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Prepared By P.UMAMAHESWARI Lecturer / CSE


CS 2208


List of Experiments

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Implementation of singly and doubly linked lists. Polynomial addition using linked list. Conversion of infix to postfix expression using stack. Implementation of Double ended queue. Implementation of expression tree Implementation of binary search tree. Implement insertion in AVL trees. Implement priority queue using binary heaps. Implementation of Hashing with open addressing. Implement Prim's algorithm using priority queues to find MST of an undirected graph.

Ex.No :- 1a Aim


To implement the singly linked list using C- program Algorithm 1. Create a list of elements one linked to the other using the create function 2. To insert any new element to the list, we have to get the position where to insert it and do the insertion using insert function. 3. After creating the list, if we have to delete any element we can do it, by getting the position to be deleted 4. Display the contents using display function 5. Exit the program Program /*Singly Linked List*/ #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> typedef int list; struct node { list data; struct node *link; } *p; list n,c; void append(); void del(); void disp(); void insert(); void main() { list choice; clrscr(); do { clrscr(); printf("\n1.Addnode\n 2.Deletenode\n 3.Insertnode\n 4.Display\n 5.Exit"); printf("\nEnter the choice:-"); scanf("%d",&choice); switch(choice) { case 1: append(); break; case 2: del();

break; case 3: insert(); break; case 4: disp(); break; case 5: exit(0); } } while(choice<5); getch(); } void append() { struct node *q,*t; printf("\n Enter the Data to add"); scanf("\n %d",&n); if(p==0) { p=(struct node*) malloc(sizeof(struct node)); p->data=n; p->link=0; } else { q=p; while(q->link!=0) q=q->link; t=(struct node*) malloc(sizeof(struct node)); t->data=n; t->link=0; q->link=t; } getch(); } void del() { struct node *q,*r; q=p; printf("\n Enter the Data to be Deleted"); scanf("\n %d",&n); if(q->data==n) { p=q->link;

free(q); return; } while(q!=0) { if(q->data==n) { r->link=q->link; return; } r=q; q=q->link; } printf("\nELEMENT NOT FOUND"); getch(); } void insert() { struct node *q,*t,*r; list i; printf("\n Enter the position to be Inserted:"); scanf("\n %d",&c); printf("\n Enter the Data:"); scanf("\n %d",&n); for(i=0,q=p;i<c;i++) { q=q->link; if(q==0) printf("\n There are less then %d elements",q); } r=p; while(r->link!=q) r=r->link; t=(struct node*) malloc(sizeof(struct node)); t->data=n; t->link=r->link; r->link=t; getch(); } void disp() { struct node *q; for(q=p;q!=0;q=q->link) printf("\n %d",q->data); getch(); }

OUTPUT 1.Addnode 2.Deletenode 3.Insertnode 4.Display 5.Exit ADDNODE Enter the choice:-1 Enter the Data to add:10 Enter the choice:-1 Enter the Data to add:20 Enter the choice:-1 Enter the Data to add:30 INSERTNODE Enter the choice:-3 Enter the position to be Inserted:1 Enter the Data: 100 DISPLAY Enter the choice:-4 10 100 20 30 DELETENODE Enter the choice:-2 Enter the data to be Deleted:20 10 100 30

Result Thus the C- Program to implement singly linked list was written and verified.

Ex.No:- 1b Aim


To implement the Doubly Linked list using C- program Algorithm 1. Create a class double list with data members and member functions 2. Create the doubly linked list using create function for this create a node with data And point the next pointer to null and prev pointer to the previous node. 3. Insertion is done by getting the position and point the previous node next to the New node and the new nodes next to the next node in the list 4. To delete a node, get the position and point the previous nodes next to the node After the position to be deleted and nodes previous to the previous node of that Position 5. Search a element by moving through the nodes and report the position 6. Using display() function, display the elements of the list. Program #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<malloc.h> struct node { int data; struct node *llink,*rlink; }*temp,*next,*prev; typedef struct node node; struct node *start=NULL,*end; void main() { void insert(); void del(); void display(); void create(); int ch; clrscr(); create(); do { printf("\t\t\nMENU\n"); printf("\n1.INSERT\n"); printf("2.DELETE\n"); printf("3.DISPLAY\n");

printf("4.EXIT\n"); printf("ENTER UR CHOICE:"); scanf("%d",&ch); switch(ch) { case 1: insert(); break; case 2: del(); break; case 3: display(); break; case 4: exit(); } }while(ch<=4); getch(); } void create() { int data; temp=(node *)malloc(sizeof(node)); temp->llink=NULL; temp->rlink=NULL; printf("\nENTER THE ELEMENT:"); scanf("%d",&data); temp->data=data; start=temp; } void insert() { int p,data,i; temp=(node *)malloc(sizeof(node)); printf("\nENTER THE POSITION TO BE INSERTED:"); scanf("%d",&p); printf("\nENTER THE ELEMENT:"); scanf("%d",&data); temp->data=data; if(p==1) { temp->llink=NULL; temp->rlink=start; start->llink=temp; start=temp; } else

