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Culture comes from the word colere means to cultivate, till the soil. In the nineteenth centuries culture referred to refinement of people, when a person was refined and well read the person was considered cultured.

Culture is referred to the aristocratic classes for their attainment of high levels of life and civilization.

EDWARD B. TYLOR: Culture is the complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, customs and other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of the society MALINOWSKI: Culture is the handiwork of man and the medium through which he achieves his ends LUNDBERG: Culture refers to the social mechanisms of behavior and to the physical and symbolic products of these behaviors.

Culture is learned and acquired behavior and not hereditary. Culture is structured; it consists of organized patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving.

Is dynamic Variable and relative Exhibits regularities that permit its analysis by the methods of science. Is an instrument where the individual adjusts his total setting and gains means for created expressions.

Indian culture tries to achieve an innate harmony it balances and seeks to synthesize the material and spiritual to achieve Purushartha Emphasizes Dharma or moral duty. One should perform his duty without aiming at the result and should accept whatever the result may be. Respects those who sacrifice their personal interests for the well being of the society and aim of sarvaj sukhanobhavat

Indian culture has always favored gradual change within continuity and not abrupt change. Joint family is the defining feature of Indian culture. Indian culture paid their respect and honors to priests, monks, munis, sadhus, scholars, elders of the group. Indian culture consists of art, architecture, painting, music, dance, theatre. Provides honorable place to persons who perform cultural activities.

For Group: it is culture that kept social relationships intact, by regulating the behavior of the people in a group. Culture has provided a number of checks upon irrational conduct and suggestibility. Life would have been poor, nasty, brutish and short if there had been no cultural relations. Has given a new vision to the society by providing a set of rules for the co-operation of the individuals.

Culture creates new needs and new drives e.g thirst for knowledge and provides knowledge to arrange organizations for their satisfaction as a group. Links the past with present and gives to each generation a better position in the struggle of life.

FOR INDIVIDUALS: Regulates individual conduct and prepares him for group life. How to behave speak Culture provides man with set of social behavior even for complicated situations. His actions become automatic. Man gets traditional interpretations for many situations according to which he determines his behavior. These interpretations are different from culture to culture. Seeing an owl on top of the house ca n be inauspicious and in others it is regarded as a symbol of wisdom.

Provides conditions in which human personality can find full expression and opportunities for growth. It is the culture that keeps the inner depth of every human being attracted to savage life in chains and keeps the man within bounds of society.

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