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Planning MRE

Ch 11

Week 1.1 Introduction Chapter 6 Week 1.2 Chapter 4 & 5 Week 1.3 Chapter 12 Week 1.4 Assessment Project plan Week 1.5 Chapter 8 & 9 Week 1.6 Chapter 11 & 14 Week 3.7 Assessment Research Methodology Paper Week 2.1 Week 2.2 Week 2.5 Exam training Week 2.6 Assessment draft Report Week 2.? Presentation final Report

Designing the Questionnaire

What is a Questionnaire?
A questionnaire is the vehicle used to pose the questions that the researcher wants respondents to answer.

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The four Functions of a Questionnaire

Translates the research objectives into specific questions Standardizes those questions and the response categories Fosters cooperation and motivation Serves as permanent records of the Ch 11 research

Questionnaire Design Steps

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Words to Avoid in Questionnaire Development

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All Always Any Anybody Ever Every Never


Individual Question Wording

Dos for all questions
Keep it focused on a single topic Keep it brief Keep it grammatically simple Keep it crystal clear
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Individual Question Wording

Do nots for all questions
Dont ask leading questions Dont ask loaded questions Dont ask double-barreled questions Dont use overstated questions
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Questionnaire Organization
Questionnaire organization is the sequence of statements and questions that make up the questionnaire.
affect the quality of the information gathered!

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Questionnaire Organization
The introduction is called a cover letter if the introduction is written to accompany a mail or online survey.

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Questionnaire Organization
Functions of introduction: The sponsor -> (un)disquised Time to fill out Indicates the purpose of the survey How the respondent was selected Requests for participation (incentives) Determines if respondent is suitable -> screening questions

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Incentives are offers to do something for the respondent to increase the probability that the respondent will participate in the survey. Monetary or Non-monetary

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Incentives may be non-monetary Anonymity: respondent assured name not identified Confidentiality: respondents name is known by the researcher but not divulged to a third party

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Question Flow
Question flow pertains to the sequencing of questions or blocks of questions. Screening questions Warm-up questions Transitions (Skip questions) Complicated and difficult to answer questions Classification & demographic questions

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Question Flow in a Questionnaire

Three (alternative) approaches: Funnel approach Work approach Sections approach => Logical sequence

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Performing the Pretest of the Questionnaire

A pretest involves conducting a dry run of the survey on a small, representative set of respondents in order to reveal questionnaire errors before the survey is launched.

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Performing the Pretest of the Questionnaire

It is important to pretest on respondents (from 5 to 10) that are representative of the target population to be studied.

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Nonsampling Error in Marketing Research

Nonsampling Error in Marketing Research

Nonsampling error includes All types of nonresponse error Data gathering errors Data handling errors Data analysis errors Interpretation errors
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Data Collection Errors

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How to Control Data Collection Errors: Fieldworkers

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How to Control Data Collection Errors: Respondents

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How to Control Data Collection Errors: Respondents

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