{ i=1; next=start; while(i<p-1) { next=next->rlink; i++; } temp->llink=next; temp->rlink=next->rlink; next->rlink->llink=temp; next->rlink=temp; } printf("\n\nNODE INSERTED SUCCESSFULLY"); } void del() { int p,i; printf("\nENTER THE POSITION TO BE DELETED:"); scanf("%d",&p); if(p==1) { temp=start; start=temp->rlink; start->llink=NULL; } else { i=1; next=start; while(i<p-1) { next=next->rlink; i++; } temp=next->rlink; next->rlink=temp->rlink; prev=next->rlink; prev->llink=next; } free(temp); printf("\n\nNODE REMOVED SUCCESSFULLY"); } void display() { temp=start; printf("\nTHE ELEMENTS IN THE DOUBLY LINKED LIST ARE:"); if(temp==NULL)





Result Thus the C program for doubly linked list was written and executed successfully.

Ex.No:- 2 Aim


To Represent a polynomial as a linked list and to write functions for polynomial addition. Algorithm 1. First of all create two linked polynomials 2. For addition of two polynomials if exponents of both the polynomials are same then we add the coefs. 3. For the result we create the third linked list 4. Print the resultant polynomial Program #include <stdio.h> #include<conio.h> struct polynode { float coeff; int exp; struct polynode *next; }; void create_poly(struct polynode**,float,int); void display(struct polynode*); void add_poly(struct polynode*,struct polynode*,struct polynode**); void main() { struct polynode *first,*second,*total; int i=0; first=second=total=NULL; create_poly(&first,1.4,5); create_poly(&first,1.5,4); create_poly(&first,1.7,2); create_poly(&first,1.8,1); create_poly(&first,1.9,0); clrscr(); display(first); create_poly(&second,1.5,6); create_poly(&second,2.5,5); create_poly(&second,2.6,4); create_poly(&second,4.5,3); create_poly(&second,6.5,1); printf("\n\n"); display(second); /* draws a dashed horizontal line */

printf("\n"); while(i++<79) printf("-"); printf("\n\n"); add_poly(first,second,&total); display(total); } /* adds a term to a polynomial */ void create_poly(struct polynode **q,float x,int y) { struct polynode *temp; temp=*q; /* creates a new node if the list is empty */ if(*q==NULL) { *q=malloc(sizeof(struct polynode)); temp=*q; } else { /* traverse the entire linked list */ while(temp->next!=NULL) temp=temp->next; /* creates new nodes at intermediate stages */ temp->next=malloc(sizeof(struct polynode)); temp=temp->next; } /* assign coefficient and expoent*/ temp->coeff=x; temp->exp=y; temp->next=NULL; } /* displays the contents of liked list representing a polynomial */ void display(struct polynode *q) { /* traverse till the end of the linked list*/ while(q!=NULL) { printf("%.1f x^%d , ",q->coeff,q->exp); q=q->next; } printf("\b\b\b"); } /* adds two polynomials */ void add_poly(struct polynode *x,struct polynode *y,struct polynode **s)

{ struct polynode *z; /* if boh linked lists are empty */ if(x==NULL && y==NULL) return; /* traverse till one of the list ends */ while(x!=NULL && y!=NULL) { /* create a new node if the list is empty */ if(*s==NULL) { *s=malloc(sizeof(struct polynode)); z=*s; } /* sreate new nodes at intermediate stages */ else { z->next=malloc(sizeof(struct polynode)); z=z->next; } /* store a term of the larger degree polynomial */ if(x->exp < y->exp) { z->coeff=y->coeff; z->exp=y->exp; y=y->next; } else { if(x->exp>y->exp) { z->coeff =x->coeff; z->exp=x->exp; x=x->next; } else { if(x->exp==y->exp) { /* assigning the added coefficient */ z->coeff=x->coeff+y->coeff; z->exp=x->exp; x=x->next; y=y->next; }

