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Local common law Constitution c.

D18 Revised 2011-12-25; a complete constitution

Article 1

Life Preamble
We remain Grateful to Almighty God for our freedom c.1864 We choose and use jurisdictions Life Love Truth Peace Harmony to do no harm. We continue with and in jurisdictions Life Love Truth Peace Harmony to do no harm. Local common law Constitution is bound to jurisdictions Life Love Truth Peace Harmony to do no harm. Local common law Constitution works for me and for all men and women in Republic for Nevada free state in Union with 50 free states, Republic for the united States of America.

Article 2

Truth Affirmation
1776 Self Evident Truth continues: I do solemnly and sincerely and true declare and affirm I come in Truth with Truth and nothing but Truth in jurisdiction Truth. So help me. I am. I continue. I choose and use jurisdictions Life Love Truth Peace Harmony to do no harm. I continue with and in jurisdictions Life Love Truth Peace Harmony to do no harm. I remain Grateful to Almighty God for my freedom c. 1776 and my Creator for my blessings of liberty and my inherent rights.

Article 3

Inherent rights
Our inherent rights begin and continue with and in jurisdiction Life for us. Our inherent rights remain original, first and foremost in any free republic and in free nation, Republic for the united States of America. All men and women by nature are born free with and in Life with equal inherent rights. All political power remains with all men and women. No human authority can limit, interfere with, control or deny our conscience and character. By our freedom granted by Almighty God, all Local people are equal to do no harm in Peace.

Article 4

Located in Peace
In Peace I am Local to my abode, ____________________________ free village_____________________________free county; and Republic for________________________________________free state in Union with 50 free states, Republic for the united States of America. We and all Local people equal in Peace use our Blessings of Liberty granted by our Creator. We are at liberty in Peace.

Article 5

Choice, Use, and Effect

I and we choose and use Local common law Constitution for me and my abode. My Local common law Constitution is joined to my _________________________________________________free village. My Local common law Constitution is joined to my_________________________________________________ free county. My Local common law Constitution is joined to Republic for _________________________________________free state in Union with 50 free states 50 free states are joined and continue Republic for the united States of America. We choose and use jurisdictions Life Love Truth Peace Harmony to do no harm. We continue with and in jurisdictions Life Love Truth Peace Harmony to do no harm. Respective metes and bounds used by predator others past, present and future are hereby displaced. Now by cause shown and effect, the CROWN, the UNITED STATES and predator others are displaced.

Article 6

Our Legacy Title Continues

Almighty God, Creator, Divine Providence, guided Local men and women to use Self Evident Truth c.1776. With Self Governance c. 1776, Local men and women use and continue original law; or law by nature. NOW, by inherent right freedom granted to Family of Man by Almighty God, we use fundamental law: Self

Evident Truth c.1776 and Local common law jurisdictions Life Love Truth Peace Harmony to do no harm. Our Legacy Title continues by Claim and Salvage. Our Legacy Title continues with and in continuous, open, notorious, and unequivocal possession. I and we choose and use Local common law Constitution for me and my abode. My Local common law Constitution is joined to my ____________________________________________free village. My Local common law Constitution is joined to my ___________________________________________ free county. My Local common law Constitution is joined to _________________________________________free state in Union with 50 free states. 50 free states are joined and continue Republic for the united States of America. We choose and use jurisdictions Life Love Truth Peace Harmony to do no harm; We continue with and in jurisdictions life Love Truth Peace Harmony to do no harm; Respective metes and bounds used by predator others past, present and future are hereby displaced. Now by-cause shown and effect, the CROWN, the UNITED STATES and predator others are displaced.

Article 7

Claim and Salvage, Invoke and Continue, Treat and Witness,

I hereby Claim and Salvage a more perfect free Union for me with other free men and women by my signature. I hereby Invoke and Continue a more perfect free Union for me with other free men and women by my signature. I hereby Treat and Witness a more perfect free Union for me with other free men and women by my signature. Using our freedom and blessings of liberty: I hereby Claim and Salvage my abode. I/we hereby Claim and Salvage ______________________________________________ free village. I/we hereby Claim and Salvage ______________________________________________ free county. I/we hereby Claim and Salvage ______________________________________________ free state in Union with 50 free states, Republic for the united States of America.

I hereby sign into Witness Protection in jurisdictions Life Love Truth Peace Harmony to do no harm and displace THE CROWN, THE UNITED STATES and predator others from my life.

