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MD.Rasheduzzaman ID:0910647044 MD. Mahabub Akram ID:0910


Python is created in 1990 by Guido van Rossum

Python is a well worked out coherent dynamic programming language Designed to be easy to learn and master

1. Clean, clear syntax

2. very few keywords

Highly portable

1. runs almost anywhere

2. Uses machine independent byte-codes


Clean syntax plus high-level data type

1.leads to fast coding

Uses white-space to delimit blocks

Variables do not need declaration

1. although not a type-less language


Reduce development time

1.code is 2-10x shorter that C, C++, Java

Improved program maintenance

1.code is extremely readable

Less training 1.language is very easy to learn


Rapid prototyping
Web scripting Throw-way, ad hoc programming Steering scientific programming Extension language XML processing Database application

GUI application
A Glue language

Python vs. Java

Code 5-10 times more concise

Dynamic typing Much quicker development compilation phase

2.less typing

Python is slower but development is so much faster Python can be used with Java: Jython

Python Basic

Variable need no declaration

>>>a=1 >>>a 1

Variable name alone is an expression, so the result is printed Variables must be created before they can be used
>>>b Traceback (most recent call last): File "<pyshell#2>", line 1, in <module> b NameError: name 'b' is not defined

Variables and Types

Objects always have a type

>>>a=1 >>>type(a) <type int> >>>a=hello >>>type(a) <type string>

Simple Data types

1.May hold any data, including embedded NULLs 2.Declared using either single, double, or triple quotes
>>> s=Hi there
>>>s Hi there >>>s=Embedded quote >>>s Embedded qoute

Simple Data Types

Integer object implemented using C longs

Float types implemented using C doubles Long Integers have unlimited size only be available memory

>>>long = 1L << 64 >> long ** 5 2135987035920910082395021706169552114602704522 3566527699470416078222197257806405500229620869 36576L

High Level Data Types

Lists hold a sequence of items

1.May hold any object 2. Declared using square brackets
>>>l = [] #an empty list >>>l.append(1) >>>l.append(Hi there); >>>len(l) 2 >>>l [1, Hi there]

High Level Data Types

Dictionaries hold key-value pairs

1.Often called maps or hashes. Implemented using hash-table 2.Keys can any immutable objects, values

3.Declared using braces

>>> d={} >>d[0]=Hi there >>d[foo]=1 >>>len(d) 2 >>>d[foo] 1


Blocks are delimited by indentation

1.Colon used to start a block 2.Tabs or spaces may be used
>>> if 1:
print true true


The for statement loops over sequences

>>> for ch in hello: print ch h e l l o >>> for i in range(3): print i 1 2 3


Functions are defined with the def statement:

>>>def foo(bar): return bar >>>

This defines a trivial function named foo that takes a single parameter bar The function object can be called:
>>>foo(3) 3


Class are defined using the class statement

>>>class Foo: def __init__(self): self.member=1 def getMamber(self): return self.member >>>

The constructor has a special name __init__,while a destructor uses __del__ The self parameter is the instance Classes are instantiated using call syntax
>>>f=Foo() >>>f.getMember()


Most of pythons power comes from modules

Modules can be implemented either in Python, or in C/C++ Import statement makes a module available
>>>import string
>>> string.join( [Hi, there] ) Hi there >>>

Thank You

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