} } } /* assign remaning terms of the first polynomial to the result */ while(x!=NULL) { if(*s==NULL) { *s=malloc(sizeof(struct polynode)); z=*s; } else { z->next=malloc(sizeof(struct polynode)); z=z->next; } /* assign coefficient and exponen */ z->coeff=x->coeff; z->exp=x->exp; x=x->next; } /* assign remaining terms of the second polynomial to the result */ while(y!=NULL) { if(*s==NULL) { *s=malloc(sizeof(struct polynode)); z=*s; } else { z->next=malloc(sizeof(struct polynode)); z=z->next; } /* assign coeff and exp */ z->coeff=y->coeff; z->exp=y->exp; y=y->next; } z->next=NULL; }

Output 1.4 x^5 1.5x^6 1.5x^4 2.5x^5 1.7x^2 2.6x^4 1.8x^1 4.5x^3 1.9x^0 6.5x^1

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------1.5x^6 3.9x^5 4.1x^4 4.5x^3 1.7x^2 .3x^1 .9x^0

Result: Thus the c program to represent a polynomial as a linked list and write functions for polynomial addition was written and executed successfully.

EX.NO:- 3 Aim


To write a C program to implement stack and use it to convert infix to postfix expression Algorithm 1: Start the program. 2: Declare the structure with required numbers. 3: Initialize the stack. 4: Read the value from the user. 5: While (post Exp! = NULL). 6: C= get the character from post Exp. 7: If(C=operand) then read the value of C. 8: End of step 8 while structure. 9: Pop the data from the stack and return the pop data. 10: Stop the program. Program #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<ctype.h> struct { int stack[20]; int top; }s; void push(int); int pop(); int evalpost(char[]); int calc(int,int,char); void print_error(); void main() { char poststr[20];; clrscr(); printf("\n\tEnter the postfix expression"); scanf("\n\t%s",poststr); printf("\n\t The evluated value of %s is %d",poststr,evalpost(poststr)); getch(); } void push(int value) {; s.stack[]=value; }

int pop() { int popped; if( return -1; popped=s.stack[]; s.stack[]=NULL;; return popped; } int calc(int a,int b,char expr) { switch(expr) { case '+':return a+b; case '-':return b-a; case '*':return a*b; case '/':return a/b; } } int value(char c) { int val; printf("\n\t Enter the value of %c",c); scanf("\n\t %d",&val); return val; } int evalpost(char postexp[]) { int i=0,op1,op2,ans; char c; c=postexp[i]; while(c!='\0') { if(c==' ') continue; if((tolower(c)>='a')&&(tolower(c)<='z')) push(value(c)); else if((c=='+')||(c=='-')||(c=='*')||(c=='/')) { op1=pop(); op2=pop(); if((op1==-1)||(op2==-1)) print_error(); push(calc(op1,op2,c)); } i++; c=postexp[i]; }

ans=pop(); if(ans==-1) print_error(); return ans; } void print_error() { printf("\n\tThe given postfix expression is wrong"); getch(); exit(0); } Output Enter the postfix expression ab+cd-* Enter the value of a 10 Enter the value of b 20 Enter the value of c 30 Enter the value of d 40 The evluated value of ab+cd-* is -300

Result Thus the implementation of Postfix Expression is done and the program is executed.

Ex.NO:4 Aim


To Implement a Double ended queue where insertion and deletion operations are possible At both ends. Algorithm 1: Start the program. 2: Check whether queue is full or not. 3: Insert the element. 4: Check whether the element is empty or not. 5: Delete the element from queue. 6: Print the main menu(). 7: Enter the menu choice. 8: Check for the condition. 9: Stop the program. Program #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #define MAX 50 int deque_arr[MAX]; int left=-1; int right=-1; void insert_right() { int added_item; if((left==0&&right==MAX-1)||(left==right+1)) { printf(\n queue is empty); getch(); return; } if(left==-1 { left=0; right=0; } else if(right==MAX-1) right=0; else right=right+1; printf(\n Enter the element for adding in dqueue:);

scanf(%d, &added_item); deque_arr[right]=added_item; } void insert_left() { int added_item; if((left==0&&right==MAX-1)||(left==right+1)) { printf(\nqueue is over flow); getch(); return; } if(left==-1) { left=0; right=0; } else if(left==0) left=MAX-1; else left=left-1; printf(\n Enter the element for adding in dqueue:); scanf(%e,&added_item); deque_arr[left]=added_item; } void delete_left() { if(left==-1) { printf(\n queue under flow); return; } printf(\n Element deleted from queue is: %d\n,deque_arr[left]); if(left==right) { left=-1; right=-1; } else if(left==MAX-1) left=0; else left=left=1; } void delete_right() { if(left==-1) { printf(\n queue under flow); return;

