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Workshop Model Lesson Plan NYS Common Core Standards: Materials/Supplies: Each student receives a colored piece of paper,

and a protractor. Objective: How do we use vertical angles and supplementary angles to solve for the value of another angle in a triangle problem? Do Now: [scaffolding] Solve for the value of X in these one step equations. 80 + X = 90. 145 + x = 360.

Motivation: Each student receives their own flash card/paper to fold and label, and a wonderful clear item called a protractor. Mini Lesson (Direct Instruction): Draw this picture on the board, and measure it with a protractor:

Ask: What angles do we think are the same? Show: measure with the protractor. [Remembering, Understanding, Applying, Analyzing, Evaluating, Creating.] What.WhyHowExplain Remembering/Understanding/Analyzing is accomplished by the physical act of placing the protractor on the page and making the measurements. *Most students do not know that there are 180 degrees in a line.

Visual Learners: The teacher will fold the paper along line one and 1, Which angles look similar? Auditory Learners: Label one angle large and its supplementary pair small. Repeat with line 2. Visual Learners: Have the students measure the angles with a protractor and label them on their paper using the protractor. Why do the angles add to 180 degrees? Auditory Learners: Make sure the auditory learners write The answers to these questions out verbally The angles add to 180 because they are on a line. Ask: What do we notice about the angles where the lines meet? Visual Learners: Point to your face and explain that it is symmetric, eye for eye, ear for ear, and then tell the students to discuss the angle in the diagram labeled reflection. Note that it looks like I have drawn a face on the page. Auditory Learners: Write the word reflection on the paper and make the students write this is a reflection- vertical angles are like reflections. Task: Have the students measure the reflected angles and then label them.

Independent Practice/Group Work: Task: Find the values of x,y,and z in each diagram. I encourage you to use your protractor to measure the angle if you are confused.

Reflection/Summary: Ask: what are the two processes we use to find missing angles in geometry problems? Answer: Double Up, and Add em Up Double Up vertical angles, Add em up to 180. Home Work: [Use Word Problems From State Test, which has 35% Geometry Questions]

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