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Christianity created by the Romans and to prove Jesus existence created the fake

coffin of James
Christianity is a fake religion created by the Romans in the fourth century. The
so called Jesus divinity was bestowed on an unknown Italian was by a committee in
325AD by votes. Even the claims of attending the meeting by Indians, esp. those
who call themselves as Syrian Christians from south India was a fake one.
Christian church is always in need of relics to keep its doubting flocks together.
The best of all relics could be those that are associated with Jesus: the Holy
Grail, pieces of the True Cross that are so many that if we collect all of them
they could be used to build a house, the Shroud of Turin, or the Spear of Longinus
that was supposedly used to pierce the lifeless body of the Christ as it hung on
the cross. Christianity created artifacts that are imbued with sacredness. This
may be manifested as miracles performed with the aid of the artifact. An old
piece of wood said to be a piece of the cross upon which Jesus perished, or a
common Roman spearhead said to have pierced the side of Christ, if it serves as a
vehicle to cure the sick and perform other “miracles” over and over again is self-
evidently authentic to some people, no matter what scientific analyses may reveal.
All relics are not exactly what they are said to be. A genuinely ancient artifact
of the time of Christ, for instance, may be claimed to have an association with
Jesus that is nonexistent. Plenty of unscrupulous frauds have been perpetuated on
the unknowing for spreading Christianity. Eusebius (third-fourth century A.D.) in
his Ecclesiastical History cites apocryphal letters exchanged between Jesus and
Abgar, King of Edessa. The Shroud of Turin, supposedly containing the image of
Jesus that was impressed upon it when the cloth was used to wrap his body after
the crucifixion, remains enigmatic. Radiocarbon dating performed on the cloth in
1988 gave a result of circa 1260 to 1390 A.D., corresponding approximately to the
first known records of the shroud, and thus indicating to skeptics that it is a
medieval forgery. No one really knows how the image was formed on the shroud, and
even if it is an image dating back to the early first century A.D. that does not
prove that it is the image of Jesus Christ.

In 2002 an announcement was made that Andre Lemaire, a French expert in Semitic
linguistics, had found a coffin. The coffin of James made its entrance apparently
from the Jerusalem region. This object is a box, carved of limestone, which was
used as a repository for the bones of the deceased. Such boxes were commonly used
in the Jerusalem area during the first century A.D., and are often found in grave
and cemetery contexts. They were sure that the provenance of the box, known as an
ossuary, or bone box, is indisputable. It has been dated to as close as AD 62, the
time when James, referred to in the Bible as the brother of Jesus the Christ, was
martyred by stoning to death. What is remarkable about the so-called James coffin
is that it includes the following Aramaic inscription on its side:
“James, son of Joseph, brother of Jesus.”
The coffin was acquired through a commercial transaction rather than directly
through an archaeological dig. This could be the James of the New Testament, the
very brother of Jesus Christ who was prominent in the Jerusalem churches. But a
brother for Jesus means that the Virgin Mary had sexual relations with someone to
have another brother for Jesus and no more a virgin as propounded by the Christian
church in Rome. If James were Jesus’ real blood brother, this would weaken the
doctrine of perpetual virginity sufficient to destroy the very foundations of

The Bible plainly refers to James and others as “brothers” of Jesus but tradition
has allowed this to seem a reference to cousins, spiritual brothers such as the
disciples would have been, or even, stretching possibility almost to the tearing
point, stepbrothers, sons of Joseph by a previous marriage. To put it plainly for
the Indians to understand it, one can say that the existence of James is like that
of Kannimozhi who is a member of Indian parliament. Kannimozhi is the
illegitimate daughter of Muthvel Karunanidhi the chief minister of Tamil Nadu in
India and he can be compared to Joseph and Kannimozhi was born from Karunanidhi’s
relationship with his concubine, a third woman other than his known two wives.

The limestone box provided a direct connection, and historical documentation,

through the ages to the man that so many have thought as Jesus, the Son of God.
The finders made a deal with the Discovery Channel, in what seems to have been a
move to sweep the table clear of all opposition by exciting sufficient public
inquiry to keep decriers at bay. Foreseeing no doubt the kind of controversy in
which archeologists, historians and Biblical scholars gleefully join; Lemaire and
Hershel Shanks threw a curve ball. The book, the TV show - everything but the tee
shirt were public knowledge before most scholars had gotten into position to pitch
a monkey wrench into the smooth proceedings.

Yet the craze over the James Ossuary was short-lived. About 20 people named James
with a father Joseph and a brother Jesus lived at that crucial time in Biblical
history. In June of 2003, after meticulous study, the Israeli Antiquities
Authority declared that the inscription on the ossuary is a forgery. According to
the experts, the inscription “James, son of Joseph” have been inscribed first and
the “brother of Jesus” portion was added after many years later indicating it as a
definite forgery. Except those Christian crooks of the church establishment, who
have secretly created the fake coffin of James, others have dismissed it as one
more fake in the long chain of fake relics created by Christianity.

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