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Returning PL/SQL Tables to VB

There is a great difference between the way we handle the PL/SQL table in ADO and OO4O. In ADO we use a Command object and a Recordset. With OO4O we use an OraSQLStmt object and a parameter array.

The ADO Way

Up till now Oracle and ADO have sometimes not been the best of partners. The method that we are forced to use here is rather inelegant. The release of ADO 2.5 will improve matters immeasurably, as you will see in a little while. Because we deal with Oracle we are going to have to make the call to the stored procedure as a SQL Passthrough and not as a stored procedure (adcmdStoredProc). Even this can only be achieved if you are using ODBC. Neither OLE DB - Oracle's or Microsoft's - allows us to use the PL/SQL table the way I describe it here. Here is the full code that will allow you to test this method: Option Explicit Private mCnn As ADODB.Connection Private mrsSelect As ADODB.Recordset Private mCmd As ADODB.Command Private msSelect As String Private mCmdPrmGender As New ADODB.Parameter Private Sub Form_Load() Dim sConnect As String 'Declare our connection string sConnect = "Data Source=" & ";" & _ "User ID=scott" & ";" & _ "Password=tiger" & ";" Set mCnn = New ADODB.Connection With mCnn .CommandTimeout = 10 .CursorLocation = adUseClient .Provider = "MSDAORA" .Open sConnect End With 'resultset is a keyword, fname the name of the table in the proc. msSelect = "{call human_resources.first_names(?, {resultset 1000, fname})}" Set mCmd = New ADODB.Command With mCmd .CommandText = msSelect .CommandType = adCmdText .ActiveConnection = mCnn Set mCmdPrmGender = .CreateParameter("pGender", adVarChar, _ adParamInput, 1, "M") .Parameters.Append mCmdPrmGender End With Set mrsSelect = New ADODB.Recordset mCmdPrmGender = "M" Set mrsSelect = mCmd.Execute MsgBox mrsSelect.Fields(0) End Sub Let's look at some sections the code in more detail. We have to define a Command object, a SQL string, a Recordset, a Parameter object and, of course, our Connection object. The result of the call will come back in the Recordset and we'll then span it to get the names:

Private Private Private Private Private

mCnn As ADODB.Connection mrsSelect As ADODB.Recordset mCmd As ADODB.Command msSelect As String mCmdPrmGender As New ADODB.Parameter

We must call our stored procedure using placeholder syntax and the call statement. The general form is: {call PackageName.ProcedureName(?, {resultset , Table1, Table2 )})} This will allow us to combine PL/SQL tables into a single Recordset. You may add as many parameters or tables as you need. Remember because the table is an output parameter, you may not be able to use more than 2 in early versions of Oracle. This limitation does not exist with OO4O. In our case: msSelect = "{call human_resources.first_names(?, {resultset 1000, fname})}" We want to get the whole PL/SQL table back into the mrsSelect Recordset (result set). The pair (in which the comma seems to be missing and is not) mrsSelect 1000 contains an arbitrary large number. The way the msSelect is coded with the parentheses is the syntax used for SQL Passthrough in ODBC. This limits the approach to using the ODBC provider. As we have said many times before, the ODBC provider is the most stable and the most able, but it is also the slowest. Here we did not have a choice. In ADO 2.5 the story is different, as you will see when we discuss REF CURSORS further along this chapter. We now set the Command object: Set mCmd = New ADODB.Command With mCmd .CommandText = msSelect .CommandType = adCmdText .ActiveConnection = mCnn Set mCmdPrmGender = .CreateParameter("pGender", adVarChar, _ adParamInput, 1, "M") .Parameters.Append mCmdPrmGender End With And create the Recordset, set the parameter value, assign the Recordset to the return value from the execution of the Command object. We now have the first names of men in the recordset and can have a look at the first field value: Set mrsSelect = New ADODB.Recordset mCmdPrmGender = "M" Set mrsSelect = mCmd.Execute MsgBox mrsSelect.Fields(0) End Sub

The 0040 Way

We are going to create an OraSQLStmt object, a parameter, and a parameter array in the database object. We are also going to create a statement for calling a stored procedure. When the call is done, we'll have the first 100 names in the parameter array. Here is the full code, fully commented: Private mOraSession As OraSession Private mOraDatabase As OraDatabase Private msSelect As String

