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by Khoiruddin Nasution

A. Description
The course is designed so that students understand correctly the basic understanding of pillars of Islam (arkn/rukun Islam), the pillar of faith (rukun iman), theological principles in Islam and its relation to the good character (akhlak alkarmah) of a Muslim. Within the course it also hopes that the students understand well the importance of understanding of relationship between God is a creator and regulator while human being is a creation. The need of human being to religion, especially Islamic religion is another important issue to discuss within the course.

B. Purposes
The students understand correctly all pillar of Islam (arkn/rukun Islam), the pillar of faith (rukun iman), theological principles in Islam and its relation to the good character of a Muslim (akhlaq al-karmah); The students are able to realize the importance of keeping good relation between human being as a creation and God (Allah) as a creator and regulator (spiritual or trancendental energy); The students understand and realize well the need of human being to religion, especially Islamic religion for good file both in the world and hereafter.

C. Strategy
A good description, explanation and discussion will be done to understand pillar of Islam (arkn/rukun Islam), the pillar of faith (rukun iman), theological principles in Islam, and they relation to build a good character (akhlq alkarmah) of a Muslim; It is try in hard to explain the importance of keeping good relation between human being (insn) and creator (Allah) as a spiritual and/or trancendental energy source; It is try in hard as well to let students know how important religion (Islam) is for a good file of human being.

D. Evaluation
In order to know how far (the extent of) the students understand the course it is evaluated by examination (mid and final exam) and class discussion (dialog).

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Nature of Human Being Allah is a creator Human being is one of creations (among other creations) Human being and Religion Islamic religion I Islamic religion II Islamic theology (akidah) Faith/iman of the existence of Allah Faith/iman of the existence of Angels (Malaikat), books, and prophets Faith of the existence of final day Faith of the existence of Qada and Qadar Schools in Islamic Theology

Sidik Tono (ed.), Akidah Islam (Yogyakarta: UII Press, 1998). RMA. Hanafi, Pendidikan Agama Islam: untuk Perguruan Tinggi. Yogyakarta: Philosophy Press, 2001

A. Hanafi, Theology Islam. Jakarta: Pustaka al-Husna, t.t. HAMKA, Agama Islam, Jakarta: Bulan Bintang, 1957. Harus Nasution, Teologi Islam:
UI Press, 1986.

Aliran-aliran dan Sejarah Analisis Perbandingan. Jakarta:

Harus Nasution, Islam Ditinjau dari Berbagai Aspeknya. Jakarta: UI Press, 1985, 2 vol. Mahmud Syaltut, Islam Aqidah dan Syariah, terj. Jakarta: Bulan Bintang, 1967. Salamah Noorhidayati, Kontroversi Nabi Perempuan dalam Islam. Yogyakarta: Teras, 2012.

Machnun Husein (penyunting), Asalusul Manusia dalam Polemik. Yogyakarta: Yogyakarta Offset, 1983. Muhammad Abduh, Risalah Tauhid, terj.Jakarta: Bulan Bintang, 1963. Yunasril Ali, Manusia: Citra Ilahi. Jakarta: Paramadina, 1997.

I. Nature of Human Being

1. Meaning of human being, 2. Characteristics of human being To understand these both, it needs to discuss the nature and characteristics of other creation: (1) angel (malikah), (2) human being (insn), (3) animal (anm), (4) genie (jin), and (5) (ibls/syaitn).

II. Human being is one of creations (among other creations)

1. process of creation of human being, 2. Status and Responsibilities of human being, 3. Function and rights of human being.

III. Allah is a creator

1. human being Need a creator (God), 2. Allah is a creator, regulator, controller and caretaker, 3. Human being is compulsory to worship God (Allah).

IV. Human being and Religion

1. Meaning of religion, 2. Divine and undivine religion, 3. Advantages of having (member) of religion, and 4. human being needs a religion.

V. Islamic religion I
1. Meaning of Islamic religion, 2. The truthness of Islamic religion, 3. Characteristic of Islamic religion.

VI. Islamic religion II

1. The basic sources of Islamic religion, 2. Status of Ijtihad in Islamic religion.

VII. Islamic theology (akidah)

1. meaning of faith/theology (iman/akidah), 2. The sources of Islamic theology/faith, 3. Pillars of faith/theology, 4. function of theology/faith, 5. Relationship among akidah, syariah, and akhlaq (a good characteristics of mukmin [akhlq al-karmah]).

VIII. Faith/iman of the existence of Allah

1. Meaning of faith/iman of the existence of Allah, 2. Characteristic of Allah, 3. Status and meaning of shahadah.

IX. Faith/iman of the existence of Malaikat, books and prophets

1. Meaning of the existence of Angels (Malaikat), books and prophets, 2. Some name of Angels (Malaikat), 3. Some books name of divine religion, 4. Prophets and the status of prophet Muhammad SAW., 5. philosophy of faith into the existence of Malaikat, books and prophets.

X. Faith of the existence of final day

1. Meaning and some names, 2. Status of the existence of the final day for the life of human being, 3. philosophy of faith into the existence of the final day, 4. Life in paradise and hell, 5. philosophy of the existence of paradise and hell.

XI. Faith of the existence of Qada and Qadar

1. Meaning, 2. status of qada and qadar for the life of human being, 3. function of pray (doa) and effort, 4. relationship between pray (doa) + effort and the existence of qada and qadar.

XII. Schools in Islamic Theology

1. Meaning, 2. Schools in Islamic theology.

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