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Marxist Literary Criticism

By John Torkington & Amanda Scruggs

Who it started with... Karl Marx

He was a 19th century Some philosopher German of his most notable works are: that became a part of The German the Young Hegelians, Ideology (1846) and later, the Communist League. The Communist Marx is revered as Manifesto (1848) one of the most Das Kapital (1867) influential socialist thinkers of the 19th century.

But we cant have Marx without... Friedrich Engels

Engelsof his pretty Some was major much Marxs bff. He works were: shared Marxs The Condition of the socialist beliefs and Working Class in provided support England (1844) financially as well as Co-authored while intellectually The Communist Marx developed his Manifesto (1848) theories.

What does it mean to be a Marxist?

Engels and Marx founded the social and economic system of Marxism in the 19th century. Essentially, it is the opposite of capitalism.
Proletariat Capitalist


Capitalism is based on private ownership and motivation by profit. Marx criticizes capitalism for its tendency to abuse the working man, or the proletariat, by paying a wage that barely guarantees the workers survival.

What does it mean to be a Marxist?

Instead, Marxism utilizes socialisms concept of public ownership.
Angry Mob Capitalist

Marxism theorizes that in order to remove the proletariat from its poor economic situation, a socialist revolution must occur to remove the unconcerned ruling class from government.

What does it mean to be a Marxist?





Following the revolution, a new, socialist government is created that subsequently becomes communist in nature.

What about Marxist literary criticism?

Marxist Criticism is the belief that literature reflects this class struggle and materialism. It looks at how literature functions in relation to other aspects of the superstructure, particularly other articulations of ideology. Like feminist critics, it investigates how literature can work as a force for social change, or as a reaffirmation of existing conditions. Like New Historicism, it examines how history influences literature; the difference is that Marxism focuses on the lower classes.

Marxist Criticism begs these questions about the work:

1) What is the economic status of the characters? 2) What happens to them as a result of this status? 3) How do they fare against economic and political odds? 4) What other conditions stemming from their class does the writer emphasize? 5) To what extent does the work fail by overlooking the economic, social, and political implications of its material? 6) In what other ways does economic determinism affect the work? 7) How should the readers consider this story in todays developed or underdeveloped world?

Our Selected Story:

This story was written in 1948. Consider these historical Summary: factors that mayve played a part in it: Early 19th century Socialism, Communism, A small, rural town prepares for a time-honored and Marxism becomes popular in Europe tradition they call the lottery. A clearvarious bloody (especially Russia) and evokes tension is present as Mr. Summers, the leader of the event, revolutions. makes sure especially, expresses an aversion to The US, all 300 members of the town are present. The headcomes tohousehold the Cold Socialism that of each a head in selects a piece of paper from a black box when called. War. However, these philosophies become When they are permitted to look atlower class. popular among unions and the them, it is discovered that the Hutchinson family has a paper 1929-1936 The Great Depression with a black dot. Mrs. Hutchinson, who previously 1934 World War II arrived late and behaved lightheartedly, is now 1930s Democratic President Franklin D. outraged at this result. Each Hutchinson selects Roosevelt began enacting liberal economic another paper a part of his New Deal to repair the policies as and Mrs. Hutchinson is left with the dotted one. Despite her screams of protest, she is damage done by the Depression. stoned to death by the entire village. 1940s A baby boom began in reaction to the better economic times.

Now return to the Marxist criticism questions and discuss!

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