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Your Life Depends on It!

What is biodiversity?
Biodiversity, or biological diversity = the sum of an areas organisms, considering the diversity of species, their genes, their populations, and their communities
There is no one exact definition of biodiversity; people have conceived of it in many ways.

What is biodiversity?
Variety and variation of all species
Plants Animals Fungi Microbes

Genetic makeup Ecological roles Interrelationships in biological communities

Biodiversity exists on several levels: Ecosystem diversity

includes diversity above the species level.

Species diversity includes the number or variety of species

Genetic diversity includes the differences in DNA composition among individuals within a given species.

The Web of Life Connects us All

Biosphere No species can survive alone Worlds species provide:
Food Breathable air Drinkable water Fuel Fiber Medicines Aesthetics

Our very existence depends on biodiversity!


Fungi Insects

Arachnids Birds Mammals

Molluscs Crustaceans

Amphibians Reptiles Sponges Flatworms




Annelids Echinoderms Roundworms Fishes

Put it into perspective!

The Little Things that Run the World

Bacteria Protists Fungi Lichens Mosses and liverworts Insects

Why do We Need Biodiversity?

Photosynthesis Healthy atmosphere Soil development and waste decomposition Water purification Pest control Pollination

Biodiversity is a Basic Economic Resource

Food Fuel Timber Fiber Medicines Recreation

Biodiversity provides Good Medicine

Aspirin (painkiller) Penicillin (antibiotic) Vincristine (cancer) Digitalis (heart) Streptomycin (antibiotic) Codeine (painkiller) Taxol (ovarian and breast cancer) Willow bark Bread mold Periwinkle Foxglove Bacteria Opium poppy Pacific yew

Food Doesnt Grow in Supermarkets

Beef (8 species) Onion (1 species) Pickle (3 species) Ketchup (5 species) Mayonnaise (4 species) Mustard (3 species) Lettuce (1 species) Bun (4 species)

Food Doesnt Grow in Supermarkets

French fries (3 species) Pie crust (4 species) Pie filling (5 species)

Food Doesnt Grow in Supermarkets

It takes 41 species to feed you dinner from McDonalds!

Food From Water

Biodiversity account of tuna easily involves 50 species of animals of food If one is lost.

Natural Diversity is Rapidly Declining

Today, at least 1,000 species are lost every year This is 100 times the normal rate of extinction Causes of extinction
Increasing human population Looking at the short-term Economic markets dont recognize the value of biodiversity Use of natural resources is not properly regulated Government policies do not address the exhaustive use of biological resources

Exotic Invaders
Zebra mussel
Outcompetes other aquatic species

Chestnut blight fungus

Destroyed chestnut forests

Brown trout
Outcompetes native fish

Gypsy moth
Defoliates trees

European starling
Competes with bluebirds for nest sites

Purple loosestrife Chokes wetlands

Conservation approaches: Endangered species

Trying to preserve a single species threatened with extinction is the goal of endangered species laws, although they often also achieve umbrella conservation. U.S. Endangered Species Act, 1973:
Restricts actions that would destroy endangered species or their habitats Forbids trade in products from species Prevents extinction, stabilizes and recovers populations

Conservation approaches: Endangered species

The ESA has had notable successes:
Bald eagle Peregrine falcon 40% of all declining populations held stable

However, many citizens believe it will restrict their freedom if endangered species are found on their land.

Habitat conservation plans and safe harbor agreements promote cooperation with landowners

Conservation approaches: Captive breeding Many endangered species are being bred in zoos, to boost populations and reintroduce them into the wild.
This has worked so far for the California condor (in photo, condor hand puppet feeds chick so it imprints on birds, not humans). But this is worthless if there is not adequate habitat left in the wild.

What can you do?

Preserve habitats Get educated! Use sound gardening and landscaping practices Recycle Conserve water and protect water quality Dispose of waste properly Conserve energy

Live a lifestyle that promotes the preservation of our natural heritage

Glen Canyon, Arizona

Photo Gallery

Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better, Its not. --Dr. Seuss, The Lorax

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