, but the aware observer will pay close attention to language around the [nose] appearing. The [nose] archetype will be able to be used as a guide, or pointer to something worth pursuing amidst the chaotic and disruptive Summer ahead. Trust us on this, and as Igor is fond of saying (especially as it relates to all things pie), "your nose knows".

Populace/USofA - Lights Out, Flame Up!

As modelspace is progressed through the [summer (2009)] and the [hellacious conditions/circumstances] that will come to [define] the [times/period] for those of us (and historians) living in the USofA now, a new aspect/attribute set rises to primary supporting layer *just* after the [autumnal equinox]. This aspect/attribute set is labeled as the [darkening] with modifiers of [restrictions (on light)] and [curtains of darkness], and [oppressive]. Noting that this aspect/attribute set is a primary modifier for [social order] and [social contract], *and* [civil authority], the internal aspect/attributes in its support chain become that much more revealing. As the lexical structure is examined, the aspects/attributes of [tossed (down)/ fell into (a deep) dark well], and [situation hopeless], and [situation (without) redemption], and [no escape (from manifesting circumstances)], and others also pointing to [light obscured], and [buried/subsumed (in/by) problems. There are further supporting sets which go to [human perception] of the [manifesting circumstances] as being [a trap]. This can also be interpreted as [snared (by) circumstances]. Other supporting sets include [gangs bully], and [animals caged]. These aspect/attribute sets are linked within the lexicon to the archetypes of [strength restrained/curtailed], and [beset (by) many (problems/adverse circumstances)]. ******PLEASE NOTE: the above aspect/attribute sets go directly to support the [civil authority] and [social contract] contexts within the Populace/USofA entity. Further, additional primary support comes from within both the Populace/USofA entity, as well as the GlobalPop entity, directly from the context of [bankruptcy]. At this level, the [bankruptcy] aspect/attribute set is at its widest level of focus, and the interpretation is that it is in support of the context of the [national currency], as a particular sub set supporting both [national identity], and [social contract]. Probably it is not a good thing to have [bankruptcy] in support of any part of the social contract, let alone such a core element as the [currency]. There are other, more minor sub sets, now of less interest, that also are explicitly describing the [loss of money/currency], and the [breaking (in to fractured pieces)] the [country's coin/currency]. Note that at the *most* primal archetypical level, [wealth] relates to [coins/grains/family] within our lexicon, and only several layers up does the encounter with [paper] and [paper debt 'assets'] occur. This, again, is probably not a good sign to have


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the [wealth] component brought into the interpretation by the [national coin] reference. This implies more than a mere [bank holiday], or a [banking collapse], rather the lexical structures go directly to the heart of the [national social contract] which is [identified] with the [dollar]. The [darkening] aspect/attributes set brings along with it support from aspect/attributes going to the idea that a [bad Summer (and) horrific Fall] will [hinge/pivot] around [August]. Additional supporting sets include both directly held references to [army], as well as indirect, though internal to Populace/USofA entity, cross links. The data sets are either forecasting the use of [military forces] relative to the [collapse of the dollar] in Fall 2009, *OR* are forecasting a very great deal of both discussion and bespoke fear around this subject. The data sets do contain explicit [fear] sub sets in large numbers under the category of [martial law], however our forecasting accretion patterns would seem to indicate something a whole lot more complicated than mere [martial law] implementation. Bearing in mind that all the [martial law] declaration does is to 'legalize' the use of [army] in [law enforcement], and to place all courts under the military jurisdiction. While the implementation of [martial law] is never a good thing for either government or populace, in this instance it would appear that some conditions make the whole situation arising this Fall a whoooooole lot more complex. In a sense, this is good news, at least for us here now, in that our work has always been most accurate when faced with linguistic complexity. It usually means modelspace is getting closer to reality as it will develop. As has been discussed in previous reports in this series, the [populace] en masse in the USofA, will be exhibiting language from mid Summer onward that will [question] the [dollar survival]. Now note that the [press] is proffering such language now, however, our forecast is for the [man in the street] or [regular sheeple herd member] to be [vitally], and [completely obsessed] with the [dollar death] meme and to be expressing such very vocally. The linguistic differentials between the sets used in the previous such discussion, and those same sets now indicate that the language will be [replete/filled/dominated] by [lack of direction/loss of direction], and other language related to [not knowing what direction to choose]. Even more dramatic are supporting sets in the current detail layers which bring out a [hopelessness] related to [understanding (the) dollar death situation], and being [broken in the middle]. In support of the [broken in the middle], there are a great many sets which reference human body parts and functions. These are always taken most seriously here at HPH as the human body (and its processes) are in deep levels of archetype. Supporting sets now include [vomiting (fear)], and [burning (shits)], and [bloody heaves/retching], and others of similar ilk painting a picture of total abdominal [melt down] as a direct result of the [impact] of


