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System that delivers fresh air into the house and removes obnoxious gases from the house

Important Terminology
The relationship between the mixtures of air and water vapor at various temperatures

Dry Bulb Temperature

Ambient Temperature

Wet Bulb Temperature

Temperature at Saturation or 100% relative Humidity

Important Terminology
Relative Humidity
A ratio of quantity of water vapor in the air compared with the total that can be held at a given temperature

Dew Point Temperature

Temperature at which water vapor is transformed back to liquid

Relative Humidity
Warm air significantly hold more water than cold air Water holding capacity of air doubles with each 11oC increase in temperature

CFM and Static Pressure

Volume of air being moved by a fan or entering an air in let The difference between inside and outside atmospheric pressure

Air inlet & impingent air jet

Acontrollableopeninggenerallylocatedatthe Acontrollableopeninggenerallylocatedatthe eave controlling the velocity of air Air that is allowed to travel adjacent to a smooth surface, generally a ceiling or side wall.

The distance an air jet will travel before its maximum speed is decreased to 75 feet per min. Less than 75 fpm the air moves aimlessly

X=KVib Vx X=throw K=10 Vi=air velocity(fpm) b=width of air inlet Vx=air velocity (X) feet from the air inlet(75fpm)

Hot Vs Cold Weather Management of Ventilation

Fundamental principles of ventilation systems used in summer and winter months are quite similar but reasons for ventilating during the two seasons are very different During summer the main aim is to control temperature During winter the main purpose is to control moisture and ammonia

Types of Ventilation
Tunnel Ventilation Minimum Ventilation Transitional Ventilation Natural Ventilation

Mechanisms of Ventilation
Positive pressure Negative pressure Turbo

Reasons for Ventilation

There are basically five reasons why we must ventilate poultry houses: To remove heat To remove excess moisture To minimize dust and odors To limit the build up of harmful gases such as ammonia and carbon dioxide To provide oxygen for respiration (Bucklin et al., 2008)

Tunnel Ventilation
Consists of fans on one side of the house and pads on the other side Uses Negative pressure For Tunnel Ventilation, generally the dimensions of house are 40ft x 450ft x 8 8-10ft

Fan Requirements for Tunnel Ventilation

Cross Sectional Area Air Velocity CFM of Air Moved by Fan

Cross Sectional Area = 40 10 = 400 sq. ft. Required Air Velocity = 450 ft/min CFM of box fan = 19500 No. of fans = 400 450 / 19500 No. of fans = 9.2 10 fans will be required

Calculation for Pads

Total Fan Capacity (CFM) Desired Air Velocity

Total Fan Capacity = 10 19500 = 195000 cfm Desired Air Velocity = 450 ft/min Pad Area required = 195000/450 Pad Area Required=433.33 sq.ft.

Calculation for Evaporative Cooling

8,747 Btu required to convert 1 gallon (3.79 liters) of water into vapor The equation used to calculate heat loss by converting cubic ft./min to cu. evaporative cooling is

Q = 0.018 t cfm 60

quantity of air being exhausted from the house in cubic ft per minute Desired reduction in temperature (normally 8 - 10 F)

Heat Production in Btu (per hour)

a constant

Q = 0.018 t cfm 60 Q=o.018101950060 60 Q=210600Btumustbelosttogetthedesired Q=210600Btumustbelosttogetthedesired temperature As 8747 evaporate 1 gallon 210600 Btu will evaporate 210600/8747 gallons So, 24 gallons or 91.25 liters of water will be required

Fan Calculation for Minimum Ventilation

vg. body weight CFM requirement per kgNo of birds CFM of Fan

Avg body weight = 2.5 kg Cfm required = 0.5 /kg Cfm of fan = 9000 No. of Fans = (2.5 x 0.5 x 30000)/9000 No. of Fans = 4.16 5fanswillbeneededforwinterventilation 5fanswillbeneededforwinterventilation