} printf(\n Element deleted from queue is:%d\n,deque_arr[right]); if(left==right) { left=-1; right=-1; } else if(right==0) right=MAX-1; else right=right-1; } void display_queue() { int front_pos=left,rear_pos=right; if(left==-1) { printf(\n queue is empty); return; } printf(\n Queue Elements:\n); if(front_pos<=rear_pos) { while(front_pos<=rear_pos) { printf(%d\n,deque_arr[front_pos]); front_pos++; } } else while(front_pos<=MAX-1) { printf(%d\n,deque_arr[front_pos]0; front_pos++; } front_pos=0; printf("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n); } void input_que() { int ch; while(1) { clrscr(); printf("\n 1. Insert at right\n"); printf("\n 2. Delete from left\n"); printf("\n 3. Delete from right\n"); printf("\n 4. Display"); printf("\n 5. Quit"); printf("\n Enter your choice:"); scanf("%d",&ch);

switch(ch) { case 1: insert_right(); break; case 2: delete_left(); getch(); break; case 3: delete_right(); break; case 4: display_queue(); getch(); break; case 5: exit(0); default: printf("wrong choice"); } }} void output_que() { int ch; while(1) { clrscr(); printf("\n 1. Insert at right\n"); printf("\n 2. Insert at left\n"); printf("\n 3. Delete from left\n"); printf("\n 4. Display"); printf("\n 5. Quit"); printf("\n Enter your choice:"); scanf("%d",&ch); switch(ch) { case 1: insert_right(); break; case 2: insert_left(); break; case 3: delete_left(); getch(); break; case 4: display_queue(); getch(); break;

case 5: exit(0); default: printf("wrong choice"); } }} void main() { int choice; clrscr(); printf("\n 1. Input restricted dequeue \n"); printf("\n 2. Output restricted dequeue\n"); printf("\n 3. Enter your choice:"); scanf("%d",&choice); switch(choice) { case 1: input_que(); break; case 2: ouput_que(); break; default: printf("Wrong choice"); } } Output 1. Input restricted deque 2. Output restricted deque Enter your choice:1 1. Insert at right 2. Delete from left 3. Delete from left 4. Display 5. Quit Enter your choice:1 Enter the element for adding in dqueue:3 Enter your choice:1 Enter the element for adding in dqueue:5 Enter your choice:1 Enter the element for adding in dqueue:2 Enter your choice:1 Enter the element for adding in dqueue:8

Enter your choice:4 Queue Elements: 3 5 2 8 Enter your choice:2 Element deleted from queue is:3 Enter your choice:3 Element deleted from queue is:8 Enter your choice:4 Queue Elements: 5 2 Enter your choice:5

Result Thus the implementation of Double ended -Queue is done and the program is executed.

Ex.NO :- 5 Aim


To write a C program to implement expression tree. Algorithm 1: Start the program. 2: Declare the node. 3: Using get node operation, enter new elements. 4: Using insert operation, insert the element. 5: Using in order, preorder, post order traverse tree. 6: Using left and right operation, place the elements. 7: End the program. Program #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<alloc.h> struct btreenode { struct btreenode *leftchild; int data; struct btreenode *rightchild; }; void main() { struct btreenode *bt; int req,i=1,num; bt=NULL; clrscr(); printf("\n\tSpecify the number of data items to be inserted"); scanf("%d",&req); while(i++<=req) { printf("\n\tEnter the data");

scanf("%d",&num); insert(&bt,num); } clrscr(); printf("\nInorder traversal"); inorder(bt); printf("\npreorder traversal"); preorder(bt); printf("\npostorder traversal"); postorder(bt); } insert(struct btreenode **sr,int num) { if(*sr==NULL) { *sr=malloc(sizeof(struct btreenode)); (*sr)->leftchild=NULL; (*sr)->data=num; (*sr)->rightchild=NULL; return; } else { if(num<(*sr)->data) insert(&((*sr)->leftchild),num); else insert(&((*sr)->rightchild),num); } return; } inorder(struct btreenode *sr) { if(sr!=NULL) { inorder(sr->leftchild); printf("\t\t%d",sr->data); inorder(sr->rightchild); } else return; } preorder(struct btreenode *sr) { if(sr!=NULL) { printf("\t%d",sr->data); preorder(sr->leftchild); preorder(sr->rightchild); }

else return; }

postorder(struct btreenode *sr) { if(sr!=NULL) { postorder(sr->leftchild); postorder(sr->rightchild); printf("\t%d",sr->data); } else return; getch(); } Output Specify the number of data items to be inserted 3 Enter the data a Enter the data + Enter the data b Inorder traversal a preorder traversal + postorder traversal a + a b b b +

Result Thus the implementation of Expression tree is done and the program is executed.

