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UNIT I 2 Marks 1. What are the essential ingredients of a symmetric cipher? 2.

What are the two basic functions used in encryption algorithms? 3. Ho w many keys are required for two people to co mmunicate v ia a cipher? 4. What is the difference between a b lock cipher and a stream cipher? 5. What are the two approaches to attacking a cipher? 6. What is the difference between an unconditionally secure cipher and a Co mputationally secure cipher? 7. Briefly define the Caesar cipher. 8. Briefly define the monoalphabetic cipher? 9. Briefly define the playfair cipher. 10. What are the two problems with one-time pad? 11. What is a transposition cipher? 12. What is Steganography? 13. Why is it important to study feistel cipher? 14. Why is it not practical to use an arbitrary reversible substitution cipher? 15. What is the difference between diffusion and confusion? 16. Which parameters and design choices determine the actual algorith m of a feistel cipher? 17. What is the purpose of the S-boxes in DES? 18. Exp lain the avalanche effect. 19. What is the difference between a mono alphabetic cipher and a poly alphabetic cipher? 20. List the types of cryptanalytic attacks. 21. When an encryption algorith m is said to be computationally secured? 22. What are the key p rinciples of security? 16 Marks 1. Exp lain the OSI Architecture. 2. Exp lain Classical Encryption Techniques. 3. What are the criteria used while designing the DES algorith m? 4. In A ES, how the encryption key is expanded to produce keys for the 10 rounds. 5. Describe the block modes of operations of DES with their advantages. 6. Exp lain the types of attacks on double DES and trip le DES. 7. Decrypt the Hill cipher LVWA DSOW VCIY where the cipher text VC and YH correspond to the plaintext en and th respectively. 8. Exp lain in detail the transformat ions take place in A ES encryption procedure. 9. Discuss in detail encryption and decryption process of AES. 10. Briefly exp lain design principles of b lock cipher. UNIT - II 1. What is the difference between differential and linear cryptanalysis? 2. Define product cipher. 3. What was the original set of criteria used by NIST to evaluate candidate AES cipher? 4. What was the final set of criteria used by NIST to evaluate candidate AES ciphers? 5. What is power analysis? 6. What is the purpose of the State array? 7. How is the S-bo x constructed? 8. Briefly describe Sub Bytes. 9. Briefly describe Shift Ro ws. 10. How many bytes in State are affected by Shift Ro ws? 11. Briefly describe Mix Co lu mns. 12. Briefly describe Add Round Key.

13. Briefly describe the Key Expansion Algorithm. 14. What is the difference between Sub Bytes and Sub Word? 15. What is the difference between Shift Ro ws and Rot Word? 16. Why do some block cipher modes of operation only use encry ption while others use both encryption and decryption? 17. What is trip le encryption? 18. What is a meet-in-the-middle attack? 19. How many keys are used in triple encryption? 20. What is the key size for Blo wfish? 16 Marks 1. How is discrete logarith m evaluated for a nu mber . What is the role of discrete logarithms in the diffie hellman key exchange in exchanging the secret key among two users. 2. Identify the possible threats for RSA algorith m and list their counter measures. 3. State the requirements for the design of an elliptic curve crypto system. Using that , exp lain how secret keys are exchanged and messages are encrypted. 4. Write the detailed description of RSA algorithm. 5. State the requirements for the design of an Elliptic Curve Crypto system. Using that, exp lain how secret keys are exchanged and messaged are encrypted. 6. Describe any two applications of public key cryptosystem. 7. Exp lain briefly about Diffie-Hellman key exchange. 8. Exp lain about the various Key management techniques. UNIT III 1. What primit ive operations are used in Blo wfish? 2. What common mathematical constants are used in RC5? 3. What primitive operations are used in RC5? 4. List important design considerations for a stream cipher. 5. Why is it not desirable to reuse a stream cipher key? 6. What primitive operation is used in RC4? 7. For a user workstations in a typical business environment, list potential locations for confidentiality attacks. 8. What is the difference between lin k and end-to-end encryption? 9. What types of information might be derived fro m a t raffic analysis attack? 10. What is traffic padding and what is its purpose? 11. List ways in which secret keys can be distributed to two communicating parties. 12. What is the difference between a session key and a master key? 13. What is nonce? 14. What is key d istribution center? 15. What is the difference between statistical randomness and unpredictability? 16. What is the difference between Rijndael and A ES? 17. Why is the middle portion of 3DES a decryption rather than an encryption? 18. What is the difference between the AES decryption algorith m and the equivalent inverse cipher? 16 Marks 1. What is the use of authentication protocols? 2. Exp lain Authentication Functions. 3. Exp lain Digital Signature Standard. 4. Expalin briefly about MD5 message digest algorithm. 5. Describe dig ital signature algorith m and show how signing and verificat ion is done using DSS. 6. Consider any message M of length 4120 b its ending with ABCDEF in hexadecimal fo rm. Construct the last block of message to be given as input for the MD5. 7. Describe the MD5 message digest algorithm with necessary block diagram. 8. Exp lain the processing of a message block of 512 b its using SHA1. 9. Write about the symmetric encryption approach for dig ital signatures. 10. Exp lain how b irthday attack is done. 11. Exp lain briefly about RIPEM D. 12. Describe RIPEMD-160. UNIT IV 1. Differentiate public key encryption and conventional encryption. 2. Specify the application of public key cryptography.

