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0 to understand the structure of the reticular formation

0 To recognise its general functions

0 To understand its role in pain and awareness 0 To understand the structure and components of the


Where is the reticular formation?

0 Within the brain stem we have identified
0 Nuclei: cranial nerve and general 0 tracts running through 0 tracts within

0 But there is more

0 'older' part of the brain stem 0 long, complex matrix 0 extensive connections through

brainstem and into cerebrum 0 extensive dendritic trees 0 receive and integrate broad inputs 0 nuclei, tracts and components have been identified (and more as time goes by)

Nuclear groups

Some of the anatomy

0 Many groups of nuclei
0 precerebellar - mainly involved in cerebellar functions
0 raphe nuclei - adjacent to the midline. 0 cholinergic nuclei 0 catecholamine nuclei

Main functions
0 Visceral: respiratory and cardiovascular centres

0 widely dispersed sets of cell

0 Reticulospainal tract 0 muscle tone and posture

0 Reticular activating system

0 arousal 0 Raphe nuclei & locus coeruleus 0 sleep 0 descending pain related pathways

Visceral functions
0 Impact on a wide variety of reflexes
0 Connections with amygdala, hypothalamus and

autonomic and respiratory motor neurons

0 feeding

0 expiration centre, also increase heart rate and blood

pressure - related to oxygenation level

0 pneumotaxic - regulates respiratory rhythm

0 Centres have been identified eg maximal inspiratory

& expiratory

Reticulospinal and reticulobulbar tracts

0 Pontine reticulospinal 0 antigravity reflexes 0 extension of lower limbs 0 Medullary reticulospinal 0 anti-antigravity 0 releases muscles from control 0 Both have cortical control 0 Effects are balanced
0 Eye/ear/head co-ordination

0 Anterolateral system projects to central group
0 poorly localised perception of pain

0 Descending inhibitory pathways

0 from raphe nuclei

0 inhibits transmission of pain action potentials

0 Network structure facilitates habituation

Sleep and arousal

0 Consciousness
0 activity in cerebral cortex
0 loss in sleep or injury/diseases

of brain

0 usually widespread cerebral

cortex damage or specific brain stem

0 many centres in reticular

formation and diencephalon involved in sleep cycle

0 Divisions name suggests position
Epithalamus Hypothalamus



0 Pineal gland 0 Midline, single 0 Visual connections 0 Melatonin production, antigonadotrophic hormones 0 Stalk posterior commissure at base 0 Swelling is the habenula 0 Limbic connections

0 Continuous with brainstem 0 Has bits of Sub. Nigra and Red nucleus 0 Somatosensory pathway through

0 Subthalamic nucleus lens shaped, related to Basal Ganglia

0 Zona incerta continuation of reticular formation

0 80% of diencephalon
0 Part of a large number of pathways, some specific parts have

been seen

Large ovoid nucleus, divided into a simple & complex array

of nuclei
Internal medullary lamina Divides medial/lateral Spilts anteriorly

0 Anterior 0 Medial dorsomedial group 0 Lateral ventrolateral group 0 Ventral anterior 0 Ventral lateral 0 Ventropostero-lateral and -medial 0 Pulvinar 0 Geniculates







Smaller nuclei
Intralaminar nuclei External medullary lamina Thalamic reticular nuclei (not RF)

Internal capsule
0 Some midline nuclei too.

0 Specific what is being relayed 0 Regulatory contribute to decisions/processing 0 Generally feedback from areas projected to, and RF

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