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Compiled by: Elgawanto L

Department of Management State University of Merauke Musamus


Key words:

motivator factor

hygiene factor Introduction

Employee job satisfaction is influenced by many factor, including

work satisfaction

motivator factor, factor motivator associated with aspects contained in the work itself (job content) or called also as an intrinsic aspect of the job

hygiene factor are factor that surround the implementation of the work, associated with job context or extrinsic aspects of the worker.

Background The problem in this study is "The factor that influence employee job satisfaction in the foreign service employee Life Insurance Co (AJB) Bumiputera 1912 Setiabudi Medan Branch" Statement of the Problem? Leader who provide hygiene factor are not fully adequate to stimulate motivation employee but only to make sure employee are not feel dissatisfied or are at the zero point basis of motivation.

Prvious Study

According to Billy and Adisasmito (2005) factor of the job content factors (job content) and the work environment (job context) has a relationship with job satisfaction.

Organization with more satisfied employee tend to have performance and higher attendance rate and lower turnover compared with organization that have employee who are less satisfied (Robbins, 2006:102)

1. Operational limitation

2. Operational Definition of Variable

3. Variable Measurement Scal

4. Place and Time Research


5. Population and Sample

6. Type and Source of Data

7. Data Collection Technique

8. Test the validity and reliability 10. Test of Hypothese 9. Data Analysis Method


DESCRIPTIVE Determinant (R) F test T test

period of Work age of Respondent Gender of Respondent The level of education

determinant(R) Model R R Square Adjusted R Square

Std. Error of the Estimate

F test Model 1





Sum of Squares 812.257 233.610 1045.867

df 2 27 29

Mean Square 406.128 8.652

F 46.939

sig .000a

Regression Residual Total

t test


Unstandardized Coefficients
B Std. Error 3.581 .225 .255 2.629 1.091 .536

Standardized Coefficients
Beta .651 .283


1 (Constant) Motivator Factor Hygiene Factor

.734 .469 4.838 .000 2.104 .045

1. Table determinant (R ) showed Adjusted R of 0.760

2. Table F test can be seen that the calculated F value is 46.939 with a significance above 0.05. 3. Based on t test table show that:1. In the variable motivator factor (X1) is known that the t count value = 4.838 with a significance level of 0.000 (less than 0.05), then Ho is rejected and Ha accepted because t count (4.838)> t table (2.058). 2. On the hygiene factor variable (X2) are known that the t count value = 2.104 with a significance level of 0.045 (less than 0.05), then Ho is rejected and Ha accepted because t count (2.104)> t table (2.048). 3. Based on the result of the t-test is known that the dominant factor that affect job satisfaction is a variable factor motivator. analysis


1. Variable factors motivator and hygiene factor have a positive and significant impact on the foreign service employee job satisfaction Joint Life Insurance (AJB) Bumiputera 1912 Setiabudi Branch, Field based on the result of the F test (in unison) and the t test (partial). 2. The most dominant factor affecting foreign service employee job satisfaction Joint Life Insurance (AJB) Bumiputera 1912 Setiabudi Medan Branch is a motivator factor.
3. Based on the result of the analysis of unknown value Adjusted coefficient of determination R of 0.76 which mean 76% of variable explained by the factor of job satisfaction motivator and hygiene factor, while the rest is explained by other factor not examined in this study.


If this is motivator factor and hygiene factor are very influential on employee satisfaction in the work then the company should pay attention to whether these two factor so that employee can be motivated and work in accordance with the wishe of the company.


Adisasmito dan Gatot (2005) (Robbins, 2006:102)


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