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Metabolic Adaptation to Training


Adaptation to Aerobic Training

Adaptation to Muscle
Muscle fiber type Capillary supply Myoglobin content Mitochondrial function Oxidative enzymes

Muscle Fiber Type

Aerobic exercise (low to mod) rely extensively on the ST fibers. In response to training stimulus, ST fibers become 7-22% larger than FT. Research have shown that endurance training can cause some FT type Il to FT type l. This conversion may simply reflect the greater use of FT fibers during long exhaustive training

Capillary Supply
Increase in the number of capillaries surrounding each muscle fibers (capillarization) Endurance trained athletes have 5-10% more capillaries in their leg muscle compare to sedentary Having more capillaries allows greater exchange of gases, heat, wastes, & nutrient between the blood and the working muscle fibers

Myoglobin Content
When O2 enters the muscle fibers, it binds with myoglobin. This iron containing compound shuttles O2 molecules from the cell membrane to the mitochondria. The ST fibers contain large quantities of myoglobin (red appearance) The ST fibers contain large quantities of myoglobin (white appearance) Endurance training have been shown to increase myoglobin content by 75-80%

Mitochondrial Function
Skeletal muscle mitochondria increase both in number (15%) and size (35%) with aerobic training, providing the muscle more efficient oxidative metabolism


Oxidative Enzymes
Endurance training increase succinate dehyrogenase (SDH) Jogging 20min/day 25% increment in SDH


Adaptation Affecting Energy Source

Carbohydrate for Energy
Endurance trained athletes increased their muscle glycogen storage to nearly twice the levels of sedentary people who follow the same dietary regime.

Fat for Energy

Endurance trained muscles contains substantially more fat (triglycerides), than untrained muscles. Activities of many muscle enzymes responsible for oxidation of fat increased. This adaptation enables muscle to use fat more efficiently, lessening the demand for glycogen.

Adaptation to Anaerobic Training

Adaptation in: ATP-PCr System Glycolytic System


Adaptation in ATP-PCr System

Maximal sprint bouts (6s) might improve muscular strength, but contribute little to the mechanisms responsible for ATP breakdown. However, a 30s training bouts will increased the activities of the muscle enzymes (Creatine Phosphokinase-CPK; Myokinase- MK)


Adaptation in the Glycolytic System

The activity of glycolytic enzymes (phorylase, phosphofructokinase and lactate dehyrogenase) increase 10 to 25% with repeated 30s training bouts compare with short (6s) bouts. However, performance gains with these forms of training result from improvements in strength rather than improvements in the anaerobic yield of ATP.

Other Adaptations to Anaerobic Training

Improvement in: Efficiency of movement Aerobic energetics Buffering capacity


Efficiency of movement
Training at high speeds improves your skill and your coordination for performing at higher intensities Anaerobic training optimizes fiber recruitment to allow more efficient movement Training at fast speeds with heavy loads improves your efficiency, economizing your use of muscle energy supply


Aerobic Energetics
Anaerobic training doesnt stress only the anaerobic energy systems. Part of the energy needed for sprints that last at least 30s is derived from oxidative metabolism. Consequently, repeated bouts of sprint type exercise (30s maximal effort bouts) also increase the muscle aerobic capacity.


Buffering Capacity
muscle buffering capacity is increased by anaerobic training, allowing the achievement of higher muscle & blood lactate levels. Buffers (e.g., bicarbonate and muscle phosphates) combine with hydrogen can reduce fibers acidity (delay onset of fatigue) Anaerobic training have been shown to increase muscle buffering capacity by 12% to 50%.


Monitoring Training Changes VO2max

Best means for evaluating training adaptations However, it cant measure muscle adaptation to training

Blood lactate measurements


Effect on Endurance Training on Blood Lactate Threshold


BL (mmol.L-1)

12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Trained Untrained






90 100

% VO2max

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