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Software Requirements Specification

Version 1.0

Group Id: <Mention your group id> Supervisor Name :CH.MUNAWWAR HUSSAIN

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Introduction of the project

Write student(s) id

Table of Contents
1. Scope (of the project) 2. Functional Requirements Non Functional requirements 3. Use Case Diagram 4. Usage Scenarios

SRS Document

Scope of Project:
The System is divided in to three phases. Phase I Phase I includes following business areas: First phase involves add books, delete books, update books, and search books by the librarian and search books for the student. Phase II

Phase II involves complete automation of UE library in which Librarian can also see when the book is due to return, find fine for the late submission of rented book, sort books category wise, see new arrival of books. System will provide the facility to calculate fine, in case of loss of book price along with fine can find. Student will also be able to reserve book, pay fine online. Phase III Phase III covers a complete solution for system. Phase III includes remaining areas which are not developed in previous phases. Some phases may excluded

Functional and non Functional Requirements:

<Write here in detail about the functional and non-functional requirements of your system in separate headings> FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS Administrator login
In login screen, the authorized administrator will login to the system using username and password. The authorized administrator has the following functions: An authorized user can register the member. The process happens physically; where member fills in the register form manually and this would be keyed in to system by administrator to create membership. System provides Inbox to the admin users to view all the requests. The process defined below An Active member makes a request to the Admin. The request will be in pending Admin can view all pending request and he/she can approve or reject the request. If the request is approved then notification will be sent to the requester and status will be marked to Borrow with end date. Administrator can check the status of all the books whether the book has been issued/reserved. He can check all the details of the book.

Search facility is provided to administrator, he can Search for all the books based on the title, subject, author, publisher. Administrator can add new books to the library based on the requests made by the users for the same with all the details of the new book. Administrator can remove any book from the library.

User Login
In login screen, the authorized users will login to the system using username and password. Users of the system include four categories o o o o Student (Transaction and view) Faculty (Transaction and view) Author (view) Publisher (view)

Users of the system have the following function. System provides search engine to make user an easy task to search books. Query parameters are specified below o o o o Book name Subject Author Publisher

User can view the list book details. The fields are mentioned below o o o o o o o Book Id Book Name Author Status (Reserved / Borrowed / Cancelled/ Available) Due date Reservation date Borrowed User (In case if the status is Borrowed)

User can make a request to reserve the book. The request will be posted to administrator for approval. System provides interface to the user to post request for the non-availability of the book. Admin will view the request through his inbox and he/she can reject or accept the request. User can reserve book in case the book is borrowed by other members. User should able to cancel the reservation System sends a notification after registering the book. The notification will be sent through Email. In case of the due date, system keeps track and sends reminder at regular interval of time. A static value of 4 days will be set in system.

Book Status
To maintain status of the book, the system as predefined status to maintain the life cycle of the book. The status and the behavior is explained below pending The book status will be in Pending, once the member makes are quest for the Book. Approved The current status will be maintained once the Admin approves the member Request. Rejected / Canceled The current status will be maintained in case Admin rejects the requested book Borrowed The current status will be maintained, in case, if book is borrowed from other Member.Administrator should change the status to Borrowed from Approved status after member collects the book. available If the book is not occupied by any member then the status of the book will be in available status, so that member can reserve the book. Not Available If the book stock is not available then the status of the book will beNon available.

Search Engine

Books can be searched based on the name, subject, status, author and publisher. A book listing is given with all the required columns along with details of the transaction made on that particular book for both user and administrator.

Availability 24*7 availability is provided. Security All the information in the library database and the transaction is secured, Authentication is provided to all the users, only authenticated users can use the system. Performance All the components are simple with all the features and services, thus there is no complication and complexity in the design which enhances the performance.

Use Case Diagram(s):

LibraryA utomation S stem y New Package

search book student

add book

delete book librarian

update book


use case diagram

LAS system usecase diagram

s tudent

search book


author publis her

Add and delete user librarian change password

add book

update book delete book login


search book


author publisher ISBN number


edit book


change password add book add user delete book

Usage Scenarios: Pre Conditions: 1. System is Up and Running 2. Authorized Person is Logged In Primary Scenario:
student can search book which is placed in data base of the UE library by clicking any of the following items: ISBN number, Book title, publisher name, author name. Librarian along with the above mentioned scenario can also add, delete, edit books and add/delete users.

Post Conditions: 1. Book is searched by the system. 2. Book is added/deleted/updated and user is created/deleted by the system. 3. Confirmation Displayed Description
This document details the search book Use Case, which describes the process whereby students/librarian can search books. Use Case Name: search book<<UC-001>>

Student Ali wants to search book of his interest in the UE library. Ali logs on to the Library Automation System of the UE and then opens a Search Book" Screen. He selects any from the Title, ISBN, author, publisher in the drop down list and then against any one of them enters the search item. For an example Ali wants to search his required book in the library say Learn PHP by Dr. Ahmad. Now he can search this book by first selecting either the title of the book Learn PHP or author name Dr. AhmadSystem will show message either book is available or not available by checking the database. Mr Ali completes with the search book Use Case Use case name: librarian adds book. ID number : Short description: This describes how the librarian can add a new book to books list. Trigger: librarian. Type:

External Temporal Use case name: student makes library card. Short description: this describes how person makes library card. Trigger: borrower asks to make library card to borrow a book. Type: External Use case name: Librarian deletes book. Short description: This describes how the librarian can delete a book from books list. Trigger: librarian. Type: External

Use case name:

Return a book and renew of borrowing a book. Short description: This describes what happen in returning book process And how borrower makes renew of borrowing book. Trigger: borrower return borrowed books and he can renew the borrowing of the book if he wants it again. Type: External Use case name: borrower borrows a book. Short description: This describes how borrower borrows a book. Trigger: borrower asks to borrow a book. Type: External Use case name: Librarian search in library

Short description:

These use case describes how the search operation perform in library and how the librarian help the library members (student, member of stuff) or visitor to find what he want. Trigger: Librarian check about the book (available, found not available, not found) and inform the visitor about the results. Type: External Use case name: inventory operation Short description: This use case describes the inventory operation in library by the librarian and shows the final reports from this operation. Trigger: Librarian performs inventory operation to make reports about all anything in library. Type: External

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