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Indian Institute of Technology

Kharagpur – 721302

Seminar Report
Topic : Parametric Search – what it is and how to make it practical

Submitted by :
Name : Indranil Nandy
Course : MTech,2006
Roll no : 06CS6010
e-mail :

Under the guidance of :

Prof. Arijit Bishnu
Since the late 1980s, parametric search, the optimization technique developed by
Megiddo in the late 1970s and early 1980s, has become an important tool for solving
many geometric optimization queries efficiently.
The main principle of parametric search is to compute a value λ* that optimizes
an objective function f with the use of an algorithm As that solves the corresponding
decision problem. The decision problem can be stated as follows: given a value λ, decide
whether λ < λ*, λ = λ*, or λ > λ*.
The idea is to run a “generic” version AGs on the unknown value λ*. This generic
algorithm uses the concrete versionf As to determine the outcome of the decision
problem for a set of concrete values; for one of these values λ, As will report that λ = λ*.
The technique will be explained in more detail in next section.
Usually, applying the concrete version As is expensive in terms of running time.
Megiddo shows how using a parallel version Ap of As as the generic algorithm may
reduce the number of times As is called considerably.
The technique is rather complicated, as it requires the design of an efficient
parallel algorithm. Fortunately, the generic algorithm does not necessarily have to solve
the same problem as the concrete decision; in several cases, sorting can be used instead.
However, the existing parallel sorting algorithms that have good worst-case time bounds
are not easily implemented, and in some cases the hidden constants in the asymptotic
running times are enormous.

How It Works?
Megiddo’s parametric-search technique works as follows: assume that we have a
decision problem P(λ) that is monotonous in λ, i.e., if P(λ0) is true, then P(λ) is true for
all λ < λ0. Our task is to find λ*, the maximum value of λ for which P(λ) is true. Suppose
that we have an algorithm As that solves the decision problem P, and that can determine
for any input value λ whether λ < λ*, λ = λ*, or λ > λ*. Also suppose that the flow of
control of As depends on comparisons, each of which depends on the sign of a
polynomial in λ.
 For Parametric Searching to be used it must have the following property :
 we have an algorithm As that solves the decision problem P, and
that can determine for any input value λ whether λ < λ*, λ = λ*, or λ > λ* [It may
seem strange that we do not know λ*,then how to compare any given input with λ
*…mainly the equality test? Think for the previously given example, there if we
know the equation of AB then it is possible to say for any λ whether q(λ) is on AB
(i.e. λ = λ*) or it lies on the left (i.e. λ < λ*) or on the right(λ >λ*),though we do
not know λ*!!]
 the flow of control of As depends on comparisons

Here is two slide presentations :

fig. 1

fig. 2
Megiddo’s idea is to run As generically on the unknown input λ* [see the slide
presentation fig.6 below]. However, we get to know the actual value of λ* as a by-
product of running AGs on λ*. During the generic execution of AGs we maintain an open
interval I in which λ* is known to lie; initially, I is (-∞;∞) [This interval may also be
finite, see the presentation slide fig.3 below].

fig. 3
Whenever a comparison has to be resolved, we need to determine the sign of
polynomial p at the value λ*[any comparison between two rational bounded function of t
can be reduced to the checking of the sign of a polynomial at the value t, for further
details see fig 4 & fig5 below]. This can be done without knowing the value of λ*, by
running the concrete version As on the roots of p[we can use Newton’s Approximation
technique for this; as p is a rational bounded function, total number of roots is also
bounded; so it can be found in O(1) time; see fig.7 below].

fig 4
This determines the location of λ* among the roots, i.e., it either gives us two
consecutive roots ri and ri+1 such that ri < λ* < ri+1, or we find out that one of the roots is
λ*. In the latter case we are done and we abort the execution of the generic algorithm.
Otherwise, since the sign of a polynomial doesn’t change in between two consecutive
roots, we can determine the sign of p(λ*) by evaluating the polynomial p for any value x
є (ri ,ri+1). This determines the outcome of the comparison, and, after updating I to I ∩ (ri
,ri+1), we resume the generic execution of AGs. During the execution of AGs, I gets
progressively smaller, and we either run AGs to completion, ending up with a final
interval I, or we find λ* prematurely and abort the execution of AGs [see fig. 6 & fig. 7
In many applications of parametric search λ* is one of the roots associated with
the comparisons, and AGs will never run to completion in these cases. In other cases, such
as in the “median-of-lines” example that Megiddo used to explain his technique, the
structure of the problem restricted to the final interval I is simple, and the value of λ* can
be easily computed, given I.
The Graphical Representation of the control flow of algorithm AGs is shown
below :


Running Time:
If we denote the running time of As with Ts and the number of comparisons made
by As with Cs, then the cost of running parametric search as described above is O(CsTs).
This can be improved by computing As(r) only when we really have to : P(λ) is
monotonous: if P(λ0) is true, then P(λ) is true for all λ < λ0. Symmetrically, if P(λ0) is
false, then P(λ) is false for all λ > λ0. This means that if we can somehow batch k
comparisons, we can resolve the associated roots as follows: we find the median λm of the
roots using a linear-time median-finding algorithm, and compute As(λm). This determines
the outcome of the decision problem for half of the roots, and we recursively deal with
the remaining roots. It follows that if the number of roots associated with a comparison is
bounded by a constant, we can resolve the k batched comparisons in a binary-search
fashion with only O(logk) calls to As.
To speed up the execution, Megiddo proposes to replace the generic algorithm by
a parallel algorithm Ap. If Ap uses P processors and runs in Tp parallel steps, then each
parallel step involves at most P independent comparisons. We can then compute roots of
all polynomials associated with these comparisons, and perform a binary search to locate
λ* among them using As at each binary step. If As has running time Ts, then the cost of
simulating a parallel step of Ap is P(communication cost betn the processors) +Ts log P,
for a total of PTp +TpTs log P. In most cases the second term dominates the running
time[see fig.8 & fig.9 below].

