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International Journal of Science and Advanced Technology (ISSN 2221-8386) http://www.ijsat.


Volume 2 No 3 March 2012

The Study of Willam Goldings Lord of the flies Based on Michel Foucults Pastoral Power
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M. Hasanvand, 2H. Nasrollahi and 3K. Haghiabi

Master of Art (M.A.), Aleshtar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Aleshtar, Iran *(Corresponding author)

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Master of Agronomy, Khorramabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Khorramabad, Iran Master of Agronomy, Khorramabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Khorramabad, Iran

Abstract- Power is a key topic in organization of social life and controlling human life. In the 20th century, Michel Foucault, an influential contemporary philosopher, has considered and recognized this issue, which consists of sovereign power, disciplinary and pastoral. The thesis of this research is that, in Goldings Lord of the flies Simon is the symbol of the pastoral power and instead of ruling, he is ready to scarify himself for the sake of the children, pays attention to all of the them, especially the weak, and persuades them toward self discovery, analysis and understanding the essence of human being as the principles of his normalization and docile body. Key Terms: Docile Body- Something or somebody who can be controlled and touched easily, so it is the subject of Panapticon (Julian Wolfreys, 2002, p. 37). Knowledge- It is a way of analyzing system of thought through a description of what may be spoken of discourse (Foucault, 1999, p. 73). Normalization- The act of being normal, like other persons in society as the result of panapticon (Julian Wolfreys, 2002, p. 72). Others- The quality or state of existence of being other or different established norms and social groups; the distinction that one makes between ones self and others particularly in terms of ethnic belief and from sex (Julian Wolfreys, 2002, p. 74). Power- A set of techniques to organize knowledge. Power serves in making the world knowledgeable and controllable and it is also dynamic and productive (Julian Wolfreys, 2002, p. 80).

Penapticon- A device for which one suspects, he has a guarding admiration, a guard in a central tower can see into surrounding cells, but it cannot be seen, they are controlled by surveillance and it leads normalization (Julian Wolfreys, 2002, p. 75). Discourse- A discourse is a way of describing, defining, classifying, and thinking about people, things and even knowledge and abstract systems of thought (Julian Wolfreys 2002, p. 33( INTRODUCTION Power is the subject matter that is noticed and regarded by mankind. That is why the major squares in big cities decorated and adorned by the statue of conquerors and powerful kings. Moreover, the history of social life is the explanation of authoritys power, struggle, and conflicts and their competitions to achieve power. For example, all revolutionary movements and civilizations were watered by power from nation to nation and tribe to tribe since ancient up to the present time. Some famous philosophers and politicians as Machiavelli (1583) and Darwin (1879) have discussed political and scientific forms of mans competition for survival, and hegemony. Moreover, Arthur Schopenhauer (1788) and Fredrick Nietzsche (1984) have considered the Will, and the Will to Power as the purpose of all mans struggles. In the 20thcentury, Michel Foucault, analyzes the concept of power in a new view. In his works, Mental Illness, psychology, Madness, Civilization, The Birth of Clinic, The Order of Things, The Archaeology of Knowledge, and etc, Foucault has depicted that how and why particular forms of behavior are become the subject of power by authorities, in order to develop the principles of power in a network which is the


International Journal of Science and Advanced Technology (ISSN 2221-8386) game of power. Foucaults goal is to warn humans awful illusion, so that, they may find a solution for this humans illusion about themselves and their future. William Golding is one of the great modern writers in the second half of the 20th century, who wrote his great novel, Lord of the Flies, based on the contemporary human social problems. In this novel, a group of English children move to another place by an airplane in order to be saved from war. During the flight, the plane crushes down, so the children see themselves in an island, which is very similar to Gods paradise. Because of their conflict for power and authority and control on others, a terrible war is started between them, which causes some deaths, and murderers among them. At first, the competition is between the children and the islands animals which is a kind of game and effort for being powerful when they fear from animals, they gather around themselves and try to find a solution. Finally, they dominate on the island by hunting the pigs and become the power owners. Then, the play of conflict is started between children, and one of them who called Simon is the symbol of preacher prophet, Peggy is the symbol of politician, Ralph is the symbol of social manager, and Jack is the symbol of murderer dictator. All try to take the power seat, finally, Jack by using dictatorship, murdering and killing a few members of children, takes the control of governing and burns the whole island in order to arrest Ralph. This novel is a very obvious sample of game of power and is the foretold future which is waiting for the world by regarding to this notion. The world in which may be burnt by authorities and politicians for getting power. In this study, the researcher tries to show the principles of Foucaults theory in this novel as a reflection of modern social life, which was challenged by Foucault in one side, and the illusion of the author as the propagator of the dominant power in the other side. THE FOUCAUDIAN POWER VIEW OF PASTORAL