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events. Please note this not so subtle difference. In previous ALTA series, human body process references frequently arose from [fears] expressed or contained, while now the data sets are indicating that the [vomiting (so violent)] that the [body shakes/quivers] in a [prone position] are from [experience] rather than [fear]. The data sets at the detail level eventually tire of repetitions of the [digestive functions run awry] language and then settle down to a boring, and very large restatement of [dangerous conditions], and [needing great care]. These are supported at the level of the newly processed shorter and longer term values with aspect/attribute sets going to [high/ambitious goal] is [struck down] by [bad fate]. It is worth noting that [fate] as is used here is a context in the greater context of [karma], and necessarily implies [response to previous actions], and [participation (in one's own) downfall]. Very greek tragedy feeling about this context. Or alternatively, it can be considered to be an expression of the chinese/asian concept of [joss], not mere [bad luck], nor even capriciousness gods mucking about with humans, but rather both of those with a twist of [active (self) participation]. These aspects/attribute sets accrue in patterns which suggest that a [wave] feeling to the [dollar death] will develop over late August that then continues through, ever rising in strength, and [stomach gripping intensity] into early November. There are specific language sets in the [darkening] sub set for [fall/2009] that go to support the idea that for [3/three days] there will be a [disruption] such that [no food supplies] will be [shifted/delivered]. There are further sets in support of [electrical systems failures/disruptions], and these are indicated to be both during and after the [darkening] commences, and to continue longer than 3/three days due primarily to a problem of [fuels delivery]. The [darkening] afflicting the [populace/usofa] can be pictured as a 'national mood' or [emotional quality] as well as a linguistic metaphor. We expect that actual uses of [darkening] as a phrase will occur, as well as instances of actual [loss of lights], as well as other permutations of the possibilities expressed in the word. There are sub sets in support which suggest that [demonstrations] will [progress] into [riots] and that [darkening] will occur in specific spots due to such activities as [burning/fires]. Other aspects provide language for specific, [visible] instances of [people protecting friends], and [acting in consciousness] during some very [chaotic] days. Almost all the layers within the supporting structure for [darkening] contain [danger] with [active] modifiers.

Terra - Echoes and Heat


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The Terra entity is also providing its own [darkening] echo in that it is indicating that the [american hemisphere], on the [pacific coasts], will be impacted by [storms] and [other phenomena] such that the [sun becomes hidden from view]. While this may be indicating a [chemtrails barrage], it also contains sub sets for [smoke] which are modified both by [volcanoes] {ed note: as was discussed in previous reports in this series}, and [fires]. The [hiding (from view) of the sun] is also part of the larger set of [weather alterations (due to) shifts in atmospheric currents]. This [darkening] echo is indicated to affect both North and South America, though the larger level of bespoke [risk], and [damage] is to be [visible] within the [north america] sub set. There the data accretion patterns are suggestive of impacts on [crops], and also [impacts on transportation]. The [darkening] echo is a supporting sub set of the [global coastal phenomena] for which more evidence exists almost daily as the language forecast shows up in the mainstream media in articles discussing global ocean levels rising, as well as reports of new lands from undersea's volcanoes, et al. Sooo....the issue of the [global coastal phenomena] may be settled in the sense that evidence exists for current, and on-going changes in the oceans, their basins, and flows globally, however the impressions that we get from the data sets boil down to ain't seen nothing yet. This may *STILL* be referring to a burst of language that would over take the global mediastream for a number of months before trailing off, however, we need to note that it is actual planet wide changes that are fueling the appearance of the language at this time. Make sense? Our predictions a number of years ago about the [global coastal phenomena, -nee event], were forecasts of the language appearing. We now have the language making its presence [visible] within the global mediastream more or less at the time(s) forecast, so we are still within a continuing exposure pattern set for the [global coastal phenomena]. In other words, Igor and George and I await further developments which will prompt even more of this particular set into existence within the global mediastream. If we are accurate in our forecasts, there should be a 'bubble' of such language that appears around mid May and persists through to near the [autumnal equinox]. This [5/five months] period is neither the end of the [global coastal phenomena], nor its 'peak', but rather is the [initiation] of the context into a new order of emotional awareness within the global, human population. However, at the very basic level of circumstances manifesting in reality, the process that we have within our data sets under the context of the [global coastal phenomena] *HAS* already begun. And *IS* continuing. So, with many other aware observers, we watch for more unfolding over these next few months. Oh, just as an aside, we expect a very large rise in [earthquakes] along the [pacific coast] of both Americas over this Summer and into Fall. Actually, again, just the beginning of a longer term trend of increasing [magma movement] and attendant [crustal changes]. While there are indications within the data sets for [damaging earthquakes] over this series of new shakes over