RAM Model:
There are two optimized algorithms for parametric searching named as COLE’s
optimization. One of these algorithms works under the CREW PRAM model of parallel
computation, and the constants in the running time are small. However, it does not meet
the conditions for applying Cole’s optimization. The other one works under the EREW
PRAM model; it is more complex than the first algorithm, but Cole’s optimization can be
applied to it.

Some Practical Applications:

In practical, there are many applications of parametric searching (specially in
geometrical optimization techniques), such as :
 spanning tree and scheduling problems studied by Megiddo
 the slope-selection problem
 the Fr´echet-distance problem
 the bottleneck-distance problem
 the problem of the minimum Hausdorff distance
 the “median-of-lines”-problem
 problem of finding the minimum diameter of a set of moving points

Here, we will discuss, much briefly, the solution of the “mutual visibility problem
among spheres” using parametric searching

Mutual Visibility Problem among Spheres:

Let S = {S1,…….., Sn} be a given set of n spheres in R3, all with the same radius. Let
ci denote the center of Si, for i = 1,….., n. We say that two spheres Si and Sj are mutually
visible if the line segment connecting ci with cj does not intersect any other sphere. We
say that S is completely mutually visible if every pair of spheres in S is mutually visible.
The problem studied in this section is: “Given a set P of n points in R3, we wish
to determine the largest possible common radius r such that the set of n spheres of
radius r, centered at the given points, is completely mutually visible."
This problem arises in the context of parallel computations using optical
interconnections. The spheres model the individual processors, and mutual visibility
between a pair of spheres models the ability of the two processors to communicate by an
optical link. In our problem the locations of the (centers of the) processors is
predetermined, and we want to determine how large can the processors be if every pair is
to be able to communicate optically.
In order to employ the parametric searching technique, we solve the following
fixed-size decision problem: “Given a set of n spheres with the same radius r,
determine if it is completely mutually visible".
We use the following simple scheme. For each of the spheres Si, we compute the
visibility map of all the other spheres, as viewed from its center ci. We then check that all
the centers are visible from ci. This is true for each of the n visibility maps, if and only if
the set of spheres is completely mutually visible.
The visibility maps can in general have rather high (up to quadratic)
combinatorial complexity, but we establish the following interesting property (without

Lemma : Let S be a collection of n congruent (nonintersecting) spheres in 3-space, and

let p be a point outside the spheres. If the centers of all spheres are visible from p then
the complexity of the visibility map of the spheres, as seen from p, is O(n).

The idea is now to compute the visibility map of the spheres from each center ci,
using the output-sensitive hidden surface removal algorithm. The algorithm runs in time
O((n+k) log2 n), where k is the combinatorial complexity of the visibility map. If the
algorithm runs for too long, we stop it and conclude, in view of the preceding lemma, that
not all centers are visible from ci. Otherwise the algorithm terminates and then we check
whether all centers are indeed visible. This takes, over all visible maps, a total time of
O(n2 log2 n).
In order to apply the parametric search technique, we need a parallel
implementation of the hidden surface removal algorithm. Based on the sequential
algorithm of hidden surface removal technique, we can develop a parallel algorithm
whose running time is O(log2 n) using O(n log n + k) processors. We compute visibility
maps from all centers in parallel. We allocate O(n) processors to each center. If any of the
procedures require more than the allocated processors, we stop it and conclude that all
centers are not mutually visible. If all the visibility maps have linear size, we preprocess
each of them for point location queries, and then locate the centers in each of them. This
can be done in O(log2 n) using O(n2 log n) processors.

We state the final result:

Theorem : Given a set of n points in R3, we can find the largest possible common
radius r, so that the system of spheres with radius r about the given points are
completely mutually visible, in time O(n2 log5 n).

Why Parametric Searching?

It is a powerful and ingenious tool for solving efficiently a variety of
optimization problems

Many problems of this kind, which can be easily attacked by the

technique, are either solved by more complicated and more ad-hoc techniques, or
are simply left unsolved.

Parametric-search has always been more popular with theoreticians than with
practitioners. While parametric search, when applied to the right problems, often leads to
asymptotic running times that are about an order of magnitude better than the
alternatives, it is often advised against using the technique in practice. The reason for this
negative advice is usually twofold.
Firstly, since parametric search is a complicated technique, it is believed that
implementing it must also be complicated and hard.
The second reason why parametric search is hardly ever used in practice is that it
is generally assumed that the overhead involved (i.e., the hidden constants in the O
notation) are too large to be of practical use.

[1] P. K. Agarwal and M. Sharir. Efficient algorithms for geometric optimization.
ACM Comput. Surv.,30:412–458, 1998.
[2] M. Ajtai, J. Koml´os, and E. Szemer´edi. Sorting in clogn parallel steps.
Combinatorica, 3:1–19, 1983.
[3] R. Cole. Parallel merge sort. SIAM J. Comput., 17(4):770–785, 1988.
[4] N. Megiddo. Applying parallel computation algorithms in the design of serial
algorithms. J. ACM, 30(4):852–865, 1983.
[5] P.K. Agarwal, M. Sharir and S. Toledo, Applications of parametric searching
in geometric optimization, manuscript, 1991.
[6] M.J. Katz, M.H. Overmars and M. Sharir, Efficient hidden surface removal for
objects with small union size, Proc. 7th ACM Symp. on Computational Geometry, 1991,

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