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How did we get here?

4% bible believing Christians
65% WW II generation 35% baby boomers 16% Gen x 4% of this generation (millennials) NEVER HAPPENED IN THE HISTORY OR AMERICA!

How the worlds influence had changed

How did we get here?

How the worlds influence had changed Systemic issues: Every organization is perfectly designed to get the results it gets Tom Muccio,vp Proctor and Gamble

Systemic issues
Pastors disinterested Parents disconnected Lay people disengaged Meager Finances Youth pastor leadership skills Type of Christianity preached

We must have a strategy to deal with each of these systemic issues (nationally and locally)


100,000 churches who get it 100,000 youth groups that DOUBLE AND DISCIPLE each year for next 5 years

Systemic issues
Pastors disinterested Parents disconnected Lay people disengaged Meager Finances


A National Coalition Local Coalitions

National Coalition
National Assn Evangelicals Daystar network American Family Assn TBN INSP Family Research Council Tradional values Coalition

Chuck Colson Josh McDowell Bob Benny Hinn Bob Reccord Pat Robertson Greg Laurie Gary Baurer

Jerry Fallwell Joyce Meyer Kay Arthor John Maxwell Jack Hayford Jack Graham Dennis Rainey

Build Local Coaltion

Use with parents/deacons/lay people 6 week battle cry study Use with Sunday school classes/cell groups /bible studies Build passionate supporters of youth

Systemic issues
Youth pastor leadership skills Type of Christianity preached

Type of christianity?
Turning passionless pew-sitters into passionate warriors!

Phase II: Tools to develop youth pastors that can lead youth ministries that double and disciple each year for next 5 years

Tools to feed teens fire

Developing your Leadership

Different than growing as a minister Growth as a leader:
Determines size of group Determines depth of disciples Can you keep them once you have them Practical tools (not theoretical ) for leadership

Family is in order Living holy and with honor Properly submitted to senior pastor

Build solid growth plan Continue internal growth Maintaining the growth and health of your ministry Cd rom planning tool

Preparing for growth Using events as a catalyst for growth

1. Dream it!
The imagination of the leader

2. Plan it!
The work of a leader

3. Build it!
The sweat of a leader

Will you be one of the 100,000 youth groups to double each year for 5 years?

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