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Classroom management is an important aspect of teaching learning process. Class management is the process of organizing and conducting a class so that it results in maximum student learning. This includes time management, student involvement, classroom environment and communication.

To see the impact of instructor gender on student learning. To see the impact of classroom technology on student behavior. To see the impact of over crowed class on students. To see the impact of classroom management on student behavior. What are the comparison of the classroom management strategies used by Public and Private schools?


Marry (2006): this article was basically about impact on student face to face participation and ELearning. This report will focus on the final two of three surveys administered to faculty to assess their technological needs and evaluate how well those needs were met over the life of the grant. This survey was conducted two times and their target audiences were the faculty and the students. And they have mail the questionnaires to them. The faculty concluded that the SMART multimedia classrooms enhanced both student face-to-face participation and e-learning.


Abdul (2010): Classroom management is an important aspect of teaching learning process. The study was done to see into the challenge of classroom management by the teacher. Objectives of the study were to examine classroom management practices at secondary level. The study was collected by of 120 teachers and 240 students. Tools used in the study were questionnaires and teachers interview. Separate questionnaire was developed for teachers and students. It was found that teachers commonly used motivational talk for the motivation of the students It was concluded that classroom environment was generally satisfactory. The major problem was over crowdedness in the classrooms. It was recommended that verbal abuse may be avoided by the teacher. The study also recommended that a democratic environment may be encouraged in the classroom as it has important impact on teaching-learning process.


Brittany (2011): This article was about the classroom environment. The things available in the class affect the student behavior or not. The survey was conducted by designing a website. They sent out a survey to seven current elementary school teachers to receive feedback on website. The survey asked the teachers nine questions on a 5point Likert scale from strongly disagree to strongly agree. The findings were that almost all of the teachers wanted to make improvements to their own classroom based off our website and that they were planning on using our Fix it Quick ideas.


Charlotte (2012): The purpose of this study was to examine what New Zealand teachers showed they do in their classrooms to minimize behavioral disruptions so that teaching and learning can be improved. Questionnaires were designed to d the survey for both students and teachers. The questionnaire contained the four sections which was about the teachers characteristics, classroom rules, class room child management system and teachers perception of their role if teaching. The results showed that most schools used school wised discipline plan and many teachers used their own class rules. The results also show about strong relationship between students and teachers.


Wahida: The article was about to introduce the concept of empowerment in accounting education and investigate its relationship with accounting course perceptions, students academic performance, and classroom instruction. Previous work has concluded that empowerment whereas; the students temperament and learning orientation has little impact on empowerment. This survey was conducted by questionnaire giving to 162 students who were studying the first year of a business degree institution in Australia. Observations and interviews were also conducted. Data was analyzed using reliability tests, factor analysis, and correlations. The results indicate that, course perceptions and classroom instructions influence student empowerment, but no correlation was found with students academic performance.


Angeline: this article was about to see the impact of technology on classroom management. The objective of this research is to examine whether the use of technology in university classes impacts student behavior and student perceptions of instructional quality. The survey was done and the faculty participants were selected on the basis of their rank, varying degrees of technological proficiency and usage, discipline, and gender in order to provide a cross-section of courses being evaluated. Classes chosen included those at the 100 (first year), 200 (second year), 300 (junior level), 400 (senior level) and graduate (700) level. And after the survey results showed that technology have a positive impact on learning and if we removed the technology it shows a negative impact.

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