Volume 2 No 3 March 2012

foretellercould be at the service of the others as a pastor. However, the word pastor refers to a particular form of power. 1-The goal of this power is a salvation of individual in the second world. 2-this is not a form of power which rules but it is ready to scarify itself for salvation and saving its subjects, therefore, it is different from monarchy which expected its subjects sacrificed to rescue its thrown and crown. 3- This form of power is concerning all people. 4- Eventually, this power cannot be exerted through discovery of the internal consciousness of individuals psychic investigation and persuasion of its subjects to words confession of internal mysterious secrets. Foucault names modern governmental power as new pastoral power which shifted from salvation of its subjects that in the second world to art happiness and salvation in this world as: healthy, security (Dreyfus, 2003, p. 57). ANALYSIS OF LORD OF THE FLIES BASED ON PASTORAL POWER To analyze this novel as the Foucauldian pastoral power, at first, we trace this kind of power in the novel then interpret it as embodiment of this power. As we mentioned the novel is the destiny of a group of English school boys, wandering in a remote island. Simon, among them, is a pioneer of the power. Besides, it was mentioned that his novel is an allegory of modern society in which everyone is a symbol of a kind of movement and power of the period. Actually, Simon symbolizes what Foucault names pastoral power and supposed as a person whose concern is to save the children. This concern could be considered through two aspects first, Simon does not mind the ruling, but ready to scarify himself in order to save the children. Additionally, Simon pays attention to all children, powerful and weak. Second, the technique, which applied by Simon to exert his power is persuasion of children toward selfanalysis, discovery of internal consciousness and finding internal conflicts. Sympathy of Simon toward the children in this novel is evident. Simon, for example, helps and feed smaller children truly while trying to pick up the fruits: [Simon] found for them (littuns) the fruit they could not reach, pulled off the choicest from up in the

In the search of an origin for modern western and governmental power, Foucault argues that modern western government is a combination of old power Christianity and is the new form of policy. Foucault believes that Christianity suggested new connections of power and deployed it in all over the ancient world. Christianity according to Foucault was the only religion which organized itself in the form of church. Therefore, it is supposed that some individuals instead of being a monarch king, prophet,


International Journal of Science and Advanced Technology (ISSN 2221-8386) foliage, passed them back down to the endless, out stretched hands, when he had satisfied them he paused and looked round. The littants watched him incurably over doubles hand fuls of ripe fruit (Golding, 1954, p. 119). This quotation reminds us The Christ's sympathy toward the other people, especially the poor and weaks. Besides, Simon is the symbol of a pastor and religious figure who tries to save the children and his instrument is sacrifice. In other word, as an escape goat, Simon is a brave person and symbol of Foucaults pastor who dedicates himself to his subjects. This is evident in the novel when Piggy was far away from children and Ralph as the leader says: Some ones got to go across the island and tell Piggy, we'll be back after dark Bill spoke unbelieving; through the forest by himself? "[Ralph]" We cannot spare more than one. Simon pushed his way to Ralphs elbow. I'll go if you like. I don't mind, honestly. Before had time to reply, he smiled quickly, turned and climed in the forest. (Golding, 1954, p. 255). As was mentioned in the above quotation, one person should go in a sacrificial operation and it is Simon who goes, because he intends to achieve the happiness, salvation, and saving of its subjects, according to Foucaults pastoral power: I dont mind honestly (P.255).Chapter five and six consist of the children's fear of a nightmarish beast especially littuns, which covered all the island. Jack as the leader of the hunters concerns this fear and addresses Ralph (elected leader of group) and says: You said they dream and cry out. Now the talk-not only the littuns, but my hunters sometimes-talk of things, a dark thing, a beast, some sort of animal. I've heared (p,177). This nightmarish fear had occupied the psyche of all children. All of them, even the hunters who were the pioneer of confrontation to the dangers argued this problem, but no one was ready to solve this riddle and remove the ambiguity. Because the forest was dark and actually dangerous. Just Simon as the symbol of pastor accept the responsibility and goes into the heart of jungle and top of the mountains, finally, he finds the beast and describes it: Simon crawled forward and soon he understood the tangle of lines showed him the mechanics of this parody, he examined the white nasal bones, the teeth, the colors of corruption. He saw he pitilessly the layers of rubber and canvas held together the poor

