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Republic=indirect democracy Judeo-Christian influences on democracy are: all humans created in image of God (equality), humans have innate

worth (can make good decisions; freedom of choice, speech), morality/ethics foundation for modern law (Mosaic Law 10 Comm.) = Social Responsibility Magna Carta1215 (1st modern const., limited kings pwr; King John agreed that a ruler is subject to the rule of law. John Locke-people have natural rights of life, liberty, property; people entered social conpact to creat govnt to protect rights; blank tablet theory. Rousseau-Man is born free and everywhere he is in chains; general will; people possess natural rights (noble savage); often used to justify totalitarian govnts. Voltaire- I may disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. Reason: decisions on logical argument, not emotion/tradition. Romes influence: lawmaking by reps (republic, indirect democracy); natural laws applied to all (12 Tables codified laws); checks & balances (Executive could become dictator in crises; Assembly included commoners, could veto; Senate aristocracy). Basis for modern constitutionalism, Chronological Order: Henry II created jury system; Magna Carta; English Common Law; King Edward expanded Grand Council to include middle class; Henry VIII (Anglican Church); Bloody Mary (Catholicism); Elizabeth I (defeated Armada, protestant; arts, lit flourished); James I and Charles I (arrogant, divine rightists); Petition of Right; Puritan Revolution ( Cavaliers house of lords vs. roundheads puritans, supported Cromwell) (1642-60); Cromwells theocracy; interregnum; restoration; James II; Glorious Rev (bloodless overthrowing of J2 in 1688); Will&Mary Constitutional monarchy, bill of rights (1689); under George I cabinet system w/ prime minister. Charles I: unpop stuart, divine rightist. Claimed friends w/ catho. Spain, descrim. Against puritans, taxed middle class mucho, imprisoned opponents.

English Bill of Rights: issued under Will&Mary in kings pwr while upping citizens. US Bill of Rights: first 10 amendments theocracy: Govnt where priests rule in name of god Physiocrats: believed in natural economic laws land is cource of wealth,agricul. Is exploitation of natural resources, state revenues should come from land tax, gol/silver NOT primary determinants of wealth. French Rev: 1st Est; clergy, 2nd nobility (3%), 3rd all else. Causes: Louis XVI inherited poor crown & cont to bankrupt France. Divine rightist. Conservative. Estate Syst. Out of date. Influence of enlightenment, glorious rev, American rev; Louis summons Estates Genersal in 1788 to vote on tax increase, gave 3rd estate 600 reps (1:300, 2: 300). Some empathy between Esates Reps.Failure of Rev: creates democratic despotism (Robespierre), reactionary, anti-democratic govts. 3rd estate lock in Tennis Court (demanded that king give 1 man, 1 vote; he refused, so they refuse to participate. Bastille: July 14, 1789 (beg of Rev). March on Versailles, Oct. 1789. Assembly issues Decl. Of Rights of Man in August all men born & remain free and equal. Phases: 1st- Const. Monarchy (natnl assembly) abolished special priv and class diff. Church reforms all clergy had to take oath to state, pope = no pwr.(civil const of clergy). Political Constitutional Reforms. Consription. 2 nd National Convention; Louis, Marie beheaded & Committee for Public Safety formed. Ropespierre, Reign of Terror (1793-4) 20,000 guillotined, 20-30,000 other means. 3rd Directory. Inept, corrupt govnt by 5 men. Effects: Democratic Rights, Nationalism, End of slavery in French regions, worldwide influence. Napoleon takes over in coup d etat. 1 st consul of consulate in 1799. 1804 = emperor (plebiscite approved). Democratic despot. Too ambitious, british opposed, control seas, French exhausted. Continental syst = greatest diplo. Error. Russia = greatest military defeat.

Congress of Vienna: goals redraw natl boundary lines of Europe, create balance of pwr, restore pre-Napoleon leaders to thrones.Prince von Metternich of Austria-leader; very reactionary. Industrial rev.: began w/ cottage/domestic/putting out system (families weave cloth for entrepreneur who would sell it at market). Enclosure Laws forced peasants into cities (provided cheap labor for factories). Britain had natural resources, stable govnt, entrepreneurs (person who operates business, taking larger than normal risks to do so). Had large colonial empire = market for goods, cheap labor, resources. Steam Engine James Watt- revolutionized travel, industry. Factories led to development of mill

towns migration from rural to urban. Effects of Rev: leisure time, global pollution, arms race, war, rise of middle classs standard of living, nuclear vs. extended family, improved status of women, kids, global society, airplanes, computers, space, new philosophies, romanticism (emphasized inspiration, subjectivity, primacy of individual), social Darwinism, imperialism. Imperialism (caused by IR, nationalism, spreading religions, helping those less fortunate white mans burden, desire for adventure/research): Types sphere of influence, protectorate, colony, extraterritoriality. British needed safe route to India, so they built Suez Canal. Berlin Conference 1880- official guide to European partitioning of African land. Sepoy Mutiny 1857 uprising by Brit. Amrys native soldiers (Indian) after rumor spread that brits were using animal fat to lubricate munitions. Effects helped wars begin. Opium wars (1839-42)- Britain forced China to allow opium imports, unequal treaties force china to pay indemnities. Boxer Rebellion (1900) revolt by Chinese nationalists after losing Sino-Jap. War. Aimed at ridding China of foreign influence.

They killed hundreds of Chinese Christians, foreign missionaries, business men; international army came in to end rebellion. Open Door Policy (allowed foreign countries to freely create spheres of influence, extraterritoriality) in place. WW1: Sarajevo where archduke franz Ferdinand was assassinated by gavrilo princip (black hand Serbian). Triple Alliance WAS (1882) Italy, Germany, Austria-Hungary. Triple Entente- France, Russia, Britain. Austrai 1st to declare war (on Serbs) July 28 1914. Central Pwrs=Germany, Austrai-Hungary, Turkey. Kaiser Wilhelm emperor of germany 1888-1918. forced Bismarck to resign. Bad ruler. Western front france UK (west of germany). War ended on 11th month, 11th hour, 11th day. President Wilson 14 pts (open treaties, freedom of seas, arms reductions, adjustment of European boundaries, colonies; leaugue of nations too. LON was key to 14 pts failure (US didnt ratify). Treaty of Versailles 1919, treaty that germany had to sign after WW1, written by BFIUS. Was to punish germany (but too harsh). 8-9 military defets, 20 million wounded, 9 million civilians dead, 40 million casualities.

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