Private mMyQuery As OraSqlStmt Private Sub Form_Load() Set mOraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") ' Open the databae. Option 1 is ORA_DEFAULT Set mOraDatabase = mOraSession.OpenDatabase("", "scott/tiger", 1) ' Define the INPUT parameter and add it to the collecttion. mOraDatabase.Parameters.Add "pGender", "F", 1 ' Define the OUTPUT parameter array(defined as type VARCHAR2 by ' third argument) and addit to the collection. mOraDatabase.Parameters.AddTable "pfnames", 2, 1, 100, 15 ' make the SQL for calling the procedure. msSelect = "Begin Human_resources.first_names(:pGender, :pfnames); END;" ' Execute the SQL statement and create an OraSqlStmt object from the ' specified SQL statement and options. Option 0 is ORASQL_NO_AUTOBIND Set mMyQuery = mOraDatabase.CreateSql(msSelect, 0) ' Set the parameter value and refresh mOraDatabase.Parameters("pGender").Value = "F" mMyQuery.Refresh ' Look at the first record. MsgBox mOraDatabase.Parameters("pfnames").get_Value(0) End Sub

Returning Recordsets from Oracle Stored Procedures

The COBOL-like cursor that we have described before, the one that mimics a sequential flat file is also known as a REF CURSOR. Oracle made the declaration and deployment of ref cursors relatively easy. Again, the best way to learn is doing. Here is a ref cursor way of reading the first and last names of the X (X = F or X = M) gender in the PEOPLE table. Don't tell me that a simple SELECT statement and a simple dynaset can do the trick, because it can. But then there are cases in which the cursor has already been built for our COBOL programmers and we want to use it. This is especially true if the SELECT statement that defines the cursor is very convoluted and we don't want to repeat it. The stored procedure that contains the cursor is also precompiled so that we may get the results faster. Be it what it may, here is a new package (we could also have added this procedure to our old package) that contains a ref cursor. CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE Personality IS cursor c1 IS SELECT First_Name, Last_Name FROM People; TYPE PeopleCur IS REF CURSOR RETURN c1%rowtype; PROCEDURE GetNames ( pGender IN VARCHAR2, PeopleCursor in out PeopleCur ); END Personality; In the package header we declare a TYPE (PeopleCur), which is a REF CURSOR - a reference or pointer to a cursor. Here PeopleCur is declared as: C1%rowtype which simply states that it has the same field structure as the cursor c1, which itself is declared as a SELECT statement. PeopleCur is going to define an actual ref cursor called PeopleCursor. The definition is implicit and happens when we declare the PeopleCursor as a parameter of a stored procedure. Parameters in stored procedures are typed and thus defined. This is similar to what happens in ADA. We also declare PeopleCur as a ref cursor type.

We then declare a Stored Procedure within the package, which has two parameters, the first of the two is fairly straightforward - pGender is an input parameter of type VARCHAR2. The second parameter (PeopleCursor) to this procedure is an IN OUT parameter, declared as type PeopleCur, which is the TYPE we have just defined. This tells us that the third parameter will be returning a REF CURSOR with structure of c1%rowtype. Now let's look at how we generate the package body, where the work of the procedure actually takes place. Note that there is no reference in this code to the cursor definition, as it only needs be defined once. All there is in the body is the PL/SQL code for the procedure. CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY Personality AS PROCEDURE GetNames ( pGender IN VARCHAR2, PeopleCursor in out Peoplecur ) IS begin OPEN PeopleCursor FOR SELECT First_Name, Last_Name FROM People WHERE gender = pGender; END GetNames; END Personality; In the package body we actually build the stored procedure. The procedure takes in a pGender parameter. It then opens the PeopleCursor cursor and uses this parameter (specified in our WHERE clause) to get a cursor containing all the records in the People table that have field values corresponding to the value we give pGender. That's it. Again you may do the work in the Navigator or use the CREATE OR REPLACE approach in SQL*PLUS. Here is the latter:

When we get ADO 2.5 we'll be able to address the ref cursor directly as a recordset. This will eliminate the need to use the PL/SQL table mechanism that we have described before. OO4O already has this capability and the table example only served us to learn another way to achieve the same end. Given a choice, the ref cursor approach is the one I prefer.