Ex.NO:-6 Aim


To write a C program to implement binary search tree. Algorithm 1: Start the program. 2: Declare the node. 3: Using get node operation, enter new elements. 4: Using insert operation, insert the element. 5: Using inorder, preorder, postorder traverse tree. 6: Using left and right operation, place the elements. 7: End the program. Program #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<alloc.h> typedef struct btree { int data; struct btree *left,*right; }*tree; tree head; void main() { int ch=0,n,val; void create(); void display(); clrscr(); printf("\n\n\t\t\t BINARY TREE TRAVERSALS\n"); while(1) { printf("\n\n 1-CREATE\t2-DIAPLAY\t3-EXIT"); printf("\n\nyour option "); scanf("%d",&ch); switch(ch) { case 1: create(); break; case 2: display();

break; case 3: exit(0); } } } tree getnewnode() { tree temp; printf("\n ENTER THE DATA: "); temp=(tree)malloc(sizeof(struct btree)); scanf("%d",&temp->data); temp->left=0; temp->right=0; return(temp); } void inorder(tree root) { tree temp; temp=root; if(temp) { inorder(temp->left); printf("\t%d",temp->data); inorder(temp->right); } } void preorder(tree root) { tree temp; temp=root; if(temp) { printf("\t%d",temp->data); preorder(temp->left); preorder(temp->right); } } void postorder(tree root) { tree temp; temp=root; if(temp) { postorder(temp->left); postorder(temp->right); printf("\t%d",temp->data); } } void create() { tree temp,newnode;

int flag=0,n; do { temp=head; if(temp->left==NULL) { temp->left=getnewnode(); temp=temp->left; } else temp=temp->left; flag=0; newnode=getnewnode(); while(flag==0) { if(newnode->data<temp->data) { if(temp->left==NULL) { temp->left=newnode; printf("\n%d is attached to the left of %d", newnode->data,temp->data); flag=1; } else temp=temp->left; } else { if(temp->right==NULL) { temp->right=newnode; printf("%d is attached to right of %d\n", newnode->data,temp->data); flag=1; } else temp=temp->right; } } printf("\n\n DO YOU WANT TO CONTINUE Y/N"); } while(getch()=='Y'); } void display() { printf("\n\n IN ORDER inorder(head->left); printf("\n\n PRE ORDER preorder(head->left); printf("\n\nPOST ORDER

:"); :"); :");

postorder(head->left); }

Output 1.CREATE 2.DIAPLAY 3.EXIT YOUR OPTION 1 ENTER THE DATA : 10 ENTER THE DATA : 5 5 is attached to the left of 10 DO YOU WANT TO CONTINUE Y/N:Y ENTER THE DATA : 7 7 is attached to right of 5 DO YOU WANT TO CONTINUE Y/N:Y ENTER THE DATA : 1 1 is attached to the left of 5 DO YOU WANT TO CONTINUE Y/N:Y ENTER THE DATA : 18 18 is attached to right of 10 DO YOU WANT TO CONTINUE Y/N:Y ENTER THE DATA : 4 4 is attached to right of 1 DO YOU WANT TO CONTINUE Y/N:N 1.CREATE 2.DISPLAY 3.EXIT YOUR OPTION: 2 IN ORDER : PRE ORDER : POST ORDER: 1 10 4 4 5 1 5 1 7 7 4 5 10 7 18 18 18 10

1.CREATE 2.DISPLAY 3.EXIT YOUR OPTION : 3 Result Thus the implementation of Binary search tree is done and the program is executed.

EX-NO:7 Aim


To write a program to implement insertion in AVL Tree. Algorithm 1. Get the insert element. 2. Call the function insert 3. If the tree is empty, insert the element 4. Otherwise check inserted element less than root element 5. call the insert function 6. If (height of the left height of the right) equal to 2 7. Check insert element less than left child of the root 8. Perform single rotate in right wise 9. Otherwise perform double rotation in right wise 10. Check the inserted element greater than root element 11. Call the insert function 12. If (height of the left height of the right) equal to 2 13. Check insert element greater than right child of the root 14. Perform single rotation in left wise 15. Otherwise perform double rotation in left wise 16. Print the elements in the AVL tree