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[summer], in the general chaos to manifest, the [earthquakes] will be only a 'background' story. This is *not* true of the [earthquake] series which is indicated to emerge in [asia], specifically [china] over very late Summer, and early Fall. There the [earthquakes] are forecast to be [severe] enough to [reconfigure] some of the [natural features] of the regions struck. This apparently includes the [change in height/altitude] of a number of [singular mountains]. Very large numbers of humans in these regions will be participating in the [diaspora]. The Terra entity has some rising support at the secondary level for [heat] which will be a multiply layered context ranging from [heated magma], through to [heat] from [unknown energies from space], to [more heat from the sun], to [bottom heating (of the oceans)], and other such usages. For long term subscribers, we note that the [heat] aspect/attribute set is similar in characteristics to the [green death] meme of several years back. That meme went on and on for months. We expect something similar with [heat] appearing at all levels of consciousness, and in so many bespoke versions in the global mediastream that people will actually begin to complain about [heat] as a word.

GlobalPop - Biota Funk, Who Gnosis?

And so it goes... the [populace/global], a'ka [terra's humans] are showing in the data sets as [approaching (the) nexus] of the [breakdown of the consensus]. Note that [nexus] as defined in our lexicon can also be interpreted as [central_point_of_the_pivot]. This is more to the [point] than other descriptors such as [center]. In this case, the GlobalPop is providing a hint that this [winter (2009/2010)] will bring [terra's humans] into a [central_point] around which our [emotional balance] as global humans will [pivot]. This is not to say that the [central_point] will be either narrowly focused or limited. Rather the context suggests that this [central_point_of_the_pivot] will act more in the nature of the [tip of the tornado] around which Uncle Joe's cow, and Aunt May's pickup, whirl. The [central_point_of_the_pivot/nexus] emerges in modelspace as it is progressed through late December, and into Winter (2009/2010)-( Northern Hemisphere). Within the GlobalPop entity, the context of the [central_point_of_the_pivot/nexus] shows a wide number of [causes/movements] which swirl around much as does the cow in the tornado. The [causes/movements] context within our lexicon is also headed by the descriptor of [excitory (and) attractive emotional energies]. The [nexus] of this coming [winter (2009/2010)] starts to emerge *just* after modelspace is progressed beyond the December (2009) solstice, and grows as [winter] progresses. The swirling mass of [causes/excitory emotional movements] is


