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Complete Works Cited

Anderson, Donald R. "Eccles redux.(John Updike's Rait sa!a"." Journal of Modern

Literature #$.# (Winter #%%%"& '#(())". Expanded Academic ASAP. *homson
+ale. ,orth-estern Uni.ersit/ 0 C1C. $ 2ar. #%%(
>aile/, ?eter J. Rait (Un"Redeemed& *he Drama o5 >elie5 in John Updike@s Aiction.
2adison& Aarlei!h Dickinson Uni.ersit/ ?ress, #%%;.
>os-ell, 2arshall. John Updike@s Rait *etralo!/& 2astered 1ron/ in 2otion.
Colomia, 2B & Uni.ersit/ o5 2issouri ?ress, #%%).
>roer, Ca-rence R. Rait *ales& ?oetr/ and ?olitics in John Updike@s Rait ,o.els.
*uscaloosa& *he Uni.ersit/ o5 Alaama ?ress, )DD:.
Aleischauer, John A. EJohn Updike@s ?rose 8t/le& De5inition at the ?eripher/ o5
2eanin!.F CritiGue& 8tudies in Contemporar/ Aiction Hol. III. Citerature
Resource Center. ,orth-estern Uni.ersit/ Ci., E.anston, 1C. $ 2arch #%%(
Jeddendor5, "Rait Reread." The Southern Review ';.' (8ummer
#%%%"& ;$). Expanded Academic ASAP. *homson +ale. ,orth-estern Uni.ersit/ 0
C1C. $ 2ar. #%%(
Junter, Je55re/ W., ed. Contemporar/ Citerar/ Criticism. Hol. )'D. Deatroit& +ale +roup,
1nc., #%%).
Keener, Brian. John Updikes Human Comedy: Comic Morality in the Centaur and
the Rabbit o!els. e" #ork: $eter %an&, '(().
Cee, Jermione. E*he *roule With Jarr/.F *he ,e- Repulic Hol. #%'. Citerature
Resource Center. ,orth-estern Uni.ersit/ Ci., E.anston, 1C. $ 2arch #%%(
Cotto, 2ark. E>od/ Jeat.F ,ation #% Decemer #%%$. Citerature Resource Center.
,orth-estern Uni.ersit/ Ci., E.anston, 1C. $ 2arch #%%(
%yons, Richard. *+ Hi&h ,. -.. Minnesota Review Spring, /01/: 23)430. Rpt. in
John Updike: 5he Critical Responses to the *Rabbit. 6a&a. Jack 7e Bellis.
8estport, C5: $rae&er, '((). /49.
Matu:, Ro&er, ed. Contemporary %iterary Criticism. ;ol. <(. 7etroit: =ale
Research >nc., /00'.
eary, John. 6omethin& and othin&ness: 5he ?iction o@ John Updike A John
?o"les. Carbondale, >%: 6outhern >llinois Uni!ersity $ress, /00'.
,e-man, Judie. "Updike's !olden oldies& rait as spectacular man.(John Updike"(Rait
at Rest"(Critical Essa/"." Essays and Studies #%%< (Annual
#%%<"& )#'()D". Expanded Academic ASAP. *homson +ale. ,orth-estern
Uni.ersit/ 0 C1C. $ 2ar. #%%(
B@Connell, 2ar/. Updike and the ?atriarchal Dilemma& 2asculinit/ in the Rait
,o.els. Carondale, 1C& 8outhern 1llinois Uni.ersit/ ?ress, )DD;.
Blster, 8tace/. E@Unadorned Woman, >eaut/@s Jome 1ma!e@& Woman in Rabbit Run!F
"ew Essays on Rabbit Run. Ed. 8tanle/ *rachtener!. ,e- Kork& Carid!e
Uni.ersit/ ?ress, )DD'& D< L ))(. Rpt. in John Updike& *he Critical Responses to
the ERaitF 8a!a. Jack De >ellis. Westport, C*& ?rae!er, #%%<. )0$.
8chopen, >ernard A. EAaith, 2oralit/, and the ,o.els o5 John Updike.F *-entieth
Centur/ Citerature )D(:& <#'0<'<. Citerature Resource Center. ,orth-estern
Uni.ersit/ Ci., E.anston, 1C. $ 2arch #%%( 3http&44---.!ale!
6ha", >r"in. 5he ,i&hty #ard Run. 8elcome to the City and Bther 6tories. /

ed. e" #ork: Random House, /09'.
5rachtenber&, 6tanley. e" ,ssays on Rabbit, Run. e" #ork: Cambrid&e
Uni!ersity $ress, /002.
8inters, Kelly. *Critical ,ssays on *Rabbit, Run... o!els ?or 6tudents ;ol. /'.
%iterature Resource Center. orth"estern Uni!ersity %ib., ,!anston, >%. 9
March '((< Chttp:DD""".&ale&roup.comE.
Kerkes, James. "8a/in! the unsa/ale.(John Updike's -ork aims to dem/sti5/ "." The
#hristian #entury )#%.#< (Dec )', #%%'"& $$(#". Expanded Academic
ASAP. *homson +ale. ,orth-estern Uni.ersit/ 0 C1C. $ 2ar. #%%(

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