Program //Program To Implement Avl Tree #include<stdlib.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdio.h> typedef struct node { struct node *left; struct node *right; int elt; int ht; }tree; int maximum(int a,int b) { if(a>b) return a; else return b; } tree* singlerotateleft(tree *k2) {

tree *k1; k1=k2->left; k2->left=k1->right; k1->right=k2; k2->ht=maximum(height(k2->left),height(k2->right))+1; k1->ht=maximum(height(k1->left),k2->ht)+1; return k1; } tree* singlerotateright(tree *k2) { tree *k1; k1=k2->right; k2->right=k1->left; k1->left=k2; k1->ht=maximum(height(k1->left),height(k1->right))+1; k2->ht=maximum(height(k2->left),k1->ht)+1; return k1; } tree* doublerotateleft(tree *k2) { k2->left=singlerotateright(k2->left); k2=singlerotateleft(k2); return k2; } tree* doublerotateright(tree *k1) { k1->left=singlerotateleft(k1->left); k1=singlerotateright(k1); return k1; } int height(tree *t) { if(t==NULL) return -1; else return t->ht; } tree* insert(int d,tree *t) { if(t==NULL) { t=(tree*)malloc(sizeof(tree)); t->elt=d; t->ht=0; t->left=NULL; t->right=NULL; } else if(d<t->elt) { t->left=insert(d,t->left);

if(height(t->left)-height(t->right)==2) { if(d<t->left->elt) { printf("\n Single rotation in right wise"); t=singlerotateleft(t); } else { printf("\n Double rotation in right wise"); t=doublerotateleft(t); } } } else if(d>t->elt) { t->right=insert(d,t->right); if(height(t->right)-height(t->left)==2) { if(d>t->right->elt) { printf("\n Single rotation in left wise"); t=singlerotateright(t); } else { printf("\n Double rotation in left wise"); t=doublerotateright(t); } } } t->ht=maximum(height(t->left),height(t->right))+1; return t; } void display(tree *t) { if(t!=NULL) { display(t->left); printf("%d\t",t->elt); display(t->right); } } void menu() { printf("\n AVL Tree"); printf("\n --------------"); printf("\n 1.Insertion"); printf("\n 2.Display"); printf("\n 3.Quit");

} void main() { tree *t; int ch,d; clrscr(); t=NULL; do { menu(); printf("\n Enter your choice: "); scanf("%d",&ch); switch(ch) { case 1: printf("\n Enter the element to be insert:"); scanf("%d",&d); t=insert(d,t); break; case 2: printf("\n Elements in AVL tree are:"); if(t!=NULL) display(t); else printf("\n Tree empty"); break; case 3: exit(0); } }while(ch!=3); getch(); } Output AVL Tree 1. Insertion 2. Display 3. Quit Enter your choice:1 Enter the element to insert:3 AVL Tree 1. Insertion 2. Display 3. Quit Enter your choice:1 Enter the element to insert:2 AVL Tree

1. Insertion 2. Display 3. Quit Enter your choice:1 Enter the element to insert:1 Single rotation in right wise AVL Tree 1. Insertion 2. Display 3. Quit Enter your choice:2 Elements in AVL tree are:1 AVL Tree 1. Insertion 2. Display 3. Quit Enter your choice:1 Enter the element to insert:9 AVL Tree 1. Insertion 2. Display 3. Quit Enter your choice:1 Enter the element to insert:6 AVL Tree 1. Insertion 2. Display 3. Quit Enter your choice:1 Enter the element to insert:8 Double rotation in right wise AVL Tree 1. Insertions 2. Display 3. Quit Enter your choice: 2 Elements in AVL tree are:6

2 3

8 9

Result: Thus the program insertion on AVL tree implemented and executed successfully

Ex.No:- 8 Aim

IMPLEMENT PRIORITY QUEUE USING BINARY HEAPS To implement the priority queue using binary heaps

Algorithm 17. get the number of elements in the heap 18. get the elements and create a heap tree with those elements 19. display the tree with all its elements 20. to delete, consume the element with highest priority put the next top value in that position and decrement the top value 21. Check upto top/2, whether the value is smaller than its children, if it is not so swap the contents 22. Display the heap after all operations were done using a for loop Program #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdlib.h> int i,j,temp; void insert(int *a,int top,int p) { a[top]=p; i=top; while(i>1&&a[i]<a[i/2]) { temp=a[i]; a[i]=a[i/2]; a[i/2]=temp; i=i/2; } } void consume(int *a,int top) { i=1; a[i]=a[top]; top--; while(i<=top/2) { if(a[2*i]<a[(2*i)+1]) j=2*i; else j=2*i+1; if(a[i]>a[j]) { temp=a[i]; a[i]=a[j]; a[j]=temp; i=j;

