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Ulong, Mark salahudin C.

BSEd IV-English


This program designed carefully for second language students who already proficient in English who wish to develop their language skills further.It provides an opportunity for putting into action some of the skills learned in the previous years as well as the chance for rigorous academic study. It is very important to distinguish the basic goals of every programs to be implemented to attain enjoyable meetings. The program EAP designed to meet and manage the needs of the learners and engage students to have the well speaking ability of english requires from their chosen careers. It focuses not only the basic rs but also the core subject areas that they might encounter in the different settings. The focus of the program is the instruction on skills that required to perform well in English speaking.

SUMMARY EAP or English for Academic Porpuses in a program designed to meet the needs of the learners in developing the academic and english speaking abilty of every individual. The program focuses on the instruction skills require and include a narrow focus on more specific linguistic content of the core subjects. In some cases, EAP courses may be intended to raise students' general English levels so that they can enter university. This endeavoring to help the students gain larger score than before. EAP courses running alongside other degree courses may be based on the American English and Composition model, or may employ, content- based instruction either using material from the students' degree subjects or as an independent, elective-like course. In common with most language teaching, EAP instruction teaches vocabulary, grammar and the four skills (reading, writing, speaking - including pronunciation - and listening), but usually tries to tie these to the specific study needs of students; for example, a writing lesson would focus on writing essays rather than, say, business letters. Similarly, the vocabulary chosen for study tends to be based on academic texts

CONCLUSION , REACTION, RECOMMENDATION I concluded that this program is considered to be very fruitful. From the observations and professional and academic results it can be concluded that the inclusion of professional and language learning strategies provides a development in the academic process for both group and individual improvement. From the class observations, Students feel that the number of projects and exams exceeds the work load they would expect from the course. Therefore, projects will probably be grouped in this program. Obviously, teachers will think that students feeling of extra work load may be reduced and as a consequence, motivation would rise. In fact, motivation is one of the major assets of this program. Additionally, we may considered that the learning and professional strategies acquired through the course would be very valuable for their future careers. We may also consider that using different strategies can be combined and contextualized to their own benefit, and that they use often than before. In relation to the language, the program gives a slight improvement compared to the traditional class. For the upcoming program implementation, some of the language related materials, such as the reading book, will definitely change and become more adapted to their realiality. Therefore, I shall recommend that this program shall be implemented in every universities and colleges because it really helps the learners to become more informative and successful in their chosen careers. Since EAP is a program focuses instruction on skills required to perform well in an English-speaking academic context across core subject areas, it can give them an insight of become successful ones someday.

English for Academic Porpuses

An EAP program focuses instruction on skills required to perform well in an English-speaking academic context across core subject areas generally encountered in a university setting. Programs may also include a more narrow focus on the more specific linguistic demands of a particular area of study, for example business subjects.[1] Programs may be divided into pre-session courses and courses taken alongside students' other subjects. In the former case, sometimes EAP courses may be intended to raise students' general English levels so that they can enter university. In the UK, this often means endeavoring to help students get a score of 6 or above in the IELTS examination. In the US, this can mean helping students attain a score of 80 or greater on the TOEFL. Outside Anglophone countries, Englishmedium universities may have a preparatory school where students can spend a year or two working on their English and academic skills before starting degree courses. EAP courses running alongside other degree courses may be based on the American English and Composition model, or may employ Content-based instruction, either using material from the students' degree subjects or as an independent, elective-like course. These in-sectional courses may be desirable more to help students develop study skills and required academic practices than for language development.[1] In common with most language teaching, EAP instruction teaches vocabulary, grammar and the four skills (reading, writing, speaking - including pronunciation - and listening), but usually tries to tie these to the specific study needs of students; for example, a writing lesson would focus on writing essays rather than, say, business letters. Similarly, the vocabulary chosen for study tends to be based on academic texts. In addition, EAP practitioners often find that, either directly or indirectly, they are teaching study skills and often having to tackle differences in educational culture, such as differing attitudes to plagiarism.[2] This trend has become more prominent as the numbers of foreign students attending UK universities, and other institutions across the Anglo sphere, has increased over the last decade. There is some debate amongst EAP teachers as to the best way to help students with academic English.[1][3] On the one hand, students might be taught particular conventions but not expected to understand why they need to adapt their writing; a pragmatic approach. On the other hand students might be encouraged to challenge writing conventions and only adopt them if they seem justified; a critical approach.[1][3] Recently attempts have been made to try and reconcile these opposing views. A critical pragmatic approach to EAP encourages students to develop writing conventions required by universities while also encouraging them to think about the reasons why these conventions exist.[1][3] References

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