3. Determine the gcd(24140,16762) using Euclids algorithm. 4.Perform encryption and decryption using RSA alg. For the fo llo wing. P=7; q=11; e=17; M=8. 5. User A & B exchange the key using Diffie Hellman alg. Assume =5 q =11 XA=2 XB=3. Find YA, YB, K. 6.What is message authentication? 7. Define the classes of message authentication function. 8. What you meant by MAC? 9. Specify the techniques for distribution of public key. 10. Specify the requirements for message authentication. 11. Differentiate internal and external error control. 12. What you meant by hash function? 13. Differentiate MAC and Hash function? 14. Define Kerberos. 15. In the content of Kerberos, what is realm? 17. Assume the client C wants to communicate server S us ing Kerberos procedure. How can it be achieved? 18. Any three hash algorithm. 19. Specify the four categories of security threats 20. Differentiate symmet ric and Asymmetric Encryption 16 Marks 1. Why does PGP maintain key rings with every users. Exp lain how the messages are generated and received by pgp. 2. Describe how PGP provides confidentiality and authentication service for e-mail applications. 3. Exp lain briefly about web security 4. What are the functions included in MIM E in order to enhance security how are they done. 5. Exp lain about Kerberos 6. Describe the authentication dialogue used by Kerberos for obtaining services from another realm. 7. Exp lain with the help of an examp le how a users certificate is obtained fro m another certificat ion a uthority in x509 scheme. 8. Describe the authentication dialogue used by Kerberos for obtaining required services. 9. Exp lain the format of the X.509 cert ificate. 10. How can it be achieved? Assume the client C wants to communicate server S using Kerberos procedure. UNIT V 1. What are the services provided by PGP services 2. Exp lain the reasons for using PGP? 3. Why E-mail co mpatib ility function in PGP needed? 4. Name any cryptographic keys used in PGP? 5. Define key Identifier? 6. List the limitat ions of SMTP/RFC 822? 7. Define S/MIM E? 8. What are the elements of MIME? 9. What are the headers fields define in MM E? 10. What is MIM E content type &explain? 11. What are the key algorithms used in S/MIM E? 12. Give the steps for preparing envelope data MIME? 13. What you mean by versioned certificate? 14. What are the function areas of IP security? 15. Give the application of IP security? 16. Give the benefits of IP security? 17. What are the protocols used to provide IP security? 18. Specify the IP security services? 19. What do you mean by Security Association? Specify the parameters that identifies the Security Association? 20. What do you mean by Rep ly Attack? 21. Exp lain man in the middle attack? 22. Steps involved in SSL required p rotocol? 23. What is mean by SET? What are the features of SET? 24. What are the steps involved in SET Transaction? 25. What is dual signature? What it is purpose? 26. List the 3 classes of intruder? 27. Define virus. Specify the types of viruses? 28. What is applicat ion level gateway? 29. List the design goals of firewalls?

16 Marks 1. Exp lain any tow approached for intrusion detection. 2. Suggest any three password selection strategies and identify their advantages and disadvantages if any. 3. Identify a few malicious programs that need a host program for their existence. 4. Describe the familiar types of firewall configurat ions. 5. Write about Distributed IDS and Honeypots in detail. 6. Write about password protection and vulnerability of passwords in detail. 7. Exp lain about software threats in detail. 8. Write about viruses in detail. 9. Exp lain about antivirus approaches. 10. Exp lain about password selection strategies. 11. Write about generation of antivirus software. 12. Describe about advanced antivirus techniques. 13. Write about firewall characteristics and control access and security policy in detail. 14. Write about scope and limitat ions of firewall. 15. Write about bastion in detail.

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