} else {i++;} } } void disp(int *a,int s) { int l,k; int lp=1; i=1; while(i<=s) { for(j=0;j<lp;j++) { if(i<=s) { if(i==1) l=4; else if(i>1&&i<4) l=3; else if(i>3&&i<8) l=2; else if(i>7&&i<16) l=1; for(k=0;k<l;k++) printf("\t"); printf("%d",a[i]); i++; } } lp=lp*2; printf("\n\n\n"); } } void main() { int top=0,a[20],op,v,i; a[0]=0; clrscr(); while(1) { printf("\n1.Insert\n2.Consume\n3.Display\n4.Exit\n\nEnter your Option:"); scanf("%d",&op); switch(op) { case 1: { if(top==19) { printf("\nTree if FULL."); break;

} else { printf("\nEnter priority value to insert:"); scanf("%d",&v); top++; insert(a,top,v); break; } } case 2: { if(top==-1) { printf("\nTree is Empty."); break; } else { consume(a,top); top--; printf("\nThe highest priority get consumed."); break; } } case 3: { /*for(i=1;i<=top;i++) printf(a[i]<<"-->"; */ disp(a,top); break; } case 4: exit(1); } } }

Output 1.Insert 2.Consume 3.Display 4.Exit Enter your Option:1 Enter priority value to insert:6 1.Insert 2.Consume 3.Display 4.Exit Enter your Option:1 Enter priority value to insert:1 1.Insert 2.Consume 3.Display 4.Exit Enter your Option:3 1 6

1.Insert 2.Consume 3.Display 4.Exit Enter your Option:4

Result Thus the program to implement the priority queue using binary heaps

Ex.No :- 9 Aim


To implement Hashing with Open Addressing Algorithm 1. Get the number of buckets or hash size 2. Using insert function get the elements to be inserted. 3. The insertion is done using the hash function by modular dividing the element value by bucket Size. 4. After getting the hash value the elements are allotted to the appropriate position in the hash table. 5. Display the table. 6. Deletion of any element is done using the delete function. Program #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<math.h> int tabsize=10; int tab[20]; void main() { int i,j,ch,res; int store(int); void retrieve(int,int *); void removed(int); void display(); /* Making the entries in the Table to be Empty */ clrscr(); for(i=0;i<tabsize;i++) tab[i]=0; do { printf("\n Hashing with Open Addressing"); printf("\n 1. Store Operation"); printf("\n 2. Retrieve Operation"); printf("\n 3. Remove Operation"); printf("\n 4. Display"); printf("\n 5.Exit"); printf("\n enter your choice"); scanf("%d",&ch);

switch(ch) { case 1: printf("Enter the item to be placed in a table"); scanf("%d",&i); res=store(i); if(res==1) printf("Item stored in the table"); else if(res==2) printf("there is no free place in the table"); else if(res==0) printf("item already exists in the table"); getch(); break; case 2: printf("Enter the item to be retrieved from the table"); scanf("%d",&i); retrieve(i,&j); if(j==1) printf("item is in the table"); else printf("Item is not on the table"); getch(); break; case 3: printf("enter the item to be deleted from the table"); scanf("%d",&i); removed(i); break; case 4: display(); getch(); case 5: break; } }while(ch!=5); } /* This function stores an item in the hash table */ int store(int item) { int loc,ploc; int k=1; int flag=0; loc=item%tabsize; ploc=loc; if(loc==tabsize)

loc=0; while(1) { if(tab[loc]==0) { /* if collision does not occur in the hash table */ tab[loc]=item; return 1; } else if((tab[loc]!=0) && (tab[loc]!=item)) { /* if collision occurs in the Hash Table */ loc=loc+1; //k++; if(loc>=tabsize) loc=0; if(ploc==loc) return 2; continue; } else if(tab[loc]==item) { printf("item already already exists in the table"); getch(); return 0; } else { loc=loc+1; if(loc==tabsize) loc=0; if(ploc==loc) return 2; continue; } } } void retrieve(int item,int *j) { int loc,ploc,k=1; loc=item%tabsize; ploc=loc; if(tab[loc]==item) { *j+1; return; } else { loc=loc+pow(k,2); while(ploc!=loc)