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body that should be rotting away he beast was harmless and horrible; and news must reach the others as soon as possible (p321). This is the corrupted humanity which depicted by Simon. In other words, this is the decline of humanity which annoys Simon the as symbol of pastoral power. As was mentioned in the novel Simon was killed by the hunters mistakenly. He is a martyred (sacrificed) on the way of saving children and removing their fear and ambiguities. Exactly what Foucault says: Simon did not rule but he was scarified for the sake of his groups. As was mentioned, pastoral powers technique is selfdiscovery, analysis and psychic investigation for controlling, organizing the group. In other words, Simon introduces the principles of his own theory which is discovery of mans nature. When the children are talking about the beast he gets the conch and says: maybe there is a beast. what I mean is maybe its only us. Simon become in articulate in his effort to express mankind's essential illness, inspiration came to him (p. 191). Moreover, Simon hears from Lord of the flies (Beelzebub) the reason of the chaos in the island; I (the pig head) m part of you? Close, close, close! Im the reason why its no go? Why things are what they are? In this confrontation, Simon perceivers the infinite cynicism of adult life (p. 299). As a result, this kind of meditation, inspiration, and self-discovery devoted to prophet and pastor. The outcome of this discovery is perception of the evil in the nature of human being. Therefore, Simon tries to persuade the children toward this method of control and domination. CONCLUSION Power had been one of the domination poles in organization of social life and controlling human. In the 20th century, Michel Foucault, a great contemporary philosopher, has considered and recognized this issue, which consists: soveriegn power, Disciplinary, and pastoral power. In this research, by application of the pastoral power on Goldings Lord of the Flies, the researcher has tried to analyze it in which Simon was depicted as the symbol of such a power. Because, instead of ruling, Simon is ready to scarify himself for the sake of the children, pays attention to all of them toward selfdiscovery, analysis and understanding the essence of human being which consists of evil and organizing


International Journal of Science and Advanced Technology (ISSN 2221-8386) them from the view of Foucault, this is the illusion of Golding as a propagator and defender of his contemporary power network and reflection of its episteme. BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Abrams M. H., 1974. The Norton Anthology Of English Literature, Vol. 1 & 2, Third Edition, New York. [2] Bressler Charles E., 1999. Literary Criticism, An Introduction to Theory and Practice, 4th Edition. New Jersey University Press, P. 73. [3] Bellour R., 1966. The Order of Things Les Letters. France, Translated by: Abram Thomas, London (2001). [4] Dreyfus, H. L. and Rabinow, 1982. "Michel Foucault: Beyond Structuralism and Hermeneutics. Brighton": Harvester Press. [5] Foucault Michel., 1973. "The Birth of Clinic: An Archaeology of Medical Perception. A. M. Sheridan Smich (Trans). London: Tavistock Publication (1980). [6] Foucault M., 1980. "Truth and Power" In: Dreyfus. H. L. and Rabinow, Brighton: Harvester Press. [7] Foucault M., the history of sexuality vol. 1: an introduction, translated by Robert Hurley, New York, Vintag books (1990). [8] Foucault M. The History of Madness in Classical age" second ed., (1984-1926).Translated by: Fateme Valiani (2000). [9] Foucault M. (1974), "Discipline and Punishment "the Birth of Prison, France. [10] Golding William Gerald, 1991. "Lord of The Flies". Translated by Mojgan Mansoori: Tehran Rahnama press(2002). [11] Hoy David Couzans, 1980. Foucault: A Critical Reader, London: Basil Blackwell. Translated by Payam Yazdanjoo. First edition (2008). [12] Nietzsche Fredrik, 1984. Genealogy, History of Foucaults Reader, ed., Paul Robinow, New York.

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