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indicated to [coalesce] into a [sparking/arc'ing] around the [mid point (of) Fall]. The data sets actually gain their first signs of the [central_point_of_the_pivot/nexus] rising to [visible] status on October 26th (or 1/one day *after* Samhain). {ed note: as it is measured from the horizon, the cross quarter day of Samhain is actually October 25th. The November references are from traditional astrology as practiced by the [church/catholic/complicated] with a 'Rose Cross' meridian orientation, and imply a land based paternalistic cult reference. The October 25th date derives from the days of the Celts as a member tribe of the [great sea nation(s)] where the cross quarter day between the equinox and the solstice would be measured against the horizon, sidereally, as a nautical reference point. Subtle, but very powerful, and revealing distinction.} Several of the [causes/motivating emotional attachments] which are swirling around our [pivotal point] will go to the idea of [enslavement]. The [enslavement] sub set is directly pointed at TPTB, and will be backed up by emotional [outrage], and [out (in the open) rage] over the [claims] by less than [1/one percent] of the [populace] of the planet to ['own'] nearly [90/ninety percent] of the [planetary biota]. This sub set is indicated to bring [slavery] up to a higher level of [visibility] than in past years, and to clearly [broaden] the term to include all forms of [slavery by theft], and [slavery by currency manipulation]. There are many indications that an episode of [travel] by members of the [federal reserve board of the united states] will be affected in a [visible] way by the [slavery by theft of wealth through currency]. As the GlobalPop entity, along with modelspace, is progressed past October 26th, a conjunction between the GlobalPop entity, and ThePowersThatBe entity, becomes completely dominated by [revolution]. The primary supporting sets that move into place over the last few days of October and through November, the rest of Fall, and into Winter (2009/2010) contain references to [transportation], and [seizure/holding/capture/possession]. This last is a very interesting aspect/attribute set indeed as its primary support comes from bespoke, and explicit references to [being known (globally)], and [being (recognized) planet wide]. This supporting set needs a slight bit of explanation, in that the [recognized] descriptor is very precisely defined at this level to include [4/four orders] or [levels] of [global recognition]. These are keyed to senses, so the orders contain [face, voice, movement] as the first 3/three orders, and the [4th order] is the first of 3/three others at that level and is descriptive of [recognition (by) statement/words/speaking patterns]. The second order is [recognition by vocal characteristics], and in that sense, someone hearing a globally known speaker may recognize them by their voice. In the case of the 4th order, this is at the first level of archetypic abstraction and is even more powerful an indicator of [fame] in that humans would tend to [recognize (the


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person) by the words/phrases used] without having to have that person actually say the words. This is *most* likely an indication rising from the [revolution] meta data layer that the [formation/initialization] of the [planetary populace movement] will have a [personality] of [global proportions] with a unique and identifiable pattern of speech as its first spokesperson. This [personality] is indicated to [rise from] the [capture of the transpiration] episode. There are a number of references cross linked or directly held as supporting sets under the [capture of the transportation] that go to the idea of the [recognized voice/words/face] of this personality, and a significant portion of these curious contain a reference to [tiger]. The majority of these [tiger] references are *not* in the roman alphabet based languages which may allows an inference that the [personality] involved is not from the [developed world], or alternatively has huge appeal (for an as yet unknown reason) within the undeveloped parts of the planet. Within the [revolution] meta data layer {ed note: a meta data layer is an aspect/attribute set which appears in (nearly) every entity in modelspace with the same emotional value sums} in the GlobalPop entity conjunction with TPTB entity there are supporting sets which explicitly describe a situation in which the [populace] is [offering harmony] to TPTB, and over the course of November/December that [offer of reconciliation] is [rejected] in the [harshest (of) ways]. As the [revolution] meta data layer rises in emotional strength sums over November and December, new supporting sets provide a picture of [problems] for [zionists] and the [israeli populace] in general. These are apparently a side effect of the [revolution] movement globally, as well as the results of [several leaks/disgruntled former employees] who provide some very [damning documents]. These [damning documents] are part of a larger set going to [disruption], and [popular outrage] in several countries which focuses on [zionist organizations] and [activities]. Within a few areas of the data there are indications of [appeasement gestures] being made by [small level officialdom (say the head of a small country)] relative to the [zionist problem], and that [laws] against [zionist organizations] will be enacted in a [visible] way in some of these states. The data does not show that the [revolutionary momentum] is in anyway abated by these [last minute gestures]. As we move modelspace through Winter (2009/2010), there are clear indicators that a the forecast [paradigm shift] which is 'on' for 2009, as a core of the [transformation] meta data layer derives from several emotional threads from the [summer of hell (2009)]. Primary among these is a sub set that we will label (badly) as [un-deny-ability]. This context rises across the [planetary populace] over the course of late Spring and through Summer, increasing its intensity, and