Article 8

Office Seats
Local people use Self-evident Truth c. 1776, inherent rights and common sense. Local people fill, re-seat and use Local common law office seats. Local common law office seats continue with Local common law Constitution. Local people joined together with free villages. Free villages joined together with free county(s). Free county(s) joined with 50 free states in Union, Republic for the united States of America. ~~~ ~~~ ~~~

The Bill of Rights c.1791 Article the 9th Enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. The Bill of Rights c 1791 Article the 10th The powers not delegated to the United States by the constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. ~~~ ~~~ ~~~

Inherent rights are and remain original, first and foremost in a free republic and in 50 free states in Union, Republic for the united States of America. Local common law Constitution c. 2010 continues 3 distinct branches in harmony with all; Legislative Executive Judicial 1- village, county, state and nation office seats Except for nation office seats for President, Vice President, Ambassadors, Senate Pro Tem and House Speaker office seats: a. With Assembly consent, respective Local common law Assemblies choose Local people for other office seats. All office seats use Local common law. . b. With Assembly consent, respective Local common law Assemblies remove or replace Local people seated in other office seats as needed. c. With Assembly consent, respective Local common law Assemblies choose Local people to fill, re-seat and use village, county, state and nation office seats. d. With Assembly consent, respective Local common laws assemblies remove or replace Local people seated in village, county, state and nation office seats. 2- village office seats for free villages are authorized, chosen, seated, and used by respective Local men and women as needed. All office seats use Local common law. a. village legislative seats Local men and women choose Local men and women to sit in Local common law free village Assembly legislative seats. b. village executive seats Local men and women sitting in free village Assembly seats choose Local men and women to sit in free village executive seats. 1- Governor: Governor may appoint temporary replacements 2- Secretary/Administrator: acts as emergency governor as needed 3- Ambassador 4- Treasurer 5- Comptroller 6- Executive Advocate Consul, E-AC c. village judicial seats Local men and women sitting in free village Assembly seats choose Local men and women to sit in Local common law Court of Record free village judicial seats: 1- Justice 2- Recording Clerk 3- Records Clerk 4- Library Librarian 5- Local Notary Clerk 6- Judicial Advocate Consul, J-AC All of the above use a Local common law jury choosing Local common law jury Foreman, All of the above use Local common law. d. village enforcement continues by serving: 1- Accurate Local records 2- Other Courts of Record using our Local records 3- Local marshals, sheriffs and rangers using our Local records e. village office seats choose county House seats With 1 free village Assembly for every 10,000 Local people, Local men and women sitting in free village Assembly seats choose 5 Local men and women to sit in his or her respective county House seat.

f. village office seats choose state House seats and nation House seats Local men and women sitting in village Assemblies choose 10 state House seats total that extend into 10 nation House seats total. g. village office seats choose county Senate seats With 1 free village Assembly for every 10,000 Local people, Local men and women sitting in free village Assembly seats choose 1 Local man or woman to sit in his or her respective county Senate seat. 3- county office seats for free Counties are authorized, chosen, seated, and used by respective Local men and women or Local men and women sitting in free village Assembly seats as needed. All office seats use Local common law. a. county legislative seats Local men and women sitting in free village Assembly seats choose Local men and women to sit in free county Assembly legislative seats.

1- Local men and women sitting in free village Assembly seats choose 5 Local men and women
to sit in his/her respective county House seat.

2- Local men and women sitting in free village Assembly seats choose 1 Local man or woman to
sit in his or her respective county Senate seat. b. county executive seats Local free county men and women sitting in free county Assembly seats choose Local men and women to sit in free county executive seats. 1- Governor: Governor may appoint temporary replacements 2- Secretary/Administrator: acts as emergency governor as needed 3- Ambassador 4- Treasurer 5- Comptroller 6- Executive Advocate Consul, E-AC

c. county judicial seats Local free county men and women sitting in free county Assembly seats choose Local men and women to sit in free county Local common law Court of Record judicial seats. 1- Justice 2- Recording Clerk 3- Records Clerk 4- Library Librarian 5- Local Notary Clerk 6- Judicial Advocate Consul, J-AC All of the above use a Local common law jury choosing Local common law jury Foreman, All of the above use Local common law. d. county enforcement is by serving: 1- Accurate records 2- Other Courts of Record using our Local records 3- Local marshals, sheriffs and rangers using our Local records 4state office seats are authorized, chosen, seated, and used by respective Local men and women or Local men and women sitting in free county Assembly seats as needed. All office seats use Local common law.

a. state legislative seats Local men and women sitting in free county Assembly seats choose Local men and women to sit in free state Assembly legislative seats.