Operating time for Fan

Total CFM Requirement Total Fan Capacity

Total cfm requirement = 37500 Total fan capacity = 9000 x 5 = 45000 Operational time = 37500/45000=0 .83 = 0.83 x 60 sec = 49.9 sec It means that in 1 min fan should be on for 50 sec and off for 10 sec. To get reasonable operational time, we multiply by 4 50 x 4 = 200 It means in 4 min fan should be on for 3 min & 20 sec and off for 40 sec

Inlet Calculation
Inlet area (sq. in.) = Total cfm required 4 = 37500/4 = 9375 sq inch = 65.10 sq ft No. of Vents = Area Required/Area of Vent = 65.10/ 1m x 0.4 m = 65.10/ 3.2808 x 1.3123 = 65.10/4.30 = 15. 13 16 inlets will be required

Inlet Calculation on basis of CFM

No. of inlets = capacity x average weight x 0.5cfm(per kg)/2000cfm = 30000 x 2.5 x0.5 /2000 =18.75 This formula suggests 19 inlets should be used


In tunnel ventilation air is drawn into one end of the house and exhausted at the other end.

The air velocity in a tunnel ventilated house is greater than that in a conventional cross cross-ventilated arrangement with similar rates of air exchange.

(Lott et al.1998)

There is improvement in weight gains of broilers in tunnel ventilated houses as compared to traditional cross ventilated houses

(Lacy and Czarick, 1992)

Higher air velocities cause faster reduction in body temperature as compared to lower velocities after a thermal stress

(Drury and Siegel, 1966)

Body weight gain of broilers in tunnel ventilated houses is more than cross ventilated houses.

(Lacy and Czarick, 1992)

With increased air velocity there is increase in body weight gain and improvement in feed utilization.

( Lott et al., 1998)

At 30 oC, sensible heat loss of broilers increases by increasing wind speed.

(Mitchell, 1985)

Higher wind speeds increase sensible heat loss and reduce latent heat loss in broilers.

(Timmons and Hillman, 1993)

There are improvements in broiler performance with an air velocity of 125 m/min as compared with an air velocity of less than 15 m/min (still air).

(Lott et al., 1998)

Optimum velocity for big birds is 600 to 650 foot per minute during the last two weeks of grow out Replace worn fan belts, clean dirty shutters and clean pads

(Doizzer, 2007)

Total heat loss remains the same but increased air velocities result in greater sensible heat loss and less latent heat loss between 29.5oCand 35oC

(Simmons et al., 1997)

Factors like corrosion, dirt accumulation and out belts can cause variation in fan worn performance up to 24% Plastic shutters offer less resistance to air flow as compared to aluminum shutters due to less corrosion and better design Power consumption varies even among similar fans

(Casey et al., 2008)

An increase in air velocity over the birds decreases skin temperature in broiler chickens, mainly in unfeathered areas such as the legs. Broiler chickens seem to reach thermal equilibrium during ventilation within the first 10 min with incoming air temperature of 29 29C (Furlan et al., 2000)

Tunnel ventilation is an arrangement in which ventilating air is drawn into one end of the house and exhausted at the other end. The air velocity in a tunnel ventilated house is greater than that in a conventional cross-ventilated arrangement with similar rates of air exchange.

(Lott et al., 1998)

Ventilation flow in the building influences heat, moisture and gas balance, and thus it affects the indoor Temperature, RH and gas concentration

(Blanes and Pedersen 2005)

The ventilation, together with some other factors, such as building geometry, location, number and size of the inlets and exhaust fans and the presence of indoor obstacles, determines the airflow pattern in the buildings and, therefore, air velocity in the zone occupied by the animals (Bjerg et al., 2000, 2002).

Air velocity has an important influence on animal heat loss. Consequently, under Mediterranean conditions, when the outdoor T and RH are extremely high and the efficiency of the evaporative cooling systems on the farm decreases, air velocity becomes a decisive factor in the control of animal heat stress

(Dozier et al., 2005)

T, RH and air quality can be defined on a theoretical basis, by means of relatively simple heat, moisture and gas concentration balances, respectively. Therefore, by adjusting airflow rate, it is possible to obtain a T, RH, and gas concentration suitable for the birds

(Schauberger et al., 2000)

Improved weight gain and FCR Faster reduction in body temperature Less chances of disease outbreak

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