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duration sums as modelspace progresses through October. Once at the 'inflection point' in early November, the [un-deny-ability] context gains large amounts of supporting sets, most of which have very high [action] or [behavior change] sums within the array of lexical values attached to each word within our lexicon. To state this another way for clarity, the [consensus reality of planetary humans] becomes challenged by [manifesting reality], as well as the [emerging gnosis] over the course of the last part of Spring through to the middle of Fall such that a [conceptual breakdown] occurs in [personal mental constructs] for very very very large numbers of humans. The data sets do not usually provide numeric values as these are not archetypical within our data processing at the number level, and are rather symbolic archetypes, however, the GlobalPop entity suggests that the [paradigm shift] which takes all of 2009 and most of 2010, gets its 'teeth' over the course of Summer by the [affliction] on the [5th/fifth of the tribe/mob/populace] of the [gnosis]. The [summer of hell] appellation is based on the totality of the emotional sums over the modelspace move from mid May through to Fall. These sums gain much of their strength prior to August 20th, and the emotional intensity, as well as the emotional [direction of change] gain most of their summation values from the [un-deny-ability] sub set. Past ALTA series have discussed the [active denial] emotional wave which takes off in mid August of this year and lasts for a brief few months. The [active denial] set manifests as a social counter wave to the [affliction of the gnosis] on the larger [global populace] as a result of the combination of social stressors. The majority of these [planetary social pressures] will manifest in Summer, thus the [summer of hell] label. It will not be a happy, or settled time. The [un-deny-ability] at its core stems from the conjunction of the Terra entity, the SpaceGoatFarts entity, and the 2/two populace entities. The resulting conjunction set contains aspect/attribute sets that indicate that [terra weather/planetary conditions] will be so [extreme] in [abnormality] over such a large part of the planet as to [force acceptance (that something hugely big is wrong)] across a wide swath of the planetary populace. The data sets are also showing that a simultaneously arising stream of [whistleblowers] will emerge as a direct result of the next stage of the [collapse of the complex paper/debt based financial system]. During the manifestation of these contexts, universe will also provide [demonstrations] of the [sun illness], as well as [unknown energies from space]. As if that is not enough, there will be [evidential bizarreness] emerging from ThePowersThatBe, as well as numerous forms of what can only be considered as [minor aberrations]. True, some of these [minor aberrations] could get you killed as we are speaking of [muckers (people running amok/insane as a result of not being able to cope with the stressors cited here)], and small [terra intrusions] such as [volcanoes] and such. The data sets are forecasting a very large increase in [consciousness awareness] as a sub set of the [gnosis] context. This increase is indicated to [settle upon] or


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[blanket over] approximately a [1/5th, a fifth] of the [global populace]. As this [blanketing] context is explored it produces sub sets at the details level going to [awareness], and [insight] rising that [crash] the [barriers] of [concept denial]. This is both a curse and a blessing at the level of the [individual]. As has been repeatedly forecast over the last years of ALTA reports, the [paradigm shift] will precipitate a wide range of [mental illness behaviors] as a very large section of the [global populace] has been shifted over these last centuries (see Meta Data section above) to abnormal positions along the range of what can be termed [enlightenment] or [universal holonomy comprehension]. It may seem cruel to describe it thus, but the data, as well as past human behavior make it clear that 1/3 third of those exhibiting [mental illness] as their [consensus reality dissolves] will *not* be recoverable, and likely *will* represent levels of [danger] in their [expression of discontinuity with reality (mental illness)]. A further third will be only marginally able to be reached and assisted, while the last third will stumble, but then relatively rapidly, adjust, and start walking again. They will require directional guidance, but the admonition from universe is to remember that every persons' karma is their own, and recognizing one's role in universe is a key element of the experience called life.

Conclusion: ALTA 1309 - Part Three :- Rant!, Fearless Predicates, Rant Again!
Recently I had occasion to watch a few minutes of BBC America broadcast of the 'news'. This show included a longish (for teevee news) segment on these British fellows who had set out on a mission to the North Pole. Much of the first few minutes of the episode focused on how damn cold (-20/minus 20 degrees Centigrade) it was, and the effects on the poor humans. Now note that the segment starts off with an interior view of the tent, and that the commentator points out that everything inside is just as frozen as everything outside. Hmmmm. Just how dumb are these guys? I examined the tent as this theme somehow tweaks a nerve and has been annoying me for some time. It is the whole idea of cloth shelter, and the current implementation of it that is expressed in this country. Every time that video shows you a 'tent city', please note just how many of these structures are actually covered with blue (or other) fiberglass tarps. These tarps are necessary for any human to exist in these tents north of the 33rd parallel (and in many places south, what with the changes in climate). The idea of having a cramped, cold, and damp nylon tent in which to live has always seemed ludicrous. That a person would chose this out of immediate necessity while coming up with something better, well, that makes sense, but to continue to 'live' in such is seemingly a mark of the very uneducated. Didn't any of these people go to boy/girl scouts as kids? And then to see the British guys suffering in the same sort of structure was a