With ADO and OLEDB, Microsoft is making it easier for more developers to connect to Oracle databases, and do almost any common database task. There has been one feature however which has been glaringly absent. This is the ability to return a fullfledged recordset from an Oracle stored procedure's REF CURSOR parameter. With the upcoming version of ADO 2.5 and the Microsoft OLEDB provider for Oracle, this drastic limitation will finally be lifted. Another set of third party ODBC and OLE DB drivers are from Merant (Formerly Intersolv and MicroFocus) that also allow us to do this. For further information refer to the Merant web site ( It is possible with the 2.5 (Beta) version of ADO to return recordsets from Oracle stored procedures, thereby eliminating almost any need for SQL code in your Visual Basic programs. With this functionality, it is now possible to almost entirely separate your database code from you VB code. To use this functionality, we have created a Personality package to house the definition of the cursor that will be returned, as well as the stored procedure itself. Now we are going to look at the VB code that calls our stored procedure. In VB we declare the objects, set their properties and execute the command. Declaration: Private Private Private Private Creation: sSQL = "Personality.GetNames" Set mStoredProcCmd = New ADODB.Command With mStoredProcCmd .ActiveConnection = mADOConnection .CommandType = adCmdStoredProc .CommandText = sSQL 'the procedure name goes here. Set mStoredProcPrmGender = .CreateParameter("pGender", adVarChar, _ adParamInput, 1) .Parameters.Append mStoredProcPrmGender End With Note that we can now set the CommandType property to adCmdStoredProc to indicate that we are calling a stored procedure. Since the stored procedure is in a package we specify the name as Personality.GetNames. When a stored procedure is in a package the MS OLEDB driver will not automatically determine the parameters for the stored procedure. We have to manually append them. Here is an important point. Our stored procedure had two parameters: pGender and PeopleCursor. Note that we do not define a parameter for the ref cursor. Finally, we assign our recordset to the return value from the execution of our command. The OLEDB driver will automatically intercept our IN OUT ref cursor parameter and assign it to be the return from the excution: mStoredProcPrmGender.Value = "M" 'set the input value Set mrsGetNames = mStoredProcCmd.Execute 'execute Voila! Remember, that you will have to wait for ADO 2.5 to be able to do this! The time has come to do the same thing with 0040. sSQL As String mrsGetNames As ADODB.Recordset mStoredProcCmd As ADODB.Command mStoredProcPrmGender As ADODB.Parameter

Using a REF CURSOR in OO4O

Again, In VB we declare the necessary objects, create them, set their parameters and execute them. ADO (2.5) gets the ref cursor records (rows) into a Recordset. OO4O gets them into a dynaset. This, however, is a special kind of a dynaset. It is read-only and is created using the CreatePLSQLdynaset method, rather than the CreateDynaset method of the OraDatabase.

The CreatePLSQLDynaset Method

You have already used the CreateDynaset method of OraDatabase to create dynasets. Creating the cursor based dynaset is every bit as simple. Here it is: Set mOraDynaset = mOraDatabase.CreatePLSQLDynaset (SQL, CursorName, Options) The method has three arguments (or parameters):

SQL - The SQL statement must be a PL/SQL stored procedure with BEGIN and END around the call. CursorName should exactly match the cursor created inside the stored procedure Options - A long integer that assumes any combination (logical sum) of the following: Here is a table of valid Option values: Value 0 Constant ORADYN_DEFAULT Description In a read-only dynaset it means only that you get an Automatic MoveFirst (the dynaset when refreshed will already be at the first row), that blanks are stripped from the tail of a string, and that the dynaset caches as much as it can in the client memory.

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ORADYN_NO_BLANKSTRIP The dynaset normally strips trailing blanks from character fields. This option leaves the trailing blanks in. ORADYN_NOCACHE With this option, because only one record is held in memory, you can do only forward movement (MoveNext, but no MovePrevious), but you get faster results. (*) ORADYN_NO_MOVEFIRST The dynaset is unpopulated. You have to do a MoveFirst to fill it.

(*) You get faster results most of the time. This is because we (the human user) usually want just one record at a time and takes his time before requesting the next record. On the other hand, if we want to do a batch process, this will make too many round trips. In such a case it is best to use a custom dynaset (see Chapter 8) and cache as many records as we can in one round trip. Armed with this knowledge let us proceed. Declarations: Private mDynGetNames As OraDynaset Private sSQL As String Establish our connection Set mOraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession") Set mOraDatabase = mOraSession.DbOpenDatabase("", "scott/tiger", 1) Note the difference between this sSQL and the simpler ADO string.

' make the SQL for calling the procedure. sSQL = "Begin Personality.GetNames (:pGender,:PeopleCursor); end;" Note the exact spelling of PeopleCursor to match the name in the stored procedure. We have to declare the parameters before we can create the dynaset. As was the case with ADO, we do not declare a parameter for the cursor. This was taken care of by the correct spelling of the cursor name. mOraDatabase.Parameters.Add "pGender", "M", 1 'ORAPARM_INPUT Set mDynGetNames = mOraDatabase.CreatePlsqlDynaset(sSQL, _ "PeopleCursor", ORADYN_DEFAULT) Now execute by calling the Refresh method and have a look at the first field value: mDynGetNames.Refresh MsgBox mDynGetNames.Fields(0) Change the gender to F mOraDatabase.Parameters("pGender").Value = "F" And refresh again to get the ladies (I wish it were that simple!) mdynGetNames.Refresh MsgBox mDynGetNames.Fields(0) End Sub

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