1- state House seats a. Local men and women sitting in free village Assembly seats choose 10 Local men and/or


women to sit in 10 state House seats total. b. Local state House seats double in function and extend into 10 Nation House seats. state Senate seats a. Local men and women sitting in free county Assembly seats choose 2 Local men and/or women to sit in 2 state Senate seats total. b. Local state Senate seats double in function and extend into 2 Nation Senate seats.

b. state executive seats Local men and women sitting in free state Assembly seats choose Local men and women to sit in State executive seats. 1- Governor: Governor may appoint temporary replacements 2- Secretary/Administrator: acts as emergency governor as needed 3- Ambassador 4- Treasurer 5- Comptroller 6- Executive Advocate Consul, E-AC

c. state judicial seats Local free county men and women sitting in free county Assembly seats choose Local men and women to sit in free state Local common law Court of Record judicial seats. 1- Justice 2- Recording Clerk 3- Records Clerk 4- Library Librarian 5- Local Notary Clerk 6- Judicial Advocate Consul, J-AC All of the above use a Local common law jury choosing Local common law jury Foreman, All of the above use Local common law. d. state enforcement continues by serving: 1- Accurate records 2- Other Courts of Record using our Local records 3- Local marshals, sheriffs and rangers using our Local records 5nation office seats

a. nation legislative branch office seats:

1- nation House seats Local men and women sitting in village Assemblies choose 10 state House seats total that extend into 10 Nation House seats total. 2- nation Senate seats Local men and women sitting in county Assembly seats choose 2 state Senate seats total that extend into 2 Nation Senate seats total.

b. nation executive branch office seats and special nation seats:

1- nation President is chosen, removed or replaced by Congress consent. 2- nation Vice-President is chosen, removed or replaced by Congress consent. 3- nation Ambassadors are appointed, by nation President and Senate consent. 4- nation Ambassadors are removed or replaced by nation President and Senate consent. 5- nation Senate Pro-Tem is chosen, removed or replaced by Senate consent.

c. nation judicial branch office seats: Respective free state Justice seats extend and function for duty as Local region(s) Supreme Court(s); 1- nation Local supreme Court 6 adjacent free state Justice seats anywhere extend and function as Local one supreme court.

2- Nation one supreme Court 50 free state Justice seats, total, extend and function for duty as one supreme Court. 3- Nation advocate Consul
50 free state Justice seats choose nation advocate Consul, N-AC as nation general counsel. Inherent rights are and remain original, first and foremost in a free republic and in 50 free states in Union, Republic for the united States of America;

Article 9
Every Assembly and Court of Record keeps Records and Recordings exact and immaculate. Every Assembly and Court of Record keeps Records and Recordings safe.

Article 10

Orders, Bills and Resolutions 1- Orders, Bills and Resolutions require 30 day minimum promulgation prior to any force and
effect. 2- Orders, Bills and Resolutions for nation require nation House and Senate consent prior to any force and effect.

3- Orders, Bills and Resolutions for village, county, and state Assemblies require Local men and
women consent prior to any respective force and effect. Let all know, here is Local common law. Self-evident Truth, Local common sense and Local common consent is hereby continued and established in jurisdictions Life Love Truth Peace harmony to do no harm.

Article 11

Procedures for Local common law Assembly Local common law Court of Record Local common law jury

Lawful Foundation
Original law is seen and read in all state constitution preambles. Grateful to Almighty God for our freedom and my Creator for my blessings of liberty Self-evident Truth c.1776 Original law brings us our fundamental law. Original law brings us our inherent rights. Original law brings us our Local common law. Original law brings us fundamental inherent Local common law. Original jurisdictions continue when we use Local common law Assembly with Court and jury. We accept and use the following: 1All state constitutions agree and begin with Article 1 section 1

Inherent rights
By our freedom granted by Almighty God, all Local people are equal in Peace to do no harm, All men and women by nature are born free with equal inherent rights. All political power remains with all men and women. No human authority can interfere with, control, limit or deny our conscience and character. 2Using jurisdictions Life Love Truth Peace Harmony to do no harm, Local men and women accept by choice and signature Local common law, and displace foreign language used against me and you by predator others. Local common Law is clearly bound to jurisdictions Life Love Truth Peace Harmony to do no

3harm 4-

Local common law uses Self-evident Truth c. 1776,, Local common sense and Local common consent extended and loaned by Local people, men and women, live on Local land. Minimum Local common law elements: a. Injured party(s) in interest: b. Local common law Assembly c. Local common law Court of Record d. Local common law Jury


Article 12

Local common law Assembly meeting actions:

1 Original Assembly a. People gather together into Local common law Assembly and autograph and seal Local common law Constitution. b. Local people in Local common law Assembly choose Local people to fill, seat/reseat and use vacant office seats for village, county, state, nation office seats as needed. Typical office seats. 1- Legislative- Local common law Assembly 2- Executive- Governor and Secretary/Administrator for Local common law Assembly Controller and Treasurer as needed. 3- JudicialClerk, Advocate, and Justice for Local common law Court of Record. Foreman for Local common law Jury when Local common law Jury convenes. 2Actions Typical Local common law Assembly Actions: a. Local common law Assembly conducts its business and then adjourns into Local common law Court of Record. c.

b. Local common law Court of Record accepts paperwork from an injured party and then adjourns
into Local common law jury.

c. Local common law Jury is seated by men and women raising their right hand and repeating,
We Witness, in Witness Protection, in Truth and in Peace and no other. or Article 2 Truth Affirmation 1776 Self Evident Truth continues: I do solemnly and sincerely and true declare and affirm I come in Truth with Truth and nothing but Truth in jurisdiction Truth. So help me. I am. I continue. I choose and use jurisdictions Life Love Truth Peace Harmony to do no harm. I continue with and in jurisdictions Life Love Truth Peace Harmony to do no harm. I remain Grateful to Almighty God for my freedom c. 1776 and my Creator for my blessings of liberty and my inherent rights. Local common law jury then chooses a jury Foreman, and examines paperwork for merit. Jury may recommend a hearing day be set by Justice and request Court Clerk to notify all


parties in controversy.

e. Local common law jury then adjourns back into Local common law Court of Record. f. Advocate or jury Foreman brings forth Jury recommendation to Justice. 1- Justice issues order for hearing day. 2- Justice signs So Ordered or not So Ordered. 3- Court Clerk issues timely notification to all parties in controversy. 4- Local common law Court of Record adjourns back into Local common law Assembly. g. Local common law Assembly then inquires, Is there any more business?
With no response, day and time is set to reconvene and Local common law assembly adjourns. 3- Hearings a. On a typical hearing day, a similar process is used as given in above section: 2-Actions b. All parties and paperwork in controversy are heard and examined/inspected. c. Local common law Jury findings are then forwarded by Advocate or jury Foreman to Justice for issue of Court Order to all parties in controversy. d. Advocate Consul or others prepare appropriate paperwork as needed for each instant/instance matter given to Local common law Court of Record. Writs Defaults Requests Orders Other paperwork 4 Summary a. Injured Party sends short letter or email to Local common law Court of Record Clerk requesting help. b. All participants witness accurate record keeping by Local common law Court of Record Clerk by seal. c. Any matter is decided by unanimous quorum consent by any odd number total, minimum of 5 (five) d. All participants witness and approve their respective Court activity Record)s). 5 Justice Actions a. Justice sets hearing days. b. Justice signs Orders, Subpoenas, Summons, and Notices to appear. 1- for matter of importance affecting Noted Party. 2- for timely appearance on day of Hearing. 3. for Jury decision at Local common law Court of Record. 4. for instance matter remedy/resolution originated by injured party. Let all know, here is Local common law. Self-evident Truth, Local common sense and Local common consent are hereby continued-established in jurisdictions Life Love Truth Peace harmony to do no harm. Local common law Constitution is now added and attached to all inherent right instruments, documents, constitutions, free states, and republics; recorded or not.

Article 13

Local common law Flag Act

1 Whereas; a. I/we continue in Gratitude in Peace with blessings of liberty. b. Lasting Peace is our inheritance and eternal legacy. c. All Peace banners call Strong to our hearts. d. Forever Glory Starburst shines bright in our hearts forever. 2- I/we hereby Claim and Salvage and Use the following for ourselves: a. Stars and Stripes Banner c. 1777 displayed as Peace banner. b. Star Spangled Banner c. 1794 displayed as Peace banner. c. Old Glory Banner c. 1818 displayed as Peace banner. d. Forever Glory c. 2011 displayed as Peace banner. DONE as ONE with Spirit for Man in-with-for Family of Man and Local people(s) live on Local lands.

So Established, Witnessed and Continued in Witness Protection in jurisdictions Life Love Truth Peace Harmony to do no harm shown here with my live energy seal for me and I and my-self ; (I me my) ___________ I me my I hereby sign into Witness Protection in jurisdictions Life Love Truth Peace Harmony to do no harm and displace THE CROWN, THE UNITED STATES INC., and predator others from my life. Signed as ______________________________________ on day ____________________________ and for Upper Lower Case Printed as ____________________________________________________________________________ First Middle Family and for ALL CAPS PRINTED as _____________________________________________________________________________ FIRST MIDDLE/MIDDLE INITIAL LAST

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