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shock. At those temperatures, the tent became a frozen wind resisting shell, and that is it. Such an absurd structure points out a whole lot about the planning, and the perception of those involved. Look to the past expeditions where serious portable structures were employed. Not always correct for the conditions, but at least they considered what they faced and made some attempt to render proof against the conditions. Now it is as though the 'expedition' to the North Pole merely took what was commercially available and shoved these poor fellows into it. They would be much warmer, and safer in an igloo than that 'tent'. Further, given the giant sled with all their gear that they had to push over these misshapen lumps of ice in a constant struggle to advance a mile a day, they would have been much better off to have the sled be a hard shell structure into which they could climb after an exhausting day of shoving it all over the ice. It could even have such niceties as insulation (even aero gel) and a foil liner to reflect body heat back into the interior. And a whole lot of other support structures could be woven into such a 'craft'. And, I would also make the thing buoyant and boat like, what with the shaky ice conditions they face. What were they thinking?!? Going to the North Pole with only a wind-breaker? And now to the homeless. Given that situation as a personal affliction, I would build a teepee, short, northern plains tribes variety, which is just as portable as any of these nylon cloth shells with the hoops for support. Such a tipi/teepee would only require straight sticks, would employ both the dew cloth and side vents, and would provide full standing room albeit not much. Further, a hammock can be strung between multiple poles at each end, and provides excellent, human shaped sleeping arrangements for very little mass. Given that in my area of the PNW sticks are in abundance, these could even be discarded when in transit. Hmmmm. Now there were some humans who could think, analyze, and plan. And what did TPTB do to them.....hmmmm....yep genocide by all means possible. Then, if more permanent shelter was needed, a yurt (mongolian style) could be constructed for hardly more resources than is needed for the teepee, and of course we note that properly constructed and covered (even with multiple layers of blue tarps these days), it could withstand conditions nearly as bad as those encountered by the suffering British guys on their 'green' quest to the Pole. So again, what were the 'planners' of this expedition doing? Injecting the stuff? or smoking it? Learning to build using 'appropriate technology' is not difficult. There are currently many books describing the creation of such 'soft shelters' as tipi's and yurts. This sort of knowledge really needs to be made available, but such likely will never happen as 'planning for continued adverse conditions and how to cope with them as a human' is directly in opposition to the 20th century,


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Piscean/patriarchy central message of 'trust in us (big gov't/external savior)'. For people to start adjusting their circumstances to reality by building effectively given the circumstances would create a huge problem for [officialdom] at all levels. But it is coming. We note the previous ALTA series with discussions about [strip mall squatter tribes]...which, I guess, *is* planning for continued adverse circumstances. Ok, rant on appropriate design, and effective use of design patterns a'la Bucky (don't fight forces, use them!) Fuller, is over. But a small last note that begins with Hmmmm? and ends with the idea that maybe there is a real need for properly designed, portable shelters at low cost...yada yada yada...but of course, maybe not as the data continues to show the [housing rush (by the squatters)] is still pending. Oh, and a final final note on the subject that as a mere bear-bait toddler I had experience living in teepee's in Alaska, and it was so cool that the memories are some of the more vivid from those tender years. In programming in prolog for our work we employ predicate calculus as the method for determination of outcome. In the process of proofing the predicate, we develop all the logical constructs that allow us to 'test for proof (of predicate)'. If this is successful, it later becomes working software, a primary benefit of using such 'reasoning languages' as prolog or lisp. The necessary factor being the ability to 'test the premise' by developing method and predictive results, then running the test to see what happens code meets the cold hard edge of reality. Sudden shift aikido (and some other meditative, internal martial arts), there also is the central point of testing. We continuously test our expression of the art in real world conditions (weapons and such). Unlike other martial arts, aikido has no 'competition' component, nor are there 'kata' (a series of poses and movements which provide body or cellular memory). In aikido practice of the art, in or outside the dojo, each and every movement is done full out, totally committed, and can be lethal... or not, as those participating shall decide. In the dojo, mostly it is not lethal. However to obtain the relative safety of dojo conditions, it is necessary that the practitioners also develop the "big ki feeling", an aspect of which can be expressed as fearlessness. This can be a daunting situation for the novice, as there are *so* many injuries in aikido dojo's due to the totality of commitment. As an instance, in karate practice, it is almost impossible to use full strength, and almost all punches, kicks et cetera, *must* be pulled at the last minute. This is not the case in aikido. A fundamental part of the art is the ability to evade, and thus protect oneself. The basic theory in operation is that if one can evade trained full-out martial artists in practice, then the occasional encounter with a disturbed personality outside the training hall will be but a minor incident. As may be expected, with the weapons training, and the flying through the air from throws, and rolling about, the novices sometimes are a bit reluctant to commit to a big ki feeling. It is understandable. So dojos' as a rule teach fearlessness as part of the course.


