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Social Problems


Group IV

Socioeconomic factors
Poverty associated with increased rate of teenage pregnancy Niger & Bangladesh (poor countries) have more teenage mothers UK
pregnancies under 18 30% most deprived population - 14% among 30% least deprived Italy teenage birth rate 3.3 per 1000 in the well-off central region - 10.0 per1000 in the poorer Mezzogiorno Mike A. Males noted teenage birth rates closely mapped poverty rates in California

Introduction of pollutants (chemical, noise, heat, light, energy and others) into the environment which result in deleterious effects of such a nature as to:

endanger human health, harm living resources and ecosystems, and impair or interfere with amenities and other legitimate uses of the environment

Major forms of pollution

Air pollution release of chemicals into the atmosphere

CO, Sulfur dioxide, CFC, & NO from industry and motor vehicles NO & hydrocarbons rxn to sunlight that produce Photochemical ozone and smog

Water pollution

Via surface runoff Leaching to ground water Liquid spills Waste water discharge Eutrophication and littering

Soil contamination occurs when chemicals are released by spill or underground storage tank leakage

Hydrocarbons, heavy metals, MTBE, herbicides

Radioactive contaminants from the discoveries of atomic physics

Noise pollution

Roadway noise, aircraft noise, industrial noise, sonar Trespass, over-illumination & astronomical interference

light pollution

Visual pollution

Overhead power lines, motorway billboards, scarred landforms, municipal solid waste

Thermal pollution change in temperature in natural water bodies

Sources and causes

(of pollution)

Motor vehicle emission leading cause of air pollution

China, USA, Russia, Mexico & Japan world leaders in air pollution emissions Principal stationary pollution sources include power plants, coal-fired power plants, oil refineries, petrochemical plants, nuclear waste disposal activity and etc.

Soil contaminants

Chlorinated hydrocarbons, heavy metals (chromium cadmium, lead), zinc, arsenic and bemzene Municipal landfills

Natural disaster


petrochemical spills from:

Ruptured boats or automobiles coastal oil rigs or refineries

Nuclear power plants or oil tankers- incase of accidents Motor vehicle noise pollution


(of pollution)

on human health

Adverse air quality can kill many organisms including human Ozone pollution respiratory disease, cardiovascular disease, throat inflammation , chest pain, and congestion Water pollution 14000 death per day Noise pollution hearing loss, high blood pressure, stress and sleep disturbance


(of pollution)

on ecosystem

Sulfur dioxide & oxide of N cause acid rain which reduces pH value of soil Soil become infertile; affect other organisms in the food web Smog & haze reduce the amount of photosynthesis Invasive species compete with native species and reduce diversity - contribute debris and biomolecules that may reduce competitiveness of native species

Causes of poverty
no single explanation has gained universal acceptance natural factors climate or environment geographic factors

Access to fertile lands, fresh water, minerals, energy, & other natural resources Presence or absence of features helping or limiting communication (e.g. mountains, deserts, sailable rivers, coastline) Climate also limits what crops and farm animals may be used

resource curse

Countries with abundant natural resources tend to have less longterm prosperity

inadequate nutrition in children may lead to physical and mental stunting that may lead to economic problem


AIDS, malaria, TB

lacking rule of law Lacking democracy Lacking infrastructure Lacking health care Lacking equitably available education Government corruption Overpopulation Tax havens Historical factors ( imperialism and colonialism) capitalism, socialism, communism, monarchy, facism, and totalitarianism Lacking free trade

Effect of poverty
Depression Lack of sanitation Increased vulnerability to natural disaster Extremism Hunger and starvation Human trafficking High crime rates Increased suicide Increased risk of political violence Homelessness Lack of opportunities for employment Low literacy Social isolation Loss of population due to emigration Increased discrimination Lower life expectancy Drug abuse death

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