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A Design Project Presented to the Faculty of The College of Engineering AMA COMPUTER COLLEGE Lipa Campus

AMA Computer College has a large amount of students who always bring their laptops and other multimedia devices that can attract possible instances like theft. The researchers targets are the students who always keep their belongings in their bags. The device can also be used by other people who are always travelling by placing it in their bags to ensure that their belongings are secured. The researchers also highly believe that this project could be an instrument to strengthen the security of the students and other staff in terms of their belongings.



Problem of the product can be identified easily by two interfaces: External interface
(Relationship between man & product)

Internal interface
(Relationship between internal & external parts of the same product)

External Interface
Direction in using the device. Where the device will be placed. Texture and color of the product for good looks. Comfortable shape of the whole product. Surface of the bottom of the product to keep it laying flat and stable. Quality of the cover of the product. Overall weight of the product. Symbols for removing all the external parts are given.

Internal Interface
Location of each and every internal part. Internal parts locating provision for all parts. Connection between the sensor and battery terminals. Convenient working of the parts without disturbing the other parts. Sufficient length of the wires. Knob or plates to rest the Integrated Circuit in place. Space for resting the battery. Correct connection of the wires to avoid short circuit. Buttons and switches are given correctly without disturbing other parts during the operation of ON & OFF. By keeping these aspects we can easily be able to identify problem statement of the existing product and overcome these problems in the new product. The problems that we seen in the above can be overcome by using brain storming and maid mapping.

The general objective of the study is to design and develop a peek alarm. On the other hand, the following specific objectives must be considered in the development of the peek alarm:
1. To help the students to have a higher security on their belongings. To have higher security in any unlighted closed compartment, for closets and other fixed compartments.


Significance of the study

The significance of the study is to introduce the peek alarm as a reliable source of security especially for professionals and students. This will give them a higher security in their personal belongings; first in the list is the bag, we are now in a electronic generation where electronics and multi-media devices are considered as a common necessity. Electronic alarms like the peek alarm will bring a breakthrough source of security. Most professionals and students stored most of their personal and important

Scope and Limitations

The scope of the said device is for the additional security of the personal belongings of all professionals and students and also for people who loves to travel. But the device is only for unlighted places like bags and other closed compartments.

Definition of Terms
Resistor - An element included in an electric circuit to provide resistance to the flow of current. Capacitor - Electrical or electric device that (like a battery) stores electric current for releasing it at a specific time or rate but (unlike a battery) does not generate it. Diode - is a specialized electronic component with two electrodes called the anode and cathode. Most diodes are made with semiconductor materials such as silicon, germanium, or selenium. Bleeper - a small portable electronic device which emits a bleep when the wearer is contacted. Triac - a three-electrode semiconductor device that will conduct in either direction when triggered by a positive or negative signal at the gate electrode.

Chapter II Research Literature

Review of related literature

The circuit detects a sudden shadow falling on the lightsensor and sounds the bleeper when this happens. The circuit will not respond to gradual changes in brightness to avoid false alarms. The bleeper sounds for only a short time to prevent the battery running flat. Normal lighting can be used, but the circuit will work best if a beam of light is arranged to fall on the light-sensor. Breaking this beam will then cause the bleeper to sound. The light sensor is an LDR (light-dependant resistor), this has a low resistance in bright light and a high resistance in dim light.

Review of related literature

Protect your medicine cabinet, cash drawer or lolly cupboard with this light alarm. It will sound as soon as the drawer is opened and light falls on the phototransistor. It may be connected remotely at the end of two pieces of wire. The output alarm may be redesigned to activate a relay or triac. The kit is a light alarm which will detect very low levels of light. It will not work as well as your eye in detecting light because the human eye is the most sensitive light detector there is. But it comes close.

Chapter III Research Methodology

Parts list and Components

IC1, IC2 LM555 Timer IC (DIP) Q1 9014 Gen. Purpose NPN Transistor Q2 9013 Audio Output NPN Transistor

Resistors: All are in Ohms, 1/4-w 5% tolerance unless specified.

R1 100K R2 10K R3 4.7K R4 10K R5 10K R6 47K R7 470K R8 4.7K R9 10K R10 1K

Parts list and Components

Variable Resistor: VR1 1M trimmer (horizontal PCB mount) Capacitors: (All have working voltages greater than 16V.) C1 100 uF C2 47 uF C3 47uF C4 10uF

Miscellaneous: PCB LDR1 Son alert buzzer 9-Volt battery snaps ON-OFF switch

Schematic Diagram

P.C.B. Layout


Summary of Findings
This design project is intended to introduce a new way of securing most of our personal belongings for a more safe and reliable way. It is also designed for indoor use (e.g. in closets, vault, drawer, other unlighted compartment and fixed compartment). The researchers accomplished the following: building a reliable and efficient security that minimizes thievery for a large number of people in their everyday living. The researchers evaluated the performance of the design and have found out that in order to maintain the operation of such security they need to check the battery regularly.

In review, the use of the said device will definitely enhance our security level. Nowadays, in our country, thieves are everywhere giving us danger of loosing our important belongings. With the help of this device, it will lessen our worries and cases of thievery will decrease. We can also this device at our homes. We can place it in any closed compartments were most of our important things are being hid.

Considering the result of the design, the researchers recommend that before using this device they should perform the testing procedure. Initially set VR1 to mid position. Under normal conditions this setting would be sufficient. To test the initial turn-on delay, turn the circuit on without covering the LED. The buzzer should sound after about 20 seconds. Turn the circuit off. Cover the LDR with an opaque material to completely block off the light. Switch on the circuit. Wait for about 25 seconds and then remove the cover (The delay is actually 20 seconds only; however to make room for variations an additional 5 seconds of waiting will do no harm). Remove the LDRs cover. Immediately the buzzer should sound off after a trigger on delay of about 2 seconds. If this does not behave in the manner described previously, remove the power supply and then review your work. Turn the trimmers wiper clockwise to increase sensitivity or in the opposite direction to decrease it.


Presented by: Cuenca, Allen Dela Cruz, Joe Anthony De Silva, Teodoro Jr. Magpantay, Denmart Reyes, Robin Efren


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