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It basically goes thus: universe has provided you with fear as a tool. This tool works at multiple levels, and exists within your body and mind. Your fear is not mine. Your fear is yours alone. I do not operate from your fear (important to note). Your fear is emotionally based. The more you push against the object of your fear, attempting to exclude it from your life, the more power you provide to that fear through emotional attachment. The more you push your fear away, the larger it becomes in your life. Fear is your monster. The more energy you provide, the more it owns you. However, the instant you embrace your fear, it becomes 'less'. It instantly becomes less than you, after all, you embraced it, and thus prove yourself larger. The instant you embrace your fear, you are proving yourself 'fearless'. The more you own your fear(s), the less they can own you. By embracing the object of your fear, you diminish it, own it, control it, grow beyond it, and move forward in your practice (of the art of peace, aka aikido). Now, become fearless, and let us practice. Well....needless to point out, the fearless speech is easy to say, but sometimes hard to achieve and the attrition rate of students of aikido is very high, perhaps over 98 (ninety eight) percent or more. Not all students drop out from fear, many do so just through the pain levels. Given that we roll and fall constantly, there is a continuous level of pain involved. So that probably has something to do with it. Once accomplished though, fear-less-ness becomes a routine, and an anticipated part of practice. The testing is still continuous, but the injury rate drops as the fear-less-ness grows. Now the point of bringing up the predicate of testing of fear-less-ness, is actually the corollary. While these reports are indeed scary and nasty, mind warping things to read, we do our level best to restrict our contribution to [fear language]. Being linguists we study such, and endeavor to present the forecasts as factually close to their appearance within the modelspace with no 'extra' being imposed by our personalities and personal fear sets. We actively state our caveats, unknowns, even building self critical components such as MOM into the system. Further we review the reports over the course of their preparation with our own sked software to provide an image of the emotional tonality being expressed. We attempt to self monitor. We may fail, but the effort is intentional, and continuous. Unlike what you will hear over the course of the rest of this year, especially this Summer, and November/December. There will be a great many voices running around promoting hysteria and fears. It will be necessary to remember to not


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buy into their fear offers, and to actively practice fearlessness due to the enormous barrage of pending fear promotion (as well as current expressions of fear promoting language). Be advised that ALTA reports will not be participating in any fear based promotions of any kind, and though individuals will claim association with our material, you may be sure that it is all bullshit if they are fear promoting personalities. Discriminating mind will be a requirement through the months ahead. As the buddhists say, "don't put evil (vibrations) out into universe. It is just that simple.."

Errata: It is curious that recent planning and pre-event activity in London anticipating the G20 meeting included communique's from the protestors with summation language that went to [protesting injustice in the economic system]...which the more awake amongst us will note easily becomes PIES....hmmmmm. #### Part Four is anticipated to be posted by late on Saturday, April 4. That evening I have radio conversation with Rebecca at Journeys with Rebecca, 6 to 8pm Pacific time, as well as spending an hour with Scott Stevens at his new radio show from 8 to 9pm.


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