{ if(tab[loc]==item) { *j=1; return; } if(loc==tabsize) loc=0; else { loc=loc+1; } } *j=0; return; } } void removed(int i) { int k=1; int loc,ploc; loc=i%tabsize; ploc=loc; if(tab[loc]==i) { tab[loc]=0; printf("item removed from the hash table"); getch(); return; } else { loc=loc+1; while((loc!=ploc)&&(tab[loc]!=i)) { loc=loc+i; if(loc==tabsize) loc=0; } if((tab[loc]==i)&&(loc!=ploc)) { tab[loc]=0; printf("\n item removed from the hash tble...."); getch(); return; } else if((loc==ploc)&&(tab[loc]!=i)) { printf("item not found in the hash table"); getch();

return; } } } void display() { int i; for(i=0;i<tabsize;i++) printf("%d",tab[i]); } Output Hashing with Open Addressing 1. Store Operation 2. Retrieve Operation 3. Remove Operation 4. Display 5.Exit enter your choice :-1 Enter the item to be placed in a table 10 Item stored in the table Hashing with Open Addressing 1. Store Operation 2. Retrieve Operation 3. Remove Operation 4. Display 5.Exit enter your choice :1 Enter the item to be placed in a table 20 Item stored in the table Hashing with Open Addressing 1. Store Operation 2. Retrieve Operation 3. Remove Operation 4. Display 5.Exit enter your choice 4 10 20 0 0 Hashing with Open Addressing 1. Store Operation 2. Retrieve Operation 3. Remove Operation 4. Display

5.Exit enter your choice 2 Enter the item to be retrieved from the table 20 item is in the table Hashing with Open Addressing 1. Store Operation 2. Retrieve Operation 3. Remove Operation 4. Display 5.Exit enter your choice: 3 enter the item to be deleted from the table 10 item removed from the hash table Hashing with Open Addressing 1. Store Operation 2. Retrieve Operation 3. Remove Operation 4. Display 5.Exit enter your choice 4 0 20 0 0

Result Thus the C- program to implement Hashing with Open Addressing was implemented successfully.

Ex.NO:- 10 Aim


To Implement Prims algorithm using priority queues to find MST of an undirected graph Algorithm 1. Create the class prim with all its member variables and member functions. 2. Get the total number of nodes in the graph 3. Get the cost for every edges between the vertices of the graph 4. Assign the lowest cost edges, to form a path from the first nodes to the last vertex Of the graph 5. Display the minimum cost spanning tree for the graph with the path 6. Produce the total minimum cost. Program /*prims alg prg*/ #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<process.h> float lcost[100],a[100][100]; int closest[100],i,j,k,min,n; int v1,v2,wt,c=0; void get_mat() { printf("Enter the No of Vertices:"); scanf("%d",&n); printf("enter 1000 for no path \n"); printf("enter weighted matrix\n"); for(i=1;i<=n;i++) { for(j=1;j<=n;j++) { printf("cost between the edge\t%d,%d:\t",i,j); scanf("%f",&a[i][j]); } } } void prim1() { for(i=2;i<=n;i++) { lcost[i]=a[1][i]; closest[i]=1; } printf("minimum cost spanning tree edges are\n"); for(i=2;i<=n;i++)

{ min=lcost[2]; k=2; for(j=3;j<=n;j++) { if(lcost[j]<min) { min=lcost[j]; k=j; } } c=c+min; printf("(%d,%d)\tcost=%d\t",closest[k],k,min); lcost[k]=2000; for(j=2;j<=n;j++) if((a[k][j]<lcost[j])&&(lcost[j]<2000)) { lcost[j]=a[k][j]; closest[j]=k; } printf("\n"); } printf("\n\nWeight of minimum cost spanning tree :%d",c); getch(); } void main() { int ch; clrscr(); do { printf("\n1.get\n2.find path with minimum cost\n3.exit\nenter ur choice\n"); scanf("%d",&ch); switch(ch) { case 1: get_mat(); break; case 2: prim1(); break; case 3: exit(0); break; } }while(ch<=3); getch(); }

Output 1.get 2.find path with minimum cost 3.exit enter ur choice 1 Enter the No of Vertices:3 enter 1000 for no path enter weighted matrix cost between the edge 1,1: 10 cost between the edge 1,2: 1000 cost between the edge 1,3: 20 cost between the edge 2,1: 60 cost between the edge 2,2: 40 cost between the edge 2,3: 20 cost between the edge 3,1: 1000 cost between the edge 3,2: 20 cost between the edge 3,3: 90 1.get 2.find path with minimum cost 3.exit enter ur choice 2 minimum cost spanning tree edges are (1,3) cost=20 (3,2) cost=20 Weight of minimum cost spanning tree :40 1.get 2.find path with minimum cost 3.exit enter ur choice 3

Result Thus the C program To Implement Prims algorithm using priority queues to find MST of an undirected graph was written and executed successfully.

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