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BCC IEP Staff Newsletter

Semester 1, Week 8
Events for Week 8
Student Health Check for Primary and Secondary Students

July 2nd July 6th, 2012

Good Teaching: The Top Ten Requirements Number 4 from an article that appeared in The Teaching Professor.

Requirement #4 Good teaching is about not always having a fixed agenda and being rigid, but being flexible, fluid, experimenting, and having the confidence to react and adjust to changing circumstances. It's about getting only 10 percent of what you wanted to do in a class completed and still feeling good. It's about deviating from the course syllabus or lecture schedule easily when there is more and better learning elsewhere. Good teaching is about the creative balance between being an authoritarian dictator on the one hand and a pushover on the other. Can You Pass The IEP Quiz? Q: What should you do if one of your students has been absent for more than two lessons? (a) Feel happy because you have less marking to do. (b) Ignore it! Its not your problem. (c) Complain about it to the rest of the class. (d) Fill out an extended absence form and keep a record of what work/assignments the student has missed. Ajarn Montiras Messages Dear IEP Staff, How was your weekend? I hope everyone had a great time. On Sunday, July 1st, 2012, I went to the National Stadium to attend the ceremony for Boy Scout Day and stayed there all day long. It was amazing! There were Boy Scout representatives from all parts of Thailand at the stadium. Afterwards, we were very tired. The School Board has allowed M.1-5 students to have a break today (2/07/2012). Unfortunately, all teachers will have to work according to the regular schedule today. This week P.1-6 teachers may enter the grades for the 1st quarter. We will have Student Health Check Activities for both Primary and Secondary Students. (Please see the week 7 Newsletter). Thank you, Montira

IEP Computer System for Inputting Grades There are new passwords for inputting our grades into the computer system. When your coordinator has told you it is time to enter your grades into the computer system you will need the following information to get logged in and started. Username LS1 RONALD.D PIERRE.V MELISSA.P GARETH.O ANNE.B PAUL.G WILLIAM.V ZACHARY.S ALEX.R ETIENNE.M MICHAEL.M KENNON.C TOM.B LS2 JONATHAN.P PAUL.C SAM.B MATTHEW.S GRAEME.H ASHLEY.F CRAIG.N JESSE.G ASHLEY.C ANDY.M DARRIN.C LS3 DAVID.C DARRYL.S CHRISTOP.K ERIC.J STEPHEN.C TIM.R RYAN.M CHAD.D LS4 JAY.J LUCAS.F JOHN.F STEVEN.B GRENVILL.D ALEXANDE.P Password iep02 iep01 iep03 iep04 iep05 iep06 iep07 iep08 iep17 iep16 iep15 iep18 iep10 iep13 iep09 iep11 iep12 iep14 iep19 iep20 iep21 iep22 iep23 iep24 iep32 iep26 iep27 iep28 iep34 iep31 iep33 iep30 iep39 iep37 iep38 iep40 iep41 iep42

Teaching Tip - Top Ten Things I Wish I Had Known When I Started Teaching General tips to inform the new teacher and refresh the veteran teacher. 10. Not every student will be interested every minute. No matter how much experience you have, you will encounter times in the classroom when no student is interested! The solution is to change your tone of voice, move around the room, or switch from lecturing to some other activity. 9. If a lesson is going badly, stop. Even if you have planned a lesson and have a clear goal in mind, if your approach is not working - for whatever reason stop! Regroup and start over with a different approach. Be honest with yourself as you examine what went wrong and make plans for the next day. 8. Teaching will get easier. Maybe not tomorrow or even next week, but at some point in the year, your job will get easier! Try to remember your first day in the classroom. Were you nervous? Of course; all of us were. See how much better you are as a teacher already? By next year, who knows? 7. You do not have to volunteer for everything. Do not feel that you always have to say yes each time you are asked to participate. Know your limits. 6. Not every student or parent will love you. And you will not love every one of them, either! Students do not need a friend who is your age; they need a facilitator, a guide, a role model for learning. 5. You cannot be creative every lesson. In your career, you will be creative, but you can also turn to other resources for help. Textbooks, teaching guides, and colleagues can support you in generating welldeveloped lessons for use in the classroom. 4. Keep it simple. Sometimes the simple things work the best. Dont over think things all the time. 3. Some days you will cry, but the good news is, some days you will laugh! Learn to laugh with your students and at yourself! 2. You will make mistakes. You cannot undo your mistakes, but berating yourself for them is not going to help. If the mistake requires an apology, make it and move on. No one is keeping score. 1. This is the best job on earth! Stand up straight! Hold your head high! Look people in the eye and proudly announce, I am a teacher!

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